The mouse on the computer does not work, but it lights up. Wired mouse does not work. Individual problems of computer manipulators

The computer is our assistant and friend. But a very unpleasant situation may arise in which any of its parts fails. Of course, you can turn to specialists and take your computer for repair. But before that, we recommend that you try to fix the computer yourself. Especially if it concerns such a small thing as a computer mouse.

List of actions if the mouse does not work:

  1. If we are talking about a wireless mouse, then the battery could simply be dead. Buy new, expensive batteries and see if the mouse works.
  2. Drivers can also cause mouse failure. You could, for example, accidentally delete them or you didn’t install them; in addition, some virus could have removed the drivers. Many mice come with disks containing these drivers. Install or reinstall them, restart your computer.
  3. Often the problem may just be in the settings. Just go to the control panel and then to the mouse settings. Check that everything is enabled and configured correctly. It would seem a banal reason. And people spend hours wondering why the mouse doesn’t work.
  4. If you have a USB mouse, you should first check whether the indicator on it lights up when connected. For the purity of the experiment, try inserting the mouse into another USB port and restarting the computer.
  5. If you have an older type of mouse, with a PS/2 plug, then you should check to see if the pins at the connector are bent. Carefully inspect both the plug itself and the port on the computer. If you find that the pins are bent, then try to give them the correct appearance. However, be careful, they are very easy to break.
  6. If the mouse stops working in a particular game, then it is clear that the whole problem is in the settings of the game, and not in the manipulator. Go to the control settings and try to solve this problem by setting the appropriate values.

One of the buttons on the mouse does not work

If the mouse basically works, but only one of the buttons is out of order, then it becomes clear: the problem is not with the drivers or the USB port. It's just one of the buttons. Just carefully disassemble the mouse and see if everything is in place. Most likely the microphone broke off - a small button inside. If you can somehow fix it, good, but if not, you’ll have to buy a new mouse. Fortunately, they are not too expensive today.

Why doesn't the mouse wheel work?

The mouse wheel may also not work for several reasons. Firstly, the whole issue may be in the Windows settings. The control panel on your computer will help you here. Secondly, internal damage may occur. To do this, disassemble the mouse using a small screwdriver and look at the scroll inside. From the wheel itself, inside the mouse, a lever often moves to the side, which presses a button when you press the wheel. Pay attention if it is broken. If it is broken, it can be replaced with something at hand. Glue or, as it were, solder into plastic. Although, today it is much easier to buy a new mouse than to perform such operations.

A computer mouse is an integral device in the system. Some people experience situations where the mouse either starts to work poorly or fails altogether, but in Windows this thing is very necessary. I think many people have wondered, is it possible to somehow fix the mouse, or simply fix problems in the system due to which it does not work? Of course it is possible, and now we will try to resolve this issue.

If the mouse does not respond to any actions at all, many people immediately run to the store for a new one, although others solve this problem on their own, which leads to long-term service of the manipulator.

Many of you probably know that there are several types of connecting a manipulator to a computer or laptop - PS/2, USB, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Thus, the first two are wired manipulators, and the second two are wireless. Each one may have its own problem.

Recommendations for troubleshooting problems for all manipulators

What should I do if the mouse still works, but is unstable, for example, it turns off and then turns on again?

When connecting the manipulator via USB, you should take a different USB cable. If the operating system on your computer has been installed for a very long time and has not been updated, then this may cause unstable operation of the manipulator; it is also possible that many other manipulators were connected to the computer, resulting in a conflict between the drivers.

Try connecting the mouse to a connector on another computer and if everything works well, then the problem is in the USB controller.

You can try to reinstall the mouse driver using the keyboard; to do this, press the Win+R combination and enter the command mmc devmgmt.msc .

We are in the device manager. Now you need to press a key Tab so that you can navigate using the arrows. Scroll down with the arrow to the point "Mice and other pointing devices" To expand the list, press the right arrow.

