How to make a skin on a computer. How to take a screenshot on your computer using FastStone Capture? Screenshot using Windows without programs

You will now receive practical advice and a complete “schedule”: How to take a screenshot of the screen on a computer. We'll tell you and show you everything. And even step by step, together with us, you will make your first screen.

Let's start with what kind of word is “screenshot”? It happens that you urgently need to send a friend via computer the location of an object on the map. But I don’t have a photo at hand, and I can’t find it in Yandex and Google image searches.

Or if you are engaged in online business, and some technical support requires a screenshot of what is happening from you. Here, no matter how you look at it, the need arose: how to take a screenshot of the screen on a computer.

And computer gamers consult with each other and show how they managed to triumphantly overcome the pitfalls in the game.

In general, it will be useful for many to learn how to take a screenshot.

Now we will show you an overview of the most popular screenshot software. With these necessary things, you can scan your computer screen as a picture (image) yourself and for free.

  • Using standard Windows tools and the “print screen” button
  • Special programs to take a screenshot
  • Using the browser you are using

How to take a screenshot on a Windows 7 computer and where to find it

This is the simplest way, but not the easiest. The advantage of it is that it is always at hand, there is no need to download or use special programs. The downside is that in addition to the fact that you need to press a button on the keyboard, you will need a number of other actions to get a screenshot of the screen and find it.

Now to the point. If you need to take a screenshot of the screen on a Windows 7 computer (Windows 7), you will first need one action, or rather a button - the “PrtSc” (Print Screen) or “Psc” or “PrtnScn” key, depending on what you have on your keyboard.

If you don’t find it, if there is no “print screen” button, don’t despair, use an electronic keyboard. This is not a problem - press “Win” + “U” at the same time. A standard Windows window pops up, select “keyboard” and turn on “electronic keyboard”.

Where can I find the screenshot I took and where is it saved?

By default, after you take a screenshot of the screen on your computer, Windows saves it to the clipboard. Do not try to find the screen yourself and do not find out where it is saved - just know that your “snapshot” is already in the computer’s memory.

Instructions on how to take a screenshot on a computer using a standard Windows program

  1. Press the “print screen” button when you have found the desired picture. It is usually located in the upper right corner near “F12”.
  2. Open your standard graphics program, Paint. How? Click “Start”, then either type “Paint” into the search box, or select “All Programs”, then “Accessories” and “Paint”.
  3. The graphic editor will open. In the left corner, click “Paste” or the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + V”. And your picture will appear from the “clipboard”.
  4. If you don’t need to do anything with the screenshot you took, then save it. How? In the upper left corner there is a blue square (“File”) - click it and select “Save As”. I recommend saving in PNG format.
  5. After you have selected the “image format”, a window will pop up in which you indicate to the computer where you want to save the “screen”. All.

If you want to edit the resulting image: crop it or make changes (text, for example), then this is easy to do in “Paint”.

Know that when you combine the “PrtSc” (Print Screen) and “Alt” buttons, the system will save only the active window to the clipboard, not the entire monitor image, but part of it. These are the usual Windows dialog boxes or similar ones: like the “Are you sure you're going to delete all the images?” warnings when you empty the Trash folder.

How to take a screenshot on a Windows 7 computer using the standard Snipping Tool

Windows 7 has a “scissors” tool that you can use to cut out an area of ​​the screen on your computer.

  1. Again “Start”, then “All programs”, “Standard”, and “Scissors”.
  2. The picture on the display will turn white and a window will appear where you need to click on “Create”.
  3. Using the mouse, you move the cursor - you indicate, as it were, the area that you need to take a screenshot.
  4. A new window will appear where you click “File” and “Save As” in the upper left corner.
  5. Choose a place to place the screen and give it a name. All.

We didn’t find anything characteristically different from how to take a screenshot on Windows 10 or another Windows. In both cases, the screen is easy and simple to prepare using standard utility programs that are included in every set of operating systems.

Moreover, you can do without any programs at all.

