Creating bookmarks in the Google Chrome browser. Where is the Google Chrome folder on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and Android

There are situations when you need to copy the Google Chrome profile folder. You may need to transfer your Chrome profile if you need to uninstall and reinstall the Chrome browser or completely reinstall the system. There may also be other emergency situations, we are spy software, we must know where passwords and other interesting things are stored)

Therefore, if you use the Chrome browser, it would be useful to know where the profile folder is located, in which all browser settings, bookmarks, extensions, and of course saved passwords are saved. By the way, you can find out more about where Google Chrome passwords are stored and how to retrieve them in our other article “”.

The default profile is called Default. But if you have ever created, added or edited profiles, it may be called differently. You can find out which profile the currently open browser belongs to using the command:


We type this command into the address bar of the browser and press enter.

After which detailed information will appear, in which you will find the path of the current profile.

You can copy the entire path and paste it into the address bar of Explorer.

Chrome browser profiles are located in the folder

In the Windows operating system, the folder in which Google Chrome saves all data is hidden by default. Therefore, first you need.

Instead of spysoftnet your username.

Google Chrome Windows folder

C:\Users\spysoftnet\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default

Google Chrome Linux folder


Google Chrome Mac OS X folder

Users/spysoftnet/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default

Google Chrome Android folder


On Android, access to this folder is only possible if the phone is rooted.

How to delete a Chrome profile?

This can be done in different ways. For example, using the profile manager. But the most reliable way is to delete the profile folder in Explorer.

You already know where the Chrome folder is located, and I hope it won’t be difficult for you to find the delete button.

Chrome extensions folder

All browser extensions are located in the “Extensions” folder

C:\Users\spysoftnet\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions

Chrome Bookmarks Folder

Chrome does not allocate a separate folder for bookmarks; instead, all bookmarks are located in the “Bookmarks” file.

If you haven’t added anything to your bookmarks, then you won’t see the “Bookmarks” file.

That's all, friends. Now you know where Chrome stores the user profile, where bookmarks, extensions and passwords are located. Subscribe to us on social networks. Goodbye to everyone!

Hello, friends! Today we will figure out how to make bookmarks in Chrome, namely, how to add, delete, and sort them into folders in the Google Chrome browser. We will have a lot of practice here, so I won’t drag out the theory.

How to bookmark a site in Google Chrome

First, let's make the area with them appear immediately below the address bar of the browser. Launch the browser and click on the menu in the upper right corner in the form of a button with three parallel horizontal stripes. Hover over the item with the appropriate name, and then click on the “Show panel...” item.

Now we look for the site that we want to add, and in the corner, near the menu, click on the star icon. As soon as we click on it, the site will immediately appear in the list we need. A window will pop up in which we can correct the name of the added site, as well as select a folder for it. After making all the settings, click on the “Finish” button:

If you didn’t understand from the previous point what the point was and why choose it, then that’s okay, everything will become clear in the next point.

Sorting bookmarks

Click the menu and select an item with a suitable name from it, then select “Manager...”:

We find ourselves in the same manager, in which we can slightly sort the added sites into folders or groups (as you like). To do this, we will create several folders for sites of the same subject.

For example, I'll create a "Computer Tips" folder for computer-related websites. To do this, you just need to right-click on any name from the list and select “Add folder”:

In the “Bookmarks Bar” section, I have a “Computer Tips” subsection. Now, just use the mouse to drag all computer-related sites there.

Please note that this folder immediately appears at the top of the corresponding panel.

Thus, to organize all your favorite sites, you can make several such folders and drag them there.

If you simultaneously use a browser from the Yandex company, and also save various sites in it, then in order not to manually transfer them to Chrome, read:. After you create the HTML file, read .

Deleting bookmarks

There is nothing complicated here, we can go to the same manager window and delete unnecessary ones from there, or right on the top panel click on the arrow to display them all, find the unnecessary one, right-click on it and select “Delete”:

In the same way, you can delete any group that we created in the previous paragraph. Find the folder in the panel under the address bar, right-click on the unnecessary group and select “Delete”:

Bookmarks extension for Chrome

Just recently I discovered a pretty good extension that allows you to manage not only bookmarks, but also history, as well as browser downloads.

If anyone is interested, you can install it. Click the menu and select “Additional tools – Extensions”:

We see a list of extensions for our browser, go down to the very bottom and click on the link “More extensions”:

In the Chrome store, type in the search term “bookmarks” and press Enter:

Find the extension of the same name and install it:

After installing the extension, we have a fairly convenient editor for bookmarks, history and downloads. Its icon is located right next to the menu. Look at the screenshot.

While exploring the global network, each of us, at least once, saved the resource we liked to our browser favorites. In order not to search every time among the huge number of accumulated sites for those that are most often used, they can be pulled out to the top panel of the browser - this is the simple solution to how to make bookmarks in Google Chrome.

