Google cloud. Google Drive cloud: getting started. reasons to store files in Google Cloud

Hello, dear readers and visitors of my blog, I am very glad that you took a moment to visit me. Continuing the topic computer literacy, I want to talk today about ways to store information in our age of insane technological progress. Do you know Google cloud? You will probably agree with me that, despite the abundance of gadgets and sophisticated technology, we suffer from a lack of memory. Moreover, in every sense.

Remember how it was before: a family photo involved a trip to a photo studio, everyone was smart, smart, an exciting atmosphere and all that. There were few photographs, but the owner of the album could tell with accuracy even many years later when each of them was taken.

Now the situation is the opposite: you can take photographs not only with a camera, which (and more than one!) is in every family, but also with a tablet, mobile phone, video camera. Pictures have lost their meaning, they are digitized and stored in computer folders, rarely viewed and even less often printed. Ultimately, they all take up space on your computer's hard drive.

Please note that you need to download the version for your computer (if you are installing Google Cloud on your PC).

That's all, actually. The program will start on its own; if not, run it manually:

To get started, just click the “Get Started” button and click “Next” after you enter your username and password in the required window. You can work!

Synchronized swimming

For convenient use online storage will create special folder to store files on your computer and synchronizes its work with the cloud. Synchronization with Android occurs in the same way, you just need to install a special program on your phone and press the “sync” button.

If you wish, you can dig deeper into the advanced settings, but, to be honest, you are unlikely to find anything interesting for yourself there.

How to use the program becomes clear after installation: the desktop pleases with a fresh icon - the Google Drive folder. With its help you can manage the contents of the cloud. The storage will be accessible from any device that has the appropriate software installed.

This way, it’s much easier to transfer photos or videos from one device to another: you just need to drop the contents into the Google Drive folder, and then log in from another gadget and copy what you need into memory. The 15 gigabyte capacity is large enough to allow your imagination to run wild and provides data storage.

Google Drive is good not only because it allows other users to view your documents, but also because it allows you to regulate access levels, from viewing to making edits, comments, and editing documents.

The service assumes the following degrees of “trust”, which can be changed at any time at your own discretion:

  • Reading involves only third-party viewing without the right to change anything.
  • Commenting - accordingly, people who have received access can express their opinion about what they saw, but they have no right to change anything.
  • And finally, the highest degree of trust is editing with the right to change settings, including access.


If you drag all the files you want to share into one folder on Disk and click on it right click mouse, a menu will open in which you need to select the “sharing” item - this way you will open the folder for other users.

Who it will be is up to you to decide, just indicate their email addresses in the appropriate line and indicate the access level. The signal that the work is completed will be a click on the button. "Ready". For each of the above email addresses a notification will come.


In the Google Drive app, select the file you want to send to someone.

Click Menu icon next to the file or folder. It looks like three dots located vertically on top of each other. In the drop-down menu, select the item "Access", just like on a computer, specify the addresses Email those for whom you open the documents and click "send".

It should be noted that even with open access to a shared folder, only authorized users will be able to edit documents.

Defend yourself, sir!

We are all adults, so we must be aware that files placed in online storage can become public property. strangers, so you should take care of protection:

  • Lock your password important folders and files. Even if the account is hacked, the attackers will have to pick up additional passwords to documents;
  • If you know how to work with archives, this will make the task much easier: create an encrypted archive, select strong password and sleep peacefully;
  • You can install the BoxCryptor application and use it to create secret folder for storing files.

Let me note that Google provides all utilities for working with Drive for free, just use it.

I want to make a reservation right away: mobile office - This is the main difference between the Google service and other similar ones. With its help, you get access and the ability to work with your documents anywhere in the world where there is Internet access. It is to work, and not just to store. Those. – edit, insert documents into websites and blogs, create new ones and share with friends.

And - back side medals, the opportunity to work outside the office, being many miles away from colleagues, to complete a joint project, make changes and edit documents without personal presence.

