Difference between forged and cast wheels. Modern range of disks. About casting repair

And how to do it correctly - every motorist needs to know all these points. We will help you understand the intricacies and become a true professional in matters related to car rims.

Modern range of wheels

Steel wheels have a centuries-old history, which were installed on all cars around the world. With the advent of die-cast models, no one was in a hurry to abandon the previous copies. For alloy wheels are characterized by their advantages, which are expressed in attractiveness and more high reliability. But everything is ruined by the high cost. The last to be developed were forged models, which are in many ways superior to their counterparts. But again, high cost becomes a stumbling block. products forces users to think about what will be best for their car, what the difference is and what choice will make the most sense.

Humanity has not yet managed to create ideal car wheels that could satisfy all the needs of car owners and exceed in every parameter existing analogues. Each user has to choose the most appropriate option, analyzing the pros and taking into account the cons.

Stamped steel product is the most affordable option from all possible proposals. Aluminum products will cost at least twice as much. Stamped products run the risk of bending when a car passes through holes. This is where their advantage lies, because the main impact will be on the disc, and not on the body and suspension.

Stamped products weigh a lot, which creates an obstacle to rapid acceleration and good braking. Installing such an element on a car instantly increases the unsprung weight of the vehicle, which negatively affects the level of passenger comfort and the performance of the suspension. If you think about which drives are best to choose, then this option is most suitable. After all, in winter no one is chasing dynamics.

During the production process there is no need to use high pressure. The final product is light, but not particularly plastic. Such discs do not bend, but often crack from impact. A wide variety of design options and an increased number of openings for air ventilation and rapid brake cooling are advantages that differentiate the cast product from the stamped product.

In terms of price-quality ratio, it is the alloy models that take the lead among all available discs.

There are many similarities between cast and forged wheels. The alloys are the same but processed differently, making the forged product extremely strong and even lighter than its cast counterpart. They bend well and rarely crack, but are very expensive. The creation process is complex and lengthy, consisting of two stages (hot stamping and chemical or thermal processing), so manufacturers cannot offer a wide range of design options.

The forged product is not affected by atmospheric conditions, moisture and frost. They do not form, so treatment with appropriate protective compounds is not required. In order for a forged disc to deform, a very large force must be applied. He can only bend.

The price difference is very significant, but you always have to pay for quality.

Distinguish between forged and cast wheels

Even though we live in modern world, where civilized market relations prevail, but situations are different, so the buyer must be well versed in the product being purchased. And it won’t be superfluous to know the difference between cast and forged wheels.

Weight is the main parameter that you can focus on. A forged model with a diameter of 15 inches will weigh up to 5 kg. But if you take a similar cast disk, its weight will increase by 3 kg. Domestic automotive products lend themselves to such comparisons, but if a European alloy wheel enters the ring, its weight will be equal to that of a forged product from a Russian manufacturer.

Labels are another parameter that will help distinguish the two different disk. Forged wheels with serial production are subjected to the stamping process. Consequently, the marks have a depressed appearance. On alloy wheels, marking is carried out in a different way, as a result of which the inscription turns out to be convex. Exceptions are allowed in this matter, but they are rare.

Form rim can also tell you what type it is. Cast models can rarely be milled, which results in slightly uneven edges. But forged models in mandatory undergo a turning stage, so the edges are always smooth. Previously, this difference was clearly visible. Now new equipment and improved technologies make it possible to immediately obtain a smooth cast product, which becomes more difficult to distinguish from a forged analogue.

The specification appears in the certificate, which must be provided by the disc seller. If the product is forged and produced in a legal factory, then it will be designated as forged. Products produced in Chinese and Turkish factories are not always labeled this way.

We have dealt with cast and forged wheels, but there is one more category that remains unknown. Cast or stamped - what to choose and how to distinguish them from each other. The appearance immediately reveals these two varieties of one product. The cast version looks more presentable and solid, the range of design options is rich and varied. The stamping looks unpresentable, however, for such a low price you shouldn’t hope for anything more. You can also focus on weight, the differences are not particularly significant, but still.

Here's another topic we helped you understand. Now you can go to the market with confidence in the right choice, which will be easy to make.

In this section, we will tell you what types of discs there are, how they differ from each other, and will try to help you make your choice.

1. Stamped steel wheels

The main advantage of these discs is their low price, which is two or even three times less than aluminum ones. Plus, if the car falls into a large hole (or hits an object lying on the road), the stamped disc has the ability to bend, thereby taking the “blow” and protecting the suspension and car body from deformation.

Main disadvantage this is a large weight of the disk, which affects the dynamics of the car. The car accelerates worse and brakes worse. A heavy disk becomes a kind of flywheel, which is difficult to spin and difficult to stop. The unsprung weight of the car also increases, which negatively affects the performance of the suspension and comfort.

