My Chinese phone won't turn on, what should I do? Trying to save a smartphone after being submerged in water. How to restore original settings on iPhone

I am sure that among the readers there will definitely be those who have encountered such a problem - the phone turned off at one point and will not turn on again. Or those whose mobile phone periodically turns off spontaneously. And for the lucky ones who have not encountered such troubles, it will be useful to know what to do in such cases.

Let's figure it out possible reasons such malfunctions using the following examples:

Situation No. 1

In the evening, when you came home, you put the phone on charge, and in the morning you removed the phone from the cable that did not turn on. You are in shock. You take the battery out of it, put it back in - nothing changes. There is no reaction to the charger. What is the reason?

1. Before you panic, check to see if your charger is burned out. To do this, take any other phone and make sure it is charging. If not, then you're in luck - just use a working charger. A similar problem may occur with the cable.

2. If everything is OK with charging, then it also gets upset early - the option of the so-called “deeply dead battery” remains.

What it is? Normally, the battery charge level ranges from 3.6 to 4.2 volts. Moreover, the manufacturer calibrates the device in such a way that a battery voltage of 3.6 volts corresponds to a 0% charge indication, and 4.2 volts, in turn, corresponds to 100%. When the phone is correctly calibrated, when the minimum battery charge is reached, the power controller will turn off the device, and when you press the power button, an indicator will be displayed complete discharge. If you place the phone “all the way”, and then after full discharge Run the device several times, “distorting” the battery - the phone may discharge below the permissible minimum (3.6 volts). And a regular charger will no longer be able to charge it in this state.

At home, solving the problem of a “deeply dead battery” is problematic, but possible. To do this, take out the phone battery, connect the charger and, holding down the power button, insert the battery. If your phone screen lights up and starts charging, you're in luck. If not, you will have to seek help from a specialist who will charge the battery using a special power supply. Even the smallest workshop must have such equipment, and even the most inexperienced craftsmen are familiar with the “battery start” procedure.

3. Another reason for “not turning on” without responding to the charger may be a broken phone socket. In this case, the device starts after charging the battery, for example in a service, but after it is completely discharged it cannot be charged and turned on again. Breakdowns like this usually develop gradually. Most likely, the phone already had problems with charging, but they were successfully solved by a cunningly connected cable (upside down, pulled with a clothespin, etc.) But at one “wonderful” moment, all your know-how stops working and the charging socket simply breaks off fees.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to solve such an issue at home, and most likely you will have to contact the service. Here it is important to understand that if you have been torturing both yourself and your phone with all sorts of “devices” for a long time, then it is quite possible that the broken socket has already caused trouble on the board (for example, it has torn off the elements adjacent to it). So you shouldn’t delay with such a breakdown.

And further. If you have already returned your phone for service, be sure to request that the replacement part be returned to you after repair. Many “masters” are too lazy to change the charging socket and simply solder the old one. Which doesn't solve the problem at all. They only eliminate the consequence - the severed nest, but forget about the root cause - bad contact this same socket with the charger.

Situation No. 2

Your phone was fully charged, you were using it and it went out right before your eyes. The reasons may be the following:

1. The problem may be trivial dead battery. When using the phone, dust gets into the battery compartment. Small particles of this same dust fall asleep between the battery contacts and the contact block of the phone, creating a dielectric coating during friction. At one point, its quantity may reach its critical minimum and power simply stops flowing to your phone.

In this case, to turn on the phone, you need to remove and reinsert the battery. If it helps, take a paper eraser and carefully, so as not to damage the contacts, wipe it contact groups on the phone and on the battery. Using vodka, cologne or even medical alcohol for cleaning is strictly prohibited, because even pure medical alcohol contains 4% water.

If the manipulations carried out did not give the expected result, then it is worth checking how tightly the battery fits in the battery compartment. If there is play, press the battery with a piece of cardboard so that it is in tight contact with the terminal block.

2. What follows non-working button inclusion. Let's say you talked on the phone, ended the call, locked the screen with the power button, but couldn't unlock it. Visually, you see a phone that does not turn on, which does not react in any way to the power button. You juggle the battery, try to start it again - zero response. You make a control call to your previously disconnected phone and the call goes nowhere.

