Why doesn't the computer correct spelling mistakes? Correcting printing errors. Setting up automatic text checking

Word - perhaps The best decision for typing and editing text documents. Among the many features of this program, one of the most useful is spelling and grammar checking.

But many users have problems with this function. In this article we will talk about how to enable spell checking in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016.

Turn on automatic spell checking in Word

By default, the Word text editor always automatically checks spelling. If this does not happen for you, then most likely this function is simply turned off in the settings. In order to turn back spell checking in Word, you need to click on the “File” button in the upper left corner of the program and select “Options” in the menu that opens.

In the screenshots below we will demonstrate what the “File” menu looks like in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016.

File menu in Word 2007

File menu in Word 2010

File menu in Word 2013, 2016

After you have opened " Word Options", you need to go to the "Spelling" section and enable functions there that are related to spell checking in Word.

  • Check spelling while typing;
  • Use contextual spell checking;
  • Mark grammar errors while typing;
  • While checking spelling, also check grammar;

It should be noted that these functions may be called slightly differently in your Word versions. Also, do not forget that settings changes must be saved using the “Ok” button.

Manually running spell check in Word

You can also manually enable spell checking in Word. To do this, you need to select the text for which you want to run a check, go to the “Review” tab and click on the “Spelling” button.

As a result, the “ Spelling” window should open, in which you can check the spelling of the text word by word. Words in which the Word text editor finds errors will be highlighted in red. In this case, several spelling options will be offered under the text. of this word. In order to correct this word, you need to select one of the replacement options and click on the “Replace” button.

If you think the word is spelled correctly, you can skip it. There is a “Skip” button for this.

Also, using the “Add” button, you can add a correctly spelled word to the dictionary.

Words that have been added to the dictionary by the user Word more will not be marked as errors.

How to Change the Spell Check Language in Word

If the spell check is performed according to the rules of another language, then you need to change the language of the text. To do this, select the text that is not being checked correctly and click on the language name at the bottom of the Word window.

After this, a small “Language” window will appear. Here you need to select the language according to the rules of which the spell check should be performed, and click on the “Ok” button.

Also, using the “Language” window, you can completely disable spell checking for the selected part of the text. To do this, you need to select the text, click on the name of the language, and in the “Language” window turn on the “ Don't check spelling».

When writing an article, the Word text editor underlines words, thereby indicating grammatical or punctuation errors. If a word is misspelled and already exists in the program dictionary, the word will be replaced (if autocorrect is enabled). There are cases when you need to check spelling in Word, but autocorrect is not turned on and the program does not underline words with mistakes at all. In this case, let's look at how to check a document for errors in words and punctuation.

Setting up automatic text checking

To automatically highlight places with spelling and grammatical errors, you need to:

  1. Go to the “File” tab and click on “Options”;
  2. In the left panel of the new window, select “Spelling”;
  3. In the "When correcting" area Word spelling» check the boxes “Check spelling while typing”, “Use... spell checker”, or “Mark grammar errors...”;
  4. You can check all the boxes in this subsection, since all of the listed variations will help in working with text.

Attention! If Word has stopped highlighting errors with a red line, then you must uncheck the boxes in the “Exceptions for file” subsection. Go to “File” - “Options” - “Spelling” and finally “Exception for file”. Uncheck the lines “Hide spelling and grammar... in this document.”

After this setting, the document will highlight not only spelling errors, but also punctuation errors.

How to enable automatic error checking

Thanks to this function, you can easily fix all errors at once. You can turn on “Check spelling and grammar in the text” using the F7 button or go to the “Review” tab - in the “Spelling” section - click on “Spelling”.

A new window will open and the first error made will pop up. You can correct it directly in the “Not in the dictionary” area, or specify the desired form in the “Options” section and click replace.

Attention! MS Word does not automatically correct punctuation marks. Therefore, if you see a green or blue wavy line throughout the text, you will need to make changes yourself, that is, manually. Moreover, the program gives hints after which word is missing a comma.

Next, a new window will pop up with new error and this will continue until all errors are corrected. After all the changes, a window will pop up notifying you that the spelling check is complete, click on “Ok”.

Word will then provide readability statistics. We hide this notification by clicking on “Ok”.

