iPhone 5 gets hot when charging. Why does the iPhone get hot: causes and solutions to the problem. Malfunctions that cause the iPhone to become very hot

When purchasing such an expensive gadget as an iPhone, the last thing a buyer expects is that he will have to go to services and also pay to correct factory defects. However Apple products has long been no longer considered a benchmark in terms of quality. More and more fans of Apple products are complaining about various breakdowns of iPhones - in particular, that their gadgets overheat and lose percentage of charge literally before our eyes.

Why do iPhones heat up and how to fix it - read on.

A slight increase in iPhone temperature does not indicate the presence of a defect. It is quite natural if the gadget heats up in the following situations:

  • Activated Wi-Fi module. The temperature of the device increases especially strongly if it distributes Wi-Fi signal, but does not accept it.
  • The user launched several resource-intensive applications on the mobile device at once. In this case, it is completely normal that the device simultaneously loses several percent of its charge.
  • The iPhone was in a “deep” discharge. To pull the device out of this state, an increased current is required, the supply of which leads to the case becoming “boiling.”
  • The user operates the gadget in an aggressive mode (for example, plays a “heavy” game) while it is “recharged”.

If the device is discharged literally before our eyes at a time when it is especially complex tasks does not stand in front of it, this is a sign of a malfunction. The user also needs to “sound the alarm” if the temperature rises mobile device accompanied by software malfunctions and errors.

Why does my iPhone get very hot in standby mode?

The reasons leading to iPhone overheating are numerous - they can be roughly classified into: software problems And mechanical problems. Software problems- This:

  • Unsuccessful firmware . Among experienced users Apple technology a common expression is: “ the firmware is not working" This means that due to a failure (caused by, say, a break Wi-Fi connections) when installing the firmware, a number of minor conflicts occurred, and the software download did not complete correctly.
  • . Why “non-obvious”? Because to accelerated consumption battery charge in in this case results not from the use of one resource-intensive application, but from the simultaneous execution of many small - and sometimes meaningless - tasks. The total load that these tasks give is sometimes truly enormous. The user should pay attention to how much Safari tabs open on his smartphone, how many applications are running in background, how many programs use geolocation.
  • Virus. iOS is considered operating system, protected from hacker attacks. However, the iPhone is not 100% immune from malware - otherwise there would not be such a huge number of anti-virus applications in the AppStore.

Common mechanical faults that can cause the iPhone to get warm while charging and during a conversation include:

  • Battery fault. iPhone battery has a resource - if it has survived 500 charging procedures (cycles), it’s time to start looking for a replacement, because its capacity is seriously dropping. However, tight-fisted Russian users, as a rule, do not think about replacing until their gadgets refuse to work at all. By that time, 1,500–2,000 cycles have accumulated.
  • Pouring. Moisture getting inside the iPhone case can lead to oxidation of the contacts, and then, like a domino effect, to short circuits and overheating.
  • Failure of the power controller (or PMIC controller). The power controller is an iPhone component that “monitors” that the mobile device is not supplied with a current greater than the maximum permissible. If you power a gadget with a faulty PMIC controller through powerful charging, this can lead not only to overheating of the device, but also to spontaneous combustion.

How to fix the problem?

Having the necessary tools, components and skills, the user can solve the problem on his own - regardless of the reason why the iPhone heats up during operation. Accurately diagnose the cause at home difficult, so the user will have to consistently take measures aimed at eliminating all possible causes. You need to do this:

Step 1. First of all, check the flood indicator. On the 4th generation iPhone it is located in the connector charger, for more modern models- in the SIM card slot.

Image: iphoneistanbul.com

In the event of a flood, you must take the measures listed in our article “What to do if your iPhone falls into water? » - in particular, remove the battery by dismantling back cover using a Pentalobe screwdriver. If you do not have such a tool, it is better to immediately contact service center.

If the indicator shows that no flooding has occurred, follow the instructions further.

Step 2. Back up your data via iTunes, iCloud or any other method you know. Further operations will lead to the deletion of information stored on the iPhone.

Step 3. Execute full reset devices. To do this you need to go to " Settings"iPhone, follow the path " Basic» — « Reset", in the last subsection find the item " Erase content and settings" and click on it.

If your iPhone is jailbroken, perform a reset via iTunes.

