How to close this page in Yandex. How to close a page that won't close

We have to find out in what cases the computer will write in the browser: “Page closed abnormally.” To be honest, this phenomenon is far from uncommon. And there is no need to be afraid of him. What could be the reasons for this? What should you do to stop the message from bothering you?


Why does the page crash in the browser? There are many reasons for this phenomenon. But the first of them is the “cluttering” of the application with various plugins. They simply load the processor, which does not allow you to access the Internet normally. So there is no need to be afraid of the message “Page has closed abnormally”. Instead, take steps to resolve the problem.

What is needed in this situation? Disable at least half of the plugins in your browser settings, and then restart the program. And see if the error happens again. Most likely this won't happen. This means you can continue to work with the Internet and browser.


Why does it say "Page closed abnormally"? If the problem is not plugins at all, then you can think about some more serious problem. The main one is the CPU load. Regardless of the plugins installed, the error may bother you again and again. And no amount of browser reinstallation will help here. If in the previous case you could still try to use another program, then in this case - no.

What should you do if you see the warning “Page closed abnormally”? For example, do your best to unload the computer processor. close all unnecessary programs that are running in and also make sure that there are no very demanding tasks in the “Processes” of the operating system.

After this, try using the browser again. Does the error no longer appear? Great, now we know what to do. But if the problem still bothers you, you need to seriously think about computer diagnostics.


The last and most dangerous common scenario related to the message “Page closed abnormally” is infection of the computer with viruses. It is they who disrupt processes while the browser is running, which forces pages to close in emergency mode.

You will have to check the operating system for various types of spyware and viruses. Any antivirus program will do. After this, disinfect or delete all dangerous files. Next, be sure to clean the system registry and clear the “Hosts” document. It is located in the Windows folder.

Now you can try using the browser again. If there are no results, completely uninstall and reinstall the program. Everything should work. If the message “Page closed abnormally” regularly pops up and interferes with your work on the computer, take it to a service center. There they will help you correct the situation quite quickly.

However, if we are talking about computer errors caused by viruses, then be prepared to completely reinstall the operating system. Such phenomena are rare, but they do occur. So try to provide for all possible scenarios.

Many users of this popular social network are interested in how viewing closed pages in Odnoklassniki works. If a page in opera closes abnormally, then first let’s try to determine what exactly led to this problem. So... If you are faced with the fact that your computer is locked and you are convinced that this is so, turn it off emergencyly.

I hope this will be fixed in future versions. If the error repeats regularly, you can update the program or reinstall it. The reasons may also be a conflict of plugins with the version of the web browser or something else.

If you are an active user of the Opera browser, you may encounter the “Page closed abnormally” error, when a page automatically closes without any reason. Moreover, it is also available in Yandex Google Opera...

A common error in Opera 25 - The page crashed

Every 10-50 minutes the VKontakte page crashes, or when you listen to music, surf on other sites, open a lot of things, the plugin does not respond. At this stage, most people have a question - how to close a page in Odnoklassniki for free. The answer, unfortunately, is that you can't do it for free. If you have gone through the above procedure and have a closed page on Odnoklassniki, then you should keep in mind that only friends and no one else can view it.

Vulnerability in the Opera browser (buffer overflow)

This problem is mainly due to the fact that the browser cannot receive all the cookies necessary to work with the site and closes the page with such a message. Some close their pages in Odnoklassniki, others are looking for ways to view closed pages)))) Madhouse. The browser is in the "Not responding" status. Emergency means wrong.

Moreover, regardless of the site and computer (I observe this on both my home and work computers). At a certain moment this error just suddenly appears and that’s it. I can’t even explain specifically why or what actions.

There can be several reasons why the Opera browser crashes, as well as ways to fix the problem. In some cases, you will have to contact the developers directly to help determine what exactly is causing the error. To do this, we remember what exactly we were doing before the error occurred. For example, some users complain that this problem occurs when a page with VKontakte correspondence is open among several tabs.

Important! The cause can often be a conflicting extension. If the error is no longer noticed, then remove the extension and replace it with a similar one. The error may also appear in earlier versions of the browser. You can fix it by updating your Internet browser and the plugins installed in it. This may happen if automatic updates are disabled.