Manual error checking

A red underline means the word is likely misspelled or the phrase is unfamiliar. Word program and is not included in the dictionary. You can easily correct errors manually, as follows:

1) Right-click on the highlighted word and select the correct option in the window that opens.

2) Add a new word for Word to the program dictionary. Right-click on the incorrect word and select “Add to Dictionary” and the underline will disappear. At further use given word, the underline will not appear.

3) Find the book with a cross at the bottom of the Word program (if there are errors) and click.

The correct spelling options will appear, you need to indicate the correctly spelled word.

How to set up Auto-Correction

The “word auto-replacement” function is very useful, because during speed dial There are typos in words in the text. This function will help you correct an incorrectly written phrase automatically; to do this, you need to make the following settings:

1) By clicking on the “File” section, select “Options”;

2) In the pop-up window on the left side, find “Spelling”, in the “AutoCorrect Options” section, click on the “AutoCorrect Options...” button;

3) In the “AutoCorrect” section, check the box next to “Replace as you type”;

4) Add a phrase that is often printed incorrectly. For example: “assistant” enter under the “replace” field as an incorrect option, and under the “to” field indicate the correct word form and click on “Add”. As shown in the picture below.

You can add any phrase and indicate its correct spelling. It can also be an abbreviation of everyday phrases, an abbreviation, or the name of a hotkey in English. Here are examples:

How to change a phrase in the AutoCorrect list

You need to scroll through the entire list and find the phrase you need, highlight it so that it appears in the “replace” field and in the “to” field.

Now all that remains is to place the mouse cursor in the desired field and enter your own spelling of a symbol or phrase, replace and save. Let's look at an example. To quickly write a character(s) in the form of “@”, you first need to add and indicate which character will be replaced.

The actions are standard, as before when adding new phrase. “File” - “Options” - “Spelling” - “AutoCorrect Options”. In the section where “AutoCorrect”, under the “replace” field, enter “(a)”, and in the “to” field, write “@”. Add and click “OK”.

Now is the time to check. We print the desired fragment of the article and write “(a)” (in the picture below), replacing it with “@” occurs after pressing the “)” final character.

Working with Word will become much easier if you make all the settings for autocorrecting different phrases. Just imagine what you can print (Moscow State University) in just one second by writing three letters “mgu”. Thanks to certain options, the user will be able to automatically check for correct punctuation, very quickly, considering that viewing a document of 10 A4 sheets manually will take a long time. IN in this case We are talking about using the “Spelling” option in the “Review” section.

To enable spell checking in Microsoft Office open software Word, using the desktop shortcut or the Start menu - All Programs - Microsoft Office - Microsoft Word. Click the File tab (Microsoft Office 2013) or click the Office Button (Microsoft Office versions 2010 and 2007). Go to the "Options" section and click on the "Spelling" item. Select the Exceptions menu and click the Current File Name field. After that, uncheck the line “Hide spelling errors” and “Hide grammatical errors».

If you want to enable automatic spell checking for all documents that you open in Microsoft Office, in the “Exceptions” section, select the “All new documents” option. Uncheck the corresponding “Hide” checkboxes and save your changes by clicking on the “Ok” button.

IN PowerPoint program inclusion automatic check spelling can be done from a similar menu “Options” - “Spelling”. Uncheck "Hide" spelling mistakes» and save the changes made.

Mechanism of operation

If an error occurs in Word text will highlight it with a red, blue or green line. The red line is used to record spelling errors. Punctuation errors are indicated with a blue line, and grammatical errors are highlighted with a green wavy line. To view possible options writing and correcting an error, right-click on the word or phrase.

If you accept the option suggested by Word, select it by clicking on the corresponding menu item. Word will automatically correct the error and remove the underline. If you think there are errors in this place there is no text and the word is spelled correctly, you can ignore the underlining or click on context menu“Skip all”, also available by clicking right key mice.


You can also activate the autocorrect function, which is available in programs Office package. This parameter allows you to automatically correct incorrectly written words in accordance with the list, manually user-created. There you can add words that cause you problems in spelling.

To enable auto-substitution, go to the “Options” - “Spelling” - “Auto-Correct Options” section. Check the "Replace as you type" checkbox. In the Replace field, indicate the words or phrases that you have difficulty writing. In the left column, enter the misspelled word, and on the right, indicate correct option writing. After adding a sufficient number of words and phrases, click “OK” and save your changes.

Spell checking in Word. Writing competently, especially on websites or blogs, is the main condition for people to come to you. It’s very unpleasant when you see a bunch of gross mistakes. You can understand when a person simply used the wrong key, but when you see an obvious “loser”, it is repulsive. I, too, often rush after my thoughts and may miss a letter or even a whole word, or a comma. Helps me a lot when writing articles Microsoft program Word. If configured correctly, this will be indispensable assistant in your creative endeavors. This program has great potential. As you write the text, she can check spelling, grammar, correct your mistake on her own, suggest which word is best to use in this writing style, select synonyms and much more. Again, I repeat - the main thing is to configure it correctly.

It is much faster and more comfortable to work in text editor, when pre-created or ready-made with thoughtful .

A window will open Options. Select a tab Spelling .

Today we'll set up Word to check spelling and grammar.

In order for the program to automatically check spelling and grammar in your text, open the menu Service. Select a team Options .

  • In field Spelling check the box Automatically check spelling ;

  • In field Grammar check the box Automatically check grammar And Also check spelling .

  • On property Do not highlight misspelled words There is no need to tick the box, otherwise if you make a mistake, the program will not show it to you, and you may not notice.

  • You can leave all other settings as they are.

Next, press the button Settings under the window Set of rules and go out the window Setting up grammar check . In the window Rule set used select the set you need. Personally I use For business correspondence .

Set the switch to Grammar and check all the functions in the window below. Leave everything else as is and press the button OK .

Spell checking in word 2007

To set up automatic spell checking in Word 2007, click at the very top left on beautiful icon with the program logo, and go to the very bottom of the list that opens. Click on the button OptionsWord .

In the next window, go to the tab Spelling and check the boxes where necessary.

After all the changes, do not forget to click the button at the very bottom OK, to save the settings.

Spell checking in word 2010

In text Word editor The 2010 spell checking setting is slightly different from the setting in Word 2007.

You must first enter the menu File. Then go down to the entry Options .

And already in the window OptionsWord make the settings described above.

After setting up spell checking in Word, the program itself will check and indicate errors by underlining with a wavy line. The red line means a spelling error, and the green line means a syntax error.

Regarding commas, the program does not always correctly indicate their location, so sometimes think for yourself. But about spelling, she is not wrong.

If the program does not know some word, i.e. this word is not in her dictionary, then you can add this word to the dictionary yourself, just check before doing so, at least on the Internet for the correct spelling.

In every modern browser(Internet program) has a built-in online spell checker. This means that if you make a mistake when printing text, the program itself will detect it and help you correct it.

Not all users know about this function, since many have it disabled initially.

Correcting printing errors

If spell checking is already enabled and configured in your Internet program, then each word that is typed incorrectly will be underlined with a red wavy line.

This applies wherever you can type a message: on social networks, in mail, on forums and in other places.

How it works. For example, I am typing a comment on some article on the Internet and make a mistake. Typically, within a few seconds of typing (if I keep typing), the browser detects it and underlines the entire word with a red wavy line.

How to fix the error. If a word is marked with a line like this, move the cursor over it and right-click. Correctly spelled words are usually at the top of the list that appears. If any of them apply, click on it. The “problematic” word will automatically be replaced by the one you selected.

How to enable spell checking

To enable the check, you need to type here a word with a known mistake (for example, short) and press the Space key:

If it is underlined with a red wavy line, this means that the check is enabled. Try to fix the error as I showed earlier.

And if the word is not marked, right-click in the text entry field - where you typed the word. In the list, point to the item for adjusting spelling. Usually appears extra menu, from which you need to select a language. We indicate the required one - and the check is turned on.

Features of error checking

In addition to the words where a mistake was actually made, the program also marks those that it simply does not know. Therefore, surnames, specific terms, and colloquial speech will also be emphasized.

On a note . You can check and correct errors not only when typing Russian words, but also some others (English, German, French, etc.). To do this, enable checking for the appropriate language.

This check only works for spelling, without punctuation. That is, missing punctuation marks will not be shown.

But, despite all the “features”, this function still very useful. Even if a person is impeccably literate, he is still not immune from ridiculous typos. And in business correspondence It's better not to allow this to happen.