Gadgets for health and longevity (home laboratory for diagnosing aging). iWatch that warns of heart attacks. Smart gadget for pregnant women to measure contractions

Modern technologies are increasingly focusing on healthy life. Having noticed this trend, we have selected some of the latest devices, mobile applications, patents and developments that help measure health and maintain well-being.

Apple sports headphones

Recently, Apple registered a patent for headphones with a built-in system that monitors health during sports. Sensors in a pair of headphones will allow you to measure body temperature, sweat level and pulse. The main data will be collected through skin contact, but the patent also includes a single accelerometer that responds to the user's movements and gestures. By the way, the idea of ​​​​creating such headphones is not new; LG was the first to introduce the project; their LG Heart Rate Earphones have similar functions.

Lumo Lift against scoliosis

Lumo BodyTech has introduced a small gadget that forces the user to straighten their back. The multi-colored Lumo Lift device detects your body posture and, when you start to slouch, vibrates and reminds you to straighten up. The device can be attached to a T-shirt, collar or any other piece of clothing. Lumo Lift will be available in late spring and will cost around $59-$79.

Google Smart Lenses

In January Google developers presented a project of “smart” contact lenses for diabetics. Thanks to built-in miniature and super-thin sensors, the lenses will be able to measure the user's blood sugar levels by analyzing tears and even sweat.

iWatch that warns of heart attacks

Recently information leaked to the media that the "smart" iWatch which is being developed Apple company, can be used to prevent potential heart attacks. The wearable technology will monitor the user's blood flow and alert if medical attention is required. Apple has not yet officially confirmed these rumors, but back in January they hired new medical technology specialists - Nancy Dougherty and Ravi Narasimhan.

Quit smoking app

Puff Away-Stop Smoking Today is a free, interactive app that tracks the progress of a user trying to quit smoking. The app shows the health benefits of quitting the habit, the effects of smoking on various organs and parts of the body, and even calculates how much you save when you don't buy cigarettes.

Skulpt Aim measures muscle quality

Startup Skulpt ran a successful Indiegogo campaign to raise funds for a gadget called Aim. This wireless device size smaller than iPhone determines muscle health. To put it into action, you need to press the sensor to the skin where the main muscles are located (biceps, triceps, abs and thigh muscles). The device measures muscle current and tracks body fat percentage.

Bing Health & Fitness App

Last thing mobile app from Microsoft Bing Health & Fitness includes cardio sensors on your Windows smartphone's home screen, as well as sections for fitness, nutrition, medical support, and news. WITH using GPS The app measures your workout time, distance, number of steps and calories burned during your workout, and based on this data, suggests identifying symptoms.

), and today it’s time to introduce you to other interesting developments in this area.

Finis Neptune

Music is a powerful and, fortunately, completely harmless dope that will help you overcome the severity physical activity and achieve better results. Finis Neptune is a special mp3 player for swimmers, which is attached to goggles and transmits sound vibrations directly through the bones of the skull. Thus, headphones are completely unnecessary.

Misfit Shine

A physical activity tracker, which is made in the form of a small round disk and can be worn as a bracelet, watch, keychain, or even just in your pocket. In the process, it tracks your actions and transmits them to special application for iOS, which collects and processes all information. The device runs on a battery that lasts for several months.


This device is primarily intended for cyclists. It attaches to your glasses and allows you to display your heart rate using a convenient LED display. In addition, audio prompts will inform you about speed, cadence and other parameters.

iSpO2 Pulse Oximeter

The iSpO2 Pulse Oximeter is a special sensor that attaches to your finger and transmits data on the level of blood oxygenation, heart rate and perfusion index to the iPhone via a cable. This information is unlikely to be useful for ordinary athletes, so the device is used mainly in sports and aviation.

The main problem with all kinds of calorie trackers is that they are all based on manual entry number and names of dishes eaten. The HAPIfork smart fork approaches this issue from a slightly different angle and counts the number of meals, the speed at which you eat and how many times it has been in your mouth. All this data is transferred via miniUSB to a special application that analyzes your food preferences and makes recommendations.

