Ways to Save Contacts from iPhone

It is very important that each and every contact is synced to your iCloud account. After all, if something happens to your device, some contacts will be irretrievably lost, only part of them will be restored from the cloud.

The easiest way is to go to icloud.com under your account and look at “Contacts”. Their number must exactly match the number in the phone.

  • Found an iPhone, how to unlock and bypass the Activation CODE on Iphone 7?
  • If this is not the case for you, read the next part of the article.

    What to do if contacts won't sync with iCloud

    Most likely, your contacts that you transferred from another phone, for example, from an Android phone, are not synchronized. At the same time, new contacts should appear in iCloud.

    So how do you solve this problem? Everything is very simple - open “Settings” and select “iCloud” there. We find a list of programs that use iCloud. We are interested in “Contacts”. We disable synchronization for them. Don't be afraid, you won't lose your contacts, but to do this, be sure to select “Keep on iPhone” in the menu that appears:

    Now it is advisable to take a pause, no more than 10 minutes. After that, go to iCloud settings again and turn contact synchronization back on. When asked what to do with contacts, select “Merge”.

    After that, go to icloud.com again and make sure that all contacts are now in place.

    If something remains unclear to you, write in the comments on this page, we will be happy to help you!

    It is impossible to dispute the fact that the most important thing in any phone is not the number of pixels or the amount of memory, but the contact list. Of course, our beloved company Apple took great care to ensure that contacts from the iPhone never disappear without a trace. Next, we’ll take a closer look at how to save contacts from your iPhone in different ways.

    Saving contacts using iCloud

    The first thing that always and everywhere saves any information from the iPhone and not only is the iCloud program. The main thing is that export to iCloud is enabled in Settings.

    To do this, go to Settings and open the “iCloud” tab.

    In the new window, find “Contacts”, and if synchronization is turned off, turn it on.

    The message “Contacts will be merged with iCloud” will pop up. Click "Merge" and your contacts will be safe.

    Saving via iTunes

    If you already have iCloud synchronization enabled, you will see a window like this.

    In this case, nothing needs to be done. But if you want to transfer contacts to your computer via iTunes, you need to disable iCloud synchronization. This can be done in Settings. When iCloud for Contacts is disabled, a window like this will appear.

    Now you need to check the box next to “Synchronize contacts with.” You will have the options to use Outlook or Windows Contacts. Once your selection is made, sync your iPhone.

    Using special applications

    In addition to iTunes and other file managers, there are applications that will help you quickly transfer all your contacts to your computer. For example, the ExcelContacts application, which has a lot of advantages, will help you save contacts to your computer in an Excel file. This application also eliminates any possibility of deleting contacts, which sometimes occurs when connecting to iTunes.

    So, download the ExcelContacts app on your phone.

    When the app opens, select a storage style.

    The program can even send an Excel file to an email address. Next, choose the method by which you can deliver contacts to your computer: via USB, Wi-Fi or to an email address (in the More... tab)

    Here is also a video about this application:

    Restoring contacts

    If contacts were somehow deleted from the iPhone, then they can be restored quite easily. For this purpose, there is a backup copy of all information from the phone.

    Different computers have a backup copy in different places. So:

    • On Mac:\Users\[username]\Library\ApplicationSupport\MobileSync\Backup\;
    • for computers with Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\;
    • for computers with Windows Vista:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\.

    The iPhone Backup Extractor program will also help you save your contacts. It has paid and free modes; in the free mode, you can only recover 2 files. It is important to remember that these files can only be transferred to an iPhone on the same firmware on which these files were copied.

    In recent years, fewer and fewer people are storing contacts on a SIM card. This is primarily due to the safety of contacts and the ease of transferring them to a phone from any other manufacturer.

    How to transfer contacts to iPhone from SIM card

    All you need to do is launch the Settings application and go to the Mail, Addresses, Calendars section.

    Here in this section, we are primarily interested in the line "Import SIM contacts", which you need to find by scrolling a little through the list of menu items in the section. So the general path looks like this:

    • Settings > Mail, Addresses, Calendars > Import SIM Contacts
    We tap on the “Import SIM contacts” button, after which our contacts from the SIM card are transferred to the smartphone. In this case, the system may ask you which account to import contacts into.

    Accordingly, to begin with, you must have created or connected at least one iCloud, Exchange, Gmail or any other account that supports contact synchronization. Accounts are connected in the same settings section.

    Sync iPhone contacts with iCloud

    When transferring contacts from a SIM card to an iPhone, import may not always occur into the account, and besides, the information transferred from the SIM card to the iPhone may require editing. Therefore, we recommend that you synchronize your contact list on your iPhone with iCloud.

    Transferring contacts to iCloud is also quite simple. First, you need to make sure that you have an iCloud account connected to your mobile device. You can check this by going to Settings > iCloud.

    If it is disabled, connect by indicating your Apple ID and password. This is discussed in more detail. Then we check whether we have configured contact synchronization (the toggle switch opposite the “Contacts” line should be switched to “on” mode).

    Then go to the icloud.com page, log in and go to the “Contacts” web application.

    Here you can very quickly put your contact list in order. Delete some contact information that is no longer relevant, edit other parts of the information.

    To delete outdated contact information, select the desired contact from the general list. Then click on the gear located in the lower left corner and, in the drop-down menu, indicate the action you need - “Delete”.

    To edit contact information, click on the “Edit” button at the top of the screen. Then edit and, to save the changes, click on the “Done” button.

    Let us remind you that all changes made will be synchronized with your iPhone and other devices that use your iCloud account.

    How to Transfer Contacts to iPhone Using iCloud

    When purchasing a new iPhone as a replacement for an old model, the question may arise of how to transfer contacts from the old device to the new one. This can be done using the iCloud service.

    If you have previously synchronized iPhone contacts with iCloud (instructions are given above), then the process of transferring contacts to iPhone using iCloud will take a couple of minutes.

    To do this, you just need to connect your iCloud account to your new Apple mobile device by going to Settings > iCloud and activate contact synchronization.

    How to Transfer Contacts from Android to iPhone

    Currently, the easiest way to transfer contacts is to use the free service Yandex.Move. If this option does not suit you, then follow our instructions.

    Since Android is developed by Google, users of this platform typically sync their contacts using Gmail, although some still store them locally. You can transfer contacts in both cases.

    If your contacts are in Gmail:

    1. On an iPhone, go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars.
    2. Create a new Microsoft Exchange account.
    3. Enter your email address and authentication information.
    4. Select Server and enter m.google.com.
    5. On the last screen, select the data you want to transfer and confirm your choice
    If contacts are stored locally:
    1. Open Contacts in Android, press the menu button and select the Import/Export option.
    2. In the transfer options, select “Export to SD card”, after this procedure the contacts will be saved as .vcf file on the memory card.
    3. We transfer .vcf file to computer.
    4. On your computer, go to your Gmail account and select the contacts section from the pop-up list in the upper left corner.
    5. Next, click “Advanced”, select import from file, and then indicate the path to the previously saved .vcf file.
    6. Thus, we have transferred contacts to Gmail, you just need to go through the transfer procedure from Gmail to iPhone described above.
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    In this article we will reveal ways to quickly transfer contacts from one iPhone to another iPhone. Choose the option that suits you.

    New iPhone models are released every year, and the contact list remains virtually unchanged for a long time, so the question of how to transfer the phone book of an old smartphone without loss to a new mobile device is very relevant. We will not consider the option of copying contacts via a SIM card - there are more convenient and faster ways to transfer data.

    Using iCloud

    This is probably the easiest way to transfer contacts from one iPhone to another. All you need is an Internet connection and an iCloud account, which every iOS user has.

    To make sure the synchronization was successful, open a browser on your computer and go to iCloud.com. Sign in using your Apple ID and go to the Contacts menu.

    See how many recordings are stored on iCloud. There should be as many of them as are stored in the phone’s memory. Then proceed to transfer contacts to your new iPhone:

    1. Open settings, go to the “iCloud” section and log in using the account that was used on your old smartphone.
    2. Switch the Contacts switch to the On position.

    After some time (the duration depends on the number of entries), synchronization with iCloud will complete, and you will see old contacts in the phone book of the new iPhone.

    Transfer to iTunes

    If you can't use iCloud storage, transfer your contacts through iTunes. The only drawback of this method is the need to connect the iPhone to the computer. Otherwise, it is no more difficult to use than copying via iCloud.

    Important: Before using iTunes, make sure you have the latest version of the program installed.

    Also, go to the iCloud settings on your smartphone and turn off synchronization of contacts with cloud storage. Further:

    When synchronizing via iTunes, contacts on the new phone will be replaced with records from the old smartphone. Therefore, this method is best used to transfer data to a completely new, just purchased device.

