How to unlock an iPhone blocked by scammers. The Easiest Ways to Unlock iPhone

Greetings! Apple mobile devices have a great feature that has already helped (and continues to help) many users find their forgotten (stolen) iPhones or iPads. Many people have heard about it - this is “find iPhone”. But there is also an important component of this option - the loss mode. Not many people have heard about it anymore. Why? The thing is that they usually start using it when the device has already been lost or stolen.

I sincerely hope that it was not such a misfortune (loss or theft) that brought you to this page, but just idle curiosity. I will try to fully satisfy him and tell him about the lost mode in the iPhone in as much detail as possible, let's go!

What is Lost Mode on iPhone?

As I already said, this is one of the components of the “find iPhone” function. Accordingly, it is impossible to use one without the other. This mode allows you to perform two manipulations with your device at a distance:

  1. If your iPhone or iPad did not have a screen lock password, set one.
  2. Display any message on the screen.

The standard entry that appears when you turn on Lost Mode is: “This iPhone has been lost. Please, call me". Plus, the phone number you provide.

Naturally, you are free to change it and write whatever you want, even the most serious curse words.

How does Lost Mode work?

After activating the loss mode (how to do this is written below), the device screen is locked with a password (which was set earlier or the one you specified yourself when you turned on this mode) and an inscription with the text you wrote is displayed on the screen. Now no one will be able to use the device or gain access to it without knowing the password.

If someone wants to remove it, for example (even with ), then of course they will succeed and the password that is set to lock the screen will disappear. However, subsequently, when a special window appears, in which it will be written that this device is in Lost Mode and requires your Apple ID account information to unlock it.

It is noteworthy that similar devices almost impossible to unlock in any way, even through technical support Apple. Receipts, boxes and other evidence that the gadget was purchased by you and belongs to you will no longer help here. Company employees will only repeat one thing - remember your Apple ID and password.

The most important thing to remember. If the iPhone or iPad is in Lost Mode and the credentials are not known, then you can do the following with such devices:

  • Sell ​​for spare parts.
  • Just put it on the shelf.

On this moment, making them work is almost (99%) impossible.

How to enable Lost Mode on iPhone?

There are two main ways to activate Lost Mode:

  1. Using a web page iCloud service.
  2. Through a special application available for free download V App Store- “find iPhone”.

Since access to the Internet is much easier to obtain than other apple device with installed special application, then consider turning on the lost mode through the iCloud online service.

P.S. In any case, no matter what actions you want to carry out with the loss mode - activate or remove, the chances of successful outcome increase with every “like” for this article. Try it! Still have questions? I'm waiting in the comments!

Users popular smartphones from Apple they often put a password on their gadget to increase the security of the mobile device and avoid troubles - theft, loss of the smartphone, or simply to protect their own data from people who can get into the phone.

Even though the password consists of only a few numbers, it is often forgotten. In this case the problem once iPhone lock(4, 4s, 5, 5s, 6, 6 plus, 7, 7 Plus, 8, X) becomes relevant because regular user It is unlikely that he will figure out how to remove the lock on his own. Of course it is possible, but you must follow the instructions below.

Types of blocking

It is worth immediately noting that the expression “unlocking” Apple smartphone can be used in different situations, and each is different in its context. So, there are several types of smartphone locking:

  • The user may have simply forgotten the password, which consists of numbers, and needs to reset the password to gain access to the phone;
  • Blocking a specific communication provider;
  • Blocking via iCloud.

It must be borne in mind that, despite the same word denoting the situation, they have nothing in common with each other. Therefore, for each problem it is important to apply its own algorithm of actions, which was compiled by specialists.

Unlocking with iTunes

To restore access to your smartphone you need to have at hand Personal Computer And iTunes program, which is part of the software for Apple gadgets. Yes, it is designed for storing and playing music tracks, but it is extremely useful for unlocking a smartphone.

Let's move on to the next method.

How to unlock via iCloud

Unlocking an iPhone via the iCloud service is a method similar to the previous one, but has a slightly different algorithm. This path suitable only for those users who have activated the Find My iPhone function while using their mobile device. Without it, all that remains is to return to the previous method and try it.

