To continue, you must enable javascript. How to enable Java in different browsers

Beginner users often confuse or mismatch programming languages ​​such as Java and JavaScript. This is due to their similar name, which evokes corresponding analogies. The only thing in which they are similar is the goal of making familiar web resources more convenient to use.

In this article, we will look at the differences between these programming languages ​​and figure out how to activate Java in browsers if a plugin or script was accidentally disabled.

What is the difference

Let's start with a simple explanation of the difference between the two technologies given above. Java is a technology created to develop applications that can run offline or through browsers.

Regarding JavaScript, everything is similar, except battery life. This technology is designed to work only with browsers. The script is initially placed in HTML files where it provides stable work and the exchange of data between web pages and the browser.

To supplement the information received, we will give an example of the main differences between these languages.

  • Unlike Java, JavaScript comes in text format, which is much easier than carrying out additional compilation.
  • The reliable operation of each technology lies in connecting different modules.
  • The operating algorithms of the languages ​​are completely different and have practically nothing in common.

Working with the Java Plugin

Before you start working with the plugin, you will need to download it from the official source located at As a precaution, disable your antivirus's firewall, otherwise there is a chance of your download being blocked.

  • As soon as you follow the link provided, a window will open where there will be a red button with the inscription “Download Java for free”.
  • Click on it and wait for the download to finish.
  • Run the source file.
  • A small launcher window will appear, where you need to click “Install”.

After a short installation, the plugin will be available for use on your computer.

How to enable Java in the browser

Installing Java only solves the main problem in gaining access to the plugin. Now you need to check its functionality through the browser.

Internet Explorer

  • On the right top corner There is a gear that you need to click on.
  • A small menu will appear, select Internet Options.
  • Here you need to find the “Security” section and click on the “Other” item.
  • Rotate the window that appears until the talking block “Run scripts” appears in front of you Java applications».
  • You can enable it using the checkbox on the left.
  • The “OK” key will allow you to save the new settings and exit.

Google Chrome

The project developers limited access to working with plugins after the release of version 42 of the browser in 2015. In simple words, it will not be possible to launch Java using available tools.


This web browser left users the opportunity to independently adjust many aspects of the program.

  • First of all, go to your browser settings.
  • Select "Tools" and then go to the "Plugins" block.
  • Here is the self-explanatory name “Java”. You need to click on it.
  • Pay attention to set value. For the extension to work, the “Always Activate” or “Request Activation” option must be set. It changes depending on the user's wishes.

How to enable JavaScript

Many sites resort to using Javascript in order to provide more features to their users. Let's find out how to enable this feature in popular browsers.

Google Chrome

  • Go to “Settings” using the context menu in the form of three points located in the upper right corner.
  • Scroll down the window and open "Advanced Settings".
  • In the “Privacy and Security” block that appears, select “Content Settings”.
  • Pay attention to the “JavaScript” item and open it.
  • There should be an active toggle switch opposite the inscription “Allowed”.

When making changes, be sure to restart your browser.

Internet Explorer

  • Go to the system settings using the gear icon.
  • Go to the "Internet Settings" section.
  • From here, navigate to the "Security" block by clicking "Advanced" here.
  • What is important to us here is the block with the self-explanatory name “Scripts”. It contains the “Activate Scripts” section, which should be in the “Enabled” state.
  • An activation window will follow, where you just have to click “Yes”.

As in the previous case, you must restart your browser for the changes to take effect.

Mozilla Firefox

In this case, everything is much simpler compared to the options above.

  • Open the Tool menu and select Settings.
  • We need the “Content” block, it is third on the list.
  • Visit it, check the box next to “Use JavaScript”.
  • Confirm the action using the “OK” button.

Yandex browser

The domestic project requires spending a little more time navigating to the control menu.

  • Visit the “More” submenu, shown as three lines.
  • Rotate the window that opens to the very bottom until you come across “Show advanced settings”.
  • Get to "Personal Information". Select Content Settings.
  • There is a section dedicated to Javascript, in it you need to check the box next to “Allow JavaScript on all sites”.
  • All you have to do is click “Finish”.

If necessary, the script can be configured for individual Internet resources; all you need to do is devote a little time to the “Exception Management” settings.


Everything is as simple as possible here:

  • Visit the Settings section.
  • Immediately go to the “Advanced” tab and switch to the “Contents” item. Next to “Enable JavaScript”, check the box.


It is quite simple to enable any of the Java languages; it is only important to understand the settings of web browsers.

How to enable javascript in the browser - instructions for all versions

For a complete and optimal performance Web pages in the browser must have javascript enabled.