In addition, if you need to reinstall your browser or the entire system, you can save your bookmarks to a separate file to restore them later. In today’s article we will deal with all the nuances associated with bookmarks.

How to bookmark a site of interest in Google Chrome

Instead of remembering the URL of the site and manually entering it into the address bar, just click on the desired bookmark. There are many ways to turn a website into a bookmark. Let's deal with them.

So, the easiest way to add a bookmark in Google Chrome is to click on the “star” icon in the address bar. After which it automatically appears on the bookmarks bar.

A few more methods for quickly creating bookmarks:

  1. Use the combination Ctrl + D;
  2. Save bookmarks in another web browser and import into ;
  3. Add bookmarks to Google Chrome manually - to do this, right-click on the panel and click on “Add page”.

How to bookmark in Google Chrome

    If the bookmarks bar is disabled in your browser, then saved sites will not be displayed at the top of the browser; they can only be found in the program Settings. But it’s not very convenient to have to go into the settings every time to open the desired site. Therefore, you should enable it; to do this, click “Settings” - “Bookmarks” - “Show bookmarks bar”, or the key combination Ctrl + Shift + B.

Where are Google Chrome bookmarks stored?

We looked at where bookmarks are located in Google Chrome above, but we’ll look at where they are stored on the computer further.

So, the path looks like this: ...\Chrome\User Data\Default\Bookmarks.

The full version of the address will differ in different operating systems, let's look at them:

    For Win XP: C:\Documents and Settings\»USER NAME»\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Bookmarks;

    For Win 7 / 8: C:\Users\»USER NAME»\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Bookmarks;

    For Linux: home/USER/.config/google-chrome/Default/Bookmarks – I remind you that .config is a hidden folder, therefore, do not forget to enable the display of hidden files, unless you are using the console.

How to restore bookmarks in Google Chrome

You can return bookmarks only if you have taken care of their safety first.

There are several options for restoring bookmarks:

  1. Import;
  2. Synchronization;
  3. Google Bookmarks.

Before importing bookmarks into the browser, we must already have them, so first we will figure out how to save google chrome bookmarks.

How to copy bookmarks from Google Chrome

Go to the browser settings, go to “Bookmarks” and select “Bookmark Manager” or press the key combination Ctrl + Shift + O.

How to import bookmarks to Google Chrome

So, we have a previously saved file with bookmarks, which means we can return all our favorite sites to the panel. To import bookmarks, go to the “Manager” and select “Import bookmarks from HTML file” in the “Manage” drop-down menu.


Perhaps this is the best method for saving bookmarks and not only them, since all web browser settings are saved on Google servers. Thus, no matter where you are, you can restore Chrome in the same form in which you saved it, the main thing is to be able to connect to the Internet.

Synchronization is convenient because you just need to log into your Google account on a browser so that all further actions and changes are saved on the server and are available to you on any other computer.

Setting up an account is very simple - create your own GMAIL email. After that, go to the browser in Tools - Settings - Sign in to Chrome.

In the window that pops up, insert the created mail and click the “Next” button, a warning will appear that all settings made on this device will be available on others, we agree with this, so click “Ok”.

From now on, bookmarks and all other settings will be stored on the search giant’s servers, and you will always have access to them.

Google Bookmarks

Perhaps many people do not know, but on the Internet there are a lot of sites where you can store sites that interest you, these are the so-called bookmark sites. Google has its own service called Google Bookmarks.

You cannot save bookmarks there automatically, so you will have to do everything manually. But since there is nothing complicated about this, it will not be difficult. And when you need them, you can easily extract them from the service by clicking on “Export”. You will receive an HTML file that can be imported into any browser.

How to Customize the Bookmarks Bar in Google Chrome

The bookmarks bar for Google Chrome is easily customizable and now we will look at the most common questions:

    Increase the number of bookmarks. If you need to add more bookmarks to the panel, but there is no more space, what should you do? The answer is simple: their names should be shortened or deleted:

    1. Click on the bookmark with the right mouse button;
    2. In the drop-down menu, click on the “Change” item;
    3. Enter the abbreviated name or delete it altogether (in this case, only the site icon will remain);
    4. Click “Save”.
  • Change the order of bookmarks. Moving them is a very simple task - just click the left mouse button and drag them to the desired location.

  • Move a hidden bookmark to the panel:

    1. Open the “Other Bookmarks” folder or the overflow area;
    2. Drag the desired bookmark.

How to delete bookmarks in Google Chrome

In order to finally say goodbye to the bookmark, you need to perform two steps:

  1. Right-click on the bookmark you want to remove;
  2. Select "Delete".

If you need to remove several bookmarks at once, then you will need a Bookmark Manager.

How to recover deleted bookmarks in Google Chrome

If your bookmarks suddenly disappear in Google Chrome, then you should not panic, provided that at least one of the points described above has been completed. In this case, restoring bookmarks in Google Chrome is as easy as shelling pears, just follow the instructions. But if the file was not previously saved or synchronized, then it will not be possible to restore them; you will have to add them again.

