Statistics of Russian public initiative at the federal level. Russian public initiative

In April 2013, by order of the President of the Russian Federation, a special Internet project was created, the main task of which was to collect and report public opinions to the authorities. Russian public initiative is a project that allows any citizen to create appeals to the authorities and participate in signing various petitions.

The official website of the Russian public initiative is located at To conduct any activity on it, you must register. All users of the State Services portal can use all the necessary functionality of the ROI website. When logging into it under his account, the user will be able to familiarize himself with all the initiatives being discussed, create his own appeal, and cast his vote for this or that petition.

Registration procedure

There is no special registration procedure on the website of the Russian Public Initiative (ROI) for users of the State Services website. You can log in there with your username and password assigned when registering on the State Services portal. The unique authentication or user identification system used for both sites makes this easy to do. Therefore, there is nothing complicated in this procedure.

In order to take advantage of all the functionality of the ROI website, you need to go to and enter your number in a special input form cell phone in the format +7 900)00-00-000. note that full set functions of both portals is available only to users with a verified account. Upgrade status personal account before this level very simple. It is enough to apply in person to any of the MFCs with a passport or other identification document.

Standard type account does not provide the opportunity to even cast your vote on a particular petition. Such security measures have been taken recently. They were introduced to eliminate the possibility of artificially increasing the significance of a particular initiated document.

Voting on the website of the Russian public initiative

In order to vote on the website of the Russian public initiative, you need to go to this portal. IN top corner pages from right side located special form to enter. Enter your password and login into it, Log in to the portal.

Next, you need to find in the catalog the initiative for which you would like to vote. There is also the option to subscribe. In this version, to the address Email You will receive notifications about changes in the status of monitored petitions and initiatives.

Initiator: Alexey Navalny, Anti-Corruption Foundation

Fate: On February 25, 2015, the federal working group recognized the development of a corresponding regulatory legal act as inappropriate. According to its participants, the proposed changes contradict the Russian Constitution. At the same time, the expert opinion states that the Russian Federation agreed to Article 20 of the Convention in full back in 2006. This statement has previously been disputed. The working group only recommended an analysis of the current anti-corruption legislation. It is worth noting that the final decision on the Open Government initiative could only be made the second time - at the first meeting it was not possible to gather a quorum.

In the spring of 2015, supporters of the initiative attempted to submit to the State Duma a proposal to ratify Article 20 through regional parliaments.

Oblige the Russian Football Union and the Russian Ministry of Sports to conduct a rating Internet vote on candidates for the position of head coach of the Russian national football team, as well as on candidates for the Russian national football team before world competitions

Initiator: anonymously

Fate: At a meeting of the federal working group on June 10, 2015, the idea of ​​such elections was supported. Despite the negative assessment of the initiative by representatives of the RFU, the Ministry of Sports and the All-Russian Fans Organization, the expert group supported the idea and recommended holding a rating vote. “It is proposed to make the result of online voting optional, but advisory, so that sports officials are aware of their responsibility for making decisions and explain their position in the event of a choice different from the result of online voting,” the decision published on the initiative’s page states. , the group’s conclusion is of a recommendatory nature and the RFU will be able to independently accept or not accept the proposals of the working group.

Introduce amendments to the Labor Code (LC RF), providing for mandatory indexation of workers' wages at least once a year at a level not lower than the actual inflation rate

Initiator: Russian Trade Union of Railway Workers and Transport Builders

Fate: On June 10, the Working Group recognized it as inappropriate to include in the Labor Code Russian Federation changes proposed by the public initiative

There is a similar petition on the People's Initiative portal of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. To date, she has received 1,492 votes out of the 20,000 needed.

In April 2013, the Public Initiative portal appeared on the RuNet. Its creation was sanctioned directly by the President of the Russian Federation and secured by a corresponding decree. Goal of the work of this portal– provide any citizen of the country with the opportunity to directly contact authorities, sign petitions and participate in the promotion of public projects through voting. The project is located at Voting and any other actions on it are available only to users of the State Services portal - separate registration on the site is not provided. Further detailed analysis how to work with this service.

