An ultra-fast disk in the computer's RAM. Creating a RAM disk: putting “extra” RAM to good use

Hello GeekTimes! Absolutely incredible power and performance is hidden in the word RAMDisk - Once upon a time there were even special devices that simulated the operation of a ramdisk at the hardware level - Gigabyte i-RAM, for example. However, now with access to a huge amount of RAM, building virtual disks is becoming even easier. What does this give? The answer is under the cut.

First, the hardware configuration - to make a big RAMDisk you need a lot of RAM. “I have them” - 128 selected gigabytes of DDR4 HyperX Savage - how much more? Strictly speaking, my motherboard does not support such a volume of RAM, but with the help of a tambourine and a few other shamanic accessories, I managed to start the stand, albeit with a reservation, at a frequency of 2133 MHz. Otherwise, everything is of the highest standard - eight memory sticks of 16 gigabytes each, beautiful proprietary HyperX Savage radiators, a long warranty period, technical support (in case you yourself cannot cope with the setup and installation). Such a kit needs an appropriate test bench, and I also have it at my disposal.

  • Processor: Intel Core i7-5960X
  • Motherboard: ASUS Rampage V Extreme, Intel Socket 2011-3
  • RAM: HyperX Savage DDR4-2666 128 Gb (8*16 Gb)
  • System SSD: HyperX Predator PCI-E SSD 480 Gb
  • Video card: AMD Fury X
  • Power supply: Corsair AX1200i, 1200W
  • Operating system: Windows 10 Professional (64-bit)

In the vastness of this RAM you can deploy anything you want. Surely you can run all installed programs at the same time, and maybe even several instances of Mozilla Firefox (sarcasm), but today I am interested in virtual disks.

When your computer has an indecent amount of RAM, you want to use it as much as possible, and RAMDisk is the most successful use. At the moment, there is a fairly wide selection of software for working with RAMDisk, but I will build using software that has already proven itself on the positive side and has collected a number of reviews - DATARAM Ramdisk and ROG Ramdisk.
The first software is shareware; previously it was possible to purchase a high-quality license with a good discount when purchasing AMD products.
The second option comes free with ASUS Republic Of Gamers series boards. As soon as testing takes place on the basis of the ASUS Rampage V Extreme/USB3.1 motherboard, it would be a shame not to evaluate the capabilities of this software.

Of course, the temptation is great to create 64 gigabyte disks, but I have two programs, which means they will try to eat up all the available RAM. Therefore, I will limit myself to two disks of 32 gigabytes each.

Testing the RAMDisk turned out to be quite difficult, because many programs do not want to deal with it, such as the familiar and convenient PC Mark 8 - it completely refuses to pass the test on the specified partition, giving an error. In this case, the fact is that the use of RAM Disk will lead to a significant increase in the result and the system of protection against “unfair play” is triggered, because PC Mark 8 ratings are used by many enthusiasts to compare the performance of their systems.

Crystal Disk Mark 5.1.2

This test allows you to evaluate the drive's performance in four modes: linear read/write, read/write 4K blocks, linear read/write with a queue depth of 32 commands, read/write 4K blocks with a queue depth of 32 commands.

Crystal Disk Mark demonstrates that not all yoghurts are equally useful, namely the ROG disk is faster than the DATARam and quite significantly.

Copying a file from a RAMDisk to another RAMDisk is a very fun procedure - everything happens almost instantly. A huge video file, the recording speed of which on a RAM Disk is limited only by the reading speed from a USB source, flies at supersonic speed inside the RAM.

Copying a disk from an SSD to a RAM Disk is also very fast - the speed is limited by the reading speed from the solid-state drive, and similarly in the opposite direction - you won’t be able to work faster than the SSD writes.

As an application software, I offer a purely subjective assessment: working with photographs in the DxO OpticsPro 10 application. The task was to export 20 photographs from Canon RAW format (CR2) to a full-size JPEG with PRIME quality noise reduction turned on. Much of this task depends on the processor, but still working with data storage is also important.
The result is a difference of about 20 percent compared to exporting to a HyperX Predator system PCI-E SSD. Is this too much? Yes, quite a significant increase, because overclocking the processor by 10% (300 MHz) changed the packet processing time by only 1%.

It was not possible to take advantage of all the benefits for games, or rather, everything works correctly, without any questions, but the FPS in two very demanding games: Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor and Total War: Attila did not increase relative to the test results of games that were installed on PCI- E SSD.

So what is a RAMDisk for? What can you speed up with it? Archivers (who needs to compress/decompress data so quickly). Browsers (quick access to all the cache you have). Saving the recording resource of SSD cells (a controversial point when taking into account the cost of a large amount of RAM). content creators running large files in Adobe PS/AI and so on (the most realistic example).

The cost of RAMDisk is not one of the strengths of the “project”. In terms of rubles per gigabyte, an SSD drive will be much more profitable than a colossal amount of RAM - a Kingston KC400 SSD with a capacity of 128 GB costs from 3,800 rubles, a 128 GB memory kit will cost 83,000 rubles. But the read/write speed exceeds budget SSDs by more than 10 times, and besides, a large amount of RAM has never harmed anyone. Unless the wallet will be unhappy, but who cares =).

There are some nuances and disadvantages: Small volume for storing information, although if we are talking mainly about temporary storage of media files during processing, there is no point in complaining. The second caveat: if there is no ASUS ROG board, there is a need to purchase high-quality software for creating a RAMDisk. The third feature: volatility - let the RAMDisk image be saved every time you exit Windows, but in the event of a sudden power failure, data loss cannot be avoided.

Thanks for your attention and stay tuned Kingston on Giktimes!

Even from a depressing situation with hardware, there is a way out - from “voting with your wallet” to technological progress, which slaps the well-fed faces of marketers and forces them to release what customers crave. Everything will be great, we promise!
We are also damn, incredibly happy to communicate with like-minded people on our blog and intend to give high-quality Kingston hardware to our subscribers. At the end of June we will give 11 subscribers of our blog 1 SSD drive

An awesome free computer program from a reliable and trusted manufacturer... of processors and video cards (AMD), called Radeon RAMDisk, will allow you to make an ultra-fast RAM disk in any computer that will work many, many times faster than your hard drive (HDD) and even SSD disk.

RAMDisk - fast disk in RAM

The scope of application of such a high-speed virtual disk is so wide that it makes your hair stand on end when you start to think about it. For example, I installed a portable browser on it and, as a result, my jaw hit the table painfully from the results of the experiment - it really began to fly like crazy.

But you can also “throw” system temporary files, programs or their profiles into it...

In fact, there are quite a few programs that can mount such disks in RAM, but I especially liked the one described in this article for its simplicity and clarity.

Operation speed

You will now understand everything without further ado - just by looking at the screenshots. So, here is the sad speed of my decrepit HDD drive...

...and this is the system SSD drive (more fun indicators)...

...but the speed of a drive created in RAM (hold on to your pants)...

I described the program for measuring the speed of disks and the methodology in the article at this link.


Everything is very simple and understandable. Any RAM works on its own much faster than any disks, but add a multi-threaded high-speed data transfer bus with a pair of channels - and we get the results shown above.

Nuances and warnings

  • I strongly advise owners of at least 4GB of RAM to start thinking about speeding up their computer using RAMDisk. Otherwise, you will get the opposite effect. The program will cut off a noticeable piece of RAM needed for stable operation of the system.
  • Before transferring anything important and system-related to this virtual disk, make sure that you correctly and completely understand the transfer technology. Before experimenting, be sure to make system restore points and backups.
  • When you turn off the computer, our virtual disk also turns off, or rather, completely evaporates. Don't worry - if you configure the program correctly, all data from the disk is written to a real physical disk. When the system starts, they are again written to the automatically remounted RAMDisk.
  • In the event of a sudden power outage, the data will not have time to be written to the physical disk and will be completely lost somewhere among your loud curses at the electricians. That is why this method can be used completely painlessly only in laptops or computers with a UPS (uninterruptible power supply).
  • When using this computer acceleration technology, you will literally lose a couple of seconds when turning off the computer and the same amount when starting it up.
  • Simply “throwing” system or profile folders into this magic disk will not be correct. You also need to indicate to the system the correct new path to them.
  • Storing simple files (photos, videos, music...) in RAMDisk is extremely stupid, sorry. There are others for this dimensionless places.

As you can see, there are not only advantages, but also some disadvantages of using a RAM drive.

Why operating system manufacturers don’t use this feature and don’t give us convenient built-in tools for this remains a mystery. They may give birth in a few years, as with the adjustment monitor color temperature.

I dragged on a bit with the preface - You’re already afraid of impatience, and here I am blah blah blah...

Radeon RAMDisk

You can download this free miracle program from the link at the end of the article, but for now...

