What does Domain mean? Automatic renewal of domain name registration. Where and how much do you buy domains?

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. This blog has detailed information. After or while reading this publication, I advise you to read that article so that a complete picture emerges. I also advise you to read my publications on the topic of what and means.

Today we have a question on our agenda - what is domain or domain name(essentially, these are synonyms). Well, it's actually simple. This is the name for the site, which is assigned to it instead of the difficult-to-remember IP address of the server on which this site is hosted (see). Enter this name in the address bar of your browser and the site will open.

But the difficulties arise precisely in the details. What are they, how does it all work, what domain zones are, how to understand what level domain and which of them can be registered, where this can be done and which zone to choose. There are a lot of questions and I will try to answer them all in this “small note”.

What is a domain?

As I mentioned above, domain is the name for the site..162.192.0. And besides, imagine the situation. You have placed your website on a hosting server (see what this is above) and received an IP address. But, moving to another hosting, the IP will change, which will cause a disaster. But in the case of domain names, this will not happen. Why?

The fact is that there are thousands of DNS (domain name system) servers on the Internet, which will state that the domain site is accessible at the IP address If I move to another hosting, I’ll go to the domain name registrar panel (where I bought it), change something, and it will be written in all DNS servers on the Internet that the site needs to be searched at a different IP address. Convenient right?

Convenient, but probably not yet clear. The main thing you need to understand is the name for the site is a very important thing and it is for life (as a rule, although you can transfer the site to another domain if you wish, this is not easy). Whatever you name the boat, that’s how it will float. True, not only the name is important, but also the level of the domain, as well as the zone to which it belongs. Is it unclear again? Well, let's take things in order.

How a domain name works

Let's start with the basics. The domain record (site name) must include all levels of nesting of the domain (all zones in which it belongs) so that it is unique and does not cause confusion.

There are two main domain name registration rules:

  1. The zones that a given domain belongs to are listed from right to left.
  2. Dots are used as separators.

It might look like this, for example:


We get a fourth-level domain net, which is part of the third-level domain zone “blog”, which is part of the second-level zone “ktonanovenkogo” belonging to the first-level zone.ru. Nonsense, right? (my wife, who checks errors in the article, will be happy to confirm this).

What domain levels are distinguished?

  1. Root domain(level zero) is considered to be an empty entry, denoted simply by a dot (.). In theory, the full record of a domain name should always end with a period, but in most cases it is omitted (as if meaning) and instead of the record: site.

    They use the already well-established relative notation of domains (without a dot at the end):

  2. Next comes the first level - this is usually regional(national) domains (.ru, .su, .ua, .us, .de, .fr, etc.) or thematic(.com, .edu, .org, .net, etc.). But there are also first-level domain names that include national alphabets(for example, .рф).
  3. Second level- these are already the same domains that you and I we buy(we register with special registrars). Their prices vary not only depending on their belonging to a particular first-level domain (for example, xxxxxxx.ru is usually cheaper to buy than xxxxxxx.com), but also depending on the registrar (or its reseller - retailer).
  4. Third, fourth, etc. — you no longer need to buy them (as a rule) and can be created independently (without registering anywhere) based on the purchased second-level domain. For example, I can create a name like this for a new site - forum..forum..

Let me explain all this again For example:

  1. . (dot) - zero (root) level domain
  2. ru - first level, also called top level domain or zone
  3. website - second level domain name
  4. blog.site - third level domain
  5. net.blog.site - fourth level

Top (first) level domains

Apart from the zero level (root domain), because this is emptiness, then the base is the so-called zones or top-level domains(the name of any site begins with them, although it seems that it ends with them - but not the point). They cannot be bought by an ordinary person, but it is from these zones that we will choose when purchasing a second-level domain (a name for our website).

So what are they?

  1. First (highest) level domains, assigned to countries, which are usually called among very smart people by the abbreviation Cctld, meaning country code top-level domain. Russia has two of them:
    1. su is a remnant left over from the Soviet Union and now represents the space of resources in Russian
    2. ru - originally assigned to Russia
  2. Domains with national alphabets, which are usually abbreviated Idn (internationalized domain name). In Russia it is zone.rf. In fact, their names are still written in English characters (recoding occurs), but this is, as it were, hidden from view. However, if you enter the address in your browser: http://ktonanovenkogo.rf/

    and after going to this site, copy its address from the address bar, you will get completely indigestible nonsense:

    Http://xn--80aedhwdrbcedeb8b2k.xn--p1ai/ It turns out he looks so unpleasant. And it is in this form that it will have to be added to various services (such as ), and not in the form of ktonanovenkogo.rf. This needs to be taken into account. Yes, other problems are possible, although not obvious at first.

