How to make a screenshot in good quality. How to make a print screen using the PrtScr key. Instructions on how to take a screenshot on a computer using a standard Windows program

Judging by Yandex statistics, the topic of affiliate programs is extremely relevant - more than 38 thousand users per month are interested in “affiliate programs”, 35 thousand “affiliate programs” and more than 97 thousand request “earning money on the Internet”.

I have to disappoint newcomers looking for veins on the Internet: You won’t earn anything on affiliate programs and will waste a lot of time! I’ll make a reservation: this is my personal observation and does not claim to be the ultimate truth.

Affiliate programs and

So my personal experience comes down to participating in 5 affiliate programs. Two of them are affiliate programs of domain name registrars and You can read about these affiliate programs in the article. Participation in them makes sense only if the site has good traffic or if the affiliate participant has several sites, because:
  • The paid commission for registering each domain using a referral link will be no more than 5-10 rubles from 2domains and 10% from reggi. Calculate how many domains must be purchased to generate more or less significant income.
  • I think it’s no secret to anyone how they are treated in RuNet - they are simply cut off and go directly to the company’s websites. This is our mentality.
  • At one time I was interested different ways making money online and devoted a number of articles to this about and other services. A separate article was devoted to information products. All of the above applies to the resources listed in these articles. Sites with low traffic cannot make money on them. You can talk about any kind of earnings only with traffic from a thousand unique visitors per day. If you are reading this article, then you are unlikely to be the owner of such a resource.
  • Trying to make money on all these services, you can hardly avoid the temptation to endlessly check statistics. Time and money will constantly flow away.
  • If you are the owner of several websites with custom domains, in this case you can compensate at least partially for the costs of purchasing domains. To do this, you need to register 2 accounts on the registrar’s website (one of them for a relative, for example) plus a partner account, and buy some domains using your own referral link. IN in this case It's not about making money.

Ozone Affiliate

The next affiliate I dealt with was affiliate program Ozone. A year and a half ago, I put banners of books from Ozone on two of my blogs. I wrote about this in an article. To date, about seven books have been purchased using my referral link. The money has been credited and remains on the balance sheet. Due to the low cost of books, and accordingly low partner reward, participation in this affiliate program with low site traffic does not make sense. You can, of course, if you wish, use Ozon banners for design purposes for website design. In all other cases it is a waste of time. If you don’t update the banners, as I did, then the income will tend to zero. But even if you regularly offer new products and bestsellers (which will require your time), the result, I think, will not differ significantly.

Affiliate program

Fourth affiliate an affiliate of a company specializing in photo books, photo souvenirs, etc. My experience was negative, so currently I don't do it. I know for sure that a photo book was ordered using my referral link. No money was accrued for it. I didn't even waste time sorting things out. If there is a precedent, then the accrual system is ineffective. In this case, I knew about the fact of the order. When the order is not known, there is a O There is a greater chance that you will not receive a reward.

And finally, the affiliate program Skazkipro. Articles were dedicated to her. You can deal with her. Especially if you have the opportunity to post free ads on resources such as mommy forums, portals free ads and so on. To participate in this affiliate program, I made a website.
Below are my latest affiliate statistics for this program:

Let's analyze it. In a month it will be 2 years since I have been participating in this affiliate program. During this time, I was credited $119 and $120, $60 is on my balance and will be paid when my earnings reach $101. As you can see, you can earn money, but not much.

It is also clear from the statistics that 3 people signed up for me. The terms of the program are such that when the partner who has signed up for me receives his first salary, I will also be paid $100 once. Not a single partner of mine has ever received a salary.

I would also like to note that I don’t make any efforts to promote sites, much less spend money on advertising. The traffic of this site today is about 280-320 unique visitors per day.

Disadvantages of participating in affiliate programs

Advantages of participating in affiliate programs

  • Gaining experience.
  • In some cases, creating customer base, which may be useful in the future.

After all of the above, the question arises: should we give up the idea of ​​making money on the Internet? No, I'm still confident that you can make money online . Moreover, I have no doubt that in the future there will be more and more opportunities. We need to try and look for “veins”.

And now I’ll write a seditious thing: today I think the most in a real way make money on the Internet - participation in network marketing. After such words, someone probably wanted to throw rotten eggs and rotten tomatoes at me. And yet, I will repeat: participation in network marketing is a real chance for a beginner to make money on the Internet. But not just network marketing, but one that allows you to earn money through a website. Which does not require selling goods or services to relatives and friends.

