How to restore screen extension. How to change the position of the screen image using NVIDIA and AMD Radeon video adapters. How to rotate the screen using standard Windows features

Modern models laptops have a lot of different options and functionality. For example, on some devices you can rotate the screen, or more precisely, the image displayed on it, by 90, 180 or even 270 degrees. Moreover, this often happens contrary to the wishes of the “user” himself, which makes further work using a laptop is extremely inconvenient. How to return the usual picture and flip the image back? We'll talk about this and much more further.

On some OS versions you can maximize the screen quite easily. Just using the keyboard and a special key combination. Moreover, this method is applicable for laptops from different manufacturers - asus (asus), lenovo (lenovo), samsung (samsung), etc. The scheme of actions itself is simple:

  1. Press ctrl + alt + arrow.
  2. Which arrow should I press? The one in which direction you need to turn the screen. To be more precise, “down” means turning the image upside down, “up” means returning to initial position, “left” and “right” – turn 90° in one direction or another.

However, on some Windows builds Hotkeys may not help bring the screen back. Therefore, to correct an inverted image on the display, you have to resort to other methods.

There are also special programs, which can expand the monitor display as the user wishes. As a rule, such utilities are not included in the standard Windows package, so they must be installed additionally. Wherein similar programs for rotating images on the monitor are convenient for those who often change screen orientation. For example, for making presentations, reading books or viewing photos and videos from a certain angle.

Among the utilities that will help you quickly flip your laptop screen:

  • iRotate
  • EEERotate
  • Pivot Pro, etc.

Instructions for Windows 7 and 8

What to do if the image on the monitor of a laptop running Windows 7 is narrowed? Let's start in order:

  1. Exit to your desktop. Then right-click. Select the “screen resolution” sub-item.
  2. A menu will open where you will need the “orientation” section. The standard and familiar mode is “landscape”. But if your monitor image is upside down, then a different display orientation will be active here.
  3. Therefore, in the drop-down list, select “ landscape orientation" Then “ok” or “apply”. The image will flip in the desired direction and all you have to do is confirm the new settings by clicking on the “save changes” button. This will return the screen to its original position.

If for some reason you cannot get into the screen settings using the method described above, then you can try another option. To do this, go to the “control panel” through the “start” menu. Next, select “design and personalization.” Click on it. All you have to do is click on “adjust screen resolution”.

By the way, for laptops with Windows 8 OS, you can also rotate the image in the screen settings window. The scheme of actions is similar to that described above.

How to flip the screen on a Windows 10 laptop?

For devices with Windows 10 OS, there are also several ways to return the monitor screen to its original position. Essentially, they are identical to those that apply to windows 7 and 8. But for greater clarity, we will describe them in detail:

  1. Through "start" go to the control panel. Next select “adjust screen resolution”. Again, as with Windows 7 and 8, pay attention to the “orientation” column, where “landscape” should be written. If not, install it and click the “apply” button.
  2. Take advantage context menu. To do this, move the cursor to any place on the desktop free of icons and icons and click the right mouse button. Next, in the window that opens, almost at the very bottom, find the line “screen settings”. As with the first method, you will find yourself in system menu, where you will need to change the orientation to “landscape”.

Windows 10 OS is often installed on so-called convertible laptops, which combine functions and capabilities laptop computer and a tablet. So they necessarily have an accelerometer built into them - a device that provides automatic rotation of everything that is shown on the display due to the specific position of the gadget itself in space. Therefore, do not forget about this auto-rotate picture function. Perhaps, in order to return the image to its original angle, it is enough to rotate the laptop itself.

How to flip the screen through the video card control panel?

We will suggest another way - to use the capabilities of the video adapter control center. You can access the settings of the video card operating modes through the control panel. They are also available through the system tray. Or just click right key mouse and select panel NVIDIA management(or "graphics properties" or AMD Catalyst Control Center).

The settings center interfaces are designed differently for different operating systems and video cards. However, it is difficult to get confused here. On the left side, find the “display” section. Then “rotate display”. Now also check the orientation. If necessary, change it to “landscape” to return standard mode image output.

IN AMD video cards everything is a little different. Here in the control center graphics adapter you need to go to the “ general tasks display" and select "rotate desktop". Next you will see several images that will show the required screen rotation. Select the desired option and press the confirm button.

If you have a laptop with a built-in Intel chipset, then changing the screen location is even easier. Right-click on the desktop. A menu will open where you need to hover over the “graphics options” line. Next, click on the “rotate” sub-item and set how many degrees you want to rotate the screen. To do this, just select one of the proposed rotation options:

  • Normal appearance;
  • At 90°;
  • 180°;
  • At 270°.

What can cause the image on a laptop screen to flip?

This question sometimes worries some users. After all, I want to know why the image on the monitor screen suddenly turned upside down. Well, this mainly happens due to:

  • Inattention. The user himself (or a child playing with the keyboard) accidentally presses a combination of “hot keys”.
  • Software problems. Various system errors, hardware malfunctions, etc. can also cause the image on the screen to suddenly turn upside down.
  • Viruses. Malware in some cases changes screen settings. Therefore, regularly check your laptop for such dangerous software, and also use anti-virus programs.

Sometimes graphics software/driver updates can ruin the screen resolution. How can I get everything back and restore the monitor resolution?

Many users ask the pros: “I recently updated the drivers on my video card, but now my previous resolution has disappeared and my screen is showing something incomprehensible. How can I change everything back to the way it was before?” Read on and you will find out how to get rid of this problem.


Before installing the software, a system restore point must be created, so try to return to the state before installing the program.

In addition, the Windows operating system includes an option to “roll back” device drivers to a previously downloaded version. You can use this function to return your graphics software to the previous version without resorting to system correction. This step is correct if you do not want any other changes that you made to the system after installing the problematic software to be undone.


Launch the device manager of your operating system (In Windows 8.1, click + X and go to “Device Manager” in the menu). Now find your device in the list in the device manager - in your case it should be in the “Video adapters” section. Right-click on the display device and select the Driver tab. Next, click the “Roll Back Driver” button and follow the instructions on the monitor. This should return the graphics software to the previous version and eliminate the problem.

It should be borne in mind, however, that graphics drivers come with a variety of additional files, which cannot be effectively returned to their previous state thanks to this procedure. For example, Nvidia offers specific warnings about this effect in the notes for each driver release, although in an emergency you can generally ignore them, at least as a temporary measure.

If the display, in your opinion, worked well enough before the software update to see what you are doing on it, then it is better to remove new software using the "Uninstall or change a program" function, and then reinstall the previous version of this driver from scratch. You can usually find downloadable previous versions drivers graphics subsystem on the websites of the corresponding developers.

Quite often, operating room users Windows systems encounter a problem when the image on the monitor is narrowed or is not displayed on the entire screen. All this can also be accompanied by enlarged icons on the desktop and general blurriness of the image.

In this article we will tell you why such a situation can happen and how to restore and expand the monitor screen if it has narrowed.

Reasons for the problem

The most likely and most common reasons for the narrowing of the image on the monitor are:

  • Incorrect screen resolution;
  • Absence ;
  • Connecting an additional monitor or TV;
  • Incorrect monitor settings.

Now let's look at each of the reasons in more detail. Let's start with the simplest and most obvious one.

Incorrect resolution in graphics settings

A similar situation may arise immediately after installation or Windows reinstallation. Less commonly, the cause of an incorrectly set resolution is a game or other application in which you can change the screen resolution.

It's very easy to check and fix. You need to click on free space desktop and select “Display Settings” or “Screen Resolution” or “Personalization” in the menu that opens.

Entering screen resolution settings in Windows 7

Entering screen resolution settings in Windows 10

If you select the first two items, you will immediately be taken to desired window changing screen resolution. If you selected “Personalization”, then in the window that opens, select “Screen” at the bottom left and then “Setting screen resolution” at the top left.

Here, in the “Resolution” item, you need to sort through the values ​​until the image on the screen expands to required sizes. Most often, “(Recommended)” will be written next to the desired value.

Changing screen resolution in Windows 7

Changing screen resolution in Windows 10

No video card driver

The reason is also quite common. More often it occurs after installing/reinstalling the operating system, or after trying to update the video card drivers.

Connecting an additional monitor or TV to a computer/laptop

This situation is less common than the previous two, but it also occurs. If you connected any additional devices outputting images to the video card of a computer or laptop, such as additional monitor or TV, then try turning them off.

If the image has been corrected and the monitor has expanded to normal values, then the reason is in the connected device and when connecting it to the computer, the resolution adjustment, which is described above, is required. The only difference is that before changing the value in the “Resolution” line. need to choose required monitor in the "Screen" line.

Selecting a monitor in screen resolution settings

Monitor settings

If all of the above does not suit you or does not apply to a specific situation, then try running the auto monitor settings. This is done by pressing one button on the monitor, which is usually labeled “Auto” and is located near the monitor’s power button on its front or side panel.

Auto monitor adjustment button

The Windows operating system runs on the most different devices, and it has hundreds of settings that ordinary users to nothing. One of the “hidden” features of Windows is to flip the image displayed on the monitor or any other screen by 90, 180 or 270 degrees. You can rotate the image deliberately, but what to do if the screen on your laptop is turned upside down or similar problem happened on desktop computer against your will? There are several ways to return the usual picture on the monitor.

Flip an image using hotkeys

In some Windows versions 7, 8 and 10, you can flip the screen by pressing a combination of “hot keys”. In order for the bottom part of the displayed image to be on the side that you need, press on the keyboard: Ctrl + Alt + arrow(depending on direction).

Important: Hot keys are not configured in all Windows builds, and such a simple solution to the screen rotation problem will work on a small number of computers.

If you cannot solve the problem and return the screen to its usual position, you should use Windows settings or video cards.

Flip the screen of a laptop or computer using standard Windows tools

Depending on the version of the Windows operating system, you should choose one of the methods to solve the problem.

Windows 7, Windows 8

Windows 10

On Windows 10, there are several ways to flip the screen using the operating system.

First way:

Second way:

Important: The Windows 10 operating system is often installed on convertible laptops that combine the functions desktop computer and a tablet. IN similar devices Accelerometers are used, which are responsible for automatically rotating the screen depending on its position in space. You can disable image flipping in them using the Windows 10 operating system in the “Display Settings” item.

Flip computer image in video card software

If your computer has discrete video card, it most likely comes with its own software. Since the video card is responsible for displaying the image on the monitor screen (including on a laptop), you need to check the settings specified for it. Depending on the video card manufacturer, the software may vary.

Flipping the screen on AMD video cards

Flipping the screen in NVIDIA video cards

Why did the screen on my laptop or computer turn over?

There may be several reasons why the image on the monitor is upside down, and not all of them can be eliminated using one of the methods described above.


If your computer has “hot keys” enabled for flipping the screen, then simple inattention can lead to the screen flipping. A child or you yourself may accidentally press a combination on the keyboard Ctrl keys+ Alt + arrow and the screen will flip. In this case, returning the image to the proper plane is quite simple, using “hot keys” as intended.

Software problems

Computer hardware may conflict with each other, resulting in operational failures software. Errors may cause the screen image to be upside down and similar situation you should be wary. You may need diagnostic services to determine the exact cause of your computer's automatic image rotation.


The screen orientation can change from landscape to portrait or any other on the computer due to viruses. You can get rid of them in several ways:

  • Scan your computer with antivirus programs
  • Perform a system restore
  • Reinstall operating system Windows

Modern laptop models have a lot of different options and functionality. For example, on some devices you can rotate the screen, or more precisely, the image displayed on it, by 90, 180 or even 270 degrees. Moreover, this often happens contrary to the wishes of the “user” himself, which makes further work on the laptop extremely inconvenient. How to return the usual picture and flip the image back? We'll talk about this and much more further.

Will hotkeys help flip an image on a laptop?

On some OS versions you can maximize the screen quite easily. Just using the keyboard and a special key combination. Moreover, this method is applicable for laptops from different manufacturers - asus (asus), lenovo (lenovo), samsung (samsung), etc. The scheme of actions itself is simple:

However, on some builds of Windows, hotkeys may not help return the screen back. Therefore, to correct an inverted image on the display, you have to resort to other methods.

Flip the screen using utilities

There are also special programs that can expand the monitor display as the user wishes. As a rule, such utilities are not included in the standard Windows package, so they must be installed additionally. At the same time, such programs for rotating the image on the monitor are convenient for those who often change the screen orientation. For example, for making presentations, reading books or viewing photos and videos from a certain angle.

Among the utilities that will help you quickly flip your laptop screen:

Instructions for Windows 7 and 8

What to do if the screen turns upside down or the image on the monitor of a laptop running Windows 7 is narrowed? Let's start in order:

If for some reason you cannot get into the screen settings using the method described above, then you can try another option. To do this, go to the “control panel” through the “start” menu. Next, select “design and personalization.” Click on it. All you have to do is click on “adjust screen resolution”.

By the way, for laptops with Windows 8 OS, you can also rotate the image in the screen settings window. The scheme of actions is similar to that described above.

How to flip the screen on a Windows 10 laptop?

For devices with Windows 10 OS, there are also several ways to return the monitor screen to its original position. Essentially, they are identical to those that apply to windows 7 and 8. But for greater clarity, we will describe them in detail:

Windows 10 OS is often installed on so-called convertible laptops, which combine the functions and capabilities of a laptop computer and a tablet. So they necessarily have an accelerometer built into them - a device that provides automatic rotation of everything that is shown on the display due to the specific position of the gadget itself in space. Therefore, do not forget about this auto-rotate picture function. Perhaps, in order to return the image to its original angle, it is enough to rotate the laptop itself.

How to flip the screen through the video card control panel?

We will suggest another way - to use the capabilities of the video adapter control center. You can access the settings of the video card operating modes through the control panel. They are also available through the system tray. Or simply right-click and select NVIDIA Control Panel (or Graphics Properties, or AMD Catalyst Control Center).

The settings center interfaces are designed differently for different operating systems and video cards. However, it is difficult to get confused here. On the left side, find the “display” section. Then “rotate display”. Now also check the orientation. If necessary, change it to “landscape” to return the standard image display mode.

With AMD video cards, things are a little different. Here, in the graphics adapter control center, you need to go to the “general display tasks” item and select “rotate the desktop”. Next you will see several images that will show the required screen rotation. Select the desired option and press the confirm button.

If you have a laptop with a built-in Intel chipset, then changing the screen location is even easier. Right-click on the desktop. A menu will open where you need to hover over the “graphics options” line. Next, click on the “rotate” sub-item and set how many degrees you want to rotate the screen. To do this, just select one of the proposed rotation options:

What can cause the image on a laptop screen to flip?

This question sometimes worries some users. After all, I want to know why the image on the monitor screen suddenly turned upside down. Well, this mostly happens because of.