As mentioned above, in order to take a screenshot of the screen on a computer using Windows 10, you need to turn your attention to the keyboard and find the special keys Win + Print Sc SysRq (Win + PrtScr) on it. And then, using a combination, click on them - the image on the monitor will darken a little and Windows will instantly take a screenshot and place your screen in a folder.

Where can I find it? - you ask. And here everything is easy and simple. It is located in the Screenshots folder in the Image operating folder. Open and see the screenshots you created.

Useful advice for those who use Windows 10: you can take a screenshot using the Windows key combination (with a flag) and “H” (English). In this method, the program will take and save a screenshot in the cloud. And it will give you a list of applications with which you can send the picture by email or edit it in an online service.

What to do if there is no such “magic” “print screen” button on the keyboard?

How to take a screenshot if there is no “print screen” button? Or a screenshot program

There is a solution for this method as well.

The most basic thing is to select the “electronic keyboard” and repeat the necessary steps step by step. There is another option using specialized programs.

To be honest, there are a lot of such utilities. And even we haven't tried all of them. But we definitely know that taking a screenshot of the screen with their help is not much effort. It’s all quite simple: you need to download the program to your computer, run it and take a “screen capture” - a photo.

Programs for screenshots

  • Lightshot (
  • Screenshoter (https://screenshoter.rf/)
  • FastStone Capture (
  • Fraps ( – takes screenshots in games
  • PicPick (
  • Clip2Net (
  • Screenshot of Joxi (
  • Paparazzi ( – Mac only

Online services for saving screenshots

  • PasteNow (
  • Makescreen (
  • Snapito ( – you can send pictures to Pinterest
  • Web Capture (
  • IMGonline ( – Ukrainian service
  • S-shot (
  • ScreenPage (

As you understand, you don’t need to download anything. Simply select and copy the link where you want to take a photo, paste it into a special field in the online tool and edit as you please - save it to your computer.

Take a screenshot using your browser

The browsers themselves will help you on how to take a screenshot of the screen on your computer. There are applications and extensions for all search engines: Yandex, Opera, Google, Mozilla Firefox and others.

Today, the leading Yandex, Opera, Google, and Mozilla Firefox in our country already have a page capture function built into the settings.

How to take a screenshot using the Lightshot program?

Let’s look at “Lightshot” as an example; we use it very often. By the way, I took this picture above using “Lightshot”.

  1. Download the program for free from the official website. (There are no viruses, don’t worry - everything is clean)
  2. Install (the program always starts along with the computer, along with Windows).
  3. An icon appears in the upper right corner - an image of a lilac-violet “feather”.
  4. When you need to take a screenshot of the screen, click on this “pen”.
  5. The display will dim and you will be asked to select an area to take a photo.
  6. Right-click and drag the frame to the desired size.
  7. At the bottom and side of this frame there are additional useful functions, including for saving a screenshot. (Dealing with the additions will not be any problem. Schoolchildren do everything “with a kick”).

Video - how to take a screenshot step by step on a laptop or computer:

If you have anything to add, you are welcome to comment. And so introduce your friends (share on social networks - it’s useful for them, I’m very pleased, and it won’t be difficult for you to click on the icon of your favorite social network) with 20 or more ways “How to take a screenshot of the screen on a computer yourself.”

Hello, my regular and new readers!

In the previous article I told you about what it is needed for. In this material, as promised, I will tell you how to take a screenshot of a monitor.

There are a huge number of various programs for creating a screenshot and its further editing, for example, magicscreenshot, light shot, FsCapture, which you can find on the Internet.

But, it is not necessary to use auxiliary software. For monitor snapshots, the programs that you probably have on your computer are quite suitable: Picture Manager (Microsoft Office suite) and Paint.

Note! These two programs do not take pictures; they are suitable for further processing of screenshots taken using standard Windows tools

How to create a screen without additional software?

A screenshot is created in three stages:

  1. Freeze the image (Print Screen key).
  2. Transfer a photo from the clipboard to the image editor available on your PC. Editing the picture (optional).
  3. Save in any format.

Now let’s look at all these points in detail.

Stage 1

First of all, you need to press the Print Screen key. At the moment of pressing, the entire screen is photographed and the image is placed on the clipboard. As a rule, on the keyboard the required button is called “Prnt Scr” and is located in the upper right corner.