  3. Upper generic domains, usually called Gtld, which means generic top-level domain, are registered (sold) regardless of the country in which the webmaster lives. The most used of them:
    1. .com - for commercial projects
    2. .org - for non-profit websites of various organizations
    3. .net - for Internet-related projects
    4. .edu - for educational institutions and projects
    5. .biz - only commercial organizations
    6. .info - for all information projects
    7. .name - for personal sites
    8. .gov - for US government agencies

How and where you can register (buy) a domain in top-level zones

As a rule, you can’t get second-level domain names just like that (and it’s better not to try, because the name for the site is too important to risk registering it with someone unknown). They cost money. Moreover payment is made annually, and then the domain lease needs to be renewed.

Let me draw your attention once again - buy second level domain names, and everything above - you can create on their basis yourself. This is usually done in the panel of your hoster in the subdomains section - these are third-level and higher-level domains, such as blog..blog.site.

There are not so many such companies (prominent examples include RegRu And WebNames), but they may have a whole network of resellers (partners) who will select and sell domains on their behalf. If you are not satisfied with the current reseller in some way or you have any tension with him, then by contacting the registrar, you can choose another reseller or go directly under the wing of the registrar.

At all no limits You can buy domains in the public zones .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz and .name. In the .edu, .gov and .mil zones, this opportunity is provided only for institutions, as well as state educational and military institutions. There are also a number of specialized first-level domains, for example, .travel, .jobs, .aero, .asia.

Second level domain names in these public areas can be purchased from any registrar(not only national), which, in fact, is what some resources use, which may have conflicts with copyright holders. The same torrent was forced to move to the public zone org, because its resource was blocked in the national domain zone ru.

Second level domains - employment verification and Whois

There are already about half a billion domain names registered on the Internet in various zones, so choosing a good (short, simple, sonorous) name in the right zone is now very easy. not an easy task(just like it's difficult). A third of the registered names are not used at all, because they were purchased for resale (successful domains can be expensive on the secondary market - sometimes many millions of dollars).

Domain name occupancy check

Therefore, the first thing you should do when selecting a suitable domain for your website is . This can be done at different registrars (the result will be the same, since they use a common database).

Below are currently releasing domains(click on price for detailed view):

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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From the author: Hello, dear reader. A modern web resource requires quite a lot of things to function: a database, an engine, a server, etc. But there must also be a domain. What is a website domain? If you still don’t fully understand, now everything will become clear.

A domain or domain name is the name by which it is available on the network. Vk.com is the domain of the most popular social network. networks in RuNet VKontakte.

And if you remember, this social network used to be located at vkontakte.ru. Why did the address change? Firstly, the network has long grown from the rank of only Russian; today there are many registered users from other countries. Secondly, in colloquial speech everyone referred to the social network as VK. Lest you think I'm going off topic, this all has a lot to do with domains.

The name of a site plays a huge role in how people perceive it. Many people even pay freelancers to come up with a cool name for their project. Indeed, a good name already ensures a certain success. This service is known as naming; I even met a freelance exchange that specialized only in providing such services.

What does a domain consist of?

Perhaps the question is a little incorrect, but still. It consists of the site name itself and the domain zone. In our example, webformyself is the name, and.com is the zone. There are actually quite a lot of such zones. Almost every country has its own. For example:

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Ru – Russia

Ua – Ukraine

By – Belarus

Kz – Kazakhstan

And so on. In addition, there are those that are even tied to a specific city. By the way, they appeared quite recently. For example, you have an online store only for residents of Kyiv. Its online address may be: Internet-magazin.kiev.ua

Well, this is just an example. Large cities today already have such zones. For example, near Moscow and St. Petersburg, but every year more and more similar zones appear.

By the way, the above domain is a so-called third-level domain, and there are also second and fourth. What is their difference? To put it simply, how many words are separated by a period? Second level:

Third level:


Third-level domains can clarify that the site is aimed only at people from a certain country or city, or say that the site is on free hosting. In this case, the domain is free. That is, for names like:

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There is no need to pay, as they are created using website builders. For other domains, in most cases, you will have to pay once a year. At the moment, there are about 750 domain zones, but every year there are more of them, as the Internet continues to actively develop.

How much does registration cost on average?

To register a site name, firstly, it must not be taken. If you try to register something like sport.ru or internet.com, you will not succeed, because such domain names have been taken for a long time.

Today, it is most likely to find a beautiful name consisting of 2-3 words. The cost of domain registration depends mainly on the registrar’s website, as well as on the zone in which the domain is registered.

