The system unit turns off, what should I do? Problematic driver or problem device. Why does my computer turn on and then immediately turn off?

Many personal computer owners are faced with a situation where the computer suddenly stops working for no apparent reason. If this happens often enough, there is a serious problem that needs to be corrected as soon as possible. After all, frequent shutdown of the computer during operation can cause interruptions in the operation of the hard drive or even its failure. In addition, when a PC turns off spontaneously, there is always a risk of losing important data, which in some cases may be more valuable than the computer itself.

In order to find out what needs to be done to eliminate the above-mentioned malfunction, you must first determine the source of its occurrence. There may be several reasons for turning off your computer on your own. The most common ones are listed below, along with how to fix them.

Power problems

The most “banal” reason for a PC turning off is a power outage. The computer may also turn off due to a faulty network cable, extension cord, or even socket.

To eliminate this problem, you will have to check all the wires connecting the outlet and your computer for contact. This can be done using a special tool (you will have to resort to the help of a specialist) or simply by replacing them with guaranteed working ones. It also doesn't hurt to inspect the electrical outlet itself. And if power outages occur due to poor wiring in the house or low-quality electricity supply, it is best to immediately buy an uninterruptible power supply.

Power supply failure

If the computer turns off on its own at various times, regardless of the tasks performed on it, and sometimes stops working right while the operating system is loading, then there is most likely a problem with the power supply. The power supply may stop functioning properly due to voltage fluctuations, poor workmanship, or due to wear and tear. The average service life of most power supplies is 3-6 years, then they begin to cause trouble for owners.

There are two options for solving the problem with the power supply: take it for repair or simply throw it away and buy a new one. It only makes sense to resort to the first option when the power supply was purchased recently or when it belongs to the upper price category. In all other cases, it is much easier to replace the power supply.

CPU overload

If the computer has not very powerful components, then excessive load can also cause it to shut down. This can be observed especially often when running programs and applications that require system resources.

To avoid unexpected PC shutdowns, before installing a program, make sure that your system configuration meets the minimum requirements of the application. If the overload is caused by a large number of processes on the computer, you can disable some processes through the task manager, leaving only the most necessary ones.

Dust in the system unit

When a lot of dust accumulates inside the system unit, this leads to overheating of the components, which in turn causes a forced shutdown of the computer.

To avoid overheating of the PC, it is necessary to regularly clean the system unit from dust. Particular attention should be paid to the cooler and radiator grille of the processor, as well as the connectors for connecting the video card, RAM and hard drive.

Old thermal paste

The thermal paste between the processor and the heatsink, which serves to dissipate heat, can dry out over time and lose its heat-conducting properties. As a result, the processor overheats, which in turn leads to spontaneous shutdown of the PC.

In view of this, it would be advisable to monitor the temperature of the processor and, if necessary, replace the thermal paste. It is more convenient and easier to combine this procedure with cleaning the system unit from dust. To control the processor temperature, you can use a special program, for example SpeedFan or AIDA64.

Poor air circulation inside the PC

The cause of overheating and spontaneous shutdown of the computer can also be insufficient air circulation in the system unit. This problem is especially relevant in the summer, in rooms not equipped with air conditioning.

In this case, installing additional fans inside the PC case will help to avoid overheating. You can read more about computer cooling systems and how and where best to install fans in the article at this link: Also, to avoid overheating, do not install the system unit in a closed place, such as a desk drawer.

Virus infection

Sometimes the computer shuts down due to certain viruses in the system. If, in addition to your PC shutting down on its own, you begin to notice other alarming symptoms, such as frequent freezes, slow program operation, and pop-up windows, then most likely the problem is viruses.

If your computer is infected with viruses, then the installed antivirus is clearly not coping with its tasks. In this case, it is better to use specialized utilities, such as Kaspersky or Dr.Web, to clean up viruses. You can download the free Dr.Web CureIt program from this link: You can download the Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool for free at this address:, and from this article you will learn how to perform a system recovery if the OS does not boot due to viruses.

