How to return an archived chat to WhatsApp. Restoring from a local copy. Creating backups on Android and iPhone

WhatsApp is an application that we all actively use and thanks to which we save significant amounts on calls and SMS. Not surprisingly, the number of people who have downloaded it to their phones has already exceeded a billion. Today we will learn where the messages we sent and received are stored, how to hide them from the screen, and also how we can view the archive in WhatsApp.

What does it mean to archive data on WhatsApp?

All messages received and sent using of this service, are located exclusively on devices, and are erased on company servers immediately after they reach the recipient. But what to do when there are too many chats on the screen? They can be archived, that is, temporarily hidden from the screen.

Archiving correspondence on WhatsApp is very simple. You can remove those chats that you do not use very often, as well as some group correspondence. Then, when needed, you can view the archived chats and return them to home page applications.

You should know that archiving in in this case means only temporary concealment of correspondence with any person. Using this method, you can neither save your correspondence as a backup copy nor delete it.

You can read about that in our other article.

How to archive a chat and find archived messages on WhatsApp?

On different models phones, archiving is carried out with slight differences. Below we will provide ways to archive and then search for archives on iPhone and Android. Please note that when you receive a new message from hidden contact, the archived chat will reappear on the screen.


Select the chat you want to hide and long press on it to bring up the menu at the top of the screen. The archive icon looks like a white square with a green arrow pointing down inside. Tap it and correspondence with this contact will be hidden.

To hide all chats at once, go to the WhatsApp menu and select settings. Once you open Chats, tap Chat History, then Archive All Chats.

To find out which people's conversations are hidden in your app, scroll to the end of your chat list and, when you see the words “Archived chats,” tap it.


To hide all correspondence from the WhatsApp screen, go to the application settings and tap the “Chats” line. Select the "Archive all chats" option.

If you want to remove correspondence with someone from the screen a certain person, select the chat you want to hide and swipe it from right to left with your finger. From the options provided, select the “Archive” option.

You can understand where the WhatsApp archive is on your iPhone by simply scrolling through the list of chats to the end, and then sliding your finger down the screen. When you see the inscription “Archive”, click on it.
Several chats can be highlighted:

To find out, you can read our other article.

How to recover messages from a WhatsApp archive?

If you want to pull the chat out again WhatsApp archive, then the following instructions will be relevant for iPhone:

  • On the page with your WhatsApp correspondence, tap the “Search” line and enter the name of the contact with whom you would like to open a conversation. You can also enter the content of this chat, and the application will perform the search itself.
  • Swipe parallel to the desired chat and tap “From Archive.”

Another method can be used:

  • Go to Archive and, after scrolling to the bottom of the list of messages, drag down the screen with your finger.
  • Swipe across the chat you want to restore.
  • Click on "From Archive".

You can understand how to open and read the archive of messages on WhatsApp on Android by following the instructions below:

  • Scroll to the very end of the page with correspondence.
  • When you see “Archived Chats,” tap it.
  • Long press and hold the chat you want to restore.
  • A menu will appear at the top of the screen in which the unzip icon looks like a white square with green arrow points up. Touch it, and the correspondence will be opened.

To find out, read our other article.

Using the WhatsApp archive allows you to remove unnecessary or unused items from the messenger. this moment dialogues. This is considered an option for organizing data within an application.

This function It is not a method for clearing WhatsApp or creating a backup copy of data for an Android or iOS device. It is intended only for temporarily hiding messages with the subsequent possibility of restoring them. You also won't be able to translate your dialogues into local view with her help. For this purpose, the “Send by email” function is used.

Using the function

Archiving messages from individual user or by a group of people is performed differently for mobile devices on Android and iOS. Let's consider each of the options.

Option 1: Android

You can send one chat to the archive from context menu, called long tap on it (icon next to calling settings). Select the appropriate item. It looks like a box with a downward arrow drawn on it. Evidence of success will be the disappearance of correspondence from the general list.

If you want to hide all chats, then from the first tab of the application, click on the icon with three dots. From there call "Settings".Now follow the path "Chats - Chat History". In this section there will be a button to create a hiding of all correspondence.

The WhatsApp archive on Android can be easily restored. To do this, scroll to the end common list correspondence. At the very bottom there is a column "Aarchivedchats". From there the dialogues can be returned. Select the ones you need and click on the restore icon.