For example, in zone.com (international commercial) it will be more expensive than in zone.ru (global Russian). Now, due to the emergence of new domain zones, you have a great chance of finding beautiful names.

As you can see, I checked the address - car-spare parts. Moscow and it is still free. In my opinion, this is the ideal website name for an online store of relevant spare parts in Moscow. And it is still not taken, like hundreds of other beautiful names. Are we running to register?)

As you can see, the cost of registration in the new zones is slightly more expensive. The largest registrars in RuNet are 2Domains and Reg.ru.

What to do after purchase?

After the purchase, you don't have to do anything. Just wait for the moment when you have a site on a relevant topic, and then add this domain to it. That is, you can reserve a name for yourself in advance so that others do not take it.

In most cases, a domain is purchased immediately before the start of an Internet project. To associate a domain name with the hosting on which the site files will be stored, during registration or later you will need to specify the DNS addresses of your hosting provider. If anything, ask him.

After this, you will only have to create the appropriate domain in the server control panel. A folder will be created for it, into which you need to place the files necessary for the site to work.

Can a second level domain be free?

In most cases, no. But not so long ago, new domain zones appeared for some countries and registration in these zones is free. For example, in zone ml, which represents the state of Mali, as well as zones of some other African countries. Some registrars offer such domain names for free.

So we figured out what a website domain name is and what it is needed for. As you can see, there is nothing complicated. Just as a person must have some kind of name, so does a web resource, otherwise how to address it?

How to choose a good name?

So that you do not search the Internet for useful online services for choosing a name, I will share with you a link. Copy it and paste it into the address bar of your browser http://www.mastername.ru/namegen/

There you will see an interesting service from one registrar. Here you can enter 2-3 words and the service will automatically show you all possible combinations, and what’s even more convenient, it will immediately show you what is occupied and what is free. In general, I myself have never selected a domain name using it, but I really liked the idea itself.

With this I bid you farewell. I hope you have gained enough knowledge to soon acquire beautiful domains and use them in your online business.

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Are you creating a website for the first time or just starting to master internet marketing? The tips in this article will help you avoid common mistakes. You will also learn about the principles according to which you should choose a domain for your website.

What is a domain name?

A domain name is the address of a website on the Internet. He is unique. It can be compared to a physical address in the real world.

If a site is well known, many will link to it by mentioning only the first part of its name: Amazon, Google, Facebook.

A domain name is a structured label that contains the domain name and its extension ( first level domain, English. top-level domain, TLD). This label is associated with the specific IP address of the server that hosts the site. So when you type in your browser's address bar " yourdomain.com", it should find the corresponding IP address.

For example, to go to the Google website, you can enter the IP address This address will take us to the Google search page. But which is easier to remember: 6 letters or 11 numbers with dots?

Because browsing the Internet is done over IP, any address you enter into your browser is connected to domain name servers ( DNS). These servers manage an extensive database that associates domain names with IP addresses.

Which domain is better to choose?

Let's talk in more detail about why it is important to take choosing a domain name seriously.

  • This is the first thing site visitors see.
  • A domain name that is easy to remember adds credibility to your business.
  • It is unique - there cannot be identical domain names.
  • Impacts Search Engine Optimization – Keywords in the domain name can be beneficial.

Make it brandable

Choose a short, unique name that's easy to remember so it stands out from others. If a domain name is easy to remember, it will be found more quickly and recommended to others.

To choose a good domain name for your website or online store Among the available options, a creative approach is required. You can use the brand name; no keywords or description are added to it.

It's a good idea to have a word or several words in your domain name that are related to your product or field of activity. By not specifying an exact description of your site in the domain name, it will provide greater flexibility in the further development of your brand.

The most famous brand name is Google.

Imagine if you had chosen a long description for your domain instead. They would now be known as thebestsearchengine.com ( from English bestsearchengine.com) or topsearchresults.com ( topsearchresults.com). Then the domain name would be limited only to search results, and for other areas of business you would have to look for other domain names.

Another good example is Apple. The name doesn't give any idea what this company does. They started with computers, moved on to mobile phones, clothing items and who knows what they will do in the future. And everything is contained in one domain name!

Alternatively, you can choose a generic domain name or one that contains keywords. But don't put all the keywords in it. Such a name will not provide any advantages in the eyes of search engines and will look unnatural.

The shorter the better

A short name is easier to write, pronounce, remember, and will not be shortened when mentioned on social networks.

A domain name can be up to 63 characters long. But practice shows that it is better if it contains less than 15 characters.

Easy to spell and pronounce

It should be such that the user can easily write it and avoid mistakes. It is better if the domain name has only one possible spelling. In this case, it will be easier for the user to find your site.

