I can't sign out of apple id. How to change Apple ID? How to change Apple ID without losing data on iPhone and iPad? Removing Apple ID

There are no compelling reasons for deleting an Apple ID, but if people demand it, we will share our knowledge in this area. The article describes everything possible actions permanent removal iTunes account and unlink your mail from your accounts Apple data ID.
The reason why there is a need to delete an iTunes user record (or Apple ID) there may only be a release of the email address for registration new apple go again. If this is the reason, then you don’t have to completely delete the Apple ID, because in the user information settings you can simply change the address virtual mail. You can register another account at the address that becomes available.

Ways to remove Apple ID

To permanently delete all iTunes user information, consider two schemes.
  1. This is changing the information in the settings to arbitrary;
  2. Writing a letter to technical service support, where you need to ask to delete your account.
The process of deleting an account requires the presence of:
  • computer, iPhone, tablet;
  • Internet access.

How to change data in Apple ID settings

The first scheme involves changing personal data that is specified during the process Apple registration IDs are arbitrary. That is, change birth information, payment method, physical address. This option does not delete the account.
To do this, you need to open iTunes on a PC or Mac, go to the store and click the “Login” button.

Then enter your account login and password and click “Login” again.

Select settings, then in the proposed menu, left-click “Account Information and go” to “Account”

Make all necessary adjustments to general information user and save. Specify non-existent email in your account settings will fail, because to confirm any changes to mailing address a message arrives.

Similar actions can be carried out on official page Apple, which is located here: . Before this you need to go through authorization. This way you can delete your Apple ID permanently.

Removing an Apple ID through Apple Support

This scheme takes much longer. But it deletes the Apple ID completely and irrevocably.
Using your computer or any other device with active output on the Internet, you need to go to the page: and create a letter with a corresponding request sent to support Apple.
Next, enter the required data in the fields that are highlighted as important to fill out, and click on the “Submit Suggestion” button.

Requirements for requesting account deletion iTunes recordings to the service Apple support:
  • all information entered into the fields is entered exclusively in English;
  • “Email address” is your virtual mail address from your Apple ID registration;
  • “Subject” - here you need to write a phrase like “Help remove all your Apple ID” (Help remove your Apple ID forever);
  • the “Comment” line should reflect the reason for the desire to delete all user information.
Possibility of creating a request if you have insufficient knowledge of English.
If you want to submit a request for Apple ID removal to Apple support, but do not speak English well, it is recommended to search on the Internet, for example, Google Translate, and use it.

An example of a request to Apple technical support to delete an Apple ID account

Good afternoon Let me ask you, Apple technical support, with a specific request! I became the owner of an Apple ID (write your email) and as a result of certain circumstances I want to delete it forever. I don't want to use Apple services that require personalization by Apple funds ID. I am not asking for a refund of the money I spent on games, movies, music programs from the iTunes store or App Store. Therefore, I ask you to permanently delete my Apple ID.

Then translate this text using Google Translate and the result will be the following content:

Good afternoon! Let me turn to you, Apple technical support to a specific request! I became the owner of the Apple ID (write your email) and as a result of certain circumstances I want to remove it permanently. I do not want to use Apple services with obligatory personalization by means of Apple ID. I do not ask to reimburse the money that I spent on the purchase of games, movies, music, software, and the iTunes App Store. Therefore, please remove my Apple ID permanently.

If you made spelling or punctuation errors, then you don’t have to worry, since anyone, even a child, can authorize an Apple ID, and the company’s technical support should understand the essence of your request.

After sending the letter, you just have to wait for a response. The request may be responded to after several days or even several weeks. Yes, on email address, registered to the Apple ID that you want to delete, you will receive a response from support. This response includes a link that confirms the user's information has been deleted. You need to click on it and your account will be deleted.

As you can see, the Apple ID deletion process is possible, but it is not easy. Sometimes you can even get rejected. And if it happens that you were refused, then you can repeat the procedure, but this letter will not be a request, but a demand, which involves delaying the removal process for some period of time.

Faster and easy option is to replace your information in the settings of your entry in iTunes store either with the help Apple management ID, thus forgetting about it forever. If you need to restore your account if you lose your Apple ID, it’s quite easy to do.

