What does impressions and views mean on Yule? Yula app - free ads - “Yula app or free ads on Avito? Now Avito is paid, and Yula started for health, and ended for peace. The idea when creating Yula was good, but one of the developers

In the Yula app. Today we’ll figure out how to get them for free and where to see how many points you have accumulated.

Previously, you could earn points by inviting a friend, for which you were given about 10 points. Allowed to attract new users promo codes, using which both sides remained in the black. Now the picture has changed and you can legally accumulate points only by using the application.

100 bonuses in the Yula application

One of our readers told us how to get 100 bonuses to your profile account. How to do it .

How to earn points in Yula

Now those who use the Yula app daily receive bonuses. Points are earned in ascending order. That is, if you log into your account for the first time today, you will receive a 25 bonus. By logging in, tomorrow you will receive 50, after tomorrow 75. You cannot get more than 75 points per day.

If you miss at least one day and do not log into the application, the cycle starts all over again and you will again receive 25 points.

After the first launch in the current day, a window will appear on the screen asking you to collect the accumulated points.

To receive daily bonuses, in the information window in the Yula application, click the “Get bonuses” button. The information window is shown once a day. If, when you first launched the Yula application, you did not see an information window with a button to receive bonuses, launch the Yula application again, go to several categories in the catalog, and use the ad search.

The more bonuses, the more times you can raise your ad to home page or category of goods sold.

This is the only honest method that works if the account is already registered. There is an ad or you haven’t had time to place it yet, it doesn’t matter.

It may turn out that all the conditions have been met, but the bonuses have not been credited, in which case you need to contact the support service.

Cheating bonuses in the Yula application

Regarding cheating, I would like to say only one thing - the Internet is full of scammers and the developer is doing everything he can to combat this phenomenon. Therefore, such manipulations are prohibited and you do all actions at your own peril and risk.

It is impossible to officially purchase points; such information does not appear anywhere in official sources.

How to find out how many bonuses there are on Yula

Beginners do not always know where to look at the balance of bonuses in the Yula application. In fact, everything is very simple, just go to your profile and check the remaining points.

Now you know that increasing your currency on Yule is very easy. Save and earn daily, someday you will definitely need points to quickly sell your goods.

How to get bonuses in the new YULA application

To receive bonuses in a new application, go to it and usually a pop-up window about the accrual of bonuses will immediately appear. If this does not happen, walk through the sections - a window should appear. Next, click get bonuses, after which it transfers to new page, where we are offered:

  1. Get 300 bonuses when you link a bank card
  2. 25, 50, 75 bonuses will be awarded every day on an increasing basis.
  3. You will get 60 points if you link your e-mail address.

Choose the option that you need. I usually only choose the second one. All points have been credited and you can use them.

step-by-step instruction how to get bonuses on Yula

How to submit an ad on Yule? This is quite easy to do. In our article we will study in detail this application, all its nuances and subtleties of placement.

Many people need to sell a certain item. But how to find a buyer for it? The easiest way is to submit an ad on one of the available services.

Previously, the most popular site was the Avito portal. IN last years he was considered a virtual monopolist in this area. A thoughtful marketing campaign and association with other resources helped.

The Yula app appeared relatively recently. It was actively advertised on various Internet resources, in VK and OK, on ​​YouTube, etc. The developer was Mail.ru Group.

The company has serious capital and has invested huge amounts of money in creating the platform and its promotion. Investments allowed Yulia to become the second in Russia. So far it is inferior to Avito in popularity, but everything can change.

What are the advantages of this application?

  1. It is very simple and convenient.
  2. Manages to quickly master the program.
  3. It has a beautiful and modern interface.
  4. You can post an ad on Yule for free.
  5. You will enjoy basic functions without subscription fee. Eat additional features For commercial accounts for a separate amount.
  6. The application has been released for major platforms.
  7. It works on various smartphones.
  8. Undemanding on resources.
  9. It functions stably and does not crash, does not slow down when moving between points.
  10. Available convenient search according to submitted requests.
  11. You can quickly contact the seller, find out about the product and arrange a meeting.

The application is constantly updated. The developer is trying to make it better. It is possible that in the future new functions will be added that will significantly simplify the performance of various actions.

How to place an ad on Yula

Interested in how to post an ad on Yulia? Initially, you need to prepare for this procedure. Required:

  • Go to official store applications.
  • Find the program in the search.
  • Download it.
  • After installation, launch it.

To use the software you need to have an Internet connection. You can use wireless network or mobile. Access is required to download information from servers.

You can use the application to view applications without registration. How to find the product you are interested in:

  1. Open the program.
  2. Click on the menu icon.
  3. A special tab with categories will open.
  4. Find what you need.
  5. The service will offer advertisements from people who are located relatively close to you.
  6. Standard sorting occurs by distance. Due to this, you don’t have to go to the other end of the city to buy a smartphone or shoes.
  7. You can view the pictures and information on the card.
  8. It is suggested to click on the “Call” button to make a call to the seller.

Users will appreciate the ease of searching for products. There are many categories; on Yula you can find almost anything.

How many ads can you place on Yula?

How to submit an ad on Yule for free from your phone and how many applications can you place? The rules do not mention limits, so I had to contact technical support for clarification.

Answer from service specialists: there are no specific restrictions. The user can post different quantity requests. When tracking his actions, special algorithms and programs are used. It is important to observe the following points:

  • Advertisements are posted at certain intervals. That is, the person filled out the card, added a photo and sent it for placement.
  • Various products are sold. You cannot post multiple duplicates; moderators will delete them and may block your account for violating the rules.

It is prohibited to use bots for posting! They place orders at short intervals, the system will determine the use of a special computer program and block the account.

How to advertise for free and without registration

Do you want to advertise on Yulia for free and without registration? Nothing will work out. This function is available exclusively to authorized users. There is no way to bypass the limitation; you should not waste time searching.

You'll have to do the registration. To do this you will need:

  1. In the application, click on the plus sign.
  2. A notification will appear asking you to log in.
  3. Choose one of the methods.
  4. Pass simple procedure confirmation.
  5. Authorization is complete.

On this moment There are a number of ways to register:

  • By number. Enter your phone number and confirm it using the code.
  • Via VK and OK. Simply click on one of the buttons and provide access to the information on the page.

Why does the application ask for registration? This is necessary for user control. If a person breaks the rules or uses a bot for posting, then he can be blocked. This is how the service protects itself from spam and inappropriate users.

How to post an ad from your phone

If you reached the placement, you were able to successfully complete the registration. Now we’ll tell you how to submit an ad on Yule for free from your phone, step-by-step instructions will help users. Main stages:

  1. Open the program.
  2. Click on the plus sign.
  3. Select a product category.
  4. A form will appear.
  5. Write the name.
  6. Please indicate the cost.
  7. Enter a description.
  8. Select a location.
  9. Add photos.

Pictures can be taken using the camera, they will be automatically uploaded to the program. It is important to choose the right lighting and angle. It is better to take several photographs to familiarize users with the product being offered.

Photos can be uploaded from a smartphone. Select the appropriate item and find them in the gallery. Photos will be attached to the ad.

All you have to do is indicate your number. If you registered by phone, this is not necessary. Otherwise, you will have to confirm using a code. Afterwards the application will be posted.

The request will appear in general search. Users will be able to explore the ad and contact you. All that remains is to select a buyer and arrange a meeting to complete the transaction.

Post an ad from your computer

How to submit an ad on Yule for free from your computer? The answer is simple - such a possibility does not exist. The system was originally developed for mobile phones.

Why is there no such function? Probably, experts see prospects in the development of the application. This is one way to encourage people to use the program to work with the service.

You can view advertisements and write messages on your computer. In this case, there is no possibility for display. It is possible that this function will never appear and the developers are not going to add it.

Some resources advise installing an Android emulator on your computer. But these are kind of “crutches”. What problems may arise:

  • You will have to spend time finding an emulator, installing it, and preparing it for use.
  • Such programs are not highly stable.
  • Emulators can slow down and crash.
  • Android OS is designed for touch screens. To Work with operating system It's not very convenient on PC.