I am not a networker and never have been. Of course, I had to periodically buy goods distributed through network marketing. But I've never played these" network games"It just so happens that our public opinion has a negative attitude towards MLM (Multi Level Marketing - multi-level marketing). The negative attitude has not developed empty space, there are reasons for this, and we all know about them very well. I would never consider MLM if it weren't for the ability to run a business entirely online. In this case I’m not looking for clients, but clients are looking for me . There is a difference, isn't it?

It's time for the "heavy artillery" to come in to reinforce my opinion.

Who hasn't heard of billionaire Donald Trump?
Once, in one of the programs, he was asked a question:
- What would you do if you had to start all over again?
Mr Trump replied:
- I would find good company network marketing at the beginning of its activities, which has excellent systems support and training.
The whole hall burst into laughter, and Donald Trump said:
- This is exactly the reason why you are sitting there, and I am here on stage.

"Good network company at the beginning of its activities" - under this definition does not apply most American, Chinese and others"jar-cosmetic" companies widely represented in the post-Soviet space. All of these companies have solid experience and have a largely similar product range. The market is very overloaded with various “health and beauty” products.

Against this background, a company that offers exclusive products and recently celebrated its third anniversary stands out. She promotes innovative peptide technologies for healing and rejuvenation. You can read about what peptides are. To work with the company, I created website. The first articles on the site appeared in the fall of 2012. The first registration of a partner through my website and purchase of products occurred in December 2012. The first salary was in January 2013 and amounted to about $60. Since then I have received approximately the same checks every month, but so far I have not received higher amounts. This is due to the fact that the site is young and the traffic to it is still small. It is still listed in Google, but in Yandex it has just entered the top 10 for one of the promoted queries.

Despite this, I already have 16 people on my team (as of July 2013), most of whom came through the site. On the right is a screenshot with a list of my partners. People are coming and will continue to come. The number in the structure will increase constantly.

Update 11/12/2013
This article was published in mid-July 2013. By November the situation had changed significantly. My structure already numbers 72 people, and my earnings for October amounted to 15,662 rubles. Not a bad dynamic, isn't it?

Update 02/08/2014
The structure employs 164 people. I won’t give any more figures about earnings. And the growth dynamics are fantastic, in my opinion.

Update 06/16/2016
Here is a diagram of the growth of the structure for Last year. Today the number is 988 people. There are still 2 weeks until the end of the month, there will be an anniversary - 1000 people. The monthly increase is significant, because There are already 2 dealership centers and an online store operating under me.

Of course, NPTsRIZ is not the only company with which you can deal. Behind Lately Quite good brands operating under the MLM system have appeared on the Russian market. But, in my opinion, each of them is inferior to this company either in the value of the product, or in the marketing plan, etc. Some of them have not yet entered the international market and do business only within the CIS.
Now let's see why it is beneficial to work with NPTsRIZ.

Why is it worth cooperating with NPTsRIZ

  1. Legality of the company.
  2. The company has serious scientific potential and is itself a manufacturer of products.
  3. The company works on federal level under the patronage of the Russian Government.
  4. It is very difficult to get to Europe with any product. But the company’s products, to the envy of its competitors, were certified in the European Union in record time, which indicates high quality.
  5. About 100 dealership centers of the company have been opened both in the post-Soviet space and around the world.
  6. Demand and highest quality product, wide range. Most of the drugs have no analogues in other companies. Research has been carried out under the leadership of Prof. V. Khavinson for decades, since the times of the USSR.
  7. SPCRIZ is the exclusive representative and strategic partner of the St. Petersburg and Gerontology Institute of the Northwestern Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences under the leadership of Prof. V. Khavinson. Professor V. Khavinson was elected chief gerontologist in Europe in 2011 (for the first time in history, a Russian scientist heads a European scientific organization). In 2010, V. Khavinson was nominated for the Nobel Prize.
  8. The general consumer had the opportunity to purchase peptide bioregulators only in 2010. For this reason, people are still little informed about drugs and peptide cosmetics, which means that there is a real expansion of the market and an increase in the number of consumers ahead.
  9. It is possible to conduct business on the Internet.
  10. The opportunity to receive a salary in cash, and not in products, unlike many MLM companies.

This is not a complete list of arguments in favor of cooperation with this company, but I think we can stop there. I didn't give the most important argument:

Throughout the history of mankind, people have dreamed of longevity and immortality, looking for miraculous means of prolonging youth and gaining health. People have always spentmoney for thisand they will spend!