Google Chrome is a multifunctional open source browser that allows you to change its built-in parameters in accordance with the user's requirements. For example, the browser allows you to manually edit the necessary bookmarks by working with the configuration files themselves, in which all the necessary data is stored.

Placing Google Chrome bookmarks All Google Chrome bookmarks are located in the user directory of the Windows system.

In Windows 7 and 8 systems, this folder is located at “Start” - “Computer” - “Local drive C:” - “Users” - “Your user name”. After this, you will need to additionally go to the AppData – Local – Google – Chrome – User Data – Default directory. This section stores documents that contain all the files containing bookmark settings. In Windows XP, this directory is presented in another folder, to access which open “My Computer” - “Local Disk C:” - Documents and Settings - “Name” user" - Local Settings – Application Data – Google – Chrome – User Data – Default. If you cannot view the directory data, then their display is disabled on your system. To access your bookmark files, you will need to enable showing hidden folders in your system settings. To do this, open any folder in Windows and click on the “Tools” tab in the top bar menu of the “Explorer” window. In the context menu that appears, call “Folder Options” (“Folder Options” in Windows XP). Go to the View tab and go down to the bottom of the list of options, where you can find the Show hidden files option. After that, click “Ok” to apply the settings. The file that stores browser bookmark settings is called Bookmark. Editing bookmarks manually The Bookmark file can be opened for quick editing using the Notepad utility, which is included in the list of standard system programs. To use the program, double-click on the file and select the appropriate option from the list provided. If you wish, you can save the Bookmarks file to any removable storage device so as not to lose access to old bookmarks when you reinstall or uninstall the browser. In the window you will see a bookmarks configuration file with a list of necessary data that can be changed. The file is divided into sections with different names. After the roots: section, all folders and links stored in the browser are presented. Next, the name of the directory in which the bookmarks are stored is presented in quotes. For example, bookmark_bar is responsible for bookmarks that are stored in the bookmarks bar. The id line represents the bookmark identifier, which should not be configured. The name parameter contains the file name, which can be changed. So, you can change "name": "google chrome" to "name": "google chrome". The type parameter can have the values ​​url or folder, which defines the bookmark itself and the subdirectory, respectively. The url line is responsible for the address of the bookmark itself, which can also be changed. For example, "url": "". You should not delete the curly braces that are in the file, as this can damage the list of bookmarks. Edit the necessary lines in the file, and then save the changes using the “File” - “Save” command. After this, launch the browser on the system and check the changes made by going to the “Bookmarks” section of the main menu. The manual file editing procedure is completed.

Hi all! Active Internet users have a question: how to export bookmarks from Chrome in order to save links to their favorite sites in case of a computer breakdown. There are many possibilities here. Users of different devices can synchronize personal data across all their smartphones, tablets and desktops.

Google Chrome is famous for its high speed, simplicity and ease of use. The browser interface is designed to open up as much screen space as possible for useful content. All buttons and control levers are at hand and intuitive at first glance.

Synchronization can be started by clicking on the little man icon in the upper right part of the browser.

How to Manage Bookmarks in Google Chrome

How to add a bookmark in Google Chrome? There are several ways to bookmark pages and sites.

If there are a very large number of favorite sites, right-click, open the context menu and add folders to sort sites by topic.

Import and export bookmarks

Exporting bookmarks from Chrome means creating an HTML file for backup in case of force majeure. Full access to the bookmark management system is possible from the “Bookmark Manager” menu. From there you can group bookmarks into folders, delete, restore, import from an HTML file or from other installed browsers.

It is only important, when necessary, to remember where the recovery file for bookmarks is saved. This bookmark file is called bookmarks with the date of export added. If you have previously used another browser, you can transfer all your personal settings along with your bookmarks from there.

  • Click the “hamburger” menu.
  • Go to the bookmarks section.
  • Click “Import bookmarks and settings.”
  • An interface will open where you can select the desired browser to transfer settings.

Where are bookmarks in Chrome? Those bookmarks that were created in the browser, and not by export, are located on the computer’s hard drive at this address:

  • C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default
  • And then there is the bookmarks file.

If you have to work in the browser a lot and often, on a professional basis, it is advisable to master bookmark management using hotkeys. This way it will be possible to significantly increase work productivity and optimize routine manipulations.

  • Ctrl+B – bookmark the current page.
  • Ctrl+Shift+B – bookmark all open website pages.
  • Ctrl+Shift+O – launch “Bookmark Manager”.
  • The combination Ctrl+Shift+B will help you quickly remove the bookmarks bar if you need more space to work with the site.

Many important operations - renaming folders, copying addresses of favorite sites, deleting bookmarks and changing their properties can be done quickly and conveniently using the context menu. Right-click on the desired location on the tab bar and select the desired action.

That's all for me! See you soon!

Best regards, Evgeniy Kuzmenko.