If you have a multimedia keyboard, then after clicking on Print Screen you may see a print window rather than a screenshot. This is due to the fact that one button is designed for two commands simultaneously: Print and Print Screen. In this case, you should first switch your keyboard to Screenshot mode. This is usually done by simultaneously pressing the buttons and one of F1 - F12.

Take a screenshot using the on-screen keyboard

If you were unable to take a Screenshot using the method described above, then you can use a backup option - the on-screen keyboard. To do this, go to “Start”, in “Programs” select “Accessories”, and in them - “Special Features”. In “Accessibility”, click on “On-screen keyboard” and find the button you need.

Screenshot of a game or video

Taking photographs of a page does not cause any difficulties, but what about capturing images while playing a game or watching a video?

As a rule, during a video game or when playing a video clip, a black square may appear instead of a screenshot. In such a situation, in order to capture some moment from the game or a frame from the video, you must first pause and take a screenshot.

Well, the screenshot is ready.

Stage 2

Editing in Paint

Paint is the simplest software designed specifically for creating and subsequently editing pictures. Where can I find it? Paint is included in the standard Windows OS package. To launch it, you need to go to “Start”, select “Programs”, click on “Standard”, where in the list and find the editor.

Once you open the program, you will see a tab at the top left called “Insert.” Click on it or press the “Ctrl” and “V” keys. After all these steps, your screen will be displayed in Paint from the clipboard.

If you want, you can edit the photo, for example.

Editing in MO Picture Manager

If you have Microsoft Office installed on your PC, then you probably have the Picture Manager application. Open it by going to the Start menu and among the programs, find the Microsoft Office folder, and in it the graphic editor.

At the top you will see a menu, in it find “Edit” and click on it. Click on “Insert” and you will see the created screenshot.

You can change the appearance of the picture in the “Changing images” or “Editing” column.

Stage 3

Saving in almost any program occurs according to the standard procedure: select the “Save As” line in the “File” menu, give a name to the image to be saved, select an acceptable format and the place where it will be stored, and click the “Save” button. All.

Review of additional software

The first program I would like to consider is magicscreenshot. Its capabilities:

  • you can take a screenshot of the entire screen or part of it;
  • add graphic elements and text to the resulting image;
  • make a title and description for the screen;
  • upload a photo or any other image from your hard drive to a web page;
  • Save the screenshot on your local disk and on a web page.

Light Shot— the fastest and most convenient way to take a screenshot. You can select an area for the screen, edit it, share a link to the picture with network users, and even search for similar images.

FastStone Capture is a powerful and convenient utility that allows you to take screenshots of various areas, windows, the entire screen, free-form areas, and entire web pages. It also provides the opportunity.

That's all I wanted to tell you about today. As you can see, everything is very easy and simple. Especially when you have my instructions at hand. If the information from the article is not enough for you and you would like to study the topic much more deeply, I recommend the course “ Computer genius».

Follow the blog updates, share information on social media. networks and the computer will reveal all its secrets to you and your friends! See you!

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

Every computer user has at some point faced the need to save an image on the screen. A snapshot of a computer screen is called a screenshot. The article will describe several ways to take a screenshot from a monitor using standard methods and using various programs.

How to take a screenshot in Windows?

Screenshot - how to take and why? Most screenshots are taken to save an image for support services or to help another user. Using images, you can clearly show another user a window in which some actions need to be carried out. Sometimes a screenshot is used as a desktop image; there are many ways to do this. So, how to take a screenshot on a computer?

This article will look at both classic ways to take a screenshot on a computer, and more interesting options for how to take a screenshot, for example, using special programs.

Screenshot with the “Print Screen” key

Screenshot - how to take it on a computer? The first method of saving a screenshot involves using standard computer programs and functions. A copy is made using the “Print Screen” key on the computer keyboard, usually located at the top of the keyboard.

Good to know! In some laptop models, this key functions as two buttons, so to activate the screenshot function you must simultaneously press the “Fn” and “Prt Scr” keys; this method does not save the screenshot to a file, but simply copies it to the clipboard.