Fitbit Aria

High-tech scales, ideal for anyone watching their figure. They not only show weight, but can also track body fat percentage and body mass index (BMI) for up to 8 users, and then transfer the data to wireless communication to a computer for analysis and storage. The application can also transmit information to some other sports services and has a social component.


Amigo Fitness Bracelet

Amiigo Fitness Bracelet tries to set itself apart by being able, unlike its competitors, to track your specific movements, and not just the most general indicators of physical activity. For this, two bracelets are used, which are attached one to the hand and the other to the leg. This approach allows you to differentiate your movements: running, swimming, walking, basketball, football, golf, even working with weights and cardio equipment. It syncs via Bluetooth and has open source, which allows third-party developers to create applications to work with it.

Sensoria Smart Sock

Sensoria Smart Sock is a complex of special socks and a sensor that can not only track speed, pace, distance and other parameters, but also monitor technique and foot placement, which will help you avoid injuries and achieve faster results. desired results. The app analyzes your daily movement data and acts as a virtual coach, giving you tips on how to run correctly and quickly.

What do you see as the ideal fitness gadget of the future? What features do you expect and which ones are you willing to pay money for?

Various gadgets and mobile devices surround us in everyday life. Sometimes it seems that if left without them for at least one day, modern man simply will not survive. New trend in the field of gadget development - the creation of original mobile devices that help a person take care of his health, feel great and overcome stressful conditions. In this article we will talk about the most interesting, unusual devices that can be useful to a person who takes health issues seriously.

Smart lamp for better sleep

It is no secret that sleep is an important component of a person’s life, on which mood and health largely depend, since sound, complete sleep helps us restore our physical and mental strength. However, in modern conditions With the frantic pace of life, people often experience various problems with sleep. Research and medical institutes annually allocate large amounts of money to solve these problems. The developers also decided to offer their own solution in this area. mobile gadgets. It's about about the Driftlight device from Saffron. It is a “smart” LED lamp that creates an unusual light that helps improve human sleep.

Just press the button and the light bulb will shine with the usual light that we are used to in everyday life. But if you press the switch again, the “Midnight” mode is activated, in which the intensity of the lamp light gradually decreases over the next thirty-seven minutes. This is the average duration of sunset. Changing the lighting should stimulate a person's desire to sleep. Thus, the “smart” light bulb will gradually lull a person to sleep. If you press the switch three times, then the “ Moonlight" The light bulb begins to slowly dim the light until it glows very faintly. Thus, the gadget turns into an ordinary night light.

Despite the use LED lamp, the developers of Driftlight claim that the light from their device is the same shade as that of conventional incandescent lamps. This means that the light bulb emits less blue light and thus does not suppress the production of melatonin, which, as scientific evidence shows, makes it difficult to go to sleep. New gadget will help you fall asleep by ensuring a slow transition from light to dark.

Musical accompaniment for healthy sleep

Another option for ensuring healthy sleep is offered by the developers of the Sleep Assisting Music Headband device. The gadget is designed to help a person cope with sleep disorders and ensure proper rest. The bottom line is that many people, as you know, like to read in bed or listen to some light music before going to bed. But the same distracting music can disturb loved ones, and listening to it with headphones while lying on a pillow is, to put it mildly, not very comfortable. In addition, they are not comfortable to sleep in. It is offered to music lovers original gadget, which is a kind of “musical” headband that fits tightly on the head and does not disturb others.

The tape, made of light, comfortable material, is simply put on the head without cutting into the skin. Inside the device there are two twenty-millimeter speakers. Connect the gadget to a music playback device, be it mobile phone or a modern mp3 player, you can use standard cable. The speakers cover the entire frequency range audible to the human ear. Ultimately, a person can listen to light music in bed and go to sleep peacefully. Music really is in a good way to relax your brain. If you have difficulty sleeping, you should take a closer look at this interesting gadget.

Gadget for creating absolute silence

As such, there is no such thing as absolute silence in nature. In everyday life a person is surrounded by various sounds, some of which are distracting and prevent you from relaxing or, conversely, concentrating. To combat annoying and distracting noise, an unusual gadget, White Noise Machine, was created. It generates its own “white” noise, which allows you to get rid of unwanted sounds. Soothing white noise suppresses any other sounds and creates a comfortable environment for a person. The device is equipped with a sleep timer that can be set from 30 to 90 minutes at the user's discretion. There is also a play button, volume control and a headphone jack. The gadget is powered through network adapter or microUSB port.