You don't want to use a domain name that will contain spelling errors on purpose. Spelling is a big problem for some and misspelling a word can confuse them even more.

Must be unique

Don't copy other bloggers or use someone else's brand name. You don't want to change your domain name as a result of a copyright infringement lawsuit!

Therefore, do not include brand names or even words similar to the names of famous trademarks in your domain name ( facebook helper, buildapple app, printwithhp).

No hyphens or numbers

The domain name must consist of one word or several words without dashes or numbers. You can forget to indicate a hyphen in the address bar, and then the user will end up on someone else’s site. When it comes to numbers, it is sometimes difficult to know whether to write them in words or in numbers. So use only letters!

Which domain name to choose - .ru or .com?

Now there are many different extensions ( TLD) available for use in a domain name. How to choose the right domain zone?

Here are just a few examples:

  • country code: .us, .uk, .ca, .za, .ru or.rf;
  • generic top level domain: .academy, .biz, .eco, .name, .property, .shop, .travel…;
  • geographical: .barcelone, .london, .paris, .boston, .vegas, .sydney…;

If your business only serves local residents, you can use a geographic domain. But a website with a domain name agreatplumber.boston (experienced plumber.boston) looks strange. Better agreatplumberboston.com (experiencedplumberboston.com).

If your business targets an international audience, you may be tempted to try one of the new extensions. But for many years we typed in .COM addresses. So first of all, try to come up with a name with a .COM extension. If a domain name with this extension is not available, then use .NET or .ORG.

Don't use double letters

You should not use multiple repetitions of letters in names. It increases the likelihood of typos and loss of visitors. It's easy to make mistakes when writing names like poollab.com or wordpressseo.com.

Using Keywords

It is better when the domain name has a keyword by which users, as well as search engines, can determine what your site is about. Use a combination of keywords and other words to create an effective title.

Think ahead

A domain name can be registered for a minimum of 1 year and a maximum of 10 years. Which registration period to choose depends on many factors.

  • If you are a beginner blogger, there is no need to register a domain for 10 years. First you need to make sure that the blog will be successful. Therefore, at first, select a 1-year domain registration period.
  • If you are purchasing a website for a specific event, you only need the domain for a limited time.
  • Budget decides a lot. If you are seriously planning to promote your website, register a domain for several years in advance, as you can get a good discount.

Don't limit yourself to the website

You should not tie the domain name to any topic. Over time, you will likely want to expand in different directions.

For example, there is a site about gardening tools. His domain name handmowerparadise.com (paradisehandmowers.com). But when you start blogging about other tools, it can be difficult to attract readers to the new topic.

Make sure the domain will be available on social networks

Migrating your website to a new domain can be quite a complicated process, and if not done correctly, you will lose traffic and drop in search engine rankings. It's much better to spend a little more time choosing a good domain name using the tips above.

Something else

Protect your brand

It's not hard to steal your business, but what's even worse is that a competitor could ruin your reputation by using a domain name similar to yours.

Domain registration and hosting are cheap. This makes it possible for anyone to launch a website using variations of your domain name or brand name. If the domain is vacant, there are no checks for ownership or trademarking.

To avoid this, many people buy other popular extensions along with the .COM domain, especially .NET and .ORG. Some go even further and buy options with very similar spellings, such as lawcounsel.com and lawcouncil.com. These additional domains are then redirected to the main domain b.

Others also buy negative versions of their domain name, such as lawcousnelsucks.com or lawcounselscam.com.

Automatic domain name registration renewal

If you forget to renew your domain registration, it will become available for purchase again. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to use the automatic renewal of services provided by domain registrars.

Take care of your privacy

Domain Privacy, also known as WHOIS Guard, hides your personal information: name, address, phone, email... If you do not activate the privacy option, then after purchasing the domain, your personal information will become available to every visitor.

Having protection and a sufficient level of confidentiality, you:

  • Avoid unwanted mailings via email or mobile phone.
  • You hide personal information from people who might cause you problems.

Minuses :

  • Price. Prices depend on registrars
  • If a domain name was previously registered without privacy protections, then personal information may continue to be publicly available.
  • Visitors and clients may not trust you if they see that you are hiding your personal information.

Make sure you get an SSL certificate

An SSL certificate provides the most secure way to transfer data. If you're building a new site, it's worth getting one. After this, the browser will display https and a green padlock in the address bar, indicating that the site is secure. Having an SSL certificate has a positive effect on your rating.

Domain name generators

It happens that you come up with a catchy domain name for the site, but it is already occupied. All over again! How to choose ? In such a case, specialized free online tools can come to the rescue.