    Copying via apps

    If the capabilities of standard Apple services are not enough for you, use the following applications to transfer contacts:

    • My Contacts Backup.
    • Outlook.
    • Mover.

    If you want to turn copying your phone book entries into a game, try it using the Mover app:

    1. Install the application on both smartphones.
    2. Connect your phones to the same network.
    3. Launch Mover on your old iPhone. Click on the plus and add the numbers you want to transfer.
    4. Launch Mover on your new iPhone. On the old device, an arrow will appear indicating that the contacts can be transferred.
    5. By clicking on the contact icons, transfer them to a new device.

    Immediately after the release of the new one, it already became the subject of Internet memes. This strategy has an effect: many Yabloko owners immediately sell out their “outdated” gadgets and stand in line for “improved” devices.

    However, when moving a SIM card into a new iPhone, users are faced with an unpleasant surprise: there are no contacts on the card - they are all saved in the device’s memory. Such a system is certainly inconvenient, but Apple is not going to give it up. Therefore, fans of Apple technology should familiarize themselves with the instructions on how to copy contacts from iPhone to iPhone - all of them apply to both the latest and older modifications.

    The essence of this method is that the user saves his contacts in cloud storage iCloud from where it then imports them to its new device. There is also a limitation: this method is only relevant for those users who have a valid account in Apple ID. Therefore, before you think about transferring contacts, you should register. It is better to write down the account password - you will have to enter it on the new device, since the contacts will be available only under the same account.

    After registration Apple ID proceed like this:

    Step 1. Go to the section " Settings" and find the subsection " iCloud».

    Step 2. In the subsection " iCloud"Activate the toggle switch opposite " Contacts" In the same way, you can select other data that you would like to save in the cloud - for example, notes, tabs in Safari.

    Note: To synchronize with cloud storage, you must have a stable connection via Wi-Fi or 3G network. Upon completion of this stage, the old gadget can be put aside.

    Step 3. On the new gadget, also go to “ Settings» « iCloud" and enter the registration information of a valid Apple ID.

    Step 4. Activate the slider " Contacts"—from now on, the contacts will be transferred to the new device. If there were already entries in the phone book of the new iPhone, iCloud will merge them with the transferred ones.

    How to move contacts through iTunes?

    Transferring contacts from iPhone to iPhone is also quite simple:

    Step 1. After connecting the gadget to the PC and starting iTunes click on the icon " Device».

    Step 2. Go to the " Intelligence"(in some versions of iTunes - " Information»).

    Step 3. Check the box next to " Sync contacts with:" In the drop-down menu leave " Outlook».

    Step 4. Scroll down and make sure that in the block " Add-ons" there is no checkmark in front of " Replace the following information on this iPhone: Contacts" If there is such a checkmark iTunes will erase all contacts from the gadget’s memory as soon as the next synchronization occurs.

    Step 5. Click "Apply" - this will start synchronization.

    How to transfer numbers through the Mover program?

    Mover is a specialized application for copying numbers and photos from one Apple gadget to another (we’re not just talking about iPhones). This application is available for free download in the AppStore here

    You can “throw off” contacts like this:

    Step 1. Install Mover to both smartphones (“addressee” and “addressee”).

    Step 2. Connect two gadgets to the same Wi-Fi network. If only one gadget is connected to the network, Mover will refuse to work and will greet the user with this unfriendly message:

    Step 3. On the recipient gadget, open Mover and use the “+” button to select the contacts you want to transfer.

    Step 4. Open Mover on the second smartphone - you will see that an arrow appears on the screen of the first one.

    Step 5. Use your finger to move the desired contacts in the direction of the arrow and wait for them to be transferred to the new device.

    Ease of use is the key to the fact that the number of Mover users is growing at an impressive pace. However, this program also has competitors. The most famous is an application with a very discreet and rather long name “ Sync and transfer contacts between different accounts", which is also distributed in the AppStore in the Freemium version. The functionality of this program is wider than that of Mover, however, there is an unpleasant limitation: you won’t be able to import more than 100 contacts for free.


    Copying numbers and contact information onto paper is a throwback from the last century. There are a lot of options for transferring contacts from one iPhone to another, and the article shows only some of them. If the iPhone user is a beginner, he will be better off with third-party apps like Mover– there is no need to learn these programs, as they are understandable on an intuitive level. More experienced users should use free cloud storage iCloud– once you upload your contacts there, you no longer have to worry about their safety.