How to flash htc desire x, and where to download the firmware? Returning the flashed HTC Desire S to stock condition

Often there are breakdowns, problems or a simple desire to change the firmware.

Until a certain time, the device is on official guarantee can be updated over the air, but if it becomes obsolete and a new model appears on the market, you can update the phone only by manually changing the firmware version. They usually don’t install a bare operating system, and on smartphones like HTC, they generally prefer custom firmware because of the unique interface and some features visual design.

Firmware for HTC may also contain a modified kernel, which includes already fixed errors, improved parameters, configured and added options, and generally optimized initial code. Such firmware has been known since version 2.2, which you can download below.

Install firmware on htc android 2.2 doing it yourself is not so difficult, since the phone supports internal firmware via recovery ( Recovery), can make its own copy existing firmware in case of recovery, and also freely supports all changes in custom firmware. In prefabricated firmware, the original ones are also cut out Chinese apps, updated kernel architecture and all applications (from Google Play to the Gallery), the factory root is installed.

ABOUT best smartphones 2017 for Android, .

The firmware for HTC second generation is Cronos 2.2, which includes not only custom changes by programmers and developers, but also significantly improved code, stability and a clear advantage over its brother - full root And updated applications. First things first independent firmware The smartphone must be rooted. This can be done using the program universal root or similar. The phone is rooted in two touches.

Next you need custom Recovery. It can be found on the Internet. It will not be different and is suitable for all HTC smartphones. Recovery Hero 1.7 or similar is perfect. After installation, we are given the opportunity to change everything on the phone - from the boot logo to the processor frequency. The second stage is coming to an end, and there are only a couple of steps ahead, separating us from the coveted firmware for Android 2.2.

After the completed machinations, the firmware itself, its modified kernel and radio modules are downloaded (if the phone stops receiving communications or the Internet). You can find and download firmware for htc on the website There are both official and custom firmware for android 2.2. After downloading, all files must be placed on a memory card. If there is not one - in mandatory you need to purchase or borrow for a while, since during installation the main memory falls off several times and is registered again.

At the final, most responsible and important stage, you charge the smartphone 100%, then remove it from charging, turn it off, put it on charge again and after 15-20 minutes, turn it on again. Now, at 100% full battery you come into installed Recovery and select “Load Recovery Mode”. The smartphone automatically reboots and turns on in debugging mode. Here at the very beginning you have to do backup all data with programs (it is advisable to save contacts and SMS from your phone in advance).

The recovery environment will be located on the backup tab, from which you can always resume work with previous firmware. Next, reset the settings, clean random access memory and temporary files in the tab wipe. And only after everyone preliminary actions You can immediately start flashing the firmware of your smartphone.

Go to the menu "install zip from sdcard" and select the firmware file that was previously dropped into the root of the memory card. In recovery mode, movement is carried out with the volume rocker, and selection is made with the power key. After clicking on the firmware file, the system will ask again about the correct choice. You agree with this, as well as with the two subsequent options.

In exactly the same sequence, after installing the firmware, the customized kernel is launched for installation. If the installation was successful, then the hardest part is over and most of the work is done. All that's left to do is reset everything temporary files on the menu wipe(from battery to cache) and send your device to reboot.

After installing the firmware, the first thing you do is open the dialer and try to dial a number. If the beep goes through, check GPS, Wi-Fi, Internet and bluetooth. If something doesn’t work, boot into recovery again and install the update on the radio module. After reboot everything should work. You customize your smartphone to your liking and voila - you have a custom, corrected version. android firmware 2.2 for HTC. This way you can do everything yourself, with your own hands.

A plus worth noting is not only error correction, enhanced protection kernels before viruses, fixing bugs and problems and custom features, but also full unlock devices. The firmware also removes the block S-off, which is installed on all HTC phones.

Last time I told you how you can install it on HTC Desire S alternative firmware from Cyanogen, now let's figure out how to return the phone to its factory appearance.

