Charge a new tablet for the first time. How to charge a tablet from usb. How to charge a tablet directly: several effective ways. What are the options for charging your tablet?

And laptops entered our lives relatively recently, but along with mobile phones they have firmly taken their place there. And now all of humanity cannot imagine their lives without computer technology and the Internet. People communicate on social networks, share information, find out the latest news, study and work via the Internet.

New development

Relatively recently, namely in 2010, a new device appeared on the computer market - a tablet computer, or simply a tablet. It very quickly became widespread among users due to its compactness, as well as lower cost compared to laptops and desktop computers. It is very convenient to watch videos, listen to music, read books electronically, and communicate on social networks on a tablet. But working on it and writing texts is difficult and inconvenient due to the lack of a keyboard and mouse. The advantage of a tablet is also its lower energy consumption compared to a laptop. But still it has to be charged. There are no problems when there is a charger nearby, but if it is not there, then the question arises: how to charge the tablet without charging?

How to charge?

You can use a USB cable. Well, every user of various gadgets probably knows how to charge a tablet via USB. It is enough to have this cable with the appropriate connector and a desktop computer at hand. It should be noted that charging the tablet via USB is much slower than through a power outlet, since the voltage and maximum charging current in the computer are much lower. The tablet can be charged in this way from a laptop. Charging from a laptop follows the same principle.

Charging rules

Previously, it was believed that for high-quality operation of the device, it was necessary to completely discharge the battery before the first charge. Currently, tablets are equipped with a new type. And before using the tablet for the first time, you need to fully charge it. In order for the tablet battery to last longer, it needs to be recharged more often and not allowed to completely discharge. To recharge the battery, the method described above on how to charge the tablet from a computer is also suitable. But there are cases when there is no USB cord either. And again the problem arises of how to charge the tablet without charging. In this case, you can use the cigarette lighter. This is where you will need a car one. On the one hand, such a device has a connector adapted to the car’s cigarette lighter, on the other hand, USB. It can be purchased at any electronics store. Before charging in this way, you should first make sure that there is sufficient power. Then connect the cable to the tablet computer and to the car. This method is only suitable for recharging

Mr. Samodelkin

There are a lot of tips on how to charge your tablet without charging it. Some users offer the following option: in case there is neither a standard nor a car charger and there is no USB cord, you need to take any old charger that has been lying idle for a long time, and no one remembers what device it is intended for. Usually, every owner of modern mobile phones has several of these at home. You need to cut off the connector for connecting to the phone - it will not be needed, then strip the wires by removing the insulation from them. Two wires will appear - blue and red. Then you need to remove the battery from the tablet and find the plus and minus on it. Then connect the wires: the blue wire will go to positive, the red wire to negative, secure this structure with insulating tape or tape. Plug it into a power outlet, and that’s it – charging starts. In this case, you need to act carefully so as not to get this. Although this method is not very reliable in its design, compared to how to charge a tablet via USB, it is faster, because the current in the outlet is more powerful and, therefore, the gadget will charge much faster. But it is better to use this method only in emergency cases. And in order to prevent such problems from arising in the future at the most inopportune moment, it is better to purchase a spare battery and carry it with you.

Lots of options

There are chargers that allow you to charge your tablet computer from AA batteries via a USB cable. Radio amateurs can make such a device on their own, especially since everything you need can be purchased at a radio store.

If the “original” charger is broken or simply lost, and it is impossible to buy the same one, you need to purchase a similar one. There are several rules that should be followed when purchasing it. First, you should know current consumption characteristics such as voltage and current. They can be found in the instructions or on the battery itself. Secondly, it is necessary to strictly follow the main rule - the voltage should not exceed 10 percent of the recommended value, and the current strength should be higher, but not more than 3-4 times. Otherwise, when charging with a device that does not meet these requirements, the battery or the tablet itself will break.

How to extend the life of a tablet?

Some users believe that charging time depends on the operating system on which a particular tablet is running, but this is not true at all. It all depends on the gadget manufacturer. For example, production facilities are the least capricious regarding charging conditions, and therefore fewer problems arise with them when using various charging methods.

To extend the life of your tablet's battery, you must constantly monitor its charge level and prevent it from being completely discharged. It is not recommended to leave the tablet turned on during the process.

Thus, when answering the question of how to charge a tablet without charging, many answers arise. All the methods presented are simple, accessible and safe if you follow simple rules. But it is still recommended to use the charger that comes with the tablet and meets all its requirements. This will extend the life of the battery of the tablet computer itself.

