Expert recruitment system. Requirements for the composition and parameters of computer hardware

S. Malikova,
MSTU im. N.E. Bauman

Expert systems - these are software systems that accumulate the knowledge of specialists in specific subject areas and replicate them to advise less qualified users.
The main difference between information retrieval and expert systems is that the former only search for the specified information available in their database, while the latter also logically process it in order to obtain new information. It is this circumstance that makes expert systems truly intelligent.
The structure of a typical expert system, or as it is also called, a knowledge-based system, is presented in the diagram:

System core- knowledge base. (Compare: information retrieval systems have a database.) What is a knowledge base? This is a body of knowledge in a certain field, in this case - in the field of personnel management, personnel records management, recorded on computer media.

Before filling this core with knowledge, it is necessary to find experts (hence the name: expert systems), i.e. high-level practitioners in this subject area. Modern knowledge bases use the practical experience of dozens and even several hundreds and thousands of experts, and these knowledge bases can be constantly developed and supplemented, which is what their developers do.

As a result of combining the knowledge of several experts in one expert system, it is possible to obtain a system that helps solve such problems at such a high level that is inaccessible individually even to the best specialist.

Gaining knowledge from an expert(s) is not as easy as it seems. This is a whole scientific direction in the field of artificial intelligence - knowledge engineering. A specialist representing this area is called a knowledge engineer. It acts as a buffer between the expert and the knowledge base. Its main task is to obtain knowledge from experts, then highlight the key concepts, relationships and characteristics necessary to describe the process of solving a problem, structure this knowledge and choose a way to represent it (model) for subsequent filling of the core of the system.

The subject area itself is essentially a more or less clearly defined problem or area of ​​activity. For example, expert systems have found application in such subject areas as meteorology, medicine, personnel management, etc.

If the subject area is large, then it must be divided into subproblems (respectively, goals into subgoals, tasks into subtasks), without violating its overall logical structure. In this case, the expert system will consist of several modules (blocks). Most often, this is how expert systems are built in the personnel field, since the subject area of ​​this field of activity and the range of tasks to be solved are very large.
Without going into technical details, we note that one of the most common models of knowledge representation is the so-called production model. That is, knowledge is presented in the form of rules (statements, statements) formulated on the basis of expert knowledge, in the form: IF(condition), TO (action), OTHERWISE(action).

Thus, the knowledge base of the expert system is:

  • a set of empirical (experimental) rules for the truth of statements (conclusions) of experts on a given problem;
  • a set of empirical data and descriptions of problems, options for their resolution.

Let us give a simple example of a knowledge base rule for an expert system in the personnel field. As you know, the management of many enterprises and organizations, when hiring employees, assigns them a probationary period. However, according to current legislation, this provision does not apply to some persons. For example, for persons under 18 years of age.

Here's what a rule describing this situation might look like in the knowledge base:

  • IF: select the hiring operation
  • AND: employee age under 18 years
  • THEN: There is no probationary period.

That is, for the user (HR manager) it is enough to enter the initial data into the system - and the answer is ready.
In addition to the knowledge base, the expert system has a logical inference program - a program that models the course of “reasoning” of the system, as well as a user interface and an explanation subsystem.

User Interface is a program that allows a user to dialogue with an expert system both at the stage of entering information and at the stage of obtaining results.

Explanation subsystem is a program that allows the user to get an answer to the question: “How and why did the system come to this decision?” Developed explanation subsystems support other types of questions. Intelligent knowledge base editor (see diagram) is a program that provides a knowledge engineer with the opportunity to create a database online.

When deciding whether to purchase an expert system, it is necessary to decide what goals are being pursued. Replication of knowledge? Improving the quality of decisions made? Automation of routine aspects of work? Or some other goals? The first three positions are undoubtedly the goals of expert systems for personnel activities. It all depends on the specifics of the tasks being solved in the organization.

Note that the term "personnel activities" in relation to the technologies under consideration, it is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. And although it (at the request of the editors) was used in the title for a better understanding of the “old school” by specialists, it is more natural and correct to talk about expert systems as a tool for working with personnel. What specializations of such systems exist?

Expert systems for working with personnel can be divided into the following groups depending on the tasks being solved:
- multifunctional systems (tasks to be solved: career guidance, professional selection, certification of employees, formation of reserves, competencies, etc.);
- systems for group analysis of personnel status (strategic tasks: analysis and optimization of the organization’s structure, determining trends in the development of divisions, etc.);
- systems for psychologists (identification of negative manifestations of employees, including criminal tendencies, hidden conflicts, negative trends in departments and the organization as a whole).