To save an image as a separate file, you should use the standard Paint program; here’s how you can take a screenshot on your computer and then save it. It can be found in the Start menu in the Standard Programs subsection, another simpler method is to enter the name of the program in the start search engine, the search produces a list of programs with similar names, in them you need to select the one you need and just run it.

This is how you can find Paint in Windows 10

In order for an image from the clipboard to appear in Paint, it must be pasted like a piece of text in a word processor. To do this, you can use the “Ctrl” and “V” key combination; another method of insertion is made by clicking the edit button with the mouse in the program field and selecting “Paste” from the proposed list of actions.

Now we save the screenshot into a separate file. To do this, find the image of the floppy disk at the top of the screen, click on it and select the folder in which the file with the screenshot will be stored. By default, the program saves to a file in the “PNG” format, you can leave it in this form. It is recommended to save the image in JPEG format, this is a standard image format and takes up less space. You can change the extension of the picture in the save field.

Using this method, you can take a screenshot not of the entire screen, but only of the active application; this will be useful if several windows are open on the monitor at the same time, and you do not need to copy them. To do this you need to click key combination “Alt” and “Prt Scr”, then the same scheme as with the image of the entire screen.

Please note that pasting an image copied to the clipboard is possible not only into the standard Paint program, but also into other programs, for example, Photoshop, Word, or even directly into the Outlook email sending form.

Method using scissors

This method of making a screen on a computer is no more complicated than the classic one described above. For this, a standard utility is used, which is available by default in the Windows system. To open it, you need to go to the “Start” menu, select “All programs” in it, in standard programs find the item called “Scissors”, open it.

Scissors in Windows 10

Important! This method is convenient because you can take a screenshot of any area on the computer screen and even select its shape. Not only will it help in solving the question of “how to take a screenshot,” but it will also make it in any desired shape!

By default, “Scissors” offers to create a rectangular image shape, it appears immediately after clicking the “Create” command. If you want to copy an area in the form of a circle, then simply select the “free shape” option and trace the shape you need.

We create a selection of the desired area and find ourselves in the “Scissors” program window.

Here the user can edit the form using the “Pen” or “Marker”; in case of incorrect tracing, you can remove marks with an eraser. Saving the result follows the same principle as in Paint, click on the floppy disk symbol and save the work. In the Scissors program, it is recommended to save the file in the JPEG format; you can make a PNG, but this picture will not be transparent, the utility is not able to work correctly with this format.

Taking a screenshot in Windows 8

How to take a screenshot on a computer in Windows 8? The user needs to display the required image on the monitor and click key combination “Windows” and “PrtSc”. The screenshot is automatically copied to the clipboard. In order to get it, you need to go to the “Image Library”, in it find a folder called “Screenshots”. Now all images copied from the desktop will be stored in this folder; in the settings you can change the location where the images are saved.

Taking a screenshot in Mac OS

To save an image from a computer screen, you do not need separate programs; for this you need to use several commands. The user can view all of them in the computer settings, they can be found in the “System Preferences” menu, then click on “Keyboard & Mouse”, from there we go to “Keyboard Shortcuts” using the “C” key.

There are only three commands to take a screenshot on a computer on a Mac:

  • "Cmd ⌘", "Shift" and "3" - the command saves a copy entire desktop in a separate file;
  • "Cmd ⌘", "Shift" and "4" - the command saves image of the selected area in a separate file;
  • "Cmd ⌘", "Shift", "4" and "Space" - the command saves program window images.

To additionally add an image to the clipboard at the same time as commands, you need to press the “Ctrl” key.

Another interesting way is to save a screenshot via Yandex Disk; for this you must have it installed. You can read more about the installation and functions of Yandex.Disk in this article. After Yandex Disk is installed, it’s quite easy for you to press the Prt Scr key on the keyboard (method 1).

The screenshot editing program will automatically launch.

