How to find out who is blacklisted on TV2. For which regions is the blacklist available? How to connect the Tele2 blacklist

The “Black List” service is one of the most popular services not only from Tele2, but also from all other operators. Its popularity is due to the fact that it allows you to get rid of annoying calls and SMS by blocking the numbers of senders and callers. But that’s not all - by adding the SMS sender to the Tele2 “Black List”, we can indicate his text name, thanks to which we can protect ourselves from spam from numbers that do not contain numbers.

Description of the “Black List” service

The “Black List” from Tele2 will be useful for those who are bothered by persistent calls and SMS from any numbers - you just need to add the number to the “Black List”, after which the long-awaited peace of mind will come to your phone. True, you will have to pay a subscription fee for this peace of mind, but it’s worth it. A subscriber included in the “Black List” will not be able to call or send us an SMS, which is a positive result. The total number of blocked numbers (for calls and SMS) cannot exceed 30.

The cost of the “Black List” service from Tele2 is as follows: subscription fee of 1 rub./day, adding blocked numbers - 1.5 rubles / piece, viewing the list - free, viewing calls - free. What happens when sending an SMS or calling from a blocked number? It's simple - the SMS will receive the status of an undelivered message, and the answer to the call will be an answering machine phrase about the unavailability of the called subscriber.

By the way, in the future you will be able to see who tried to call the blocked number. Now let's figure out how to activate or deactivate the service, how to manage the list of blocked subscribers and how to view the lists of blocked calls.

How to connect the “Black List” on Tele2

You can activate the Black List service from Tele2 by adding a number to the blocked list.To reconnect, use the command *220*1#. In addition, the service can be connected through the Tele2 Personal Account.

How to add a number to the Tele2 “Black List”

In order to put a number on the “Black List” on Tele2, you must use the USSD command *220*1*phone_number#. When adding a number, make sure that it begins with an 8, for example, 89591234567. Numbers of any telecom operators, including landline phones, are subject to blocking. You should pay attention to the fact that this command blocks numbers exclusively for incoming calls. As for SMS, they will not be blocked.

How to add SMS to the “Black List”

We have already learned how to block voice calls coming from various numbers. Now all that remains is to learn how to block SMS messages. The process is extremely simple - you need send SMS to service number 220, and in the SMS text indicate the phrase “1*number” (without quotes), for example, “1*9551234567”. If the sender's number does not contain numbers, indicate the alphabetic name, for example, “1*KREDIT”. Just as in the case of blocked calls, the sender's number must begin with an 8.

How to remove a number from the Black List

If we decide to remove the annoying number from the block list, then we will need to use one of the commands(or two at once):

  • Dial the USSD command *220*0*phone_number# to remove a number from the black list of calling numbers;
  • Send the phrase “0*number” (without quotes) to the short service number 220 to remove the number from the black list of SMS senders.

As soon as we remove the last number from the entire list, the service will automatically be disabled and the collection of subscription fees will be stopped.

Viewing numbers in the “Black List”

In order to check the “Black List” on Tele2, you need to send USSD command *220#, then wait for an SMS with a list of blocked numbers. Let us remind you that when you change your number, thanks to the New number service, you can use the hidden mode of informing contacts. This is relevant for those who are tired of calls and who do not want to distribute their number.

Viewing calls from the blacklist

It would be extremely interesting to know whether blocked subscribers show any activity? And we have such an opportunity. In order to check who called, when the “Black List” from Tele2 is connected, you need send USSD command *220*2# and wait for the network to respond. As soon as the request is processed, an SMS will be sent to the phone with information about subscribers’ calls - attempts to send SMS will not be displayed.

How to disable the Tele2 “Black List”

In order to disable the Black List service, you must use your Tele2 personal account or send USSD command *220*0#. The list of blocked numbers will be stored for 30 days from the moment the service is disabled, after which it will be deleted. Besides, the service is automatically disabled when the list of blocked numbers is completely cleared.