Today, more and more people are beginning to realize that the world has changed. We work less physically, eat less foods of natural origin. The composition of soil, water and air has changed, GMOs have appeared. Many are beginning to understand that the food they eat is not enough to be fully provided with everything necessary for a healthy existence. A lack of nutrients is a constant phenomenon, and the body is not capable of storing all this for future use. Thus, the vital activity of the body requires constant additional nutrition. There are a great variety of methods, means and methods for this - everyone chooses their own.
NPCRIZ products based on short peptide proteins are exclusive. No one in the world has such experience in studying the effects of peptides as scientists from St. Petersburg. More and more people are learning about them and starting to use them. But awareness is still low, so the prospects here are very good. If you have any questions regarding products or business, please contact "Contacts".

“And then Ostap got carried away...” Basically, I just wanted to say: don’t waste your time on affiliate programs. They won't pay for it. Moreover, the authors can stop developing them at any time or shut them down altogether. And you will remain in your own interests... Look for other “veins”. IMHO...

Good afternoon Today you will learn how to take a screenshot of the screen on a computer?! It will tell you how to implement this on a laptop, netbook and various systems, such as Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows XP, Vista and Mac.

How to take a screenshot on a computer without programs?

Screenshot button on the keyboard

This keyboard button is the print screen! Some computers, more often laptops, have an abbreviated inscription of this button: “ prtscr" I have it written like this: “PrtSc SysRq”.

I present my computer keyboard with the prtscr button marked.

Here are the main steps to follow:

  1. Press the printscreen button.
  2. Open application Microsoft Word or Paint or any other graphics editor.
  3. While in the program, press and hold Ctrl, and then the English “V” button.
  4. These actions will cause the photo of the computer screen to be inserted in the right place.
  5. All that remains is to either edit or simply save.

This key combination will allow you to get graphic image in a matter of minutes.

Programs for screenshots

The screenshot program allows you to take pictures both without a keyboard and with it. Below are programs for creating pictures with windows screen 7 and other systems.

How to take a screenshot on your computer using FastStone Capture?

This application has a very user-friendly interface!

  1. Launch the program by double-clicking its icon.
  2. Click the dotted rectangle with the left mouse button.
  3. Select the area you want to screenshot. To do this, place the intersection point of the two red lines in the location you need. Then left button click and do not release the mouse. In this position, move the mouse and thereby select the area for the photo. Once the desired area is completely highlighted, release left key mice.
  4. Now just click the floppy disk button that says save and save it where you need it.

To take a screenshot on a computer using such software will take a few seconds.

Here are the main meanings of the buttons in this program.

New versions use a small number additional buttons, plus there is the ability to record video of the screen.

How to take a screenshot using paint?

Many of you have heard that you can do them through Paint application. But in reality this is a misconception! The program is a graphic editor and also allows you to draw.

More often people take photos in paint this way:

  1. Press the Print screen (PrtSc) button.
  2. Point is opened.
  3. Paste the image there using the keyboard shortcuts “Ctrl + V”
  4. Then edit if necessary and save.

This is how a picture is created using paint

How to open a screenshot in paint?

Follow these steps:

  1. Hover your cursor over the image.
  2. Click the right mouse button.
  3. A window will appear in which you need to select “ To open with».
  4. Next, a list of programs will appear, in which there will be Paint.
  5. Press Point and the screenshot will open in this application.

Now you know how to open a screenshot!

Screen Capture– program that removes the monitor

This software allows you to edit and upload images to the network. This is a fairly simple application. To make a print screen on your computer, just launch the program and take a photo of the selected area. It is also possible to receive a link to transfer a screenshot. All files are stored in special server, to which no attackers or search engines have access.

The video shows how to use the program.


  1. Built-in editor.
  2. Ability to customize special keys.
  3. You can view the history of the screenshots you made.
  4. Saving to disk.

Screenshot appPicpick

This is a unique software that includes a lot of tools! It has a protractor, ruler, palette, color selection, slate board, etc. This program is suitable for both ordinary users and for graphic designers.

The interface resembles the Paint application.

After taking a photo, the image goes straight into the editor, where you can crop it or perform other editing.

The video describes full review programs and how to use them.

Shotnes is an application that allows you to take screenshots in 3 clicks!

Peculiarities of this software:

  1. Takes screenshots quickly.
  2. Allows you to send to the Internet.
  3. Gives a direct link to the file.
  4. There is a cropping function.
  5. A simple editor is built in.
  6. There is the ability to make the image blurry.
  7. It is possible to copy an already created print screen to the clipboard.
  8. Instant screenshot insertion in forums, social networks etc.
  9. There is a pipette.
  10. Password scanner.

Screenshot on PCClip2 net

Basic abilities:

  1. Lightning-fast screenshots.
  2. Image corrector.
  3. Short links.
  4. Lots of tools.
  5. Storage of taken photos on a special hosting.
  6. You can share any type of file.