Program installation

For a couple of days I “tested” 2GB of RAM as an additional disk - I deleted it and made it 3GB with screenshots. I don’t play games, I practically don’t use programs that require computer resources, billion tabs I don’t keep them open at the same time - I think that the free (remaining) 5GB is quite enough for me for comfortable everyday work on a laptop.


If you leave a checkmark here, the disk creation program in RAM will start immediately. Perhaps when you first start, such an extortion window will appear - shoot it like a mad dog...

...and go to settings...

This is the first settings tab - here we set the size of the future disk (in the free version, this size is limited to 4GB for third-party memory and 6GB for proprietary AMD Radeon™ Memory.

“Create TEMP Directory” - check the box if you plan to store system temporary files here (I don’t recommend doing this yet, because additional steps are required, which I will describe in another article).

“Set Disk Label” is a required checkbox (we name our disk and assign an unallocated letter to it).

In the column “Image File to use For new Disk or to Load exiting image” we indicate the storage location of the drive image that is created when the computer is turned off (left as default).

If you check “Create a new disk” in the “Load Options” section, a new disk will always start when the computer starts. “Load the specified saved image” - will resurrect the image saved when the machine was turned off. And for it to be saved, you need to check the box “Save Disk Image at Shutdown” in the “Save Options” section.

Confused yet? It’s better to re-read it a couple of times, but do everything correctly - any mistake or inattention can cost you dearly. For those who don’t want to delve into it, just do everything as in my screenshots - I’ve tested this setting on a couple of computers several times already and everything works great.

The last settings tab remains...

“Manualy set RAMDisk timeout value” - delayed start when the system starts.

“Do not create backup file when saving disk image” - disables the creation of a disk backup if saving the disk to a file is enabled.

“Do not compress image file on NTFS filesystem”—do not compress the disk file if it is saved to a disk with the NTFS file system.

“Clear RAMDisk memory on exit” - clears the contents of the disk when shutting down.

“Do not start RAMDisk when Windows starts” - do not start when the system starts (manual start by clicking on the shortcut).

“Allow Image file to be saved in non System Drivers” - saving the image using third-party drivers.

Drum roll - click on the “Start RAMDisk” button and... agree to install the drivers...

...format the newly created virtual disk...

I have been using this configuration on my home computer since last fall, for more than six months. I’ll try to organize my subjective impressions:
+ Indeed, it works quickly. Programs from memory run instantly (obviously). There are no complaints about the stability of operation - the computer works for weeks and months.
+ No unnecessary sounds from the HDD.
+ The concepts of “wear” and “number of read/write cycles” are unimportant for RAM.
+ A side benefit - the result is an unchangeable, indestructible system. You can install all sorts of crooked programs one time (for example, to restore a USB flash - they usually install their own drivers, which are then difficult to pick out) without the risk of ruining anything. Reboot and it’s like nothing happened.
+ Side benefit - VHD is cool. No more disk partitions, just files that are simply copied/moved/deleted/backed up without any acronis/paragons/gparteds.

- To be honest, the difference in speed with a good SSD is not noticeable. In both cases, there is no room to complain about performance.
- Of course, precious memory is wasted. Take out and put in 6-8 gigabytes. In my case, the remaining 10GB is enough for me, and if it’s not enough, I can boot into VHD mode.
- 6-8 GB for Windows 7 - still very little. Windows Updates alone will quickly eat up all the space. You’ll also want to install your favorite programs... for some, even a 100GB system partition may not be enough (and some advocate not partitioning disks at all). In my case, I placed only the most popular programs on the system partition, and kept everything else in the form of portable versions on the HDD. After all, this is a home computer; it does not have memory- and system-disk-hungry monsters like SQL Server, Visual Studio, Adobe CS, MS Office (portable LibreOffice is also enough). So far so good.
- temp has to be transferred to another disk. Some installers unpack there without asking anyone and there may not be enough free space.
- You have to disable driver signature verification. There's nothing to be done about it.
- Indestructibility has another side. For every change in settings, for every update, for every installation of a program/driver, for permanent use you must reboot into VHD mode - otherwise everything will be lost upon reboot. If some of your programs store something of their own in the profile (for example, games store saves there), then it is advisable to transfer the profile to another section.
- Loading 6-8GB into memory takes a lot of time - you can’t boast of a 10 second load.
- For obvious reasons, it is impossible to use hibernation. But the system goes into normal sleep and wakes up normally.

But I hear screams in the hall again. “And they won’t come up with anything, as long as they don’t buy an SSD!”, “This is nonsense, throwing away so much memory for nothing!”, “Will you install some crooked wood?”, “No need!” Agree. I will not recommend this approach. This is more of a fun experiment than a working solution. Thank you for your attention, now you can post pictures with bread trolleybuses.

P.S. Many thanks to the developers of Firadisk and WinVBlock - karyonix and Shao Miller, as well as the forum.

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RAM drive, RAM disk (disk in memory), electronic disk - computer technology that allows you to store data in high-speed RAM as on a block device (disk). Can be implemented both in software and in hardware.

The idea of ​​using semiconductor memory as the main storage medium in a PC did not arise today. Its implementation is possible both as a separate device and as a virtual disk in RAM.

The effectiveness of this approach can be debated; there are different opinions: some talk about an increase in productivity by orders of magnitude, others deny the feasibility of RAM Disk in principle.

Having read some information on the Internet and tried using memory as a disk on my computer, conducting appropriate tests, my experiments and those of other users showed that with a sufficient amount of RAM, using a RAM Disk almost always has a positive effect.

The number of accesses to the hard drive decreases (the HDD resource increases), the execution speed of some applications increases, although not hundreds of times, as some promise.

For example, we need to work with photographs or a video file, we write it (them) to a disk in memory and work with these files at the speed and speed of the memory we have. True, there is a nuance: the memory must be commensurate with the files and the cache for processing them. And if the power suddenly goes out, all your work can be lost. So we use UPS or a laptop :)

Many browsers store a lot of all sorts of junk in databases that hardly use the computer’s memory, as a result, after a month of use, even typing an address becomes torture - the hard drive creaks, letters are typed in a second. All these problems are removed.

Main advantages:

# Extremely high access speed (up to several gigabytes per second);
# No delays during random access;
# Implementation without the use of additional hardware components;

Main disadvantages:

# Consumption of an extremely valuable resource (RAM);
# Small capacities (if there are 500-1000 GB hard drives on the market, RAM modules are calculated in units of gigabytes);
# Loss of content on shutdown (can be partially overcome by saving content to disk when shutting down, but the risk of losing information due to an unexpected power outage still exists);

Attention! I warn you - this article is for advanced users, there are many pitfalls! So everything you do, you do only at your own peril and risk.

So, the idea is simple. Make a RAMDisk (virtual “disk” in the computer’s memory) and force programs to store their work there.

1. Download one of the programs for creating a virtual disk in RAM - RAMDisk “\Enterprise\”. Among all similar products, RAMDisk “\Enterprise\” stands out, if only because the Russian version of RAMDisk “\Enterprise\” is distributed free of charge, and also has sufficient functionality and stability.

RAM Disk: -rus.htm

The software consists of a RAMDisk driver (RAMDriv.sys), an installer support library and property page (RAMDriv.dll) and an installation file (RAMDriv.inf), which together, through the “Hardware Setup” wizard, allow you to install RAMDisk on Windows 2000, Windows XP, Server 2003 and Vista.

For Windows 7 - go to Toolbar, System and Security, Device Manager. In the Action menu, select install old device. And manually point to the driver file.

In other systems, I think you will figure out how to install it yourself.

The settings are set through the RAMDisk properties in “\Device Properties\” through “\Device Manager\” Windows. New values ​​can be activated without rebooting.

Click configure operations with image file and create an image file.

To ensure that our data is not lost, check the “Save image when unloading driver” checkbox. Booting and shutting down the system will take a little longer, but for us the main thing is fast work.

If you work with photo or video data and don’t want to accidentally lose it, you can periodically dump the disk image onto a hard drive by selecting the appropriate option “Save the contents of RAMDISK in an image... etc.”

In principle, that's all. Check the box “Restart RAMDISK after clicking OK”, click “OK” and enjoy.

A virtual disk can also be used for its intended purpose (like a regular storage device - HDD), placing on it not only temporary and swap files, but also programs, user profiles, etc. There are publications with recommendations for using RAMDisk for storing temporary 1C files , one of Photoshop's "scratch disks", etc. Moreover, it is argued that productivity actually increases, although not significantly.

An interesting solution may be to use RAMDisk to improve system security, since data in RAM is destroyed when turned off. Naturally, in this case, the function of saving/recovering virtual disk images should be disabled.

Now a little about setting up Windows

It should be mentioned that the use of RAMDisk, depending on the tasks, may differ significantly, i.e. at the discretion of the user.


To change system operating parameters using standard procedures:

Let's set the size and transfer the swap file to RAMDisk.

We will perform a similar procedure regarding the placement of “Temporary Internet files”

Speeding up Firefox.

Open the "Start" menu and click "Run...".

In the window that appears, type %appdata%\\Mozilla\\Firefox\\Profiles and press Enter. A window will open in which you will see a directory named “abracadabra.default”. This is your Firefox profile folder.

Open the "Start" menu and click "Run..."

In the window that appears, type %appdata%\\Mozilla\\Firefox\\profiles.ini and press “Enter”.

Notepad will open with the “profiles.ini” file loaded. Replace "Profiles/" in the "Path" variable with "Z:\\", where Z is the letter of your ramdisk.

Make sure the "IsRelative" value is zero.


Path=Z:\\ abracadabra.default

Launch firefox and enter about:config in the browser's address bar. We agree that we will be careful and end up on the firefoxa configuration page.

Right-click anywhere, select New -> String and set browser.cache.disk.parent_directory as the parameter name, and the path to the folder where the cache will be stored as the value. Z:\\ abracadabra.default

A few more settings:

// Cache and memory
user_pref(\”browser.cache.memory.enable\”, false); // memory cache becomes meaningless
user_pref(\”browser.cache.offline.enable\”, false); // why is this needed at all?
user_pref(\”browser.turbo.enabled\”, false); // for those who have it enabled, disable it. The parameter loads the Fox part into memory for quick startup. Now we have everything quickly and in memory
user_pref(\”config.trim_on_minimize\”, false); // also not necessary. The parameter resets Fox from memory to swap. It still doesn't work on Vista and 7

Close Firefox.

Copy the “abracadabra.default” folder to the ramdisk. If there are requests to replace files, answer in the affirmative.

Restart Firefox.

We also change the paths of the system variables %TMP% and %TEMP%

Control Panel (this is for windows 7), system and security, viewing the name of this computer, additional system settings, environment variables.

Change the system variables %TMP% and %TEMP% to the letter of your RAMDISKa Z:\\Temp:

The problem is that many programs, for example, WinRAR or installers, will unpack temporary files in R:\\TMP, and if this file has more than free space, then the unpacking will not complete, and the archive will not be unpacked.

Is it worth it?

For me - yes. The health of the hard drive and browsing speed are very important to me.

There are inconveniences, but they are minor (saving the state before rebooting, restoring it when you turn it on - of course - not for a novice user), and you have to periodically clear the cache (but this can be avoided by taking up more memory for the RAMDisk or by writing a script that will clear the cache itself).

That's all for now, if anyone has any additions, write, we will add them.

The article is taken from open sources. Original article: //

Good day, dear friends, acquaintances, readers, passing personalities and all, all, all. As you understand, today we will talk about what is ram disk, why it might be needed, how to set it up and use it.

Articles are rarely published so far (but they are published :-)), since a huge amount of work is being done in all areas of sites, I think, the line you know. Over time, we will return not just to the previous pace, but also to a greater frequency of publications, so that, so to speak, you do not get bored.

By the way, just one of these days long-term construction projects will be crawling out, namely a site-about-website-creation and a hard version. Actually, the delay with the articles is due to their active revision. Well, yes, a new version of the design is being slowly prepared website, as well as the promised goodies with a mobile version and all that stuff.

For the first time in the history of the project, I want, within the framework of the article, to remind you that you can, in some way, support its development, funds for which are especially needed now. However, the matter is up to you, and therefore, aside from the lyrics and organizational moments, let’s move on to the very topic of the article, i.e. directly to what it is ram disk.

Where, in the first screenshot, is, in fact, the little defenseless RAID 0 from two disks, and on the second directly RAM-disk. As you probably understood yourself, the difference between the speeds, roughly speaking, differs somewhere in 10 once to the side RAM-disk, let alone access time ( Access Time) I am generally silent. Speed, of course, was measured according to one of the articles, namely "".

Who will benefit from such RAM disk performance?

Yes, in general, everyone who has a lot of RAM, especially since it now costs a penny (from 300 rubles per gigabyte DDR3). In addition, it is perfect for Windows 10.

It will be especially convenient for those who 8 -a gigabyte at home, like mine. And the owner of the servers... However, the latter themselves know what to do with all this :)

Why is such power of a ram disk needed?

Yes, in general, because the last thing in the system that really loses in performance is the hard drives. Therefore, I personally recommend dragging disk-dependent programs to RAM-disks, i.e. the very ones we are talking about.

