Graphical program for installing packages in ubuntu. Installation in graphical mode

Every user of Linux OS, and any other operating systems you have to deal with installing additional programs on your computer. If there is a way to do this in Windows special file(setup.exe), which will guide you step-by-step through all the stages and install the program, then in Linux things are a little different, but still with a little experience this is done very simply. Quite often users (especially beginners) ask: How to install programs on Linux? I will try to answer this question.

There are several types of installation packages in the Linux world, and each distribution has its own preferred package format. Standard system installer for Linux, is an RPM developed by by Red Hat and is used in the main distributions of Fedora, Mandriva, Red Hat and Suse. The RPM package file is usually named program_name-version.rpm.

Another very popular format packages is DEB. Which, as you might guess, is used in Debian GNU/Linux systems, and based on it, including Ubuntu, Knoppix and Mepis. The DEB package file is usually named program_name-version.deb.

And finally the archives, the so-called Tar Balls. As a rule, they have the extension .tar, .tar.gz, .tgz. Which must first be unpacked, and only then installed or compiled.

All actions to install programs must be performed as a superuser!

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Installing programs on Debian, Ubuntu

There are many tools for working with DEB packages, but perhaps the simplest and most frequently used is apt-get included in standard set tools. apt-get allows you not only to easily install new packages on the system, but also to show which packages are available for installation and download them from the Internet if necessary. For application installation, enter into the command line:

Apt-get install package_name

For removing:

Apt-get remove package_name

Although the contents of packages may be stored on a server on the Internet or on disk somewhere, APT maintains a local database with a list of all packages available for installation and links to where to get them. This database must be updated periodically. For APT database updates The command used is:

Apt-get update

Very often programs change (updates, patches, security systems, etc. are released), you can also use APT to updating outdated packages(programs) in the system. To update, you must first update the list of packages, and then install all the updates. To do this, run the following command, which will immediately do everything necessary:

Apt-get update; apt-get upgrade

Installing programs on Fedora, Red Hat

There is a great utility for RPM packages yum, which does roughly the same thing as apt-get does for Debian packages. Like apt-get, yum allows download and install the package from the configured storage (repository):

Yum install package_name

Uninstall a program also easy and simple:

Yum remove package_name

yum does not maintain a local package list database, so there is no need to constantly update it. For installation of all available updates and patches, just write the command:

Yum update

or choose a specific program for update:

Yum update package_name

Installing programs in Mandriva

Mandriva Linux (formerly Mandrake and Connectiva) has its own set of tools for working with installation packages, it's called urpmi. To install programs you must enter:

Urpmi package_name

For removing:

Urpme package_name

To update local base package list data:

Urpmi.update -a

To install updates:

Urpmi --auto-select

Installing programs from archives (tarballs)

The distribution kit with the program is an archive with a bunch of files and usually has the extension .tar, .tar.gz, .bz, .tgz or something similar.

For archives compressed using GZIP (gz, gz2, etc.) do:

Tar -xvzf filename

For archives compressed using BZIP (bz, bz2, etc.) do:

Tar -xvjf filename

Tar commands:

  • x — extract files from the archive;
  • v — detailed display of information on the screen;
  • f — Required option. If not specified, Tar will try to use tape instead of file;
  • z — process gzip-compressed archive;
  • j — process a bzip compressed archive.

After execution, a folder will be created with a name identical to the name of the package.

Cd folder_name

Further, everything depends on how the program was compiled, in the form executable file, or in source code, which must first be compiled and only then installed. In any case, to begin with, it is better to read the instructions, which should be present in the unpacked archive and, as a rule, are called README, or something similar.

If the program is compiled as an executable file, then the folder will contain a file with the extension .sh, usually called It’s easy enough to run it:


If the program is presented in source code, execute the following commands:

./configure make make install

After installation we do:

Make clean

Everything is as you know, there is nothing complicated about installing programs in Linux.

Debian-based distributions use *.deb files for installation and distribution. But, as a rule, programs are distributed not in the form of separate packages, but in the form of repositories - storage large number files. There are various managers for searching and installing packages. The benefit of this approach is due to the fact that very rarely programs can work on their own, without additional libraries, and for correct operation system managers track dependencies and automatically add them to the installation list.


Definitely the best graphical package manager in Debian.

Kit console utilities for working with repositories. In general, the console is often more convenient than windowed mode. Especially if you know what exactly you need. It’s easier to immediately write something like apt-get install vlc, than to launch the synaptic, type the same vlc into the search, then mark it and press “apply”. In general, here are the most used cases apt:

# apt-get update

# apt-get install<пакет> - install/update the package;

# apt-get upgrade

# apt-get remove<пакет>

# apt-get purge<пакет>

$ apt-cache search<пакет> - search for a package. Gives out quite big list(since it searches in the name and description), if you need to search more strictly, then you can proceed as follows ( apt-cache search mplayer | grep mplayer).


It even has a pseudo-graphical interface, which can be seen if you run it without parameters.

# aptitude

The most commonly used keys in this mode are:

"/" - search by package name;
"n" - move to the next package that matches the search conditions;
"+" - install the package;
"-" - delete the package, leaving the configs;
"_" - delete the package along with the configs (purge);
"g" - go to next step working with packages (installation/removal);
"q" - return or exit.

Alternatively, aptitude can be used directly from the console, similar to apt. Here are some of its parameters:

# aptitudedownload- just download the required package;

# aptitudeupdate- get updated lists of packages from the server;

# aptitudeinstall<пакет> - install/update the package;

# aptitudeupgrade- update packages installed on the system;

# aptituderemove<пакет> - remove the package installed on the system (configuration files remain!);

# aptitudepurge<пакет> - remove the package installed on the system, deleting the configuration files;

# aptitudesearch<пакет> - search for a package.

# aptitude markauto/unmarkauto- check/uncheck “installed automatically”;
# aptitudereinstall<пакет> - reinstall the package.

A small note on use aptitude. Aptitude recommended for use (and this is what is used in the installer) - it has a more intelligent mechanism for solving dependency problems (in extreme cases, it allows you to deal with them manually). This is especially noticeable when major updates systems. In such cases, apt can even destroy the system.

Classic installation method (assembly from tarballs)

The source files are archived source texts and look like this:

  1. name.tar.gz (sometimes.tgz)

  2. name.tar.bz2

First you need to unpack these archives. This can be done using some graphical application, or you can also from the console:

$ tar -xzf name.tar.gz

After that, go to the directory with the unpacked files:


Note. By default, the packages required for compilation are usually not installed. In order for everything to work, you need to install the package build-essential:

# aptitude install build-essential

If everything is configured normally, you can run the compiler:

We wait. The build process can be long (several hours for some applications, especially if you have a weak processor). At the end, if no error messages appear, you can install what we got. This is usually done with the following command:

# make install

But in this case, your package will not be displayed in managers. To solve this problem, you need to assemble the deb file yourself. Of course, you can do this manually, but you can also use the utility checkinstall, which will do everything itself - it will build and install the package (in this case, you do not need to run make install).

# checkinstall -y

We set the -y switch so that we would not be asked any questions. Note. If you are installing a new version of a package installed on the system, you should first remove it, otherwise checkinstall will give an error when installing the package.


If you need to install a separate package not from the repository, you can use the following command.

# dpkg -i package.deb

To get a list of packages installed on the system, type in a terminal:

# dpkg -l

Depending on the number of packages on your system, this command may produce a large amount of output. Run the output through grep to see if a particular package is installed: dpkg -l | grep apache2.

To get a list of files installed by a package (in our case ufw), enter:

If you are not sure which package a file is installed with, dpkg -S can give you a hint. For example:

base-files: /etc/host.conf

The output indicates that /etc/host.conf belongs to the base-files package.

Many files are automatically created during the package installation process, but even though they are located on file system, #dpkg -S may not know which package they belong to.

Removing a package can be done like this:


Supports conversion between Linux packages Standard Base, RPM, deb, Stampede (.slp), Solaris (.pkg) and Slackware (.tgz). Capable of automatically installing the generated package. When converting, it attempts to convert installation scripts included in the archive. Nevertheless last chance should be used with extreme caution, since Linux distributions can differ greatly from each other and unsuccessfully converted scripts can damage the operating system.

A simple example of using alien:

# alien --to-rpm --scripts ./mypkg.deb

The inverse problem is solved by the following command

# alien --to-deb --scripts ./mypkg.rpm

Other installation options

1) Sometimes you have to install files rpm format. These are not native Debian files, so there are even fewer guarantees of correct operation than in the previous case (and don’t think about installing something systemic in this way!). But you can install the alien program, which will rebuild the deb package, after which it can be installed as shown above.

# aptitude install alien

2) In Ubuntu, it is possible to add your own repository using the command add-apt-repository, but Debian doesn't have it. This can be easily fixed by using .

3) Well, in general, it’s a rare case when programs are supplied with their own installer. For example, Opera has this installation option. As a rule, you just need to run it, and it copies everything itself. But in this case, nothing will be displayed in the managers.

A UNIX-like operating system command that displays information about the file locations of a specific application.

man: /usr/bin/man /usr/local/man /usr/share/man /usr/share/man/man7/man.7.gz /usr/share/man/man1/man.1.gz

OK it's all over Now. Now you can experiment with the system and see what we have in the distribution. After all, Debian is a huge field for experimentation, and you can do anything from it.

Stole some data from Anton Oni LIPARIN and Google

The package management system in Ubuntu is completely similar to the Debian package management system, and uses the dpkg and apt utilities. Programs in Ubuntu, like in Debian, are stored in packages of the form .deb.

Terminal, consoleUsually programs in Ubuntu are installed via the Internet, after downloading them from repositories. Installation is done using graphical shell sinaptic or via the console.

Downloaded program files are not deleted after installation and are stored in the /var/cache/apt/archives directory. If necessary, they can be removed using apt-get clean or apt-get autoclean.

dpkg -i program Installs or updates a package that was previously installed.

dpkg -r program Uninstalls an already installed program but retains the program's configuration files.

dpkg -l Displays a list of already installed software packages.

dpkg -l | grep driver Displays a list of installed programs that have the word “driver” in their names.

dpkg -s program Shows information about this program.

dpkg -P Removes the installed program along with the configuration file.

apt-get install program Program installation. You can install several programs at once. It will look like this: apt-get install program program program program program program

apt-get update Checks if the repositories have updates for installed

programs. The list of repositories is in the file /etc/apt/sources.list

apt-cdrom install program Installs or updates a package from a cdrom disk

apt-get upgrade Updates already installed programs.

apt-get remove program Uninstalls an installed program.

apt-get purge program Removes installed package and configuration files.

apt-get autoremove Removes packages that no other packages depend on.

apt-get check Finds conflicting packages and broken dependencies in software packages.

apt-get -f install Fixes found broken dependencies.

apt-cache search program Searching for a program in the cache.

apt-cache show program Shows information and description of the program package.

apt-cache showpkg program Shows all dependencies of the program package.

apt-cache depends program Displays in a list the dependent software packages needed for the selected program to run.

apt-get -h Help

apt-get -d Downloads a program but does not install it.

apt-get -s The command with this option does nothing. Simply simulates the execution of a command (for example, simulating the removal of a program)

apt-get -y If the program asks questions, this option answers Yes to all questions. Questions are not output to the console.

apt-get -f Continue even if package integrity check fails.

apt-get -u In addition, it will show a list of updated packages.

aptitude More convenient option apt. Works better with software package dependencies.

There are many ways to install programs on Ubuntu Linux. Here you can use the application store built into the system, and the package manager, and install programs from repositories using commands in the terminal, as well as download software packages from the Internet, and then install them - also different ways. And in this article I want to talk in detail about each method of installing programs on Ubuntu Linux.

Ubuntu Application Center

Center Ubuntu applications- this is what in other systems is usually called the “App Store”, for example in Android it is analogous Google Play. You can find it in the main menu of Ubuntu if you start typing the word “center” in the search bar.

In the application center, everything is quite simple: on the left there are categories ("Games", "Office", "Internet" and so on), on the top there is a search bar. We find the desired application, click “Install”, enter the administrator password, wait a little and everything is ready to use the newly installed program.

The Application Center contains all the programs that are available in the official Ubuntu repositories (i.e., "repositories"), as well as paid and free ones. paid programs and games from third party sources. If you want to install free program from third-party sources, then despite the fact that the price of the program will be indicated as zero, instead of the “Install” button you will still see the “Buy” button - do not be alarmed, feel free to click. And know that in any case, without your knowledge, they will never take money from you here, even if you try to install paid programs - before you buy it, you will have to fill in your payment information (number credit card and so on), so chance is certainly excluded here.

Please be aware that the Ubuntu App Center does not contain all existing software. Ubuntu programs, but nevertheless, beginners should start searching required applications exactly from here.

Synaptic package manager

Synaptic is a graphical package management utility that was used in Ubuntu long before it had an "App Center". Today, by default, this program is not available in Ubuntu at all, but you can install it, for example, by clicking here. Let me remind you that all installed programs can be found in the main menu of Ubuntu by starting to enter its name or what it is for in the search bar, as shown above in the image with the “App Center”.

With Synaptic you can very easily and conveniently view what packages you already have installed, remove them, update them (if updates are available), and also search in the repositories required packages by name or description. For all this, Synaptic has very good set filters by category ("Games", "Administration", "Internet", etc.), by status ("Installed", "Not installed", "Manually installed", "Updating", etc.), by origin (i.e. from what source this or that program is installed or can be installed) and others.

Synaptic is a much more "professional" program, so to speak, compared to Application Center. One to search necessary packages she is simply irreplaceable.

ِapt-get - manage packages from the terminal

The next method for installing programs is apt-get. By the way, apt-get can not only install them, but also remove, update, download lists of packages from the Internet, and much more. In general, everything that Synaptic can do, but only from command line. And at first glance, it may look scary, especially for beginners, but don’t rush - in most cases apt-get is the simplest and in a fast way to install something in Ubuntu, and this is why most of the instructions you find on the Internet for installing anything in Ubuntu include terminal commands using apt-get.

Using apt-get assumes that you know exactly what you want. For example, you want to install text editor Geany, then you need to do next command in the terminal:

sudo apt-get install geany

Let's look at what was written briefly:

sudo- means that the commands following it will be executed on behalf of the system administrator (since only the administrator has the right to install or delete anything);

apt-get- actually calls himself package manager apt-get we're talking about;

install- command to install the package. There are also many other commands, some of which I will list below in examples;

geany- the name of the package to be installed, and in in this case, this is the Geany text editor. You can specify multiple packages by simply putting a space between them.

Here are some other examples of using apt-get:

Download lists available applications from the Internet (roughly speaking, “check for updates”):

sudo apt-get update

Install all available updates:

sudo apt-get upgrade

Install vlc player and graphic gimp editor with one command:

sudo apt-get install vlc gimp

You can also remove the above with one command, saving their settings in the system:

sudo apt-get remove vlc gimp

The same thing, but with all settings cleared:

sudo apt-get purge vlc gimp

Also, when working with apt-get, you can use one nice feature in Ubuntu terminal: autocompletion. Assuming you don't know the full package name, for example, if you want to install add-ons in Gimp, then you can type "sudo apt-get install gimp" in the terminal and press the "Tab" key - you will automatically be offered various packages starting with " gimp*".

Here's how to install anything very easily using the command line and apt-get on Ubuntu. Now imagine that if I were explaining to you, as a newbie to Ubuntu, how to install Gimp, I would give you just one command: “sudo apt-get install gimp”, as opposed to a whole saga about what you need to find in the main menu of Ubuntu Ubuntu Application Center, write “Gimp” in the search bar, select the appropriate package and click on the “Install” button, not taking into account the speed of launching the application center itself and running several meters across the table.

GDebi package installer

If in the repositories Ubuntu needed the program was not found, or it was found, but not latest version(and this happens often), then most likely you will go to the website of the program or game developer and download the installation package in *.deb format. When you double-click on no, the “Ubuntu Application Center” will open and you can easily install it by clicking on the corresponding button. However, if you do this procedure quite often, then you will probably get tired of the very slow startup and operation of the Application Center. And then a very small and quick utility GDebi, which can be installed by clicking , or using the command in the terminal:

sudo apt-get install gdebi

After it is installed, click on the downloaded package right click mouse and select "Open with - GDebi package installer". GDebi will open the package and install it faster than Ubuntu Application Center.

Installing downloaded packages from the terminal

Except graphical utility GDebi, you can install packages downloaded from the Internet in Ubuntu with a simple command in the terminal. To do this you need to run the command:

sudo dpkg -i package_name

For example, if you downloaded a package from VirtualBox from the official website, and most likely now it is in the "Downloads" folder in your home directory, then you can install it from the terminal like this:

sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/virtualbox-4.3_4.3.8-92456~Ubuntu~raring_amd64.deb

ٌBy the way, auto-completion also works here, so you can just start entering the name of the file with the package and press Tab - the rest of the file name will be completed by itself. dpkg also supports templates, that is, you can write it like this:

sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/virtualbox*.deb

Which is very convenient if you downloaded a program that comes in the form of many packages (for example, many games or LibreOffice downloaded from the official website) - you can simply put all the packages in one folder, and then run something like this command:

sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/*.deb

(this example will install ALL packages from the Downloads folder).

Installing programs from third-party repositories

Majority necessary programs are stored in the official Ubuntu package repositories ("repositories"), from where they are downloaded whenever you install something through the Ubuntu Application Center or apt-get in the terminal. However, some applications (for example, narrow-profile, rarely used or recently appeared) in the official Ubuntu repositories no, or they exist - but in old versions. In such cases, you usually need to add to the system new source applications ("repository").

Usually, articles with instructions for installing something already contain ready-made commands, which you just need to copy into the terminal and execute. I want to give an example of such commands here with comments to clarify them for new Ubuntu users.

For example, to install classic menu ClassicMenu-Indicator, you must first connect its repository, i.e. add to your system's application sources the source from where it should be installed and updated. The developer's website provides a ready-made command:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:diesch/testing

sudo- run as system administrator;

add-apt-repository- add a repository;

ppa:diesch/testing- repository name.

Once the repository is added, it is necessary that Ubuntu system I downloaded the list of applications that are available in this source. To do this, use the command:

sudo apt-get update

and finally, installing the package:

sudo apt-get install classicmenu-indicator

We talked in detail about how apt-get works at the beginning of this article, so if these commands are not clear to you, return to the corresponding heading above.

Installing programs from source

Today you can often hear from people who are very far from Linux that if you switch to Ubuntu or other Linux distributions, “you will install programs from source codes.” Of course, such a possibility exists, but the necessity is very doubtful. And just 10 years ago, the average Linux user installed programs exactly this way - compiled them from source texts, often encountering a lot of " pitfalls". If you decide to install a program on Ubuntu from source today - I really don't think you need to. Read this article from start to finish to see what all the existing modern programs for Linux, with very rare exceptions, you can install either from the repositories, or by downloading the *.deb package and simply clicking on it.

If you still decide to take such a big step, read the INSTALL and README files, which are usually supplied in the archive with source texts, in which you will find instructions for compiling and installing the program - they can vary greatly from one program to another.