Option 2: iOS

Hide chats on iPhone in just a few steps. Just go to the first tab of the messenger and swipe left on the name of the group or dialogue. And then click on "To the archive". This option is convenient for masking one correspondence. If you want to remove everything at once, open the settings menu and go to the section "Chats" and tap on the item "Archive everything...".

In this case, access to messages will not be lost. To view archive data, scroll up the first tab of the messenger, and then swipe down. Then a button will appear to call up the required data.

Unarchiving occurs automatically if the user receives a new message in a previously hidden correspondence. But everything can be done manually. You can return correspondence from the menu "Archive", instructions for accessing which are written in the paragraph above.

But there is more Alternative option. In the search, enter the name of the conversation, the name of the contact, or the content of the message to which you would like to return access. A list of conversations will be displayed. Swipe left on the desired inscription. And then click on "From the Archive".

Many people wonder archive whatsapp chat what is it and for what purposes is such a function used in a communication application. This function does not have any specific hidden meanings. WhatsApp developers decided to introduce this option so that users can put things in order in their messages.

Archiving allows you to save if necessary. necessary correspondence and remove them from the general dialog box. The application does this by creating separate archive, where all texts and other data that users sent to each other during communication are placed. In addition, you can use this technology not only in one chat, but in all at once.

There is everything for this necessary tools. Archived chats retain information until such an action takes place. After this, if the person from the archived chat starts the conversation again, the dialogue will start with an empty window.

Important! Also, you should pay attention to another feature of this application. Archived chats cannot be deleted. To do this, you will first need to unzip them again and only then carry out the erasing procedure.

While in this state, chats also cannot be copied and made into backup samples or moved to other sources of information storage. Such chats themselves are located at the very bottom. In order to find them, you need to scroll to the very bottom of the list of all active chats. This is where all archival correspondence is stored.

How to archive a chat on Android

It is possible to archive as separate chat , so everyone at once. Let's look at each one separately

Archiving all chats

Archiving all chats is not difficult. It is laid down in special option to carry out this action.

To do this you need:

  • Confirm by pressing the button OK

All chats have been moved to the Archive, which will notify you Archived chats in the main Chat window, by going to which you will see all your correspondence.

Archiving a single chat in WhatsApp on Android

To access it you need:

  • Go to general window, where all active chats represented by the list are located.
  • After this you need press for a few seconds the chat required for archiving (the chat will be highlighted with a tick).

  • In response, a small menu will appear where you can find the corresponding item (indicated in the photo where to click).
  • Next, a message will appear that the chat has been successfully archived and at the bottom you will see the line Archived chats (1) The number of archived chats is indicated in parentheses.

How to Archive Chats on iPhone

To archive a single chat on an iPhone, you need to:

  • Go to the main menu below in Chats
  • Select the desired chat for archiving
  • Swipe on a selected chat from right to left
  • A button will appear opposite the chat More And Archive

  • Click on Archive
  • After this, the system will automatically place this correspondence to the message archive and move it to the very top.

Hide all WhatsApp chats on iPhone

You can also hide all active chats on WhatsApp and place them in one archive. To do this, while in the main application window:

  • You need to go to the tab Settings.
  • Next you should go to the tab Chats.

  • Press command Archive all chats.
  • Confirm by clicking on Archive
  • After that everything dialog boxes will be moved to the appropriate compressed archives.

Dear readers, today we will discuss with you how to restore correspondence on WhatsApp and how to restore deleted messages. Where is your chat stored? It all depends, of course, on the type of device you are using. For example, on Android smartphones, correspondence can be copied to a memory card, internal storage or Google Drive.

The archive of correspondence is stored in several places at once

Naturally, the choice of data storage location is in favor of cloud storage, since the risk of data loss is reduced. In the first two cases, you may be left without your information: sometimes backups on a memory card or phone are damaged.

How to recover deleted messages?

Let us say right away that for all cases the system is used cloud storage data, which is set by default as standard. Copies are created daily certain time and are stored for seven days. That is, if you logged in for the last time before your copy was created, then messages received after this time cannot be restored.

You can use the data recovery system for exactly 7 days

It is also worth considering the fact that if you created a copy, deleted the application and did not restore the messages within eight days, they will be deleted. This is relevant for those who do not use the cloud. In order to restore correspondence, you need:

  1. Delete the WhatsApp application from your device and reinstall it on your smartphone by downloading the program from official store applications (AppStore, Google Play and so on).
  2. When you launch the messenger, the utility will prompt you to enter a valid phone number. Here you need to take into account that if you write great room from the one on which the backup was saved, that is, there is a possibility that the system will not offer you a backup copy. The same applies to cloud storage accounts, only here everything is much stricter: if you use a different Apple ID, for example, you will not be able to restore anything on your iPhone.
  3. After entering the number and activating it, the application will offer you a return point indicating the date and its size, which you can restore. Click on the appropriate button and wait for the operation to complete. The more data is stored in the cloud, the longer this process will take. It is recommended to use .
  4. After all the data has been downloaded, you can continue to use the messenger as usual.

If there is no cloud storage type

If you don't use cloud type storing your messages and chats, then you can get back the deleted data in another way. This is relevant for users of devices running the Android operating system. For example, when transferring information to another phone. To do this, just copy the backup file stored in the /sdcard/WhatsApp/Databases folder to the same folder on the new device. If necessary information If not, then it is likely that the data is saved on the phone itself or on Google Drive. In the first case, you need to check for documents in the same Databases folder only in the internal or main memory of the smartphone. In the second, you need to use the instructions suggested above.

Web client available on phone and computer

Answers to the most frequently asked questions

  1. Is it possible to read deleted messages or correspondence? You can use the method described above. There is no other way you can read them. If they were deleted only on your device, you can ask your interlocutor to send you these messages. Please also note that you can restore correspondence only before the program created new copy. You can view this time in the application settings and, if necessary, adjust it to your requirements. Please note that if any memory sectors where the backup was located are damaged, you will also not be able to recover lost messages.
  2. Can't restore chat and messages. Why? If it was disabled in the program settings backup, then you will not be able to get your chats back. iPhone users should pay attention to the version operating system devices: conversations that were saved in the cloud on iOS 8 or 9 cannot be restored on an iPhone running the seventh firmware. On all platforms, make sure there is free memory for storing information. For example, if there is no space left on Google Drive for at least one photo from WhatsApp, then it will not be uploaded there. latest version your chats.
  3. I do not use cloud storage OneDrive or Google Drive, where are the backups? They are located on a memory card or in the memory of a smartphone. It all depends on the copy settings, which should be viewed in the WhatsApp settings. There you can find out exactly where the files are located.

The utility is very popular among users

Let's sum it up

Today we learned a lot of new things in terms of using the messenger: how to restore chat, messages or correspondence in WhatsApp. We also answered the most popular questions regarding the recovery of this data in the program. To summarize, we can briefly describe this process:

  1. Uninstall and reinstall the messenger client through the application store.
  2. Enter and confirm your phone number.
  3. Click the appropriate button to return the information.
  4. Wait for the operation to complete.

We hope our tips helped you recover the necessary data.

We hope everything worked out for you and there are no questions left. Share your successes in the comments. How do you copy messages to WhatsApp - iCloud, Google Drive, OneDrive or external memory?

From time to time, users have a question about where they are stored. whatsapp messages on Android? This is necessary, for example, in order to successfully restore an archive of correspondence after reinstalling the application.

So, you can store an archive of WhatsApp correspondence in several places:

  • On an SD memory card;
  • In the memory of the device itself;
  • In Internet repositories.

Unfortunately or fortunately, but on central servers WhatsApp correspondence not stored. On the one hand, this eliminates the possibility of restoring message history when moving from one device to another. On the other hand, some users feel safer knowing that not a single message will leave the phone and no one will gain access to the correspondence.

In the Internet

You can use Google Drive storage. To do this, it is necessary that the phone and the application itself are synchronized with this service. And, of course, so that the user himself has an account there. Yabloko can use a similar cloud iCloud service and archive chat history at any time. A somewhat unusual way is to send the archive to yourself via email. In order to do this, you need to go to the screen of the desired chat, scroll down and select “Export chat”. All you have to do is enter the address Email and click on “Submit”. Here you can select the option to archive correspondence with all attachments or just texts.

Inside the device or on the memory card

But, as a rule, users prefer to save correspondence either on the device itself or on external SD card. The last option is convenient because you can transfer the entire archive to any other device. Archiving occurs automatically once a day.

To get to the archive, you must use any file browser and go to: /sdcard/WhatsApp/Databases - if saving was configured to external card. Or to the WhatsApp/Databases folder - if on internal memory phone.

So, the answer to the question of where WhatsApp messages are stored is quite simple. You can transfer your message history to another location at any time. mobile device or, for example, restore from archive old correspondence. However, if you do not transfer archive files to other folders, the Databases folder is cleared automatically after a week. In this case, it will no longer be possible to restore data.

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