Therefore, installing an emulator can solve the problem, but you will have to waste a lot of time. It’s much easier and faster to download the application to your smartphone, install it, log in and start using the service.

You learned about Yula and the features of using this program. We recommend visiting the official store and downloading it. It is considered one of Avito’s main competitors and has a number of advantages.

Hello! Today I will show you how delivery works on Yule. How much does it cost, how to connect, how to buy goods with delivery? See the instructions below and you will find out all the answers to these questions. Connect delivery and sell your goods throughout Russia! You can earn more money! The service is free! You can track the movement of goods through Yula. Have questions? Write a comment! We will definitely answer you!

How to buy goods with delivery on Yula

Go to the official Yula website. Select an item with delivery - a truck icon will appear in the image.

Go to the product page. On the right, click on the Buy button. Note! Under the button, the options should be displayed - Secure transaction and Delivery possible.

You will see the Checkout page. Please read all the information carefully! You will have three delivery options:

  1. Delivery to Boxberry location from 1 to 2 business days;
  2. Delivery by Boxberry courier from 1 to 2 working days;
  3. I'll pick it up from the seller myself (Free). Negotiate with the seller by phone or chat. Agree with the seller about the place and time of delivery of the goods yourself. The seller will receive money for payment for the goods only after you confirm the successful receipt of the goods;
  4. In the event of a controversial situation, the Secure Transaction service will help resolve any disagreements;
  5. Delivery costs to different cities may vary.

Indicate your card details, number, expiration date, first and last name on the card, CV code from three digits(on back side cards). Confirm payment.

After successful payment, the seller will receive a notification on the phone with the shipment number. He will take the goods to the collection point.

When the goods arrive at the pickup point, you will receive a message. You will need to go to the collection point and pick up your item. When you receive the goods, the seller will receive money on the card (within 1-3 business days) and the message Transaction completed.

How to connect delivery on Yula

The delivery service for Yula can only be activated in the Yula application. For android, you can install it from Google service Play. How to open Google Play Market.

Open the application on your smartphone. On the main page, at the bottom, click on the round button with a plus.

Create an ad and provide all the details for it. At the bottom of the page, you will see a notification about the opportunity to connect delivery. Click on the Connect tab.

Next, on the Delivery Details page, you need to indicate your details, last name, first name, patronymic and phone number. They will call your number SMS messages about the status of delivery and payment. Other users will not see your mobile number. At a Boxberry branch you may be asked to present your passport to verify your identity. Click Continue.

Next, you need to indicate the dimensions of your product, height, width and length. Delivery cost is calculated based on the given dimensions, distance settlements and estimated value. Dimensions in total should not exceed 250 cm, and weight 15 kg. The seller is responsible for the accuracy of the entered data and, in case of an error, pays the difference in shipping costs. In case of loss or damage to the goods by the delivery service, the amount of compensation is equal to the cost of the goods, but not more than 200,000 rubles. Shipping will be paid by the buyer. Click on the top right Save.

How to connect a secure transaction on Yula

Open the application. Bottom right, click on the Profile button. On your profile page, at the top left, click on the Settings button.

Click the switch to the right of the option name.

To use safe transaction, you need to bind bank card. You can do it right away.

How much does delivery cost on Yule?

Shipping is paid by the buyer. Carried out through the Boxberry delivery service. Delivery costs depend on the city, category and cost of the product. For different products, the cost may be different. On the checkout page, you can find out the price. Delivery by courier is naturally more expensive because it will be delivered directly to your home.

If you have any questions about this post, or if there is something you don’t understand, write your comment at the bottom of the page. They will definitely answer you and help you resolve your question. I wish you success!