Go to Tools - History. It is possible that in order to correct the situation when Opera crashes, you will need to reinstall the Internet browser. Enter opera:about in the address bar. In the Paths block, pay attention to the Profile line. It contains the address where the path to the profile folder is located. However, before proceeding with the uninstallation, you can try additional steps to troubleshoot the program.

Restart the browser and check its operation. Often these actions lead to the problem being eliminated on its own, and the program begins to work stably. Advice. If these steps do not help, then reinstall the browser, and then copy the saved profile folder to the updated Internet browser.

If the error occurs only in Opera, and other browsers work stably, then it is necessary to identify the reason, which lies in the program itself. If this happens once, just try restarting the browser.

The system also recommends refreshing the page. The problem is aggravated by the fact that when loading the same page, the latter may load normally, although sometimes it gives an error. If that doesn't work, try disabling all extensions for a while. If the page does not display an error, it means that the problem is indeed one of the extensions that needs to be abandoned. It is possible that the problem has already been resolved in this version of the program.

We press the key combination CTRL+SHIFT+DELETE, after which a window appears and in it we select the cache and cookies. Do not forget that in this case, de-authorization will occur on all sites where you were logged in. To be honest, I didn’t quite understand how to do this correctly, but the indicated method helped me. Click on the Opera icon and select “About” from the menu. How to do this is shown in the next article. If you uncheck the box, they will be saved and the next time you install Opera you will use your profile (just in case, copy the profile folder to another location).

There is currently no workaround for the error. There is a working exploit on the network. So be careful yourself and warn your friends/acquaintances! Oh yeah... you know, they probably should have put 10.10 in the selection screen. I don’t argue with this; moreover, I specifically pointed out that this applies specifically to WindowsXP users.

“The page has closed abnormally” in Opera. How to fix?

This won't happen in Opera Mini. Well, or the engine on the server will crash. That will be fun. Attention, question: how can you write a buffer overflow in 2010 if this error has been known for 30 years? Answer: only if your code or parts of it are written by Indians with their left heels.

Error “pages closed abnormally” in Opera: reasons and user actions

There are times when it is necessary to accept a pointer to a buffer into a function and fill it. Explain how you will solve this problem. Why are there so few references to sources in such sensational news? Someone needs to hide information about themselves from the employer, or from unwanted people in the contact list in this social system.

Therefore, we will try to figure out what we can do and what we cannot do. And the main thing is how to do it correctly in a clear and simple way. After this, a window will appear confirming your choice, informing you that after completing this action, information about you will be available only to your friends on Odnoklassniki. After clicking on “Proceed to payment”, a menu for selecting your country of residence and a field for entering a mobile phone number to top up your account in the system will open.

You can view a closed page if you add a person as a friend, this is how this mechanism works. Otherwise, unsaved recordings during an emergency shutdown of the computer will be lost. And you will have to crash again if you do not have time to close this page at the loading stage. Moreover, the whole joke is that several neighboring tabs close unexpectedly.

Category ~ What to do (errors and problems) – Igor (Administrator)

In this article, I will tell you how to fix the error in Opera “Page closed abnormally”, as well as what the reason might be.

Browsers sometimes produce such errors that the user simply does not know what the reason is and what to do. One of these is “Page closed abnormally”. On the one hand, the text contains an indication that you should try reloading the page or opening it in another tab. On the other hand, the phrase “something led to the closure of the page” is not particularly encouraging. After all, if the next time you open this page the same thing happens, then what should you do?

Opera page crashed - what to do?

Before I tell you anything, let me remind you once again what the “Page closed abnormally” error looks like in the Opera browser:

I'll tell you in order:

1. Logical and obvious. Reload the page or try opening it in another tab. It is likely that this is just a small temporary glitch that can be easily fixed.

2. The next step is to try clearing the cache (history). The fact is that the error may occur due to incorrectly formed or saved temporary files. After that, try reloading the page. If it doesn't help, then move on.

3. Close and then reopen the Opera browser. The fact is that the error may be in the browser itself or the profile. This happens periodically.

4. Try opening the page in a different browser. If something like “The page closed abnormally” happens there, then the problem is either in the Adobe Flash plugin, versions for which are often released and therefore the same applications for different versions can lead to critical errors in the browser itself, or in the browser itself. web page. In the latter case, unfortunately there is nothing you can do.

5. Look at the plugins and extensions you have installed recently. It is possible that the problem is with these additional applications. Try disabling or deleting them temporarily.

6. Try reinstalling the browser itself. An unpleasant experience, but it is quite possible that the files of the browser itself were damaged, or some configuration settings were set incorrectly, or there are problems with the keys in the Windows registry (I also advise you to clean the registry). So reinstalling usually helps in this situation.

As you can see, there are many reasons and possibilities for fixing the “Page closed abnormally” error in the Opera browser.

Despite the relative stability of operation, in comparison with other browsers, errors also appear when using the Opera program. One of the most common problems is the opera:crossnetworkwarning error. Let's find out its cause and try to find ways to eliminate it.

Let's immediately establish what causes this error to occur.

The opera:crossnetworkwarning error is accompanied by the message “A page hosted on the Internet is requesting data from your local network. For security reasons, automatic access will be disabled, but you can allow it." Of course, it is quite difficult for the uninitiated user to understand what this means. In addition, the error can be of a very different nature: appear on specific resources or regardless of which site you visited; emerge periodically, or be permanent. The reason for this discrepancy is that the cause of this error can be completely different factors.

The main cause of the opera:crossnetworkwarning error is incorrect network settings. They can be both on the site side and on the browser or provider side. For example, an error may occur if the security settings are incorrect if the site uses the https protocol.

In addition, this problem occurs if add-ons installed in Opera conflict with each other, with the browser, or with a specific site.

There are cases when, in the absence of payment to the provider for its services from the client, the network operator, by changing the settings, can disconnect the user from the Internet. Of course, this is an atypical case of shutdown, but this also happens, so when identifying the causes of the error, you should not exclude it.


If the error is not on your side, but on the side of the site or provider, then there is little you can do. Unless you contact the technical support of the relevant service with a request to fix the problems, describing their nature in detail. Well, of course, if the cause of the opera:crossnetworkwarning error is late payment to the provider, then you should simply pay the agreed amount for the services, and the error will disappear.

We will dwell in more detail on how to correct this error using means available to the user.

Extension conflict

One of the most common causes of this error, as mentioned above, is an add-on conflict. To check if this is the case, go through the main menu of the Opera browser to the Extension Manager, as shown in the picture below.

The Extension Manager opens before us, which provides a complete list of add-ons installed in Opera. To check whether the cause of the error lies in one of the extensions, disable them all one by one by clicking on the “Disable” button next to each extension.

Then, we go to the site where the opera:crossnetworkwarning error occurs, and if it does not disappear, then we look for another reason for the occurrence. If the error disappears, then return to the Extension Manager and enable each extension separately by clicking on the “Enable” button next to its label. After activating each add-on, go to the website and see if the error has returned. The add-on, after enabling which will return an error, is problematic and should be avoided.

Changing Opera settings

Another solution to the problem can be done through the Opera settings. To do this, select “Settings” in the main menu of the browser.

Once on the settings page, go to the “Browser” section.

On the page that opens, look for the settings block called “Network”.

Once you have found it, make sure that “Use proxies for local servers” is checked. If it is not there, then install it manually.

By default, it should be checked, but situations are different, and it is the absence of a checkmark on this item that can trigger the above error. In addition, this method in rare cases helps to eliminate the error, even if it consists of unintentional incorrect settings on the provider’s side.

Other ways to solve the problem

However, if you are not too bothered by constantly pop-up windows with error messages themselves, then you can simply click the “Continue” link on problem pages, and you will be taken to the desired site. True, this simple solution to the problem does not always work.

As you can see, there can be many reasons for the opera:crossnetworkwarning error, and as a result, there can be many options for solving it. Therefore, if you want to get rid of this problem, you need to use the trial method.