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There, even the same one, my favorite Firefox, being cleverly transferred along with the profile (I’ll tell you separately), it flies like I didn’t fly with, although it seemed like it was much faster :)

In general, given the price of, I personally still don’t really understand why they haven’t, at least partially, replaced the usual hdd, especially since the difference in speed is simply colossal.

What does a ram disk look like in practice?

Very simple, namely... like a regular disk.

More precisely, the program creates a virtual drive that uses part of the RAM and presents itself to the user like regular partitions in the system, i.e. there is nothing complicated or specific about it, but from a practical point of view it’s just lovely :)

However, aside from the lyrics. Let's get to practice.

Download, install and configure ram disk

Actually, as you understand from the title, we will talk about a wonderful free program (with a slight limitation on the maximum size of the disk created) called Dataram RAMDisk, which, in fact, helps everything described above come to life.

I would like to note that it is almost the only one in its segment that is free, of this kind of programs (and also sane for workers), a miracle of programmer thought. Even everyone is supported Windows. Unfortunately, there is no Russian interface, but this is not critical, since everything is quite simple there and I will tell you everything now.

You can download the program here by clicking on the button " Download It" on the left. Installation is extremely simple (consists of only " Next"ov"), so we will not dwell on it.

So, after installation and launch (double click on the shortcut " RAMDisk Configuration Utility") program, you will see the following window for setting up such a thing as ram disk:

With some differences, because I am showing an already configured version of the program (it’s difficult to show from scratch, because the machine where the review is being written is now actively using the section and it doesn’t seem possible for me to stop, because it will be difficult to write further :)).

Let's immediately go through how to set everything up so that it works and as in the screenshots.

"Settings" tab and your ram disk

As you can see from the screenshot above, our magic program, first of all, plaintively asks you to set the size of the virtual partition in the field Disk Size. For trial purposes, you can make the partition size for now 1 GB, in order to test what it’s like.

Next, select the type of organization of the file system, namely what is indicated to the right of the dimensions, i.e. FAT32/FAT16(if you can't choose FAT32, then we leave FAT16), and then the boot sector type ( Windows boot sector).

Don't rush to press " Start RAMDisk" (thus creating a virtual disk), because first you need to configure everything correctly.

Now let's go to "Load and Save" tab" and here we set the following parameters:

You need to check the box here " Load Disk Image at Startup" And " Save Disk Image on Shutdown".

The trick is that so that the contents of our ram the disk was not lost after turning off the computer (and, as you hope you know, RAM is cleared during reboots/shutdowns, unlike hard drives), our high-speed partition will be written to a file of the appropriate size, which, in fact, is indicated by the checkbox we put " Save Disk Image on Shutdown".

The first of them loads the contents of this very file when the system starts.

  • Path where the file is written ram disk (equal in volume to what we set on the first tab) is specified under each of the checkboxes by clicking on the folder image. The paths must be the same;
  • Alternatively, you can also check the box " AutoSave" and set the time for constant auto-saving to disk in a file, which will help avoid problems with an unexpected reboot, and all sorts of other sudden horrors with the computer. I don’t have to, because this doesn’t happen in principle;
  • You can also assign some sonorous name to your RAM disk (by checking the " Disk Label" and specifying the name). Create a temporary directory (" Create TEMP directory) not necessary.

Well on the tab"Options" let's check the last two boxes we need, namely, " Do not create backup file when saving disk image" And " Do not compress image file on NTFS filesystems".

The first one, which "Do not create", allows you not to create a backup copy of the file when saving a disk image, so that there is no mess of saves and problems with the load on the disk subsystem. The second one, which "Do not compress", do not compress the image file in the file system NTFS, which I think is worth it to all of you.

If you wish, you can also put " Manually set RAMdisk timeout value" is a parameter that allows you to manually set the required identification time ram disk (the time when it is recognized by the OS as a virtual disk), which is convenient if you have a problem and the system boots slowly.

That's it, having completed all the settings, you can start the disk using the " button Start RAMDisk".


I deliberately omitted the options for using this disk in RAM, mentioning only briefly the transfer of the browser and disk-dependent programs. The essence of this “intention” is not only that I don’t want to make a big mess out of the article, but I also decided to hold a small competition, namely...

  • The author of the most interesting and correct idea for using such a mega-fast disk will receive from the author and the project an excellent, nice gift, pleasant and far away Not good-for-nothing ;)
  • Write your ideas in the comments, as well as questions, additions, thanks and anything else that you like to write :)

That's all for now, I ran to finish the long-term construction, so tomorrow, by evening, we can expect either both new sites, or one for sure, fortunately, even the server for them has already been purchased for a long time;)