Delivery on Yule how it works how much it costs 2019 updated: January 1, 2019 by: Ilya Zhuravlev

Since Avito website has become paid, even though the slogan remained the same - a site for free advertisements, I to some extent lost interest in it. Having two children, I constantly buy something and sell something, because children grow very quickly, they don’t have time to wear things, some of them are still new. On Avito, restrictions were recently introduced on the number of advertisements submitted, in particular in the “children’s clothing” section there are only 20, “children’s goods and toys” - 10. All other advertisements are proposed to be published on on a paid basis, and the cost of submitting an ad can vary from, for example, 19 rubles to 450, depending on the cost of the item being sold. Plus, the site is constantly trying to impose Additional services to promote an ad on top positions in search, which also costs a lot of money.

After my sales dropped significantly due to the fact that I could not put up all my things, but only some of them, in order to put up a new one I had to wait for something from the published advertisements to sell, I began to look for other options for reclaiming our children's belongings, toys we no longer play with, clothes we've outgrown.

Just at this time, the media was actively advertising the new smartphone apps Yula. You can download it easily, simply and completely free in Play Market. Installation takes a few minutes. Then you need to register either by phone number, which will be linked to your personal account, or through social media.

After registering, you can immediately start publishing advertisements and expect that in an hour there will be a line of people in need lining up at the entrance to buy your things. In reality, everything is completely different. A little over a month ago, at the beginning of September, I would have given the application four points, but today I cannot rate it more than one.

The Yula application has both its advantages and disadvantages compared to Avito.

Advantages of the Yula application.

IN personal account There are three sections "for sale", "sold" and "archive", where inactive or blocked ads go.

At the bottom of the page there are sections "home", "favorites", "messages" and "profile" to return to your personal account from other sections. Everything is simple and clear.

You can post advertisements in unlimited quantity , I want 5, I want 25, on the first day I published 10 ads, then I just didn’t have enough time. When submitting an ad, you can add up to 4 photos of the product, as well as its short description, up to 500 characters. Sometimes this number of characters is not enough for full description goods, but you have to put up with it.

Communication between a potential buyer and seller is carried out through messages in the application’s personal account; it is also possible to call the seller directly from the application.

☛ When submitting advertisements, the application immediately determines the geolocation of the owner and independently indicates his location on the map. This is convenient for those who are not very mobile around the city; you can find the necessary goods within walking distance. However, when viewing advertisements, the specific address will not be visible; only a circle is indicated on the map, somewhere in the center of which the owner is located.

You can post ads not only in your region, when publishing an ad, the geolocation can be changed; to do this, you just need to manually move the point on the map, or enter the address indicating the city in the search line and the point on the map will appear on its own. But here last method works extremely rarely, which increases the number of shortcomings, which will be discussed below.

There is a “bookmarks” section in your personal account, where you can save the products you like, view them, monitor the price, and be the first to buy when it drops.

☛ When searching for the required product, it is possible to enter search bar keyword and use filters so as not to look for what you need in the whole variety of advertisements.

To search for the desired ad, you must select the appropriate category.

You can filter products by distance from you, so that ads far away will not even be included in the selection.

You can sort ads by price, by publication date (last day, week or month).

And then by size, gender, color and other parameters.

☛ The most important advantage that the Yula application has is the unlimited ability to raise your ads in the feed so that as many visitors as possible can see them. If on Avito To raise an ad you need to wait a month, when the ad will be automatically removed from publication, or use additional services, unfortunately paid, then Yule just go to the tab "change" on the advertisement page, click "send" and the announcement is again above all. You can update the ad at least once a week, at least once a day, once an hour, or once every 5 minutes. Who has how much time to spend in the application.

This was the case until September 9, 2016, when some wise developer suspended this function.

Right there in Play Market multiple rained down negative reviews, demands to return the ad update function, albeit less frequently, to which the developers only dryly responded “we heard you, we are working on improvement.” For a month, the developers responded to users like a soulless answering machine, but did nothing except delete all the negative reviews, but reviews of 3-4 words and 5 stars poured in like a cornucopia, which naturally increased the rating of the application. What is it for?

☛ In each ad you can see the number of views, as well as the number of people who bookmarked your product, this means they were especially interested in it and there is a chance that they will call you soon. With the cancellation of the ad update, the number of views stopped growing, which again other users complain about.