The device itself is quite small in size, so it can be moved from place to place, installing it next to your bed or desk. White Noise Machine allows you to play ten different variations of white noise. The soothing sounds of splashing waves or the crackle of a fire help a person to relax so that they can calmly go to sleep or fully concentrate their attention on complex, painstaking work.

Mini Air Purifier

People who spend long periods of time indoors, for example, working at a computer desk, are very dependent on clean and fresh air. After all, stale, unhealthy air with insufficient oxygen content leads to increased fatigue and possible problems with health in the long term. In particular, to dizziness and sudden sharp headaches. The problem of lack of fresh air in the workplace or at home can be solved using a miniature USB Mini HEPA AirPurifier device. Thanks to the built-in filter, it is able to purify the indoor air from unpleasant odors, household dust and contaminants. This gadget with a USB port can provide clean air up to ten square meters. meters of area, which is enough for one person.

Via port USB mobile the gadget can be connected directly to the computer, thereby purifying the air around the workspace in an office or city apartment. USB Mini HEPA AirPurifier emits negative ions(one million ions per square centimeter) and passes air through the filters, effectively removing the smallest dust particles. The device looks very stylish and has a soft blue backlight. The well-proven HEPA filter is used here. Although there are plenty of air freshener models on the market today, a mobile gadget with a built-in HERA filter is a rarity. For those who spend a lot of time at the computer, this device can be very useful.

Portable scanner for sterility assurance

Traveling to exotic countries can always bring a lot of vivid impressions and unforgettable emotions, but at the same time they are associated with a certain risk to life. For many regions of the world, the problem of unsanitary conditions and dangerous diseases causing food poisoning and more serious consequences for human health remains relevant. Those travelers who care about their health and do not want to spend a significant part of their tourist trip suffering from intestinal upset are offered such a useful gadget as the Nano UV DualScanner. Poisoning and illness occur due to harmful microorganisms. The Nano UV scanner allows you to guarantee the sterility of any surfaces, as well as the safety of water.

The compact device neutralizes up to 99 percent of pathogens, including such common and dangerous species as E. coli and staphylococcus. The device also helps eliminate insects such as ticks or bedbugs. To ensure sterility of dishes or surface treatment of any small object, Nano UV will take only ten seconds.

If you want to purify water using of this device, for example, a glass of ordinary tap water, then this will take a little longer - about a minute. The gadget is powered by four AA batteries and has the following functions: automatic shutdown and timer. The compact dimensions and light weight of the device allow you to take it with you on a trip or any trip.

Painkiller gadget

Some people develop a fear of various vaccinations from childhood. Or, in any case, they experience hostility and discomfort when receiving injections, which can sometimes even be the reason for refusing medical help. A doctor from the United States, Amy Baxter, became concerned about this problem and developed an unusual gadget, Buzzy. It is used to relieve discomfort during injections.

The main idea behind the gadget is very simple. It cools the unhealthy area and immediately begins to vibrate, which overloads the sensitivity of the nerves in a specific area of ​​the human body. Nerve cells send vibration data to the brain instead of pain impulses. Thus, the device relieves discomfort from injections and even insect bites. Buzzy has a very compact size and is convenient for everyday use.

The gadget will tell you about your sleep status

The Japanese company Tanita offers interesting portable device for monitoring and measuring sleep. The SleepScan device allows a person to find out whether his sleep is normal. To do this, it is equipped with a whole set of sensors that record a person’s biometric indicators during sleep: breathing, pulse and body movements during sleep. After collecting the relevant data, the device writes it to an SDHC card and generates visual statistics. One 2 GB card is enough for five hundred sleep cycles. SleepScan monitors your sleep status to help identify specific problems. To use this device, a person only needs to place it on his bed under the bedding. After a person goes to bed, the sensors begin to automatically read data, and when he gets up, they immediately turn off.

