What does a computer list consist of? RAM – random access memory. Design features of computing devices

In this article, which was prepared for novice users, we will look at computer device. We will also find out the main characteristics of the devices and what functions they perform.

Ordinary Personal Computer, which we use in our Everyday life consists of the following parts:

System unit;


Keyboards and mice;

Additional devices (printer, scanner, webcam, etc.)

Personal computer device. The content of the article:

System unit

The system unit is the central part of the computer, in which all the most important components are located. Everything that makes a computer work. A wide variety of system units are produced, which vary in size, design and assembly method.

Essential elements system unit:

  • RAM;
  • Video card;
  • HDD;
  • Optical drive (DVD, Blu-ray);
  • power unit

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

The motherboard is the largest board in the system unit. The main computer devices are installed on it: processor, RAM, video card, slots (connectors), BIOS, using loops and cables to motherboard DVD drive, hard drive, keyboard, mouse, etc. are connected. the main task motherboard - connect all these devices and make them work as one. In addition, there are controllers on it. Controllers are electronic boards inserted into connectors (slots) on the motherboard; they control devices connected to the computer. Some controllers are included on the motherboard. Such controllers are called integrated or built-in. So mouse and keyboard controllers are always built-in. By adding and replacing controller boards, you can expand the capabilities of your computer and customize it to your requirements. For example, the user can add an additional sound card that can work with new multi-channel speaker systems.

The central processing unit (CPU) is the main element of the computer, its “brain”. He is responsible for all calculations and information processing. In addition, it controls all computer devices. The speed of the computer and its capabilities depend on its power.

Main characteristics of the central processor:

  • Number of Cores
  • clock frequency
  • socket

Let's take a closer look at them.

Number of Cores

The more cores a processor has, the larger number operations it can perform simultaneously. Essentially, multiple cores are multiple processors that are located on the same die or in the same package. In a single-core processor, commands received at its input sequentially pass through the blocks necessary for their execution, that is, while the processor is executing the next command, the rest are waiting for their turn. IN multi-core processor Several separate streams of commands and data arrive at the input and also exit separately, without affecting each other. Due to parallel processing of several command streams by the processor, computer performance increases. Today, as a rule, 2-8 nuclear processors. However, not all programs are designed to use multiple cores.

Clock frequency

This characteristic indicates the speed at which commands are executed by the central processor. A cycle is the period of time required for the processor to perform elementary operations.

In the recent past, the clock speed of a central processor was identified directly with its performance, that is, the higher the clock speed of the processor, the more productive it is. In practice, we have a situation where processors with the same frequency have different performance, because in one clock cycle they can perform different quantities instructions (depending on the core design, bus bandwidth, cache memory). Modern processors operate at frequencies from 1 to 4 GHz (Giga Hertz)


The cache is used to significantly speed up calculations. This is built into the processor case ultra-fast memory, containing data that the processor accesses frequently. The cache memory can be of the first (L1), second (L2) or third (L3) level.


A socket is a connector (socket) on the motherboard where the processor is installed. But when we say “processor socket,” we mean both the socket on the motherboard and support for this socket certain models processors. The socket is needed precisely so that you can easily replace a failed processor or upgrade your computer with a more powerful processor.


The next important element of the computer, which is located in the system unit, is random access memory (RAM or random access memory). It is in it that the information processed by the processor and the programs launched by the user are remembered. It is called operational because it provides the processor fast access to the data.