The current expert systems for working with personnel of the current generation (the developers are already talking about the sixth generation, which has built-in artificial intelligence, but so far these are only prototypes) are built on the principle of “precedent”, i.e. the personal, professional and psychophysiological qualities of the candidate are compared with similar parameters of the best specialists. Thus, such a “precedent expert system” or PES allows you to form a team that would best meet the manager’s needs.

Let us note the main opportunities that expert systems provide for improving the activities of personnel management services, in particular the most well-known domestic software systems "Personnel Service" And "Personnel Consulting" (developer NPO "Etalon", Moscow):

  1. Optimization of the enterprise structure based on a multidimensional analysis of positive and/or negative trends in the development and condition of personnel, analysis of the image of the manager, the nature of his relationship with the team.
  2. Determination of professional, psychological, physiological parameters for each employee, identification and assessment of his negative manifestations, behavioral characteristics in a conflict situation, compatibility, self-esteem, potential capabilities, socio-psychological competence, formation of various text characteristics for the employee, etc.
  3. General and targeted career guidance, professional selection, hiring, staff reduction, certification, assessment of an employee’s professional suitability and ability to learn, building and assessing competencies, obtaining recommendations for the most effective use of each employee in the specific conditions of the enterprise, creating profiles of professions, positions, " negative" profiles, etc.

Expert systems make it possible to obtain the desired results both during direct contact with the subject and without his direct contact with the computer. In the second case, after the subject fills out special answer forms, the operator enters the data directly into the system. This makes it possible to dramatically reduce the time required to conduct a team survey. But when analyzing self-esteem, psychophysiological characteristics and interpersonal compatibility, direct contact of the person being tested with the computer is necessary.

These expert systems also allow you to store and compare survey results and any additional textual and digital information for each employee, create a reserve for promotion, rank enterprise personnel according to the degree of expression of the required qualities, etc.

What should you pay attention to when deciding to use expert systems?
1. These systems should allow the export and import of information; It is better to export and import information through a standard text file or clipboard (perhaps this will be a separate module). This will allow us to comply with the principle of a single information space.
2. The system must be reliably protected from unauthorized access to data, since most information about personnel is, as is known, legally closed.
3. It is important that the expert system is focused on the specific field of activity of the organization (banking, trading, consulting, etc.), since in many respects this determines the level of requirements for personnel: work experience, character, education, etc. Many large Russian enterprises, recruiting agencies, financial institutions and employment services already use expert systems in personnel management. In particular, the complexes of NPO "ETALON" are used by more than 450 CIS enterprises, incl. very active in the field of domestic medium-sized businesses.
4. When implementing initially domestic systems, unlike foreign ones, no problems arise due to differences in Russian and Western mentality. This is especially important since we are talking about the knowledge of experts who, one way or another, acquired it in a particular country. The factor of taking into account mentality is also important when selecting personnel. In addition, the price of domestic systems is an order of magnitude lower than the corresponding systems of the most famous Western companies, and the quality is often higher.

Among the leading Russian manufacturers of expert systems we can note the State Enterprise "Diapazon", NPO "Reference" .

Knowledge of information technology and the ability to choose the right software product for the job is a good trump card in the hands of a specialist. Expert systems can become a consultant and assistant in solving many problems facing HR services.
Expert systems make it possible to explain and justify the recommendations and conclusions of employees of such services, help them acquire new knowledge, determine their level of competence in relation to the task, and much more.

There is no need to be afraid that expert systems will completely replace humans. As long as a person retains the advantages of possessing imagination, fantasy, intuition, associative thinking, instincts, and most importantly, the right to make this or that decision, the last word remains with the human expert, and not with the expert system.

But it cannot be denied that the announced 6th generation expert systems with built-in intelligence - when and if they appear - will further reduce the gap between humans and computers in the field of personnel management.