Enter a word or words into one of the tools below and the generator will offer a list of possible domain name options.

  • namemesh.com
  • leandomainsearch.com
  • bustaname.com
  • domainpuzzler.com


While website success doesn't just come down to choosing the best domain name, it can have a big impact on the growth of your business.

Good bad

A domain (domain name) is a website address, consisting of a set of characters or numbers, unique to a group of domain names. A group of domain names means special zones like .ru, .com, .org, .net, etc. The domain is displayed in the browser address bar.

If you intend to create a website, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a personal blog, a portfolio page for a freelancer, an online store, a forum, etc., then first you will need to come up with a name for your project and a domain name. Then you need to place your project on hosting, after which other people will be able to visit your site.

In this article we will figure out how to come up with a name for your future website, what a domain is (domain name), how to choose a domain, how to check it, how to register and set up a domain for your website.

What is a website domain in simple words and why is it needed?

A domain is needed to differentiate sites. Even if the user does not enter the address of your site into the browser, but, for example, gets to your site through the Yandex or Google search engine, then these same search engines somehow need to correctly distinguish between millions of sites and redirect users correctly.

Now let's take a closer look at the address of a website. If you copy the site address from the address bar of your browser, you will see a link something like this:

Let's look at this domain piece by piece.

The abbreviation http stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol, "hypertext transfer protocol". In simple terms, http is like traffic rules on the road, or in another way, you can say it’s like a translator between two people speaking different languages. It allows you to connect a user who opens a particular site on his computer and the site itself, which is created according to certain rules.

The HTTP protocol, like a translator, first listens to what one person (the computer user) says to it and then translates it to a second person (the site). As a result, mutual understanding occurs between the first and second person, which is expressed in the fact that the person opens the page he needs and studies the necessary information.

There are other protocols, such as HTTPS, which means a secure connection. That is, all information will be transmitted in encrypted form. Or the SMTP protocol, which is used to transmit email messages.

What is WWW?

WWW is an acronym that stands for World Wide Web, which means World Wide Web. The World Wide Web is made up of millions of Internet web servers located around the world. A web server is a computer program that runs on a computer connected to a network and uses the HTTP protocol to transfer data.

Actually, files of various sites are located on web servers. By files we mean various pictures, videos, audio, various components of sites and folders in which all this stuff is located. And through the HTTP protocol, various users around the world manage to connect to such web servers and view the content of sites.

But the fact is that in the 90s of the last century and the beginning of the 00s of this century, web servers were very weak, so it was necessary to place, for example, website files on one computer, a mail server for email messages on another, and FTP server for remote access to files on the third. The names of the servers began with the name of the computers on which they were located, and depending on what the person needed, for example, viewing a website or sending mail, they looked like this: www.site.com, mail.site.com or ftp.site.com . In other words, the WWW particle in the site name helped determine what a person needed. In this case, he needed to view a website.

But over time, with the development of the Internet, computers, web servers, the emergence of new data transfer protocols, etc., the WWW part was no longer needed. More precisely, the browsers through which we view websites have learned to determine the site address without it. Therefore, now, when we type the name of a site in the address bar, we don’t have to write the www part. and often many sites that we go to, for example, through search engines show the name of the site also without this piece of WWW.

What is a second level domain?

Second level domain name(English second-level domain) - part of the domain name, separated by a dot from the first-level domain immediately following it (Wikipedia).

Why second level? Because the first-level domain in our example is a particle RU, but we’ll talk about it a little lower.

There are also third-level domains and it will look like this: www.client.site. I have a section for clients on this third-level domain. There are also domains of the fourth and fifth levels, but they are extremely rare and are practically not used by anyone.

The second level domain is the name of our website, depicted in this case in English. The fact is that now you can come up with domains in Russian. In my case it would look like moirubl.rf. Perhaps you have already come across sites on the Internet whose domain name was written in Russian and at the end there was a piece of the Russian Federation.

If you are creating a website, then you can come up with any name for your second-level domain, the main thing is that this name is not taken. Below I will show you how to find out whether the domain name you like is available or taken.

What is a first (top) level domain?

Now let’s look at the final part of the link in question, the RU part. This is also a domain, only the first one, or it is also called a top-level domain. An ordinary user will not be able to register a first-level domain, but it’s easy to register a second-level domain.

Top (first) level domain(English top-level domain, TLD) - the highest level in the domain name system (DNS) hierarchy. Is the starting point (from right to left) from which a domain name on the Internet begins.

According to international agreement, each country was allocated a first-level domain name, indicating that the site belongs to a specific state:

  • .ru – Russia.
  • .ua – Ukraine
  • .uk – UK
  • .de – Germany
  • .fr – France
  • Etc.