By going to the seller’s profile, you can see all his ads and choose other things for yourself. On Avito Not only does such a function not exist, but it is even forbidden to insert a keyword into the ad text that could be used to find all the ads of one person. Such ads are immediately blocked, and if there are numerous violations, the account can be deleted completely. I had a case when a girl, interested in one thing and having looked at all my advertisements on Yulia, wanted to buy a second one.

On this positive points Yul's applications end and one continuous negative begins.

In order to raise your ad in the search, you need to purchase bonuses. Using one bonus, you can place only one ad at the top of the feed. You can receive bonuses by sending an offer to your friends and acquaintances to install on their smartphones Yula app, either through social networks or via SMS notification. To be honest, I didn’t really want to spam my friends with messages about a new application for selling my unnecessary goods. Moreover, simply sending out notifications with a promotional code is not enough; it is necessary for a person to install this application and enter my promotional code, then both I and he will receive several bonuses. I just had to come to terms with the fact that my advertisements had floated far down and only those who were looking for something near my home could find them.

IN Lately periodically began to accrue 10 bonuses, with what frequency, I can’t catch, for what - too. Just like that, no way. I immediately spend them on promotions in searching for some of the most interesting advertisements; 10 bonuses, of course, will not be enough for all my advertisements, but at least it’s something.

Notifications about new messages are received extremely rarely, there is no sound signal, even after updating the application multiple times. To see what someone wrote to you, you need to go into the application, sometimes I don’t log in for several days, so I can lose a buyer who is tired of waiting for a response to his message and bought a similar item from another seller.

You cannot raise ads in the feed by any other means other than activating bonuses. Not for money, not for beautiful eyes, not for any merit. If on Avito You can pay for additional services and the ad will be advertised more often, which means there is a greater chance that it will be noticed and a buyer will be found, but Yula does not provide such an opportunity. You can, of course, delete the ad and submit it again, but you won’t do this every day, how much time you need to spend on it. Yes, and deleted advertisements do not disappear anywhere, but are saved in the folder "Sales".

I noticed that a month after the first publication, as on Avito, the ad becomes inactive, a warning about this appears in advance, several days in advance, in the form of an icon at the bottom of the main photo "expires".

You cannot delete listings from the "Sold" folder. There could be at least a hundred of them accumulated there, they don’t seem to interfere with life, but personally I don’t like such a mess, because this folder can contain both things that were actually sold and those that had to be removed from publication in order to be published again with the aim of lifting in the tape.

Similarly, you cannot delete ads from bookmarks. There, among the things sold by other people, there are advertisements that are still relevant. It's a mess again.

Sometimes the application is unable to find a point on the map when you enter an address into the search bar. You have to manually move the map and enlarge it to find the right place. This is extremely inconvenient!

☛ Recently, people have begun to complain not only about the introduction of a bonus system, but also that the application sets a limit on the publication of advertisements, that is, it is no longer possible to put up for sale as many things as you want, numerous advertisements are regarded as spam and the user is blocked, without explanation, the administration does not respond to messages and requests for account restoration in any way, or responds with template, impersonal phrases.

I use Yula app already 2 months, during this time exactly Yule Only 3 items were sold (and 2 of them were bought by one person), and then during that period, while it was still possible to raise your ads. On Avito over the same period of time more than 10, and I sell things for Avito, What's on Yule same. If earlier it was possible to call Yula app a worthy alternative Avito, and some, including me, considered him best app to sell unnecessary things, now I can’t say that, I can only swear at Yulu waiting for calls from users Avito.

I don’t recommend Yula’s app and I wish that one of the developers would quickly launch a similar, but higher quality, less crude app with the ability to revive your ads at least once every few days. After all mobile applications are extremely popular at the moment, they are convenient to use because the smartphone is always with them, people can view information on the way to or from work, at any time free time. Honestly, I want to remove it, but the hope that someone in my entrance will want to buy something from me remains, although the likelihood of this is extremely low.