Move to the desired device and press Enter, a window will open where you need to hold down the Ctrl and Shift keys, and then press the Tab key to move to the tab "Driver", after that just press the button "Tab" and move to the button "Delete". Press Enter and confirm the action.

Restart your computer or laptop, and then reinsert the mouse, the driver should be reinstalled and, perhaps, everything will work.

What to do if the manipulator cursor does not stand still?

This is not such a difficult problem; perhaps the sensor is clogged with dirt, dust, or something is stuck and prevents the cursor from pointing at objects normally. I advise you to completely wipe the mouse, starting with the sensor.

The next problem is that the buttons on the manipulator almost do not respond when pressed, what should I do?

Here the problem is already related to the mouse itself, that is, at the hardware level. It is possible that the button or buttons failed due to too much pressing, or you pressed them so hard that they failed due to your fault. There is a possibility that dirt got inside and this prevents the button from functioning normally, you will have to disassemble the mouse and take a look. If no dirt is found, then most likely the microbutton needs to be replaced, which requires appropriate knowledge.

Several individual problems for manipulators

If you have a wired paddle, then common causes of failure are related to a wire that is kinked or broken. Inspect the cable carefully for damage.

What to do if your wireless mouse doesn't work? If these types of manipulators run on batteries, then it is quite possible that they have run out. Replace them. If the problem is not related to nutrition, then you will have to look for the problem yourself. Some of the types of problems described above may also apply to wireless paddles.

Another disadvantage of wireless pointing devices is that they can conflict with similar frequencies of other devices, it can be anything - a smartphone, tablet, TV, refrigerator, router, etc.

The biggest problem with computer mice is that many of them are not shockproof; if you drop your mouse a couple of times, don’t be surprised that it breaks down or doesn’t work well. Not every manufacturer uses high-quality parts to make a manipulator, so treat things with care.

This article can end here. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask them.

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A mouse is supplied with a personal computer; many people use a laptop or netbook on a panel that has a built-in mouse for work. For many users this is not very convenient and they have to buy a mouse separately and then connect it to their laptop.

It often happens that after connecting a mouse, the pointer on the screen does not move, although the indicator inside the mouse glows red. What to do if the mouse on the computer does not work, but lights up?

It is worth noting that the computer industry produces two types of mice.

Mice produced:

  • With wire;
  • Without wire.

Let's figure out how these types of devices included with the PC work.

The wireless mouse works through a Bluetooth device. Batteries are inserted into the mouse and it is connected using a Bluetooth program, which must first be installed on your computer.

Once connected to your device, the mouse is ready to use. But, if after connecting the mouse pointer does not move, then you just need to restart your PC.

This action is often enough for the mouse to start working. If it doesn't help, you should try the mouse on another computer. Perhaps the mouse simply does not work due to mechanical failure.

Perhaps the electronic components of the mouse have failed, perhaps a wire has fallen off somewhere, or a radio component has failed.

Also, the cause of the breakdown may be the lack of the required driver, then you need to go to the mouse manufacturer’s website, download the driver to your computer, and install it.

Viruses and conflicts

The next reason why the mouse on the computer does not work, but lights up, may be a virus; in this case, check your device with the installed antivirus.

Sometimes a problem occurs after installing a program and a conflict occurs between the installed program and the mouse drivers.

Remember when the mouse stopped working and uninstall the installed program or roll back the system to a working state.

But it also happens that the mouse stops working after reinstalling Windows. Perhaps the software simply does not see the connected device, then you should change the installed Windows to another OS.

Mouse with wire

Such a mouse should be tested on another computer to find out whether the device works or not. If the mouse is working, then you need to look for the cause of the problems on your computer.

The reason may be the lack of the necessary driver, a virus on the computer, or you installed downloaded software that caused a conflict between the computer and the mouse.

There is only one solution, if there is no driver, you need to download and install it, if this does not help, remember what program was installed on the device, after which the mouse stopped working. Find and remove software.

