How to increase the download speed of updates and reduce traffic consumption. How to force (speed up) OTA update on Android? How to speed up Android updates over the air

On the computers of most ordinary users, Windows updates are downloaded automatically from official Microsoft servers. This is indeed the safest way to update the system, but it is definitely not the fastest.

For example, many Linux distributions can connect and download updates not only from certain servers, but also from the computers of other users, both through a local network and over the Internet, through so-called peer-to-peer data transfer. And now Microsoft is introducing a similar option in Windows 10.

So, how to configure Windows 10 updates from multiple sources, including from your local network and the Internet.

  • find Windows 10 Update

To enable Windows 10 to receive updates from multiple sources, and not just from Microsoft servers, you first need to find the “Update Center”, where this option is configured.

To do this, go to “ Options " systems, then - to the section " Update and recovery «.

The first one to open by default is " Windows Update“If it hasn’t opened, then click on the corresponding tab and open it manually.

  • setting up Windows 10 updates from multiple sources

IN " Windows Update"(on the right side of the window) find and click " Extra options «.

Chapter " Choose how to install updates» opens automatically. At the very bottom of the window, click the link “ Choose how and when to receive updates «.

Everything is even simpler here. In the window " “As you can see, there is only one switch, which allows you to speed up the download of Windows 10 updates, as well as application updates, by downloading them from several different sources. Turn the switch to position " On "(this is the case if the option was previously disabled).

Let us clarify: if the “Updates from multiple places” option is enabled (the switch is in the “ On.") then the computer (laptop or tablet) will subsequently download Windows 10 updates not only from Microsoft servers, but also from other sources, in particular from other Windows 10 PCs connected to the same local network, or via the Internet from other remote PCs using peer-to-peer data transfer.

However, even if you enable " Updates from multiple places“, then by default Windows 10 updates will only be downloaded from other computers on your local network.

However, if (or when) you still want to receive updates from other computers available on the Internet, then in the “ Updates from multiple places"You must also enable the option " PC on the local network and PC on the Internet «.

Question: How can I speed up Windows updates?

Again, once again, I don’t know how many times I have to reinstall Windows. The process itself is not as complicated as what it should be - a tedious many-hour wait (damn your Redmod!) to download and install countless updates! And it seemed like I installed everything, rebooted, and there was just as much more!
I'm sick of it. Guys, how can you automate the installation of updates (download everything in advance NORMALLY and not through the stupid winUpdate and install it normally?). I found WHDownloader, but for some reason it does not show updates for Windows 8, only for 8.1, which I decided not to install.
Can you advise how to solve the problem?

Answer: I will support 9285 , I also wrote about the oddities of the built-in backup tool.

Question: Windows Update won't start

Good evening to all experts. Help me solve the Windows update problem. Today we had to restore their archive system. I restored the system and along the way installed programs that were not in the archive. I was about to install updates on Windows, but when you go to the control panel and select “Windows Update”, a window pops up: “Windows Update is currently unable to perform updates because this service is not running. I looked in “administration-services” and there is a download for this services automatically (delayed start). I tried to disable "automatically (delayed start)" and turn it on simply "automatically", but after reboot everything is the same. Tell me how to enable the service so that I can update the system.

Answer: Good afternoon, experts.
Problem #1. There was a problem on my computer - the wuauserv Update Center service disappeared. I managed to restore it using the “addition” to the registry, which was suggested in response to message No. 265470. I looked in “administration - services” - this service is there and it loads automatically (delayed start). But still, when you run “Search for Updates” in the Update Center, the window “Windows Update is currently unable to perform updates because this service is not running” pops up. The body file suggested above does not help, because... 1) of the listed libraries I have only wuaueng.dll, atl.dll,wups.dl,wups2.dll and 2) only one atl.dll is registered successfully (message regsvr32.exe), and for the rest the message "Module **" is displayed * loaded but DllRegisterServer entry point not found."
Problem #2. The above service works (when the system boots), but crashes with error 80072ee2 or 80072F78 (looked in the c:\Windows\WindowsUpdate log).
OS Windows Vista Home Premium SP2 32bit.
What can you recommend doing? I have a suspicion that somewhere I didn’t add something in the registry because in this case the interface “does not see” the performer (service). Thanks in advance for your answer.