Before reading, I recommend that you read the previous article Firmware Cyanogenmod 7.1 on HTC Desire S

As a rule, those who use custom firmware rarely return to the factory one. First of all, this is due to the fact that the vendor will release 1-2 updates for the device, and that’s it. The product line has already been updated, and new firmware is being written for it, thereby forcing the final consumer to purchase a new unit. It is clear that not everyone can afford to buy a new modern and technological device every six months (or even more often), but I really want to have new software features. As a result, on these Internets of yours, alternative ROMs for various devices, based on the firmware from the latest devices hitting the shelves. But there are still cases when the device needs to be returned to its factory form, usually this is associated with a trip to the service center (as a rule, if there is “wrong” firmware in the device, the service center refuses warranty claims, so it is better not to risk it). Or with the sale of the device (many people ignorant of “all these matters” are confused by the interference of “dirty paws” in stock configurations)


So, given:
1. HTC Desire S communicator – 1 pc.
2. Custom firmware, for example CyanogenMod (or another - it doesn’t matter) – 1 piece.
3. The device received S-OFF
4. Recovery replaced by ClockworkMod

Task: return the device to its original state “out of the box”

Hop-hop hiphop backup, make a hiphop backup

Backup can be done in two ways:
1. Keep only data and programs– it is recommended to do this if you decide to say goodbye to this model of communicator forever (you are selling, for example), but will remain on Android platform. This might help Titanium Backup or similar programs. This backup can be restored on any (almost) device with Android on board.
2. Save all ROM– it is recommended to do this if you plan to return to the same firmware in the future (for example, after returning the device from a service center). Go to recovery mode and select backup and restore. This backup can only be restored to HTC Desire S (not necessarily to the same one)

Well, of course, you don’t have to make a backup at all if you are sure that you definitely won’t need it.

Restoring native ROM, HBOOT, S-ON and recovery

If you saved the stock ROM before flashing custom firmware, then let me congratulate you - you are an extremely sensible person. Now all that remains is to go into recovery and restore this ROM back. If there is no backup, or it is lost, go to XDA and select suitable version firmware. Then install the driver for USB and run the flasher. We wait a little and voila!

After restoring the ROM, the firmware will be stock, recovery and root will disappear, but S-OFF will remain, and even the HBOOT version is absolutely wrong, and this is not childish. It's okay, it can be overcome. We will need this archive (registration on is required for downloading). Unpack the archive to any convenient place, for example c:\EngSOff. After that, open CMD with admin rights and perform several magical manipulations to obtain temporary root access:

Cd c:\EngSOff adb push fre3vo /data/local/tmp/ adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/fre3vo adb shell /data/local/tmp/fre3vo -debug -start FAA90000 -end FFFFFFFF adb shell (make sure that #) exit icon appeared in the command line prompt

Now, without pulling the device off the cord, we launch Flash.bat from the same archive. If everything went well, you will see on the screen

If not, then, without turning off the phone, repeat the entire operation again.


Well, that's all, my dear customizers. The device is in factory condition, all that remains is to format the SD card with sectors filled with zeros, and you can sell it. Well, or go to the SC, depending on how lucky you are.

And remember, everything you do with your phone is at your own risk. The author of the article is not responsible for damaged devices, nerves and other problems associated with flashing YOUR device.


Before flashing, download latest version software available for HTC Sensation. To download, you can use resources dedicated to working with software for this phone. After downloading a suitable archive with firmware, unpack it using an archiver program into separate folder on the computer.

Download Android SDK from the official Android website. Install the resulting software package using the installer. If you don't have it installed on your computer HTC program Sync, install it, because... A package of all the necessary drivers for flashing is supplied with it.

Move your phone to Fastboot mode. To do this, turn off your HTC and then remove battery and reinsert it into the device. Turn on your smartphone by simultaneously pressing the power button and side key decrease the volume. Wait for the boot options selection menu to appear. From the options offered, select Fastboot using the volume buttons. Confirm your choice by pressing the top power button.

Connect your smartphone to your computer and wait for it to unpack necessary drivers. Run the adb.exe program, which you can find in the folder with the program for Android control(“Start” - “Computer” - “ Local disk C:" - Program Files– Android – SDK – WindowsPlatform – Tools – ADB). Adb.exe must be launched by clicking on right key mouse on the file and selecting “Run in command line”.