Resetting the iPhone is aimed at removing non-obvious high load. After completing this operation, set up the gadget as new and watch it - check if it continues to heat up. If resetting does not help get rid of the heat, take the following measures.

Step 4. Reflash the firmware - even if your iPhone already has the latest software installed. To do this, you will need the iTunes media combiner. Connect the gadget to your PC using a USB cable, launch iTunes, go to the device management menu and then click on the “ Restore iPhone...».

Do not rush to return data from backup copy. Observe the behavior of a “clean” gadget.

Reflashing will solve problems caused by viruses and unsuccessful installation BY. If neither resetting the settings nor flashing the firmware helped, we can conclude that the device is not overheating due to software errors, and for the reason mechanical failure gadget. This, of course, is bad news - in order to fix a problem caused by this reason, you will have to incur additional costs.

Step 5. Check battery statistics. The iBackupBot program will help in this matter, which you can download. Install the utility on your PC and run it. You will see a window something like this:

Click on the button " More Information", and statistics will appear in front of you.

The information we are interested in is located in the block “ Battery" There are 4 points:

  • CycleCount – the number of charging cycles that the battery has survived.
  • DesignCapacity – factory, initial battery capacity.
  • FullChargeCapacity – battery capacity taking into account wear.
  • Status – characteristic, given by the program battery.

In our example iPhone battery after 81 charging cycles it lost 16% of its efficiency. This is minor wear and tear - such a battery does not need to be replaced.

If the wear is 50% or higher, it is worth purchasing a new battery. Batteries are now inexpensive - in Chinese trading platform AliExpress has a lot of options priced at 300 – 400 rubles.

The Chinese, as a rule, send batteries for the iPhone along with a set of Pentalobe screwdrivers needed to remove the back cover of the mobile device - so you can install a new battery yourself.

You can also buy a power controller for the iPhone, but its installation is a much more painstaking procedure than installation new battery. If you suspect that the iPhone is overheating precisely because of a faulty PMIC controller (since there are no other reasons), it is still better to seek help from service center specialists. Replacing the power controller will cost 3,500 – 4,000 rubles, depending on the version of the iPhone.


An iPhone overheating for no apparent reason is an alarming symptom. However, there is no need for the gadget owner to “sprinkle ashes on his head” in such a situation - there is a high probability that the situation will be corrected with minimal costs money and time. Even if the user comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to change the battery, he does not need to worry about the financial aspect - iPhone batteries are now sold for next to nothing, and installation and disassembly work can be done with your own hands.

Apple products are considered to be of very high quality and reliable, but despite this, problems also arise with them and they can fail. In this article we will answer the most popular question owners - what to do if the iPhone gets very hot when charging and during operation: why this happens, how to diagnose the malfunction.

When you don't have to worry about the condition of your gadget

The fact is that, like any equipment, the iPhone can get warm for completely natural reasons that do not indicate a breakdown. In order to determine whether this is so, you need to know at what point the body began to heat up and to what level. This may be normal in the following cases:

  • Games with heavy graphics. Regardless of the version of the phone, it can not only increase the surface temperature, but also lose several percent of the battery at one point. This is due to the fact that a lot of resources are spent on current processes.
  • Wi-Fi and 3G. The further away the signal source, the hotter the device, since it has to constantly be on the lookout for networks.
  • In the process of "feeding". Especially if before that it was discharged to zero. In order for the device to charge, an increased current is needed, so the case becomes red-hot.
  • There are many resource-intensive applications loaded on the device. And if the user uses one of them while plugged in, the temperature inevitably rises.

It is quite easy to understand whether the iPhone is heating up for natural reasons or whether there is a problem with it. If, after disconnecting from the power and turning off the application, it quickly cools down and behaves normally, everything is fine. Otherwise, it is better to contact the service center. If this is not possible, you can try to solve the problem yourself. We will tell you about the main reasons that can cause your iPhone to overheat.

When to sound the alarm

If you notice that the phone is even in normal mode uses hot surface, you should be wary. Quite often this sign of breakdown is combined with other problems.

  • The menu switches without prompting. U
  • The device freezes and does not turn off.
  • The battery lasts for a very short time.
  • The screen does not respond to touch.

iPhone heats up very quickly when charging: what to do

If the device body, when connected to electricity, often becomes hot for no apparent reason (deep discharge), this may mean that:

  • Incorrectly installed software. Some application may not function correctly. To check if this is the case, delete those applications that were downloaded before the device began to fail.
  • The network voltage is increased or surges occur. Plug into another outlet and test it.
  • The phone itself or its battery is faulty. In this case, remember whether the battery has expired. Usually it lasts for 500 charging cycles - then it becomes unusable and requires replacement with a new one.

If the methods listed above did not help and your iPhone still heats up quickly, contact a service center. There is probably a failure in the “stuffing” of the smartphone and you will need the help of a knowledgeable technician.

The online store "Rudevice-store" offers new, original devices from Apple with full warranty service.

iPhone gets hot during standby mode

This can also happen due to a worn out battery. You can check its condition and degree of wear using special programs. There are a lot of them. For example, Battery LifeBattery Charge. After launching the application, you will see rows with values.

  • Capacity - current standard battery capacity.
  • Cycles - how many recharge cycles have passed.

If wear exceeds 50%, buy a new battery.

The second reason is oxidation of contacts motherboard. This malfunction occurs if moisture gets inside the gadget. In this case, it is also better to go straight to the repairmen.

Why does the iPhone get very hot and very hot during operation and the battery immediately runs out?

There are many explanations for the fact that the phone body is hot. You can try to solve some problems yourself, without the help of a technician at a service center.

For example, you are not using the original charger. Yes, this can be a major factor in the problem. Chinese analogues often do not fully charge the battery and therefore it is not enough even for a day. In addition, they incorrectly regulate voltage fluctuations and this can lead to a malfunction in the iPhone or a fire. As a result, repairs may be more expensive than a high-quality device. We do not recommend saving so much.

Set apart from other problems is the possibility of a malfunction due to the model of the gadget. If you have an iPhone 5, then this may be the problem. After the release of this phone, many buyers were faced with the fact that the iPhone overheats and quickly discharges. The reason was poorly organized production. Then a program was carried out to replace defective batteries. Devices that were released later no longer have this bug, but what if you came across an old copy?

In the online store "Rudevice-store" you can buy quality smartphone any version at prices more affordable than those of official resellers.

There are a few more possible problems that can be corrected without outside intervention.


The operating system on which the iPhone operates is, according to experts, the most secure. But she is not completely immune from malicious applications. At the same time, such software can be considered even simply incorrectly working programs that crash and overload the hardware. To find them you need to reflash your phone via iTunes. Do not restore data immediately and check how the smartphone behaves without a load of applications.


Dust gets into the charger connector, it becomes increasingly clogged, oxidizes, and as a result, it may happen that the gadget does not charge or does so for a very long time.


If you find out that the iPhone began to heat up not because of the reasons listed above, try working with the firmware. Problems with it may arise due to the fact that the user updates via Wi-Fi. The network fails, and as a result, minor conflicts between the OS and hardware arise in the device during operation. Because of this, the device can quickly increase in temperature, and the battery runs out in a matter of hours.

How to fix it?

  • In the settings menu, find the “basic” section, select “iCloud” in it.
  • Disable the slider next to Find My iPhone.
  • Enter the password required by the OS.
  • Connect your device to your PC. As soon as the system finds it, click on the phone icon and go to the “Browse” tab.
  • Click the "Create a copy now" button.
  • In the same section you need to select “Restore iPhone”.

Then return deleted by team"Restore from copy."

All data will appear in the gadget’s memory again. Often the actions taken are enough to get rid of the overheating problem. Such malfunctions with incorrectly functioning applications occur in any model.

Flooding the device can lead to oxidation of the contacts, short circuit or rotting of the case. What to do in this case? Check the moisture indicators first. They are located either in the charger and headphone connector, or in the SIM card slot. If they are white, everything is fine. If it's red, it's bad. Next, turn off the power, remove the case and remove the battery. The cover can be removed using a special screwdriver. The iPhone must be dried with napkins.

Rapid battery discharge is one of the signs of rotting. Also, moisture in the device can be indicated by the following:

  • The screen has lost sensitivity.
  • The sound disappeared or became very quiet. Water penetrates through the speaker protection and hits the membrane, where dust accumulates.

Flooding of a battery is easier to prevent than to repair. There are various waterproof cases for this purpose.

In the Rudevice-store online store you can purchase various accessories for iPhones 6, 7 and 8 models.

Overheating can also occur due to mechanical damage. For example, falls. In this case, it is difficult to do anything without the help of specialists.

What are the dangers of heating if left unattended?

The most serious consequence is spontaneous combustion. Mobile equipment may fail if the maximum permitted temperature is exceeded. It may also simply break and you will need to spend quite a lot of money to repair it.

  • Be careful not to leave your phone in direct sunlight.
  • If WiFi source far away, and you don’t want to quickly lose battery power, set the gadget to airplane mode or turn off network search, Bluetooth and GPS.
  • Never put your phone in the refrigerator if it is very hot, because temperature changes will only kill it.
  • Eliminate non-obvious load factors - review installed applications, many of them require a lot of power to function, while you may not even be using them. Pay attention to how many browser tabs are open, what programs are in the background, turn off geolocation.
  • In case of overheating due to games, just exit them and cool the device a little. Reproducing graphics takes a lot of energy.
  • Update your OS.
  • Do not operate the device while it is connected to power.
  • In summer, avoid thick covers.
  • Monitor the case temperature. If you feel your hand is hot, let the phone cool down


So, we talked about why the iPhone gets very hot and discharges quickly and what to do about it. If all the methods we have suggested have not brought results and the device is still heating up or the battery drains too quickly, be sure to contact a service center.

If the device has not been flooded or is damaged, it is subject to free repair. Most the best option- turn to professionals, since they have everything at their disposal necessary tools for diagnostics and repair. In addition, the technician can open the iPhone in front of the user and in this way he can verify the cause of the malfunction.

The online store "Rudevice-store" sells models that are subject to full warranty service. To receive the service, you must present receipts from the place of purchase.

Many owners Apple smartphones I'm worried about the fact that their iPhone is heating up. Before you think about the possibility of your phone breaking down and visiting a service center, pay attention to the circumstances under which your iPhone gets hot.

What is the norm

For example, if the iPhone gets warm while charging, there is no reason to worry at all. Apple phones are mini-computers that consume great amount energy. They have a device that cannot help but heat up when charging. It is also absolutely normal for the iPhone to become slightly warm in the following circumstances:

  • when watching a video for a long time
  • when browsing the Internet and viewing several pages at once
  • when using several programs at once (player, Skype, geolocation)
  • when using the camera in recording mode for a long time

Also, iPhones often heat up in the following cases:

  • using various programs for video editing or photo processing
  • when playing games with modern graphics
  • while talking on a smartphone connected to a charger

In short, the harder the processor works and the more more tasks it processes in one unit of time, the hotter the iPhone heats up.

Fault diagnosis

The heating of the iPhone in itself in the situations listed above is not terrible. You should only worry when, along with the heating of the iPhone case, there are other negative aspects of the operation of the mobile device. You may be thinking about repairing your Apple if you notice the following signs of damage:

  • iPhone takes unusually long to charge
  • iPhone sits down very quickly
  • iPhone suddenly turns off as soon as it gets hot
  • When the iPhone heats up, the display shows much worse, the speakers do not work well

The reasons for heating in these cases may be battery malfunctions or other problems with the hardware of the device. Internal problems occur when the case is damaged or water gets into the iPhone. Internal problems that cause the device to get very hot can also be caused by repeated use of a charger that is not “native” for your Apple model.

Prevention measures

If your iPhone is overheating and you suspect it is unnaturally hot, make sure you follow proper operating instructions. Smartphones rarely get warm if you:

  • charge the iPhone with the “native” cord for the allotted time (turn it off immediately after filling the battery)
  • do not allow situations in which the smartphone is discharged to zero
  • Don't leave your phone overheating in the sun
  • disable functions you don’t need in standby mode (geolocation, Wi-Fi search)
  • when playing games or watching videos, let the phone “rest” after several hours of constant use

These operating rules are especially relevant for owners of older models of Apple smartphones, which heat up much more often and faster than older ones. later versions"apples".

Types of repairs

Only a professional can determine the cause of your phone failure if it becomes unnaturally hot during operation. Most often, in these cases, the battery is to blame, especially if the smartphone quickly runs out or turns off involuntarily after it has warmed up. The battery cannot be repaired; it is simply replaced. The battery can be replaced within a few minutes, so you won't have to spend a lot of time on repairs.

You can also fix the problem yourself by replacing the battery at home. However, a professional will also check the serviceability of phone modules such as:

  • screen
  • touchscreen display
  • CPU
  • speakers

If you have long time The battery got very hot, some of the screen cables and other “stuffing” of the smartphone could be damaged. A professional technician will not only quickly identify, but also fix the breakdown, which is quite difficult to determine on your own.

Sometimes, after flashing the firmware for an Apple phone, it starts to get very hot, and the battery level decreases at a phenomenal speed, although the user is not overly active. This problem is very common among iPhone owners, but it can be solved. However, to cope with this task, you need to spend a little time.

Today’s article will tell you why the iPhone 4, iPhone 6 and many other models of the popular device get hot. But first let’s focus on one point. The fact is that the iPhone heats up while charging, which is normal, and you shouldn’t worry about it. The device gets especially hot when charging, when it is actively used when connected to a power source. And there’s nothing wrong with that either.

In fact, it's not just 5S owners who have this problem. Also, owners of iPhone 4S, iPhone 7, iPhone 6S often encounter the fact that their devices overheat.

Note that the iPhone gets very hot, not necessarily due to any serious problems, but also due to other minor problems. Below are the main reasons why an Apple device may overheat:

1 When the device is used too actively, and at the same time energy consumption increases, for example, the iPhone 4S heats up, which can also be noted about the iPhone 6S and other phone models from Apple. However, the iPhone 6S does not heat up as much as more early versions smartphones from Apple, because it has more power. 2 Turning on Wi-Fi greatly affects the heating of the iPhone 6S and other models of Apple smartphones. When it turns on wireless network, especially if the access point is located very far away. The iPhone overheats because the device spends a lot of energy connecting to it. 3 When your iPhone 6S or other phone is plugged in to charge, it may also become hot. And usually a very hot case indicates that the charging level was too low - at a critical level. Due to an increase in the charge current in such a situation, a mechanism is activated that can heat the device.

If you notice that the iPhone 6 is heating up (or a similar thing happens with your iOS device of another model), and it does not plug into the outlet to charge the battery, and there are no other obvious reasons for this, contact a service center to diagnose the device.

1 The battery is completely damaged. As the battery lost capacity, this led to an increase in power consumption and, accordingly, heating of the phone body. 2 Mechanical damage or water ingress into the device. The last case, in which it is necessary to dry the device, is especially dangerous. In this case, you should urgently take it to a repair shop for diagnostics.

The iPhone can also become very hot when using several functions at the same time. For example, when the Internet turns on, there is a conversation going on, the speaker is turned on - and all this at the same time. Many users perform several operations on the iPhone at once while charging the gadget, and the power controller gets very hot. All this is not a deviation and does not indicate a problem with the phone, but only serves as a signal for the iPhone owner to handle the gadget more carefully.

What to do if your iPhone gets hot?

If you notice that your device has started to heat up, but still turns on and works normally, you need to take immediate action. Especially if, on top of everything else, there is a problem like fast discharge batteries.

In case of these problems, you can take the following steps:

  • Reset all information and settings on the device. Don’t forget to prepare a copy of all data in advance via iTunes or iCloud. Users consider this method to be one of the most effective. After its implementation, the device often stops heating up very much.
  • If the above method does not help, you need to reflash the gadget. Even if you know for sure that all the programs on the device are the latest, and the updates have not yet been released. You just need to do it re-update, restoring the device not from a backup, but as a completely new one. Then see how the “new” phone behaves. Perhaps this method will help solve the problem.
  • A thorough review of settings (geolocation, network and others). Incorrect settings can also have a significant impact on the problem of heating the smartphone body.
  • If your iPhone is a fifth model, it may be affected by special program for replacing batteries. This is done absolutely free. But there is one condition - the gadget must be released between 2010 and 2013 and in certain months. More details You can see about this promotion on the Apple resource on the Internet.
  • Inspect the device for damage to the “filling”. But do it yourself, even with some skills in handling mobile technology, is highly not recommended. It is better to entrust the diagnosis to specialists. The source of the problem may lie in the battery, motherboard and other internal elements of the device. This cannot be determined by eye; the case will need to be opened. And since iPhone parts are very fragile, you need to handle them with care, which is what a repair specialist will do.

And a few more words about the overheating problem...

As noted above, liquid getting inside the case is quite common reason overheating of the gadget. The same can be said about careless handling of the phone, bumps and falls. These damages lead to damage to internal parts and, often, to short circuits. Unfortunately, diagnosing a malfunction in similar situations“by eye” is impossible.

The best solution in such cases is to turn to professionals, who have at their disposal a whole range of special tools for diagnosing and repairing Apple phones. In addition, the procedure for opening the device case can take place right in front of the user’s eyes, and he himself will be able to see what the cause of the problem was.

It is also important that the owner of the device notices exactly when the phone body heats up, and also what level of heating. It is worth remembering that such processes can occur within normal limits, for example, with active use multiple device functions at one time.

If the surface of the smartphone becomes too hot and even burns your palm, you cannot do without the intervention of specialists. If you do not contact the service center in time, more serious damage may occur, and repairs will be very expensive for the user.

An overheating iPhone indicates malfunctioning or broken hardware components. Let's take a closer look at why the iPhone is heating up and what to do about it.

The degree of heating of the device can be determined based on tactile sensations. Also, users of Apple devices can control the temperature of the device using the Thermo application. Below is the range normal temperature for iPhone in different modes works:

  • Mode increased activity– from 0 to 35 degrees Celsius;
  • Moderate activity mode – from -20 to 25 degrees Celsius.

If the indicators displayed in Thermo do not coincide with the norm of the activity mode, it is necessary to take action (cool the device and fix the hardware fault). When the iPhone heats up to its maximum permissible value, the corresponding system message. Phone functions will be temporarily unavailable (until the device cools down).

Causes of overheating

An abnormal increase in the temperature of your iPhone may occur due to a number of factors:

  • Does your iPhone get very hot while charging? The problem may be a faulty charging cable;
  • An old battery that can swell and damage other parts;
  • RAM overload. Often the iPhone cannot correctly process a huge number of running programs - the load on the battery increases. Clear RAM and device cache. Then turn off the device until it cools down completely;
  • Moisture gets inside the device. It is urgent to disassemble the iPhone, because an excessive amount of moisture can cause the electronics to short out.
  • Errors in the operation of the power controller. As a rule, replacing this component solves all problems associated with the iPhone's thermal regulation.

Regulating RAM resources

As soon as you notice that your device is starting to get warm, you should check the apps that are running in the background. Click on Menu-Settings-General-Background applications.

If there are too many programs in the list, disable unused ones and wait until the phone cools down. This method also allows you to speed up your phone.

Now in the settings, enable the “Diagnostics and Usage” mode. IN further system will notify you about the excessive number of applications in the OP.

Replacing the power controller

The power controller (type U2) is a basic chip that is responsible for thermal regulation of the device and supplying power to all areas of the motherboard. From time to time the controller may burn out. Replacing the part will solve the overheating problem.

Each iPhone model has its own unique power controller with an authentic code serial number and the logo of the manufacturer. U2 is located to the right of the CPU.

To replace the part you will need the following tools:

  • Pentagonal and Phillips screwdrivers;
  • Sucker;
  • Picks or plastic spatula;
  • Spudger for detaching cables;
  • Tweezers;
  • Degreaser;
  • Flux;
  • Soldering Station.
Remember! Before repairing, be sure to cool down the iPhone. To do this, turn off your smartphone and remove the back cover, put the phone in a cool, dry place for 20-30 minutes.

To get to the U2 chip, you first need to open the back cover and detach it from the display module. Then disconnect the battery and side key connectors. At the bottom of the motherboard, disable coaxial cable. After that, pull out system board with a camera attached to it. Unfasten the camera harness.

The small square is the desired U2 chip:

Apply flux to U2 and heat the surface with a hairdryer. Then remove the chip using tweezers.

Clean the motherboard of any remaining flux. Apply flux again and install a new controller chip on the board. Collect your phone.

Any instructions for self-repair You can find your iPhone on our website, or call a specialist for to any place convenient for you.