How to find out that your power button is broken and understand the reason for its malfunction? This problem is determined by placing the phone on charge. If the charging indication appears, but the phone still does not respond to your efforts to start it, it means that with a high degree of probability the button has died. The main causes of such breakdowns are mechanical damage, moisture, natural wear and, of course, manufacturing defects.

Unfortunately, fixing the power button at home is extremely difficult. Most likely you will have to resort to the help of specialists.

3. Proximity sensor. This sensor is triggered during a conversation when you put the phone to your ear, blocking the screen from accidental presses. If it breaks after making a call, the screen goes dark and does not light up even after you remove the phone from your ear. The phone continues to think that you are talking on it. If you don't pay attention to the fact that the voice of your interlocutor is still coming from the speaker, it may seem that the phone is frozen or turned off. This type of breakdown often occurs after unsuccessful repairs. touch screen in non-specialized service centers or after the phone has been dropped.

To make sure that this particular sensor has failed, just wait until they hang up on the “other end of the wire”. If after the end of the conversation the display lights up again, it means that your phone has been diagnosed.

Repair of the proximity sensor is possible only at a service center.

4. "Flying off software ". Probably the most common breakdown of a phone. Well, if not the most common, then certainly the most favorite. Remember the notorious: “it’s buggy - you need to reflash it,” which, I’m sure, you yourself have used more than once.

Unfortunately, updating your phone's firmware is not a panacea. Especially if the device does not turn on. But when is it worth taking up reprovisioning?

  • if the smartphone freezes during use, and after “jerking” the battery does not respond to the power button
  • The phone does not boot beyond the splash screen
  • the phone reboots cyclically, reaching the same place during the startup process

When software failure all these symptoms are permanent. If the phone sometimes starts, sometimes it doesn’t, you need to think about a serious hardware failure.

5.Phone hardware failure caused by failure electronic components. Of course, diagnosing such faults should be carried out under service conditions.

Situation No. 3

The most unpleasant cases are when you yourself caused the device to break down.

1. Phone drowned or flooded. In such a situation, immediate intervention by a qualified specialist is required. The only way you can be useful is to turn off the power to the device as quickly as possible, do not try to turn it on, much less charge it. Be aware that even a phone that is well dried at home runs the risk of becoming a “key fob” if power is given to it. I think not everyone has one at home. isopropyl alcohol, ultrasonic bath, Soldering Station and a binocular microscope, so leave such repairs to the professionals.

What measures can be taken if the phone drowns far from civilization, I will tell you in the next article - “What to do if I drowned my phone.”

2. You dropped the phone and it stopped turning on. This is due to mechanical damage to the soldering, rupture of surface tracks or, even worse, an interlayer defect motherboard. Just like moisture, such breakdowns are considered complex and cannot be fixed at home.

You bought the phone of your dreams on Aliexpress. It arrived, the package was unpacked, but the phone did not turn on!!! Horrible dream? No, just a terrible reality.

Now I’ll tell you something to make the article thicker, and then I’ll reveal this simple secret.

Phones from Aliexpress come with their own complexities and nuances. If you don’t know about these risks, the other day there will be a separate article, but now I want to say that although you are protected from all kinds of problems, defects and other things, it may happen that they send you a phone that really isn’t working and you won’t be able to prove anything . There is only one reason - insufficient buyer rating. If you have a rating of A0, A1 or A2, and if they send you a defective phone, there is a very good chance that you will not get your money back. Things will progress this way. You receive a mobile phone, discover a defect (for example, the phone does not turn on) and then open a dispute in which you indicate the reason and, of course, demand a refund for the product. As proof, you take a photo of the lifeless phone. The seller will naturally swear and swear that he sent a fully working device. As a result, the case is transferred to arbitration who will have to choose whether to give you the money or refuse. This is where they will look at you very closely. And what will they see? Your scanty account with three purchases (washcloth, headphones and phone case). At this stage, the buyer’s protection will stall and it is quite possible that a decision will be made in favor of the seller. This was done with much more cheap goods. They will write it off as damage due to the fault of the post office for which the seller is not responsible. What if it all happened like that? They accidentally put a seven-ton box on your phone, the screen didn’t get crushed, but the phone doesn’t work, and here you are proving that it’s the seller’s fault. Or they may even be suspected of fraud. After all, what’s stopping you from taking a picture of a completely working phone that’s just turned off? They will ask you to return it back, and you will send the brick to the seller in the parcel and provide the track. After all, no one there will wait a month for the goods to be returned. They will see that there is data on the track and will approve the dispute, but to prevent this from happening, they will immediately not approve it, they will say that it is his own fault, he turned it on crookedly, but they will think that you want to deceive an honest Chinese seller. Or again they will write it off for delivery. In general, what should we do? There are two options.

