How to enable side number keys on your keyboard. How to turn on the numeric keypad on a laptop. Possible causes of the problem

As you know, on the keyboard the section for typing numbers is located on the right. However, there are laptop models that do not have it. Digital block is also called Numeric keypad. It is designed for convenient and fast dialing.

How to enable the numeric keypad on the right side on a laptop?

Usually numeric keypad is in a disabled state. To activate this section on the laptop, press the NumLock or Fn+F11 button.

In addition, it is possible to activate automatic mode during OS startup:

  • Activate NumLock in BIOS. You must press F2 when starting the device. Then go to BootUp NumLock Status. The word Enable indicates that Numeric keypad is enabled;
  • If you haven't found desired setting, then you can change them in the registry. To do this, you need to hold down Win + R and command line enter regedit. Then press Enter. Next, go to the following address: HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Keyboard. After this you need to set the value to 2.

How to enable the numeric keypad on the right side on a laptop in another way

There are situations when NumLock is active, but the number panel remains inoperative. This problem is solved as follows:

  1. In “Start” go to “Control Panel”.
  2. Go to the “Ease of Access Center” and click on “Make the mouse easier to use.”
  3. Uncheck “Enable pointer control from keyboard.”

When there is no special key to activate the number pad, and Fn+F11 does not fulfill its task, it is recommended to resort to the help of the program “ Screen keyboard»:

From the Start menu, go to Control Panel, then to Special abilities».
Launch the on-screen keyboard.

After this, a copy of your keyboard will launch. You can configure it using the parameters.

It happens that the keyboard indicator light does not light up; it may be faulty. Check this with another keyboard that is already guaranteed to work. If the buttons on the device do not work, check in the task manager to see if your OS sees the connected device, if so, update the drivers and try to restart the computer.

If your laptop does not have a section with numbers, you can purchase it additionally and use it as external device. It does not require installing drivers or entering special settings.

Accounting employees and all those who often do calculations in specialized programs or spreadsheets Oh. In addition, using the numeric keypad and ALT codes, characters are entered for which there are no separate keys.

This block is so popular and in demand that it is even available as a separate keyboard. Once you get used to using it, it is difficult to give up this advantage. What should you do if you suddenly find out that the number buttons on the keyboard on the right do not work?

First tip for beginners

To start using the number pad, just press the Num Lock key located right there. This is the top left button out of seventeen related to this part of the keyboard. When activated, one of the indicators on the keyboard may light up.

Thus, instead of keys that move the cursor, you will get buttons that print numbers and enter arithmetic symbols, additional button with a comma in the Russian layout and a period in the English one, and when combined with pressing Shift, the lower right buttons will save Insert functions, Delete and Enter.

If Num Lock is turned on and the button functions have not changed

It happens that Num Lock is turned on, but for some reason the numbers on the keyboard on the right do not work, although they should. There are several options to solve the problem:

  1. Enter the menu through "Start" - then "Settings" - "Keyboard" - select the "Mouse Buttons" tab and disable "Allow mouse control from the keyboard" - uncheck the box.
  2. The option is “Options - “Keyboard” - “Layout Options” - “Options” - “Numeric Keypad Layout Options” - and select from the proposed styles “ATM” or “Phone”.
  3. Change BIOS settings:

  • reboot the equipment;
  • at the moment the system starts, press the F2 button (as an option - Delete or Esc);
  • by entering the BIOS settings, find the BootUp NumLock Status function and check the value set for it, it should be Enabled or On;
  • then use the F10 key, followed by Y, so that the changes are successfully saved.

If there is no Num Lock button

Situations are different, and so is technology, and sometimes all sorts of troubles happen to it. However, if for some reason you do not have a Num Lock button on your keyboard, this will not prevent you from using the functions of the number pad in full:

  • You can press it (not available on every keyboard) in combination with the desired number.
  • To use the combination Fn + F11, alternatively Fn + F10 or Fn + F12, depends on the brand and model of the equipment and the operating system installed on it (it is better to press it again, since through trial and error you can not only use necessary buttons, but also turn off something third-party - sound, for example).

  • Turn on required keys using the on-screen keyboard: enter through “Start” - “Accessories” - “Special Features” or through the same “Start”, then use the search for the specified words. If the Num Lock button is also missing on the on-screen keyboard, you need to press the "Options" key and in the window that appears, put an icon that turns on the numeric keypad. The Num Lock button will appear and you can use it.
  • Create hotkeys yourself using free program AutoHotkey.

In most cases, you can figure out why the numbers on the keyboard on the right do not work and correct this situation quite quickly on your own.

How to enable numbers on a laptop?

Master's answer:

Despite the portable dimensions of laptops, this property is not always convenient. Almost always, laptop keyboards are significantly smaller compared to standard models. In many portable computers - netbooks and laptops - there is no keyboard digital block.

To enable numbers on the keyboard, you only need a netbook or laptop.