Expert systems are software systems that accumulate the knowledge of specialists in specific subject areas and replicate them to advise less qualified users.
The main difference between information retrieval and expert systems is that the former only search for the specified information available in their database, while the latter also logically process it in order to obtain new information. It is this circumstance that makes expert systems truly intelligent.
The structure of a typical expert system, or as it is also called, a knowledge-based system, is presented in the diagram:

Expert system architecture

The core of the system is the knowledge base. (Compare: information retrieval systems have a database.) What is a knowledge base? This is a body of knowledge in a certain field, in this case - in the field of personnel management, personnel records management, recorded on computer media.
Before filling this core with knowledge, it is necessary to find experts (hence the name: expert systems), i.e. high-level practitioners in this subject area. Modern knowledge bases use the practical experience of dozens and even several hundreds and thousands of experts, and these knowledge bases can be constantly developed and supplemented, which is what their developers do.
As a result of combining the knowledge of several experts in one expert system, it is possible to obtain a system that helps solve such problems at such a high level that is inaccessible individually even to the best specialist.
Gaining knowledge from an expert(s) is not as easy as it seems. This is a whole scientific direction in the field of artificial intelligence - knowledge engineering. A specialist representing this area is called a knowledge engineer. It acts as a buffer between the expert and the knowledge base. Its main task is to obtain knowledge from experts, then highlight the key concepts, relationships and characteristics necessary to describe the process of solving a problem, structure this knowledge and choose a way to represent it (model) for subsequent filling of the core of the system.
The subject area itself is essentially a more or less clearly defined problem or area of ​​activity. For example, expert systems have found application in such subject areas as meteorology, medicine, personnel management, etc.
If the subject area is large, then it must be divided into subproblems (respectively, goals into subgoals, tasks into subtasks), without violating its overall logical structure. In this case, the expert system will consist of several modules (blocks). Most often, this is how personnel expert systems are built, since the subject area of ​​this field of activity and the range of tasks to be solved are very large.
Without going into technical details, we note that one of the most common models of knowledge representation is the so-called production model. That is, knowledge is presented in the form of rules (statements, statements), formulated on the basis of expert knowledge, in the form: IF (condition), THEN (action), ELSE (action).

Thus, the knowledge base of the expert system is:

A set of empirical (experimental) rules for the truth of statements (conclusions) of experts on a given problem;
- a set of empirical data and descriptions of problems, options for their resolution.

Let us give a simple example of a knowledge base rule for a personnel expert system. As you know, the management of many enterprises and organizations, when hiring employees, assigns them a probationary period. However, according to current legislation, this provision does not apply to some persons. For example, for persons under 18 years of age.

Here's what a rule describing this situation might look like in the knowledge base:

IF: select the personnel operation hiring
AND: employee age under 18 years
THEN: There is no probationary period.

That is, for the user (HR employee) it is enough to enter the initial data into the system - and the answer is ready.
In addition to the knowledge base, the expert system has a logical inference program - a program that models the course of “reasoning” of the system, as well as a user interface and an explanation subsystem. The user interface is a program that allows the user to conduct a dialogue with the expert system both at the stage of entering information and at the stage of obtaining results. The explanation subsystem is a program that allows the user to get an answer to the question: “How and why did the system come to this decision?” Developed explanation subsystems support other types of questions. Intelligent knowledge base editor (see diagram) is a program that provides a knowledge engineer with the opportunity to create a database online.
When deciding whether to purchase an expert system, it is necessary to decide what goals are being pursued. Replication of knowledge? Improving the quality of decisions made? Automation of routine aspects of work? Or some other goals? The first two positions are undoubtedly the goals of expert systems for personnel activities. It all depends on the specifics of the tasks being solved in the organization.

Expert systems for personnel activities can be divided into the following groups depending on the tasks being solved:
- multifunctional systems (tasks to be solved: career guidance, professional selection, certification of workers, reserve formation, etc.);
- systems for group analysis of the state of personnel (strategic tasks: analysis and optimization of the organization’s structure, determining trends in the development of departments, etc.);
- systems for psychologists (identifying negative manifestations of employees, including criminal tendencies, hidden conflicts, negative trends in departments and the organization as a whole).

The latest generation expert systems (the developers are already talking about the fifth generation) for personnel activities are built on the principle of “precedent”, i.e. the personal, professional and psychophysiological qualities of the candidate are compared with similar parameters of the best specialists. Thus, the expert system allows you to form a team that best meets the manager’s needs.

Let us note the main opportunities that expert systems provide for improving the activities of personnel services, in particular the most well-known domestic software systems “Personnel Service” and “Personnel Consulting” (developed by NPO Etalon):

1) optimization of the enterprise structure based on a multidimensional analysis of positive and/or negative trends in the development and condition of personnel, analysis of the image of the manager, the nature of his relationship with the team;

2) determination of professional, psychological, physiological parameters for each employee, identification and assessment of his negative manifestations, behavioral characteristics in a conflict situation, compatibility, self-esteem, potential capabilities, socio-psychological competence, formation of various text characteristics for the employee, etc.;

3) general and targeted career guidance, professional selection, hiring, staff reduction, certification, assessment of an employee’s professional suitability and ability to learn, receiving recommendations for the most effective use of each employee in the specific conditions of the enterprise, creating profiles of professions, positions, “negative” profiles and so on.