We will tell you what it is and how to enable it in this article.

Pivot table

What is javascript?

JavaScript can be called a multi-paradigm language. It has support for many programming methods. For example, object-oriented, functional and imperative.

This type of programming is not directly related to java. The main syntax of this programming language is the C language, as well as C++.

The basis of browser web pages is HTML code, with which programmers add various interactive elements.

If javascript is disabled in the browser, interactive elements will not work.

Appeared this type programming language thanks to working together companies Sun Microsystems and Netscape.

Initially, JavaScript was called LiveScript, but after Java language became popular among programmers, the development companies decided to rename it.

Netscape's marketing department believed that such a name would increase the popularity of the new programming language, which, in fact, happened.

Let us remember that JavaScript is not directly related to Java. These are completely different languages.

JavaScript Features

This programming language is available unlimited amount possibilities due to its versatility.

The main aspects of application are mobile applications for smartphones, interactive web pages sites and services.

Most of the innovation was brought about by the AJAX company joining the project, which provided the features used in the language today.

To save traffic and increase ease of use, JavaScript provides the ability to change pages of sites and services in small parts invisible to the user online.

This does not require turning off the site while editing or adding new information.

Changes happen immediately, without requiring a page refresh or reload.

The JavaScript feature may be disabled for various reasons.

Maybe, previous user I may have intentionally disabled it because it was not required for web browsing. The shutdown could also happen on its own.

Disabling javascript may prevent some links from opening. Below we will look at ways to enable this function in popular browsers.

Yandex browser

To enable JavaScript in Yandex Browser, you need to go to settings.

To do this, open the context menu in the upper right corner by clicking LMB on the icon "three horizontal stripes", then select the item "Settings".

After this you need to find the block "Personal data", in which we press the button "Content Settings".

In the “Javascript” section, check the box "Allow Javascript on all sites" and save the changes by clicking the “Finish” button.

After this, JavaScript is immediately activated and will allow you to view previously inaccessible web pages and perform manipulations on interactive services.

After activating the function, the browser itself does not require restarting; you only need to refresh the page by pressing the F5 key or the corresponding icon on the left address bar.

In the latest version of the browser, JavaScript activation is installed automatically, so there is no option to enable the function in the settings.

Internet Explorer

In the browser Internet Explorer You also need to open the settings in order to activate the JavaScript function.

To go to the desired section, press the button marked with a gear, and then select the item "Browser Options".

In the window that opens, select the “Security” tab, in which we click LMB on the item "Internet", then press the button "Another…".

To disable javascript, follow the following steps:

  • Scripts.
  • Active scenarios.
  • Execute Java application scripts.
  • Disable.

To activate the function in the sub-item "Run Java Application Scripts", you should check the box "Turn on".

To save the changes, click the “Ok” button, after which in the browser properties window you need to click the button "Apply" and restart Internet Explorer.

The next time you run the changes, the changes will take effect and the function will work properly, providing access to previously inaccessible pages, which required activation of JavaScript.

Google Chrome

Just like in all browsers, to activate JavaScript you need to go to settings.

IN Google Chrome You can open the settings by clicking on function button in the upper right corner of the window.

It is indicated by three horizontal stripes.

In the context menu, select the item "Settings".

After that, using the scroller (mouse wheel), go to the very end of the page and select the item "Show advanced settings".

When you expand additional settings, the number of available items will increase significantly. Scroll down the page and find the item "Personal data", in which we select the button "Content Settings".

In chapter "Javascript", to activate or deactivate the function, select the appropriate item, and then click the “Finish” button.

Saved changes take effect immediately.

There is no need to restart the browser, you just need to refresh the page by pressing the F5 key or the corresponding icon on the left in the address bar.

After activating the JavaScript function, you will be able to view earlier inaccessible web pages, as well as performing various actions on interactive services.

Mozilla Firefox

With browser Mozilla Firefox Things with JavaScript activation are a little different.

It all depends on the version of your browser.

Versions 23 and higher do not require manual activation javascript, this function activated automatically and works completely properly.

To activate the JavaScript function in version 22 and lower, go to the toolbar and select the menu item "Settings".

To enable javascript, go to the section "Content", in which to activate the function you need to check the box "Use JavaScript".

To disable the function, you need to uncheck this box.

To save the changes, click the “OK” button and refresh the browser page.

You do not need to restart the browser for the changes to take effect. After activation, you will be able to fully view web pages and perform actions on interactive services.


The situation with the Opera browser is almost the same as with Mozilla Firefox.

The only difference is that the function is not automatically activated in any of the versions.

Activating JavaScript in different versions happens in different ways.

