The phone constantly reboots on the screen saver. Samsung Galaxy reboots on its own - Solutions. Mechanical faults of Samsung Galaxy

Android phone keeps rebooting

What to do if your Android phone keeps rebooting

An unauthorized reboot of an Android smartphone is usually associated with unstable operation of an application on the device. There is one factor that affects the operation of a smartphone: if you download and install a lot of applications and then delete them and then do the same thing, then after a while you will notice that Android does not work so quickly, and sometimes it starts to freeze. If you practice this then the best way out there will be a smartphone.

It is best, of course, to download exactly those applications that have already been verified good popularity and high rating.

The question arises why the smartphone freezes or reboots after deleting applications. There is a very large number of applications on Google Play: some are “completely safe” - they do not affect the operation of the device in any way, while others may conflict with similar ones or leave a lot of garbage after removal, thereby causing crashes and reboots.

If after installing the application the smartphone starts to reboot, this should alert you. It is better to delete such an application immediately and make sure that everything system folders have also been removed from the device.

Another option for checking is the Device; read more about how to do this in our article.

Android keeps rebooting - it's worth checking for a virus

One of the obvious options for why a smartphone reboots is that the device is infected with viruses and all sorts of malware. To check your phone for a virus, use applications that analyze the entire system.

Video about popular and effective antivirus for Android devices DrWeb

Video about an application that analyzes the Android system - Malwarebytes for Android

Read more about this in our article.

Disabling the SD card during spontaneous reboots of the Android device

If you notice that during any operation your smartphone starts to turn off and turn on again. Disconnect the memory card on the device and try again the action that caused the reboot. If you find that the memory card is the cause. Transfer the data (photos, videos and other data) to your PC and format the card. For more details on how to disconnect an SD card and format it, we wrote in

Smartphones from the Samsung Galaxy line, like any other mobile devices, are subject to software and hardware failures from time to time. One such problem is the periodic or cyclic reboot phone. It can cause the user a lot of problems or even make it impossible to use the device normally. Let's look at why Samsung restarts on its own and what to do in such cases.

Possible reasons for Android reboot and how to fix them

There are several reasons leading to unauthorized restart of Samsung:

  • failure of the power supply;
  • mechanical damage to the gadget;
  • moisture getting under the device body;
  • failure of any module on the board;
  • failure in software.

Let's try to figure out the reasons ourselves incorrect operation device and, if possible, fix the problem yourself.

Start diagnostics Samsung Galaxy A5 or another smartphone or Galaxy line follows by determining the type of problem. All malfunctions can be divided into two types:

  1. Mechanical (hardware). Consists of damage (failure) of any element or module.
  2. Software. Caused by malfunction installed software or operating system.

If your Samsung Galaxy phone reboots on its own, the first thing you need to do is put the device into safe mode. In this state, only the pre-installed applications, A third party utilities are temporarily disabled.

To activate Safe Mode on your Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge or other device, you must:

Use your smartphone in this mode for a while. If the phone does not reboot on its own, we can say with great confidence that the failure lies in the software. provided by Samsung. Otherwise, the fault should be looked for in its mechanical or hardware part.

Mechanical faults of Samsung Galaxy

If your phone keeps rebooting, remove the battery and visually inspect it for bulges, dents, or other defects. It is also a good idea to check the voltage at the battery outputs using a tester. The permissible limit is 3.7 V in a discharged state and 4.2 V in a fully charged state. Cause self Samsung reboots Galaxy A3 or another model may have low voltage. In this case, the power element should be replaced with a new one.

When using a mobile phone for a long time between the battery and rear panel a small gap appears. And if in vertical position(for example, during a conversation) the phone turns off, the reason may lie precisely in the insufficiently tight fit of the battery to the contacts of the device.

Lead to unstable work and rebooting the Samsung Galaxy A5 can cause mechanical damage to the device as a result of a strong impact on a hard surface or moisture getting under its body. And if this happens to your smartphone, it is better to take it to service center, since you can independently disassemble a mobile phone and determine faulty element not everyone can do it.

Samsung Galaxy software glitches

Unlike mechanical damage, software problems can most likely be eliminated at home. The main thing is to correctly understand what exactly the essence of the problem is. Towards the emergence software glitches, as a result of which it reboots itself samsung phone, usually leads to:

  • conflict of installed software;
  • incorrect updating of system applications;
  • exposure to malware.

Let's look at each option in more detail.