The program is distributed in three standard packages:

  • Basic – free.
  • Lite – 680 rubles per year.
  • Pro – 1700.

The packages differ from each other in additional features.

Here you can see how the program is used.


This is completely Russian language program allows you to take pictures of your computer screen.

Taking a screenshot on a computer using this software is as easy as in all the above programs.

This application works with almost everyone modern platforms, ranging from Windows 7 to Windows 10. Also works in XP and Vista.

She doesn't have any special differences. More details about this software are described in the video!

Photo of the screen on a computer using

Screenshotting your computer screen using this program is a pleasure! First of all, follow the link: and download this software. Next you do standard installation and you can use the program.

To start photographing the monitor screen or some website, go to the tray in the lower right corner of the computer and click on the program icon.

After this, the entire monitor will go dark. Next, press the left mouse button and tighten the desired place. After this, you can edit the image or save it. Or you can immediately upload the program to the server and receive a link. Very convenient application.

Video with clear instructions

The application has approximately the same qualities as described above:

  1. Screenshot quickly
  2. Allows you to share photos
  3. Looking for similar pictures
  4. Convenient
  5. A simple editor is built in.

ScreenShooter for taking screenshots

The application is distributed free of charge. There is both Russian and English language. Works on Windows 8, 7, 10, Vista, XP systems. All of them must support a 64-bit system.

Screenshot features:

  1. Can be inserted additional elements into an image, such as arrows, circles, etc.
  2. Lots of flowers.
  3. You can blur individual areas Pictures.
  4. There is a crop for cropping photos.
  5. Setting up hot buttons.
  6. Intuitive settings.
  7. The screenshot can be added to a file or saved to the clipboard.
  8. Ability to upload pictures to the cloud.
  9. The program allows you to share pictures.

You can download it here:

Joxi is a powerful screen capture program.

This is an amazing application that allows you to take a screenshot and provide links. To get started you need to go through simple registration on the website of this software: You can also access Joxy through social networks. After going through the entire procedure, a program icon will appear at the bottom right in the tray. By clicking on it, you can already take screenshots! Select any area of ​​the screen by holding down the left mouse button. After this, a horizontal display of the program will appear with various tools.

This tool is quite popular, as people value simplicity and convenience!

This video explains in detail how to use the Joxi printscreen program.

How to take a screenshot on a computer using scissors?

Scissors exist in almost every computer. Third Party Applications You don’t have to install everything already there. To do this, just go to the start menu / accessory / Snipping Tool! After this, the scissors screenshot will launch immediately!

Click create and a standard cross appears. Select the desired area and take a screenshot. A window will pop up where you need to select “”.

You just learned how to take a screenshot on your computer using 11 great programs!

Screenshot add-ons for browsers

On this moment There are various add-ons that are installed not on the computer, but directly in the browser!

How to take a screenshot in Yandex browser

This is implemented in the Yandex browser using additional application or in other words it can be called a plugin for yandex screenshots.

In addition to the specified algorithm, for a better understanding, follow the illustrations provided!

To take a photo using the Yandex browser, do the following:

  1. Open Yandex Browser to take a screenshot.
  2. Go to settings. See the illustrations below!
  3. Connect the Lightshot screenshot add-on for Yandex browser.
  4. After connecting, after a while the feather J will fly
  5. It will now be in the upper right corner.
  6. To take a photo, open desired page or screen area.
  7. Click on the pen icon with the left mouse button.
  8. After this, the monitor will turn dark.
  9. Select the desired area by pressing the left mouse button and moving the mouse slightly in the desired direction.
  10. A familiar window will appear in which you can edit the picture or save it.

Thus, a photo is created in the Yandex browser!

If you don't know how to take a screenshot of browser history, then just open settings and select history. Many links will appear, this is it and it will be. Then apply the method described above or use programs. And take the photo you want!

Yandex screenshot

The Yandex company has such a tool as online disk. In addition to it they released convenient program for computer. Along with this application comes their utility.

In order to use the Yandex screenshot, follow the link and download the disk. Next, install the application. After installation, the icon with scissors will be displayed on the desktop as in the picture below.

Yandex printscreen is very easy to make. To do this, move the mouse cursor over the scissors icon and double-click with the left mouse button! The program starts and you are given the choice of what you want to screenshot, an area, a window or the entire screen.

As an example, I selected an area of ​​the screen and took a photo. After that, he immediately ended up in the Yandex program. This application is a kind of editor. I especially like the arrows in it.

Now that the photo is taken and all adjustments have been made, just click save. The image will appear on the desktop. After saving, I get an error, but the princescreen appears.

How to take a screenshot in Opera?

This browser has its own screen capture tools. To use them, I present the algorithm below.