Screenshots from a computer screen using special programs

Floomby (Screenshot)

How can you not take advantage of the many excellent screenshot-taking programs that help you take a screenshot of your screen without difficulty? The Floomby program deserves special attention; firstly, it is free, and, secondly, working with it is a pleasure. The official website for downloading is screenshoter.rf.

PrtScr program

This program can take transparent screenshots of the screen, its only drawback is that the interface is in English, but this does not make it very difficult to use. It can be installed on any Windows OS platform and weighs only 2.4 MB, which will not take up much device memory.

Screenshot Maker program

Another option for a free program that can take screenshots, it weighs only half a megabyte, and you don’t need to install it to work. A special feature of using the program is the ability to automatically take a screenshot at the required period of time; when saving an image, the program immediately provides a choice of three formats for creating a file, these are jpg, bmp and gif, you can immediately select the folder in which the picture is saved. Here pictures are taken of the part of the screen that is required, and you can immediately adjust their size. You can download the program on the official website -


Almost any user, even those far from the topic of online work, sooner or later is faced with the need to take a screenshot of the screen (a screenshot is a snapshot, a “photo” of the image on the monitor). Most people can do this easily, but some, especially beginners, may find it difficult. It is for them that this review of methods for taking screenshots and programs designed for these purposes was written.

How to take a screenshot of a computer screen

First way

The most understandable and simple, not requiring the installation of any additional software. With its help, you can take a full screenshot in 1:1 format by pressing just one button on the keyboard – “PrintScreen”. After this, you need to open any text editor (I recommend using the standard Windows Paint) and press the Ctrl + V key combination to copy the screenshot there. That's all, all that remains is to save the resulting image by selecting the required format. Let's look at the whole process step by step.

Step one

Press the “PrintScreen” button when the information you need is displayed on the screen.

Step two

Open a text editor (in our case, Paint).

Step three

By pressing Ctrl + V or selecting “Paste” in the context menu, insert the image into the editor.

Step four

Save the image through the “File” menu.

Second way

If you have Windows 7 or newer, the best option to take a screenshot is to use the standard Snipping tool. By default, it is located as follows: Start All ProgramsAccessoriesSnippers. For convenience, the shortcut can be pulled out onto the desktop. To take a screenshot of the screen or any individual area of ​​it, you need to select the desired fragment using the mouse. The result is immediately saved in PNG format, which is much better than JPG in quality and other parameters. The only disadvantage of this method is that this way you cannot “photograph” an image in full-screen applications.

Third way

It consists of using third-party programs specifically designed for taking screenshots and recording video from the monitor screen. Personally, I liked “Screenshot Creator” the most, since it is completely free, moreover, it supports all the necessary functions - a snapshot of the full screen, an application window, or a user-defined area. After installing and launching the program, its icon will appear on the taskbar (in the lower left corner).

Instructions for initial setup of “Screenshot Creator”:

  1. In the main settings tab, you must select the program operating mode. There are four in total: manual saving with preview, copying the image to the clipboard, autosave and a series of snapshots.
  2. For those who chose “Auto-save”. You need to go to the section of the settings page of the same name and set the path to the folder where screenshots will be saved by default. There you can select the saving format and inscription.
  3. Those who select the “Burst shooting” item (automatic / manual) are asked to specify the number of pictures in the series and the time interval that will separate them.
  4. If you want to add text or information about the date and time when the screenshot was taken, go to the “Caption” tab. There you can enable or disable this function, as well as change the type, size, color and other parameters of the text.
  5. And, of course, the most important section is “Hot Keys”. Here you can assign a separate button for each screenshot operation.

That's all. All that remains is to minimize the program to the system tray and start using it.

How to take a screenshot directly in the browser?

Let's say you are faced with a situation where you need to take a picture of the Internet page as a whole, and not just the area visible on the screen. Standard Windows tools and third-party programs will not help cope with the task, but special browser plugins will be very useful. Let's look at their work using the example of the two most popular ones.

Awesome Screenshot (Google Chrome plugin). Installs in one click by clicking on the “Install” button. At the end of the installation process, an icon will appear near the address bar of the browser, with which you can control all the functionality of the application - clicking on it brings up a special menu where you select the required type of screenshot (there are three in total):

  1. Screenshot of the visible part of the page.
  2. Screenshot of the entire page.
  3. A screenshot of the user-selected part of the page.