Although Ubuntu distribution Linux is installed with a set of application programs, however, it may be necessary to install some additional programs. How to install a program on Linux Ubuntu?

In fact, in almost any Linux distribution There are two ways to solve this problem.

The first, simple one, is to use already compiled binary packages. Such packages are installed in the same way as in Windows OS - download installation file, run it and the program is installed. This path is even easier than on Windows if you use official repositories and special package management programs. If you are using such a program, then you just need to launch it, then find it in the list the desired program and click the "Install" button. Then the program will do everything itself.

Such binary packages are usually posted in Internet repositories. A repository is a server on which, strictly a certain form , collected and stored, and in addition to the programs themselves, there is also service information for automatic installers.

The second path is not for the faint of heart. This is compiling a program directly on your computer from source code. First you download the archive from source codes program, then unpack it, then start the compilation and installation process. And after that, if you are very lucky, the program will be installed. But another scenario is more likely - errors will occur during the compilation process and you will have to deal with the cause of these errors.

I myself am not a fan of such perversions and do not recommend it to anyone. Therefore, later in this article only the first, civilized method of installing programs will be described.

Ubuntu Linux has three graphics programs to install binary packages (Ubuntu uses deb binary packages). These are Gdebi, Synaptic and Software-center. Gdebi is the simplest of them - through it you can install packages that you have available on your computer. Synaptic and Software-center themselves download packages from the repositories; you only need to indicate which program you want to install.

Synaptic is a whole complex designed not only for installing packages from repositories, but also for managing already installed packages.

And finally the heavyweight new program which Ubuntu developers rely on. In their opinion, Software-center should replace both Gdebi and Synaptic.

Of course this program is beautiful. And it provides even more information than Synaptic. For example, user ratings of programs. But. It turned out to be in the spirit of the times - heavy, leisurely and also unstable.

Installing a separate, local deb package through this Center is below average pleasure. And it installs slowly from Internet repositories. But if you don't install new programs every day, then this is a perfectly acceptable option.

If you use only official Ubuntu repositories, information about which is “hardwired” into the Synaptic and Software-center programs right out of the box, then you don’t need to know anything at all about installing programs. Launch Software-center, look for the program you need there, then click the “Install” button and that’s it. But there are not only official repositories for Ubuntu. There are a large number of unofficial ones, that is, created by volunteers who are not related to. Installing programs from such repositories can be done in the same way through Software-center or Synaptic. You only need to specify the address of such a repository in the settings of these programs.

In addition, there are cases when a program in the form of a deb file can be downloaded from the developer’s website. For example, in this way you can download and install Skype and Opera. On the sites And you can find the version for Ubuntu Linux and download it. Installing such a program is carried out exactly the same as in Windows, download the file, run this file, one of the installers (Gdebi or Software-center) automatically starts and installs the program.

In addition to installing application programs, you must periodically install updates. This is done through special program- Update manager.

This program shows a list of updates and a description for each update. You only need to click the "Install updates" button. During the installation of updates, the program will display the progress. By default, after installing Ubuntu, the Update manager starts automatically when the system starts and checks for updates every day on its own.

If it detects available updates then a message is displayed to the user and a window opens with a list of updates. But the update manager can be removed from autostart and launched manually. Do not use unofficial repositories. And if you need to install a program that is not in the official repositories, then before installing, collect information about this program, and also look for the most reliable source where you can download the installation file. It is important to follow this rule for safety reasons, because instead of application program you can download and install malware (Trojan, rootkit, virus). What is a secure source? First of all, these are official repositories. Secondly, this is the website of the program developer. If you download Skype program not from the developers site, and from some site like

that is, the likelihood is that it will not be Skype at all, but a Trojan imitating the Skype program.

If you have Ubuntu 11.10 install Gdebi and Synaptic, it will be easier with them. apt, Installation from the console, If you consider yourself a developer, then use console programs dpkg

If you live in Krasnodar, there is an easy way for you to install programs and updates on Ubuntu.

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