When people personally ask me why I need Google Drive, what it even is, I answer that it is limitless possibilities, freedom and communication, storage that is always at hand without the risk that something inside the computer will short out and leave me with nothing. Anyone who has a sad experience similar to mine will understand me as soon as they open the Google Drive folder.

I hope that I convinced you and explained the possibilities in an accessible way. free storage documents for personal cloud. If you are still in doubt, just try it, I assure you, you will like it, especially since you have nothing to lose. If you have questions, ask, I will try to answer them.

if you have interesting topics for discussion - suggest it, we'll talk. I'm glad to hear from everyone, so come, invite your friends, share links to my blog on social networks and subscribe if you are interested in me. See you again! Bye bye!

Best regards, Roman Chueshov

Read: 246 times

Greetings, friends! Cloud storage is very popular now. Their main purpose is to store and access information from any device at any time, as well as the ability to share this information (documents, photographs, and other files) with other people. In addition, popular cloud services provide a number of other useful functions for users – creating and working with documents online, sharing, etc.

On my blog I have already posted instructions on two large cloud services - and. And I dedicate today’s article to one more thing - Google Drive y ( Google Drive). Until recently, I didn’t use it so actively - I mainly relied on Yandex.Disk. But, due to recent events, I started thinking about backup options.

I suggest you understand the interface and main functions of Google Drive. Let's talk about how to use it - upload and provide access to files and folders, perform other actions on files, work with documents and applications online.

If you prefer video format, then you can view my detailed lesson below:

How to log into Google Drive?

The disk is linked to your Google account, and to get inside the cloud, you need to log in to your account - enter your login (gmail) and password.

You can access Drive from this page

Or go from mail by clicking on the “Google Apps” icon at the top right.

How much disk space?

15 GB are provided for free. This space is divided into files on the disk itself, files and letters in Gmail, as well as Google Photos. By the way, the latter automatically includes images that you upload to posts in social network Google plus. You can remove them from Google Photos so that they don’t take up space, but they remain in your posts.

If you need more space, it can be purchased for money. There are a few tariff plans with monthly or annual payment up to 30 TB of memory.

You can also have several Google accounts and each will have its own disk with free space.

Cloud storage interface

Let's go over the main sections, buttons and Google settings Disk.

Via the “Create” button in the left top corner you can upload files and folders from your computer to your disk. And also create folders and documents directly in the cloud. You can create text documents, tables, presentations with slides, Google Forms (for surveys, questionnaires, recording Skype consultations), drawings, maps and websites.

Below this button is panel with the main Disk partitions.

In the "My Drive" section contains all files and folders uploaded to the cloud, as well as documents and folders that you created in the cloud.

By selecting a particular file/folder with the mouse, you can perform various actions on it; I’ll talk about this later. To select multiple files at once, hold Ctrl key on the keyboard and click on the desired files.

The display of files on Disk can be sorted by name, by date of modification, by date of viewing.

In the "Available to me" section files from Google Drives of other users to which you have access are displayed - for example, you followed a link to this file, or you were sent an invitation with access. To open a file, double-click on it.

In the "Recent" section– files that you have recently worked with (opened, downloaded, edited, etc.) are displayed.

Google Photos section– Images you've uploaded to the Google Photos app appear here. Also, pictures uploaded to posts on Google Plus are automatically saved here. You can get into the application itself by clicking on the Google applications icon from disk, mail, home page Google Chrome browser.

In the application settings, you can put a useful checkbox so that photos and videos do not take up extra space in storage.

To do this, go to Google Photos, click on three vertical stripes top left, go to settings.

And check the appropriate box:

"Tagged" section– files and folders that you mark as important to you go here. Marking is very simple - select the file, right-click, and select “Add mark” from the list that opens. To remove a file from “Marked”, right-click again and select “Unmark”.

Basket- it contains files that you delete from your Google Drive. The Recycle Bin can be emptied, then the files are permanently deleted. You can also restore any file from the Recycle Bin by selecting it with the mouse and clicking “Recover from Recycle Bin”.

