iPhone stuck on shutdown. Save your iPhone data by creating a backup. Disable Siri App & Siri Look Up

Apple smartphones are incredibly popular in the modern world. They are a great mix of high quality, elegance and safety. However, even such gadgets may not work correctly under certain conditions. Like any other technology, they are subject to lags, various freezes and failures. What to do if your iPhone is frozen? Let's look into it in more detail!

If an iPhone freezes, it is no different from phones of any other brand.

Under increased load, the device may stop responding to simple commands; in some cases, all buttons stop working. A reboot is designed to solve such problems. Experts identify three methods that can be used to reboot a gadget if it freezes.

Normal mode

Let's imagine a situation where the iPhone 5s executes commands using the Power and Home keys and responds adequately when you touch the screen. The reboot order here looks like this:

  • Hold down the Power key until the options “Cancel” and “Turn Off” appear on the display;

  • select the red “Turn off” button, swipe the button to its border on the right, without taking your eyes off the surface of the screen. This gesture is commonly called swipe. After this manipulation, the device will turn off;

  • When the screen goes dark completely, you can press Power again (this time a short press is enough). The download should start in standard mode, and you will see the familiar and beloved Apple logo on the screen.

Now you know what to do if your iPhone is frozen.

Hard reset

iPhone 6s, like any other smartphone model, can freeze. In this state, the equipment does not produce any response to pressing the Power button or touching the screen keys. There is nothing to do, all that remains is to force it to reboot!

In order for the device to start working normally again, we recommend holding down the Power and Home keys simultaneously for several seconds. The screen will go dark after about 10 seconds. Next, you need to release both buttons and wait a few more moments. The equipment can be restarted by clicking on Power.

If you reboot your device using this method, you risk losing important files. This method, as experienced users say, is the very last in the list of possible options for solving the problem.

Few people know, but you can also control an iPhone without mechanical keys! The developers have thought of an option in which everything in the device works except the buttons. Sometimes they stop functioning due to the phone being dropped, stuck, etc. Operations that were delegated by such buttons can be performed using gestures.

To activate this type of control, it is important to turn on Assistive Touch. The function replaces the buttons completely, after which you can restart your iPhone with a gesture.

Enabling the option takes a few simple steps:

  • Go to the “Basic” item in the settings section;
  • select "Universal access";
  • find the “Physiology and Motor skills” parameter;
  • Click on Assistive Touch. Here we should activate the function we need (just pull the slider in the other direction, it should change the color to green);
  • After activating this feature, a new button should appear on the screen. Within this button, you need to touch the screen (such gestures are called “tap”; it activates control capabilities).

If your iPhone is frozen, you can now restart it using Assistive Touch.

Shutting down using this option is done in a matter of seconds:

  • Touch the Assistive Touch icon;
  • select "Device" from this option menu;
  • hold your finger on the “Lock Screen” button for a long time. With such a long “tap”, new “Cancel” and “Turn off” keys should appear;
  • with the help of a swipe to the right side to “Shut down” you can start the shutdown process.

The situation when the iPhone freezes and does not reboot is familiar to many smartphone owners. Software errors occur when applications do not work correctly and conflicts between programs. As a result, the phone begins to freeze spontaneously, glitch, the power-on function disappears, and it becomes inoperative.

Typically, when a device freezes, iOS versions do not shut down or reboot. Most often, earlier iPhone models (4.5) freeze. Modern iPhones of the sixth and seventh models begin to glitch much less often.

Reasons for spontaneous shutdown of the device

If the iPhone freezes and does not reboot, there are some reasons that contributed to this. Most often, problems with Apple equipment arise due to the following reasons:

  • due to mechanical damage
  • software errors, settings failures
  • contact with liquids
  • factory defect

When exposed to such negative factors, the iPhone may not turn on, freeze, glitch, it may not have a function to turn off the device, and the Device, Home, and Power buttons may not work. In this case, you need to perform a hard reboot to turn off the phone.

Signs of malfunction

There are several ways to restart an iPhone, their choice depends on how disrupted normal operation is. Obvious signs of a frozen device with an apple logo include:

  • iPhone does not come into working condition for more than 1 minute
  • I can't turn on the device
  • pressing the button (Device, Home, Power) does not produce results
  • It is impossible to turn off the device

As practice shows, most software errors can be eliminated on your own, only some of them require professional intervention.

Ways to restore iOS devices yourself

As a rule, if the iPhone starts to freeze and glitch, the owners try to restart the smartphone. But the standard reboot method (pressing the Lock/Enable button) does not always give results. When your iPhone freezes, it won't perform functions or commands, no matter how long you hold the button.

In this case, you need to use a hard reboot. This reboot method allows you to turn on your device even if your phone has system errors. To wake up your phone from a frozen state, you need to press the Home button and the Power button at the same time. You should hold down the buttons until the Apple logo appears on the iPhone screen. A hard reboot puts the smartphone into recovery mode and it should turn on automatically.