Faulty motherboard or RAM

When the computer turns off under active load, for example while gaming or using resource-intensive applications, but there is no overheating, then the reason for this may be a malfunction of the RAM or motherboard.

Just in case, you can try to disassemble the PC and clean with a brush all the contacts on the RAM sticks, as well as the used connectors on the motherboard. If this does not help, then you will have to take your computer to a repair shop, since this problem cannot be fixed without the help of professionals.

If you are unable to fix the problem yourself, you can contact a service center to have your computer repaired.

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Just the other day I was asked to look at a problematic client computer. The problem is that the computer is running an operating system Windows 10 shuts down on its own at startup or reboots some time after switching on, and at the most inopportune moment - during the working hours of a small cafe. And the entire local network + cash register for selling fast food is tied to it.

As practice shows, the phenomenon when the computer reboots when turned on or even completely turns off a few minutes after starting is not uncommon, so I decided to analyze in detail in this article what could be the reasons for the computer to turn off spontaneously while playing or working and what to do if it reboots Windows 10 and also 7 or 8?

So, let's approach the problem step by step and divide our search into two parts - software and hardware. However, I can already make one generalization - the computer most often turns off or restarts on its own when loading - in games, or when working on complex graphics and processing a large amount of data.

The computer automatically restarts Windows 10 due to software errors

  1. If Windows 10 reboots spontaneously some time after turning it on, first of all I recommend checking it for viruses, since in most cases related to the operation of programs, they are to blame. If you have an antivirus installed on your PC, then launch it and check everything that it can scan - yes, it may take a long time, but it is effective. If you don’t have an antivirus, then I recommend using the free utilities Dr.Web Cure It or analogues from Kaspersky Lab - Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool and Kaspersky Security Scan. And even better, all these programs in turn. This is easy to do - just download these free utilities from the links and run them on your computer. They will check it for viruses using the latest databases.

    If the computer does not want to work at all and turns off by itself immediately after turning it on, then download Kaspersky Rescue Disk or Dr.Web Live CD. Burn them onto CD discs and configure the computer in the BIOS to start not from the “C:” or “D:” drive, but from the CD-ROM drive. This will also allow you to check your computer without starting infected Windows. You can get into the BIOS by repeatedly pressing the “Del” key during the first seconds of Windows startup.

  2. Another likely reason is the installation of a new driver or program that is incompatible with your computer’s hardware, or that has introduced some system errors into the operation of the operating system. So often, large programs that have system requirements higher than the capabilities of your PC can load the processor to values ​​close to 100% of its performance, as a result of which it overheats and the system responds to this by turning off the computer. In this case, remember what programs you recently installed and remove them. I described in detail how to properly remove programs from a computer.

    The option to boot Windows in the “Load Last Known Known Configuration (with working settings)” mode may also help. To start this mode, at the very beginning of the computer startup, press the “F8” key many times, after which a choice of boot options will appear.

    Another way is to restore the system from a previously saved backup (if, of course, you made one), for example, using the Acronis True Image program. Ideally, of course, backup the system to removable media or an external hard drive before installing each new program.

    In addition to Acronis, it is possible to use the recovery utility built into Windows. It is called via the chain “Start - Control Panel - System and Security”. Select from the menu “Restore the previous state of the computer”

    And click the “Run System Restore” button

    This will display a list of automatic or manual backups that you can roll back to.

  3. Finally, another fairly common reason why the computer restarts by itself is when you installed Windows 7 yourself, but did not activate it, or entered the wrong license key. In this case, the protection against duplicate keys is triggered, which prevents you from working normally. To solve the problem, you need to deactivate Windows and then activate it again with a different key. In order to do this, there are separate programs, but I will not advertise them, since, as it seems to me, this method is not entirely legal - search the Internet yourself.

Windows 10 on the computer reboots or shuts down after a few minutes due to hardware problems

If all of the above methods did not work, then most likely the reason is in the hardware, that is, the filling and equipment of the computer. Most often, a spontaneous reboot occurs due to overheating of the processor or video card. For example, I can say with 70% confidence that this is “the one” when the computer regularly turns off during a game (I’ll leave 30% for the incompatibility of the power supply with your video card). To check, download the Everest program or the one already discussed in one of the previous Speccy lessons. These utilities, in addition to determining information about all the equipment that makes up your computer, show the current temperature of each of them.

For normal operation, the processor temperature (CPU) should not be higher than 60 degrees Celsius. If yours is higher, then you need to look for the reasons for excessive heating. The most common case is dust. The computer regularly, at least once a year, needs to undergo maintenance - clean dust by blowing with a vacuum cleaner and lubricate the junction of the processor and the cooling radiator with thermal paste.

Overheating can also be caused by a faulty one of the fans - external and internal. Check their operation and replace if necessary. Other causes of overheating may be:

  • The heatsink is not firmly attached to the processor (for example, one of the latches has come off)
  • Faulty motherboard
  • Incorrect settings in the BIOS, which can be corrected by resetting it to its original state

We have considered all the most common cases, so if the problem still remains, it is rare, but the malfunction occurs in the following:

Other possible reasons for your computer restarting after a while

  • A video card malfunctions when it consumes too much current and thereby drains the power supply. checked by installing a working card.
  • Malfunction
  • power supply
  • — checked by connecting a working power supply.

  • Faulty RAM module. If your computer or laptop has several RAM modules installed, then you can find the faulty one simply by removing them one by one and checking their functionality without each of them. You can also test the memory of one of the programs - Memtest86, Memcheck, Sandra.
  • Motherboard malfunction - for example, due to electrolytic capacitors of power filters.
    You can also detect this problem yourself. Open the lid of the computer and find cylindrical radio elements near the heatsink on the processor, with the bottom facing you. If their bottom is swollen, it means they are not suitable for work.
  • BIOS malfunction - either change the battery or reset the settings using a special jumper (see the instructions for your motherboard model)
  • Processor failure - diagnosed by installing a working processor
  • Hard drive failure - if a failure occurs, the system may take a very long time to load, and the hard drive may produce characteristic clanging sounds.

So we looked at all the most common reasons why a Windows computer turns itself off or restarts while playing or working with documents, and what to do in this case. I hope these tips help you!

A computer turning off spontaneously is a signal that cannot be ignored. The reasons for this misfortune are different, but they can be divided into two main groups— something is overheating and something is broken.

First let's exclude unlikely:

Someone made a “joke” by setting an alarm clock program.

Such software, if configured appropriately, will turn off the computer at specified hours. While generating tons of outrage from the unsuspecting user. If you are on Windows 7, type the word “startup” into the “search”. Enter it, this folder should not contain third-party programs. You can also use the command “msconfig” (start-run) Field “Startup”, check the processes that are launched. (if any is unknown, you can write in the comments)

The computer turning off spontaneously is the first sign of overheating.

What in a computer can overheat? How can I check and fix this? Let's look at these questions in order.

Step 1

Therefore, it is necessary to check the temperature of these devices. If it is higher than certain values, the trigger installed in the computer will work and the device will turn off, for you it will look like a spontaneous shutdown, but in reality these are measures to protect your PC.

You can find out the temperature using the Aida program (or its older version, Everest).

Step 2. Bios versions are different, so I won’t give screenshots, I’ll just say that you should look for inscriptions like “shut down the computer at a temperature...” (translation: turn off the computer at t°)

You should also remember that when installing drivers from disks, were there any additional programs installed? Many of them can perform the same function, i.e. turn off the PC.

Step 3. Eliminate overheating - eliminate spontaneous shutdown.

A) Unplug from the outlet, use a brush to carefully sweep away the dust from the devices, you can do this with a can of compressed air or a vacuum cleaner.

B) Change the thermal paste under the heatsink on the CPU cooler. (KPT-8 is very good)

If you have a laptop, then read more about this. + buy a cooling pad, the price is 1000 rubles.

P.S. don't forget to clean the power supply. And if it is a Chinese no-name, installed by default in the system case - even more so.

Swollen air coolers, non-working coolers- the second reason for the computer to turn off spontaneously.

It's easy to check. All fans should spin and do so without unnecessary noise or rattling.

As for the Conders- here it’s a little more complicated, good lighting is needed, we will inspect two things: the Motherboard and the PSU. We will look for barrels (see picture)

How many condors did you count? (correct answer is 5)

They should be smooth, without bulges, swelling, darkening, rust, etc. If you find something like this, then, alas, this is precisely the reason for the spontaneous shutdown of the computer.

What else?

If your device turns off only during games, or under heavy load, and you are sure that high temperature is not the reason, then most likely the problem is a lack of power supply capacity.

Interesting things on the blog:

Does your laptop turn off on its own? This is an alarm bell that indicates that there are some problems with the laptop. Indeed, in most cases, the laptop turns off on its own due to overheating protection. This prevents the possibility of damage to the device or its components.

Although there are other reasons why a laptop turns itself off. Therefore, the most common problems, as well as ways to solve them, are discussed below.

The tips given are universal and suitable for any laptop - Asus, Acer, Lenovo, Sony Vaio, Samsung, HP Pavilion. After all, a similar problem happens to everyone.

One of the classic reasons. The laptop turns off on its own because it heats up quickly due to its compact size. Especially if you load it with games or heavy programs. And even more so if you use the laptop on the sofa, bed or while sitting in a chair.

The fact is that it has special holes through which air circulates. This is how the laptop is cooled. And if you put it on a blanket or thick tablecloth, the holes will be blocked and the air circulation will be disrupted. The cooling system does not cope with its job, so at critical moments the laptop turns off spontaneously. As mentioned above, this triggers overheating protection.

Typical signs that your laptop is overheating:

  • does not turn on immediately after switching off (it takes time for the components to cool down - then it will start);
  • automatically turns off under heavy load - during a game, encoding files or when running several programs at the same time (the greater the load on the processor, the faster it heats up);
  • the case is too hot (you will feel this by the buttons on the keyboard - it will be impossible to touch them).

The solution to this problem is simple: use the laptop only on the table. Or on another flat surface. And if you buy a cooling pad, it’s absolutely great. After all, you can sit with her on the sofa, bed, or chair. In addition, it has a slight slope (convenient to work) and is equipped with additional fans that will help cool the laptop.

But this only works if overheating occurred due to impaired air circulation. If the reason is different (dust, thermal paste), then the solution will be different.

Dust clogged

Another reason why a laptop turns itself off during operation is dust. This is perhaps the most common problem. And the most common one is that users rarely clean their laptops, as a result of which they are constantly dusty. If the laptop starts to turn off by itself, in 90% of cases the reason is dust.

By the way, this problem is very closely related to the previous one. After all, dust accumulates everywhere: on the processor, video card and in the cooling system. And if you use your laptop on a fleecy blanket, then it will become clogged even faster.

As a result, the cooling system does not cope with its task:

  • air circulation is disrupted (in advanced cases, the dust layer is 5-10 mm);
  • the fan is humming loudly;
  • The laptop starts to overheat, slow down, and freeze.

And after a while the laptop turns off by itself. And this again triggers the overheating protection.

These two reasons are the most common. If you clean the laptop from dust and make sure that the temperature is normal, then in most cases the problem will be solved. But there are also others.

Laptop suddenly turns off while running on battery

If the laptop turns off by itself without overheating, then first of all you should check the condition of the battery. To do this, connect your laptop to the network and work on it for a couple of hours. If it no longer turns off, then the problem is in the battery.