Personally, I cannot find any reason to permanently delete the Apple ID, but if such a need arises, then it makes sense to write about it. In the article “under the cut” we will tell you how to permanently delete account iTunes and how to unlink your email from your Apple ID account.

The only reason I can think of to delete an iTunes account (aka Apple ID) is to free up the email address for re-use. If this is exactly what you need, there is no need to permanently delete your Apple ID; in your account settings, you can change your email address at any time, which is your login. You can register a new account at the vacated address.

If you intend to finally get rid of your iTunes account, you can do this in 2 ways.

Ways to remove Apple ID

  • data change on the account management page to custom;
  • contacting support with a request (demand) to delete the account.

To delete your iTunes account you will need:

  1. Personal Computer(PC or Mac), iPhone, iPad or any other smartphone or tablet;
  2. active internet connection.

How to change data in Apple ID settings

In the first case, you can change the personal data used when registering an Apple ID to arbitrary ones: change your date of birth, payment method, physical address. This method does not delete account.

The same can be done on the Apple ID account management page at: http://appleid.apple.com/ru/. You must first log in. Now you can safely forget about the existence of Apple ID.

Removing an Apple ID through Apple Support

The second method is much longer, but more civilized, and allows you to permanently delete your Apple ID without the possibility of recovery.

Requirements for requesting Apple Support to delete an iTunes account

  • data is entered in the appropriate fields only in English;
  • in field " Email address» should be specified email address to which the Apple ID is registered;
  • in field " Subject"you should enter something like " I want to delete my Apple ID» (I want to delete my Apple ID);
  • in field " Comment» (Comment) should be specified the reason why you want to part with your account.

What to do if you don’t have enough English knowledge to create a request?

If your knowledge of English is not enough to write a request to delete an Apple ID to Apple Support, use the online Google translator Translate, for example.

Apple ID account deletion request template to Apple Support

"Dear technical support Apple!
Recently I have become the owner of an Apple ID (enter your e-mail) and for certain personal reasons I no longer need it. I do not want to use Apple services that require authorization when Apple help ID. I understand that all funds spent on the purchase of games, programs, movies and music in the iTunes Store and App Store are non-refundable and will not require a refund. Please permanently delete my Apple ID."

After translation into Google Translate, you will get the following text:

"Dear Support Apple!
Since recently I own Apple ID (enter your e-mail) and for certain personal reasons he no longer needed me. I do not want to use Apple services that require authorization using the Apple ID. I understand that all funds spent on buying games, software, movies and music from the iTunes Store and App Store are non-refundable and will not ask for reimbursement. Please permanently delete my Apple ID."

You don’t have to worry about spelling and punctuation errors; after all, even a child can register an Apple ID, I’m sure the support will understand the essence of the request.”

And then all that remains is to wait. After a few days, maybe a few weeks, an email from support will be sent to the email address to which the Apple ID being deleted is registered with a link to confirm account deletion. Follow it and your Apple ID will be deleted forever.

As you can see, although it is possible to delete an Apple ID (in certain cases it may be refused), it is not so easy to do. Of course, if your request is refused, you can write again and not in the form of a request, but in the form of a demand, but this process will drag on for a long time.

It’s much faster and easier to change your personal data in your account settings in iTunes or on the Apple ID management page and forget about its existence. Even if you forget your Apple ID, but someday you want to use it again, restore it forgotten Apple The ID will be quite simple.

A user account in the Apple iTunes service, or, simply put, an Apple ID, opens up great opportunities for the owner to download a variety of content in the iTunes Store. Including free ones! However, some ID holders, for purely personal reasons, despite all these benefits, decide to delete it.

At first glance, it’s an easy task to delete the identifier and that’s it. But in fact, a little more effort is required, since neither the official Apple website nor the iTunes application special button There is no account destroyer. Apple's electronic empire does not want to part with its users so easily. Therefore, you will have to work a little to say goodbye to the account.

There are two ways to delete an Apple ID - choose which one suits you best.