The Black List service allows you to block unwanted SMS messages and calls. To set a ban on incoming calls and text messages to your number, you only need to add the phone number to the black list. The service allows you to quickly blacklist paid numbers - this will protect your balance and save it.

The service is available to tariff plans other than Online and Connect. Blocking numbers does not work on MTS iPad (tablet) tariffs - this applies to paid messages and SMS messages from other subscribers.

The maximum allowed number of numbers for the black list is 300. There are no restrictions on the numbers included in the list. You can add mobile numbers from other operators, as well as home numbers, long-distance and international numbers - this works for incoming numbers. With SMS messages, not everything is as good as we would like.

The service blocks only limited regions - Kursk, Lipetsk, Bryansk, Voronezh, Kaluga, Oryol, Belgorod, Tula, Yaroslavl, Tver, Tambov, Ryazan, Ivanovo and Moscow regions. Messages from other regions are not blocked. But this does not apply to restrictions from paid (short) numbers. To correctly block SMS messages, you will need to activate the “SMS PRO” service.

There are several ways to connect the black list to MTS. The first connection method is the simplest - Personal Account. The second way to activate the option is to send an SMS to 111 with the text 442*1. The third way to activate the service is a ussd request - * 111 * 442 #. The service is activated within 15 minutes, and a subscription fee of 1.5 rubles per day will be debited from your personal account.

Adding a subscriber to the black list

Now let's look at all the options for adding subscribers to the blacklist. The blacklist is managed through several methods - USSD requests, personal account and SMS messages to the service number.

  1. USSD request - * 442 #, then enter the subscriber number.
  2. SMS message to number 4424, message text - 22 * ​​Subscriber number.
  3. Personal account -, here you can fine-tune the lists of numbers to ban and the blocking period.

There are two types of subscriber blocking - Busy status and Subscriber's device is turned off or is out of network coverage. Sets the status through your personal account or through USSD requests.

  1. * 442 * 21 * subscriber number # - Setting the “Busy” status.
  2. * 442 * 22 * ​​subscriber number # — setting the status of the subscriber’s device being disconnected.

IMPORTANT! All numbers must be entered in international format! That is, you need to enter numbers in the format 7XXXXXXXXXX.

To completely block SMS messages, you need to send the text ON to 232. The SMS PRO service is free and allows you to quickly block SMS messages from any number! For simplified use of the service, we recommend using your personal account!

Removing a subscriber from the black list

To remove a subscriber's phone number from the black list, we recommend using a USSD request - * 442 * 24 * subscriber number #. You can remove a subscriber’s number from the black list in your personal account, or by sending an SMS message to service number 4424, message text 22 * ​​subscriber number.

Who called you from the blacklist?

If you need to find out which blocked caller called you recently, there is a way to find out! You need to enable automatic notification of incoming calls from subscribers on the blacklist. This is done using a USSD request - *442*61#. Disable automatic notifications - * 442 * 62 #.

Disabling the Black List service

If you decide to refuse this service, there are 3 ways to deactivate the option on your number:

  • USSD request - * 111 * 442 * 2 # ;
  • SMS message to number 111, with the text 422 * 2;
  • Personal Area.

IMPORTANT! If you call the operator or deactivate the service, turn it off completely! Don't pause it! If YOU pause the service, the subscription fee will continue to be debited from your balance daily!

A service such as “Black List” allows us to exclude incoming calls from certain numbers. The service is quite popular, as it makes it possible to get rid of annoying and disturbing calls. All subscribers of the MegaFon network in Moscow can use it. As part of this review, we will describe in detail all the features of the service and tell you how to add a number to the Black List from MegaFon.

Description of the “Black List” service

The Black List service allows you to reject calls from numbers entered into the system. For example, if we don’t like this or that person and we don’t want him to be able to reach us, we should activate the service and blacklist this person’s phone number. As soon as this person calls our number, he will hear in response the phrase “The number is dialed incorrectly, please check the correct number and call back.” Thus, we can get rid of unwanted calls immediately.

But another question arises: will SMS messages be blocked? Unfortunately, SMS blocking within the Black List service will only occur if the sender uses one of the LITE tariffs. In all other cases, messages will be delivered successfully.

The Black List service is very convenient to manage via the Internet using your Personal Account. And the main convenience is related to the fact that here we can assign a hang-up type to each number included in the blacklist. In addition to the phrase “The number was dialed incorrectly, please check that the number was dialed correctly and call back,” we can use one of the additional types of hang-up:

  • Rejected;
  • Not available.

Which item to choose depends on the subscriber’s wishes; you can also leave the standard phrase. By the way, if we enable unconditional forwarding, then blocking calls from unwanted numbers will not work. The subscription fee for the “Black List” service is extremely low - only 1 ruble per day. And for this ruble we get peace of mind due to the absence of intrusive calls from unwanted numbers. The number of numbers on the blacklist is not limited, there is no fee for adding them, and blocked numbers can belong to any Russian and foreign mobile and fixed-line networks.

If your account runs out of funds, the Black List service will be suspended until your account is replenished - do not forget to replenish your account in a timely manner to maintain the service in working order.

How to activate the blacklist on MegaFon

In order to activate the “Black List” on MegaFon, we must dial the USSD command *130# or send an SMS without text to service number 5130. The service can also be activated through your Personal Account.

How to add a number to the MegaFon blacklist

In order to blacklist a number on MegaFon, we can use the USSD command *130*number#. The number is dialed in international format, for example, *130*79261234567#. After this, calls from the blocked number will be impossible.

You can add a number to the blacklist on MegaFon in another way - send it via SMS to service number 5130. The blocked number is dialed in international format with a plus at the beginning, for example, “+79261234567” (without quotes). The most convenient way to add numbers to the blacklist is through your Personal Account - there we can immediately set the hang-up type.

How to check the blacklist on MegaFon and get information about the numbers added there? To do this, you need to send the word “inf” or “inf” (without quotes) to service number 5130. Another way to view it is using the USSD command *130*3#. You can also check the blacklist through MegaFon’s Personal Account.

How to remove a number from MegaFon's blacklist

In order to remove a number from the blacklist, you need to use the USSD command *130*number# or send an SMS with the text “-number”, for example, “-79261234567” (without quotes). The easiest way to delete numbers is through your Personal Account.

How to find out who called from the blacklist

When blocking unwanted numbers, we are often consumed by curiosity: have people on the blacklist made any attempts to call? How to find out who called on Megafon from the blacklist on MegaFon? Unfortunately, it is impossible to obtain such information– this functionality is not provided on the network.

How to disable the blacklist on MegaFon

In order to disable the “Black List” service on MegaFon, you should send an SMS with the text “off” or “off” to the service number 5130, or use the USSD command *130*4#. After this, the service will be disabled and the subscription fee will stop being charged.

Want to protect yourself from phone calls you don't want to receive? The Black List service can help you with this. It allows you to block a subscriber’s number on Beeline for a long time so that they don’t call. Just a few minutes to set up, and you won’t have to change your SIM card to get rid of annoying calls!

Terms of provision and cost of service

You can enable the Beeline Black List not only for unwanted mobile numbers, but also for landline phone numbers. The location of the subscriber does not matter - he can be located either in his home region or in another city or even country. You can simultaneously add up to 40 numbers to the Beeline Black List.

The cost of connecting this option is zero, but a subscription fee is charged for its use. Depending on the chosen payment system, the subscription fee can be written off in two ways: on a prepaid system - daily payment in the amount of one ruble per day, and on a postpaid system - 30 rubles are written off at the end of the billing period (once a month).

In order to add a number to Beeline’s “Black List” once, you will need to pay an additional 3 rubles.

How to enable and disable the “Black List” on Beeline

Connecting Beeline Black List is very simple. To do this, you need to make a call from your mobile phone to *110*771# call. In this case, you should make sure that the amount on your account balance exceeds one ruble. Disabling the “Black List” on Beeline is done in the same way, but by dialing a slightly different command - *110*770# call.

How to add a phone number to the Beeline Black List

Have you decided to take advantage of this convenient option? You can add a number to the Beeline Black List using a short command sent from a mobile phone. It should be dialed strictly in the following format: *110*771*+7XXXXXXXXXX# call, where +7 is the country code (in this case, the Russian Federation), and instead of XXXXXXXXXX you need to write the last 10 digits of the unwanted contact number. Before adding an international number to the Beeline Black List, find out the exact country code.

Thus, in just a few seconds you can enter an unwanted contact for you, and he will no longer be able to reach you. All he will hear when trying to dial is an automatic message that the subscriber is unavailable at the moment. You can also quickly find out who called you during the day, and also check the number of contacts included in the ban list completely free of charge.

How to remove a number from the Beeline Black List

You can delete a contact as quickly and easily as adding an unwanted number to the Beeline Black List. To do this, you will need to dial a special command in the format: *110*772*+7XXXXXXXXXX# call. Here, too, the subscriber number is hidden under the letters XXXXXXXXXX. Removal from the list is free.

If you want to view the list of contacts you have blocked, dial the free command *110*773# call and press the call key. You can view the statistics of calls from subscribers from the list using the command *110*775# call.

Video instructions for using the service:

Surely each of us has come across annoying interlocutors among callers with whom we absolutely do not want to communicate. In this regard, most operators have a function that allows you to block contacts that have been blacklisted, which means that a person listed in an emergency will no longer be able to call you. Let's take a closer look at the "Black List" from Tele2.

Connecting the service

How can you activate the service? Typically, this can be done in two ways.

The first is connecting through your personal account. To do this, simply go to the official website of the Tele2 company, log into your account using your username and password, then select the “Subscriptions” tab and click on Emergency.

The second method is to connect by entering, calling into the blocked folder. However, if this option was already enabled earlier, it is better to use the special command *220*1#.

What is the “Black List” from Tele2

Emergency will help you get rid of not only annoying calls, but also unnecessary SMS, you just need to add those with whom you do not want to communicate to the emergency list. Once an attempt to add a contact to the blacklist is successful, he will no longer be able to call or write SMS. His calls will be blocked, and SMS messages will not reach the recipient. Despite this, you can still check who tried to write to you or, . The Tele2 company, which provides such a filter, does an excellent job.

This option is designed for 30 contacts, adding each contact costs one and a half rubles, the cost per day is one ruble. At the same time, you will be able to view phones for free, and you will also be able to see who wrote or called you.

Adding and deleting contacts in an emergency

You can block not only Tele2 users and users of other mobile network operators, but also landline phones.

Important! Must have in I mean, the commands for adding numbers are different!

How to add a number to the Tele2 blacklist? If you do not want to receive voice calls from a person, you can dial *220*1*block number#. If you enter SMS messages into the emergency situation, this process differs from how to enter the caller’s phone number. To enable the option, send a free SMS to the combination of numbers 220 with the text “1*number”.

That's all the information on how to activate the service yourself.

There are situations when the phone needs to be removed from an emergency situation, let's find out, should we do this?

How to remove a phone from the emergency situation in order to receive messages and incoming calls from the subscriber again? The methods are different. There are two ways:

  • send “0*phone number” to combination 220 to turn off SMS protection;
  • *220*0*number#, if you want to receive voice calls from the subscriber included in the list.

Immediately after the option is disabled, the subscriber will be removed from the black list and can be dialed immediately.

View emergency situations

Now we have reached the point about how to find out what is contained in your emergency situation. To see who is included in the emergency situation, you need to figure out how to view the contents of the emergency situation. To do this, use the command *220#, after which you will be sent an SMS with a list of all subscribers on the blacklist.

Disabling the service

The option can be disabled in three ways, from which you can choose the one that is most relevant to you:

  • In order to disable the service, you can clear the list. Once it is empty, it will turn off automatically;
  • log into your personal account and log out;
  • use the command *220*0#.

Important! When using the first or second method, data about those blocked in an emergency is stored for exactly a month, during which time you do not pay anything.