Fast file transfer between computers. How to transfer files from computer to computer via Wi-Fi

  • How to transfer files over the Internet? Hello admin, I’ve been reading your articles for a long time and also decided to ask you a question. I have many friends and naturally we often exchange various files: video, audio, photo and so on. We send small files, such as pictures and documents, to each other via Skype. But large files, for example films, are carried around to each other on a flash drive; you must admit, this is a little inconvenient. For example, my best friend lives on the other side of the city, and so I wanted to send him a file larger than 2 GB (you can’t send it via Skype anymore) and what should I do then, go to him? No, of course I can go, but still, please recommend a good, and most importantly simple, service through which you can transfer any number of files of different sizes. Ilya.
  • Hello admin, please give me some advice to resolve my problem. I myself am a retired military man, I am interested in video shooting, I made a cool amateur film about my vacation and now I want to somehow transmit this video via the Internet to my friends, many of them live in different parts of our country. If possible, please tell me a solution that is not too complicated, since I recently started mastering the computer.

How to transfer files over the Internet

Friends, use the DropMeFiles service, which I have been using myself for a long time. Through it you can transfer 50 GB files over the Internet any size and all this free, no registration, quick and easy, even a beginner can handle it user, what can I say, now you’ll see everything for yourself.
You upload a file to the site and receive a link; anyone who knows this link can download your file. Isn't this convenient? And also note that you can send the link to your friends by email or even SMS to their mobile phone directly from the DropMeFiles website. Imagine, they will receive an SMS from you with a link to your file, which they can immediately download. However, there is one small drawback: your files can be located on this resource for only two weeks.

So, in the first part of the article we will look at the very convenient resource DropMeFiles, in the second part of the article we will look at one of the oldest portals on the RuNet, Choose for yourself what to use. I wrote two articles, the first one will tell you what how to transfer files over the internet, another one will immediately follow it, in it you will learn where to store files on the Internet, believe me, friends, these are different things.

Let's go to the resource, very simply drag and drop the desired file directly into this window.

Upload your files to ""? Of course yes.

And here you go, our file is uploaded and the download link is ready. If you wish, send it to your friends directly to their phone or email.

Click Download all and download our file.

How to transfer files via the Internet using the [email protected] service

This could have been the end of the article, but a lot of letters came in where you are friends, asking to tell you about the file sharing service via the Internet [email protected]. I don’t argue that the resource, which owns this service, is one of the oldest on the network and probably one of the most reliable. It’s just that it’s a little less convenient than the service we talked about earlier. I hope you are already registered on, so follow the link [email protected] and click Upload file,

An explorer opens in which you can select the file you need and click Open.

If you want to see all the downloaded files, click on Downloaded.

The [email protected] service has a limit on uploading files larger than 1 GB. If you want to upload a file larger than 1 GB to the service, you will receive this error. And please upload less than one GB.

When purchasing a new personal laptop or desktop PC, users ask the question: “How to transfer files from computer to computer?” After all, the old “machine” still had your favorite movies and music tracks, important documents and photographs, many useful programs and interesting games, and so on, and so on, and so on. So, if you have no idea where to start in such a situation, then this article is just for you. First, you will learn how to transfer files from computer to computer. We'll also show you how to erase your hard drives so you can get rid of your old PC without fear of anyone finding out your passwords, sensitive bank account information, and other important information. After all, you must admit, discovering your home video on YouTube would be, at a minimum, unpleasant.

Windows Data Transfer Tool

To carry out this procedure, it is recommended to use a standard utility program. If your computer has the Windows Vista or Windows 7 operating system installed, then half the battle is already done, since the mentioned function is included in them. If you have Windows XP on your PC, then you will need to install the “Information Transfer Tool” service, having first downloaded it from the official Microsoft website. So, the program has been downloaded and installed. We go to the “Start” menu, select the “All Programs” tab, then “Accessories and System Tools”, and then launch our utility. The program opens and the main page displays the information that this functionality can convey. Next, you need to decide which method you will use to carry out the transfer. There is a lot from one computer to another. Let's look at some of them.