The fact is that the battery usually lasts for 2-3 years. While laptops last 5-7 years. This is a common thing: batteries always fail quickly.

Typical signs of their malfunction are:

  • incorrect determination of charge level;
  • instant shutdown of the laptop when the power cord is pulled out (here the battery is already completely inoperative);
  • “absence” of a battery (the laptop cannot detect it, believing that there is no battery at all).

Virus infection

Another reason why a laptop turns off on its own is viruses. There are quite a lot of them today, but on this list there is such an infection as miners. They are used for mining (earning) bitcoins, a popular virtual currency today. This is a rather insidious virus that loads the processor and video card at 100%. This is necessary to mine (earn) bitcoins.

As a result, even on a desktop, your laptop will get very hot, slow down and freeze. And if you open the task manager, there will be a high CPU (central processing unit) load. Even if you didn’t turn on any heavy programs.

Therefore, if your laptop constantly turns off by itself, it makes sense to check it for viruses. To do this, install any antivirus (Kaspersky, Avast, Avira), and at the same time scan the Windows system with a special utility to remove malware.

Motherboard failure

Another reason that the laptop turns off unexpectedly is a breakdown of the motherboard (motherboard). This is the main component on which other components are installed (video card, RAM, processor), so even microcracks can lead to unexpected consequences.

Typical motherboard failures:

  • mechanical impact (the laptop was accidentally dropped, hit with a heavy object, etc.);
  • pouring water, tea, coffee;
  • incorrect actions (disassembly and incorrect assembly).

There may also be problems with USB ports, the cooling system (overheating of bridges), and the video adapter.

Experts will help you solve this problem. After diagnostics, they will tell you why the laptop suddenly turns off, and if the reason was in the motherboard, they will offer you to repair or replace it.

The laptop often turns off by itself: other reasons

If the laptop turns off by itself and the temperature is normal, then the reason sometimes lies in the drivers. Because of them, there are many problems, including spontaneous shutdown of the device. It is not possible to check them manually, so it is better to use a special program that will determine the relevance and performance of the drivers. And if necessary, it will offer to update them.

Another reason why a laptop turns off by itself is the BIOS. Errors in the firmware can lead to the device shutting down. If you have installed new firmware and it is unstable, it is recommended to roll back it to the previous one. In some cases, resetting the BIOS settings helps.

There are two more reasons why the laptop turns off on its own. They are quite rare, but do happen sometimes. The first is a problem with the power supply. Due to constant voltage fluctuations, the laptop often turns off on its own. And the second is problems with RAM. It’s easiest to change it here (after all, it’s inexpensive), although you can give the laptop for diagnostics - perhaps it will be repaired.

That's all. Listed above are the main reasons when the laptop turns itself off while working or starting a game. Therefore, if you encounter this problem, go through the list and try to fix the problem yourself. The main thing here is to determine why the laptop turns itself off. And then all that remains is to fix the problem - yourself or by turning to a specialist for help.

Today I will tell you why a computer or laptop can turn off by itself. This phenomenon is quite common and I want to examine this topic in more detail. It is very difficult to describe the cause of the breakdown in a nutshell; let me add that there are a lot of them and I will try to sort them out as much as possible.

Most recommendations will apply to owners of desktop computers. Because in their case, you can easily open the system unit and inspect the insides of the computer. In the case of a laptop, unfortunately, some kind of experience is already needed, without which I would not recommend disassembling the laptop, but simply taking it to a service center or to a familiar mechanic.

Let's start analyzing the problems and troubleshooting methods why the computer randomly turns off. This can happen especially often when playing computer games and watching movies, since there is a greater load on the system than when working with text files. Under such a load, the components generate a sufficient amount of heat that the cooling system simply cannot cope with. Overheating may initially cause severe freezes; the next step is usually to turn off the power. When the maximum temperature is reached, the protective mechanism installed by the manufacturer is activated so that the electronic component simply does not burn out.