Mechanical problems

If the mouse refuses to work on other devices, then the cause may be a mechanical failure. Sometimes, after disconnecting the mouse from the computer, the plug contacts may become bent.

In this case, you need to return them to their original position and insert the plug into the port socket. This can be done using ordinary tweezers or another device, for example, a thin nail, a ballpoint pen, and so on.

Mice with a USB connector are more durable and do not have such an unpleasant feature; in this regard, they are more reliable.

Also, the cause of the problem may be the mouse wire; this happens rarely, but it happens if the wire was damaged by rodents or the wire was simply pinched by something heavy.

To do this, you need to pick up the connected mouse and start moving the wire. When you move the damaged wire, the mouse indicator will start blinking. If this happens, it means you need to change the wire or buy a new mouse.

Sometimes a breakdown occurs when the device is simply dirty. To do this, you need to disassemble the device, remove any dirt or hair that has gotten under the mouse wheel, and the device will start working normally. It happens that the mouse works, but somehow sluggishly, actions occur with a delay.

Your computer settings may be to blame for this, and you may need to try different mouse sensitivity settings.

The mouse on the computer does not work, but it lights up, the result

As you can see, all problems can be solved. And if your mouse breaks down, you need to calmly figure out the problem and try to solve it using various troubleshooting options.

In the overwhelming majority, the user can solve the problem on his own. Unless the computer itself has failed. Then you need to take it in for repairs and solve the problem that way.

Finally, one small but very important piece of advice will be given. If your mouse is under warranty repair, you do not need to disassemble such a device yourself, otherwise you risk not getting the mouse repaired and may be left without warranty repair.

Take the mouse to a warranty repair shop, where your mouse will be repaired and returned to working order. Enjoy your experience on your device.

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Users sometimes encounter this problem when the mouse stops responding to clicks. For what reason could this problem occur? How can you deal with such a task? What features of this process are recommended to pay attention to? In some cases, the mouse may be influenced by factors that have absolutely nothing to do with input devices. The user can immediately bring the faulty item to system administrators for diagnosis. This is a completely logical decision, but there is still no need to rush. You can try to figure out on your own why the mouse does not respond to clicks, and try to cope with the problems without outside help.

The mouse does not respond to clicks: clogged

The first and most common reason for the lack of response to clicks is simple clogging of the equipment. If the mouse refuses to respond to a click or does it every other time, then it is recommended to check it for cleanliness. Problems such as clogging can be eliminated only with completely new equipment. If the device has already been working for some time, then if there are problems with the mouse, you can clean this component. This is not so difficult to do, and the result will not take long to arrive. When the user gets rid of all the dirt that has accumulated under the mouse buttons, it will work at full capacity.

Mouse does not respond to clicks: malfunction

We considered only one scenario. There are actually many options. What to do if the mouse does not respond to clicks? The equipment is quite likely to be out of order. This is true for any devices, both new and those that have been working for some time. If the equipment is faulty, it is recommended to take it to a service center. Here, technicians can check the device and tell whether it can be repaired. If yes, then you can safely leave the mouse until the problem is fixed at the service center. Otherwise, you will have to completely change the input device.

Functionality check

Even if the mouse is cleaned of dust and dirt and still does not respond to responses, you can still check its performance. To do this, it is recommended to connect the device to another computer, install drivers for the equipment and make sure that everything is working properly. This technique makes it possible to make visits to service centers with specific complaints. Using such a check, you can find out the sources of failures and problems.

What other options are there for the development of events? What should you pay attention to in other situations?

Connectors and sockets

What to do if the mouse refuses to respond to clicks? First of all, don't panic. This problem is common among many users. Sometimes the problem lies in the technical part. However, it does not pose any danger to the operating system or computer. A possible cause of the problem could be a damaged connector. If the socket to which the equipment is connected is damaged, then contact between the mouse and the manipulator may be established only once. There is only one way out of this situation - try connecting the mouse to a different socket. This is the only way to fix the problem. It is worth noting that the connection connector on the device may also be damaged. The best way to correct the situation in this case is to buy a new mouse. As a rule, connectors cannot be repaired. After the repair work has been carried out, they still break down, and quite quickly.