Versions from 10.5 to 14

First of all, we need to open the browser settings.

In the upper left corner click the button "Menu", in the context menu we move the cursor over the item "Settings" and click on the sub-item « General settings…» .

After this, a new window with browser settings will open.

You need to select a tab "Additionally".

In the left menu of the tab, click on the item "Content", after which we activate the function by checking two boxes "Enable JavaScript" And "Enable Java".

To deactivate, these checkboxes must be unchecked.

Activating and deactivating javascript in Opera versions from 10.5 to 14

After you have checked or unchecked the boxes, save the changes by clicking the “OK” button.

Now we restart the browser for the changes to take effect. All javascript functions will be available to you.

Versions from 15 and higher

In these versions of the Opera browser, activation of JavaScript is much simpler.

In order to open the settings window, you need to open browser press the hotkey combination Alt+P. In the menu that opens, open the tab "Sites".

To activate the function, you need to check the box "Allow JavaScript", to deactivate – "Disable JavaScript".

After this, just click the “OK” button to save the changes and refresh the page you are viewing with the F5 key or by clicking the corresponding icon on the left of the address bar.

There is no need to restart the browser.


To enable the JavaScript function in the proprietary Apple browser– Safari, you need to go to settings.

To open them, you need to press the button "Safari" and select item "Settings».

In the window that opens, go to the “ Safety", where in the section "Web content" To activate the function you need to check the box "Enable JavaScript".

Accordingly, to deactivate JavaScript, this checkbox must be unchecked.

After that, save the changes by clicking the “OK” button and update open page in the browser.

There is no need to restart the browser; changes take effect immediately after saving.

Microsoft Edge

You can activate javascript not only in the browser, but also in the operating system. To do this, you need to call the function window "Run" hotkey combination Win+R.

In the appropriate line you need to enter the command “gpedit.msc” (without quotes) and press the Enter button.

Command editor group policy computer systems

After that, on the right side of the screen go to the following folders: Administrative TemplatesWindows components Microsoft Edge.

Open the file in the last folder "Allows you to run scripts such as JavaScript".

In the window that opens, select the item "Turn on" or "Disable" to activate or deactivate the function, respectively.

After you have activated/deactivated the JavaScript function, save the changes by clicking the “Apply” button.


Today, almost all developers use javascript when creating websites.

Therefore for correct operation Sites often recommend enabling this feature in your browser.

Javascript is universal language programming.

With its help, almost all modern websites and services are able to provide image animation GIF format, as well as the operation of clickable links and attachments.

JavaScript also allows you to correctly use flash games and applications, for example, VKontakte games.

But availability activated function not enough for this.

Must be installed on your computer system latest version programs Adobe Flash Player.

In other cases (for example, browser games), the presence of a flash player may not be necessary.

VIDEO: How to enable JavaScript - detailed instructions

Script in Internet Explorer, select “Tools” - “Internet Options” from the menu bar. In the window that opens, select the “Security” tab and click the “Other” button below the slider displaying “Security level for this zone.” In the new “Security Settings - Internet Zone” window, use the scroll bar to find the “Scripts” block.

In the “Active scripts” group, check the box next to “enable”. Just below, check the same box in the “Run Java application scripts” group. Click OK to confirm the changes, then click Apply in the Internet Properties window. When asked if you really want to apply the changes to this zone, answer yes and click OK again. Thus JavaScript in IE 8.0.

In the Opera browser, any JavaScript versions enabled through the menu “Tools” - “General Settings”. Select this item and in the window that opens, go to the “Advanced” tab. On the left side of this tab, select the “Content” section; to the right there will be a field with several checkboxes, including “enable JavaScript”. Check the box.

Even further to the right you will see a “Configure JavaScript” button. By clicking it, you will see a window with additional settings that regulate those actions that you consider necessary to allow for Java. Check the JavaScript settings checkboxes as you wish and click OK to confirm changes made.

IN latest versions this browser has made an easier way available enable JavaScript. You can simply go to the menu "Tools" - " Quick Settings" and in the drop-down list, check the box next to the item "Enable JavaScript". If you want to add additional permissions for scripts, you will have to use the algorithm described in the previous steps.

The easiest way is to enable JavaScript in Mozilla browser Firefox. As in Opera, click on the “Tools” main menu item, select the “Settings” line and in the window that opens, go to the “Content” tab. In the top block of checkboxes, check the box next to “Use JavaScript.” Using the “Advanced” button located next to it, set the permissions you need for JavaScript scripts by checking them in the corresponding checkboxes, and click OK twice to confirm.