Question: Windows Update: Update downloads: 0%

I updated to windows 10 (via the command line), it installed fine, but there was a problem with the updates. Windows Update actually finds the updates, but the download process is stuck at 0%.
There is quite a bit of information on this problem on the Internet, but still, the solutions I found did not help.
And one more problem: Windows Store freezes on the loading screen, but somehow I think that the center problem will solve the problem with the store.

Share your options for solving this problem.
I would be very grateful for any help or tips.


Message from vishnevsky10

It got up fine, the only problem is with the updates. Windows Update actually finds the updates, but the download process is stuck at 0%.

I'll tell you how I do it. This is not a guide to action.
The update service is disabled on all computers.

I download all updates manually and only once, and then install them offline everywhere without exception. Thus, I am always aware of what is happening with the system at the moment, and I am also sure that Windows on a work laptop will not drag some service pack from the Internet for half a gig via a 4G modem and then will not allow the computer to be turned off at the end of the working day.

The fact remains: on 6 of my computers, Windows is the same and flies like a whistle.

Regarding the store, I don’t know what it is, but I’m too lazy to Google. I don't understand the practical meaning of this thing.

Question: Updating Windows 10 via wsus to version 1607

Good day.
There are 60 machines in the local domain. Some of them are on win 7, some of them are win 10 pro (1511).
wsus is installed on the server. Group policies are the same on the server and on local machines. But machines running Win 7 consistently receive updates, but Win 10 gets the error “Windows Update was unable to check for updates, error code: 0x8024500C.”
Maybe someone can tell me how to solve this problem. Thank you in advance.

Answer: Thank you, but the server is updated daily. Windows Server R2 Standard 6.3.9600

Question: Correct installation of updates (Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 x64)

Hi all. There is a problem with the svchost.exe process after reinstalling Windows from scratch. The system image is not someone else's build, but pure MSDN from the Microsoft website. The image itself is downloaded from the tracker, but the hash sum from the Microsoft website matches the one on the tracker. Activation is carried out with a key. The problem itself can be solved by either installing kb3102810 or stopping and then disabling the Windows Update service. Since I myself prefer to keep the system up to date, I’m used to installing updates once a month and therefore it was decided to install kb3102810, which in turn solves the problem of a long search for updates. The update was installed, and surprisingly, the load on RAM and CPU by svchost.exe dropped, and the update center found 230 updates that were installed “safely” within 5 hours. But after the update, the same svchost.exe started doing its old thing again - I turned off the update service. But the updates did their job
1 - browsers freeze after a while and hang in memory and are not unloaded. The log entry says "Windows has detected that the registry file is in use by other applications or services. The file will now be unloaded. Applications or services that use the registry file may not function properly in the future.*"
2 - The update center finds updates, but does not want to download them.
3 - BSOD
What is the actual question: How to install these updates correctly when there are many of them, so that everything works after the update? Bring, so to speak, to a state where all the updates that are relevant to this day will be installed on the PC.
On a desktop PC with the Maximum edition, everything has been working for a couple of years, updates are installed without problems, and they were installed at the very beginning in large quantities.
I had to demolish the OS.
Thanks for the advice.

Answer: Snovi, for good reason: installed the OS (SP1) and forgot about the update (disabled).
There’s really nothing to update anymore.
support for the seven ended on January 13, 2015 and they are releasing... only security updates (what?).
Are you reading comments on this or that update? Surely not.