After selecting one of these options, the user will be prompted to edit the resulting image and save it in a specified folder by pressing the “Done” and “Save” keys.

Fireshot (extension for Mozilla Firefox). The operating principle of this plugin is similar to the previous one. The installation is simple and straightforward, and taking screenshots and managing other functions can also be done by clicking on the icon next to the address bar. The only difference is in more advanced features: now a screenshot can be uploaded to the server, sent by email, printed or exported to an external editor.

How to take a screenshot of a screen with a video player running?

If you want to save a frame from a movie, you can forget about using the PrintScreen key (pressing it copies a black rectangle); it’s also unlikely that you can “take a photo” with third-party programs. All that remains is to use standard image capture functions, called through the menu or hotkeys. Here are some examples:

  1. Media Player Classic: File->Save Image.
  2. VLC Media Player: Video->SnapShot.
  3. BSplayer: right-click on video->Options->Frame capture.
  4. Smplayer: pressing the S button on the keyboard (or the Video->Screenshot menu).

Alternatively, you can use the simple Image Grabber II program. In its main menu, click on the “Open File” button, specify the path to the required video, and then select the desired location on the recording (time). All that remains is to indicate the number of screenshots that the program should take and specify the path to the folder where they will be saved.

How to take a screenshot of a full-screen 3D application?

Again, you won’t be able to “take a photo” of the screen using Windows tools, although many applications allow you to do this by pressing a hotkey (most often “PrintScreen”). The image is not copied to the clipboard, but is immediately saved to the hard drive.

In other cases, it is more advisable to use highly specialized software, for example, Fraps. This program allows you to take screenshots, measure the number of FPS in games and applications, and also make a video recording of the image broadcast on the monitor.

Install, configure hotkeys, screenshot format and path where it will be saved - that’s it, no more pains with Paint and copy/paste.

The video below shows the steps I described:

This concludes my review. I hope the information presented was useful and you found the most convenient way to take screenshots. Otherwise, you can always take a photo of the screen with a camera or mobile phone camera.

Thanks for the detailed information!

On the computer I always use standard scissors. On systems where they are not available, I use the PicPick program, which is not only a convenient and advanced screenshot, but also a simple graphic editor.

On a MacBook, by default it is quite convenient to take screenshots of the entire screen or the required area. It is saved on the desktop, which is quite convenient for me. Accordingly, there is no need to install any additional sophisticated programs.

I use the Snagit program, I don’t need any special knowledge, and besides, you can shoot a video of the actions of the computer screen, everything is very convenient and in one bottle.

Now there are programs that make this process much easier! For example, here is one of them that is very easy to use: FastStone Capture with a Russian interface; I’ve been using it for a long time! There is nothing simpler.

Well, why are such programs more convenient than standard functionality? Why once again stuff your computer with programs so that it slows down? I can still understand if you need to take screenshots 50 times a day, then yes, every click counts. But I don't think many Internet users have such a need. I am quite happy with the standard functionality of taking screenshots on a computer.

I’ve been using Joxi since I signed up for axle boxes, downloaded it from one task on wmmail, and I’ve been working with this program, you can save it directly to your computer, you can save it to the Internet with a link or a picture separately, you can screenshot some part of the screen, in general it’s a convenient thing!

I need to try it, I’m currently using joxi on my computer, but I don’t know how to save the image to the desktop, but using Paint takes a long time. How to register a MacBook correctly?

Wow, so many letters! And how complicated everything is))))) My brain doesn’t fit such an abundance of information (even though I’m not blonde))). So I do it like this:

1. Press the Prt Sc button (Print Screen).
2. Open the Paint program.
3. Click “paste” (directly in the program itself or Ctrl + V)
4. Save the image.
5. Open the image manager.
6. Do whatever your heart desires with the picture.
7. Save the result.
8. That's it, the screenshot is ready!