Method number 1: contact technical support

It boils down to the fact that you must contact Apple technical support to request that the ID be removed. After sending a letter, it may not disappear from the system immediately, at the same hour or day, but there is still a guarantee that this will happen for sure. At least when registering a new one, old Apple id already unpleasant surprises will not present the “user with such data is already registered” series.

So let's get started!

1. Preparation of an appeal.
Perhaps this is the most sensitive point, since the application must be completed exclusively in English. But don’t worry: ignorance of “English” in in this case- no problem.

A possible version of the letter in mighty Russian might look like this:
“Hello, Apple technical support! In June 2013 (the approximate date of account registration) I became the owner of the Apple ID (your email specified during registration). Due to the current circumstances, I am forced to refuse it. I understand that after deleting my ID, I will not be able to use Apple services that require authorization, and that’s all cash, spent by me on the purchase of games, applications and other content are non-refundable. Please delete my Apple ID (your account email)."

Now, accordingly, it needs to be translated into English language. If you have a translator friend who can do this for free, “out of old friendship,” contact him. And if not, Google Translate will help. And don’t worry that your Apple comrades will have to read the machine translation - the main meaning in the text will still remain.

To use an electronic translator, do the following:

  • copy the letter template and paste it into any text editor(Word, AkelPad, Windows notepad);
  • edit the template: remove the explanations in brackets and insert your personal data (date and email) instead;
  • Open translate.google.com in your iPhone or PC browser;
  • copy the modified text of the letter and paste it into the left panel electronic translator. At the top, click the “Russian” tab;
  • The translation of the letter will appear in the right panel. If this does not happen, click “English” above the empty form where the translation should appear, and then click the “Translate” button;
  • copy the translated text and save it in a text file.

2. Filling out the form.
Go to the office. Apple website and click on the top horizontal menu under the “Support” section. Scroll the page that opens and find the “Contact Us” link at the bottom right. Click on it with the left mouse button. Then, in the far right column in the “Feedback” section, follow the “Support Feedback” link. A form for sending a letter to technical support will open.

To submit an application for ID deletion, you can use not only mobile device(iPhone, iPad), but also a personal computer. The main thing is to have a stable Internet connection. From correct filling The form fields determine the success of your enterprise - that is, whether you can delete your Apple ID or not. Therefore, take your time and be extremely careful.

Attention! Fields marked with the “REQUIRED” marker are formatted in mandatory. Without them, you won't be able to send a letter.

“First/Last name:” - your first and last name. Enter this information in the same way as it is in your account.

“Topic area:” is the subject of the letter. Click on the small arrow located on the left side of the field. From the drop-down menu, select “How-to & Troubleshooting...”, which means “troubleshooting.”

“Email Address:” - mailbox. Under no circumstances should you indicate another, fictitious or someone else’s email! Enter your name in the field mailbox, to which the Apple ID is registered;

“Subject:” is the title of the letter. It should symbolize the purpose of your message and, of course, in English. For example: “Delete my Apple ID” or “I want delete ....” (I want to delete...), etc.

“Comments” - comments. In this field, insert the text of the appeal prepared in Google translate.

After filling out the form, check all the data again. If there are no errors, feel free to submit your expression of will - click the “Submit Suggestion” button. In 5-15 days, or maybe earlier, an email with a link to confirm ID deletion will be sent to the email address specified in your account. Follow it and your ID will disappear.

Method No. 2: “freezing” the account by changing personal data

This solution is indispensable when you urgently need to create a new account with data from your previous Apple id. As a result of the actions described below, the account is not actually deleted from the system, but only loses its ownership of the owner.

1. Launch iTunes app, go to the iTunes Store and log in (the “Login” button).

2. Click on the name of your ID (email will appear in place of the login option).

3. Select “Account” from the menu.

4. On the “Account Information” page, you need to delete your data and enter fictitious data instead (except email!).

If you plan to use the same mailbox in Apple services, replace it with another one that also belongs to you. Otherwise, you will not be able to confirm the changes made. A letter with a link for identification will be sent to an unknown location - that is, to a fake (fake) mailbox.

Opposite each column there is an “Edit” option; activate it with the left mouse button to delete and change data. In "Payment Information:" (payment information) select "None" (none of the proposed payment methods are used). After editing, click "Done". Log in to the system using a new (“fake”) ID and confirm it via email (your second mailbox).