There is another way to do a hard reboot. In order to restart your iPhone and put it into normal operation mode, you need to simultaneously press the Lock button and the Power off button. Wait until the iPhone turns off. After turning off, pause for a few minutes and press the Power button. By pressing this button, you will see the Apple logo, which will indicate that the hard reset has worked and your phone will start up normally.

It should be noted that the Home button and Power button in the iOS version are not only responsible for launching recovery mode. With their help you can take a screenshot of the screen. But you need to hold the Home key and the power button for no longer than 1 second, otherwise the iPhone will restart. If, after pressing the button, the smartphone does not begin to respond and turn on, you need to contact a specialist.

Benefits of qualified help

If you have tried all the reboot methods (pressing the Power button and the Home key), but you are unable to turn on the iPhone, contact a professional technician. Experienced specialists will fix software errors on iOS smartphones, correct the settings and return you to a fully working iPhone.

After trying to turn on, your iPhone is frozen on the apple and no longer responds? This indicates that a serious error has occurred in the system, which the device cannot solve on its own. Be prepared to have to restore your iPhone. Below are all possible methods that will help you effectively solve the problem.

Diagnosis of the problem

The “eternal reboot” of the iPhone occurs due to a failure of the standard algorithm of actions that are necessary to turn on the smartphone. It is possible that the smartphone cannot access the central processor, check the memory and configure internal components.

There are only three reasons that provoke a “perpetual reboot” of the phone:

  • IOS updates, restoration and transfer of data from a computer to an iPhone and other actions during which a third-party device gains access to the functions of the phone’s cores. Perhaps the error was caused by defender programs, a faulty cable or USB port;
  • Have you done Jailbreak? The risk of system errors increases significantly if you jailbreak your iPhone. The device is more susceptible to viruses and third-party bots;
  • Hardware problems. When turning on the iPhone, it first checks the functionality of the hardware components and, if important elements do not “respond”, the phone cannot continue to start. This way the apple logo doesn't disappear and nothing happens.

Solution #1. Hard Reset

A hard reboot helps 99% of the time. However, user data is not saved. After the reboot, all your personal files will be deleted. We advise you not to make a backup of your data, because its contents may contain utilities and options that caused the freeze.

To do a Hard Reset, press and hold the Home button and the Power button until the Apple icon disappears. Next, animated gears will appear on the screen, which indicate the start of the system rollback process.

Hard Reset will end in 5-10 minutes. Then the iPhone will turn on. You'll need to do the basic phone setup again (sign in to your Apple ID, set up the fingerprint scanner, etc.).

Solution #2. Working in DFU mode

If a hard reboot does not bring any results, you need to run the DFU operating mode - updating the standard phone firmware. This option allows you to enable automatic diagnosis and troubleshooting of the microprocessor.

As a result of DFU, peripheral software will be rolled back, without which the hardware components cannot start correctly.

Connect your iPhone to your personal computer and open the iTunes for PC utility. Make sure your phone is turned off. Press and hold the Power and Home buttons for 8 seconds. Then release the "Power" button, but still hold down the "Home" button until the message "iTunes has detected an iPhone in recovery mode" appears in the main iTunes window.

Next, in the program on your PC, press the OK key to start the process of rolling back the microprocessor firmware. Do not disconnect your computer or iPhone from your PC until the DFU recovery is complete. This may result in the phone being completely inoperable.

Solution #3. Connecting loops

Perhaps, after a recent phone repair, the motherboard cables were not connected securely. Turn off your phone and open the back cover. Then check the connections of all the cables shown in the figure. If necessary, disconnect and reconnect the component using a spudger or plastic spatula.

You can find any instructions for self-repairing an iPhone on our website, or call a specialist for to any place convenient for you.

They have firmly entered our lives, largely thanks to the Apple company. Even today, one of the most desired gadgets in the world is the Apple iPhone 7 model. And it’s not even about improved technical characteristics, but about the brand and positioning of the device. But despite the fact that modern iPhone allows you to surf the Internet, listen to music, watch videos and play games; smartphones have one significant drawback - operating system glitches.

System and freezes

The advantage of old push-button phones is that they are reliable. This is due to the fact that the microcontrollers had proprietary firmware at the factory, and each part was well debugged and performed its specific function. In smartphones, everything is different - most of the functions are embedded in one chip. And, despite the fact that there is factory proprietary firmware here, the interface is controlled by a complex operating system that is installed “on top”. This was done to expand versatility and flexibility in further improvements with updates. But it is in operating systems that most often lie bugs, errors and lack of development. Thus, the device can freeze under the most unpredictable operating conditions. Some Apple iPhone 5 users know about the problem firsthand.

The main advantage of older models was that freezes could be treated by turning off the power: the batteries of most devices were removable. But now the situation is different: most smartphones are not collapsible and you won’t be able to quickly remove the battery. And in the case of some smartphones, you won’t be able to turn it off at all. Of course, many will assume that you can simply turn off the power with a button. But the shutdown is software and in some cases this technique will not work.