There are also first-level domains related to the area of ​​activity of the site, for example:

  • .gov - for US government organizations.
  • .com - was originally considered as a domain for commercial organizations, but is now used by all types of organizations, including educational institutions (usually private), individuals, non-profit and semi-commercial organizations.
  • .edu - intended for educational institutions.
  • .info – intended for information resources. It can be safely used by both individuals and legal entities.
  • .biz – for business organizations. Such a domain can be registered by both an individual and a legal entity, but the registration may be challenged in the future if the domain owner does not engage in commercial activities in accordance with the domain’s charter. Domain.biz was created to alleviate the situation with domain.com, which has become incredibly popular and, as a result, is overcrowded.
  • .net - The name comes from the word "network", indicating its original purpose - the registration of organizations involved in network technologies, such as Internet providers and other companies related to system administration, etc. But now it is used everywhere and in Russia it has become popular among resources involved in the fight against any diseases, social aspects, for example, gepatitu.net, which means NO to Hepatitis, alkogolju.net, which means NO to Alcohol. However, this is a free domain zone for registration by any person, both individuals and legal entities. Moreover, this top-level domain is one of the most popular after.com
  • .org – originally intended for use by non-profit organizations that do not meet the criteria of other domains. Also available for registration by anyone. A striking example among sites using this domain zone is wikipedia.org
  • .pro – this domain is intended in many countries of the world for licensed or certified lawyers, accountants, doctors, engineers. In Russia, many domain name registrars also require you to provide documents confirming your affiliation with the type of activity indicated on your website.
  • .aero – these domains can only be registered by organizations related to air transportation. In Russia, a striking example that uses this top-level domain is Pobeda Airlines (pobeda.aero).

In which domain zone is it best to choose a domain?

If your site is designed for the Russian-speaking population, then first of all it is recommended to select a second-level domain in the .RU zone. This is important primarily for search engines Yandex, Google and others. They will understand that your site is designed for Runet (Russian-language Internet) and will rank your site better in search results.

For more information about what ranking in search engine results is and how a domain name affects it, watch the video below:

However, it may turn out that the variant of the domain name that you came up with is already taken by someone in the .RU zone. If you really like the domain and want to keep it at any cost, then you can check it in other domain zones, such as .com, .info, .net, .org, .рф.

These domain zones come in second place after zone.ru, if you prioritize between them. In third place are the .biz and .pro zones, and this is primarily due to the fact that these zones should be chosen only if you will be engaged in commercial activities and can confirm that your future site belongs to this activity.

To confirm, you may be asked for a Certificate of Registration of Individual Entrepreneurs, as well as an extract from the tax office about the areas of activity you have chosen, a license for the type of activity, for example, if you are engaged in any kind of construction and your website is dedicated to this topic, documents on relevant education, for example, If your site is dedicated to medical topics, then you may need a Diploma of completion of a medical institution.

But if you plan to create:

  • Business card website;
  • Portfolio website;
  • Personal blog;
  • Information site;

Then you should focus on the following domain zones: .ru, .com, .info, .net, .org, .рф.

If you are creating a personal page that will contain a few pages, for example, a portfolio, contacts, reviews, then it makes no difference what domain zone your site will be in.

If you are creating an information site or personal blog, in which you plan to regularly write articles and thereby attract a large number of visitors from search engines, then the name in the .RU zone will be a priority. But if all the cool names are taken, then you can find something for yourself in the .com, .info, .net, .org zones.

If you are creating a one-page website where you will sell something and attract people through advertising, then it does not matter in which zone you have the domain.

If you are creating an online store, then you need to first of all focus on the country where the bulk of your customers will be located. For example, for Russia it is zone.ru, and for Ukraine.ua. But if interesting domains are occupied, then it’s not critical if you choose an option in the .com, .biz or .pro zones.

It’s worth mentioning separately about the zone.RF. This domain zone is best chosen for one-page sites and personal business card sites, but not for information sites with a lot of news. Technical difficulties may arise related to the encoding of the Cyrillic alphabet and the adaptation of server software to the Latin alphabet, as well as incorrect display of your page addresses in old browsers and when displayed in search engines.

What is cybersquatting and domaining?

In the process of coming up with a domain name, which we will talk about in more detail below, as well as in the process of checking the ideas you come up with, you will encounter the fact that many interesting names will be taken by other people. But what’s most offensive is that if you go to the selected name, there will be no website there, but you will see an advertisement that this domain is for sale.

This is the very case when the terms cybersquatting and domaining are used.

Cybersquatting- registration of domain names containing a trademark owned by another person for the purpose of their further resale or unfair use. People who practice such actions are called cybersquatters.