Question: I can’t enable Windows 7 update after disabling it

Good day to all!
There are big problems with the Sony Vaio vgn-nw2zrf laptop. About a year ago I turned off automatic Windows updates because... the processor worked 100% all the time (I know, I did something very stupid(((but this was the only solution to the problem that helped. And somehow I forgot to check for updates manually from time to time. Now programs cannot be launched as an administrator, I had to turn off this function to launch them; I can’t open some programs at all, the sound icon on the taskbar is not active no matter how much I press it. And it’s buggy, buggy all the time, it works slowly. but it doesn’t install them. Once for 2 hours it said “Failed to update. Cancel the update” when I turned it on, luckily it booted up later. I did a rollback for a month when this didn’t happen, but again I turned off updates through local services and set “stop”. ", but now I can’t start it. It won’t start in safe mode, I tried to create a section in the registry so that it would work in safe mode, but, alas. So in the update center there is “automatic update”, but in services it is disabled, I feel like that's the whole point. Avast antivirus, if necessary.
I will be very grateful if anyone can help!!!

Answer: Try downloading updates for the appropriate bitness of your Windows installation and manually installing

Question: Windows 7 takes forever to find updates

In this topic we discuss all problems with Windows Update

Before asking a question in this thread, please run some diagnostics.:
1. )
When asking a question, inform about the diagnostic results and attach \Windows\logs\CBS\checksur.log from step 2

Information on specific error codes:

Popular questions
  • The list of updates does not appear: Reinstall
  • The list of installed updates is not displayed:
  • The list of Windows updates is not displayed:
Informational resources

Answer: The Gunner,

1. Open a command prompt with Administrative rights. To do this, click the Start button > select All Programs > Accessories >
Right-click Command Prompt and select Run as administrator.
2. At the command prompt, type the following command and press ENTER:

Sfc /scannow

If at the end of the scan a message appears that not all files could be recovered, place C:\windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log in the archive.
If the files are restored, reboot and check for the problem.

Attach to the message C:\Windows\inf\ in the archive.

Question: Windows Update is enabled again, although I disabled it

I turn off Windows Update through Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Windows Update, but after a while it turns back on. Why? How to disable it once and for all?


Message from insect_87

try disabling it in services

I support.
It also wouldn’t hurt to look at the task scheduler to see if the update center is running on a schedule.

Virtual reality beckons so persistently that no one can avoid being in it.

Good afternoon, all those who are now reading my article, entitled: How to increase the speed of downloading updates and minimize the consumption of Internet traffic. First of all, I’ll say the most important thing: If you want to quickly download the next update (Update is a software update), and in World of Tanks it often tends to the 1 gigabyte mark, then simply leave the Internet alone for a few hours. If you prefer surfing the Internet or if your work depends on working in the blue nowhere, my article will help you kill two, albeit not the fattest, but still birds with one stone. So, let's begin.

World of Tanks uses a torrent session to download an update, which means you need to launch the uTorrent torrent client (or any other similar one, it matters little for you) and stop all, all, all downloads, and if necessary, then distributions too . Also, if you have a voracious antivirus installed on your computer, for example Avast, which is updated nine times a day, then it makes sense to update manually before downloading the update or, at worst, temporarily disable automatic updating, but only until the update is downloaded! It is important to note that if you really want to, it is quite possible to download one song.... two.... three..., oh, what am I doing! I don’t feel sorry for anything for myself! Download all foreign songs of the millennium torrent! And then you look and the update will 2020, and then another one will come out...

If you, like me, are a very happy owner of a USB modem that disconnects (turns off) whenever your heart desires or your network cable constantly falls out of the computer connector, then keep an eye on the adversary so that he does not replace the end of your wait with another the end. If your hard drive has dozens of power-hungry programs (except antivirus), then what time do you think they will all start updating? Right! While downloading an update! :)

Well, it seems like everything: the torrent was launched, the downloads were stopped, the antivirus and other software were updated, will it download soon? Yes, if not.....

"Download sausages torrent"

Vanka bought that one, now I watch Malakhov on the Internet every day!

Bottom line

So, let's make an emergency plan in case of updates to World of Tanks:
  • Launch the torrent client and stop all downloads and uploads
  • Manually update your antivirus
  • Limit yourself to downloading a couple of songs in MP3 format and photos of your favorite girl from Vkontakte.
  • Monitor your modem or cable if it periodically goes into oblivion
  • Keep pets away from the computer
  • Protect grandmothers and young children from accessing the Internet
  • Believe, hope, wait.