Expert systems make it possible to obtain the desired results both during direct contact with the subject and without his direct contact with the computer. In the second case, after the subject fills out special answer forms, the operator enters the data directly into the system. This makes it possible to dramatically reduce the time required to conduct a team survey. But when analyzing self-esteem and psychophysiological characteristics, interpersonal compatibility, direct contact of the person being tested with the computer is necessary.

These expert systems also allow you to store and compare survey results and any additional textual and digital information for each employee, create a reserve for promotion, rank enterprise personnel according to the degree of expression of the required qualities, etc.

What should HR departments pay attention to when deciding to use expert systems?
1. These systems should allow the export and import of information; It is better to export and import information through a standard text file or clipboard (perhaps this will be a separate module). This will allow us to comply with the principle of a single information space.
2. The system must be reliably protected from unauthorized access to data, since most information about personnel is confidential.
3. It is important that the expert system is focused on the specific field of activity of the organization (banking, trading, consulting, etc.), since in many respects this determines the level of requirements for personnel: work experience, character, education, etc. Many large Russian enterprises, recruiting agencies, financial institutions and employment services already use expert systems in personnel management. In particular, the Personnel Service complex is used by more than 450 large CIS enterprises.
4. When implementing domestic software packages, unlike foreign ones, there are no problems caused by differences in Russian and Western personnel selection and accounting systems. This is especially important since we are talking about the knowledge of experts who, one way or another, acquired it in a particular country. The factor of taking into account mentality is also important when selecting personnel. In addition, the price of domestic systems is an order of magnitude lower than the corresponding systems of the most famous Western companies, and the quality is often higher.

Among the leading Russian manufacturers of expert systems are the State Enterprise "Diapazon", NPO "Etalon".

Knowledge of information technology and the ability to choose the right software product for the job is a good trump card in the hands of a HR specialist. Expert systems can become a consultant and assistant in solving many problems facing the personnel service.
Expert systems allow you to explain and justify the recommendations and conclusions of HR employees, help them acquire new knowledge, determine their level of competence in relation to the task, and much more.

There is no need to be afraid that expert systems will completely replace humans. As long as a person retains the advantages of possessing imagination, fantasy, intuition, associative thinking, instincts, and most importantly, the right to make this or that decision, the last word remains with the human expert, and not with the expert system.

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This course work examines theoretical and practical issues in personnel selection based on the use of expert systems.

The purpose of the course work: to develop an expert system that determines the list of vacant positions and calculates the rating score depending on the tested qualities of the candidate.

The course work consists of two sections. The first section gives the concept of expert systems, discusses their classification, structure, and also indicates the areas of their application.

The second section discusses the practical implementation of the expert system for personnel selection. The rationale for choosing the Turbo Pascal software product from Borland for the implementation of the expert system is given, the vacant positions and tested qualities of the candidate are clearly defined, and the developed expert recruitment system is described in detail.

The work was printed on 23 pages using 8 sources, contains 8 drawings and 1 appendix.

Introduction 5

2. Practical part

Conclusion 22

Appendix A 24


5) personnel selection;

2. Practical part

2.1 Justification for the choice of software implementation tools

To develop an expert system for personnel selection, the free integrated software development environment Turbo Pascal from Borland was chosen. This is one of the simplest programming languages, but far from one of the weakest.

To understand how a Pascal program is organized, where it should definitely start, and what commands to finish it with, there is a general structure of the program (Figure 3):

Figure 3 – General structure of a program in Turbo Pascal

The advantages of the Turbo Pascal programming language are:

1) simple syntax of the language;

2) Pascal programs are quite easy to read;

3) fairly low hardware and system requirements, both for the compiler itself and for programs written in Pascal;

4) universality of language. The Pascal language is applicable to solving almost all programming problems;

5) Supports structured programming as well as object-oriented programming.

2.2 Description of the operation of the expert recruitment system

To implement an expert system for personnel selection, it is necessary, first of all, to create a list of vacant positions for which a candidate who has contacted the enterprise’s HR department can apply based on their data. And test the candidate on professional, business and psychological qualities.

As a result of the analysis of the subject area, the following vacant positions were identified:

1) Head of IT department;

2) System administrator;

3) PHP – programmer;

4) Cable guy;

5) Operator;

6) Connection manager.