To many, this problem may seem completely trivial, because the numbers are on the second line of the keyboard. As a rule, they are used in normal mode. True, this arrangement of numbers is not always convenient for the user. The most inconvenience is experienced by the person who, due to the nature of his work, works with numbers for a long time and often, for example, uses a calculator on a laptop. The right special section will help NumPad keyboards. On standard external keyboard Finding this block will not be difficult. The same cannot be said for a laptop. However, in this situation there is a way out.

You can, for example, use a standard keyboard for work, which is connected to a laptop via a USB connector. When the device is connected to laptop computer, it will automatically install necessary drivers and the user will be able to work freely.

There is also a special Num Pad, which you'll have to visit computer stores to find. By selecting suitable model, it is connected to the laptop via a USB port.

However, it is quite possible to do without all the previously mentioned devices. Based on existing keys, you can create digital panel Num pad. To do this, you need to switch the layout by simultaneously pressing the F11 buttons on top line and Fn (it's in the lower left corner). On some laptop models, the F11 key may not be active. In this case, you should try the Fn+NumLk key combination. When the transition to Num Pad mode occurs, a warning icon will appear on the laptop screen indicating that the set of numbers has changed.

Action special teams transition to the Num Pad can be checked using the keyboard. When you press one of the keys: “L”, “U”, “J”, “K”, “I”, “O” and others, numbers should be written instead of letters. To disable Num Pad mode, you need to use the Fn+F11 (or Fn+NumLk) keys.

You may find it more convenient to use the on-screen virtual keyboard. It can be called in several ways. In the first case, through the “Start” menu, you need to go to the “Standards” section, open the “Accessibility” tab, select “On-screen keyboard”. The second way is shorter: through the “Start” menu, go to the “Run” function and enter osk in the field.


Press the key labeled Num Lock to turn on the numeric keyboard. It is usually located on this very additional numeric keypad and is located in the very first (left) place in top row. It works as a trigger, that is, when the side section of the keyboard is turned off, pressing this button turns it on, and when it’s on, turns it off.

Use the keyboard shortcut fn + f11 to enable this additional digital keyboard or laptop. On some of the models of such computers, to reduce the size, the additional one is removed, and its functions are transferred to a group of keys on the main keyboard. These buttons have additional designations, different colors from the designations of the main keys. Pressing fn + f11 reassigns the functions of these keys, and they begin to work in the same way as the number pad on standard keyboard. The f11 key can be replaced with another one function key depending on the computer model you are using.

Change the value of the corresponding setting in the BIOS if an additional keyboard appears immediately after loading the operating system. Not all BIOS version have such an option, but if your computer has it, it may be called, for example, Num Lock Status, and the value corresponding to the on state is indicated by ON. To enter the panel BIOS settings, initiate an OS reboot through the main menu on the Start button, wait until the computer turns off and a new boot cycle begins. When the indicators flash, press Delete key and you will see the BIOS settings panel. Sometimes, instead of Delete, you need to press f10, f2, f1, or keyboard shortcuts that can be found in the description of your version.


Problem correct operation an additional keyboard is quite common on nix platforms. Users faced with such a task sometimes drive themselves into a dead end, sinning with “curvature” latest version distribution, although the solution to the problem lies on the surface.

You will need

  • Operating system of the Linux family.


Fresh distributions (alpha and beta versions), mainly systems based on Debian based, namely: Ubuntu and Linux Mint. First of all, you need to find out the reason for disabling the additional keyboard, because... she could not do it on her own.

Test the operation of the NumLock keyboard buttons in different applications, games, as well as consoles (standard and virtual). Pay attention to its use in games, you need to assign actions to the buttons used (from 1 to 9). Don’t be afraid to assign all the buttons, the setting can always be returned to original form.

At working unit NumLock keys should function in applications such as "Standard", Gedit and Internet browsers (programs that work with this type of keyboard directly). To launch the virtual console, use the combination Ctrl keys+ Alt + T, and for regular Ctrl + Alt + F1 (F1-F6).

If the problem persists in all the programs listed above, and there is a chance to rule out the possibility of the keyboard not working, then you have activated the “Control the mouse pointer from the keyboard” feature. It’s easy to cure this disease; just press the key combination Ctrl + Shift + NumLock again.

To avoid subsequent attempts to accidentally press these keys, you must go to the “System” menu and select “Keyboard” from the “Options” list. In the window that opens, go to the “Mouse Buttons” tab, uncheck the “Allow the pointer to be controlled from the keyboard” checkbox. Now this problem won't bother you anymore.

In some cases, it may be necessary to reboot the system or just restart the “x” (x-server). To do this, press the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Backspace.

Lateral panel may appear on the computer monitor a good helper in receiving necessary information. It contains mini-applications such as “Weather”, “Currency Rates”, “Clock”, “Slide Show” and others. By placing, for example, the Weather widget on the side panel and by setting it to your region, you will always be aware of what weather is expected today, as well as for the coming days. The same applies to exchange rates and other information.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - side panel.


Lateral panel You can set it on top of all windows, remove or add mini-applications, select the clock format, and so on. When the sidebar is not needed or it interferes with working with documents, it is easy to disable it.