There are several more useful icons in the upper right corner of Google Drive.

You can configure the display of files in the cloud as a list or grid. By clicking on the letter “i” in the circle, you can view the history of your actions on the disk, as well as the properties of any file by selecting it with the mouse. Clicking on the gear will open additional list tabs.

In the "Settings" tab:

You can change the interface language.
Enable offline access (saving Google documents to your computer to work with them without an Internet connection). On this issue, you can read the separate instructions.
Disable automatic download photos from Google Photos to a folder on disk.
Choose an interface option – spacious, regular or compact.

There are also alert settings.

And the ability to connect different applications Google to your drive.

Clicking on the tab “Install disk on computer”, you can download the application for PC, as well as for smartphones on Android or iPhone. Here, keep in mind that the PC application is synchronized with the online cloud and all files end up on your computer, taking up space. Since this does not suit me, I prefer to use only the web interface. The only advantage of synchronization is the ability to quickly send a file big size to the cloud or save all files from the cloud to your computer at once, and then disable synchronization.

Actions on files and folders in Google Drive

To upload files and folders from your computer to the cloud The "Create" button is used. You click on it and select the corresponding menu item - a window for selecting files on your computer will open. To select multiple files at once, hold down the Ctrl key.

When the file is selected, click on the “Open” button, and it will begin downloading to Disk. Information about the process will appear in the lower right corner.

An alternative download option is to minimize the Google Drive tab to a smaller window and drag files from your computer to the “My Drive” section with your mouse.

You can do a number of things with files, folders, and documents on the drive. To do this, select the desired file (or several) with the mouse and right-click. A list of available actions appears. The same actions are duplicated on the panel above.

The contents of the file can be viewed by clicking " Preview" If you want to edit the document, then select "Open with". The drive will offer you an application through which you can open the file.

To open the contents of a folder– click on it 2 times. You can perform all the same actions on files and documents in a folder.

You can give access to any file, folder or document on the disk to another person. To set up sharing, click on the corresponding menu item.

In the window that opens, you need to enter the gmail email of the person to whom you want to give access. Click on the pencil icon to indicate the access type. This can be commenting, viewing and editing.

If you have granted commenting or viewing access, you can prevent the user from downloading, copying, or printing the file. Just tick the boxes you need. Don't forget to save your changes.

Then click "Submit". The user will receive a letter informing them that you have granted them access to the files. He will see this file on his disk in the “Available to me” section.

To block access, you again need to right-click on this file, select “Sharing”. In the window that opens, click on the user name.

Access is denied, the user will see this message:

You can also configure access settings. The default is view. Also, using the link, the user will be able to download the file or save it to his disk. You can also enable commenting or editing.

If you click “More”, you will see other settings. For example, you can enable access for absolutely any user on the Internet, that is, the file will be available through search. Or disable access via a link and send an invitation for shared access to a specific user via email (we discussed this process above).

The next point of action on files is "Move". It can be used to move files into folders. This is convenient if you have a lot of files and want to organize them. You can also move files by dragging them with the mouse.

Creating folders on disk is easy. Click on the “Create” – “New Folder” button.

By the way, you can change the color of the folders.

Paragraph "Add a note" useful if you want to add favorite files to the "Tagged" section for quick access to them.

Paragraph "Rename" will allow you to change the name of a file or folder.

Paragraph "Show Properties"– to view the properties of a file and the history of actions on it.

Paragraph "Versions"– it is available for those files that you upload to Disk.

Let's say you downloaded an archive of materials from your computer and shared a link to it with subscribers. Then you needed to make edits to this archive, you downloaded it to your computer again and edited it. Then we re-uploaded it to Disk with the same name so that the link to the archive did not change. By the way, when downloading again, you can choose how to save this file - separately (the link to it will change), or as new version, which will replace the previous one.

However, the previous version will not be deleted immediately (by default, it is saved on disk for another 30 days). But, you can delete it manually or check the box to previous versions were not deleted. This is done precisely through this “Versions” item.