A set of actions for creating pictures in Opera:

  1. Go to the menu.
  2. Select Snapshot.
  3. Circle the desired area.
  4. Click the capture button.
  5. Save the image.

These five points will allow you to easily take a screenshot in Opera using the built-in extension.

It is possible to avoid entering the menu and take a photo simply by clicking on the camera image.

Thus, you can now take a photo of the screen on your computer in Opera without much difficulty. Your version of Opera may be different, but still look at the inscription “SHOT” in the menu.

Screenshot online services!

IN this section I will give you several online projects that make it possible to take a photo without leaving your browser!

Printscreen online through the!

This site allows you to take a screenshot of any web resource, just enter its address and click create. After this, a copy of the project will be displayed in a special field, and you will see links below. It is possible to compress or resize the screen. This is convenient if you want to quickly get a graphic copy of the site and show it to someone.

Honestly, I don’t see much point in this online screenshot. It is needed if your print screen button does not work, there is not a single special program for taking pictures, and there are no built-in add-ons in the browser. And you can't install them in any way.

You can take a screenshot online via

I think this is another useless, free online service. Its essence is simple. Using the printscreen key you take a screenshot. It is saved to the clipboard. Next, go to the project, hover over the insertion field and press Ctrl+V. The screenshot is downloaded and given to you short link. It is possible to edit the picture.

When might such a service be needed? Very rarely. Usually people want to take a photo of some part of a picture or something else. Few people would want to take a photo of the entire site. Of course, you can trim it in the editor and leave the desired piece. But it's still not very convenient!

Screenshot of the site online thanks to

This online software is a very simple service, it is designed like the first online project. Its essence is exactly the same. Take the link of the desired site and paste it into a special field, then click “OK” and the skinshot is ready! Project link: It is possible to make corrections based on width and magnification.

All the services listed in this section will be required as a last resort! If you work in the Oprah or Yandex browser, there are special screenshot extensions. I'm sure other browsers also have them, or they can be installed.

How to take a screenshot on a computer using Windows?

Now we will look at how to take a screenshot on a Windows computer from XP to Windows 10. After that, we will look at creating snapshots on other systems.

How to take a screenshot on a windows 7 computer

A screenshot in this system can be taken using the methods described above. An example of how this can be done will also be presented here. Now I have seven, and there are no problems with pictures.

I am using the standard program FastStone Capture For me it is very convenient to take screenshots. You can download such a utility from any site on the Internet. After installation, to create a photo, do the following:

  1. Open the desired picture or website.
  2. Launch the program.
  3. Click the dotted rectangle to take a screenshot.
  4. Now circle the desired area. Press the right mouse button and drag it in the desired direction.
  5. Then just let go.

This way the screenshot in Windows 7 will be ready! Detailed work in the program described above!

How to take a screenshot on Windows 8

This system has built-in software. Its main feature is convenience! In order to take a photo in Windows 8, just follow a few simple steps.

First of all, you need to go to home screen, then launch the application. Next click windows button, this keyboard key can be represented as a system logo, like a flag. While holding this key, press the PrtScn button to take a screenshot. After that, run the following combination Win+E. This combination will open Explorer and move to the image library. In this place you can find special folder for screenshots. It is called " screenshots».

Opening this folder, you'll find that it contains all your pictures!

Now you know how to take a screenshot on your computer in Windows 8 and where to find it!

How to take a screenshot on a computer using Windows 10

There are several ways to take a screenshot on your computer in Windows 10.

Method number 1.

Press the flag key or Windows+PrtSc. This system automatically saves the disc in PNG resolution. The snapshot will be located at: Computer/Images/Screenshots.

Method No. 2.

This method is only possible in Windows 10. It allows you to take a screenshot and get its link using system tools. Press the wine key, this is the flag button + H. A similar combination will take a photo and display the application bar. Using this, you can send a link by mail or through other services, such as DropBox.

Method No. 3.

The standard method, I introduced you to it in the article above! Now let me remind you a little. Take it and press PrtSc - this is a keyboard button. Then open Paint and paste there what you copied to the clipboard. To do this, simply press Ctrl+V. That's all! Now edit or just save!

Method number 4.

This method allows you to take a screenshot using the Microsoft Snip program; it must be installed on your Windows 10. This application allows you to create snapshots of screen areas, parts and windows. Interesting feature utility is to record notes in video format. In place of the video, you can simply add an audio file with explanations for the photo. If you don't have this application, you can download it on the Internet, it is distributed free of charge!

How to take a screenshot on a computerWindowsXP?

In this operating system Almost the same photo creation tools are used as in others. These are programs, keyboard, etc.

Let's look at how to take a screenshot on Windows xp using Gadwin PrintScreen.

  1. Download and install the application to take a screenshot.
  2. Launch the application.
  3. Configure the utility, select what you will capture an area or window
  4. You can configure where the pictures will be saved.

After installation, the application is built into the taskbar. To create a snapshot you need to use the key combination: Just PrtSc, a regular rectangle Ctrl+Prt Sc, the currently used window Shift+Prt Sc. It is possible to change the size during the capture process!

How to take a screenshot on a computerWindowsVista?

The methods are still the same, so I decided to simply insert a video about how you can record the screen in this system.

How to take a screenshot on a mac computer?

I also suggest watching the video.

So, you can take a screenshot on MacBook without any problem.

How to take a screenshot on a laptop?

On a laptop, screen capture is created in the same way as in a regular one. personal computer. Now you can read what is written at the beginning of the article or just watch the video.

Thus, the laptop screen is photographed.

How to take a screenshot on a netbook?

In essence, a netbook is the same laptop, only small in size. Therefore, creating a photo occurs in the same way as on a laptop.

I hope this video helped you and you got a screenshot of the screen on your netbook.

How to take a screenshot on Skype?

It is done using programs or the same print screen button on the keyboard.

The video below shows how to take a photo on Skype and find it on your computer.

From time to time, each of us has the desire to save an image from the computer screen. For example, you saw beautiful picture and wanted to send it to someone via Skype. But the site owners have installed copy protection.

In this case, the image cannot be saved. standard methods, but you can take a screenshot of the screen on your computer or laptop. There may be another situation. Sometimes we need to save not a picture, but a video fragment, a game episode or text as an image. You can do all this using a screenshot. It's as simple as that, just follow the instructions below.

How to take a screenshot.

In the first case, you do not need to download anything additional to your computer, but it will take more time to take a screenshot. In the second, you will have to install additional software, but you can take a screenshot much faster.

Printscreen (prt scr key) using standard means Windows 10 OS.

You can take a screenshot using the built-in functions of older versions of Windows in two steps:

  1. Save to clipboard;
  2. Editing or further saving in a folder using any graphic editor.

In Windows 8 and 10, the process has been significantly improved; the picture can be saved using hot keys without an editor by pressing Win + PrtScr. The screen should blink, and the saved screenshot will appear in the Username-Pictures-Screenshots or Users-Username-Pictures-Screenshots folder.

Printscreen button on the keyboard, how to use it.

Basic and mandatory standard tool for work - this is a button Print Screen. It may be called PrtSc, PrtScr or PrntScrn. These are all generally accepted abbreviations, so keyboard manufacturers are free to use any abbreviation they wish.

The Print Screen button functions as a “photo camera”, that is, it takes a screenshot (display, desktop) and saves it to the clipboard. It works in the OS Windows next way:

  • On most computers, you can simply press the Print Screen button to capture the entire screen;
  • on some laptops you need to use the Fn + PrtScn key combination to take a picture;
  • for saving only active window, and not the entire screen, you need to press Alt + PrtScn (or Fn + Alt + PrtScn);
  • Windows 8 and 10 owners can immediately take a screenshot and save it in “Screenshots” hot Win keys+ PrtScn.

How to save or edit a screen image (screenshot).

After you pressed the Print Screen button, the photo appeared on the clipboard. Now you can work with it further. Open any graphics editor (Paint, Paint.NET, Adobe Photoshop and etc.).

  1. in Paint and Paint.NET, click in top panel the “Edit” button, then select “Paste” from the drop-down menu - the saved image from the clipboard will appear on the screen;
  2. in Adobe Photoshop, click “File” in the top panel, then select “New” from the drop-down menu, then “Editing” (in the panel) and “Paste” from the drop-down menu.

In Paint, you can also first create a file the right size, and then insert an image into it.

Now you can start editing the image or simply save it to a folder using the “File” button and the “Save” function or hotkeys.

Free programs for creating screenshots.

Now there are various free programs (third party developers), with which you can quickly take a screenshot on your computer or laptop. The main ones:

There are other programs with similar functionality. Try it different ways test the software to choose the most convenient program for taking a screenshot.

How to take a screenshot (screen photo) on a phone, iPhone smartphone:

How to take a screenshot on Samsung Galaxy and other phones, smartphones and tablets with Android OS:

There are many uses for this feature, for example, you want to put a new wallpaper on your desktop, or you want to help a friend, if necessary, show what he looks like with an open application. It is also very useful when communicating with technical support services and for many other tasks.

An easy way to take a screenshot on a computer?

This is the simplest and current method creating screenshots. First you need to find and tap the “Prt Scr” button on the keyboard. You should see it in the upper right area of ​​the keyboard.

It happens that on laptops with a screen smaller than 15.6′ there is a cut-down keyboard, that is, this key can be combined with some other key, in which case you need to press “Fn + PrtScr”. This action allows us to copy a picture from the monitor screen to the clipboard, in the same way you copy selected text using the key combination “Ctrl + C” and paste it by pressing two keys “Ctrl + V”.

To save this image as a file, we will use the built-in Paint editor. It is launched from this way: Start→All Programs→Accessories→Paint. Another way is to type “Paint” in the search bar located in the “Start” menu and click on the program that appears, displayed in the list:

This is the most quick way, since it can be difficult to find a program among a bunch of icons in the Start menu.

After you have entered “Paint”, you should click on the “Paste” button, or use the key combination “Ctrl + V”, this way you will get the contents from the clipboard:

We took a screenshot of our desktop, followed by saving the picture to the computer. We select the “floppy disk” and indicate the path where our file will be located. I advise you to choose from available list The “JPEG” format, because it weighs the least, can also be saved in the “PNG” format, as was originally proposed to us. You can create a screenshot separately for a running application. In this case, press the “Alt+Print Screen” button combination. You can pull a file from the clipboard and paste it not only using “Paint”, but also, for example, in office program"Word" or mail client Outlook.

Here is the simplest action plan:

  • Pressing "Print Screen" or "Alt+Print Screen". Depending on what you need.
  • Open "Paint".
  • Upload the data to the clipboard.
  • Let's create a file.

Also the simplest way To create a screenshot, use the “Scissors” utility. It will help you copy any part of our screen. You can find it by Start→All Programs→Accessories→Snip.

In the window open application Click the arrow to the right of the “Create” button and select what we need: a rectangular area, a screenshot of the entire screen, a randomly defined shape or a simple window. If you need to save a rectangular part of the screen, press “rectangle”; if you want to specify the outline of the figure, press “ free form" Next, click on the “Create” button itself. The screen will then change color and you can select the area to take a screenshot. It would not be superfluous to say that when the program is opened, it is automatically configured to select an area. Next, a window should open for saving and editing this screenshot:

You will find the Pen and Marker drawing tools here. Erasers can remove all your edits. Everything is saved on a floppy disk. We recommend saving in JPEG format, since this program cannot create a transparent PNG image.

ABOUT transparent pictures will be stated below. And if you decide to create more small size pictures, you can always come back to this later.

Floomby program for creating screenshots

You can also use special programs from other developers. ABOUT the best utilities this kind and the speech will begin.
Let's start with Floomby, a very interesting program with its own characteristics.

Program page (Russian):

Platform: Windows XP/Vista/7/8

Language: Russian

Spreading: for free


Size: 2.8 MB

Using this program, you can immediately send the created screenshot to the Internet. Simply put, you instantly receive a URL link to your screenshot taken from the Internet, which you have the right to send to anyone using: Skype, mail, social network VKontakte, etc. When you first log into the program, you will be prompted to register for full access to the program's capabilities. You don’t have to go through it, because everything you need is ready to start. Let's get down to business, an icon has appeared at the bottom of the taskbar of blue color with the English letter “f”, if you click on it, a new program window will pop up.

Everything is quite simple: if you want to select a square or rectangular area, click on function button“Fragment”, this can also be done using the “Ctrl+Print Screen” key combination; if you need to take a screenshot of your monitor screen, the “Screen” button will help. For example, you need a certain fragment of the screen or something else, to do this you need to select it (fragment), after which a window of this type will appear:

There are a couple of necessary tools here that make it possible to draw on the screenshot taken. At the bottom of the pop-up window you need to enter a new name for created file, then click “Submit”. Immediately after clicking, a window for sending a new file to the Internet will appear for a moment, after which a window of the following type will appear:

Here you have the opportunity to click on the “Open” button link in the Internet browser, from where you can save the finished picture (screenshot) to disk. Or click on “Copy” to transfer the link to another person. This link will look like this: This link will be stored in the “History” section of the program itself, meaning it will always be available at any time. Also from there you can delete old, unnecessary screenshots from the Internet.

How to take a screenshot on a computer with a simple program if not Print buttons Screen

It happens that the “Print Screen” button is simply physically absent on computer keyboard, and a screenshot of the screen is very necessary. To avoid installing large and often paid programs, it is possible to take advantage of the capabilities of one small program called SnapaShot, which does not need to be installed (Portable). After launching this program, this dim window will pop up:

You just need to move it to the part of the screen that you want to save, then click on the buttons: one of them performs the function of copying to the clipboard, and the other simply saves the screenshot (image file) to the computer. If you want to take a screenshot full screen, you just need to expand the program window to the entire monitor display. As a matter of fact, this program is very functional, in addition to the above, it can take a snapshot from any video that is being played.

How to take a transparent screenshot

Another quite interesting one program for creating screenshots- “PrtScr”, which has in its arsenal the function of making screenshots transparent, but there is one thing, but - it’s on English language. But don't worry, now I'll demonstrate how to work with it.

Program page (English):

Platform: Windows XP/Vista/7/8

Language: English

Spreading: for free


Size: 2.4 MB

Perhaps some visitors will wonder what it means transparent screenshots. I'll explain with an example. After I took two identical screenshots in different formats, further in graphic editor superimposed them on another picture (image):

On the right, as you can see, is an opaque JPEG image. Please pay attention. I have selected a completely arbitrary area, but the edges are framed by a rectangle (unlike other programs in which it white, here the PrtScr program adds the effect slightly visible background. The fragment on the left, which was originally saved in transparent PNG format. It simply applies without any rectangular borders. Images of this type are very easy and imperceptibly superimposed on other files and the result is nothing at all.

This program after launch will be in tray panel tasks in the form of a regular icon, by right-clicking on it from the context menu and selecting “Capture screen now”:

After which the screen will change color and right side the following prompt will appear:

The designation for this is as follows: an arbitrary area of ​​the monitor screen is selected with the left mouse button or the “Alt+Print Screen” button combination, and when you hold down the “Ctrl” button, a rectangular area will be selected. Right button The mouse is used to draw on the screen and select the required area for a screenshot. By clicking on an arbitrary location, a screenshot of the entire screen is generated. When using the hotkey combination “Ctrl+Print Screen”, the magnifying glass will start maximum magnification, where using the “Ctrl” button you can select the desired area with pixel precision. Next, after you have taken the desired screenshot, it will appear in the form of a cute flying object, and a window will also pop up to save the results. In the image, this screenshot is circled in red.

That’s actually all I wanted to tell you, dear readers, about how you can easily take a screenshot of your own computer screen. As you already understood from this article, to carry out this manipulation you can use the built-in tools Windows systems, so third party software. Which method you choose to take screenshots is up to you. I also suggest you watch the video instructions on how to how to take a screenshot on a computer. Good luck.

Computer users often have problems with their operating system. Having turned to friends and acquaintances, they often hear in response: “Send me a screenshot of the screen.” There can be many situations when you may need to take a screenshot. But what is it and how to take a screenshot on a computer?

A screenshot is a snapshot of your computer display. It can be obtained in various ways, from standard operating system tools to third-party programs.

Taking a screenshot in Windows

1. Print Screen button

Perhaps the easiest way to take a screenshot on a PC is to use the Print Screen button on your keyboard. Depending on the size of the button (written abbreviated on laptops), Print Screen may be designated differently - PrtScr, PrtSc or PrtScn.

Find the “PrtSc” button on the keyboard and click on it. Usually it is in top row after the F12 button. After clicking it, a screenshot of your screen will be copied to the system clipboard.

Then open “Start”, find the “Programs → Accessories” folder and open the “Paint” application. Everyone knows that Paint is the “standard” Windows drawing tool. After opening Paint, click “Edit” (in Windows XP) and “Paste.” You can use a combination of the "ctrl" and "V" keys on your keyboard.

After this action, the screenshot will “appear” on your screen. Click the “File” tab → “Save As” or the icon for saving the file as a floppy disk and save the image to any location convenient for you.

More details about taking a screen using the Print Screen button are described in the following video:

2. Scissors program in Win7

Windows 7 has an interesting program - “Scissors”. It allows you to get rid of the above-described manipulations. Open the “Start” menu and find the “Scissors” application in standard programs. Having launched the program, select the desired area and click “Create”.

3. Taking a screenshot in Windows 8

Taking a screenshot of your screen has become much easier in Microsoft's latest operating system. Simply press the Win (the Microsoft logo button) + PrtScn button on your keyboard at the same time, and the screenshot will automatically be copied to the “My Pictures” folder in the Image Library.

Taking a screenshot in Mac OS

How to take a screenshot on a computer if Mac OS is installed on it? Don't worry, Apple developers have worked hard to make this process easier. Just press 3 buttons on the keyboard at the same time - ⌘ Cmd + 3 + Shift, and the screenshot will appear on the desktop. If you only need a snapshot of the active part of the screen, you will also have to hold down the “Space” button.

Using the software

As you can see, the process of taking a screenshot from a computer screen does not take more than 1-2 minutes.