How to open a screenshot. How to take a transparent screenshot. Screenshot of a game or video

Greetings, dear readers. Every computer user sooner or later faces the task of taking a screenshot of their desktop. Sometimes you may even need to do this very urgently and also send it over the Internet. To be honest, I recently had to take a screenshot myself, but I took it on a tablet running the Windows operating system, and here I didn’t have a screenshot button on the keyboard. Moreover, when I started asking friends, I realized that even quite experienced users do not know how to take screenshots of their screen. But it doesn’t matter, all issues can be resolved. Therefore, we will look at two ways to do this.

How to take a screenshot on a computer using Windows tools?

So, first, I'll show you how to take a screenshot in Windows using the keyboard.

In order to take a screenshot, just press the PrtScr key, which is located to the right of the F12 button. Sometimes this key is labeled like this: Psc or PrtSc, but it is pronounced like this – Print Screen.

After you press this key, Windows will take a screenshot to the clipboard. But how do you take a screenshot of a computer screen so that it is saved as an image? To do this, after pressing the Print Screen key, you need to go to the graphic editor Paint (Start-> All Programs -> Accessories -> Paint, or just click Start and enter Paint in the search), then click on the word Edit -> Paste or just press Ctrl+V on your keyboard.

After the image is inserted, you can save it, File -> Save, select the location, image format and name. Now you can go to the place where you saved the picture and check it.

Even before saving the picture, you can make various notes, underlines, or highlights on it. You can also cut out the desired fragment of the screen, but you can also immediately take a screenshot of part of the screen, I will write about this below. All this is in standard Paint. After this, we save according to the scheme described above.

In Windows there is another type of screenshot, this is a snapshot of the active window. In what cases is this function needed? It is needed when you need to take a picture not of the entire screen, but only of a small program window. For example, as shown in the picture below:!!!

Of course, you could first remove the entire screen, and then trim off all the excess in the same Paint. However, if you can make it simpler, why not use it? In order to remove a separate window, you first need to make it “active”. What does this terrible word mean? The active window is the window in which you are currently working, if suddenly you are not sure, then click in this window, with the left mouse button, on any place, for example, on the area that is located just to the left of the minimize, maximize and close buttons (Collapse button). Then hold down the Alt button and, without releasing it, press the Print Screen key.

Well, then go to Paint and follow the same procedure that I described above.

Pros and cons of taking screenshots using Windows:


  • The most important advantage is that the picture can be taken instantly. It all depends on your reaction, i.e. depends on how quickly you press the Print Screen button.
  • There is no need to install any special programs.


  • Not a quick save. After removal, you need to separately open the graphic editor and insert the picture there.
  • You can take a photo of just the entire screen or a selected window. It is not possible to remove any small piece.
  • If suddenly there is no keyboard (as happened to me), it’s difficult to take a picture.

These are the main pros and cons, the rest you will see for yourself when you start using this function.

How to take a screenshot on a computer using third-party programs?

On the Internet you can find many such programs for different user needs. But in my article I will analyze one program to give you an idea of ​​what it is and what it is used with. And then you will have an idea and decide for yourself what and how to use. And so, let's go.

In my opinion, the simplest and most convenient program Lightshot . In addition, it is free, lightweight, does not waste resources, and works on Windows and Mac. It's incredibly easy to use. You can download it from the official website. After going to the site, click the “Download for Windows” button and the latest version of the program will begin to download. The installation goes quickly, at the end we don’t forget to uncheck the boxes so that the program doesn’t give us a bunch of unnecessary garbage from Yandex. That's it, you can work.

Immediately after installing the program, it starts automatically and will turn on after every boot of your computer, i.e. you will not need to start it manually every time.

To take a screenshot, press the PrtScr key on your keyboard (if this key is not convenient for you, you can set another one in the settings). To avoid using the keyboard, you can right-click on the program icon in the menu bar (bottom right) and select “take screenshot”.

As soon as you press PrtScr, the screen will darken and now you need to hold down the left mouse button and select the area on the screen that you want to save as a screenshot. The selected area will have its normal color.

To cancel taking a screenshot, for example, if you accidentally selected the wrong area, press the Esc key on your keyboard or the cancel button on the toolbar.

A window for preparing a link to the screenshot will appear at the bottom right of the desktop. When the link appears, click Copy.

When creating a screenshot, you can design it in the simplest way, for example, highlight something, underline it, or write text. To do this, the corresponding tools appear next to the area that you have selected for the screenshot. Use them if you need to take a screenshot.

Through the Lightshot program, you can log into your own account so that all the screenshots are saved there (this will not take up space on your computer!) and so that you can always look at all the screenshots that you previously took.

If you don't log into your account, you can still take screenshots, but you won't be able to view the entire list of screenshots you've uploaded.

You can log in to your account either through your Facebook account or through Google+. Thus, you must already have an account created on one of these social networks.

To enter your LightShot account, right-click (hereinafter referred to as “RMB”) on the Lightshot icon in the tray and click “Login”.

Next, you just need to enter the login and password for your account on the selected social network and you will be taken to your personal account on LightShot. Now, every screenshot that you upload to the server via LightShot will be saved in your account and if something happens, you will be able to log into your personal account on the site and see all the screenshots you have taken previously.

There are also more advanced programs, for example Hyper Snap. It is filled with a large number of settings, its own editor, various formats for saving pictures and much, much more. But there is no official Russian version; you can of course find a Russian version. Also, this program is conditionally free, which means that you can download it for free, use it, but not all the functions; in the paid version, all the features of this program will be available, and there are a lot of them. I won’t describe it in detail, this is a separate whole article.

Also, I would like to note that if you use Yandex disk, then there is also a screenshot function, and it is very convenient and fast. Also, using the PrtScr button, you can take a screenshot of the entire screen or area of ​​the screen, and you can save it both to your computer and to a Yandex disk, it’s very convenient, you don’t need to install anything additional. I have a separate article on Yandex services, if you are interested, go there.

Now the advantages and disadvantages of taking screenshots using third-party programs:



In my opinion, there are no disadvantages at all, only advantages.

I think everyone will draw their own specific conclusions, but note that there are two ways to take a screenshot of your screen: standard Windows tools and third-party programs. Moreover, the programs contain a full flight of thoughts and fantasies. Here you can not only work with screenshots, but also have fun.

In conclusion, I will present you a video on this topic:

How to take a screenshot on a computer in Windows in two ways? updated: December 6, 2017 by: Subbotin Pavel

Sometimes it is very important to save a screenshot and it will be correct if you use exactly the program whose functions are best suited for each specific case.
In this article you will find some tips on how to take a screenshot using Windows and special programs, since knowing and using several programs helps the user achieve the desired result when taking a screenshot.

A screenshot is an image that stores information taken from the monitor screen; literally translated, this means a screenshot, which fully reflects the essence of such an image.
Why might a user need to save information from their monitor screen?

There are actually a lot of reasons, I will give some of them...

There can really be a lot of reasons, and every computer user will find his own reason why he needs to save a screenshot.

Taking a screenshot is a two-step process.

  • The first stage is storing the contents of the screen in the computer's memory.
  • The second stage is saving this content as a graphic file on a storage device or on the network on a special website.

And if we cannot influence the first stage in any way, then the quality of such a photo may ultimately depend on the second stage in this process. This may depend on the program that takes the image from the clipboard for further editing and saving.
Let's take a closer look at the process of creating and saving an image from your monitor screen.

To take a screenshot using standard Windows tools, you need to find the Print Screen key (Prt Scr, Prt Sc, etc.), which is located in the top row next to the F12 key.

Pressing the Print Screen button takes a screenshot of the entire screen. In order to capture only the active window, you must press Alt + Prt Scn simultaneously. If you are working on a laptop, then, on top of everything else, you will have to press the Fn button:

Fn + Prt Scrn to capture the entire screen.
Fn + Alt + Print Screen to take a screenshot of the active window.

The Print Screen key does not create any graphic files on the hard drive; it sends the screen image to the clipboard.

From time to time, each of us has the desire to save an image from the computer screen. For example, you saw a beautiful picture and wanted to send it to someone via Skype. But the site owners have installed copy protection.

In this case, the picture cannot be saved using standard methods, but you can take a screenshot of the screen on a computer or laptop. There may be another situation. Sometimes we need to save not a picture, but a video fragment, a game episode or text as an image. You can do all this using a screenshot. It's as simple as that, just follow the instructions below.

How to take a screenshot.

In the first case, you do not need to download anything additional to your computer, but it will take more time to take a screenshot. In the second, you will have to install additional software, but you can take a screenshot much faster.

Printscreen (prt scr key) using standard Windows 10 tools.

You can take a screenshot using the built-in functions of older versions of Windows in two steps:

  1. Save to clipboard;
  2. Editing or further saving in a folder using any graphic editor.

In Windows 8 and 10, the process has been significantly improved; the picture can be saved using hot keys without an editor by pressing Win + PrtScr. The screen should blink, and the saved screenshot will appear in the Username-Pictures-Screenshots or Users-Username-Pictures-Screenshots folder.

Printscreen button on the keyboard, how to use it.

The main and mandatory standard tool for work is the Print Screen button. It may be called PrtSc, PrtScr or PrntScrn. These are all generally accepted abbreviations, so keyboard manufacturers are free to use any abbreviation they wish.

The Print Screen button functions as a “photo camera”, that is, it takes a screenshot (display, desktop) and saves it to the clipboard. It works in Windows OS as follows:

  • On most computers, you can simply press the Print Screen button to capture the entire screen;
  • on some laptops you need to use the Fn + PrtScn key combination to take a picture;
  • to save only the active window, and not the entire screen, you need to press Alt + PrtScn (or Fn + Alt + PrtScn);
  • Windows 8 and 10 owners can immediately take a screenshot and save it in “Screenshots” using the Win + PrtScn hotkeys.

How to save or edit a screen image (screenshot).

After you pressed the Print Screen button, the photo appeared on the clipboard. Now you can work with it further. Open any graphics editor (Paint, Paint.NET, Adobe Photoshop, etc.).

  1. in Paint and Paint.NET, click the “Edit” button in the top panel, then select “Paste” from the drop-down menu - the saved image from the clipboard will appear on the screen;
  2. in Adobe Photoshop, click “File” in the top panel, then select “New” from the drop-down menu, then “Editing” (in the panel) and “Paste” from the drop-down menu.

In Paint, you can also first create a file of the desired size, and then insert an image into it.

Now you can start editing the image or simply save it to a folder using the “File” button and the “Save” function or hotkeys.

Free programs for creating screenshots.

Now there are various free programs (from third-party developers) with which you can quickly take a screenshot on your computer or laptop. The main ones:

There are other programs with similar functionality. Try different methods to test the software to choose the most convenient program for taking a screenshot.

How to take a screenshot (screen photo) on a phone, iPhone smartphone:

How to take a screenshot on Samsung Galaxy and other phones, smartphones and tablets running Android OS:

Very often, when working at a computer, many users are faced with the problem of how to take a screenshot on a computer. Most likely, you have already been asked to take a screenshot more than once. For example, the error that the program produces. Or, using a screenshot, they explained to another user how to correctly perform this or that action on the computer.

A screenshot is an exact copy of a part of a computer screen image that reflects the actions taking place at a certain point in time. This is a kind of photograph of the monitor screen, which is created at the user’s command.

The developers have provided the ability to create a screenshot using standard Windows tools, and there is a special PrintScreen button on the keyboard of a computer or laptop.

In order to take a screenshot of the image on the screen, just click the PrintScreen button and the desktop image will be added to the clipboard.

Advice! Once you have saved the screenshot to the clipboard, do not perform any actions to copy other files, otherwise the screen will be deleted. In order to save the created screenshot, you need to open a graphics editor.

Since at this point we are using only standard system tools, we use Paint as a graphic editor.

In order to open Paint, go to “Start” - “All Programs” - “Windows Accessories” - “Paint”.

After launching the graphic editor, you need to insert the created screenshot. To do this, press the key combination “Ctrl+V” or use the menu, right-click and select the “Paste” action from the drop-down list.

Once the image is inserted, you can edit it or save it. To save a screenshot, press the key combination “Ctrl+S”.

Note! If you need to take a screenshot of not the entire screen, but only the active window, then you need to press the “Alt+PrintScreen” key combination.

Next, we paste the created screenshot into a graphic editor. Now you know how to take a screenshot on a computer using Windows. This method is suitable for those who need to quickly take a screenshot, for example, if there is a problem with a program.

Programs for creating screenshots.

It’s not always possible to make a beautiful screen using Windows tools. At the same time, it is not very convenient to constantly open the Paint graphic editor to edit the image. Paint also has rather modest functionality. Therefore, let's consider third-party programs.

Screenshot is a small program that has all the necessary functions for creating screenshots. With its help, you can take a screenshot of both the full screen, the active window, and a separate area of ​​the desktop, while the user selects the one he needs. In order to download the program, go to the official website: http://screenshoter.rf.

On the main page of the site, click the green “Download for free” button. After downloading and installing, launch the program and perform the initial settings.

As you can see, the program is quite small, but has all the necessary functions; it will help you cope with the problem of how to take a screenshot on a computer, while immediately allowing you to edit the picture.

Snagit is a more advanced program for creating screenshots; with its help, you can not only take a screenshot, but also record a video of your actions on the computer. You can download the program on the Internet. This product allows you to edit it after taking a photo. Add inscriptions, insert various arrows, frames, beautifully crop the image, and also apply various effects. Even many graphic editors cannot boast of such functionality. In order to download the utility, you can go to the official website of the developers.

After installing the program, a Snagit drop-down menu will appear at the very top of the desktop. In it you can select the actions that the program offers:

  • To make a photo;
  • record a video;
  • add photo to Word;
  • collect a group of images.

Since we are interested in how to take a screenshot on a computer, we click the “Image” icon.

Next, the program will prompt you to open an editor to process the created screenshot.

I will not describe how to fully work with the program’s functionality, since the interface is quite clear. Here everything will depend on your imagination, how you can edit the created screen.

Browser extensions for taking a screenshot.

In order to quickly create screenshots of screens in . There are various plugins and extensions to perform these functions. Let's look at some of them.

Lightshot (screenshot tool) is a very useful browser extension. This add-on allows users to take a screenshot of the open page screen. After installing Lightshot, a purple pen will appear in the right corner of the admin panel. Next, click on this button and select the image capture area, browser page.

Once you decide on the area of ​​the screenshot, editing panels will appear on the side of the image. During the editing process, you can add various labels, point with arrows and highlight areas that you should pay attention to. Finally, we apply the effects we need and save the resulting screen by clicking on the button in the form of a floppy disk. The program will offer to save the created image in the following places:

FireShot is another browser add-on. After installing it, a special button will appear in the right corner of the browser. As soon as you click on it, a menu will appear from which you can select an action. You can also customize the extension for yourself. Set hotkeys, select the format in which the image will be saved and enter a file name template. The extension allows you to create only a screenshot; there is no image editor provided.

Recently, many users of personal computers have been interested in the question: how to take a screenshot on a computer? The answer is both simple and complex at the same time. Let's start with the Windows operating system. Fortunately, the developers of this system took care of this. They've attached a screenshot feature to the "print screen" key, which is located in the top right corner of your keyboard (Figure 1).

How to take a standard photo?

Interesting fact: If you have a multimedia keyboard, then most likely the key can mean quickly sending a document to the printer.
Tip: Consult your keyboard's documentation. Basically, a special disk is supplied with the keyboard which will help you reconfigure the keyboard keys.

Although this is one of the oldest methods, it is also the most reliable. When you press this key, a screenshot of your screen is saved in temporary memory (clipboard). Also, when you press the key combination “Alt” + “print screen”, a screenshot is taken in the window on which the focus is located, or, more simply put, which is currently open.

Once you have copied a screenshot of your screen to the clipboard, you need to save it as a graphic file. To do this, we will need any graphic editor, in our case it will be “Paint”. Despite the fact that this is a very simple graphic editor, it is quite suitable for our purposes. In order to open it, you will need to go to the “Start” menu, click on the “All Programs” tab, find the “Accessories” tab, and then click on the “Paint” icon (Figure 2).

A working window of the graphic editor will open in front of you. Now you need to go to the “Home” menu and click on the “Insert” tab or press the key combination “Ctrl” + “V”. You will see that the screenshot taken will appear in the graphic editor window (Figure 3).

Next, you will need to save this screenshot in graphic format. To do this, click on the menu tab and select the “Save” tab. You will be offered several formats for saving the graphic file, select one of them. Give your file a name and save it (Figure 4).

Cutting the screen with scissors

This stage of saving the screenshot has come to an end. But what if you only need to save a certain part of the screen? If you have the operating system Windows 7 or Windows 8, you can use the “Scissors” tool. This program is located at “Start” - “All Programs” - “Accessories” - “Snivers” (Figure 5).

When you run this program, the entire screen will become light and you will need to select the area of ​​the screen that you want to save. Hold down the left mouse button and move smoothly to select a fragment of the screen. When you release the button, the cut fragment will open in a new window (Figure 6).

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that a rectangular selection of the screen is used as standard. If you click on the arrow to the right of the “Create” tab, you will be offered four options for selecting the screen.

  • Freeform is any shape you want to apply when drawing with your cursor.
  • Rectangular shape is the standard screen highlight shape.
  • Window - screenshot under the cursor, highlighted in red.
  • Whole screen – respectively, a snapshot of the entire screen except the cursor.
The Windows 10 operating system also includes the Scissors program, and the developers have added interesting functionality to it in the form of a timer. Now you can take a screenshot after a certain period of time.

Also, the Scissors program can take a screenshot of a drop-down menu. To do this, you need to hold down the key combination “Ctrl” + “Print Screen”. The program will take a screenshot which you will need to save.

Working with screenshots - programs that will help you

Now it's time for programs to work with screenshots. One of the main programs that I would like to describe is Lightshot. This is an easy and accessible program that will help you take a beautiful screenshot. You can download it on the Internet, and the features of the program will be described below.

After installing and launching the program, the Lightshot icon will appear in the lower right corner next to the clock (Figure 9).

First, let’s get acquainted with the settings of this program; to do this, right-click on the Lightshot icon and select “Settings” (Fig. 10).

The settings window will open and you will be presented with four options:

  1. Basic – standard program settings, in which you don’t need to change anything.
  2. Hotkeys – You can change the keystrokes to save a screenshot.
  3. Formats – allows you to change the graphic format of the screenshot.
  4. Proxy – allows you to run a proxy server (an unnecessary function in this program).

We've sorted out the settings, now let's move on to the best part - working in the program itself.

To take a screenshot, press the well-known “Print Screen” key. Your computer screen will darken a little, now you must select the area of ​​the screen you are interested in and save it by clicking on the floppy disk icon in the program (Figure 11).

Pay attention to the small menu on the side; it displays additional features of the program (Figure 12).

These include the following:

  • Pencil – allows you to draw or highlight randomly on a screenshot.
  • Line – allows you to draw a line, it is very convenient to mark certain areas of the screenshot.
  • The arrow is a very convenient feature that allows you to point in a screenshot.
  • Rectangle – allows you to mark the places you need in the screenshot with a rectangle.
  • Marker – you can highlight any area of ​​the screenshot with a marker.
  • Text – as the name suggests, can sign your screenshot.
  • Color – selects a color from the palette to mark the top items.

The bottom menu allows you to send or save your screenshot (Figure 13).

The bottom menu has the following items:

As you can see, the Lightshot program has all the necessary capabilities for creating screenshots.

Description of some programs for taking screenshots

There are a lot of programs for creating screenshots. And each user likes this or that program according to his tastes. A small list and descriptions of these programs are given below.

FastStone Capture

A very good program for taking screenshots (Figure 14).

Its features include:

  1. Setting up hot keys. You can choose the keys yourself instead of the “Print Screen” key
  2. Built-in graphic editor. After taking a screenshot, you can easily edit the image in the editor
  3. Supports all known graphic formats.


One of the most popular programs on the Internet (Fig. 15).

The amazing features of this program are described below:

  1. The ability to create high-resolution screenshots, in other words, several pages long.
  2. Built-in graphics format converter.
  3. A graphic editor that allows you to finely edit screenshots.
  4. Timer for the frequency of taking screenshots. You can set a time period for taking a screenshot.
  5. Russian language support.


A very simple and effective program (Figure 16).

The main advantages of this program:

  1. Take a snapshot of your screen with one click.
  2. Ability to send a screenshot to your server for further work.
  3. Doesn't take up much memory.
There are programs for secretly taking screenshots on a computer. The features of such programs include such functions as secretly capturing and sending a screenshot to the user’s email at a specified frequency.

Looking for “print screen” or how to take screenshots on Macos

Now it’s the turn for Apple connoisseurs. What should those users do who do not have the “Print Screen” key and have a completely different operating system? Let's take a closer look at the steps needed to take a screenshot on the Macos operating system. The main keys that replace “Print Screen” on this system are:

  • "Cmd" + "Shift" + "3" - a screenshot that is saved on the desktop
  • “Cmd” + “Shift” + “4” - A specific area marked by the user and saved to the desktop
  • “Cmd” + “Shift” + “4” + “Space” - Select a specific window with the ability to take a screenshot

But several unpleasant situations arise:

  1. Screenshots are saved only in png format.
  2. All screenshots are saved on the desktop.
  3. A small shadow along the entire outline of the screenshot.

In order to fix these problems, you should use the Terminal program and its commands. To do this, you must go to the “Go” menu, then click on the “Utilites” tab and find the “Terminal” program (Figure 17).

After the console (terminal) has opened, you need to enter the commands. To change the graphic format, enter the commands:

  • defaults write type format…
  • killallSystemUIServer

After the word format we put one of the graphic format options (Jpeg, tiff, etc.).

If you need to remove a shadow from a screenshot, then to do this, enter the commands:

  • defaults write disable-shadow -bool true
  • ekillall SystemUIServer

And finally, the solution to the third problem, file location. Accordingly, enter the following commands:

  • defaults write location ~/Dokuments (or any other folder)
  • killall SystemUIServer

Programs for taking screenshots in Macos

Naturally, there are programs for taking screenshots for this famous operating system. Let's take a closer look at them:


One of the best developments for Macos (Figure 18).

The possibilities of this program are endless:

  1. Cutting out any part of the screen.
  2. Inscriptions of any type and format.
  3. History of your saves.
  4. Free, which is rare for the family of these operating systems.


Very beautiful program. (Figure 19)

The advantages are not so great, but they are:

  1. Built-in browser for creating screenshots for websites.
  2. Converting graphic formats.
  3. Grouping screenshots in iPhoto.
Unfortunately, the program is paid, but there is a trial version.

Of course, the list of programs does not end there, but the remaining programs simply copy the functionality of the ones described above and there is no point in dwelling on them. This is where I would like to end this review. I hope that you were pleasantly surprised and that you learned a lot about taking screenshots on your personal computer.