Next, I will describe in detail all the components of the computer and recommend that you familiarize yourself with it or just refresh your memory “Computer structure. What does computer consist of. System unit". In one of the previous articles, I spoke in detail and clearly about the components of the system unit. Just so you can clearly understand what will be discussed in this article.

Technical (physical) computer malfunctions

power unit

The first place to start checking is the power supply. If possible, it is better to throw in another, known working power supply.

There are many reasons why it may be faulty:

  • Overheats due to accumulated dust or a faulty fan (cooler).
  • The capacitors are swollen.
  • There is not enough power to run all the components, especially in video games.


The second most important reason is processor overheating. Whatever overheats, the system turns off. If your computer is more than one year old, then it’s time to think about cleaning it from dust and replacing thermal grease. It is worth checking the cooler on the processor, see how it spins and, if necessary, lubricate or replace it.


If you hear clicking or clicking noises from the hard drive when you turn on your computer, this is a bad sign. This usually indicates a faulty or nearly faulty hard drive that is working at its best. But in this state it can work for quite a long time, but there may be a defect in turning off the computer.

Video card

If your computer consistently turns off only in video games, when the main load goes to the video card, when playing video graphics. If the motherboard has built-in graphics or it is possible to install a known working video card, then it is worth checking.


When you turn on the computer, it immediately turns off; in this case, it makes sense to check the RAM for errors using special programs.

Poor contact

Perhaps one of the simplest, but at the same time one of the most popular reasons. The cable was inserted poorly into the power supply, or a cable came loose inside the system unit due to physical impact, etc. In this case, it is necessary to check all connections in the system unit.

Obsolete components

Recently, a problem has often arisen when components reach the end of their lifespan and, as a result, the computer begins to freeze or turn off severely.


Probably one of the most unpleasant and expensive malfunctions. The simplest thing a user can do is to inspect the board for any swollen capacitors or dark spots on the board.

As practice shows, the “north bridge” on the motherboard often fails.

Fan (cooler)

Inspect the system unit, perhaps some fans have stopped spinning or are clogged with dust, in which case they have stopped doing their job - the output of warm air to the outside and the intake of cold air from the external environment are disrupted. As a result, a high temperature rises in the case of the system unit or laptop.

Unstable voltage

It is rare, but there are also cases when the voltage in the house “jumps” leading to similar defects.


It is not uncommon for such a problem to be caused by faulty flash drives, keyboards, mice, etc.

What are peripheral devices, you can read in one of my previous articles “Computer structure. What does computer consist of. Peripherals."

It doesn’t hurt to do maintenance on your computer or laptop once a year, or even better, once every six months, this will make its work easier and extend its service life for many years.

Software problems

In addition to technical problems, there may also be software malfunctions.

operating system

Actually, Windows itself may be the problem. It occurs especially often when using assemblies from torrents. If you just installed it and the installer did not configure Windows correctly, but everything worked for you before, then you can consider this option. There is no specific exact solution; you need to understand each specific case.


For example, the presence of viruses on a computer causes an increased load on the system as a whole. In this case, it is necessary, if it does not exist, to install an antivirus and run it to scan the system. Unfortunately, such a check does not help in all cases, since the virus is registered deep in the system. Sometimes it's easier to completely reinstall Windows than to search for every trace of a virus.


After viruses, drivers are usually on the list. Drivers help computer components work correctly and perform their functions. It is possible that the drivers were damaged as a result of a virus attack and stopped performing their functions.

A conflict between recently installed drivers or programs should not be ruled out.


Nowadays modern programs tend to update very quickly. On old computers, new versions of programs will not work at all or will freeze very much and load the system.

I guess that's all I wanted to tell you about. I would be glad if you tell us about incidents in your life that caused your computer to turn off.