Method one

This method involves connecting two PCs using a network cable, for example, twisted pair. Let's look at how to transfer files from computer to computer in a similar way. First, you need to make sure that both PCs have network ports. All modern computers have this interface built into the motherboard. The connector itself is located on the rear panel of the system unit. But for older devices, the NIC interface was not included in the basic package, but was made in the form of a separate network card, which must be inserted into the motherboard connector. Next, we connect the network ports with a cable. The pinout must be cross. After this, you should make sure that the network interfaces on both computers are enabled. To do this, go through the “Start” menu to the “Control Panel”. Select “Network Connections” and click on the “Local Area Connection” function. Next, you need to assign a static (permanent) IP address.

Step-by-step instructions for setting IP and other network settings

1. Go through the “Start” menu to the “Control Panel”.

2. Select the “Network connections” function.

3. Right-click on the LAN connection shortcut. A pop-up window will appear on the screen. Select "Properties".

4. In the new window, activate “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” and click on “Properties”.

5. Select “Use the following IP address.” Next, you need to enter the data indicated below and click the “OK” button.

For the first computer:

Gateway: this field must be left blank;

DNS servers: also remains empty.

For the second computer: IP address - The remaining fields are identical to the first “machine”.

6. Check the network connection between two personal computers. To do this, click the “Start” button and select Cmd. Enter ping on the first “machine” in the line and check whether the response is received or not (“Response from number of bytes = 32 time< 1 мс TTL = "64").

Once the network is configured, you can proceed directly to transferring files to the new “machine”. Every user knows how to find files on a computer that need to be transferred. You can use the standard operating system folder manager or any other program of a similar type. After that, select the folders we need, right-click and select “Sharing” these files. A hand should appear under the folder; if this happens, it means you did everything correctly. If the files are not copied on the computer, then you should run the Network Setup Wizard. To do this, go to the Start menu, select Control Panel and click on Network Setup Wizard. Launch the “Sharing Wizard” for folders and files. Next, enable the search for a shared folder on the first computer. Through the “Start” menu, launch “Search”, select “Computer on the network” and “Type” in the name of the PC in the search window. Shared folders and files will appear in the right pane. Now you can make a copy.

Second method of data transfer

This method involves saving the files and folders you need on a flash drive, external hard drive, or optical drive. The inconvenience of using disks and flash drives is obvious - the small volume of media. As a result, such a transfer will take an extended period of time. Any user of a personal computer should know how to transfer files from a computer to a flash drive, so we will not dwell on this method in detail. Simply copy the necessary data to the media of your choice, and then copy it to a new computer. This method is called manual.

The third way to copy information

It is elementary, but not always feasible. It involves removing the hard drive from the old computer and installing it in the new one, and then copying all the necessary files and folders to the hard drive of the new PC. After this, the old disk is removed and installed in your computer. This method is very simple from a technical point of view. Its advantage is its simplicity and low cost. But there is also a drawback: if a new computer is assembled in a store, it will be sealed. If you break the seal, you will lose warranty service. How to transfer files from a computer in this way will be clear to any user. Essentially, this method repeats the previous one. The only difference is that it is not connected via a USB interface, but directly to the motherboard.

The fourth method of transmitting information

Let's take a look using the Internet. Only files can be transferred using this method. If you need to move programs and applications, use another method. So, we select all the files necessary for transfer and move them to one folder. You can give it any name. Next, we archive this package using WinRAR and set a 12-character password. The key does not have to be a word; it is best to be a random sequence of numbers, letters and symbols. Next, we will use a file hosting service. There are a huge variety of similar services offered on the Internet. We record our archive there, and then upload it to a new computer.

Transferring programs

It often happens that in addition to movies, music, photos and documents, you need to rewrite software or various applications. The difficulty of such a transfer is the need to update the software for compatibility with the new personal computer. Therefore, for such copying it is better to use the standard service of the Windows Easy Transfer operating system. The advantage of the mentioned utility is not only the instant transfer of data, but also the receipt of recommendations on what programs and applications can be installed on your new computer.

Ensuring the safety of information

If you store important data on your device, then you should not forget about the need to create backup copies. To do this, you can use a personal one. However, it is best to purchase an external hard drive and carry out timely backups. For this procedure, the Windows operating system offers a special service, thanks to which this process will be carried out automatically every night. To find it, go to the Start menu and type “sync center” in the search bar. Next, following the instructions in the “Set Synchronization Schedule Wizard,” we set the time and frequency of this process.

Cleaning your computer from unnecessary files

The user of a personal computer should be aware that transferring data from an old unit does not mean that they are completely deleted from the hard drive. If confidential information was stored on your machine that should not fall into the hands of strangers, then it is better to use special programs. They remove all traces of your data on the hard drive. It is believed that after such a procedure it is impossible to restore erased information. However, as practice shows, this is possible; it all depends, as they say, on the price of the issue. There is professional software that can recover any data, but it costs tens of thousands of dollars. Therefore, government organizations working with classified information dispose of decommissioned hard drives by physically destroying them. So it’s up to you: if you are a simple layman, then you can use file deletion programs, but if not, then it’s better to use a drill.

How to transfer the swap file?

This is a special hidden file that is located on the hard drive. It is used by the operating system to store data that does not fit in the computer's RAM. RAM and the page file constitute one virtual memory. And it is located on the hard drive along with the Windows system data. Let's look at how to transfer the Windows 7 swap file. Go to the virtual memory section and select the hard drive on which this file is installed. For example, drive C. Activate the “No paging file” option. Next, the operating system will warn you that it is impossible to record debugging information in its absence. Click the “Yes” button. Now you need to set a new swap file. To do this, select another hard drive, for example, D. Activate it, indicate the size (you must enter “Original” and “Maximum”). Click “Set”, then “OK”. After this, we reboot the computer. That's it, the swap file has been moved.

How to transfer a large file over the Internet if the content is requested by other remote users?

Sooner or later, users of computers and other gadgets with network access ask themselves this question.

This becomes a real problem if you constantly use the network for work or other personal purposes.

This problem can be solved in several ways, and which of them are the simplest and most optimal, we will consider below.

Easy ways to transfer large files

Day after day, users download data from the Internet. These are both large and small files.

Some of them are downloaded even unnoticed by the user, but as soon as the need arises to transfer a large file himself, the owner of a computer, smartphone or any other gadget is faced with the problem of how this can be done.

This is because the usual methods of transmitting information, such as email, are extremely ineffective in this case.

The objective reason for this is the restriction of the owners of information portals set on the size of the transferred file.

Thus, most email portals allow you to send attachments of no more than 20 megabytes, and only some giants, such as, can allow their clients to send files up to 25 megabytes in size.

If the file is larger, you can check it using the context menu item Properties (in ) or Advanced (it may differ in different smartphones), you should use other methods of data transfer, which we will pay attention to below.

Tip: To avoid problems when downloading, do not send folders with attachments. Before sending, they should be archived using archiving programs such as WinRAR, 7zip, WinZip, etc.

rice. 1 – Creating an archive via the context menu

Little-known features of popular email clients

If a small attachment size of 20-25 MB is enough for you to transfer the desired file, you will need to attach it to the letter you are sending in your email browser.

To do this, after finishing or before sending the letter, pay attention to the icon in the form of a paper clip.

By clicking on it, you will be taken to a window where you will need to select a file from all those available on your computer.

rice. 2 – Adding a large file to an email

If you are an active user of the Outlook email client, you can do everything even faster.

To do this, you just need to find the file on your computer, and by calling up the menu with the mouse, select the Send item and the Outlook sub-item.

After this, a draft letter will be automatically created, in which you only need to indicate the addressee, i.e. the recipient.

It is worth noting that it will be impossible to edit such a letter. The maximum that can be edited is the list of recipients and the subject of the message.

It will not be possible to add accompanying text to such a letter in every version of this program.

If you decide to send such a letter with an attachment, you should remember one rule.

For security reasons, other email clients may perceive the email with the attachment as a malicious object and send it to the Spam folder.

Accordingly, in order not to lose the information, the recipient will have to check it too.

Criteria for selecting a transfer method

Returning to large files, we note that when choosing a sending method, you should pay attention to one very important criterion.

It will help you easily determine the optimal method that will not only simplify the transmission of data, but also its reception by the recipient.

This is the frequency of using or transferring the same file.

If a certain large file needs to be transferred to the recipient only once, it is better to transfer it using special instant services.

There are quite a lot of them and some of them even have a Russian-language interface, which is important for users who find it difficult to simultaneously master new technologies and foreign languages, in particular English.

Vivid examples of such services are the English-language and the Russian-language

If a file needs to be transferred not to one user, but, for example, to several at the same time, or a large file requires periodic sending at different times, it is worth using cloud storage.

The advantages of cloud storage or cloud drives are that data can be stored on them for a long period of time, rather than for a limited number of downloads or a limited period of 7 to 10 days. At the same time, you can operate files on cloud storage and, at your own discretion, set the type of access to them - public, i.e., accessible to everyone, or personal, accessible exclusively to you.

Using cloud storage

As for cloud services, their use is somewhat more complicated and requires the fulfillment of one or more conditions. For example, it could be:

  • the need to register on the site;
  • having an account on social networks;
  • compliance with the maximum file size limit.

In contrast, the user receives other benefits. The main one is that there is no need for a high-speed network connection.

But unlike other services, cloud storage provides continuous access to files and the ability to change them thanks to the synchronization function.

Some cloud storages have expanded functionality, which is enhanced by using not only the browser version, but also special branded applications offered by the developer.

A striking example of such applications is.

It has a Russian-language interface, a lot of auxiliary features and an almost unlimited amount of disk space for exchanging large files with other users, both authorized and unauthorized.

However, there are no less attractive and more affordable options for how to transfer a large file via the Internet, which we will mention below.

Using instant services

The main advantage of instant services is that when using them, you can be absolutely sure that no one except the user to whom the instant link will be sent will be able to use the transferred file.

In addition, the file size can be quite large and amount to about 1-2 gigabytes, which is a definite advantage.

But this method of data transfer also has its disadvantages:

  • The recipient has problems with low download speeds;
  • Short link lifespan;
  • Inability to make changes to the file.

However, the main advantage of such services outweighs all possible disadvantages - the ease of interaction between the sender and recipient with the interface.

In this case, the recipient only needs a couple of clicks to download the file to his device connected to the Internet.

rice. 3 – Dropmefiles Window

As for the user, it takes him very little time to send a file if he has a high-speed network connection.

Such services do not even require registration, which shortens the transfer procedure. Therefore, the whole process boils down to the following procedures:

  • Launching the service from the browser line;
  • Select a file of any size to send;
  • Click on the upload button;
  • Copy the link to the uploaded file and send it to the recipient.

Skype - hidden features

It is worth noting that transferring large files can also be done using programs that are not used for this in everyday life.

An example of such an application is the well-known Skype. At the same time, it has its own advantages that other services cannot boast of.

Important: do not forget that transferring files over the network significantly increases the load on the network; accordingly, all applications that use a network connection, including Skype, will work noticeably slower during sending.

rice. 5 – Menu in Skype

If you need to transfer a large file over the Internet, then email may not be suitable. Transferring large size files using email is really difficult as many email service providers do not allow you to send large files (only 10MB to 25MB is allowed). The review below looks at the best sites to send large files without wasting time. All sites are fast and secure, so you can use these tools without any doubt. Here we collect both paid and free services for sending large files.

1. We Transfer is a free service for sending large files

We Transfer is a beautifully designed and in every way amazing website. It helps you send up to 2GB of data in a single transfer. We Transfer is also a simple and secure site that provides an easy way to transfer large files. No registration is required to use it. You can use We Transfer services without registration.

Sending large files via We Transfer is very simple and fast:

How to download files sent via WeTransfer

Downloading the file is also very easy:

2. Send Anywhere is a free service and without registration

It's one of the newest services in Europe and offers apps for Chrome, as well as iOS and Android. It is compatible with almost all operating systems, including Windows Mobile, Linux, macOS. It even has a plugin for WordPress.

To send a file (up to 4GB) in your web browser, it's as simple as entering your email address and the recipient's address, writing a message, and clicking Send.

Important! If you are using a Chrome extension or Outlook plugin, the limit will increase to 10 GB, and on Android/iOS it will be 20 GB and unlimited if you are using a Windows app.

Using the service is very simple:

It is very convenient to use a barcode scanner on mobile devices. The file is saved in the add-on's memory, after which it can be used in any add-on that supports the file format.

3. UploadFiles free service

When it comes to sending large files over the Internet, UploadFiles is considered one of the best services. If you want to use the service, registration is not required, and there are practically no restrictions.

Important! The service provides an unlimited number of downloads, and the connection itself is encrypted. Uploads can be up to 5 GB in size. They will be stored for 30 days.

4. MailBigFile is a free service with paid accounts

MailBigFile is another quick and easy option for sending a large file over the Internet. You can transfer a file up to 2GB in size and download multiple files at the same time.

Note! The recipient is given up to 10 days to download them (unlike Send Anywhere, which only gives 10 minutes). You can also send files up to 4, 5 and 20 GB, but this requires purchasing one of 3 paid accounts.

MailBigFile is another good free service that gets the job done.

5. DropSend is a free service

DropSend allows you to send large files instantly with a size limit of up to 2GB. So you can easily send jpeg, pdf, MP3 and more. DropSend is a fast, secure and easy system for sending large files. You can send important documents to clients or personal files to friends and family.

Important! DropSend provides 256-bit AES security, so it's a truly secure site for sending large files.

6. FileSender is a free service

FileSender is simply a great site for sending a large file over the Internet. The number of files and their sizes are not limited. The service connects computers directly, and the connection itself is encrypted. Sending files is very easy. You need to select the file and click Start Transfer.

Important! In order for the recipient to be able to download this file, it is necessary to transfer him a special code that will be generated after downloading the file.

7. Send Big Files free service

SendBigFiles is a professional Internet service for fast and secure file transfer. Without registration, you can send files up to 500 MB; if you want to send files above 500 MB, you will need to register on the site.

8. FileSharing24 free service

FileSharing24 is another great service for sending large files across the web. It is an ideal solution for bulk file transfer. There are no restrictions on the number of downloads, and the file size can be no more than 5 GB.

Important! Password protection is also present, and the connection itself is encrypted. When you upload a file, you receive a URL that can be shared via social media. network or via mailbox. Anyone who can navigate to this URL will be able to download the file you uploaded, which will be available for download within 24 hours.

9. YouSENDit is a paid service

YouSENDit is a large site for securely sharing files online, but it is not a free service. You can try it for free, but only with a 14-day trial. Despite the fact that it is a paid service, YouSENDit has millions of registered users in 193 countries.

10. TransferBigFiles is a paid service

TransferBigFiles is a simple and convenient service for sharing large files, so you can send and receive files easily. You can send up to 20 GB, which is quite a lot.

Note! You can use the service for free for the first 7 days, after which you will need to register.

You can also use services such as:

  • File Dropper;
  • PlusTransfer;
  • and CueTransfer.

Regardless of which method you choose to transfer large files over the Internet, it is very easy and fast. Convenient and easy-to-use services for sending large files will help solve this problem as profitably as possible for you.

Video - How to transfer a large file over the Internet quickly

The times when one PC was shared among all family members, or even more people, are long gone. With the current relative cheapness and variety of computer equipment, having a desktop computer at home, as well as a portable laptop or netbook, is a common thing. Therefore, the ability to quickly transfer files from a computer to a portable device is more relevant than ever.

There are several ways to transfer the necessary files from your computer to your laptop. Using a flash drive makes sense to transfer information in cases where the volumes are relatively small - up to 20 gigabytes. However, this method is not fast and requires constant monitoring by the user. Alternatively, you can use a large-capacity USB flash drive, but such devices are not cheap.

Adherents of the “old traditions” can use CD/DVD discs as an “intermediary”. It’s just that transferring information in this way of repeated rewriting is extremely inconvenient, and there is a chance that each subsequent record may turn out to be unreadable, and therefore the last.

The method of connecting a hard drive from an old device to a new one, as a second hard drive, can only be recommended if the laptop is not under warranty. Otherwise, there is no point in opening the device and violating its integrity.

A fairly convenient way to transfer information using an external USB drive. The volume of such a drive can reach several terabytes. True, the cost of such devices is high.

And the cheapest and fastest option is to create a local network of two computers. To reduce costs and avoid purchasing a Wi-Fi adapter, use a network cable. This will create a high data transfer rate. We connect the ends of the cable to the network adapters of both devices.

Create a folder on your laptop into which you will transfer files from your computer. Share it. On your computer, press “Win” and “R”. In the field that opens, enter “\\”. These numbers are the IP address of the laptop. After that, open the previously created public folder and copy the files into it.

In addition to all the listed methods for copying information, you can also use a USB 2.0 adapter. Any model of hard drive can be connected to this device. This adapter also performs many other useful functions.