If the option was enabled, then everything turns out to be even simpler. In an Internet browser open on a computer, just go to the iCloud service page and log in using your data. After this, you will need to use the search function for a mobile gadget, and the system will almost instantly detect it. After this, the “Erase iPhone” option will appear, which will unlock the system. Again, all data, photos and other information will be erased from the smartphone's memory.

Unlinking via support

When a smartphone is sold to another user, the previous owner must necessarily “unlink” the device from special service, which may limit the capabilities of a new user. Unlink from former Apple ID is required if the device owner needs new account or other identity-related functions.

By far the most effective way iPhone untethering Apple ID counts as a support call. It is quite complex and lengthy, but it also has certain advantages - for example, it will work well if you need to completely delete an account without the ability to return it. So, you need to follow the following steps:

It is important to remember that it is best to fill out the form according to certain rules. So, Email the one for which the Apple ID was originally registered must be indicated. In the “Subject” line a request is written about what needs to be deleted. And in the “Comment” line a letter is already left explaining the above request. You can write that the smartphone will be sold or become a gift.

Don't worry if you don't receive a response from support for a long time. They may respond in a few weeks, but the process will end immediately. After clicking on the link provided by company employees, the Apple ID will be completely unlinked.

Unlock via R Sim

R-sim is a universal chip card. Experts have created this module to activate and unlock most iPhone models so users can use their carrier's network.

To use R-sim, you need to have a Nano-sim format SIM card with you. Very often, employees of workshops or communication shops can simply cut off regular SIM card to the required size, but it is best to ask for the operator’s card to be reissued in mini size. So it will be much thinner than usual.

If you have a card, you need to remove the password from your smartphone and remove the password lock if it was installed on the SIM card. This is done so that the PIN code does not interfere correct setting R-sim. Then you need to insert the chip card into the smartphone so that its “tail” goes under the tray and the chip does not lie on top. Along with the chip, a SIM card is also inserted into the device.

After all manipulations with the chip and SIM card are done, a setup menu will appear on the screen of the mobile device. In it you need to select the appropriate gadget model, your operator and accept the settings. Now the smartphone can be rebooted, and then within a few seconds the iPhone will receive a signal.

Removing Activation Lock

The “Find iPhone” option has been provided since the seventh software new feature– iCloud Activation Lock. It is automatically turned on when setting the first option and significantly complicates life for users who purchased an unlocked smartphone. Each time you activate this option, the smartphone will request Apple data ID and password.

Basically the problem removing Activation Lock, affects users who have purchased mobile gadget from Apple from hand. It is known that resetting settings, activating through other programs or resetting settings will not help in this case. And bypassing the blocking is necessary to activate iCloud and start using your device normally.

Of course, you should never save money by buying such an expensive gadget not officially, as you can run into fakes. It can be noted that when buying an iPhone from your hands, in order not to have to worry about unlocking it, you need to check the full complex of the device.

This is the smartphone itself, a headset, a cable for connecting to a computer, Charger, a box with a sticker (later it will become clear why it is so important), which shows serial number, matching the data in the phone. It wouldn't hurt to ask for a sales receipt.

To remove iPhone linking to the Apple ID of the previous owner, if, after all, the phone was purchased unlocked, you need to follow certain recommendations that are associated with contacting support:

  1. The first step is to write an official letter to contact company employees who will help solve the problem. There is no clear template for this, so you can briefly describe the situation and your request. Must be attached to the letter iPhone photo and the stickers that were on the box. You can also attach a sales receipt;
  2. The smartphone box is really important. There are stickers with numbers and identification data on it. If there is no box, you can scan the stickers from identical models gadget and make your own layout by entering the IMEI and serial number. The last one is especially important;
  3. If you don’t have a receipt, you can also make one yourself. Of course, if you are not afraid of the liability that you may face for falsifying a document. Advice: first it is better to try to write a letter without a receipt, explaining to the employees that they have not saved it. It often happens that users are met halfway - after all, the company values ​​its customers;
  4. All this is collected in order to prove to Apple employees that the phone is not stolen or misappropriated, but actually purchased. There's just no way to unlock it. All components must be photographed in one photo. Many people advise not to use too much good quality shooting if the receipt and box are not genuine. Employees are unlikely to take a closer look;
  5. When the photo is taken, you can write a letter to one of the official postal addresses support service indicating the serial number. You can find out the request number (which you will then have to indicate in the letter) on the website that deals with troubleshooting, and select your problem there. Then you just need to schedule a call using, again, the serial number. This is also done on the website in a special form;
  6. After 5-10 days, an Apple employee will respond to the letter. It will contain information that the problem is assigned specific number, and a company representative will contact the user as soon as possible to resolve the issue. Usually the process takes quite a long time, but it has good result– the company needs time to check the data.

Restoring without saving information - flashing

All Apple mobile gadgets operate exclusively on the iOS operating system, which is developed specifically for the iPhone, iPad and other devices of the company. Because of this, all resources and software are very tightly connected, literally every function is tailored to the users of these particular devices. In particular, the company very often releases firmware (software) updates, and new versions are designed to eliminate existing errors, improve the security of gadgets and make them more convenient.

The term “firmware” often refers to the process of restoring or updating software itself. To do this without saving user information and data, you need to seek help from the specialists who are available in each service center. The operation can be performed right on the spot; it does not require much time. Why do you need firmware? Here are some typical situations:

  • If there is a new update operating system, and the mobile device has one of previous versions. Here you just need to spend backup information and then install new version firmware;
  • Already installed on your smartphone latest version firmware, but after this procedure mobile device started to work incorrectly, applications may crash, or the system itself may become glitchy. In this case, you can restore the software, for which you need to go to special mode recovery (which was already mentioned above), having previously saved the data, if necessary;
  • The user independently tried to update the software, but during the process an error occurred. critical error. Because of this, the gadget may stop functioning correctly. A logo and an image of the cable will appear on the screen, and in some cases the smartphone may not turn on at all. Of course, there are many reasons for this situation. Including system error, wrong firmware and much more. If the problem is in the program, then it is enough to restore the software. In most cases, this procedure will cause all data stored inside the device to be lost. If you take your smartphone to the service center, then specialists can help restore the information or part of it, and also explain how to proceed.

Is it possible to unlock an iPhone if it is locked/lost mode?

The “lost” mode, which is built into the software of Apple gadgets, is initially disabled only by entering the password used to unlock the device. If the user does not know the password or has forgotten it, then he will have to identify the device and restore access to the Apple ID. If the mail associated with the ID is available, you can easily reset the password for the ID:

Once all the steps are completed, you can go to the official iCloud website. At two-factor authentication You will need login confirmation, for which the code is used - it goes to trusted devices from which the account has functioned in the past. Of course, if it was used only from one smartphone (locked in this situation), then you need to contact support.

In the event that there is no two-factor authentication, or it is found trusted device, just confirm your login using verification code, which will come to another gadget. Afterwards, you can safely go to the “Find iPhone” section, select the device and turn off lost mode.

Is it possible to unlock a found iPhone?

Of course, in our world there are many people who will try to take someone else's mobile gadget for themselves if they find it somewhere. Experts do not recommend even trying to remove the lock from a found iPhone (or any other Apple devices) since very often the owners still find their smartphone. And in this case it will be difficult to explain why it was unblocked.

If we move away from moral advice, we can tell a very simple instructions, which will help you change the unlock password Apple gadget. First, you need to connect your phone using a cable to your computer and wait while it syncs with iTunes. Then, again, you need to put the device into update mode - then it will begin connecting to the program on its own.

After this, a message will appear on the screen that the program has detected a device that requires recovery. Moreover, the program itself will recommend performing this procedure. Now you just need to click the “restore” button and wait until the process is over. After this, there will be no data or information left in the gadget’s memory, but if all steps are followed correctly, the method should help. Now the smartphone will work in normal mode no password required.

It's no secret that Apple mobile devices are somewhat popular among thieves. Apple has provided whole line protective measures to make life as difficult as possible for attackers and to return the device to its rightful owner as quickly as possible. First of all, this is a function. But today we will not talk about it, but about Lost Mode, which should be activated in the event of loss or theft of an Apple device.

Lost Mode is available on all mobile devices with iOS system 5.0 and higher at active function Find iPhone. This mode is one of the emergency modes of the device and is necessary for blocking and further iPhone search or iPad. If the lost mode is activated, then unlock the device without special code It is impossible, as well as to manipulate it through iTunes.

Activated this mode from another Apple mobile device or from a computer via iCloud. In this mode, the device is not flashed via iTunes conventional methods. It is possible to call a locked smartphone, but calls from it can only be made to one trusted number, and incorrect attempts to enter a password will lead to temporary blocking of the smartphone or tablet.

Activating Lost Mode via iCloud

1. On a computer with Internet access, go to the website.
2. Log in using your account by Apple ID.

3. Launch the web version of the Find iPhone application.
4. Select the missing or stolen iPhone from the All devices list.

5. Click the Lost Mode button.
6. If you have not set a lock password on your device, do so now.

7. Enter a trusted phone number. You can call this number from a locked device.
8. Dial text message, which will be sent to the missing iPhone. You can offer a reward to the finder.

As a result of these actions, the smartphone or tablet will be put into emergency mode. The message you typed and the trusted number will be displayed on its lock screen. It will be impossible to unlock the device without knowing the password.

Turn on Lost Mode from another Apple mobile device

1. On a mobile device with iOS 5.0 or higher, launch the Find My iPhone application.
2. Sign in using your Apple ID.

3. Select the missing device.
4. Tap on the Actions button.

5. Select Lost Mode and activate it.
6. Set a password, enter your phone number, and type messages, just like with iCloud.
7. Click Finish.

Disabling Lost Mode

If your device has been found and returned, now it becomes necessary to disable this emergency mode. This can be done through iCloud or another iOS-based mobile device. Lost mode can also be deactivated on a locked device.

In the latter case, to remove the mode, you will need to enter the lock password correctly. It is possible to guess the password manually, but continuous guessing will take too much time, given the temporary blocking of input if the password is entered incorrectly. Therefore, selection at random is impractical. And the owner can remove the mode by entering correct password blocking.

Disable Lost Mode in iCloud

1. On your computer, go to the website.
2. Sign in using your Apple ID and launch the Find My iPhone app.
3. In the list of devices, select the locked device.

4. Click the Lost Mode button.
5. Select Exit Lost Mode.
6. Confirm your decision.

Emergency mode will be disabled, but there is a small nuance. To unlock your smartphone you will need to enter set password. Also given password will automatically be assigned as your iPhone's lock code. You can change it in the system settings.

The procedure for disabling lost mode through another Apple mobile device is completely similar to that described above. Be extremely vigilant, the lock password is vital for saving iPhone. Therefore, you cannot forget this password. If you lose your password, you will need to flash the device first by entering it into DFU or Recovery Mode. After flashing, to return the iPhone to normal state, you will need to enter the ID and Apple password ID from which the lost mode was activated.

IN last years Cases of theft of iPads and other Apple gadgets have become more frequent. This is not surprising, since the devices are quite expensive and can be resold at a profit. In addition, the scammers hope to blackmail the owner of the device and extort money from him.

Typically, a missing iPad is in a locked state. The attackers are just hoping to extort money for removing the block. And their victim does not always understand what to do in such a situation - contact the police, send funds or write to the service Apple support. Let us say right away that you should not send money to scammers. So you will lose both your funds and your gadget.

This material will talk about how to unlock a missing iPad. Read carefully and do not fall for the tricks of scammers.

The whole essence of the operation comes down to activating the lost mode on the device in the device search application. Thus, the algorithm of actions of scammers is simple. First they get access to the mail, and then to the ID number.

After that in mail settings filters are set, with the help of which all letters coming from the Apple company are not visible in the inbox. These items are immediately transferred to another folder or deleted.

Next, the scammers change the password for the Apple ID. Then, using the search function on the device, they place a block on the device. An SMS is sent to the previous owner of the gadget asking him to send his e-mail. Often the block is placed on a smartphone when the user connects to Wi-Fi in some crowded place. Because of this, many believe that this is the reason for the unpleasant situation (the device being hacked). In fact, the explanation for this is simple. The previously activated activation of the lost option on the gadget occurred immediately at the moment when the user went online.

How to remove the block from a stolen iPad?

First of all, don't panic. If you did not throw away the packaging and receipts, you should contact Apple support. If everything is in order with the above things, most likely, the manufacturer will accommodate you and the ID password will be restored.

But if you lost everything (threw it away), try removing the block yourself. To do this, log into your ID page and click on reset password.

Here the system will ask you to enter your number, and then decide on the authentication method - by e-mail or by answering questions. If you remember the answers, great, then choose this method. If not, use the first method. But to use it, check access to the mailbox and be sure to change the password. After this, send yourself a letter - it will contain further instructions.

It happens that letters stubbornly refuse to arrive. In such a situation, double-check the filtering settings for emails from Apple. Perhaps these messages are simply deleted.

Once you have the instructions, you can move on. It will contain a link, following which you can update your password. After changing the password characters, you need to log into the browser via the “cloud” and launch the device search option.

In the corner, on the right, we will see the device control area. We look for the lost mode there, by clicking on the icon of which we will find ourselves in a new window. There will be a function available to exit this mode.

Exiting the mode will not immediately solve the problem. The block will still be on the gadget. This is where instructions for resetting your password will come to the rescue.

How to reset the lock password on iPad?

You can reset the lock password on your tablet using iTunes utility. To do this, you will need to enter the gadget into recovery mode. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Connect the Lightning cable to your PC or laptop.
  • Launch the utility.
  • Turn off the tablet by pressing the Power element.
  • Wait for the device to turn off by holding down the Home element. Without releasing the button, connect the cord to the device.
  • Wait for the iTunes symbol and a white cord to appear on the display. Everything should look like this:

  • A window will pop up in the utility informing us about the need to restore the device to work with it.
  • Give your consent to this by clicking on the appropriate button. Then click on the iPad recovery option. The dialog box will pop up again.
  • Give consent again and start the operation in this way. It will take very little time. If the device search function was active on your gadget, you will need to enter the ID number and password for it. You can enter characters both on the device screen and in the utility window.
  • Go through a simple setup procedure. Upon completion, you will be asked to set up the gadget as a new one, restore it from a backup in the cloud, or do the same from iCloud.

If you have a backup made in a cloud service or using a utility, you can restore without problems. Then the information on the device will be completely saved.

If you select the first option, the device will return to initial settings. That is, absolutely everything will be deleted - content, settings, etc. The device will be the same as after purchase.

How to avoid falling for scammers' tricks?

After reading everything above, it becomes clear that the easiest place to hack is e-mail. Having found out its address, attackers can easily carry out their plans and place a block on the device.

Therefore, it is recommended to use only reliable services for creating boxes. Also, do not neglect additional protective measures. It could be double authentication. Also make the combination of characters for the password as complex as possible. An ornate password with the presence different types symbols will protect your data from hacking.

And some more information. If the user uses password protection, then when the fraudster tries to activate the stolen device, the system will not prompt him to enter a four-character code. This means that the user will be able to immediately remove the block from the gadget. After this, you need to change your email and ID number passwords as quickly as possible.

Lost Mode locks your iOS device, Apple Watch, or Mac so that others can’t access your personal information. It also tracks any changes to the location of your iOS device or Apple Watch. If you can’t find your device, turn on Lost Mode right away using Find My iPhone on . If you have Family Sharing set up, you can turn on Lost Mode for family members’ devices, too. For more information, see the Apple Support article.

When your device is in Lost Mode:

    You can display a custom message on the screen. For example, you may want to indicate that the device is lost or how to contact you.

    Your device doesn’t display alerts or play a sound when you receive messages or notifications, or if any alarms go off. Your device can still receive phone calls and FaceTime calls.

    Apple Pay is disabled for your device. Any credit or debit cards set up for Apple Pay, student ID cards, and Express Transit cards are suspended for your device. Apple Pay and student ID cards are suspended even if your device is offline. Express Transit cards are suspended the next time your device goes online. You can resume using suspended cards on your device after you unlock it and sign in to iCloud. See the Apple Support articles and.