Portal features

On the website of public initiatives, each registered user can propose his own petition concerning the public life of the country, region, city, etc. According to the presidential decree regulating the work of the portal, a petition that receives more than 100,000 votes in favor is transferred to a working group organized under the government specifically for these purposes.

Important! Since 2016, information about initiatives that have received at least 35,000 votes of support has also been transmitted to the State Duma.

After review, the commission decides whether to develop the proposed idea. It can be accepted and sent for work, or rejected with an explanation of the reasons on the portal.

What initiatives can be promoted?

The requirements for proposals that can be published on the portal of public initiatives are enshrined in Presidential Decree No. 183, adopted on March 4, 2013. The site has moderators who check all submitted proposals for compliance with these criteria. Once approved, the petition is published in the public domain.

You can make proposals regarding both changes in federal legislation and improving the quality of life in a particular locality. For example, it was thanks to this service that one of the pedestrian crossings in Izhevsk was organized and a ceremonial fountain was built in Kursk.

By the way, the ability to save a cell phone number when changing a telecom operator is also one of the public initiatives implemented using the portal.

How many votes are needed for approval?

Once the proposal is published on the Roi website, voting must continue for a year. The number of votes required to submit a proposal to a government commission depends on the level of initiative:

  • not less than 100,000 – for proposals of all-Russian significance;
  • 100,000 – for regional initiatives (applies to regions with a population of more than 2,000,000 people);
  • 5% of the number of residents of the region - for smaller regions;
  • 5% of the population of the municipality – for proposals of municipal importance.

The period for expert review of a proposal that has passed the required threshold is 2 months. The decision made based on the results of work on the initiative must be published on the portal.

How to work with the service?

Before you start using the initiatives site, you must create your own account on it. The site rules provide for two types of accounts:

  • standard;
  • confirmed.

The first gives the user access to limited set functions, which does not include the creation of petitions and voting. The second opens up the full range of portal capabilities. This division was adopted in order to remove the possibility of cheating votes under the proposals made.

What do you need to register?

Login to the roi portal is possible only with the login and password created on the State Services service. Moreover, simply creating an account via the Internet is not enough; it must be confirmed. Otherwise, the user will not have access to one of the main services of - voting. Public services offer several ways to confirm your account:

  • through a visit to the MFC;
  • by entering a personal code from a letter sent by the portal;
  • using an electronic signature.

Important! The letter will be sent to the user in paper form via Russian Post. The average delivery time is about two weeks.

Possible login problems

Having registered, the user can use the credentials he has to access the website of public initiatives. The login button is located in the upper right corner of the site page.

  • whether the user’s contact email is indicated in the State Services account;
  • Is the email address confirmed?

If this contact is not in your profile or has not been verified, it will be impossible to access the public initiatives service. The system will simply give you a login error. In this case, you will have to return to State Services and fill out your profile.

Important: specifying an email is necessary, since this is where the user will receive all the information about the initiatives he has put forward and other actions taken on the site.

How to participate in the vote?

On home page The Roi website has published a list of the most popular initiatives that are being voted on. If a portal visitor needs a specific petition, he can find it by number using the search bar at the top of the page. For those who are interested in a specific topic or proposals made in a certain region, the page also has appropriate filters.

To cast a vote, you just need to select a specific proposal from the list by clicking on its name. will appear on the monitor detailed description initiatives, and below is a voting form. By clicking the appropriate button (for or against), the user will see a message stating that his vote has been counted. The same message will arrive in his email in a minute.

How to track petitions?

In order to promptly learn about the appearance of new petitions, as well as the fate of initiatives for which a vote was cast, portal users can:

  • visit the website account daily;
  • subscribe to email notifications;
  • Join one of the portal’s groups on social networks.

Persons with an active civic position this service will definitely be useful.

Great news - the official website of public initiatives is now operational. Let me remind you that this is a real tool that can bring a public initiative to the masses and turn it into a bill. I remember how at the beginning of last year, together with others active participants network space collected under the initiative “on foreign agents,” which was later brought to the attention of the president and became the basis for a bill that today sounds extremely relevant.

Today, Putin gave an interview to the German media on this matter. ITAR-TASS reports:

""There are 654 non-governmental organizations in the Russian Federation that, as it now turns out, receive money from abroad. 654 organizations are whole network throughout the Russian Federation, including all its regions,” the head of state said.

He admitted that until recently he did not know how much money comes from abroad for the activities of such organizations. “In just four months after we adopted the relevant law, the accounts of these organizations received money from abroad, can you imagine how much money came in? You can’t imagine, and I didn’t know: 28 billion 300 million rubles- that's almost a billion dollars. 855 million rubles - through diplomatic missions. These are organizations that are engaged in domestic political activities,” Putin stated.

Can you imagine? 28 billion 300 million rubles for anti-Russian activities - promoting juvenile justice, financing biased liberal media, financing odious political figures.

To prevent this from happening, a real instrument has appeared through which society can influence the situation in the country.

The site has a simple, memorable address:

I had to take care of this issue. In fact, everything is quite simple - either come to the local office with a passport, or order a letter with a code by mail to your registration address. I chose the second option.

The reason for officially checking data is quite clear - today there are entire companies specializing in working with “bots”. And they are engaged not only in pumping up Twitter, but also in voting. Therefore, in order to avoid this infection, a completely logical data validation is introduced - only real citizens can put forward an initiative and/or vote for it.

The principle of operation is clearly depicted in the corresponding subsection of the site:

The rules for considering initiatives have been announced. Based on the experience of collecting signatures, they are quite real.

Properly divided into levels - municipal, regional and federal - with different numbers required number of signatures.

All that remains is to check this site in action. In general, the idea of ​​creating single center for public initiatives is assessed positively, especially due to the fact that registration on the State Services website is required to confirm your identity. No falsifications, bots or other attributes typical for mass projects.

Did you want transparency? Receive and sign. Under the initiative you and your loved ones need, of course.

The “Russian Public Initiative” website has been operating for more than a year. What are the results? Is it possible to influence something through public initiatives?

Who initiated the public initiative?

In 2012, on behalf of the President of Russia (May Decree No. 601), the Government of the Russian Federation approved the Concept of forming a mechanism for the public presentation of proposals from citizens of the Russian Federation using the Internet information and telecommunications network for consideration by the Government of the Russian Federation of proposals that received support from at least 100 thousand . citizens of the Russian Federation for one year.

On the basis of the Concept, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 183 was issued on March 4, 2013 “On the consideration of public initiatives sent by citizens of the Russian Federation using the Internet resource “Russian Public Initiative”, which came into force immediately after signing. However, Vladimir Putin mentioned the need to introduce the institution of public initiative in the same year in his message to the Federal Assembly. In his speech, public initiative stood alongside the need for a broad public discussion, “and with practical results, when public initiatives become part of state policy and society controls their implementation.” At the same time, the President ordered the development of. This law was adopted on July 21, 2014 (No. 212-FZ). The President also said that “all bills, key government decisions, strategic plans must undergo a civil, so-called “zero” reading with the participation of NGOs and other civil society institutions.” He assigned these functions to public councils under government bodies.

From this excursion into the history of public initiative it is obvious that the development of public initiative is a matter of national importance, which was launched by the President himself.

Who oversees the public initiative?

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the website “Russian Public Initiative” was created. A certain person was appointed to be responsible for the process of placing proposals and voting for them. non-profit organization“Foundation for Information Democracy”, which was created back in 2012. The founder and President of the Foundation is Ilya Massukh, a former IBM employee and former Deputy Minister of Communications and mass communications Russian Federation. Among the permitted activities of the Fund are the following: market research and identification of public opinion, legal activities, publishing activities, advertising activities, other financial intermediation and consulting on business and management issues.

Thus, formal control of public initiative did not go to the Ministry of Communications, but went into private hands.

What questions can be raised in a public initiative?

According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, a public initiative can be submitted by adult citizens of Russia on issues of socio-economic development of the country, improving state and municipal governance through the Internet resource “Russian Public Initiative” (“ROI”). Here we see only two directions: the socio-economic development of the country and the improvement of public administration. Almost any question can be included in such areas if desired. If, for example, a security issue needs to be put to an online vote, then it will be “public administration in the field of security.” If there is an initiative to be taken on the issue of human rights, then it is “ public administration in the field of human rights." This suggests that clarifying the directions in which a public initiative can be introduced does not actually specify anything. Therefore, it is more appropriate to limit the scope of initiatives by indicating prohibitions.

The Presidential Decree contains several groups of such prohibitions. The first group is requirements for the text of the initiative. The text should not contain obscene or offensive language, threats to the life or health of citizens, or calls for extremist activities.

The second group of prohibitions are the requirements of legality. The initiative must comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law, including in the field of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens. What does this mean? For example, that the draft of a new constitution for Russia cannot be put to a vote. It is impossible to propose something fundamentally new in the field of public administration if it goes against the foundations of the constitutional system.

The third group of prohibitions is the requirement to comply with the law on a referendum. In other words, issues that cannot be put to a referendum cannot be put to a vote on a public initiative. What are these questions?

Article 6 of the referendum law names the following issues that cannot be submitted to a referendum:

1) on changing the status of the subject (subjects) of the Russian Federation, enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

2) on the early termination or extension of the term of office of the President of the Russian Federation, the State Duma, on holding their early elections or on postponing the dates for holding such elections;

3) on the election, appointment, early termination, suspension or extension of the powers of persons holding government positions in the Russian Federation (this applies, for example, to governors of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and ministers);

4) o personnel federal government bodies, other federal government bodies;

5) on the election, early termination, suspension or extension of the term of office of bodies formed in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation;

6) on taking emergency and urgent measures to ensure the health and safety of the population;

7) referred by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal constitutional laws to the exclusive competence of federal government bodies.

It turns out that the people, even through the instrument of public initiative (a very unreliable instrument), will not be able to express their attitude, for example, towards the head of the Government, which is unable to manage the country.

The fourth group of requirements for an initiative is relevance and validity. The Information Democracy Foundation decides how relevant the public initiative is and how justified the proposed solution to the problem is. The Foundation has no more than two months to make a decision. If he considers the solution to the problem insufficiently substantiated, or violates other requirements discussed above, then the public initiative is not posted on the Internet resource. That is, a certain private structure is the first filter on the path of public initiatives.

How does a public initiative work?

If the public initiative does not violate established prohibitions, it is posted on the Internet resource. It looks like a text justifying the need to solve a certain problem, practical results and specific solutions to the problem. Along with this, the text of the draft legal act and an explanatory note to it may be posted. Voting is held throughout the year; Russian citizens over 18 years of age who present their passport when registering on the government services portal can vote.

For initiatives different levels need to dial different quantities upvotes: on federal level– at least one hundred thousand; at the regional level - for regions with a population of over 2 million people - one hundred thousand, for the rest - 5% of the region's population; at the municipal level – 5% of the municipality’s population. You can also vote against the initiative; formally, they are not subsequently subtracted from the votes cast “for” the initiative. But it can be assumed that a large number of opponents of the initiative may influence the opinion of the expert working group.

If the initiative is supported by the required number of citizens, it is sent for consideration to the expert committee. working group appropriate level. For example, at the federal level, the expert group is headed by the Minister for Open Government, Mikhail Abyzov. This working group is the second filter on the initiative's path. But not the last. It is the expert working group that decides within two months whether to implement or reject the initiative.

The federal-level expert working group includes representatives of federal executive authorities, deputies of the State Duma, members of the Federation Council, members of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, representatives of the business community and public associations, appointed by the Government of the Russian Federation. The principles for forming working groups at other levels are similar.

The Presidential Decree does not name any criteria by which the expert group evaluates initiatives approved by citizens. These may be the same criteria that form the basis for placing an initiative on an Internet resource: the relevance of the problem and the validity of its solution (plus the support of citizens). In fact, The decision of the expert group can be completely arbitrary.

If the expert group has issued a positive conclusion on a public initiative, it also prepares a decision on developing an appropriate regulatory legal act or taking other measures to implement the initiative. That is, if a federal law is needed to implement an idea, the expert group must decide that it needs to be developed and submitted to the State Duma. Who develops the draft law and who submits it to the Duma? Probably, this task faces the Government of the Russian Federation and federal executive authorities. One way or another, the State Duma or another body will third filter on the path of public initiative.

What are the results?

The ROI website does not have uniform statistics both on areas of concern to citizens and on the ratio of introduced and implemented initiatives. Among the initiatives adopted by citizens there are 15 initiatives. Of the 15 initiatives, 9 have already been implemented in regulatory legal acts. Of these, 8 federal initiatives were implemented despite the fact that they did not receive 100 thousand votes. What does this mean? For example, that the state was already going to solve the problem declared by citizens (there was no conflict like “citizens demand, but the state is against”). This means that the role of the ROI website here is zero.

What were these initiatives? Abolition of “zero ppm”, abolition of “mobile slavery”, introduction of the ability to choose a bank for salary transfers, introduction of “diagonal zebra crossings” at pedestrian crossings, permission to make duplicate license plates Vehicle, and others. Some of them are really useful a large number citizens, but they all solve only small, private problems - nothing global.

The only implemented initiative at the municipal level received only 2 votes “for” and 3 “against”. Obviously, citizens began to push through their initiative in other ways, and the ROI website did not help them at all.

Let's look at initiatives that received more than 100 thousand votes, but were not implemented.

The recent high-profile initiative of Alexei Navalny to ratify Article 20 of the UN Convention against Corruption as inconsistent with the Constitution of the Russian Federation. How then did it even get on the site if it does not meet the legal requirements? Does this mean the Foundation is not competent enough to filter initiatives? But in the case of the ratification of Article 20 of the UN Convention against Corruption, something else is more interesting. Back in 2013, an impressive group of more than 100 deputies introduced a similar project to ratify Article 20 (No. 216235-6), and this is not the only such initiative. The bill received negative review The Government of the Russian Federation and the devastating conclusion of the Legal Department, but none of them referred to the unconstitutionality of Article 20 of the Convention. The project remains under consideration by the State Duma and has not yet been rejected.

Such a picture may demonstrate the fate of a public initiative that, by hook or by crook, penetrated the walls of the State Duma, but does not enjoy the support of the authorities. For example, if the expert group supported Navalny’s initiative, another project would be submitted to the State Duma. And there the project can be marinated for as long as desired, or simply rejected. And it doesn’t matter how many people supported the initiative - 100 thousand or 500 thousand.

In addition, the expert group rejected initiatives to ban officials from buying expensive cars, on the abolition of “flashing lights” for officials, on the abolition of the “law against the Internet,” on the abolition of the law on duties on goods from foreign online stores, as well as the “My Home is My Fortress” initiative.

Voting is currently taking place on initiatives related to changing the rules of paid parking and canceling the evacuation of vehicles, which have already received 25 thousand votes in 4 months. Citizens (mainly Muscovites) do not like paid parking and car towing, but the authorities (Moscow ones in particular) really like them. Both bring considerable income to the treasury. It is known that the very introduction of paid parking and evacuation of cars and the transfer of corresponding powers to the regions was lobbied by the Moscow authorities. And it is already possible to predict on what grounds this initiative will not pass the “second filter” - expert group. For example, on the initiative to ban flashing lights, the expert conclusion stated that more than half of the votes were cast by residents of Moscow, another 8 thousand votes were cast by residents of St. Petersburg, which means this is not relevant for all of Russia.