  • To risk. Perhaps it will pass, and he will come safe and sound. Read about the risks of buying phones on Aliexpress.
  • Use the services of an intermediary. If anything, they will take the rap for you, and the intermediaries usually have the highest buyer rating, almost all issues are resolved in their favor.

And now to the essence of the question, why doesn’t the phone bought on Aliexpress turn on?

The fact is that those phones that come with a battery already inserted are specially protected from discharge. The battery should be as fresh as a May rose by the time it is turned on, but for example, you had it traveling for a month and a half inserted into the phone. In general, the batteries inserted into the phone are usually closed electrical contacts an ordinary film that prevents the battery from contacting the phone. Look carefully at the photo, you can see it there. Therefore, if your phone does not turn on immediately after you unpack the parcel, remove back cover and peel off the film from the battery contacts. Usually they think of doing this after they have pressed the phone’s power button for half an hour and have already managed to tear out hair in all sensitive places out of despair.
By the way, if the battery is in place, there is no film and the phone does not turn on, try charging it. Perhaps there was no film initially and the phone simply ran out of charge during the journey. Keep in mind that if there is film and you try to plug the charger into the phone to see any signs of life, it will not work. Those. The phone with the battery sealed and the charger inserted will not turn on.

Imagine life modern man without mobile phone impossible. Despite the abundance of means for communication and communication, this little helper is still in first place. The phone has become like an extension of the hand, and its absence causes discomfort and uncertainty - what if someone calls or writes while the owner has lost his vigilance? Some particularly fanatical users even move around the apartment with the device - it is in the kitchen, in the bathroom, and under the pillow. One can only guess what disappointment befalls the owner if The phone turned off and won't turn on. What are the reasons for such trouble? What to do if we are talking about a brand new smartphone? There is no need to panic -

Do no harm!

Attempts to immediately disassemble the phone and check “what’s inside” can be disastrous for the fragile device. Without special knowledge, it is pointless to understand the structure of microcircuits and incomprehensible parts - in best case scenario these attempts will not help in any way; at worst, they will lead to serious damage, the repair of which can be very expensive, or even futile. It will be most offensive if the phone stopped turning on, for example, due to the fact that the battery is completely discharged. Before taking drastic measures, you need to try to rehabilitate a disconnected phone, but to do this you need to find out a number of reasons that could cause the device to malfunction.

Battery check

Situation one: I can't turn on the phone, although quite recently it was working properly, and the battery charge level was sufficient for at least another day. The simplest explanation is too high load on the battery, especially for new ones modern smartphones. Their functionality is so diverse that it’s hard to call such a device a telephone – rather, a mini-computer. For example, always-on Wi-Fi or Bluetooth consumes too much energy - the phone is in constant search, trying to catch every network that appears or find a phone with active bluetooth to immediately notify the owner. You just need to disable these options and use them only as needed (“What to do if your phone runs out of battery quickly” can be read at). A discharged battery causes phone turns on and off after a moment, or even does not respond at all to attempts to “revive” him. Eliminating the cause is simple - you just need to charge the phone, and after half an hour you can use it. Sometimes situations arise when the device has to be left on charge for almost a day, and only after that make a decision about contacting a specialist. The fact is that the battery life is usually no more than two to two and a half years, after which it should be replaced with a new one.