Installed software conflict

If you notice that the Samsung Galaxy S3 or a device of another model began to reboot on its own after installing a program, most likely the problem lies in its conflict with existing software. In this case, you need to get rid of such a utility:

After completing these steps in system cache“casts” may remain erased application. You should also get rid of them. This can be done through the standard Android OS:

Incorrect update of system applications

Updates to pre-installed software (for example, programs) can also cause unplanned restarts of Samsung. Play Market, Google Services Play, Maps, etc.). This is due to the fact that new versions of certain applications are not always suitable for specific model phone.

If you suspect that your mobile phone is rebooting itself due to an incorrect update, you will need:

Exposure to malware

When downloading to Samsung Galaxy programs from third-party sites there is a risk of picking up mobile virus, which will force Android to involuntarily reboot. That is why it is recommended to download all software only from Play Market or Samsung Apps.

To get rid of malware, you need to:

If none of the above methods helped get rid of the failure, the only thing left is

There are times when Lenovo phone owners encounter a problem spontaneous reboot while taking photographs, while talking, launching various applications, etc. Why is this happening? Let's try to figure it out.

Most popular reasons

The device may reboot on its own for a number of reasons. The most common among them are:

  • Software glitches.
  • All kinds of damage due to external physical impact(the cause may be a fall or a strong blow).
  • There is moisture under the phone body.
  • Defective battery.
  • Damage to the printed circuit board.

What to do?

In order to normalize the operation of your device, you should take a number of actions that directly depend on the nature of the failure.

Reboot on power on

In cases where the phone reboots itself during startup, you should return the factory settings. Often, this way the device is fully functional again. Each model has its own reset method.

Constant reboot

A similar reaction can be observed in cases of a damaged battery. To check this, you should take out the battery itself, place it on a hard surface and twist it. If the battery spins without special problems, which means you need to replace it.

During telephone conversations

In cases where the device reboots during incoming call, or during a conversation, you should contact the service center. The cause may be loss of battery-to-battery contact. You can also re-solder the connecting contacts yourself, but without the proper skills, this is quite risky.

When taking photos

It is not uncommon for the phone to reboot on its own when you turn on the camera. Such a breakdown is usually caused by a malicious program - a virus. You can get rid of it using an antivirus.

If your device rebooted itself, but you managed to determine why this was happening and solve the problem, write in the comments. This information will be useful to other users.

Despite the stability, glitches periodically appear in the operation of many Android-based mobile devices. One of these bugs is hard reboot Android. This material will help you understand why this happens and what to do in this case.

Why does the phone constantly reboot itself, what should I do if after rebooting the device cannot start?

Let's look at the main reasons why this can happen:

  • mechanical damage to the device has occurred, usually due to its fall or impact;
  • occurrence of software malfunctions;
  • breakdown or problems with the battery;
  • the reason may be hardware in nature if there are malfunctions in the operation of the printed circuit board;
  • provoke forced reboot smartphone can also be affected by moisture on the mobile device.

In practice, users often encounter the problem of rebooting their smartphone as a result of a breakdown of the signal power amplifier or battery. This leads to increased energy consumption, causing the system to resort to emergency reboot smartphone. Failed components can be replaced, it will not take much time and money.

The reason may lie in the occurrence of malfunctions in the operation of the platform itself. Programs and utilities installed in the memory of a mobile device may conflict with each other. Sometimes the reason lies in the installation of applications that are not suitable for the version of the installed operating system.

Actions in case of spontaneous hardware reset

The problem of cyclic reboots is familiar to many users. Below are effective ways solving the problem.

All the time

As we reported, cyclic rebooting of the device may be due to a damaged battery. To verify this, you need to remove the protective cover and remove the battery from the phone. Place the battery on a flat, hard surface and then twist it. If the battery cranks quickly and easily, this indicates that there is a bulge on its case or the battery is beginning to swell. Replace the battery with a new one, as failed batteries cannot be repaired.

If the battery is working normally, then try updating the firmware of the mobile device, as well as all programs installed in the device’s memory. To do this, go to official store Play Store and select all available updates. You can click on the update all applications button, this will update everything at once, but it is better to view all the updates rather than uninstalling the applications you are using. When programs and applications are updated, the platform itself must be updated. If there are no changes, contact a specialist, as the problem may be software in nature.

At the moment of switching on

If your mobile device reboots endlessly when you turn it on, then first of all you should reset the configuration to the factory one. In most cases, this method will solve the problem. The procedure for restoring factory settings is individual for each smartphone, detailed instructions indicated in the service manual.

Alternatively, you can try to remove the battery and replace it after half an hour. Often the reason lies in an overheated smartphone, but there may be a problem with the activation buttons sticking. If these methods do not help solve the problem, then you should flash the device. Flashing is carried out independently or with the involvement of specialists (the video was filmed and published by the NTS Settings channel).

During a conversation

If the reboot occurs while you are talking on the phone or when it receives incoming call, then perhaps the battery at this moment loses contact with the device. With long-term use, a small gap may appear on the back of the battery, namely the gap between the connecting components. Intensive use of the device leads to shaking of the case, and this contributes to the disconnection of contacts.

To diagnose this problem, try shaking your smartphone several times to determine the cause. If the device automatically reboots when shaken, this indicates the need to resolder the connecting components. If the smartphone is no longer under warranty, then it must be sent for repair. If the reason for the failure is software error, that is, there are several ways to solve the problem:

  • return the phone to factory settings;
  • update the operating system and application version;
  • Seek help from specialists if the above two methods do not help.

After update

If you have updated your mobile device, but after that the phone still reboots, then try the following:

  1. Turn off your mobile device and remove the battery.
  2. Wait about 15-20 minutes.
  3. Reinstall the battery and reactivate the phone.

If the device still overloads, then keep track of what updates you install on the phone. Sometimes apps are automatically blocked optimal performance smartphone, in some cases programs may conflict with each other. If the phone was working fine before you updated it, then return it back factory configuration and reboot your device.

The problem may also lie in the installation malware or virus applications, in the absence of an antivirus, this may happen along with updating the phone. You can solve the problem by following the steps described above to restore factory settings. If this does not help, then the smartphone needs to be reflashed.

When you enable an application or feature


If the mobile device restarts when the camera is activated, then the reason may be that one of the applications picked up a virus. You should install it on your smartphone antivirus program, determine the cause of the problem and reboot the device. If there are no changes, return the device to the factory configuration; if necessary, before performing this task, perform backup files - photos, contacts, documents, etc. If the reason lies in the operation of the camera itself, mechanical damage device, then you need to disassemble the phone and look for a fault. Often the camera does not work correctly due to the phone being dropped, the cable inside the gadget could have come loose, you can put it back in place yourself (the author of the video is the Pavel Sak channel).

Try formatting the memory card or replacing it with a new one. If the problem is not mechanical in nature, then the reboot is usually associated with a faulty memory drive. If your phone has been dropped in water, this is quite possible - unplug the phone, remove the battery and wait until it dries.


When the phone reboots during activation GPS functions you need to do the following:

  1. Check how your mobile device works with a new SIM card. The problem of many modern smartphones- they do not function well with old SIM cards.
  2. If the reason lies in damage to the board associated with a fall mobile device, then specialists can solve this problem. It's better to take your phone to a service center.
  3. Try changing the memory card and check how the device works with the new drive.
  4. Restore your smartphone to its factory configuration.


Problem rebooting the device when turned on Bluetooth module more relevant for owners mobile devices NTS. To get rid of the problem, reflash your mobile gadget. In principle, you can not use this function at all, but this is not an option. Before flashing, try returning the factory settings, but it’s not certain that this will help (the author of the video is the CELLULAR REPAIR HELP channel).

If you want to turn off Bluetooth, it won't be easy to do. Due to the fact that due to a reboot the user has a few seconds to disconnect, he needs to act quickly. Turn off your smartphone and remove the SIM card and memory storage from it, this will help improve fast work device. This will give you about ten seconds to disable the feature.

When launching applications

This problem is more relevant for Nokia phones. The search for the cause and its elimination is carried out as follows:

  1. Turn off the phone with the button.
  2. Open back cover phone and remove the battery from it.
  3. Check if the battery is working.
  4. Wait about 15 minutes, then replace the battery.
  5. Turn on the phone, and then again launch the application that rebooted the smartphone when you entered it.
  6. If the problem persists, then you need to reflash the device.

To avoid this problem, try not to use registry cleaning apps. Also, do not install very large programs and in general only use official software(video filmed by the channel Master Android).

When connected to a PC

A problem when connecting to a computer may be due to malicious software. Diagnose your mobile device for viruses; if this does not help, reset the configuration to factory default or reflash the device. If there are no results, you should seek help from specialists.

As for scheduled reboots, to ensure normal operation smartphone should be diagnosed with date latest updates. It's about both about programs and operating system. If you own a Samsung phone, then try running safe mode on your phone. If the phone does not reboot after this, this indicates that the problem lies in the operation of one of the programs. Install an application on your phone to clean up unnecessary software; it should find the cause of the problem.