Main characteristics of RAM:

  • volume– measured in megabytes (MB) or gigabytes (GB), significantly affects the performance of a computer. Due to insufficient RAM, many programs will either not load or will run very slowly. In modern typical computer At least 1 GB of memory is used, although for comfortable work It is better to have 2 or 3 GB;
  • bus frequency – measured in megahertz (MHz), also has big influence on the speed of the computer. The larger it is, the faster transmission data between the processor and the memory itself.
  • memory type– indicates the generation to which the memory belongs. Today you can find RAM following types(placed in chronological order of appearance):

DDR SDRAM(100 – 267 MHz)

DDR2 SDRAM (400 – 1066 MHz)

DDR3 SDRAM(800 – 2400 MHz)

DDR4 SDRAM(1600 – 2400 MHz)

Video card

Video card | Computer device

Video card – electronic board, which provides the formation of a video signal and thereby determines the image displayed by the monitor. For existing video cards different possibilities. If your computer is using office programs, then there are no special requirements for the video card. Another thing is a gaming computer, in which the video card takes on the main work, and the central processor plays a secondary role.

Main characteristics of the video card:

  • video memory size – measured in megabytes (MB) or gigabytes (GB), affects maximum resolution monitor, number of colors and image processing speed. On given time Models of video cards are produced with video memory capacity from 256 MB to 6 GB. The optimal average volume is 512 MB or 1 GB;
  • video memory bus width - measured in bits, determines the amount of data that can be simultaneously transferred from video memory (to memory). Standard bus width modern video cards 256 bit;
  • video memory frequency – measured in megahertz (MHz), the higher the higher overall performance video cards.

Currently, video cards are produced based on nVidia chipsets GeForce and ATI Radeon.


Hard drive | Computer device

Hard drive without top cover | Computer device

A hard drive, also called a hard drive or HDD, is designed for long-term storage of information. It is on the hard drive of your computer that all information is stored: operating system, necessary programs, documents, photographs, films, music and other files. He is the main one atconstruction storage information on the computer.

For the user, hard drives differ from each other primarily in the following characteristics:

  • capacity (volume) – measured in gigabytes (GB) or terabytes (TB), determines how much information can be written to the hard drive. On this moment The volume of a modern hard drive ranges from several hundred gigabytes to several terabytes;
  • performance, which consists of the access time to information and the speed of reading/writing information. Typical access time modern drives is 5-10 ms (milliseconds), average speed read/write – 150 MB/s (megabytes per second);
  • interface - the type of controller to which the hard drive should be connected (most often EIDE and various options SATA).

DVD drive

DVD drive | Computer device

DVD drive is used for DVD reader and CDs. If the name contains the prefix “RW”, then the drive is capable of not only reading, but also writing to disks. The drive is characterized by read/write speed and is designated by a multiplier (1x, 2x, etc.). The unit of speed here is 1.385 megabytes per second (Mb/s). That is, when the drive indicates a speed value of 8x, the actual speed will be 8 * 1.385 MB/s = 11.08 MB/s.

Blu-ray (Blu-ray) drive

Blu-ray drive | Computer device

Blu-ray drives can be three types: readers, combos and writers. Blu-ray reader can read CD, DVD and Blu-ray discs. The combo can additionally burn CDs and DVDs. The Blu-ray writer can read and write all discs.

power unit

The power supply supplies power to the computer's devices and is usually sold with the case. IN currently produce power supplies with a power of 450, 550 and 750 Watts. More powerful blocks power supply (up to 1500 watts) may be needed by a computer with a powerful gaming video card.


The monitor is designed to display images coming from the computer. It refers to computer output devices.

Main characteristics of monitors:

  • Screen size– measured in inches (1 inch=2.54 cm) diagonally. At the moment, the most popular are 19-inch LCD monitors;
  • screen format(vertical and horizontal aspect ratio), now almost all monitors are sold in wide format: 16:9 and 16:10 format;
  • matrix type– the main part of the LCD monitor, on which its quality depends 90%. IN modern monitors one of three main types of matrices is used: TN-film (the simplest, cheapest and most common), S-IPS (have the best color rendition, used for professional work with images) and PVA/ MVA (more expensive than TN-film and cheaper than IPS, we can say that these matrices are a compromise between TN+Film and IPS.);
  • screen resolution– the number of pixels (pixels) in width and height that make up the image. The most common 17 and 19-inch monitors have a resolution of 1280x1024 and 1600x1200 pixels. The higher the resolution, the more detailed the image will naturally be;
  • connector type used to connect to a computer, analog VGA (D-Sub) or digital connectors DVI, HDMI.