If The phone is dead and won't turn on After trying to charge it, you need to carefully inspect the charger - perhaps its wire is damaged or the contact is coming off. The problem may also lie in the socket of the phone itself, which could break or become unusable from too much frequent use- most new phones have only one hole for all functions - charging, connecting to a computer, listening to music with headphones. How can I check this? A win-win option is to try to charge the battery using universal battery"frog" type. If the phone starts working normally after this, you can consider the cause eliminated and go to the store for a new charger.

Sometimes it happens that phone charging indicator blinking directly when trying to recharge it. That is, while the device is connected to the network, it continues to discharge. Experts explain this anomaly severe overheating, as a result of which the battery does not receive energy. The second option is to use “alien” charger, especially if it is a device Low quality, the use of which can be detrimental to the phone. There are known cases when expensive smartphones failed after short circuit in a cheap charger. After such experiments, it will not be possible to do without a hard reset or flashing the phone.

On/off button

Another reason that The phone blinks and does not turn on, may be a faulty on/off button. There may be several reasons for this. In the case where the phone is completely new and has hardly been used, the blame falls entirely on the shoulders of the manufacturer - most likely, this is a factory defect. There are two options for solving the problem: either the store will replace the phone with a working one, or the service center will carry out free repair apparatus. Old push-button phones They are usually reliable and solid as a rock, but they also have problems with the buttons, and a problem with the power button will most likely result in the entire keyboard not responding. There are several explanations for this - in the case when The phone fell and won't turn on, the keyboard could move away from the impact. Very often the buttons malfunction if moisture has entered and the phone does not turn on– the influence of liquid always has a detrimental effect on any equipment. However, most often the buttons stop working due to the advanced age of the device. In any of these situations, turning to a specialist is inevitable - only he can figure out what actions need to be taken:

  • Completely replace the keyboard membrane.
  • Restore assembly soldering.
  • Replace the keyboard controller.
  • Produce complete cleaning device and eliminating trapped moisture.

Oddly enough, the most ordinary flash drive can cause the phone started to freeze. It's about about a memory card that is inserted into the device to increase its memory. The fact is that most often the flash card is not sold complete with the phone, and the consumer is forced to purchase it separately. It turns out that some memory cards may not be compatible with certain models phones and smartphones. Recommendation in in this case is simple - you need to buy a flash drive only in trusted, well-known stores brands. After inserting the card into the device, you can immediately check it - if phone freezes or does not see it, you can safely return the purchase. If the smartphone does not want to accept any of the proposed flash drives, most likely the problem lies with it. In this case, it is recommended to contact a service center - it is quite possible that you will have to reflash the phone, after which it will begin to function smoothly with any memory cards.

Installing updates

The situation when phone won't turn on after update, happens infrequently, but still happens sometimes, especially with new smartphones that have permanent access to the Internet. The phone receives various updates, the installation of which may be unsafe for the device. Problems usually begin immediately after installing updates - the phone may turn off on its own, then turn on.

Sometimes the screen does not turn on, and if it is on, then incomprehensible inscriptions like “ Windows phone" The process of turning off/on can be continuously repeated several times, while no intervention helps stop the malfunction of the device. In this case, you can try to turn off the phone by removing the battery, then insert it back and turn it on again, and then use a reset, which differs for each model. If everything is done correctly and the failure is not very serious, the phone will reset and reboot on its own. This process may take some time, after which the device will return to its previous state and start working as before.

If installed updates seriously damaged the phone, most likely you will have to use * – only hard reboot is capable of restoring the system to factory settings, while all information stored on the SIM card and memory card will remain intact, but system information will be completely cleared. Contacts, SMS and all programs installed on the phone will disappear. But in this case you have to choose the lesser of two evils - returning the phone to working condition will cost much less than buying a new expensive device.

*In order to do this, you need to select the brand of your phone in the “Hard Reset” menu on the left and then find your model or use the site search (top menu).

Mechanical damage

Despite the convincing statements of manufacturers that their creations “do not burn in fire, do not drown in water and never break,” situations where phone won't turn on after falling, happen very often. A breakdown can happen at the most unexpected moment. For example, a smartphone placed in the back pocket of jeans is in danger - if it sits poorly, the owner can easily crush the screen. Repair in this case is inevitable. And the cases when The phone fell and won't turn on, the most common, experts can tell you about it service centers.