Sometimes owners of a particular smartphone encounter a problem: their Samsung phone reboots itself. This can happen during a conversation, when taking photographs, while listening to music, or working with certain applications.

In any case, the situation is quite unpleasant. And of course, I want to find out the real reason for this “behavior” of the phone. Let's try to figure out why Samsung constantly reboots.

Possible reasons

In general, the factors causing self-reboot phones are quite varied. The most common reasons are the following:

  • software glitch.

Incorrect operation of the software can cause regular reboots of the mobile phone. In this case, the problem can be solved only through a quality update;

  • moisture under the phone body.

Samsung constantly reboots even in cases where moisture gets under its case. It is important to thoroughly dry and clean your phone. Moreover, exposure to liquid can damage individual elements of the device that will need to be replaced;

  • failure of the signal power amplifier.

If such an amplifier breaks down, the phone begins to consume more energy, which as a result leads to regular reboots;

  • damage to the main board.

Samsung phone reboots itself when it is damaged printed circuit board. It can be damaged by moisture and impacts from impacts and falls. Such a malfunction in some cases results in a constant reboot of the device.

Let's sum it up

The reasons mentioned should be considered the most common. Their list can be supplemented:

  1. Battery failure;
  2. Mobile phone memory full, etc.

As a rule, you can independently determine the real reason, due to which Samsung constantly reboots, and, moreover, it is very difficult to eliminate it. Therefore for prompt solution problems, it is advisable to contact the service center.

Introduce youreself:

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Your question:

Enter the numbers in the picture and click “Submit”:

It happens that it reboots on its own, but occasionally

Good day, Sergey. This is a common problem with this model and requires diagnostics.

While working with one or another application, regardless of weight or requirements, the phone reboots itself every 10 minutes

Good afternoon, Alexander. Try replacing the battery.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

While the phone is charging, it turns on and works, but as soon as you disconnect the charger cord, the phone immediately starts rebooting without stopping

Good day, Dmitry. Try replacing the battery.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

Switches between different programs independently.

Hello, Sergey. Perhaps the problem is in the touchscreen, replacement costs 1700.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

Tell me please
The phone turns itself off when they call me, sometimes it reboots itself constantly until I remove the battery.

Hello, Yuri. There may be a problem with the battery.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

Constantly reboots and freezes.

Hello, Alexander. Most likely the flash memory is failing. As a rule, in such cases only the motherboard is replaced.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

Were repairs carried out for the reason described and what was eventually replaced? Thank you!
"The device periodically goes into reboot (I haven’t identified any patterns at what point or why), and it can reboot for up to 10 minutes (that is, it reaches the loading screen with Samsung inscription, freezes and reboots again). Several times I encountered the problem that after 5 minutes of such reboots, the phone stops doing anything at all, the blue light and black screen are on and does not respond to a forced reboot (power button + bottom button sound). And in this state it “lives” until the battery runs out (if this happened with the battery fully charged, then it’s a long story).”

Good day, Dmitry. If the device behaves like this, we replace the motherboard.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

Maxim Sergeevich October 18, 2017 - 17:05 samsung galaxy s6 edge SM-G925F 32 gb.

The phone constantly reboots, even flashing it doesn't help.

Good afternoon, Maxim Sergeevich. It is necessary to diagnose the device, it may have to be replaced motherboard. Diagnostics are carried out free of charge.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

The phone boots up and after 2 seconds. goes to reboot, flashing the firmware via odin did not give any results, how much will the repair cost?

Good afternoon, Vitaly. Bring your smartphone for diagnostics, we will estimate the cost of repairs and agree with you.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

Samsung phone reboots itself, how much will the repair cost?

Hello, Luda Moskaleva. Depending on the cause of the malfunction (specified during diagnostics), the cost of repair will be from 1300.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

The device periodically goes into reboot (I haven’t identified any patterns at what point or why), and it can reboot for up to 10 minutes (that is, it reaches the loading screen with the word Samsung, freezes and reboots again). Several times I encountered the problem that after 5 minutes of such reboots, the phone stops doing anything at all, the blue light and black screen are on and does not respond to a forced reboot (power button + bottom sound button). And in this state it “lives” until the battery runs out (if this happened with the battery fully charged, then it’s a long story).

Good afternoon, Polina. The problem may be in the battery, in which case it needs to be replaced, or in the memory chip, in which case you will have to change the motherboard. Need diagnostics.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

My phone started to slow down and now reboots frequently. Today I wrote that there was a problem with charging. What could it be and what is the price?

Hello, Love. There may be a problem with the battery, power circuits, or software. You need to bring it in for diagnostics.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.