I planned to write a series of useful articles for beginners on how to choose and purchase a computer of the desired configuration (as well as a tablet) and for solving certain tasks: work, study, games, working with graphics. Before touching directly on the choice home computer or a laptop to solve your problems, it would be more correct to first explain to beginners what a computer consists of... Therefore, in this article I will talk about the main components of a typical home (stationary) computer so that you have an idea of ​​how it works, what one or another looks like component, what characteristics it has and what it is responsible for. All this information can be useful to simple novice users when choosing and buying a computer... By “Basic” I meant those components (components) that can be removed and can be easily replaced. Simply put, I won't go too far and go into great detail about how a computer works, explaining every element on the circuit boards and the internals of every component. This blog reads by a lot of newbies, and I think it’s best to talk about everyone at once complex processes and in terms - this is not good and will simply cause confusion in your head :)

So, let's move on to considering the components of any one using the example of a regular home computer. In laptops and netbooks you can find everything the same, just in a much smaller version.

What are the main components of a computer?

    CPU. This is the brain of the computer. It is the main component and performs all calculations in the computer, controls all operations and processes. It is also one of the most expensive components, and the price is very good modern processor can exceed 50,000 rubles.

    There are processors from Intel and AMD. Here, whoever likes what, but Intel heats up less and consumes less electricity. With all this AMD is better Graphics processing is in progress, i.e. would be more suitable for gaming computers and those where work will be carried out with powerful editors images, 3D graphics, videos. In my opinion, this difference between processors is not so significant and noticeable...

    The main characteristic is the processor frequency (measured in Hertz. For example, 2.5GHz), as well as the connector for connecting to the motherboard (socket. For example, LGA 1150).

    This is what the processor looks like (the company and model are indicated at the top):

    Motherboard (system) board. This is the largest board in the computer, which is link between all other components. All other devices, including peripherals, are connected to the motherboard. There are many motherboard manufacturers, and ASUS and Gigabyte are at the top, as the most reliable and at the same time expensive, respectively. The main characteristics are: type of supported processor (socket), type of supported RAM (DDR2, DDR3, DDR4), form factor (determines in which case you can place this fee), as well as types of connectors for connecting other computer components. For example, modern hard disks(HDD) and SSD drives are connected via SATA3 connectors, video adapters – via PCI-E x16 3.0 connectors.

    This is what the motherboard looks like:

    Memory. Here we will divide it into 2 main types, which will be important to pay attention to when purchasing:

  1. Video card(video adapter or “vidyukha”, as more or less advanced computer users call it). This device is responsible for generating and displaying images on the screen of a monitor or any other similar connected device. Video cards can be built-in (integrated) or external (discrete). Today, the vast majority of motherboards have a built-in video card, and visually we only see its output - a connector for connecting a monitor. An external video card is connected to the board separately in the form of another board with its own cooling system (radiator or fan).

    What's the difference between them, you ask? The difference is that the built-in video card is not designed to run resource-intensive games, work in professional editors images and videos. It simply does not have enough power to process such graphics and everything will be very slow. The built-in video card today can be used more as a temporary backup option. For everything else, you need at least some kind of simple external video card, and which one depends on your preferences for using the computer: for Internet surfing, working with documents, or for games.

    The main characteristics of the video card are: connector for connecting to the board, frequency GPU(the larger it is, the better), volume and type of video memory, video memory bus width.

    This is what the video card looks like:

    Sound adapter. Every computer has at least a built-in sound card and is responsible, respectively, for processing and outputting sound. Very often it is the built-in one, and not everyone buys a discrete sound card that connects to the motherboard. Personally, for example, the built-in one is quite enough for me and, in principle, I don’t pay attention to this component of the computer at all. A discrete sound card will produce much more better sound quality and is indispensable if you make music or work in any music processing programs. And if you’re not into anything like that, then you can safely use the built-in one and not think about this component when purchasing.

    This is what a discrete sound card looks like:

    Network adapter. Used to connect a computer to an internal network and the Internet. Just like a sound adapter, it can very often be built-in, which is enough for many. Those. in this case you will not see on the computer additional fee network adapter. The main characteristic is throughput, measured in Mbit/sec. If the motherboard has a built-in network adapter, and it is, as a rule, available in the vast majority of motherboards, then there is no reason to buy a new one for your home. You can determine its presence on the board by the connector for connecting the Internet cable ( twisted pair). If there is such a connector, then the board has a built-in network adapter, respectively.

    This is what a discrete network card looks like:

    Power supply (PSU). A very important computer component. It is connected to the electrical network and serves to supply DC all other computer components, converting mains voltage to the required values. And computer devices operate at voltages: +3.3V, +5V, +12V. Negative voltages are practically never used. The main characteristic of a power supply is its power and is measured, accordingly, in Watts. A power supply with such power is installed in the computer that it is enough to power all components of the computer. The video adapter will consume the most (the power it consumes will be indicated in the documentation), so you need to focus on it and just take it with a small margin. Also, the power supply must have all the necessary connectors for connecting to all existing computer components: motherboard, processor, HDD and SSD drives, video adapter, disk drive.

    This is what the power supply looks like:

    Disk drive (drive). This is an additional device, which, in principle, you can do without. Serves, respectively, for reading CD/DVD/Blu-Ray discs. If you plan to read or write any discs on your computer, then, of course, such a device is necessary. The only characteristics that can be noted are the drive’s ability to read and write. Various types drives, as well as a connector for connecting to the board, which today is almost always SATA.

    This is what the drive looks like:

Everything listed above is basic, which, as a rule, no computer can do without. In laptops everything is similar, only there may often be no disk drive, but this depends on which model you choose and whether you need this disk drive at all. There may also be other components that will also connect to the motherboard, for example: Wi-Fi adapter, TV tuner, video capture devices. There may be others additional components, which are completely optional, so we won’t dwell on them for now. Nowadays, almost every laptop has a Wi-Fi adapter for connecting to the Internet via wireless network, and there is also a built-in TV tuner. In stationary home computers, all this is usually purchased separately!

Computer case

All those major components I listed above need to be located somewhere and not just lying around on the floor, right? :) All computer components are placed in a special case (system unit) in order to exclude external influences on them, protect them from damage and maintain the desired temperature inside the case due to the fans present in it. You also start your computer using a button on the case, so you can’t do without the case :)

There are cases different sizes and at the very small body, of course, will not fit, for example, a standard motherboard. Therefore, the main characteristic of the case is the form factor of the supported motherboards. If the largest cases (Full Tower) are able to accommodate boards of any size and any components so that it is also more or less free and, if necessary, to remove any of the components, there will be no inconvenience.

This is what the computer case looks like:


Also, already outside the body, there will be another important device– monitor. The monitor is connected by a wire to the motherboard and without it, you, therefore, will not see everything you do on the computer :) The main parameters of the monitor are:

    Screen diagonal in inches;

    Supported screen resolution, for example 1920x1080. The larger it is, the better;

    Viewing angle. Affects how the image will be seen if you look at the monitor from the side or slightly higher / lower. The wider the viewing angle, the better.

    Brightness and contrast. Brightness is measured in cd/m2 and in good models lies beyond 300, and the contrast must be at least 1:1000 for good display.

This is what the monitor looks like:

In addition to the main computer components listed above, there are also peripheral devices. Peripherals are various additional and auxiliary devices that allow you to expand the capabilities of your computer. This includes many devices, for example: computer mouse, keyboard, headphones, microphone, printer, scanner, copier, Graphics tablet, joystick, web camera.

It will be convenient to discuss all these devices in separate topics, since each of them has its own characteristics and features. The keyboard and mouse are the easiest to choose, the main thing is that the connection to the computer is via USB or even via a radio channel without a wire, and all other parameters are selected individually and the main thing here is that it is simply convenient.

About choosing the most basic peripheral devices read the article:

This concludes the analysis of computer components. I hope that such an article will be somewhat useful for beginners and that those who did not understand at all what is in the computer and what it is needed for can now more or less imagine :) Also this information, I think, will be useful when choosing a computer, and even more so, subsequent articles will be about choosing and buying a home computer.

Everyone Have a good day! Bye;)

Every kid knows the word computer!

Here is the computer: monitor, mouse, keyboard, and system unit:

The main parts of the computer - the processor and memory - are contained inside the system unit. And the monitor, keyboard and mouse are the input and output devices of the computer.

From keyboard and mouse computer enters text and commands. On a computer monitor displays text and drawings. This is why these devices are called computer input and output devices.

This is a monitor.

It looks like a TV. Computer displays texts and drawings on his screen. A monitor is an output device.

The letter “K” in the figure conventionally designates a computer, and the arrow shows that the information is displayed from computer to monitor.

This is a keyboard.

It is used to set ( input) text:

From the keyboard you can enter commands, for example, use the arrow keys to control the hero on the screen:

The keyboard is an input device.

The arrow in the figure on the left indicates that the information from the keyboard introduced to the computer.

This is a computer mouse.

The movement of the mouse is repeated by an arrow on the monitor screen. This arrow is the cursor. The mouse has buttons that you can click - set ( enter) commands. A mouse is an input device.

This is a system unit.

It contains:

  • processor (“brain” of the computer);
  • storage devices(“memory” of the computer).

If you open the system unit, you can see the processor

and computer memory.

The figure roughly shows that information from the keyboard and mouse introduced to the computer, and from the computer - is displayed to the monitor.

The keyboard and mouse are the computer's input devices. Monitor is an output device.

We are talking about inputting information into a computer and outputting it from a computer. The question arises: where exactly is information entered and where is it output?

What device on a computer stores information?

Of course it is computer memory!

Information enters the computer's memory from the keyboard and mouse. From it it is displayed on the monitor.

In order for you to feel confident when buying a computer, you need to know what parts the computer consists of. And not only when purchasing, for example, if you know which computer component is responsible for what and what it looks like, this will help in identifying computer malfunctions. To begin with, I inform you that although any computer seems to be a complex device, in reality it is not. It is easier to disassemble and reassemble a computer than, for example, an iron or a kettle.

Although computers, unnoticed by us, perform many complex calculations, replace separate component very easy. If, of course, you know how to do it.

So let's move on to the insides of the computer. To do this, I opened the system unit of my computer and took a photo for clarity. I admit I had to work hard to get a good photo.

It's time to figure out what a computer actually consists of.

The processor needs data (information) for calculations. Data is stored in RAM. It is also called RAM - random access memory. Operational because the information in this memory is needed only at a given moment in time. When the computer's power is turned off, the RAM is cleared. The more RAM you have, the more programs can be run on a computer simultaneously. If there is not enough RAM, then the computer slows down terribly and tests the owner’s patience.

In order for a person to see the result of a computer, a picture is needed on the screen. This task is taken over by the video card with the monitor. On technical language- video adapter. It forms an image and sends it to the monitor. A video card can even be called a mini-computer inside a computer. Because it has its own: video processor, RAM, cooling system and much more. And all this is located on a separate board (which can easily be called the motherboard of the video card). The video card is connected to the computer motherboard through a connector called PCI Express. There are motherboards with a built-in video card, but this is a separate topic.

You must understand that all of the above and below are just a pile of metal in the absence of programs. A computer program is like a soul for a person. A person without a soul is a corpse, and a computer is also of no use without programs capable of running on it. The same main program called the operating system. She is like a translator between the computer user and internal devices. And in order for such a program to start when you turn on the computer, you need a storage device in the memory of which it will be stored when the power is turned off. For this purpose, today's computers use a hard drive. In simple terms - hard drive, screw, hard drive. Of course, it stores not only the operating system, but also our personal data (books, photographs, movies, etc.). The hard drive connects to the computer via a Sata cable. One end into the connector on the motherboard, the other into the connector on the hard drive.

Information on a computer does not appear on its own. It needs to be created or somehow copied from other sources. The most accessible and widespread device so far is the disk drive. It allows you to install programs from laser (CD, DVD) discs, watch movies, and transfer any information between computers. A modern floppy drive, like a hard drive, is connected to the motherboard using a Sata cable. Don't be afraid on the motherboard Sata connectors enough to connect several hard drives and disk drives.

The last component remains standard computer- power unit. The power supply is installed inside the system unit and a bunch of power cables go from it to the above devices. The thickest bundle of wires goes to the motherboard. There is also one for each of the disk drives and hard drives. Some powerful video cards also require additional food from the power supply. The main characteristic of a power supply is its power in watts. For an average computer, 400 watts is enough. But if you have many devices or a very powerful video card, you may need a more powerful power supply. Up to 1000 watts.

The main components of a computer are listed above, but you can connect many other devices to your computer. For example, a TV tuner for . For this purpose, the motherboard has several additional PCI slots. Therefore, when choosing a motherboard, you need to consider what devices you will need and select it with the appropriate number of slots. Although to the average user Two or three slots will be enough.

Here's a couple more additional devices which it wouldn't hurt to know about

Solid State SSD drive A hard drive is a storage device that uses non-volatile flash memory to store data. hard drives are also used magnetic disks. Today, SSD drives are often used as system disk. Since the read and write speed of high-quality solid state drives an order of magnitude higher than regular hard disks, this gives a significant performance increase. Unlike hard drives, SSDs have no moving parts, which means they consume less energy and should break down less often. But today this type of drive is quite expensive compared to conventional hard drives. Price for 120 gb solid state memory starts from 3 thousand rubles. And models with larger capacities are even more expensive.

All these devices are neatly installed inside the system unit. All cables are connected and you get a working computer.

This was the description regular computer, but there are many more components that can increase the functionality of a computer. Each motherboard has several in reserve universal connectors PCI. If necessary, you can connect a lot of useful and interesting things to them.

A personal computer has long been present in almost every family. Thanks to rapid development technology and electronics, computers that occupied entire rooms just 40-50 years ago now fit quite well on a desk. Modern man no longer perceives having a personal computer in the home as a luxury; today it is a tool for work, an entertainment center, and a means for searching necessary information. Every user should know what parts a computer consists of, so that when upgrading or handing it over for repairs, they do not become a victim. unscrupulous sellers or repairmen, and spend the invested funds as efficiently as possible.

General computer structure

Any modern computer consists of connected external devices (peripherals) and internal modules located in the system unit. Peripherals include printers, monitors, mice, keyboards and many other devices that are connected to the computer system unit and are structurally separated from it. What are the main parts of a computer?

It depends on the purpose for which a particular personal computer is used. Conventionally, they can be divided according to the tasks they solve into office, multimedia, workstations and gaming. The presence or absence of some components inside the system unit depends on the purpose for which the PC is used. Below we will look in more detail at what parts a computer consists of. This is very important to know, because there are basic components that you cannot do without, as well as those that are not present in every personal computer.

What parts does a computer consist of?

The first thing we see when looking at a personal computer is the case, inside of which, in fact, the remaining internal parts are fixed. Computer cases vary in size and, accordingly, the standard size of supported motherboards. Next, we will take a closer look at the elements that are hidden inside the PC case.


The basis of the entire computer, without which no PC can function, is the motherboard. It is the connecting link between the rest of the computer. It acts as a nervous system, transmitting signals from the brain - the processor - to the rest of the PC. Motherboards differ in size (mATX, ATX, E-ATX, ITX, etc.), socket (socket into which the processor is inserted), type of supported memory (DDR, DDR2, DDR3, DDR4), presence and number of slots (interfaces or buses) for connecting all kinds of expansion cards (video cards, network, sound, etc.).


The central processing unit is the heart and brain of any computer. It processes all data that comes from running programs and manages the flow of this data. Processors, in addition to the manufacturer (the largest are Intel and AMD), differ in clock frequency - the most important parameter, showing the number of operations performed per second, the number of cores (the number of processors involved in parallel processing data located in the same physical enclosure), the type of RAM supported, and design(socket). Any processor needs cooling, therefore, looking inside the system unit, you will see a radiator with a fan, which is completely pressed with special latches to the motherboard and does not allow the processor to overheat.


Designed to store information that the processor may need to as soon as possible(data goes here running programs, services operating system and so on.). Unlike hard drives, they require a power source to store information, i.e. when the computer is turned off, all information from the RAM is deleted (which is why, if the PC is powered down unplanned, the data open source software are not saved).

RAM differs in type (DDR,SO-DIMM DDR3, etc.), frequency, register (for servers) or not.


HDD- a device for storing information. Unlike RAM, hard memory The disk is non-volatile, which allows you to save data even when you turn off the computer. There are currently 2 in use various types solid state drives: HDD (Hard Disc Drive) and SSD ( Solid State Drive). The main ones are volume ( maximum amount information that can be written to the disk) and read/write speed.

Video card

A video card is a device for displaying images from a computer on a monitor screen. Video cards can be built-in (the video core is built into the motherboard chipset or CPU) and external ones, which are connected to the computer motherboard via a special PCI-Express connector. As a rule, integrated video cards have rather mediocre characteristics and are designed to work with office applications, watching videos and undemanding games. The main characteristics of the video card are the frequency of the graphics processor and memory, bus width and video memory size.

Sound card

A sound card is a device designed to output sound signal to external devices (headphones, microphone, acoustic speakers etc.) In the vast majority of computers, the sound card is soldered to the motherboard. But there are also external sound cards that differ from the built-in ones more high quality reproduced sound.

LAN card

A network card is a device that is necessary to connect a computer into a network with other computers, making it possible to exchange information with high speed between them. Same as a sound card, in modern computers The network card is soldered to the motherboard.

power unit

Power supply - a device that converts energy from a household electrical network into electrical energy with given parameters necessary for the operation of all parts of the computer. The main characteristics of a power supply are its power and efficiency. It is important that the power is sufficient to operate all plug-in modules, otherwise peak loads the computer will simply turn off.

Above we looked at what parts the computer system unit consists of. Without these devices, no computer can function fully. But besides them, many other devices can be connected inside the system unit through various interfaces, such as additional ports for connecting external devices (USB, LPT, etc.), TV tuners, sound and network cards. But they are not mandatory and are used only if necessary.

External computer parts

When answering the question of what parts a computer consists of, we should also mention external devices. These include a monitor, keyboard, mouse, video camera and sound system. Monitors differ in diagonal, matrix type and backlight used ( we're talking about about liquid crystal monitors, since monitors with cathode ray tubes are no longer produced and are almost universally replaced by more technologically advanced TFT monitors), image refresh rate. Also to external devices computer includes numerous means for input and output various information: printers, scanners, MFPs, projectors, joysticks, etc.


In this article we looked at what a personal computer consists of. Computer science at school provides more detailed and comprehensive knowledge. By studying it, you will be able to understand the basic principles of assembling a PC with your own hands. But in order to delve deeper into the essence of work and operation, for example, to understand what parts the computer bus consists of, it is recommended to study specifications equipment, which is beyond the scope of this article.