To analyze and process the collected information, it must be sent to the company’s server. Helpful data about sleep stages and sleep type will be available there. Interestingly, the gadget itself functions using purified water, which is placed inside. It is through water that the slightest vibrations of the body are transmitted, after which they are recorded by special sensors. The company believes that their gadget can be useful not only to ordinary users, but also medical institutions and businesses specializing in patient care.

Medical smartphone

The Swiss company LifeWatch AG went even further and presented the public with a full-fledged medical smartphone, which is designed to help a person control his health. Externally, the device is not much different from other mobile gadgets running on the operating system. Android system. However, it has unique features. LifeWatch V allows you to perform various medical tests while browsing in in social networks or email. It is very convenient and effective.

For those who are constantly worried about their health, there are many options available: functionality: tracking heart rate, analysis of the amount of glucose and oxygen content in the blood, providing useful information regarding the choice of an appropriate diet, exercise and medication.

To maintain its medical profile, the smartphone is equipped with many sensors that collect data on a person’s health status. Just put your finger on the sensors and you can instantly find out your body temperature, pulse, oxygen level in the blood, and also get a detailed cardiogram. The collected data is saved on remote server and can be available both to the user himself and to his attending physician. Of course, the tests carried out by the LifeWatch V smartphone are unlikely to compare with full-fledged medical studies, but they will help you stay informed about the state of your health. Received from mobile device the information may also be useful when consulting with your doctor.

Smart watches are not easy fashion accessory, they can bring tangible benefits to your health: they can help you stay in shape and achieve your fitness goals. Best models smart watch for health can motivate no worse than a personal trainer. In addition, with them you can analyze the quality of your sleep, count steps and calories, and, of course, check your email if necessary?

The fitness focus and functionality and versatility of these devices can help you stick to your schedule, which is great for weight watchers who simply want to stay in shape. More expensive and at the same time more sophisticated models of smart watches also allow you to control arterial pressure and the user's blood sugar level.

Smart watches, as mentioned earlier, belong to the class of wearable electronics. You could even say that it refers to wearable electronics that you will wear almost without taking them off. A smartwatch allows you to track your level of physical activity, and also, if necessary, perform the same functions as your phone - send you notifications about incoming SMS and email.

Garmin Vivoactive

Garmin specializes in producing wearable electronics for people who are seriously involved in fitness. The company's arsenal includes a wide the lineup fitness trackers for every taste and budget.

You can look at Garmin Vivoactive in more detail here:

It must be said that Vivoactive fitness trackers are characterized by an optimal combination of functions, build quality and an attractive price, which will be appreciated by people who are seriously involved in fitness and take care of themselves.

Garmin's native apps can track user activities such as steps taken, calories burned, and sleep quality. The multisport feature allows you to track a wide range of activities, such as cycling, walking, running and swimming (the Vivoactive can be dived to depths of up to 50 meters).

Garmin Vivoactive by Rebel Sport

Microsoft Band

One of the truly worthwhile products on the wearable electronics market is the Microsoft Band fitness bracelet, which has gained popularity among users due to the harmonious combination of price and set of necessary fitness functions.

However, the built-in sensors can determine whether the user is in a normal state or in a state of stress based on the readings read by the sensors on the surface of the skin, and can also measure blood pressure.

Besides the fact that Apple Watch beautiful design, they are also very thoughtful. The app, which tracks key indicators of your physical activity level, provides data in beautiful design, plus with it you can determine how long it took you to walk from point A to point B, how many calories you consumed while standing and the total number of calories burned.

The personal trainer feature allows you to track basic activities such as running, cycling and exercise training. Because the apple watch Watch with you throughout the day, you can track your fitness goals in real time.

Apple Watch - first look (video):

Apple Watch has three built-in sensors that it uses to track your activity level: a GPS device, a heart rate monitor, and an accelerometer. In addition, you can download a large number of applications from official store Apple. For example, an app that reminds you to take your blood pressure pill (the lack of a dedicated blood pressure sensor calls into question the accuracy of the data this app reads), and you can even set Misfit Minute or Misfit Shape.

Some applications will be available later as they are still under development. Rest assured, Apple will update its smartwatch apps in the next couple of months or years.

Apple Watch from Apple

Pebble Watch

You will need a couple of hours Pebble Watch on Android based, iOS or Windows so you can use it as a fitness tracker.

For example, the Morpheuz app (free) turns the Pebble Watch into a pretty decent sleep monitor, while the Pebble's Misfit app lets you track calories, steps, and a range of other activities like cycling and swimming.

There are several apps in the Apple and Android app stores that use data from the Pebble Watch's two built-in sensors—an accelerometer and a magnetometer—that measure things like motion and magnetization.

Pebble Watch by DWI (Digital World International)

Samsung Gear Fit

Smart watch Gear Fit from the company allow you to monitor your heart rate, count the number of steps you take per day, and you can even use the watch while cycling. The watch can be updated as your workout progresses. For example, Gear Fit may advise you to slow down or slow down based on your heart rate.

More more information you can see about this model here:

You can set daily, weekly, or monthly goals using Samsung's S Health app. You can even enter what you ate for breakfast, lunch or dinner to help you monitor your diet. The built-in gyroscope records your movements while you sleep. All collected by the device You can view the information after waking up by going to the S Health application.

Fits well into the aesthetic concept developed by Samsung. Curved display fits the wrist; however, some users claim that viewing data on the screen requires an awkward twist of your arm. Another drawback of the Gear Fit is that the device only syncs with Samsung smartphones.

See also:

This device is not without its drawbacks, but nevertheless, it can compete with well-known manufacturers wearable electronics.

So, the fitness bracelet will not tell you when you receive an email. e-mail, but it can track your activity level throughout the day. And most importantly, this is a budget model.

Samsung Gear Fit from Samsung

Misfit Shine

This sleek activity monitor is little larger than a locket and bracelet. While it definitely lacks some of the smart features found in most smartwatches, the Misfit Shine will tell you the time, double as a sleep tracker, and let you monitor your weight and stick to your diet.

Users praise Misfit Shine for functionality and support wireless connection. Misfit Shine can sync with Apple devices or, just place the device next to your phone or tablet.

You can find additional information about the Misfit Shine model here:

Activity Monitor (compatible with Android and iOS) automatically counts your steps and tracks your sleep quality. Additional functions Sleep monitoring is available if you purchase the Misfit Beddit (sold separately). This app allows you to track a wide range of activities, such as cycling, swimming, playing tennis and even dancing. Simply tap the device three times, notifying your device that you are about to start an activity.

Misfit Shine from Misfit

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The development of Internet of Things technologies leads to changes in habits and an increase in the quality of life of people. One of the areas where the penetration of gadgets has greatest influence already now, is healthcare. Over the past few years, the number of devices that allow users to monitor their health and even receive qualified medical care remotely has been constantly growing. Many such devices also make the work of doctors easier.

Today we will look at 17 interesting medical gadgets that work in conjunction with a smartphone.

The Russian gadget CardioQVARK is a special case for iPhone, with which the user can independently record a cardiogram at any time, anywhere. To do this, you need to install the application on your smartphone, put on the case and place your fingers on the sensors on the device. Next, the cardiogram is sent to the cloud for processing, and the result instantly comes to the user and doctor in an intuitive form. For doctors there is own application with extended tools in which you can conduct unlimited amount patients, analyze the condition of cardio-vascular system, compare dynamics and monitor response to exercise and medications, as well as convey recommendations to the patient

Price: 8500 rub. (pre-order on the website)

The Tinké monitor allows you to track your heart rate, breathing rate, and blood oxygen saturation levels. To read the readings, you need to place your finger on the device for a few minutes. After this, the data will appear in the application - there are versions for iPhone and Android.

Wearable neurostimulator for combating chronic pain. Using a special bandage, the stimulator is placed on top part shins, after which the device begins to generate weak electrical impulses - they block pain signals passing through the spine to the brain. As a result, the user stops feeling pain. This allows, for example, those who cannot do this due to various attacks to sleep - the gadget is the only wearable neurostimulator that is certified by the American regulator FDA to work while sleeping. The device operating modes are configured using a mobile application.