That's all, use the Internet wisely and enjoy!
Article prepared by: Ronnie778

A common phenomenon is that the computer begins to slow down, Windows takes ten minutes to start, and in order to wait for the browser to open you need to have good patience. In this article, we'll talk about the easiest ways to speed up your computer running Windows 10, Windows 8.1 and 7.

The instructions are intended primarily for novice users who have not previously thought about how various MediaGet, Zona, Mail.Ru agent or other software affect the speed of operation, and like to install numerous programs that speed up the computer or are designed to clean it. But of course, these are not the only possible reasons for a slow computer that I will discuss here. Anyway, let's get started.

The first and main reason why a computer takes a long time to boot (that is, until the moment when you can finally launch something in Windows), and also runs wildly slowly for novice users, is a huge number of different programs that start automatically when Windows starts. The user may even know about them, but consider them necessary and not attach much importance to them. However, even a modern PC with a bunch of processor cores and a significant amount of RAM can begin to seriously slow down if you do not monitor what exactly is in startup.

Almost all programs that start automatically when you log into Windows continue to run in the background during your session. However, not all of them are needed there. Typical examples of programs that should not be kept in startup if speed is important to you and you need to remove computer brakes:

  • Printer and scanner programs - if you print from Word and other document editors, scan through some of your own programs, the same Word or a graphics editor, then not all programs from printer, MFP or scanner manufacturers are not needed in startup - all necessary functions will work and without them, and if you need any of these utilities, just run it from the list of installed programs.
  • Torrent clients - not everything is so simple here, but in general, if you don’t constantly have a lot of files to download, you don’t need to keep uTorrent or another client in startup: when you decide to download something, it will start on its own. The rest of the time, it interferes with work, constantly working with the hard drive and using traffic, which in total can have an undesirable effect on performance.
  • Computer cleaning utilities, USB scanners and other utility programs - if you have an antivirus installed, then it is enough in the list of automatically downloaded programs (and if not installed, install it). All other programs that are designed to speed up and protect everything at startup are not needed in the vast majority of cases.

To remove programs from startup, you can use standard OS tools. For example, in Windows 10 and Windows 8.1, you can right-click on “Start”, open the task manager, click the “More details” button (if displayed), and then go to the “Startup” tab and see what is there and there disable startup programs.

Many of the necessary programs that you install can automatically add themselves to the startup list: Skype, uTorrent and others. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad. A slightly worse, but more common situation is when you quickly install the desired program by clicking the “Next” button, agree with all the “Recommended” items and, in addition to the program itself, purchase a certain amount of software junk that is distributed in this way. These are not viruses - just various software that you do not need, but still appears on your PC, runs automatically and sometimes is not so easy to remove (for example, all sorts of Sputnik).

Remove malware

Many users do not even realize that there is something wrong with their computer and they are unaware that it is slowing down due to the presence of malicious and potentially unwanted programs on it.

Many, even excellent, antiviruses do not pay attention to this kind of software. But you should pay attention to it if you are not satisfied with loading Windows and launching programs for several minutes.

The easiest way to quickly see if malware is causing your computer's slow performance is to run a scan using the free AdwCleaner or Malwarebytes Antimalware utilities and see what they find. In many cases, simply cleaning with these programs will significantly improve the apparent performance of the system.

Programs to speed up your computer

Many people are familiar with various kinds of programs that promise to speed up Windows. These include CCleaner, Auslogics Boostspeed, Razer Game Booster - there are many similar tools.

Is it worth using such programs? If I say about the last one that it’s probably not, then about the first two - yes, it’s worth it. But in the context of speeding up the computer, only in order to manually perform some of the points that were described above, namely:

  • Remove programs from startup
  • Remove unnecessary programs (for example, using the uninstaller in CCleaner)

And finally, programs that “speed up the computer” that are in startup and their work in the background lead to a decrease in performance, and not vice versa.