Helpful advice

After making JavaScript settings, neither browser requires a restart: the changes take effect immediately.


  • how to enable javascript in internet explorer

JavaScript support is often disabled in browsers due to security reasons. Today, the vast majority of websites are built using the capabilities of java scripts. Find out how to enable support for JavaScript scripts in the most common browsers from these instructions.


Start enabling support in browser Mozilla FireFox from the "Tools" section, which is located in top menu. There, select “Settings”. Once the window opens, find the “Content” tab. Check the box next to “Use JavaScript.” A button called "Advanced" gives you more detailed settings execution various scripts.

Through the "Main Menu" in browser lies the shortest path to configuration, which includes support for JavaScript scripts. If you hover your mouse over the “Quick Settings” section, then among all the sub-items there will be a necessary item called “Enable JavaScript”. Click it to get desired result.

IN browser Mozilla FireFox has more a long way for customization, but it has its advantages, which opens up access to some additional JavaScript settings-scenarios. In the Settings section, select General Settings. You can simply press the Ctrl+F12 keys at the same time. The “Settings” window will open, in which go to the tab called “Advanced” and select “Content” in it, then check the box next to “Enable JavaScript”. A button for accessing advanced JavaScript settings is located next to it called “Customize JavaScript”.

To enable script support in browser In Internet Explorer, select the “Internet Options” section in its top menu in the “Tools” item. In the window that opens next, find the “Security” tab, where click the “Other” button. Another window called “Security Options” will appear. Scroll down the list of options until you reach the Scripts section. Check the box called “Enable” in the “Active Scripts” subsection.

Video on the topic


Many add-ons on your computer may be installed by default. This may be the case if the add-on is part of another program that you installed earlier. And some are automatically installed together in Windows.

Users most frequently use Internet versions Explorer 7 and 8. To enable add-ons in Internet Explorer 7, you need to launch the browser; to do this, double-click the corresponding shortcut on the desktop. Or open the Start menu and select general list Internet Explorer. Click “Tools” in the top menu and select the item called “Manage add-ons in the drop-down list. Click on “Turn add-ons on or off.”

Click in the "Show" box in the button bar on the left side, click the arrow and select the option called "Add-ons used by Internet Explorer." This is done so that all add-ons are visible to you.

Select a group of add-ons or a single add-on that you need to enable. Plugin name, file date, version, digital signature will appear in the lower field. There you will also be asked to use the default search to search for the add-on.

At the bottom right in the bottom box, you will see a button that says “Enable.” Click on it to enable the add-on or right click Click on the desired add-in and select “Enable”. Next, confirm the operation by clicking “OK”.

In Internet Explorer 8, select “Tools” in the top menu, then “Add-ons”. On the left side of the button panel, under the heading “Display”, click on the arrow and select “All add-ons”.

Select the add-ons you want to activate. In the lower field, click on the “Enable” button or right key click on the “Enable” item. At the end of the procedure, click on the “Close” button.

Video on the topic

Java script - special language scripting that adds functionality to web pages, including making them interactive. IN modern internet There are practically no sites that do not use it at all. In order to see colorful pages when surfing the web, with the full range of functions, you need to enable it in your browser support java script.

You will need

  • - a computer with an Internet connection;
  • - Internet browser installed on the computer.


At using Windows Internet Explorer, open Tools by clicking on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the page. From the drop-down menu, select “Internet Options”, and in them - the “Security” tab. In the window that opens, select “Internet zone” for settings.

In the "Security level for this zone" frame, click "Other...". In the Scripting section, select the Active Scripts → Enable and Run Java Application Scripts → Enable checkboxes. Click on the OK button. For the changes to take effect, restart your browser.

In the Mozilla Firefox browser, go to Settings by clicking on the browser icon. In the drop-down menu, select “Settings”, and in them - the “Content” tab. Check the "Use Java Script" checkbox. Click "Advanced..." and in the window that opens, select the additional options you need Java parameters Script. Click OK.

If you are using the Opera browser, click on "Menu" in the upper left corner of the page. From the drop-down menu, select Settings → Quick Settings. In the settings window that appears, check “Enable Javascript”. To make the settings changes take effect, press F5. To quickly access settings Opera browser press F12. In the window that appears, check “Enable Javascript” and refresh the page.

IN Safari browser To go to the settings, press the key combination Ctrl+B. Find the Security tab. Check the “Enable JavaScript” option and close the settings window.

To turn on support JavaScript in Google browser Chrome, click on the settings icon ( wrench) in the upper right corner of the page. Or use the key combination Alt+F. You will be taken to the control window Chrome browser. Select Options → Advanced → Content Settings.