To turn off side panel, click on it right click mice. In the window that opens, select “Close sidebar” panel" It will disappear from the desktop. However, those mini-applications that you placed on the desktop will still be displayed. Lateral panel it is also easy to open again by right-clicking on its icon in the taskbar in the notification area, which is located in the lower right corner.

If lateral panel If you don't need it, you can exit it by closing all mini-applications and removing the sidebar icon from the notification area on the taskbar. To do this, right-click on the sidebar icon in the notification area. In the window that opens, select “Exit”. Lateral panel will be closed, and along with it all applications that you have installed on your desktop.

In case you need to return the side panel On your computer desktop, go to the Start menu and All Programs. Next, find the item “Side” panel» or Windows Sidebar. Launch this program with one click of the mouse. Now open your desktop and check for the utility. It is also worth noting that this program resumes its work when the computer is restarted, so you can simply restart the PC, and everything will fall into place.

In general, we can say that disabling the side panel It’s not difficult, just like turning it on, the main thing is to perform all the actions in order. After several times, you will not have such difficulties when working with a personal computer or laptop.

Video on the topic


It is convenient to use the keys of an additional or numeric keyboard to fill in numerical data in spreadsheets, perform calculations on a software calculator, etc. In addition, the buttons of this keyboard can be used for navigation - moving the mouse pointer across the screen, the input cursor across the document being edited, etc.


Standard way Turning the numeric keypad on and off is by pressing the Num Lock key. Find it among the buttons on the right top corner keyboards - specific placement may vary by different models this input device. About the on state number keys signaled by the LED, which should be marked with the same Num Lock designation. If it is not lit, press NumLock and the numeric keypad will turn on.

If you previously used the mouse pointer function from the keyboard or activated it by accidentally pressing hot keys, then the buttons of the additional group of keys are configured to move the cursor around the screen. It is impossible to return them to their previous digital values ​​just by pressing NumLock. In this case, disable the cursor control function using the same key combination that activates it - Alt+Shift+NumLock.

On laptop and netbook keyboards, to save space, the NumLock key is often removed, as is the additional keyboard itself. In this case the functions missing buttons are distributed among the keys of the main group, and switching is done by pressing the Fn button in combination with one of function buttons. Try the combination Fn+F11 - it is used for this purpose more often than others. If the switch does not occur, check the computer description for the required combination.

If every time you turn on the computer the numeric keypad personal computer turns out to be inactive, change the corresponding setting in the BIOS settings. To do this, when you boot your computer, go to the settings panel basic system I/O - press the Delete key. In your computer model, the button for calling the BIOS settings panel may be different - it should be indicated in the inviting message that appears during the boot process.

In the settings panel, find the Boot Up Num-Lock line in the Advanced section BIOS Features and set this setting to On. Then exit the settings panel and save your changes.

Sometimes it happens that during long-term use, when rebooting the operating system, when water gets in, or when accidentally dropped, some of the keys on the keyboard may fail. There may be several reasons why the top numbers on the keyboard do not work, so in this article we will analyze them in detail.

The number keys are located at the top of the keyboard above the main letter keyboard layout:

Among the reasons for failure of performance upper digits on computer keyboard The following can be noted:

  1. Cable damage wired keyboard. This problem can be solved by connecting the damaged core by twisting the wires and insulating it with electrical tape (it is better to repair the damaged cable in the technical center of your locality).
  2. Damage to the USB connector on the motherboard (in system unit). If there is a USB plug at the end of the wired keyboard cord, you can try plugging it into another USB connector:

  1. The operating system crashes when installing games or other software. In this case it may help simple reboot computer.
  2. The keyboard drivers have crashed. If you bought a keyboard with special keys, in addition to the standard ones, when you purchased it, there was a driver disc in the box. Needs to be reinstalled operating system drivers from disk:

  1. Another reason for the inoperability of some upper digits may be dust or dirt getting between the buttons, which prevent the buttons from operating. To do this, you need to turn the keyboard over with the buttons facing the floor and shake it thoroughly. If after this the number keys do not work, you can try unscrewing the screws on the back of the keyboard and try wiping the contact area with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol (this must be done carefully so as not to disturb the order of the keys).
  2. Due to a power surge, loss of charge (its lifespan has expired), or due to manual shutdown, USB keyboard support may be disabled in the computer BIOS. To solve the problem, you need to go into the BIOS by restarting the computer or turning it on if it was turned off. After sound signal motherboard(one-time beep) screen will appear DOS systems, on which it will be written which button must be pressed to enter the BIOS. Most often these are the following buttons: DEL, F10, F11, Esc and so on. Then you need to go to the “Advanced” -> “USB configuration” section and set the “USB Keyboard Support” option to “Enable” ( better mouse also activate):
  1. Most last reason There may be a complete failure of the keyboard (breakage). Most likely, it will be impossible to repair it in this case. Therefore, it is best to buy a new one. Try to buy inexpensive keyboards, so that if they break down, buying a new one won’t cost you money.