As a result of the analysis of the subject area, the following questions were identified by quality categories:

1) Testing professional qualities:

Is your work experience more than 3 years?;

Do you have experience in personnel management?;

Do you have experience in information security?;

Do you know how to install communication cables?;

Are you confident with a computer?;

Do you know how to program Web servers using the PHP programming language?;

2) Checking business qualities:

Are you an easy-to-learn person?;

Are you a sociable person?;

Are you a responsible person?;

Do you know how to work in a team?;

3) Testing psychological qualities:

Are you a stress-resistant person?;

Do you easily adapt to a new society?

In order for the system to work more efficiently, it is necessary to present its functioning structure step by step. Provide for the calculation of a candidate's rating for all positions suitable for him. Follow all possible subtleties of the system when checking the vacancy database for selected positions.

Recruitment program plan:

1) Testing the candidate on professional, business and psychological qualities;

2) Displaying a list of available vacant positions;

4) Checking the vacancy database and displaying suitable positions according to the candidate’s rating.

At the first stage of the program, the professional qualities of the candidate for each vacant position are checked (Figure 4). It is these qualities that will distinguish each candidate for the applying position. If the respondent confirms his professional experience, then one plus is automatically added to his rating, but if he does not have this quality, then his rating remains unchanged.

Figure 4 – Stage 1. Testing of professional qualities

At the second stage of the program, the candidate’s business qualities are tested (Figure 5). In order for a candidate to get the position he is interested in, he should answer all questions positively, because It is very important for an organization to work with business people at the highest level. For each positive answer, one plus is also added to the candidate’s rating, otherwise the candidate’s rating remains unchanged.

Figure 5 – Stage 2. Testing business qualities

At the third stage, the psychological qualities of the candidate are tested (Figure 6). In modern society, the question of human psychology has become relevant. Therefore, questions on psychology are of great importance when hiring a candidate. For each positive answer, one plus is also added to the candidate’s rating, otherwise the candidate’s rating remains unchanged.

Figure 6 – Stage 3. Testing of psychological qualities

At the fourth stage, a generated list of vacant positions for which the candidate can apply is displayed. Here the candidate’s rating score is calculated, based on the value of which a list of suitable positions for the candidate is displayed on the screen (Figure 7):

Figure 7 – Stage 4. Displaying a list of vacancies based on the candidate’s rating

Figure 8 – Data output at stage 4 in Turbo Pascal

In Figure 8, you can see the generated list of vacant positions and the rating corresponding to each position. Next, the calculated rating score of the candidate is displayed on the screen, in our case it is equal to 8. Then a check is made against the vacancy database to see which position this rating score belongs to. In this case, with a rating score of 8, two positions are suitable for the candidate: connection manager and operator.


As a result of the course work, the technology for constructing an expert system was studied, the classification and structure of expert systems, as well as the areas of their application and the requirements for constructing an ES were examined.

The practical part of the course work examines the design and implementation of an expert system for personnel selection. The rationale for choosing a software product for implementing the expert system is given, vacant positions and candidate qualities being tested are clearly identified, and the personnel selection system is described in detail.

Based on the research and analytical work performed, we can conclude that the main task of the customer, who will use an expert system to solve any problem, is to determine information about the subject area, that is, the purpose of creating an expert system, searching for concepts to represent knowledge and developing structures for organizing knowledge. The customer transfers the compiled formalized problem and the algorithm for solving it to the programmer, who compiles a program for solving this problem on a computer in the form of text in one of the programming languages ​​and debugs this program.

Expert systems are capable of diagnosing diseases, assessing potential mineral deposits, performing natural language processing, speech and image recognition, etc. Expert systems are the first step in the practical implementation of research in the field of artificial intelligence.

List of sources used

1. Ruchkin V.N., Fulin V.A. Universal artificial intelligence and expert systems: Textbook. – M.: Publishing house: BHV - St. Petersburg, 2009. – 240 p.

2. Titorenko G.A. Automated information technologies in economics: Textbook. / Ed. prof. G.A. Titorenko. - M.: Computer, UNITP, 2007 – 400 p.

3. Kozin R.G. Expert systems: Textbook. – M.: MEPhI, 2008. - 87 p.

4. Jackson P. Introduction to expert systems. – M.: Williams Publishing House, 2001. – 624 p.

5. Sotnik S.L. Designing artificial intelligence systems: Training course –

6. expert-systems

7. ekspertnie_systemi.php – A. V. Dyakov’s website dedicated to programming languages

8. – website of the Pascal programming language.

Short description

Expert systems technology is one of the areas of a new field of research called artificial intelligence. Research in this area is focused on the development and implementation of computer programs capable of simulating and reproducing those areas of human activity that require thinking, a certain skill and accumulated experience.

The main advantage of expert systems is the ability to accumulate knowledge and preserve it for a long time. Unlike humans, expert systems approach any information objectively, which improves the quality of the examination.

The differences between expert systems and conventional computer systems are:

1) expert systems manipulate knowledge, whereas any other systems manipulate data;

2) expert systems, as a rule, provide efficient optimal solutions and are sometimes capable of making mistakes, but unlike traditional computer systems, they have the potential ability to learn from their mistakes.

Currently, expert systems technology is used to solve various types of problems (prediction, diagnostics, planning, etc.), in a wide variety of problem areas, such as finance, oil and gas industry, energy, transport, education, etc. So for example, modern expert systems are widely used to replicate the knowledge and experience of leading experts in almost all spheres of the economy and with their help it is possible to solve the following problems:

1) analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise;

2) assessment of the enterprise’s creditworthiness;

3) commercial loan insurance;

4) assessment of product competitiveness;

5) personnel selection;

6) formation of an investment portfolio, etc.

1. Subject area identification 7

1.1 Expert systems, their features. Application of expert systems 7

1.2 Structure of the expert system 10

1.3 Classification of expert system 10

2. Practical part

2.1 Justification for the choice of software implementation tools

2.2 Description of the operation of the expert recruitment system

Conclusion 22

List of sources used


Increasingly, we are not talking about targeted, individual selection, but about mass recruitment, when you need to select many candidates simultaneously in a short period of time. And do this not only quickly, but also as efficiently as possible (and even at minimal cost). Imagine how many difficulties must be overcome to implement such a large project. We are talking about managing a huge amount of information, multiple resources and channels. Not every company or HR department can handle such a task. And not every system or personnel selection software can handle this. Often, HR specialists simply do not have the necessary tools, experience and knowledge to implement these types of projects.

An expert system is a system that combines computer capabilities and knowledge together with the experience of an expert in such a form that it can give reasonable advice or implement a reasonable solution to a given problem. An additional property of an expert system is the ability to explain the course of its reasoning in a form understandable to the user.

To do this, it is necessary to develop a software tool, that is, an “Expert system for personnel selection using a neural network.”

The purpose of this course work is to study the system of work with personnel records for the selection of candidates for a particular position.

Benefits and advantages of automating employee selection using the Expert System:

· Reducing labor costs associated with entering information;

· Accelerate the search and attraction of candidates.

· Constant growth of the base.

· Simplified accounting, eliminating data loss.

recruitment expert system

· High-quality, comprehensive development of information about the requirements for the vacancy.

Description of the expert system for personnel selection

Description for development problem statement

As a rule, expert systems are created to solve practical problems in some highly specialized areas where the knowledge of specialists plays an important role. Expert systems were the first developments that were able to attract great attention to the results of research in the field of artificial intelligence.

Expert systems have one big difference from other artificial intelligence systems: they are not designed to solve any universal problems, expert systems are designed to qualitatively solve problems in an area defined by the developers, in rare cases - areas.

The basis for the development of the program is the completion of course work in the discipline "Intelligent Systems and Technologies" using the example of "Expert system for personnel selection using a neural network." The program should be designed to optimize recruitment.

Purpose of development

The expert system is designed to store and process information about the selection of personnel. The software tool "Expert system for personnel selection based on a neural network" can significantly simplify the search task using the characteristics of an object, information about the object itself that has these characteristics. This software tool is developed not only for personnel records; it can also be used in other areas of activity.

Reliability requirements

The reliability of the system as a whole depends on the reliability of the operating system used.

The expert system must find a solution in an acceptable time that is no worse than the one that a specialist in this subject area can offer.

Program requirements

The main requirement for the “Expert system for personnel selection based on a neural network” is the function of recruiting personnel using a factor.

Functional requirements

The program must provide the ability to perform the following functions:

· Change the characteristics of the object and the object itself;

· Add/change, delete characteristics of an object and the object itself;

· Save/load database for storing information about an object;

· Carry out network training;

· Carrying out recruitment issues.

Requirements for the composition and parameters of computer hardware

The computer used must be a computer with characteristics not lower than the following:

· Intel Pentium 1000 MHz processor;

· RAM capacity - 512 MB;

· HDD capacity - 30 GB.

The following operating systems can be used:

· Microsoft Windows XP and higher.