There are so many different rumors and legends about how to properly charge a tablet that it begins to resemble the lost secret knowledge of the Atlanteans. All kinds of advisers and home-grown specialists, until their voices become hoarse and their fingers go numb (from typing angry publications on forums and blogs), assure the inexperienced user that they are the ones who have the only correct information about the correct method. As a result, we have a pile of electronic gadgets that are discharged right before our eyes and lose their battery capacity within a year after purchase.

There are many versions about how to properly charge a battery.

The very history of the development of power sources contributed to the emergence of such a situation. As many people probably know, until some time nickel-cadmium batteries were used. One of the characteristic features of these batteries was the so-called “memory effect”. It was because of this that the first mobile phones had to be “rocked” after purchase (or installation of a new battery) - completely discharged several times and charged again to 100%.

Over time, nickel-cadmium batteries were replaced by lithium-ion batteries - a newer and more advanced technology that does not suffer from the notorious “memory effect”. However, as an ingrained habit, many “experts” continue to mislead their relatives, friends and complete strangers on the Internet with advice to always discharge the device to zero and charge it to 100%. Like, this way it will last longer, and in general, universal electronic happiness will come.

Let's dispel this myth - this method of operating lithium-ion batteries will not only not give a positive result, but can also lead (and even most likely will lead) to dire consequences. The fact is that with modern power supplies in mobile devices (and in addition to tablets, this also includes smartphones, laptops, digital photo and video cameras), both maximum charge and complete discharge are harmful and are fraught with rapid loss of capacity. The correct solution is to maintain it between 40 and 80%.

Most electronic gadgets use lithium-ion batteries

Many people probably know that each rechargeable energy source has such a parameter as the number of charge-discharge cycles. With this figure, the manufacturer tells you that this is the number of times you can charge and discharge your device without serious loss of capacity. But few people know that this figure is not fixed and seriously depends on how discharged the battery was at the time it was connected to the charger. The number of charging cycles when used incorrectly (that is, to the charger at the moment when it desperately signals that it is about to turn off) drops not just significantly, but almost by an order of magnitude.

All of the above, of course, does not mean that if you are far from an outlet and your favorite gadget is about to turn off, you urgently need to stop using it. Likewise, it is not a crime to want to charge it to 100% before a long journey. You just shouldn’t make such operating modes the norm.

In addition, you can always charge the tablet, if, of course, the current supplied by the USB ports of the PC or laptop at hand is sufficient.

Another good piece of advice would be to observe the temperature regime. Lithium-ion batteries are very sensitive when used in hot or cold environments. For example, in hot weather, the battery capacity may increase slightly and then it is strictly not recommended to bring the battery charge to 100%. After all, when the temperature normalizes, a phenomenon called “overcharging” will occur, and this can be disastrous for the power source.

In hot weather it is better not to charge the battery to 100%

In addition, the question often arises of how to properly charge. The catch lies in the fact that no special manipulations need to be performed. Most modern electronic gadgets turn on quietly after purchase and show the charge level at that same 40%. This is the figure recommended by manufacturers of lithium-ion power supplies for long-term battery storage, and manufacturers of all kinds of electronics are well aware of this.

Let's summarize: in order for your device to last longer, you just need to follow:

  • maintain a constant charge level within 40–80%;
  • do not allow the battery to be completely discharged;
  • do not charge the battery to 100%;
  • Always carry the cable from your device with you. Even if you don’t have a power outlet at hand, you can always charge your tablet via USB;
  • Do not use the device in extreme heat or cold;
  • Prefer short charging cycles over long ones. Do not charge your gadget overnight or use “smart sockets” that turn off after a set number of hours.

Video on how to properly charge your tablet:

By following these simple rules, you will ensure a long life for your tablet's battery and save your own money and nerves.

All modern electronic devices (smartphones, tablets, laptops) mainly use lithium-ion batteries. There are different opinions on how to properly charge them. Some people think that the device should always be 40-80% charged and need to be recharged regularly, while others think that you should wait until the battery is completely discharged and then charge it to 100%.
This confusion is due to the fact that previously nickel batteries were often used, which had a “memory effect”. Such devices had to be discharged to zero. Lithium-ion batteries do not have this problem, but their service life is still measured in years, and in order to maximize their life, you need to know how to use them correctly.

1. Charge your device regularly

Do not allow the device to discharge to 0%. It's better to recharge it regularly. Below you can see a table of the dependence of the number of charging cycles (battery life) on the depth of discharge. Having examined this table, we will see that it is better not to even lower the charge to 50%, but to recharge every time the battery is discharged by 10-20%.

2. Don't leave your device charging

Lithium-ion batteries do not require constant charging to 100%. It is better if your device is charged between 40-80%. So keep the charge within these limits if possible. If you have charged your device to 100%, do not leave it connected to the charger! Many people do this, but this is what leads to shorter battery life. If you charge your device overnight, use special energy-saving sockets that turn off your charger after a set number of hours. NB: Normal (non-Chinese non-name) laptops and phones have a built-in charge controller and automatically turn off charging when they reach 100% - some even report the end of charging with a signal. Such devices can be kept connected to the network constantly.

3. Once a month, completely discharge the battery, and then charge it to 100%

This statement may seem contradictory, given what we said at the beginning. But now we will explain everything. A full discharge-charge cycle once a month is needed to calibrate the device. On your phone or laptop, the remaining charge is usually indicated in percentage or hours and minutes before the device is completely drained. After a large number of small charges, this function begins to work incorrectly, and therefore the device should be calibrated once a month (a full discharge-charge cycle) so that the readings remain accurate.

4. Avoid overheating the device

High temperatures negatively affect the life of your battery. In the table below you can see the dependence of the loss of battery charge on the temperature in which it was located. So, protect your devices from overheating and do not work with your laptop on your lap.

Using these recommendations, you can significantly extend the life of your battery. However, don't get too hung up on it. If it happens that you don’t have a charger at hand, then it’s okay that your gadget will be discharged to zero. And there's nothing wrong with charging it fully if you're going on a long trip.

A lithium-ion battery will still last no more than 2-3 years, no matter how much you take care of it, even if your device just sits on the shelf all this time. In general, don't overdo it, use the device in a way that suits you. But if you have the opportunity to apply these recommendations, then do not neglect them.

There is no charger at hand, and the phone is almost dead. Guys, help me out, I need to charge without just charging.

Answers (5)

  1. This comment is edited.

    The most common option for charging a tablet without charging is to use portable batteries. They look like regular smartphones, only bigger, heavier and without a screen. To charge the device through them you need to:

    • connect the USB cable to the phone;
    • connect the other end, which is inserted into the power supply, to a portable battery.

    This method is suitable for long hikes, although you can’t do without USB charging. You can also charge your phone through the cigarette lighter using an adapter. On its surface there is an input for a USB cable. The other side, similar to a cylinder, is inserted into the cigarette lighter.

  2. To charge the tablets, you can use the rest of the USB cord and the power supply.

    For this:

    • We clean the ends of the wires from insulation with a knife or scissors, you need to remember red is a plus, blue is a minus;
    • we press and fix the exposed wires to the positive and negative terminals of the battery with electrical tape;
    • plug the power supply into the outlet;
    • Charging time depends on how much the battery has been discharged.

    This method is a little dangerous, so the exposed ends must be well insulated.

    In addition, if the power supply from another device can take a long time, you cannot use ordinary plugs, as this will kill the battery.

    Such charging negatively affects the battery of an Android smartphone, reduces its capacity and reduces its service life.

  3. This comment is edited.

    An alternative to a charger can be a “frog”. With its help you can charge your phone battery without a phone. It works like this:

    • a battery is fixed into a device that looks like a clothespin;
    • the movable antennae are moved so that they are pressed against the positive and negative poles, and the light bulb lights up red;
    • The “frog” is inserted into the socket, a green flashing should appear.

    Different phone batteries are designed for individual current and voltage, so charging this way is often not worth it.

  4. This comment is edited.

    There are options for how to charge your phone battery without a charger in the field.

    Be careful:

    • pierce the battery in the middle with a needle, pin or nail and put it in water;
    • hit with a stone or thrown onto a hard surface.

    Since these methods damage the battery, they should be used rarely.

    Another variant less extreme - put the battery in salt for 15-20 minutes. The charge will appear, but very little.

    Another way, which can be used in the field:

    • heat the knife;
    • put the battery on it;
    • hold for 5-10 minutes;
    • let cool a little, but not completely.

    Enough for a couple of calls, the main thing is not to overexpose it, as the battery may swell. These methods should be used as a last resort, in wild conditions, in nature, etc.

  5. I'll tell you how to charge your phone without a charger in two unusual ways. For the first you will need:

    • plates made of or coated with zinc;
    • toilet paper;
    • copper wire;
    • salt and water.

    To charge the battery you need to:

    • wrap each zinc plate with copper wire or wire without insulation, so that free ends remain;
    • wrap the resulting wrap tightly in several layers of toilet paper;
    • connect the plates to each other with copper wire, so that you get something like a garland;
    • wet the paper generously with highly salted water, which is an electrolyte;
    • Fix one end of the wire connecting all the elements at the positive, the other at the negative pole of the battery.

    You can charge your phone without charging halfway using 14 to 20 zinc plates. The paper must be moistened as it dries. The elements can be placed in salt water, the effect will be the same.

    For the second method you will need lemons. It works like this:

    • stick a metal pin, such as a nail, into the lemon;
    • We connect each such element with copper wire, just as in the previous version;
    • connect the ends of the conductor to the battery or charging plug wires.

    To charge a smartphone you need 20 lemons. I cannot give any guarantee that the methods will work 100%.

The battery life of mobile devices is today one of the main determining factors for their potential buyers. Simply put, users want their new smartphones and tablets to last as long as possible without recharging.

On the other hand, battery technology in its current form is developing at a much slower pace than other mobile technologies available to the mass consumer.

Companies developing new, more energy-efficient batteries for mobile devices consistently cannot keep up with the rapidly improving processors, HD displays and other energy-intensive devices that manufacturers equip their Galaxy, iPhone, iPad and other popular devices with.

As a result, for almost every smartphone or tablet, various extreme energy saving modes are additionally created, which significantly limit their functionality, but allow them to somehow save battery power and extend the autonomy of the devices when this charge runs out.

There is a suspicion that many more years will pass before the average user will be able to benefit from a real technological breakthrough in the field of increasing the energy efficiency of batteries. And in the near future, we will all have to make do with what we have, while simultaneously coming up with various ways to optimize the battery life of our mobile gadgets.

By the way, there are already many such methods. And with the release of each new smartphone or tablet, the list of tricks on how to extend the battery life of a particular model and use the standard battery with maximum efficiency is updated almost the very next day after the start of sales of the new product. So, the process of coming up with all sorts of tricks, in fact, does not stop.

But what is written and talked about much less often is how to speed up the battery charging process so that, if necessary, you can charge, for example, your new Samsung Galaxy s5 (such as the Stylus online store) faster, thereby saving time. But there is something to talk about, and we will tell it.

So, How to charge a smartphone and/or tablet faster and better?

1. to charge your smartphone faster - turn on “Airplane mode”, or better yet turn off the device completely

This technique is familiar to all experienced mobile users, but its effectiveness does not change in any way. The essence of the fable is that when active, any smartphone consumes battery energy, including during charging. In “Flight Mode,” the device’s energy consumption is significantly reduced by disabling some energy-intensive functions, and when completely turned off, it is reduced to a minimum, thanks to which the battery charges noticeably faster.

2. to charge your smartphone faster - We use a standard AC charger, not a USB port

As a rule, the USB 2.0 connector on a regular desktop PC produces about 0.5 amperes, USB 3.0 (with the blue stripe inside) - up to 0.9 A. And the wall charger that came with your smartphone can provide at least 1 ampere. Moreover, if you charge, say, a Samsung Galaxy s5 using a charger from a Galaxy tablet, or an iPhone using an iPad charger, you can charge the smartphone even faster, since tablet power supplies are designed for approximately 2 amperes. If absolutely necessary, you can also use a charger from a “non-native” tablet with a suitable connector, the main thing is not to overdo it with the number of amperes (the number is indicated on the charger case).

3. to charge your smartphone faster - install official software on your computer to improve the performance of USB ports (if it exists)

Some manufacturers produce special software for computer motherboards, which allows, in particular, to increase the current in USB ports. Asus, for example, has such a program called Ai Charger. Gigabyte also has a similar tool in the form of a driver with a similar option, it’s called On/Off Charge. In general, if you are knowledgeable about computers, then you will find and install such software without difficulty. The only caveat is that experts strongly recommend using official programs.

4. to charge your smartphone faster - try ChargeDr or similar gadgets

These devices operate from the USB ports of regular computers and are a kind of accelerator for the charging process of smartphones or even tablets. In fact, ChargeDr increases the current in the USB port (the amperes become larger), “asking permission” from the motherboard. Therefore, the charging speed from ChargeDr and similar gadgets depends on the computer model (i.e., the features of its motherboard). But ChargeDr costs about $20 on Amazon, which is not that expensive for a device that at some point may turn out to be indispensable.

5. or something like this

The trick of this cord is that it connects to two USB ports at once and “draws” amps, allowing you to charge your smartphone at double speed. This cord also doesn’t take up much space, it’s not expensive, but it’s always useful if you don’t have an original (or suitable) charger at hand.

Somehow like this. We hope it will be useful.

And one more photo: