How to find out who is visiting a VK page. Effective ways to find out who visited a VKontakte page

Who looked at my contact page?

Many people now use the social network VKontakte, communicate on it, find new and old friends. Therefore, the question of users of this network is: is it possible to find out who visited my page in contact, is quite sharp. This growing curiosity of people can be associated with the fact that the popularity of the resource is gaining momentum quickly and for a long time. Here users can add or remove friends, thereby showing their attitude to life. On the social network Vkontakte, people intersect with their acquaintances, friends, relatives, former significant other, even with enemies, with those whom they have no desire to allow into life. Therefore, quite often, out of curiosity, those people who do not communicate in reality or are even in a quarrel look at the pages. Currently, a lot of different resources offer users to download various programs that track visits to a personal page on the VKontakte network. Are there any programs that should be trusted? Is it even possible to find out who visited a personal page? You can find out more about this below.

To answer the question: how to find out who looked at my page in contact, I had to study a huge number of sites offering this service. Some of these resources require a login and password for the VKontakte page in order to track the necessary information. However, in reality, it turns out that the page is simply hacked, and spam is sent from it, and after that, it is completely blocked. It is not recommended to leave your data on the Internet so that it is not used for personal gain. Other sites simply ask for a profile link or ID, but then you will need to send an SMS to a short number to receive a code to launch the program. The message is quite expensive, but nothing comes in response - these are ordinary scammers. All these methods cannot answer this question. With their help, scammers gain their own benefits based on users' curiosity.

But still, to find out who visited your personal VKontakte page, you may need to follow several steps.

How to find out who viewed my page in contact

1. Since information about who visited a personal page is confidential, it is not possible to track it on the VKontakte social network. However, there is an app called Pathfinder that allows you to capture a visitor when they click on an app link. To do this, you need to click on the “search” button on your VKontakte page, select the “Applications” section in it on the right, then you need to enter “Pathfinder” in the line and click “search” again.

2. When the specified application is found, you need to click on it. When the window opens, click on “Add application”.

3. The “Application Settings” window will appear, where you need to select the items that need to be performed. Then click "allow". It is recommended to leave a checkmark in the “allow the application to send you notifications” option in order to be able to find out who visited the page.

4. To check who viewed my VKontakte page, so to speak, checked in on it, you will need to insert the link of this application on your personal VKontakte page in the “website” and “status” fields. To see what the link looks like, you need to look under the application.

Folk remedies for cockroaches, ants, mice

I greet you, dear readers! In today’s article, we will try to answer one very interesting and frequently asked question that is typed into the Yandex or Google search bar every day - “ Who visited my VKontakte page" Yes, exactly, how can I find out who visited my page on the VKontakte social network? You probably also had to ask yourself this question.

Today, Odnoklassniki and VKontakte are considered the most popular social networks in our country. If, say, Odnoklassniki has a “Guests” section, then “VKontakte” does not have such a section, so finding out who visited my VKontakte page at first glance does not seem so easy. By the way, I have awesome news for you, you can read the details in

Although not every social network user shows their curious nature when viewing guests on their account, some are skeptical about this, while others are most concerned about it. Well, okay, in general, if you want to know what methods exist to find out, , Then this article is for you.

Initially, I would like to note that the purpose of writing today’s article is to warn you against installing all kinds of programs, as well as registering with various services that exist in considerable numbers on the Internet. As a result, these programs or services can tell you who visited your page on the VKontakte social network, and you just need to send an SMS from your mobile phone to prove that you are a real person and not a robot.

Although there are cases that under the link to download the program there are positive reviews of something like this: “Hurray, great program, everything works,” etc. You should remember that such comments are written by scammers themselves, and gullible users believe and become victims of deception, in addition jeopardizing the security of their data and the entire computer as a whole.

In fact, this is just a scam for money, remember, friends! You don’t need to download special programs, register in them, much less send SMS from your phone. Nowadays, the unimaginable imagination of scammers sometimes baffles even experienced PC users. Moreover, the most interesting thing is that most of these malicious programs, let’s say, are in the top search results and when you click on these links, the antivirus program blocks access to these sites.

REMEMBER - dear readers, that so far the social network VKontakte does not have a function that would show a list of users who have visited your page. Hence the conclusion that no programs or online services will help you.

Judging by the title of today's article, you will probably say that if everything is so complicated and no programs can track the list of guests on an account, then what to do?

In fact, there are several ways to find out who visited my VKontakte page, the function of which is based on collecting statistics on visits to your account. It’s up to you to trust such methods or not. However, such methods exist and now I will tell you about them. Before moving on to the article, please read the following articles:

How can I find out who visited my VKontakte page?

To begin with, I want to tell you that just below you will find my video, in which I told and showed how to install the “VKontakte Guests” application. You will also see my guests.

Method one– I’ll say right away that this method will not give you a complete list of guests on your VKontakte page, but it will show several people who visit your page.

First, you will need to go to “My Settings” and at the bottom of the page click on the “Delete your page” link. Don’t be afraid, of course, we will not delete the page under any circumstances.

As a result, in the window that opens, you will need to indicate the reason for deleting the page, namely, “They are not commenting on my page.” Thus, a notification will appear at the bottom of the window that the following users (names and surnames will be indicated) will regret your leaving.

These two users are your regular guests who most often visit your page. As you can see, the method is quite simple and does not require installing any applications.

Method two– installation of the “My Guests and Fans” applications. Applications of this kind allow you to find out which of the users of the VKontakte social page shows the greatest interest in your VKontakte page. I suggest you consider this application in practice.
First of all, you need to download this application from the Internet.

So, first of all, we should install this application on our page. Go to the “Application” section and type guests in the search bar, as a result the “Guests and Fans” application will appear.

All you have to do is launch this application.

When you click on the “Guests” tab, the application, after conducting an analysis, will give you a list of users who recently visited your page.

And the “Fans” tab is designed to determine the activity of visiting your page. In other words, you can find out the traffic to your page for a month, for 3 months or for the entire period. I think there is no need to explain in detail the whole principle of this application, you just need to install this application, and then everything will be clear.

In general, it should be noted that there are now a huge number of such applications; for example, you can try installing the “Pathfinder” application and track your guests.

Method three– you can find out who visited my VKontakte page by going to the list of friends from your friend’s account. Thus, it is believed that the higher you are in the position, the more often he views your page. In the same way, you can see the list of your friends who you visit most often.

Well, what about today's article? How to find out who visited my VKontakte page"I will conclude. I hope the article was interesting for you. What other ways to view VKontakte guests do you know?

If you have questions on the above topics, I recommend that you definitely study and strengthen your theoretical skills.

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Who visited my VKontakte page? Have you ever asked yourself this question? If yes, then you probably already know that the VKontakte website does not provide such an opportunity. It is impossible to track page guests using standard functions. However, there are several ways to help answer your question about who visited the VK page.

Information from the site itself

There is a little trick in the VKontakte service system, knowing which you can periodically track visitors to your page. What do I need to do?

Who visited my VKontakte page?

Who visited my VKontakte page? Method No. 2

The site itself has many applications that can capture visitors and show them to you. “My guests and fans” is one of them. This application will show you your page's guests and fans, that is, those users who have performed any activity recently (liked, commented, shared information, and so on). It can also be used to view other users' guests. Of course, there will be information there for the last time, but it is unreasonable to expect that they will show you people who came to visit in the last minutes or hours. You can safely use such tools to detect visitors - they are completely free and approved by the VKontakte website.

Let's follow a friend

The easiest way to find out how often a specific person visits your page is to visit the site using his identification data. In the “My Friends” tab, users are arranged in the following order: those whose pages are visited more often are at the very top, those who are visited less often are below, and so on.

Of course, not everyone can boast that they have access to a friend’s account, however, this option should not be ruled out.

Fraudulent programs

Many users who ask themselves the question of who visited my VKontakte page fall for the tricks of unscrupulous comrades who offer to satisfy the needs and show guests of the VKontakte account. After installation, such a program will either take data from your profile from you, or offer to send an SMS message, after which the balance of your phone will significantly decrease. But even after payment, scammers will not provide you with the long-awaited information. After all, the social network has a high level of protection, and so far not a single person has managed to hack it. Therefore, if you want to find out who visited the VKontakte page, then use one of the methods that we suggested to you earlier.

The social network VKontakte, unfortunately, does not allow you to track people who visit your page. It is for this reason that users are forced to use alternative ways to obtain viewing statistics. There are several methods for finding out who visited my VKontakte page. We will talk about them in this article.

One of the easiest ways to view guests on VKontakte is to use the page deletion function. The fact is that when deleting, the VKontakte administration will ask you to indicate the reason why you are leaving the social network. If you select the option “No one comments on my page,” the text field will display the following message: “I am surrounded by a wall of inattention...”. Next, the names of two people will be written. The system selects them for a reason. This comment indicates the names of users who visit your page most often.

So, to find out who looked at my VKontakte page, you need to click on your name in the upper right corner. This will activate a drop-down list in which you must select the “Settings” item. A new page will open - you need to scroll down. There is a hypertext “Delete your page” there. Click on it. A new dialog will appear. Check the item mentioned above, and the most active guests will be displayed in the text field. There is no need to delete your page, just click on “Cancel”.

This method of seeing exactly who visited my VKontakte page is very simple in terms of implementation. However, it has significant drawbacks. Firstly, you won't see how often users visit your profile. Secondly, you will not receive a complete list of my guests on VKontakte.

Likes and comments

It’s not difficult to guess that guests and likes in VK are interconnected. If a person puts “Like” under your photo, this means that he visited your profile. The same goes for comments.

If any activity was noticed on your page (like, comment, etc.), then the VKontakte social network sends you a notification about this. Moreover, the site indicates the date when the action was performed. This is very convenient for compiling detailed statistics. The real problem is that most users don’t leave likes and comments (especially if they don’t want to be noticed). Therefore, statistics based on the actions of guests are far from the real indicator of attendance.

VKontakte application

VKontakte has a number of specialized applications that can track who visited my page online. The most popular programs of this kind are “My Guests”, “My Guests and Fans on VKontakte”, etc. To download such programs you just need to go to the “Applications” section in VKontakte. After this, you need to enter the name of one of the utilities described above. To view VKontakte guests, install one of the found applications. Such programs are distributed completely free of charge.

To find out who visited my page, simply activate the program. The program will track guests and then display detailed statistics for the last couple of days or month. Using the application is very simple. However, the statistics provided by such utilities are extremely dubious. Typically, apps identify guests based on likes and comments. If a person viewed your page in passive mode, then the program most likely will not take it into account.

Trap links

To recognize guests, you can put trap links on your page. What it is? This is a special web address that is issued by various programs (for example, Pathfinder). This link must be placed in your profile (for example, in the “Website” section). The most curious guests on VKontakte will definitely follow this link and the application will record it. In this way, visit statistics will be gradually collected, and you will be able to find out who is visiting your profile.

However, this method of tracking users is also not without its drawbacks. Not every social network user follows suspicious links. Moreover, the work of programs that are designed to identify visiting people is extremely unstable. Therefore, programs like “Pathfinder” cannot provide reliable visitor statistics.

Page statistics

VKontakte implements so-called profile statistics. With it, you can track the popularity of your page. Profile statistics are only available to those who have one hundred or more followers on their profile. How to use this tool? To view guest statistics you need to:

The first thing you should pay attention to is the schedule. It displays the number of users who visited your profile on a specific day. What's the difference between the two lines? The blue line is unique visitors, and the red line is total views. Below you can find a histogram that sorts users by age and gender. Below you can find a diagram containing information regarding the place of residence of your visitors.

Using all this information, you can easily determine who visited the VK page. For example, statistics show that one user visited you per day, a woman, aged 18 to 21, from Moscow. Go to the “Friends” section and simply enter these parameters into the search. VK will automatically sort by friends and find those who fit the specified criteria. This way you can determine which of your friends visited your profile.

Since the advent of social networks, people are spending more and more time on the computer, playing, chatting and texting with friends, acquaintances and loved ones! Almost every day we want to know who visited my VKontakte page. For example, in Odnoklassniki, this feature is fully implemented, and each user can view their guests. With VKontakte everything is different! The creator of Durov was very scrupulous about the confidentiality of information. Even after a change in management, it is still impossible to find out who visited the page. Some people don’t even think about it, others want the views of guests to be included in the page statistics, while others simply need it! There are several proven methods! Let's look below.

Guests on VK - method No. 1

The easiest and most effective way to find out guests who visited a page on VK. Those who visited very rarely will not be included in the list.

As we can see, first you need to click on your avatar on the right side of the screen. A menu will appear, select settings - general. Scroll the pages to the very bottom and click on the link: delete your page. After clicking, you will be shown a small page where the contact administration asks you to explain the reason for the deletion. You don’t need to write and waste your time making excuses before the contact! You just need to select any item, for example, “they don’t comment on my page” or “I’m concerned about the security of my data.”

Next, you will be shown a list of users who often visited your VKontakte page! This method has been tested by a large number of people and confirmed as a working method.

Pathfinder - method number 2

Go to VKontakte games, select the application section there, open the Pathfinder application. After opening the application, you will receive a hyperlink that you will need to place on any of your VK pages. Basically, so that the application can reach your entire audience, place a hyperlink in the my site field. Once your new guest clicks this link, they will be caught by the app and exposed! This is how you will recognize your incognito with 100% confidence.

My guests - Method No. 3

This is the most popular VKontakte application! The “my guests” application is already used by 31,000,000 people! And all because it works at a level higher than all its competitors. Not long ago I wrote an article, ““, in which I described in great detail all the features of this application. This application catches many users on your VKontakte page, but not everyone! In order for the application to catch more people, you need to install a trap! A trap is the same hyperlink that is installed in the my site field. The principle is the same as in Pathfinder. I'll show you everything with pictures! And so, open the application my guests:

We find a link to catch more guests, click on it.

My fans and guests - Method No. 4

Identical application, but not as popular as the My Guests application. Performs work at an average level. We find it using the same principle that I described above, using the search. Having opened the application, three sections will be shown in front of you - “Statistics”, “VK Guests”, “Fans”.

It also has its own trap and almost the same methods of catching visitors. Which tool to catch guests is up to you to choose!

My guests and friends - method No. 4

A similar application that helps you find out all the operations on your page. Everyone who liked, commented, or shared your post with others will be shown in the app. If a guest who came to your page simply left without leaving a comment, like, etc. he won't be caught! This is the drawback of this application.

Scam sites

Many people, before using contact applications, look for sites that will show all the statistics of their page. Using Yandex or Google search, there are a huge number of resources that will help you find out all the statistics of your page almost free of charge. But everything is not as good as it seems!

When going to such a site, you will be asked to enter your login and password for your page. There are even sites with the same main page, like the main contact page, a person doesn’t even know the difference and enters all his personal data to log in. But if you look closely at the address of this page, you will see the difference!

So, if you have already entered your data, then it falls into the hands of attackers who will definitely use your page to send spam, advertise something, or simply damage your page. It all comes down to the fact that your page will receive a ban from the contact’s administration!

If you entered your username and password and only then realized that the site is not official, then be sure to change your password!

There is also a popular method among scammers to steal your personal data - installing various software or programs on your computer. After downloading the program, it will ask you to enter your username and password for the VK main page! This is where the theft happens. A good antivirus will immediately stop the downloading of infected software. So, do not forget to update your antivirus database.

Well, those people who fell for the scammers’ bait and, believing that this program works, deposit money into the scammers’ accounts in the hope that the program will work!


Never download third-party programs to find out who visited the VKontakte page, never use third-party sites that supposedly will show all your statistics, never make payments if this is not a contact application (remember, all contact currency is votes, pro I talked about them in the article - ““.)

Remember, there are only those methods that I described above! Always update your antivirus - this is 99% that you will not fall for scammers.

Have a nice day friends and see you soon.