In the content settings window on the left, select Java Script and check the box next to “Allow all sites to use JavaScript.” Close the settings window. Reload your browser page.

VKontakte website does not open

IN Lately Many people have problems accessing certain sites, such as,,,, and also letters on do not open. If you are reading this, it means that, most likely, the VKontakte website also does not load for you, or a window appears in which you are required to send an SMS to unblock the site. There can be many reasons, so I will try to describe them all in detail, and also tell you how to eliminate them.
We fix it HOST file
One of the most common problems due to which the VKontakte website does not open is the vulnerability of Windows, or rather one of its files - HOSTS, which converts domain names into the corresponding IP addresses. This file is often used by viruses that add additional lines there. On Windows XP and Windows Vista file located at:
Myself clean file HOSTS looks like this:
# Copyright © 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a "#" symbol.
# For example:
# # source server
# # x client host localhost
It may also be in the Russian version, but that doesn't matter. Open this file with any text editor(right-click on the file, then “Open with” and select notepad, for example) and if you see that your HOSTS file does not look right, then you need to fix it by deleting everything unnecessary. It happens that the HOSTS file cannot be changed because it is locked malware. In this case, you will have to correct it in safe mode. In order to boot the computer in safe mode, reboot it and press the F8 key while loading. A window with boot options should appear, in which we select “Safe Mode”.
Important: Do not forget that the HOSTS file does not have an extension; it should not be called, for example, HOSTS.txt.
For users of pirated Windows versions The HOSTS file may be duplicated in another folder on the computer, so I advise you to use the search to find it.
Delete the files svc.exe and vkontakte.exe
It also happens that the VKontakte website is blocked by malware. These programs need to be removed. Go to Start -> Search -> Files and folders -> Extra options-> Put a tick next to all the items (search in system files, hidden, etc.) and look for the files svc.exe and vkontakte.exe. If you find it, delete it.
After each method, you must restart your computer, and only then check whether you can access the VKontakte website or not. Be sure to install the latest antivirus software software and update antivirus databases, and then check your computer, otherwise, after some time, you will have to correct the HOSTS file again.
In addition, you can also try accessing the VKontakte website through the domain; this simple action has helped many.
And one more piece of advice - never download various programs for Contact (view personal messages other users, viewing closed pages, programs for downloading music from a contact, etc.) because most of them contain viruses, be careful. And also don’t forget to change the password for your page.
If the above methods did not help, then try reinstalling Windows.

My browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; MRSPUTNIK 2, 4, 0, 270; GTB7.1; MRA 5.7 (build 03686); EasyBits GO v1.0; InfoPath.1)

Javascript is OFF in your browser

Your browser:

These settings are made using the example desktop computer. They also apply to mobile phones and tablets.

Google Chrome

Click on the menu image (three dots) in the upper right corner:

and select Settings:

Find the “JavaScript” item and click on it:

To enable or disable JavaScript, change the position of the switch:

Here we check that the site we need is not included in the exceptions.

Yandex browser

Click on the menu image (three dashes) in the upper right corner and select Settings:

Click on the button Show advanced settings:

And press Content Settings:

Allow JavaScript on all sites (recommended) Disable JavaScript on all sites.

Mozilla Firefox

In the address bar enter about:config

I accept the risk!


Click on Menu in the top left corner of the browser:

Select Settings:

In the window that opens, go to the section Websites

And in the “JavaScript” subsection to enable it we install Allow JavaScript to run (recommended). To disable - Prevent JavaScript from running


Click on the menu image (three dots) in the upper right corner and select Settings::

In the left menu, go to the section Settings:

And press Content settings:

To enable “JavaScript”, in the section of the same name, set Allow all sites to use JavaScript (recommended). To turn off, set the switch to position Prevent JavaScript from running on all sites.


Although Vivaldi is developed on Chromium-based, it does not provide for disabling Javascript. IN this browser it's always on.


Click on the gear image in the upper right corner - select a menu item Settings;

Go to the tab Safety:

Check the box Enable JavaScript to enable it or uncheck to disable it:

Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner - Browser properties

Go to the tab Safety- select a zone Internet(selected by default) and click on Another...

Finding the point Scenarios- go to the sub-item Active scenarios- put the switch in position Turn on to enable JavaScript or Disable- to turn off

Edge doesn't have a way to disable Javascript. In this browser it is always enabled.

In the address bar enter about:config

We promise that we will be careful when clicking I accept the risk!

Find the “javascript.enabled” option

By clicking on the option twice, we change its value. True - Javascript is enabled; False - disabled.

The setting will be applied immediately. Now just close the settings tab.