What to do if your iPhone is frozen and does not respond to shutdown

No matter how much Apple products are praised, even despite their cost, there are situations when the device stops responding to presses, i.e. the device simply freezes and stops responding to commands.

If your smartphone freezes, it is recommended to wait until it sits down and reboot itself. Strange advice, but sometimes it helps. In most other cases, a forced reboot is provided, from any state. To do this, hold down the power and home buttons. You should hold this position for at least 10 seconds. After this, release the buttons, the device should turn off and on, and the Apple logo will appear on the display. If it is not there, you will need to turn on the smartphone by briefly pressing the power button.

How to avoid freezes in the future?

Freezing may occur due to crude firmware. The first day of sales of a new smartphone from Apple is always a queue. But flawless operation of the firmware in this case is not guaranteed; months will pass before the manufacturer “catch” most of the bugs. Here we can only advise you to update more often: at first the company will send patches quite often. Second tip: be careful when choosing programs. Freezes can be caused by low-quality third-party software. And in general, a large number of games and resource-intensive programs can overload the operating system, and the smartphone will freeze at the most inopportune moment. Therefore, the smartphone must be kept “clean”.

Apple products are one of the most reliable and high-quality in the world, but sometimes its owners may encounter an iPhone or iPad that freezes. The fact that the sensor lags may be caused by a low battery level or a software glitch. The usual method of rebooting most often helps to bring the touch screen back to life. To avoid similar problems with iPhone in the future, you need to understand the reasons why your smartphone freezes.

Why iPhone doesn't respond to commands

If your iPhone is frozen, then the first reason you should pay attention to is the large number of applications being used. Especially if some of them are constantly running in the background. When simultaneously running programs that require a lot of space on iOS (for example, geolocation, Facebook and various games), the following may occur:

  • The touch display will be slow to respond when pressed, leaving you unable to answer an incoming call, dial a number, send a message, or unlock the screen at all
  • The iPhone will simply turn off due to high battery consumption

The iPhone may start to fail even after updating programs via the Internet. Especially if the “Auto-update” function is active.

What to do if the touch screen of your smartphone becomes glitchy

If your phone starts to glitch or freezes for the first time, first try to wait for the corresponding application to respond. The processor itself will close unresponsive applications and return to normal operation. If there is no response, try rebooting the device. To do this you need to do the following:

  • Press the "Home" button and the "Power" button at the same time
  • hold them for at least 5 seconds

After this, the screen will go dark, and then the phone will turn on automatically. If this does not happen, then press the lock button and the iPhone will start working.

Another way to lock/unlock the screen on an iPhone or simply turn on the device if the power button does not respond to commands is to put the smartphone on charge. It is possible that the phone will begin to respond to the power button after reaching one hundred percent battery charge, as it froze due to a large number of running applications that require a large amount of energy.

If the sensor lags, but the screen still responds slowly and gives at least some reaction, then you can do without an emergency reboot method. To do this, just try turning off your iPhone as usual:

  • press the Power button
  • wait until “Slide To Power Off” appears on your phone screen
  • move the slider to the desired position

Next, turn on the device by pressing the lock button. If Athos froze and slowed down due to a large number of open programs, then rebooting and shutting down methods will help it restore its functionality.

If the phone freezes or slows down after the update, then reset the settings, but first save all the data on the device. There are two ways to fix your smartphone if it becomes glitchy:

  • "Reset all settings"- a gentle method, since it saves all user data; to perform “Reset all settings”, you need to go to “Settings”, then click the “Basic” button and then click the “Reset” button
  • “Erase content and settings”- a radical method that erases all data from the device; you can also activate this function in the “Settings” section (“General” - “Reset”) by pressing the “Erase iPhone” button

If the iPhone failures were related to the update, then after resetting the settings you will again be able to dial numbers normally and answer incoming calls and messages.

If your smartphone regularly slows down and freezes, or the screen goes dark on its own, then most likely a firmware update is required. Only professionals can help solve this problem.

How to reboot your device without using the power button

There are situations when you need to shut down or reboot without using the shutdown buttons (especially true if they don't work at all). To do this, you need to “pull out” the “Assistive Touch” function on the desktop. You can do it like this:

  • go to the “Settings” menu item
  • select "Accessibility"
  • activate "Assistive Touch" by moving the slider to the "On" position

This function on the iPhone makes it possible to lock the screen, mute and adjust the sound, return to the home page without pressing the Home button, and most importantly, allows you to turn off the device if the power button does not work.

Help from professionals

If, after all the manipulations have been performed, the phone continues to slow down, periodically freezes, and does not respond to locking and unlocking, seek professional help. Specialists will diagnose the device and determine the reason why the smartphone does not ring or respond to the power button. Once the fault is determined, the following work will be carried out.