Now you can register new Apple ID with data that was used in the old account (email, bank card, first and last name). Or forget about the identifier altogether.

Successful removal to you, dear reader!

The desire to delete the account Apple entry most often due to the desire to free up an email address for registering a new one Apple ID. iPhone users need to remember the following: you don't have to erase your account to unpin your mailbox. absolutely– you just need to change your account settings by entering “ Email" another address. This is much easier to do than to achieve complete removal Apple ID.

How do I free up my email address to register a new Apple ID?

There are two ways to adjust your iPhone account settings. In the first case, you will need to go to the official Apple website, in the second, use a media combine iTunes.

Changing settings via the Apple website

Let's be clear: you can “unpin” an email address through the Apple website only if you offer in exchange another mailbox that you have access to. Change settings if necessary Apple ID Through the official website of the Apple company, you first need to log in to this portal - specify your email address and password.

Step 1. Use a search engine - enter the query “ Apple ID».

Step 2. Among the options that the search engine gave, find this one - “ Manage your Apple ID account information" Follow this link.

Step 3. On next page scroll down to information block « Changing your account information" In the block, select the section “ Apple ID email».

Step 4. In the instructions that open, find the link “ Apple ID Account Page" and click on it.

Step 7. Answer two security questions. These are among the ones you selected when you created your account.

If you don’t remember what answers you gave during registration, click on the “Reset” link Control questions" You will be able to select other security questions and answer them again, but you will have to enter your password to do so. Apple ID.

Step 8. After you answer the questions, the service will require a code.

A letter with a code is sent to new address Email. It looks like this:

Enter the code and click " Continue».

After this the data Apple account will be adjusted, and a notification about the changes will be sent to the “unpinned” mailbox.

If the user does not have access to the new mailbox, he will not be able to find out the code to enter Necessarily. Previously, it was possible to enter a non-existent email, but recently since Apple introduced protective measures aimed at reducing the number of “fake” accounts.

In iTunes settings

The way to change your account is through iTunes, very similar to the previous one - and also demands work email . Unlinking a mailbox from Apple ID Through the media combine it happens like this:

Step 1. Open iTunes and click on the tab " Account».

Step 2. Select " To come in».

You will have to enter the password for Apple ID again.

Step 6. On home page website, select the country where you live. Our choice is Russia.

The described methods for freeing an email address are unpopular among users, and it’s obvious why: if a person already has available mail, to which you can register a new Apple ID, why should he empty a box that is occupied?

How to remove Apple ID through support?

On this moment the only way fully To delete an Apple account is to contact the support service of the “apple giant”. When applying, you will have to write a letter in English. Therein lies the rub: main reason, why domestic users avoid communicating with Apple employees - unimportant knowledge of foreign languages.

In fact, everything is simpler than it seems - thanks to these instructions, you can send a letter to Apple without even knowing basic English. Proceed like this:

Step 1. Follow the link to the Apple Support page.

Step 2. Fill in the form - You must write only in English.

All fields may not be filled in. Only those opposite which are marked “ Required" - namely:

« Topic Area" - letter subject. There is a drop-down menu here - you need to select one of the options presented. The most suitable option is " How-To & Troubleshooting Articles» (« How to fix the problem?»).

« Subject" - title. Enter the following text here: “ I want to delete my Apple ID"(without quotes). It is recommended to make the title as concise as possible and consistent with the topic of the appeal.

« Comments"—the main text of the letter. This field should describe the reasons why you are refusing further use. Apple ID.

If you are not well versed in English enough to write a letter yourself, write an appeal in Russian and use free translator Google Translate. An automatic translator, of course, will translate the text crookedly, but Apple employees will be able to grasp the main idea.

You can also rewrite the text from ready-made template like this:

In addition to those listed, you should also fill in the field “ Email Address" It is not mandatory to fill out, but is directly related to the topic of our appeal.

Step 3. When you fill in the fields, click on “ Submit Suggestion».

This will open a ticket to Apple Support. All you have to do is wait - within up to 15 days you will receive an email with a link to confirm deletion Apple ID. You will need to follow this link - then you will get rid of the identifier forever.

How to change account on iPhone without a computer?

Step 1. IN " Settings"find the section " iTunes Store, App Store" and go into it.

Step 2. You will see a field in which the current one will be written in blue. Apple ID– click on it.

Step 3. A menu will appear in front of you - select the option " Go out».

If you click on the “View Apple ID” button, you will get access to a link that will take you to a page where you can change the email address of an existing account.

As you can see, change your account iPhone recording incomparably easier than deleting Apple ID at all.

How to delete an iCloud account?

Erase account iCloud- a matter of minutes. You don't need a computer - you just need the gadget itself:

Step 1. On the menu " Settings"find the section " iCloud" and go into it.

Step 2. Once in the " iCloud", scroll down to the end - you will find the item " Delete your account" Click on it.

Step 3. Confirm your intention to delete your account - in the window that appears, click " Delete».

Step 4. The iPhone will ask you what you want to do with your contacts and browser data. Safari– that is, with objects that are associated with the “cloud” iCloud. Option two: leave on iPhone or wipe it off– it’s up to you to choose.

Step 5. Enter your account password iCloud– this is necessary to deactivate the “ Find iPhone».

Then click " Switch off" On this you can consider your account iCloud remote.

Before you delete your account iCloud, you should ask what data will “go away” with it. You will lose photos from photo stream, achievements in games, application documents iWork, notes that have been saved in the cloud. Contacts, messages, music will remain in place - you don’t have to worry about them.


The only way to remove Apple ID is to contact the company's support service. The user will have to wait: it takes Apple employees up to 2 weeks to approve the deletion. If iPhone owner you need to free up your email address for registering another account, it’s better for him to change the details of the current one Apple ID– you can do this through the official Apple website.


In fact, it is impossible to delete an Apple ID. But bringing some settings to desired condition, you can minimize the “life” of your old account and, if desired, set up a new one.

To remove an Apple ID using any device that runs on iOS, go to the “Settings” of the gadget; the icon for this menu item is located on home screen.

Select “iTunes & App Stores” from the entire list. Here you can change your ID settings at any time. Click on the Apple ID field where your ID is indicated. A panel with control options will open. To disconnect your account from this device, click on the “Sign Out” button.

If you want to remove your Apple ID using your computer, you will need basic program Apple "iTunes". This is spreading software absolutely .

Run iTunes program and in top menu Click on the “Store” tab. Select “View My Apple ID” and in the window that opens, enter own password.

On new page in the “Account Information” block, click on the “Deauthorize All” button. This is necessary in order to log out of your account from all your devices, otherwise you will not be able to delete your ID.

Unsubscribe from updates iTunes Match by going to the iCloud block and clicking on the corresponding button. You will receive a confirmation that your account has been successfully unsubscribed. After all the actions, log out of your ID and, if necessary, register a new one.

Helpful advice

If you have previously logged in to others Apple devices using this id, then disable cloud communication with these devices, otherwise they will download information from this account. For this purpose in iCloud section Click on the “Manage Devices” link and click “Delete”.

Related article

Apple ID is an individual an identification number, allowing you to perform various actions related to Apple products. It is mainly needed for purchases on Apple Store, but in addition, you may need it when visiting the company's support website.

There are no difficulties in registering an Apple ID. First of all, you need to install iTunes on your computer. You can download it from Apple.com/iTunes/. After installation and login this program you need to click on the “iTunes Store” button located in the upper right part of the screen.

In the window that opens, you must select the country by clicking on the button located at the very bottom of the screen. After this, you need to click the “Login” button. It's at the top of the screen. Then, in the window that appears, click “Create an Apple ID.” Next, after downloading, you will be asked to read Apple's privacy terms. In the lower right part of the screen you need to check the box, which will mean that you have read the text of the agreement, and click the “Accept” button.

In the next window you must enter your email, password, and personal information. When you click on each field, hints will appear to help you fill it out. After all fields are filled in, you must click the “Continue” button.

After this, the last window will appear where you need to fill in the details of your credit or debit card. At the end this process you need to click the “Create Apple ID” button. That's it, your Apple ID is registered.