The choice is yours!


Article dedicated to choice car rims for winter use: “Which wheels to choose for winter? »

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Choosing wheels for a personal car is a responsible decision and it is made according to the following important criteria, How technical specifications, quality, safety. There is a wide variety of types of disks that are widespread in the world. With this large selection The question involuntarily arises, which discs are better? Each disk has its own weaknesses and strengths. Discs are produced using two methods:

  • casting;
  • forging.

Most often, aluminum is used as the main material of both types, and magnesium is used less often. Let's compare the advantages and disadvantages of cast and forged wheels.

Advantages of cast and forged wheels

Alloy wheels are made from light metal alloys by casting. The advantages of alloy wheels include:

  • they are comparatively cheaper;
  • repairable only for minor cracks.

Forged wheels are produced by hot stamping. The advantages of forged wheels are:

  • increased strength. The structure with this manufacturing method is fibrous;
  • plastic;
  • shock resistance. Upon impact, the disk is deformed without being destroyed at all;
  • subject to repair, there are a sufficient number of repair services;
  • relatively light weight due to reduced wall thickness. They are two times lighter than steel, and a third lighter than cast ones;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • beautiful appearance, can be used without painting.

Reducing the weight of the disk in the tire assembly reduces unsprung inertial masses and improves the performance of car suspensions. This leads to a comfortable trip and safe movement. The car handles better, the braking system works well, and it consumes a little less gasoline. High accuracy manufacturing and good characteristics Light alloy wheel materials allow better retention of the tire on the rim.


Alloy wheels have a number of significant disadvantages, these are:

  • fragility. On impact they can split due to their granular structure. The discs cannot be repaired.
  • not suitable for rough roads. The resulting cracks lead to imbalance of the wheel.

Due to such serious deficiencies, there is an increased risk when driving on the roads. Of course, for vehicles such as the MZSA 817701 trailer there is no need to buy too expensive wheels. The risk of getting into an accident increases especially in winter time due to poor road conditions. It is difficult for the driver to maneuver when dangerous situations arise on the roads.

Despite all the advantages, forged wheels have disadvantages:

  • higher cost than other drives on the domestic market;
  • in demand for racing cars.


Each driver himself chooses whether alloy wheels or forged ones are suitable for his car. The cost of forged ones is much higher than that of other discs. If it were not for the high cost of forged wheels, there would be no alternative to them. VIP class cars are equipped with just such discs. On the Western market they cost ten times more.

To give the car a sporty look, in addition to spoilers and upgraded exhaust pipes, car owners often resort to equipping vehicle forged wheels. However, not every car enthusiast can immediately say which wheels will perform better during operation.

Forged wheels for cars

Material and manufacturing features

The way in which alloy wheels are produced is clear from their name - they are cast in ready-made forms. An aluminum base is used for their production. Therefore in European countries the resulting products are simply referred to as aluminum. Less commonly used is an alloy with the addition of magnesium.

The operational features of a cast disk differ depending on the following characteristics:

  • quality of the base alloy;
  • casting molds;
  • quality of final painting and processing.

Alloy wheel rims for cars

As for forged models, they differ in the technology used during production. Forged wheels are stamped in 2 stages: the first press contains a force of 10 tons, and the second - 2 times more. After the forged workpiece passes through the press, it is sent to a metal-cutting machine, where holes, spokes will be cut out, and the edges will be processed. Thus, forged products are better in quality than cast ones due to more complex technologies production. Forged models are better able to withstand impacts, rarely bend and do not break. Forging is of higher quality than conventional casting in that during processing of the workpiece, pores and holes do not form on it. And thinner walls allow the discs to weigh much less than cast models.

Some believe that it is the impact resistance that is the main disadvantage of such a disc - in the event of an impact, it will survive, but will transfer all its force to the car suspension. Because of this, the latter must be strengthened.

Forged wheel rim

How to distinguish between types of disks

Once you've determined which wheels are best, you'll want to understand how to differentiate between forged and cast models. This can be done by examining the following parameters:

  • Mass. The main difference between the two models. For example, a forged one with a diameter of 15 inches weighs about 4-5 kg, and a cast one of the same diameter weighs about 8 kg. By the way, when choosing products from domestic manufacturers, this parameter may not be relevant, since our factories do not use advanced technologies capable of producing truly lightweight parts using the forging method. As a result, if we compare forging from Russian manufacturers with casting from foreign companies, then in weight it will vary very insignificantly.
  • Form. You can even see imperfections (uneven edges) on the surface of a cast disc even with the naked eye. This is due to the fact that it is not processed on lathes and milling machines. Forging such defects is unnecessary, since after stamping the disks pass additional processing, due to which they are characterized by correct geometry. The only exception is ultra-modern casting. Such products, although more expensive, already have perfectly smooth edges.
  • Method of applying the inscription. Inscriptions on components that are produced by forging are applied by stamping and are pressed. This distinguishes them from the raised markings on models produced using casting. However, there are exceptions here too - in a model that was made to order using the forging method, convex markings can be made and vice versa.
  • Product specification. If you read the product documentation when purchasing, pay attention to its specifications. There, forging will be designated by the word FORGED, but this word will be present on those models that are manufactured by well-known companies. If you are dealing with a Chinese or Turkish product, any false information may be indicated there.
  • Price. It cannot be the determining factor. However, usually the cost of a cast model is significantly lower than a forged one. Some sellers, knowing this, deliberately increase the price.

Thus, if you want to choose which components are best installed on a car with both regular and reinforced suspension, and your budget is not too limited, choose products made by forging. They are made of better quality and are durable. But if the products are impacted, it would be a good idea to go to a service station and make sure there is no damage to the suspension.

Install forged wheels on your car because they are considered the most reliable? Or maybe choose beautiful cast ones? Do right choice It's not always easy, especially when we're talking about about such a detail as car wheels. To make your decision easier, use a few helpful tips.

Alloy wheels: advantages and disadvantages

Heated debates about which wheels are better - forged or cast - have been going on for a very long time. In order to understand who is right, it is necessary to consider in detail the strengths and weak sides both types of disks.

Cast and forged wheels belong to the light alloy category because they consist of an alloy of light metals - aluminum and magnesium. To increase strength and reliability, copper and titanium are usually added to the alloy, which is why such disks are also called “titanium”.

The main features of alloy wheels for cars:

  • Beautiful appearance

    This is one of the main advantages of such disks. Most drivers choose alloy wheels precisely because of their stylish design.

  • Light weight

    Since light metals are used as the material for the manufacture of cast wheels, the wheels are lightweight. Accordingly, fuel consumption is reduced and car handling is improved.

  • Balance

    The discs are perfectly balanced thanks to the use of casting technology during the production process.

  • Durability

    If you follow the operating rules, alloy wheels will serve you well for several years.

  • Low impact resistance

    If you often drive off-road, it is better to choose forged or stamped wheels. As a result of sudden impacts while driving, cracks may appear on the discs. Manufacturers claim that alloy wheels cannot be repaired.

  • Not suitable for all cars

    Due to low impact resistance, alloy wheels cannot be installed on large vehicles - minibuses and trucks.

  • High price and expensive maintenance

    Purchasing new and repairing alloy wheels will cost much more than straightening stamped ones.

Forged wheels are superior to cast wheels in terms of reliability, strength and light weight, but they also have their drawbacks. The main disadvantage is the high cost, which is approximately 2-5 times more than the cost of alloy wheels. This significant difference in price is explained by increased elasticity, impact resistance and more complex process production.

Stamped wheels - a relic of antiquity or an alternative to alloy wheels?

Our many years of experience working with the most different cars shows that the majority of Russian car owners still choose stamped wheels. main reason This choice means a low price compared to other types of disks.

Among the main characteristics of stamped discs are usually:

  • Elasticity

    Stamped wheels absorb shock and are therefore suitable for driving on bad roads.

  • Simple repair

    If damage appears on the disks, they can be easily repaired using welding or straightening.

  • Versatility

    Cars, trucks, minibuses - stamped wheels are suitable for all types of vehicles.

  • Available service

    Repairing such discs is inexpensive, so even if cracks or chips appear, you can repair the damage with minimal financial costs.

  • Unattractive design

    Not the most beautiful appearance is one of the main reasons why many car owners abandon stamped rims in favor of more expensive, but stylish cast and forged wheels.

  • The need for regular care

    Over time, the metal begins to rust, and therefore the discs require constant care. Otherwise they will quickly fail.

  • Heavy weight

    Due to the increased weight of stamped wheels (compared to cast and forged wheels), handling is reduced.

How to choose disks?

Each type of car wheels has both advantages and disadvantages. The choice of one type or another depends on several conditions:

  • Vehicle operating conditions - off-road driving or in the city
  • Car class and model
  • Using the car cold or warm time of the year

The best option is to purchase two sets of discs for summer and winter. In cold weather, it is recommended to install more durable and impact-resistant forged wheels, and in warm weather, lightweight cast ones.

However, stamped steel wheels are still popular due to their affordable price and simple inexpensive repairs. While stamped rims may not look as attractive as cast or forged ones, they do the job well.

Publication date: August 22, 2017