A whole block of initiatives reflects the negative attitude of the people towards officials and the oligarchy associated with them. Such initiatives include the following:

“Develop a mechanism for the recall of government officials at all levels by citizens of the Russian Federation”;

“Prohibit firms of relatives of civil servants and deputies of any rank from participating in government tenders”;

“Check master's and doctoral dissertations of employees of state corporations, government agencies, and enterprises with 100% state participation for plagiarism”;

“Enshrining in the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation the responsibility of officials for the condition of roads in emergency situations”;

“Indicate information about the salaries of officials (with bonuses and allowances) for the last 3 months of work on badges, nameplates on offices and when quoted in the media”;

“Set salaries for heads of state corporations in an amount not exceeding 5 times the average salary of employees of this corporation”;

“Prohibit the sale of raw materials and energy resources on the foreign market at prices lower than the domestic market,” and others.

From this short sample it is clear that people are concerned about the irresponsibility of the authorities and the super-incomes of the heads of state corporations and officials against the backdrop of the impoverishment of the population. What are the chances that the government will meet the people halfway on these issues and approve initiatives directed against itself? The chances are almost zero.

Why doesn't ROI work?

The above analysis of public initiatives, the decision on which was made, led us to a paradoxical conclusion: the state implemented initiatives that did not gain required quantity votes, and ruined initiatives supported by more than 100 thousand citizens. Why is that?

The ROI project was initiated “from above”, by the state itself in the person of the President of the Russian Federation. It is implemented by a non-profit organization close to the state, which acts as the “first filter” on the path of initiatives. She allows initiatives directed against the government onto her Internet platform. But the next “filters” are the authorities, who will no longer let through something harmful to themselves or something with which they simply do not agree.

The very idea of ​​law-making initiative of citizens is not new. Even when it was introduced in Russia, they referred to Foreign experience. The practice of civil initiatives exists in the USA and the European Union (Lisbon Treaty on Amendments to the Founding Treaties of the EU). The people's legislative initiative exists in Switzerland, Italy, Australia, Peru, Spain, the USA, Germany and is provided for by the constitutions of Albania, Poland, Slovenia, Romania, Latvia and Lithuania.

Project federal law“On normative legal acts in the Russian Federation”, developed by the Ministry of Justice of Russia, provides for the possibility of introducing law-making initiatives of citizens at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities. However, this project has not yet been submitted to the State Duma, and the rules on the law-making initiative of citizens are optional, that is, optional. Even the inclusion of the institution of law-making initiative of citizens in the charter of a subject of the Russian Federation does not guarantee the implementation of this institution (this situation has developed, for example, in the Moscow region).

A public initiative differs from a law-making initiative of citizens in that the second provides for the direct submission of a bill to parliament by citizens. The Institute of Public Initiative puts additional obstacles in the way of initiative. At the same time, the draft regulatory legal act itself is also developed not by “society”, but by the state. This is both a plus and a minus at the same time. On the one hand, citizens do not have the necessary knowledge to independently develop a package of legislative initiatives. On the other hand, there is no guarantee that the state, when developing its project, will accurately reflect the will of the society that initiated the project.

The ROI project was also criticized for possible falsification of voting results - stuffing of electronic votes, which is confirmed by identified statistical anomalies. If “ROI” is a state project, then the manifestation of “churovshchina” in it is natural.

Given the possible disadvantages of the direct law-making initiative of citizens in legislative bodies, they cannot become a justification for abandoning such an institution. At the same time, the “public initiative” in current form with its additional “filters” on the way of expression of the will of citizens, it can be painlessly abolished. Although in the absence of direct civil legislative initiative, such a public initiative is better than nothing.

The draft Constitution of Russia, developed by the Sulakshin Center, provides for people's legislative initiative. Groups of citizens with the right to vote, numbering at least 100,000 people, have the right to directly submit draft laws to parliament as a legislative initiative. This institution, according to the draft Constitution of Russia, acts as one of the guarantees of democracy.

The current government is not interested in implementing the interests of citizens in legislation, so it invents some fakes like “ROI” that imitate democratic institutions. But when the people realize that most of their initiatives are blocked on far-fetched grounds, their hostility towards the authorities will only intensify.