For example, imagine that the Coca-Cola company does not have a website. And then the moment came when they decided to start one. But bad luck, there was some more enterprising and quick person who registered this domain name for himself. Naturally, he did this for selfish purposes, so that he could later resell this domain to the Coca-Cola company for crazy money.

Domaining (English domaining, from domain - domain)- almost the same thing as Cybersquatting - this is speculation in domain names. The idea is to purchase Internet domain names for their subsequent resale for profit.

The main difference is that NOT the brands of any well-known companies are registered here, but good interesting words from the most popular areas of our life, which can be used to create a website and attract a large amount of traffic due to the uniqueness of this word.

Most expensive domain

A striking example is the domain Sex.com, which was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most expensive domain ever sold. Transaction amount: $13 million. Year of sale: 2010.

Here are a few more examples where people made huge capital by selling a domain name:

  1. Vodka.com sold for $3 million in 2006
  2. Business.com sold for $7.5 million in 1999
  3. Hotels.com sold for $11 million in 2001
  4. Pizza.com sold for $2 million in 2008
  5. Beer.com sold for $7 million in 2004
  6. Diamond.com sold for $7 million in 2006
  7. Toys.com sold for $5 million in 2009
  8. Clothes.com sold for $4 million in 2008
  9. CreditCards.com sold for $2 million in 2004
  10. Computer.com sold for $2 million in 2007
  11. Russia.com sold for $1 million in 2009

So, as you can imagine, domain trading can be a very profitable business. If you do not plan to trade domains, but want to create your own website and come up with an interesting and memorable name for it, then you may have problems with this.

According to my subjective estimates, 80% of all interesting names are already occupied by cybersquatters. Therefore, you will have to rack your brains to come up with and check dozens, if not hundreds of very different names and their variations in different domain zones.

How to come up with and choose a domain name?

The process of coming up with a domain name can take you anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks. Before starting this process, I recommend preparing some kind of notepad or creating a special folder on your computer where you will record all the options that come to your mind.

Remember, the domain is chosen once and for all. If, after several years of hard work on your website, you want to change the domain name to something more interesting, then be prepared for the fact that search engines will react negatively to this and this may affect you by a decrease in the number of visitors, and, therefore, loss arrived.

Please also note that the site name and address may vary. For example, the name of my site sounds like “My Ruble”. And its domain name looks like www.site. The meaning of the name of my site and its domain are similar, but the spelling is different. In this case, to write the domain name, I used the English translation of the words “My (my) Ruble (rouble)”.

In this case, I could use, for example, this option: moyrubl.ru. This method of coming up with domain names is called transliteration - the exact transfer of characters from one script to characters from another script.

There are special services that will help you make correct transliteration, for example this service: http://translit-online.ru/

When choosing a domain name, it is important to decide on the theme of the site for which you will create and register a domain.

  • If you are a freelancer and want to create a personal page with a portfolio and reviews, then it is recommended to choose a combination of your first and last name, for example ivanov.ru or smpetrov.ru, where the first letters sm will be the initials.
  • You can also use words that characterize your activity or a combination of such words, including with your first or last name. For example, if you are into design, you can search for domain names that contain the word design (masterofdesign.ru, ivanoffdesign.ru, etc.)
  • If you are going to launch an informational site or blog, then it would be logical to select a domain with the theme of your site. If this is a culinary site, then you need to select a domain name that will reflect the culinary theme.
  • The domain name for a company's corporate website may contain the name of the company or be based on some keywords characterizing the direction of the company's activities. For example, if your organization is engaged in European-quality repairs, it is logical to choose the name euro-remont.ru. Another example is tur4you.ru or kuda.ru - for a travel company website.

When choosing a domain name, it is advisable to select short options that will be euphonious and will not raise questions with spelling variations, as well as be easy to remember.

Modern “sharks” of Internet business - for example, lenta.ru, artlebedev.ru, gazeta.ru, utro.ru - with just one name they can inform the visitor not only about their topic, direction of activity, but also about the quality of work, the level of information presentation , your target audience and much more. Of course, for your site to stand on par with the Internet giants, you need to work hard on its operation. However, making a website recognizable only through a domain name is quite simple.

Ideally, your name will be within 4-8 characters. But even if the name turns out to be longer, this is not critical. Remember that people will primarily evaluate the quality of the content on your site and its usefulness.