Very often there is no visible damage to the phone, but all attempts to turn it on are useless. You can try to rehabilitate the device by opening the cover and reinstalling the SIM card, flash drive and battery - perhaps the contact simply came off due to the impact. No effect? This means that the breakdown is more serious than it seemed at first. All that remains is to contact a technician who can restore the phone to its original condition. This may require flashing, but don’t be afraid - the device will function no worse, or even better, than before.

The more popular it becomes Apple products, the more imitators they have. Asian manufacturers learned how to rivet excellent copies of the iPhone, appearance indistinguishable from the originals. Counterfeits are several times cheaper than original products, so it is not surprising that these devices can easily find their consumers. Counterfeits are no different in reliability and convenience; it often happens that Chinese iPhone won't turn on without visible reasons. Why this happens, we will understand in this article, we will talk about the main problems and solutions to this difficult problem.

Most common reasons

If chinese phone does not work, you can try pressing the “Home” key under the display while holding down the gadget’s power button. You need to hold them for at least 15 seconds, after which the download should begin. If this did not help the smartphone, then the reason for its failure will be different. If the iPhone does not turn on, then the reason may lie in a normal system failure. This is most common among Chinese models. The solution in such a situation is to contact service centers.

  • Battery faults. If fake iPhone 7 does not turn on, then you can try charging the battery. Often it is the lack of charge that brings the entire system down.
  • Charger failure. If chinese smartphone does not work, then breaking the charger is the most harmless and simple option. It will be very simple to check it; to do this, you will need to connect it to another power device; if it still does not charge, then the reason lies precisely in the charger.
  • The device needs to be reflashed. Many owners iPhone copies 6 and its other models face the problem described above. Sometimes you need to reinstall the firmware, and the smartphone will work as before.
  • The phone is fake. Many who buy this famous model cannot be completely sure whether they were sold an original or a very similar fake. If you are unlucky and you bought a fake, then during the process of using it you will be able to observe many failures and problems. For example, a Chinese iPhone 6 S may not turn on or charge. In this case, you need to contact the company where it was purchased.
  • There is a problem with the device's connectors. If everything is in order with the battery and charger, then you should pay attention to the connectors. Sometimes they can be damaged.
  • To check why a Chinese iPhone does not turn on, you need to connect it to another, similar iPhone. Then connect the charger to it and see if the phone charges, then the problem is in the connectors.
  • Malfunctions mobile device due to mechanical damage.


Chinese iPhone 7 may not turn on due to various types of viruses. Because of them, gadgets may stop working. It is more difficult to detect viruses on smartphones. If you have not yet used the Internet, then you can immediately discard this option. It is highly advisable to get an antivirus to prevent future infections.


What to do if the Chinese iPhone 6 does not turn on. It is necessary to check whether moisture has come into contact with it or whether it has fallen on a hard surface. In most cases, it is these damages that disable the mobile phone.

If it doesn't turn on Chinese iPhone If it gets into water, you will need to disassemble the device into parts and dry everything well. A hairdryer is perfect for these purposes. After this, you can assemble the phone and see if it will work. In 80% of cases this will help restore performance.

Device dropped

The device does not turn on for a reason mechanical damage? You'll have to push yourself a little, it's going to be a long job. You cannot do without specialized service centers. They will be able to help restore the operation of the smartphone, but not every technician will undertake the repair. Chinese copy iPhone.

If the Chinese iPhone 6s does not turn on after being dropped on the floor or another hard surface, then you can try to restore its operation on your own. After your mobile device falls, you need to remove the battery from it and then put it back in place. In some cases this technique works.
Another reason why the iPhone does not work is damage touch display. Such repairs will be very expensive, because you will have to look for a new display. Before you begin this type of repair, you need to make sure that the cable is intact; perhaps that is where the problem lies.

The most serious reason why a fake iPhone won't turn on is damage motherboard. This can happen due to severe mechanical damage. Miss this problem impossible, the smartphone constantly reboots, the sound disappears, a black screen appears, and after that it stops working altogether.
What to do in this case? Such repairs will be very expensive, therefore, if at least one of the listed conditions occurs, you must contact a service center.

Problem with the power button

Another problem why a smartphone does not work is a faulty or blocked power button. How to turn on the smartphone in this case? You need to remove the cover, if present, and wipe the button. If there is no damage on it, but the phone does not work, you need to open the device. The connecting cable may be damaged or the contacts may have oxidized.

How, in this case, can you turn on the Chinese iPhone 6 if it does not turn on? You can try connecting the charger, the phone should start booting.


If the phone is frozen and does not want to work, then you can try:

  • Remove the back cover and remove the battery.
  • Put everything back.
  • Press the “Power” key.

If after these manipulations fake iPhone does not turn on and does not react at all, then you can try:

  • Download the firmware file from the Internet.
  • Connect your phone to your PC.
  • Using the firmware file downloaded to your PC, update operating system Chinese iPhone.

If after following these methods the iPhone does not turn on and does not charge, then the problem is most likely a malfunction internal structure phone. The operation of the microcircuit may be broken or the contacts may have come loose. You will have to take it to a handy technician, since most likely, few people will undertake the repair of such a device.

Video instruction

If problems arise with a wet gadget, do not connect it to the mains and stop pressing the buttons. as soon as possible and only then follow the advice in this article.

If you are sure that the inside of the smartphone is dry, feel free to continue.

1. Force restart your device

Your phone may be turned on but just frozen. In this case, the screen may be dark and not respond to any actions. So first try restarting your device using the hardware keys.

How to Force Restart iPhone

On iPhone SE, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, and older models, hold the Home key and the top (or side) button for 10 seconds or more until the Apple logo appears.

On iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus, hold side key along with the Volume Down button for 10 seconds or more until you see the Apple logo.

On an iPhone 8 or iPhone 8 Plus, hold and immediately release the volume up key and then the volume down key. After that click on side button and hold it until the Apple logo appears.

How to force restart your Android smartphone

Press the Power button and Volume Down key at the same time and hold them for 10-15 seconds. If successful, the device will reboot automatically or display a menu on the screen in which you will need to select the restart command.

Some Android smartphones can reboot using other buttons. If the device does not respond, search the Internet for a key combination to restart your particular model.

2. Take out the battery and put it back

If your phone has removable battery, remove the cover and remove the battery from the device. Wait at least 30 seconds and replace the battery. Then try turning on your phone in the usual way- using the power button.

3. Put your phone on charge

Connect your phone to a power outlet using the original charger. If within an hour the charging indicator does not appear on the display and you cannot turn on the device, check the integrity and cleanliness of the connector, as well as the condition of the power cable and adapter. If possible, try different outlets, replace the cable and/or adapter.

4. Reset the device to factory settings

If after trying to turn on the screen the screen lights up, but the device does not boot properly, try restoring the factory settings using the hardware buttons.

During a system reset, you may lose personal data that was not synchronized with the server. Don't do this if you're afraid of erasing important information.

How to restore original settings on iPhone

Connect your phone to your computer using a cable and launch iTunes. Then force restart iPhone(see point 1). When you see the Apple logo, continue to hold the buttons until recovery mode appears on the smartphone screen.

After this, a window with further instructions should appear on your computer monitor. Click "Update" and follow the system prompts.

iTunes will download the necessary software for your phone. If this process takes more than 15 minutes, the iPhone may exit recovery mode. In this case, press the buttons again forced restart and hold them until the device returns to this mode.

If the update works, the phone can turn on without resetting the system. If not, then iTunes window Click "Restore" to return to factory settings.

How to restore original settings on an Android smartphone

Make sure your smartphone is turned off and try the following combinations to reset:

  • Volume up key + power button;
  • Volume down key + power button;
  • Volume down key + Volume up key + Power button;
  • Volume Down key + Power button + Home key.

You need to press all the keys at the same time and hold them for about 10–15 seconds. After this, it will appear on the screen special menu, in which you should select Recovery, and then - Wipe command data/factory reset. If in Recovery mode If you don’t see this command, hold down the power button and press the volume up key for a moment.

After these steps, the smartphone should return to its original settings within a few minutes. If none of the key combinations work or you don't find the commands you need in service menu, look for reset instructions for your device model.