The remaining actions on the files: create a copy, download it to your computer and delete it in the trash. By the way, to delete a file in the trash, you can drag it with the mouse to this section on Google Drive.

So, we figured out the main points of the Google Drive web interface. Now a few words how to download to your computer or save to disk a file that was shared with you via a link from another Google Drive.

If you followed the link and are logged in to your Google account, then you will see a Google Drive icon at the top, by clicking on which you can save this file to your disk. Nearby there is an arrow for downloading the file to your computer.

Well, I hope my Google Drive instructions will help you navigate the settings and functionality of this cloud service. Well, if you still have questions, I will be happy to answer them in the comments.

I wish you success!

Best regards, Victoria Karpova

IN Lately not only computer technologies are rapidly developing, but also mobile technologies. In this regard, a very pressing question arose safe storage relatively large amounts of information. And it is for this purpose that many IT corporations offer users of any type of device the use of so-called cloud services. How to use the cloud and services included in basic set any developer will now be considered.

What is cloud storage?

First, let’s define what kind of service this is. Roughly speaking, this file storage in the form of allocated disk space to the company providing such services.

In other words, in a sense, it can be called a kind of virtual flash drive on which a certain amount of data is placed. However, if you need to constantly carry a USB device with you to access downloaded information, then such a service (for example, the Mail.Ru cloud or the corresponding Google service) can be accessed from both a computer and a mobile device. That is, the files are synchronized in the cloud itself, and you can view or download them simply by entering your registration data (although in some cases this is not required).

Quite a lot has already been written about how to use the cloud. Now let’s pay attention to some main points, and also consider the simplest principles of its use, explaining the situation in detail.

Most popular services

It goes without saying that initially, to use such storages, you need to decide on a service provider, that is, choose the most suitable service for yourself

Today you can find quite a lot of such services. The most popular are the following:

Before we figure out how to use each type of cloud, it should be noted that these services are somewhat uneven when compared to each other. The fact is that some repositories can be accessed exclusively from a computer terminal, while others require synchronization of both computers and mobile devices. Sometimes you may need a specialized application that plays the role of a kind of conductor, sometimes just an Internet browser is enough.

The same applies to freely allocated disk space for storing your files, as well as payment for additional volume for remote server. In any case, most services are very similar to each other.

What should you pay attention to before starting work?

Now let's look at some important points, without which the use of cloud services is out of the question.

The very first and most important thing is pre-registration, and in some cases it is absolutely unimportant whether it will be done via the Internet using a regular browser or a special computer or mobile application. The whole process takes a few minutes.

Benefit from stationary systems Mobile devices with operating systems installed on them differ. The fact is that when you turn it on for the first time, to access some advanced functions or stores like AppStore or Google Play (Play Market) the system initially prompts you to create an account (registered email address and password). Moreover, your smartphone or tablet already has pre-installed application for working with cloud services. For convenience, you can install their desktop counterparts on a computer or laptop (although access can also be obtained through a browser).

Allocable disk space

Another important point- the amount of disk space that the user initially receives in free version. Typically, the volume is different services ranges from 5 to 50 GB. If this is not enough, you will have to increase the storage capacity and pay for it a certain amount, which includes the cost of purchasing a larger volume and maintenance over a certain period of use, which, by the way, can also vary.

General principles

As for how to use the cloud in the broadest sense, everything is quite simple. After registration, the user only needs to add folders and files, contacts and much more to the storage.

At the same time, in the settings section, he can add friends who, like him, will upload files to the server or edit them (the simplest example is Dropbox). Often new users can use own passwords to login.

But here's what's interesting. When installing special program On a computer, access to files in the cloud is much faster than when launching the same Internet browser. The same can be said about synchronization. It is enough to place the files in the application folder, and synchronization will be performed instantly for all users who have access rights to the service. Let's look at the most popular storage facilities.