Remove all unnecessary programs

For the same reasons as described above, your computer may have a large number of completely unnecessary programs. In addition to those that were accidentally installed, downloaded from the Internet and long forgotten as unnecessary, the laptop may also contain programs that the manufacturer installed there. Don't think that all of them are necessary and useful: you don't need various McAfee, Office 2010 Click-to-Run and various other pre-installed software, except for what is intended directly for managing laptop hardware. And it is installed on the computer upon purchase only because the manufacturer receives money from the developer for it.

To see a list of installed programs, go to the Windows Control Panel and select Programs and Features. With this list you can remove everything you don't use. In some cases it is better to use special ones.

Update Windows and video card drivers

If you have licensed Windows, then I would recommend installing all updates automatically, which can be configured in Windows Update (although, by default, it is already installed there). If you continue to use an illegal copy, then I can only say that this is not the wisest choice. But you are unlikely to believe me. One way or another, in your case, updates, on the contrary, are undesirable.

Install SSD

If you're wondering whether to upgrade your RAM from 4GB to 8GB (or other options), buy a new graphics card, or do anything else to make your computer run faster, I strongly recommend that you buy an SSD drive instead of a regular hard drive.

You may have seen phrases like “SSD is the best thing that can happen to your computer” in publications. And today this is indeed the case; the increase in work speed will be obvious. More details - .

Unless you need an upgrade solely for games and in order to increase FPS, it would be more reasonable to purchase a new video card.

Clean your hard drive

Defragment your hard drive

Attention: I think this item is now outdated. Modern Windows 10 and Windows 8.1 defragment the hard drive in the background when you're not using the computer, but SSDs don't need defragmentation at all. On the other hand, the procedure will not harm.

If you have a regular hard drive (not an SSD) and quite a lot of time has passed since the system was installed, and programs and files have been installed and uninstalled, then defragmenting the disk can speed up your computer a little. In order to use it, in the Explorer window, right-click on the system disk, select “Properties”, then the “Tools” tab, and on it click the “Defragmentation” button (“Optimize” in Windows 8). This process can take a long time, so you can run defragmentation before leaving for work or an educational institution and everything will be ready when you arrive.

Setting up the swap file

In some cases, it makes sense to configure the Windows paging file yourself. The most common of these cases is a laptop with 6-8 GB of RAM or more with an HDD (not SSD). Considering that hard drives on laptops are traditionally slow, in the described situation, to increase the speed of the laptop, you can try disabling the page file (with the exception of certain work scenarios - for example, professional photo and video editing).


So, the final list of what you can do to speed up your computer:
  • Remove all unnecessary programs from startup. Leave the antivirus and perhaps Skype or another communication program. Torrent clients, NVidia and ATI control panels, various bells and whistles included in Windows builds, programs for printers and scanners, cameras and phones with tablets - all this and much more is not needed in startup. The printer will work, KIES can be launched anyway, the torrent will start automatically if you decide to download something.
  • Remove all unnecessary programs. Not only startup software contains software that affects the speed of the computer. Numerous Yandex Defenders and Satellites, unnecessary programs that were pre-installed on the laptop, etc. - all this can also affect the speed of the computer, having system services running for its work and in other ways.
  • Update Windows and video card drivers.
  • Delete unnecessary files from your hard drive, free up more space on your system HDD. There is no point in storing terabytes of already watched movies and images with game discs locally.
  • Install an SSD if possible.
  • Configure the Windows swap file.
  • Defragment your hard drive. (unless it's an SSD).
  • Do not install multiple antiviruses. One antivirus and that’s it, don’t install additional “utilities for checking flash drives”, “anti-Trojans”, etc. Moreover, a second antivirus - in some cases this leads to the fact that the only way to make the computer work normally is to reinstall Windows.
  • Check your computer for viruses and malware.
See also -

I hope these tips will help someone and allow you to speed up your computer without reinstalling Windows, which is often resorted to at any hint of “slowness.”