All methods are good in certain situations. The disadvantage of scissors is that they cannot be used in programs such as full-screen games, and with Print Screen it takes a long time to take a screenshot. However, if this is not a game, then it is much easier to use scissors with a full-screen area. And for screenshots of pages, the snaggy service is perfect, which will also allow you to quickly post the image online.

Service snaggy…
You can learn more about this service.

I use ubuntu linux, I also like the implementation of the capabilities for cutting screenshots; you can take a snapshot of the entire screen, a separate area or the active window, using different keyboard shortcuts.

I also uploaded a demo snagit the other day. Super program. I made screenshots for the blog, it’s very convenient to draw and add. There are still 3 days of trial, I’m thinking of buying the program. Let it be.

In my opinion, to perform tasks such as taking a screenshot, you can limit yourself to the capabilities of free software. If you need some editing of the screenshot, there are image editors for that)

Snaggy is a web service that allows you to immediately create a screenshot online on the Internet after clicking Print Screen by pressing Ctrl + V (paste). Then the images can be processed, downloaded, and a short link to this image, which is saved on the server, immediately appears. Incredibly convenient.

Well, yes, there’s a simple way: print screen, paint, ctrl+v. But also, few people know about Internet services that create screenshots! But this service is not for the lazy, because the lazy will take the first method.

I take screenshots with a small portable utility called PicPick - it’s convenient. B) I also edit the screenshot in it (if necessary).

But let’s say I can’t insert this screenshot here in the reports. I copy a screenshot I’ve already made, but it doesn’t paste here. Tell.

I use gyazo program.

And my print screen button stopped working on the keyboard and nine doesn’t work either. Maybe someone knows how to fix it?

Basically, a screenshot is needed to communicate with technical support, or to help someone yourself by showing what their program window looks like, or for a wide variety of other uses.

Screenshot using Windows without programs

In the simplest case, the Windows 7/10 operating system will be enough for us. To take a screenshot, press the “Print Screen” key. It is located in the upper right part of the keyboard.

Please note that on some laptops the “PrtScr” key is combined with some other button. In this case, you need to press the combination “Fn + PrtScr”. But pressing this button itself does not lead to saving a screenshot, but simply copies the picture from the screen to the clipboard, just like you copy any text using the “Ctrl+C” buttons and then paste it using the “Ctrl+V” buttons.

To save a screenshot to a file, we need the standard Paint image editor. It can be launched from “Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Paint” or simply write the word “paint” in the search bar of the Start button and select a program from the drop-down list.

That's exactly what I do, because... it turns out faster than looking for a program in the rubble of the Start menu. Now in the Paint program, click “Paste” or the “Ctrl + V” button to paste the contents of the clipboard.

All that remains is to save the image to a file. To do this, click on the “floppy disk” and select where to save the file. I recommend choosing “JPEG” as the file format, because... it takes up the least space, but you can leave nothing and leave “PNG” as the default.

You can take a screenshot of the active program window. To do this, press the key combination “Alt + Print Screen”. And you can paste a picture from the clipboard not only into Paint, but also, for example, directly into a Word document or into an Outlook email.

So, the simplest algorithm of actions is this:

  1. Press “Print Screen” or “Alt+Print Screen”
  2. Launch the Paint program
  3. Paste the contents of the clipboard
  4. Save the file

You can also easily screenshot the screen using the standard Windows 7/8/10 Snipping utility. With its help, you can copy an arbitrary part of the screen. It's on the menu “Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Snipping Tool”.

Click the arrow on the “Create” button and select what we want to copy: freeform, rectangle, window or the entire screen. When we select the area, a window for editing and saving the finished screenshot will appear:

There are simple Pen and Marker drawing tools. You can erase your creativity using an eraser. The Snipping Tool cannot create transparent PNG files, so it is better to save as a JPEG. I will show you what transparent pictures are below.

Send a screenshot to the cloud with one click

If you need screenshots more often than once a week, then it is better to install any program. In addition, the programs can immediately upload a screenshot to the cloud and provide a ready-made link to the picture.

The program is from a domestic developer, therefore it is completely in Russian and, of course, free. In addition, I checked it for viruses - everything is clean. During installation, you can disable loading Yandex elements:

Immediately after installation, a window with program settings opens, click “Save”, I’ll tell you about them a little later.