Type fastboot oem get_identifier_token and press Enter. Copy the key obtained as a result of the operation on the official HTC website in the device unlocking section, to access which you will need to go through the registration procedure by filling out the required fields. After moving to Step 10, paste the copied code from the command line into the appropriate section and click Submit.

Your phone will receive an unlock code in the unlock_code.bin format. Download this file and place it in the same directory where adb.exe is located. At the command prompt, enter fastboot flash unlocktoken unlock_code.bin. If the operation was performed correctly, you will see a corresponding message on the screen of your device. Select Yes.

fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
fastboot flash system system.img
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash userdata data.img
fastboot reboot

After entering these commands, the device will reboot and the new firmware will be installed on the device.

Before you begin to perform any manipulations with your smartphone, I want to warn you that after updating it, you will lose the opportunity to take advantage of the guaranteed free service from the manufacturer. You are also responsible for the results obtained after performing the actions described in this article.

You should always start flashing your smartphone's firmware by searching for and selecting a new one. operating system. IN this issue The largest domestic portal 4pda, or foreign xda, will help you. These resources cooperate directly with developers of unofficial operating systems, and are the first to publish firmware updates and additions. Also, when choosing a new firmware, carefully read the description, paying attention, if any, to the “errors and problems” item. Under the description there are always comments and reviews from people who have already installed this OS, you can learn a lot from them useful information, first of all, about the problems that have arisen and methods for eliminating them. I also want to say that before making your choice, decide what result you want to achieve from installing a new operating system. There really aren’t many options; for me, all firmware is divided into three subtypes:

  1. To improve the performance of your smartphone.
  2. To change the appearance.
  3. Firmware for combined use.

This, of course, is a conditional sorting, but after reading the description, you will understand that each OS has its own unique characteristics, since each developer sees the improvement of the official firmware in his own way. Below I will give short list popular firmware for htc smartphone desire x.

  1. "MIUI v5". Excellent firmware, the creation of which focused on changing the standard Sense graphics. Among the main advantages of this version of the operating system described by the developer, I would like to highlight the rather low battery consumption, improved multitasking, despite the fact that it was not possible to increase the amount of free RAM, and improved sound quality in the main speakers. Of the minuses, I would note a very long update of multimedia libraries, and minor problems with camera autofocus, which are eliminated by installing a camera from third party developer. It is also worth saying that, as in all MIUI firmware, it has its own store with themes, lock screens and other decorations, most of which are available for installation for free, smooth animation, And complete removal all Sense graphics.
  2. "SuperSENSE-dx5". Not bad firmware, which is more suitable for combined use. The developer focused on improving the multitasking of this system, performed optimizations to save more battery, worked with the animation, which has now become smoother, and when using 3D graphics, micro-freezes have disappeared. As for the graphics, nothing has been cut down or removed, several new themes have been added and standard launchers, but otherwise the official Sense 5 shell remains.
  3. "Sprite ROM Hybrid". In this firmware, the main changes affected system performance and time battery life devices. All programs open quickly, the graphics are smooth, and there are no more microfreezes in games. The developer of this firmware made good selection pre-installed applications, almost completely replacing everything with them standard applications, installed several good tweaks for more stable operation wireless network Internet, and installed “Viper4android” with a large selection of settings to suit your taste, which is now directly connected to the player. The result is perhaps the fastest operating system for the HTC Desire X smartphone.
June 7, 2013 at 15:00

Installing the latest (4.2.2) Android on the old HTC Desire S

  • Android development

HTC Desire S can rightly be called an oldie, it has been on sale for more than two years. I've had the device for over a year and a half. Nevertheless, this is a device with very good “stuffing”, high-quality screen and a metal body.

Surely, like all HTC fans, I was drawn to them branded shell "Sense". The stock unit included Android 2.3.5 And Sense 3.0.

Then there was a whole epic waiting for the official firmware on Android 4, the completed version of which was never released. Even before the release of this firmware “for developers,” my nerves gave way and “custom”, unofficial assemblies began to be uploaded to the phone one after another. Was tested and official with Android 4.0.4. Some time passed and the choice settled on CM10.1 With Android 4.2.2 and all its delights, for which hardware The device is quite enough.

Let's begin!

The instructions are valid for Windows OS.