Stethee Wireless Smartphone Stethoscope is designed for home use- the project developers want to change the situation in which only doctors can use a stethoscope. The device works wirelessly - you just need to put it on your chest and press a button. After this, the measurement results will be transferred to an application on the smartphone, which will build a graph of heartbeat and breathing. This information is also stored on a remote server, where the “normality” of the indicators is analyzed - if the user is advised to see a doctor, the device will start flashing.

The Angel gadget works not only as a fitness tracker and sleep monitor, but also monitors heart performance indicators - if rhythm disturbances occur, the gadget notifies the user. In addition, the device has a built-in temperature sensor to detect ovulation - a feature that will be useful for couples who want to have a child.

Price: the batch of devices for $159 is sold out, there is a version for $99 on the website

Withings' mobile blood pressure monitor allows you to measure your blood pressure quickly and easily by storing the information on your smartphone. The blood pressure cuff connects to your iPhone (iPod Touch or iPad) and the app then displays your blood pressure information - the data can be graphed and sent to your doctor.

The MobiUS SP1 mobile ultrasound scanner is intended for use in hospitals by surgeons, obstetricians-gynecologists, emergency physicians and physicians of other specialties. Using a USB cable, the gadget connects to a smartphone and transmits ultrasound information via Wi-Fi. The data is displayed on the included smartphone running Windows 6.5. Synchronization with a computer is possible using a cable. The main advantage mobile scanner its mobility compared to standard ultrasound equipment has become.

A special “collar” that monitors sleep and combats snoring and its complications. The creators of the device claim that snoring most often occurs when a person sleeps on his back. That's why Night Shift begins to vibrate when the user begins to snore while lying on their back. The gadget also stores information about the quality of sleep – it is displayed in the mobile application. In this way, the user can analyze the dynamics of improvement of their sleep.

CellScope has developed a smartphone overlay that allows you to examine a child's ear in order to detect signs of infection or injury in time. Using the application, parents can conduct an examination themselves and then transfer the data to the attending physician.

Breathalyzer tubes are used by drivers around the world to determine blood alcohol levels. There are similar gadgets that synchronize with the iPhone and transfer data to mobile applications. The information is then analyzed and the user is given graphs illustrating how their body metabolizes alcohol.

The OneTouch VerioSyng mobile glucose meter allows diabetics to quickly measure their blood glucose levels. Connectable to iPhone or iPad device a test strip with a drop of blood is inserted, after which the analysis is carried out. The data is then displayed on the display and stored in a mobile application, which also allows you to monitor carbohydrates consumed, insulin administered and glucose levels.

Price: $82 per kit with test strips

With an impressive fundraising campaign on Indiegogo, the Embrace bracelet is designed to help manage epilepsy. He is able to record the moment of the onset of an epileptic seizure - the device achieves this by measuring the galvanic charge of the skin, body temperature and its position in space thanks to a gyroscope. When a seizure begins, a signal is sent to the patient’s caregiver’s smartphone—the message contains information about the patient’s coordinates. In addition, the application stores statistics about attacks, which allows you to identify their causes - for example, in some cases they occur more often when playing sports.

The device allows you to analyze your breath to track asthma symptoms and prevent attacks. To collect data, the patient needs to attach the gadget to his neck and simply breathe. AirSonea records breathing patterns, which allows you to understand what caused an attack in a particular case, and can also send reminders to take medications and transmit analysis information to the user's relatives or doctor.

Another gadget from Withing. Smart scales Smart Body Analyzer measures weight, body mass index, calculates the percentage of fat, and also takes indicators of cardiac activity. For people who play sports, there is a sports mode (Athlete mode). Information collected transferred to a smartphone application, where weight loss and weight gain graphs are built. The user can keep a diary, and then it will be immediately clear what events affect weight gain or loss - for example, stress from going out new job leads to weight gain, and starting morning runs leads to weight loss.

The Kolibree smart toothbrush monitors how the user brushes their teeth and transmits information about this to a mobile application - then the user is given recommendations on whether to brush their teeth more often and which areas of the oral cavity to pay more attention to. In addition, information can be shared with other device users by organizing "teeth brushing competitions" - this feature should attract children who are usually not very fond of brushing their teeth.