If you have difficulty with your creative imagination and few interesting domain name options come to mind, I recommend that you follow these tips:

  1. Open any search engine and enter various keywords related to your future site. Then look at the names of existing sites that the search engine will give you for your request and try to come up with an analogue, synonym, or play on different parts of the words.
  2. Open a catalog of Internet sites, select a topic that suits you, and see what words your competitors use in domain names. Based on this, try to come up with your own version.
  3. Open English-Russian directories and look for translations of keywords that most accurately describe the topic of your site. For example, if you want to create a sports-themed website, then look for translations of words such as: sports, fitness, movement, health, healthy lifestyle, vigor, strength, etc. Based on these words, try to come up with a name for your website.

You can learn more about all these options for coming up with domain names in the video below:

How to check a domain for availability?

So, after you've come up with a dozen or two different options, it's time to start checking the availability of your domain. I usually do domain selection. I then register domains there. For more information about the procedure for checking and selecting a domain name, watch the video:

Checking domain name history

After you have checked the options you have come up with for availability, do not rush to register the domain. Now it is necessary to check the history of the domain, since it could previously have been used by other people, and with bad consequences for its future owner.

The fact is that if you create a bad website and post stolen content on it, search engines will impose sanctions on such a site. More precisely, they will impose it on the domain name. Sanctions mean the exclusion of pages of a given site from search. This means that people will no longer come to the site from search engines, or they will come, but not soon. To do this, you need to remove all stolen content and replace it with unique and useful content.

As a rule, search engines can lift sanctions in such cases; note that the key word here is “can”. And this does not happen immediately, but can drag on for 6-12 months.

At the same time, if you plan to use a domain for a one-page site or business card site, where people will mainly come not from search engines, but from advertising, or links in the profile of your social pages, then it does not matter if this domain is banned by Yandex and Google or not.

Domain purity is important primarily for future information sites.

To check the history of a domain name we will use the following services:

  • Checking Whois history - whoishistory.ru
  • Checking by URL in Yandex and Google.
  • Check at archive.org/web.

You can find instructions for using these services in the video Checking domain history:

Domain registration

After all checks have been completed, it is time to register the domain. You can register a domain through a hosting company where your website files will be hosted. This can also be done through a special domain name registrar company.

I recommend registering domains separately from hosting with special registrar companies. It is more reliable and convenient. And you can order hosting services separately from other companies specializing in this. Why?

I registered my first domain and hosting in one place. It was a small hosting company whose services I refused after some time. I chose a different hosting and moved the site. But the domain remained with the first company. Over the past 8 years, I have changed about 5 hosting companies and now host my website on a separate dedicated server. My domain, by the way, is still registered with that first company.

What's so scary about this? I'm not sure about the small hosting company where I originally registered the domain. I periodically wonder what will happen if this company, unable to withstand the competition, closes? What will happen to my domain?

To register domains, I use the services of Reg.ru - this is one of the market leaders.

For instructions on registering a domain name, see below:

Greetings, dear readers! In this article I will try to tell you in simple words what a domain is and why it is needed. And also, for those who are planning to launch their own website on the Internet, I will give a few additional instructions that you must know.

Domain(more precisely called “ fully qualified domain name” is the address of the Internet space (site) on which it is located and where it can be found on the global Internet.

If you now go to blog home page and look at the browser line, you will see the following.

This address is called the full domain name of the site. This address may look different in the browser you are using.

  • . Many modern browsers hide it.

Prefixes http, https And www do not relate to domains in any way.

A domain name can be compared to the address of any house in the world. Knowing the address, you can find the right house.

In principle, the average user doesn’t need to know more. I hope I answered your question.

Now let's take it to a more advanced technical level.

The definition is not for dummies

I'll start with an analogy. Each place on our globe has its own coordinates at which it is located. For example, a couple of days ago we passed through Volgograd and visited the famous place Mamayev Kurgan with the highest monument in Russia and Europe “The Motherland Calls!”, which is located at coordinates 48°44′32″N, 44°32′14″E48 .742286, 44.537112.

Naturally, we did not look for this place by its coordinates, but by its name.

The same thing happens on the global Internet, each place (space) where website data is stored has its own IP address (unique network address). Thus, you can get to the site not only by domain, but also by its IP address.

For example, if you enter the following IP address in the address bar of your browser, the Yandex home page will open. But sometimes several sites can be stored at one such address, and so that the user can get to the resource he needs, unique domain names are used in a convenient human form.

It's like apartments in a building at the same address.

Domain name structure

All domain names consist of areas - domains (from English domain is translated as region, territory).

Each name includes a top (first) level domain; it is customary to define a zone by it. In my case it is “ru”. Next comes my unique second-level domain “iklife”..site.

It turns out that no one except me can locate their website in this domain zone; it belongs only to me.

Again, by analogy, they have a similar structure: country, region, city, street, etc.