To send a link to a screenshot to a friend, simply press the Ctrl+PrtScr buttons. A characteristic click and a second darkening of the screen will mean that there is already a link to the screen in your clipboard! Check by pasting it into the address bar of your browser:

It's so simple! And if you need to take a picture of a certain part of the screen, then just press the PrtScr button and select the area. When you release the mouse, the link to the photo will be in your clipboard!

Screenshot has a couple more trump cards in his pocket that other competitors do not have. If you are too far from reaching the keyboard or are too lazy, you can click on the program icon in the system tray, which is equivalent to pressing the PrtScr button:

And for some it will be more convenient to right-click on any empty space on the desktop and select the appropriate action in the context menu:

And it’s all so simple, because programmers started making the program purely for themselves in order to get the functionality that is available on Macintoshes - quickly creating screenshots. And, I want to say, it turned out great.

A little about the settings

Every time you start the program, a window with settings appears:

By default, the hot buttons are: for the entire screen Ctrl+PrtScr, for an arbitrary area: PrtScr. In the settings, you can specify your own buttons if, for example, these are already used for other software. Next, we can determine where to save the screenshots.

By default, pictures are saved to your hard drive and uploaded to Screenshoter's own server (so you can receive and send a link). You can limit it to only the hard drive (locally) or only the server. Please note that there are no restrictions on the number of files sent to the server. The folder in which the files will be saved on your computer can be specified just below. By the way, there is already a shortcut to it on your desktop.

And the last few settings:

In general, that’s all, in fact, even a teapot can figure it out, everything is simplified to the point of absurdity. After installation, the program goes into autorun and starts every time you turn on your computer or laptop. If you don't need this, then look at the article. By the way, we could include this option in the settings, as most developers do.

How to take a transparent screenshot

Another interesting program is “PrtScr”, which can take transparent screenshots, although it’s in English, but I’ll show you everything now.

What are transparent pictures? Let me show you with an example. I took two screenshots in different formats and superimposed them on another image in any graphics editor:

On the right is an opaque JPEG. As you can see, I've selected a random area, but it's surrounded by a rectangle (which is usually just white, but this program adds a slightly visible background to it). And on the left is a fragment that was saved into a transparent PNG file. It is applied as I outlined it, without a rectangular frame. Such files are very convenient and beautiful to overlay on other images, and in such a way that it will not be noticeable.

The PrtScr program “hangs” at the bottom in the form of an icon, by right-clicking on it you need to select “Capture screen now”.

after which the screen will change color, and the following prompt will appear on the right:

This means that: the left mouse button selects a certain area of ​​the screen (hot buttons “Alt+Print Screen”), when Ctrl is pressed, a rectangle will be selected, and with the right button you can simply draw on the screen and then select the desired area. If you just click anywhere, you can take a photo of the entire screen. The “Ctrl+Print Screen” hotkeys enable a magnifying glass with very large magnification, where you can use Ctrl to select an area of ​​the screen with pixel precision.

When we select the area, a window for saving the results will appear:

Here's what's interesting here:

  • Save as... - save to file. If you used a random selection, then in order for the picture to be transparent, you need to save it in PNG format, not JPEG. In this case, on the “Settings” tab there should be a checkbox “Transparent PNG” (by default it is there). Otherwise use "JPEG".
  • Email... - send by mail using your default email program
  • Edit… - edit in the Paint program
  • Print… - print on a printer
  • To clipboard – copy to clipboard
  • Discard – delete screenshot

LightShot - editing on the fly

Sometimes you need to immediately add something to the screenshot, write some text, or erase part of the image. For such cases, I recommend the LightShot program.

LightShot is as easy as other programs, but after selecting an area, a simple editor appears in which you can draw with a pencil, marker, put lines, arrows, rectangles or write text.


As you can see, everything is very simple. There are both standard Windows features and various applications with their own advantages. Decide for yourself which method to use. I also think you will find it very interesting to read. If you liked the article, then share it with your friends on social networks!

And now a video with a visual “debriefing”