Cloud Mail.Ru

So, as mentioned above, you will first need to create an email box, after entering which the panel at the top in the projects tab will display cloud service. This is the Mile cloud. How to use it? As easy as pie.

Initially, 25 GB of disk space is offered. carried out using the corresponding button, which can be used to add several objects at once. The limitation concerns only the size of the uploaded file - it should not exceed 2 GB. Before starting the download, you can use additional functions, for example, create and then just as easily files can be moved and deleted. Please note: it does not have a “Trash”, as in the same Yandex service, so restore deleted information will not work.

The function of creating, viewing or editing files can be very useful. Let's say we have Word document(or it is created directly in the repository). Changing it directly in the cloud can be as easy as if the user were launching the editor on a computer. Upon completion of work, we save the changes, after which synchronization occurs again.

Yandex cloud: how to use?

With the Yandex service, in principle, things are almost identical. The functional set, in general, does not differ much.

But the developers of this service thought that the user could delete files completely by accident. This is where the so-called “Trash” comes to the rescue, into which information is placed when deleted. It works like a standard computer service. True, data recovery tools are not applicable to it if they have already been deleted from the Recycle Bin. Nevertheless, the function is very useful.

Google Drive storage

Now let's move on to another powerful service called Google Cloud. How to use Google Drive? Fundamental differences compared to other services, no. But here access can be obtained both from a mobile device (built-in service) and using a utility installed on a computer (not to mention logging in via an Internet browser). With a phone or tablet everything is simple, let’s look at the computer program.

We assume that the account has already been created. After activation, the user receives 5 GB of storage. An increase to 25 GB will cost approximately 2.5 USD. We install the application on the computer, after which the service folder appears on the Desktop (it is also displayed in Explorer).

As is already clear, just place the files in this directory and synchronization will occur. During operation, the program “hangs” in the system tray as an icon. Right click calls extra menu, where you can view the available space for downloading files, make personalized settings, expand storage space, shut down, etc.

One point is especially worth noting here. As it turns out, copy the files to the program folder on your computer, and then download them from the cloud to mobile device It turns out to be much faster than connecting the gadget to a computer and then copying using Windows.

iCloud and iCloud Drive services

Finally, let's see how to use Apple cloud. There are two services (iCloud and iCloud Drive) that are pre-installed on the iPhone or iPad in accordance with the version of the operating system installed on the device. Essentially, iCloud Drive is updated version iCloud, and for it correct operation I should take into account that mobile gadget must correspond to the stated technical requirements: iOS 8 on the device itself. Computer - Windows 7 or higher with iCloud extension for Windows or computer terminal with Mac OS X 10.10 or OS X Yosemite.

Initially, after logging into the service, folders created by default will be displayed there. Their number may vary depending on the settings of the computer and the client on mobile device. How to use the cloud on iPhone? In principle, there is nothing supernatural about this. It is enough to launch the application on the gadget (switch the launch slider to the on state) and log in using account. It’s another matter when the input is supposed to be from a computer. Here you will need to use the settings menu of the program itself and select enable there.

Another minus - enough low speed synchronization (this is recognized by everyone). And one more, most unpleasant moment. If you switch from iCloud to iCloud Drive without updating all devices to the required configuration, the data in the old cloud will simply not be accessible, so be vigilant.


That’s briefly all that concerns the question of how to use the Cloud application or services of the same name. Of course, not all the possibilities of such services are considered here, but, so to speak, only general principles(basics) of work. However, even with such minimal knowledge, any newly registered user will be able to carry out basic operations within 5-10 minutes.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site! I am opening a series of publications dedicated to cloud storage, which allows you to store files on disk space and work with your documents not only with home computer, but also from any suitable electronic device(for example, from a tablet). This is very convenient when you are away from home and do not have access to your main computer.

I'll probably start with the cloud. Google Drive, which is one of the many products of the almighty Google. Of course, the Google service has quite worthy and real competitors in the form of the same Yandex Disk, Dropbox, Skydrive, which we will certainly talk about in more detail.

Perhaps a comparison of their capabilities will help guide your choice in favor of one of these cloud storage services according to your preferences. As you know, there is no ideal in the world; each of them has both pros and cons. This is no exception.

Logging into Google Drive and reviewing the service's capabilities

First, let's see how you can switch to your Google Drive account. Login is easy and simple by going to the page True, first you must log into your . You can also go to Google Drive by clicking on the corresponding icon in the upper right corner after logging into your account:

To determine the opportunities that cloud storage from Google provides us, we find in the lower left corner home page "Settings" link. If you move the cursor over it, a tooltip will appear with brief information about general use free space at the moment:

If you click on this link, you will be redirected to a page where more information is given detailed information By this issue and you can choose tariff plans:

General disk space, which is available in Google Drive as a free plan, is quite solid, and equals 15 GB. But we must keep in mind that the proposed space is divided for files that will be stored on three services: Google Drive, GMail mail and Google+ Photos.

However, judging by the information located just below, the restriction does not apply to all files. For example, tables, documents and presentations do not take up disk space. The same applies to photos located in Google+ Photos. Space is limited only for images larger than 2048x2048 pixels.

If you need more storage space for your folders, emails, photographs and free plan is not enough, then you have several paid tariff plans at your service from which you can choose the appropriate one. You can find out more about the rules for storing files on Google Drive on this support page. A short video will complement the information:


Working in the online version of Google Drive

Now let's see what actions you can perform in your Google account Drive using operating functions. On the left side after logging into your account there is a menu that offers various useful promotions directly in online mode. For example, by clicking on the red button with an upward arrow, we download files or even entire folders from the computer.

By clicking on the nearby red “Create” button, select from the drop-down list the type of future object you need (folder, document, presentation, table, form, drawing):

Please note that if necessary, it is possible to connect additional application, I’ll say more about this below. So, select the desired item from the menu and begin creating your creation. For example, in Drive Google it’s easy to create a table in the style of Excel, albeit not as sophisticated as in the original program:

Once you have created the documents and uploaded necessary files, the account will look like this:

The “All Items” tab will provide files included in the “My Drive” folder and others, including those that are shared. You can also use the menu to filter them and select those that are only available to you, marked as important, recently created, and placed in the trash. By going to the Trash, you can empty it by permanently deleting it unnecessary files.

To mark a document as important, simply click on the star icon next to it. If you tick any of the elements (to select all elements, you need to check the Heading option), then a panel will appear at the top with options that allow you to certain actions with the selected file or document.

When you click on the picture depicting a plus man, settings are made sharing to this object:

If you check the second option, then those to whom you provide it will follow the above link to the file with the document. Here you can define the actions that will be allowed. In this case, select the required settings from the menu (editing, commenting, reading). Then everyone who received the link will have access to the file, but they will first have to log in to Google.

If you would like to post it in open form some file for downloading or review ( share from English share - share, share), then put a mark next to the option "to everyone on the Internet". Then all users, without exception, will have the opportunity to get to it, and authorization in in this case need not.

In addition to the above, it is possible to invite as editors certain persons by entering their names or email addresses. If you click on the bottom “Change” link, you can determine whether they have the right to change access settings:

In the same menu that appears after checking the box, you can move the marked file to another folder, delete it by throwing it in the trash, and also view its contents. Moving to right side interface of the Google Drive window, where there is another panel with settings:

If an object is marked, an icon appears with Latin letter“i”, by clicking on it you get full information about this file or document, including its description, location (in which folder it is located), access rights, and editing history by time and date.

The next two buttons allow you to determine how files are displayed in your Google Drive account (as a list or table) similar to how it is done in Windows interface. Finally, if you call the drop-down menu from the depths of the button with the image of a gear, you can customize the document interface by selecting the appropriate item, configure loading and shortcut keys.

Separately, I would like to dwell on the management of applications, which I mentioned at the beginning of this section. By clicking on the corresponding line, you will get a list of applications installed by default (the same list, if you remember, can be found in the left menu):

For each application there is a button that allows you to view its settings. But it happens that you need to add to existing functionality additional features. In this case, click on the “Connect other applications” link, then select from the list provided:

If you know the name of the application, you can try to find it using search. Drive into search bar the right combination letters, press the “Enter” button on the keyboard and feel a surge of satisfaction that the desired program has been found. For example, I use it extensively when working with a website, so I decided to use it in Google Drive.

To connect the application to Google Drive, click the button of the same name and, voila, the procedure is completed, which you will immediately be aware of:

Please note that by default there will be a check mark that activates the option that sets Pixlr app default for files that are opened with it. In principle, this checkbox can be left unchecked. Simply, if any image was created using this program, it is quite logical to assume that its editing will be done in it.

How to install Google Drive on your computer

As you may have noticed, online version is quite self-sufficient and provides quite wide range possible actions. However, in order to make the most of the functionality and view the contents of folders created in Drive on your computer, which will be synchronized with Google Drive, it does not hurt to install the program. To do this, click on the corresponding icon at the very bottom of the left menu:

Immediately after this it will appear Nice picture with the “Install on PC” button. Click on it and download to your computer installation file. The installation will proceed quickly, after which you will receive a message informing you that it is complete. Then you need to go to next steps. First of all, find the “Google Drive” folder from the list of programs. Say, for the Windows7 operating system this list is located in the Start menu:

As you can see, the folder includes 4 elements (Docs, Drive, Sheets and Slides). Click on the “Drive” line and log in to the corresponding Google account by entering your username and password:

I've been using it for a long time two-step authentication when logging into your account if you also apply this effective remedy security, you will have to enter the security code received via SMS:

Personally, I try not to place folders third party software to drive C, where I have the operating system files. Therefore, I used the “Advanced settings” option and selected drive D:

Now click on the “Synchronize” button to complete the process. As a result, the Google Drive folder will open, where all the folders and files you created in online service and uploaded there:

Needless to say, once the synchronization is complete, any changes to files or folders you make on your computer will be reflected in your account. cloud storage. For example, you can edit access settings in the same way as in a Google Drive cloud account. To do this, you just need to click on the selected file and click “Open access” from the context menu:

As a result, you either deny access to outsiders this file or folder, or, conversely, share it for downloading or reading. In general, I have already described in detail the process of setting up access above in the text. When working with objects on a computer, it is completely identical. After installing the application and completing synchronization, the Google Drive logo will immediately appear in the notification panel (tray):

To open the context menu, simply click on the logo once with the left mouse button. In this case, you can select the action you need, including editing settings and opening Google folders Disk.

In conclusion, I note that the program provides for some system requirements: this application available for operating rooms Windows systems and Mac OS, for iPhone and iPad (iOS 5.0 and above later versions), as well as devices on Android based. Help videos (with captions in Russian).

Hello, friends! Uploading a file to the Google Drive cloud is quite simple, but many beginners do not know why and how to do it. This article will show this work in practice, it will show how to get a link to an uploaded file, and it will show how you can delete unnecessary files from the cloud.

Mailing of lettersand why save files in the cloud

If you are engaged Email newsletter letters or are planning to do this, then this article is for you. In it we will look at the question of why you need to use the Google Drive cloud to store those files that you are going to give to people for a subscription. The same applies to those information products that you are going to sell.

The fact is that since the summer of 2017, Ukraine has prohibited its citizens from using Yandex, some social networks and other resources. For example, my information products were located on Yandex disk. After subscribing, a person living in Ukraine simply could not download anything from the Yandex cloud. As a result, angry letters were written to me saying that I had deceived people. That is, people subscribed, but were unable to download the book or video course.

Plus, you can create your presentations directly from Google Drive. How to do this is shown in the article “”. As you can see, the Google cloud has many interesting and useful functions, despite the fact that not all of them are shown. I hope it will be useful for you to know how to use Google Drive. Good luck to you!

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