What to do if the mouse stops responding to mouse clicks or does it every other time? There can be many options for the development of events. As mentioned earlier, problems are often technical in nature. However, there are exceptions. The layout that will be discussed below is typical for gaming mice. The problem usually lies with the drivers. This software is responsible for recognizing devices in the operating system. The complete absence of this software or an old version can lead to the fact that the mice will work only once or may not be detected by the computer as available equipment at all. In this case, you will only need to install drivers on your computer (usually they are already included with the mice). You can also try updating existing drivers. After this, you should restart the operating system. If these procedures bring a positive result, then there is no need to worry. If the mouse refuses to work, then you need to further look for the source of the problem. There are many alternatives.


Only laptop owners may encounter this problem. There is a cursor on the screen, but the mouse does not always respond to clicks or refuses to work at all? You can try to check the operation of the touchpad. If it functions normally, it is recommended to disable this component. The whole problem is that some operating system builds and laptops do not support simultaneous operation of the mouse and touchpad. As a result, a hardware conflict occurs. The mouse refuses to function normally. When the touchpad is disabled, the connected device will return to full functionality. You can continue to use the mouse. And don’t be surprised if the problem arose suddenly. No one is immune from such situations.


If the mouse does not respond to clicks, then the problem may lie elsewhere. Slow response from input/output devices in some cases can be explained by high processor load. Why can a similar phenomenon occur on a PC? There are many options for the development of events. The most common ones include the following:

— a large number of functioning programs;

— the PC does not comply with the system requirements of the operating system;

— exposure to viruses and other harmful objects;

— long operation of the equipment without rebooting or shutting down;

— lack of hard disk space for normal operation of the operating system.

In any case, it is necessary to provide offload to the processor. In this case, the user is recommended to close numerous programs that run in the background. You can also restart your computer. It's better to let him rest for a couple of hours. After this, the user must resume attempting to connect the pointer. The problem should go away.

Exposure to viruses

What to do if the mouse does not respond to clicks? As mentioned above, the real cause of problems with equipment may well be the activity of viruses. A computer infection may well lead to this phenomenon. What to do in this case? You need to try to cure your computer. If this problem occurs when working on a laptop, then the touchpad will save you. Using the touchpad, you can easily control the cursor and PC. The antivirus program will be able to find and disinfect potentially dangerous files. If this fails, the user will be prompted to delete the document. When you can’t control the cursor at all, the computer is usually taken to a service center. They will be able to quickly cure your system of all viruses, without causing any damage to the owner’s data.


If the mouse refuses to respond to clicks, then it is recommended to pay attention to the system requirements. The problem may lie in the fact that all modern equipment has certain system requirements for the computer. Failure to meet system requirements may prevent the device from operating. Or it will function unstably. If an incompatibility with the operating system is detected, the problem can be solved in several ways. The user can either change the operating system or change the connected equipment. In practice, the second option is most common. It is recommended that owners of devices running the Windows 10 operating system pay special attention to compatibility issues. A lot of equipment today conflicts with this operating system. Therefore, you should not be surprised that the Windows operating system does not respond to mouse clicks. What to do in this situation? It was already said earlier that it is necessary to either change the operating system or change the connected equipment. What exactly to do in this case? Everyone decides this for themselves.

Power supply

The last reason why a mouse connected to a computer may not respond is incorrect power settings. This problem usually occurs on laptops. It is recommended to go into the power settings and disable the function that allows you to turn off USB ports. It is to them that information input/output devices are directly connected. Then you need to save all settings and restart your computer. After this, as practice shows, the mouse works better. It's actually not that difficult. It’s enough just to go through all the available options. Then you will be 100% able to figure out why the problem arose. There is no need to rush into purchasing new equipment. It is likely that it will be possible to do without this. If the user doubts his abilities, then he can immediately take the computer and faulty equipment to a service center. They will quickly help you diagnose the problem and fix the problem.