It is worth warning that you do all manipulations with your device yourself, carefully and on your own initiative, author of this post is not responsible for anything that may happen to your device during the process.

Also, during the flashing process, the data will be erased. Contact log, SMS, etc. Phone book restored from account Google posts. It is impossible to restore the SMS archive as it could be done in “Sense”. You need to take care of this before manipulating the phone. Data on the SD card will not be affected.

What software we need during the flashing process:
1) HTC Sync drivers for working with your phone
2) Elements of Android SDK - drivers for working with the phone
3) Recovery - a program that allows you to work with your phone, memory card, firmware, etc., without an operating system on the phone itself
4) Firmware CM10.1 from Andromadus
5) GAPPS set - a set of services from Google

6) just in case, I attach Recovery, the one that is installed by default on the phone. Useful if you need to roll back to official firmware. To roll back, you also need to lock the bootloader back (see point 3 - Unlocking the bootloader).

It is worth noting that for Desire S there are other builds on Android 4.2.2, such as AOKP, PACman, AOSP, JellyTime, etc. For this article, I chose the CyanogenMod 10.1 build.


1) Install the package HTC Sync. He contains necessary drivers for working with the phone via PC.

2) Unpack the archive to drive C (you can do this anywhere, for our convenience the address should be shorter, since these files will be accessed on the command line). Let the files be located at the following address after unpacking: C:\android\

3) Unlocking the bootloader. Necessary for replacing standard Recovery and installing custom assemblies. See how to unlock the bootloader. We don’t pay attention to the fact that our model is not in the list, select “All Other Supported Models”. Steps 5 and 6 of the instructions for unlocking the bootloader - skip, because... we already have necessary files in folder C:\android\.

4) Installing third-party Recovery. Necessary for working with firmware files, direct installation firmware, creating backups and formatting system memory and caches.

To login bootloader phone, you need to remove the battery for a couple of seconds and insert it back. Holding down the rocker button on your phone volume down press the power button. After a couple of seconds a blue-red-green menu will appear bootloader"A.

We connect the phone to the PC, use the volume rocker to select the line - fastboot(it is selected by default) and press the power button.

Archive from point 3 of the software for flashing - unpack into C:\android\.

Opening command line. If Windows XP: Start - run - cmd. If more later versions: Start - in the “Search programs and files” field we write cmd, after which we launch the found program.

Using the command line, go to the folder with our files C:\android\. To do this, type in the command line:

cd c:\android\

Enter the following code on the command line:

fastboot flash recovery recovery.img and press enter. After a couple of seconds, Recovery is installed.

5) Formatting your phone's system memory. To do this we need to go to the new, installed Recovery. How to login bootloader was discussed in previous paragraph. On the menu bootloader"and use the volume rocker to select the green line - Recovery and press the power button of the phone. To be able to restore data and previous firmware, it is recommended to make a backup in the corresponding menu item Recovery.

IN Recovery(touch control) select a line wipe | format and choose further - wipe data/factory reset. In a few seconds system memory the phone will be cleared.

6) Firmware installation.. We copy the files from steps 4 and 5 of the flashing software to the memory card in the phone. For this purpose mainly Recovery menu select the item - toggle usb storage . After a couple of seconds, the memory card will be detected in the PC and you can copy the firmware and GAPPS file to it.

After copying is complete, click - Disconnect in Recovery and we get back to the main menu. Choose install from sdcard, find the copied firmware archive flinnycm101_saga_22 and install. After installing the firmware, install GAPPS in the same way. After the installation is complete, go back to bootloader, for this it is no longer necessary to manipulate the battery. In Recovery, select the bottom line - power menu and in it - reboot into bootloader

Ready? left just a little bit.

7) Kernel firmware. To do this, open the archive on your PC flinnycm101_saga_22 from point 4 of the software and copy the file boot.img V C:\android\.

Going back to the team room Windows string and enter:

fastboot flash boot boot.img press enter. Ready. Now let's go to point fastboot menu bootloader"and we choose - reboot

The phone will boot from new firmware. It will be necessary to do initial setup language, Google account etc. A few screenshots:

There is a lot in the system interesting settings, for example - setting the vibration response time of the touch keyboard.
Thank you.

I completely forgot, I learned this myself