The first reason the mouse does not work is an OS problem. Most often, this problem can be easily resolved by simply rebooting the laptop. If rebooting does not help and the mouse no longer works, then you should check the status of the drivers that are responsible for its operation.

This is done very simply.

  1. My computer
  2. Properties
  3. Equipment
  4. device Manager
  5. Mice and other pointing devices

If all the drivers are working correctly, then in point 5 you will see the name of the manipulator, and if you see a yellow rectangle with an exclamation mark inside, then the drivers are not working properly. This problem can be solved by simply downloading a new driver or installing it from a disk.

Why the mouse does not work on a laptop: characteristics and reasons

Before we find out why the mouse doesn’t work on a laptop, let’s first look at what types of mice there are and how to fix them.

Touchpad (touchpad)

The touchpad is characterized by 2 types of operation

  • The touchpad works intermittently
  • Touchpad doesn't work at all

I'll tell you about each situation in more detail. So, during operation of the touchpad the following problems arise: poor response to commands given by the user; The cursor moves unevenly; The cursor temporarily disappears from the screen.

Simply wiping the touchpad will help get rid of this problem. The likelihood that it is simply clogged with dirt is quite high. Simply wipe the touchpad with a damp cloth. You can start working only after the touchpad has completely dried. Problems with the touchpad can also occur when you work at the laptop with wet hands.

There are also cases when the touchpad does not work correctly due to incorrect settings. In order to reconfigure the device settings, you need to open the “Control Panel” tab and select the “Mouse” item in it. Through error and trial, you can optimally configure the touchpad to suit your needs.

Often, each specific touchpad model comes with a “native” driver. You should not neglect its installation, trusting a set of standard drivers.

But what to do if the touchpad does not respond to user commands? Most often, this problem occurs due to the touchpad being disabled. Disabling can be either intentional or arbitrary. You can enable the touchpad using the following methods:

  • Use the key combination – Fn + function key F1-F12 (The choice of key depends on the brand and model of the laptop);
  • Check the on/off button if your laptop has one;
  • Use special utilities;
  • In some laptops, when you connect a second pointing device, the touchpad turns off, so try this.
  • Enable device support in the BIOS – value Enabled for the Internal Pointing Device parameter;

If all the methods I mentioned above did not help you, then this is a hardware failure. You won’t be able to repair the touchpad on your own, so I advise you to go to a service center. The service center will carry out repairs not only efficiently, but also efficiently.

Wired mouse

A wired mouse is a slightly outdated device that is used less and less these days.

If such a mouse does not work on a laptop, try connecting it to another laptop or PC. If the mouse does not work on that computer, then you should buy a new mouse. But if the mouse works, then the cause of the problem should be looked for directly in the laptop.

What should you do if the mouse on your laptop does not work, and replacing the mouse does not give any result:

  • Connect the device to another USB port;
  • Reboot your system
  • Check drivers
  • Remove the mouse from the system and reboot. When you turn on the laptop, the OS will be reinitialized and recognized;

Mechanical problems are not worth solving; it is better to buy a new device.

Wireless mouse

A wireless mouse is used most often in work today. But what to do if the mouse on your laptop stops working? Below I will tell you about problems that may prevent the mouse from working normally.

  • Batteries. If the mouse cursor moves normally across the screen, and then suddenly “freezes,” then you should first check the batteries, and if necessary, replace them with new ones. To extend the operating time of a wireless mouse. It’s better not to put batteries in it, but;
  • If the mouse periodically freezes, try turning off the mouse and then turning it on.
  • Try connecting the receiver to a different port;

If the mouse does not respond to any of the manipulations at all, then it is generally worth replacing it with a new one.

In this article, I told you why the mouse on a laptop does not work and about the main problems and ways to solve them for pointing devices that are used on laptops. I hope that the information above is useful to you and will ensure that your mouse lasts longer. All the best!

With UV. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky