How to update the version of Internet Explorer on your computer. How to install automatic updates? What is the latest version of Internet Explorer

Now we will look at the fastest and easiest way to update the web installed on your computer. Internet browser Explorer 8 to the latest, ninth version Internet Explorer.

Computer software requirements

IE9 can only be installed on computers running OS Windows Vista or Windows 7. 32- and 64-bit architectures of these operating systems are supported. Essentially, these are all the requirements that your computer must meet.

To make sure that you are really using version 8 of the IE web browser, follow these steps:

  1. Launch Internet Explorer
  2. Select menu item Help - About the program.

Figure 1 - Help window "About the program"

If in the window that opens you can read that you have installed the eighth Internet version Explorer - then everything is fine, you can proceed directly to the update process.

Download and install Internet Explorer 9

You can download Internet Explorer 9 from the official microsite of the new web browser from Microsoft.

Attention! On at this stage you need to select the version of the operating system you have installed, including its architecture (32-bit or 64-bit). By default, 64-bit OSes will automatically install both versions of IE9. You can later use any version, but 64-bit IE9 cannot be made the default browser.

A few seconds after downloading and launching the web installer, the download process begins and Internet installations Explorer 9.

Figure 2 - Internet Explorer 9 installation process

Note. If during the installation process it is detected that any other programs are open on the computer, a corresponding warning will be displayed on the screen, where the installer will offer to automatically close running programs. You can refuse this, but in this case you will need to restart our computer during the installation process. In this case, it is better to take care in advance of saving all the work you have done.

After restarting your computer, you can immediately start working on the Internet. To make sure that you have the ninth version of IE installed, duplicate the procedure described earlier.

Figure 3 - Help window "About the program"

As you can see, everything went well. Now you have the most modern web browser from Microsoft installed, and nothing prevents you from starting to explore the vastness of the World Wide Web right now. Welcome to the "beautiful Internet"!

Every self-respecting developer software, recommends using service packs for its products. According to the same developers, installing such a package of files should make the program more convenient for consumer use, more secure, richer useful features. IN real life this is not quite the case: most software products are becoming more resource-intensive, difficult to configure, and often simply unnecessary for the end user.

There is probably not a single Windows user who has not encountered Internet Explorer. For many PC users, this Internet browser is an example of an inconvenient interface, not the most better protection from malicious files and software, and a fairly low data processing speed. That is why it is only in fifth place in popularity in Russia.

But this was until the advent of version 8, which became quite functional and productive. On this moment IE 11 has been released, which is increasingly gaining popularity among users and in many cases is used as a full-fledged Internet browser installed by default. But what about those who have IE, even more early version, because it is almost impossible to reinstall the program. There is only one answer - update to the maximum possible for your operating system. For example: you can only update explorer for windows xp to version 8. For Windows 7 or 8.1 OS users, install the package with IE 11 browser.

Discontinued as of April 8, 2014 windows support xp and IE 8. The computer will still work, but will be vulnerable to hacker attacks and malware.

Why monitor your browser?

Many users do not think about how the Internet browser works when surfing their favorite sites. But web product developers are introducing new standards and scripting languages, which do not support browsers that were installed several years ago and have not received updates. Using deprecated software, the user may not be able to take advantage of many relevant features of the sites.

In addition, browser makers are working on it. Holes in program code can become a backdoor for attackers who can use your personal data, passwords, or use your computer in secret to send spam or unwanted software. For example: update internet explorer browser to maximum possible version- this means closing Internet surfing data to attackers.

Modern Internet browsers are more than just a program on your computer; they are a tool that opens a window to the Internet universe with all its possibilities. That's why behind this powerful tool need to be monitored.

Instructions for installing the update package on IE

Due to the peculiarities of this browser, one difficulty arises: you cannot update Internet Explorer directly through the program interface, as in others popular browsers. To receive the package necessary files, you must first go to the page

You will be offered exactly the product that is suitable for working with your operating system. For XP, the window looks like this:

You can update internet explorer 8 to 11 only if you reinstall the OS to Windows 7 or 8.1

For these operating systems, the boot window may look like this.

In the central part there is a “download” button, clicking on which will start downloading the file. After downloading it, run the file and follow the installation instructions. Tip: if IE higher than eight is installed on your computer, it means that your operating system is still being serviced. You can update internet explorer 9 by following all the steps in order to download the package of necessary files from the official website and install them in the OS under administrator rights.

After launch, the installer starts working, on which you should click the install button. After installation is complete, the computer will require a reboot. Restart the “machine” and use an updated Internet browser that is more convenient and secure.

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The Internet Explorer 11 web browser is today recognized as one of the fastest and most stable tools used for surfing in World Wide Web, along with Edge or browsers third party manufacturers like Chrome, Opera or Mozilla. But this version is present as a built-in feature only in Windows 10, but many users of lower-ranking systems would also like to have such a utility in their arsenal.

Let's see how to update Internet Explorer to version 11 if an outdated modification is installed on the system. This can be done several times in simple ways. I would immediately like to draw the attention of all users that IE 11 cannot always be installed on obsolete operating systems for which support has been discontinued.

Is it possible to update Internet Explorer to version 11 on systems below version 10?

The question really requires special clarification. The fact is that even with the automatic update of the browser operating system itself enabled, upgrading the version, rather than patching holes in the security system, may not always be installed.

Why is that? Yes, only because for each modification of the OS itself there are restrictions on use specific version browser with appropriate support. Even when contacting official resource Microsoft directly on the website will offer update options in the form of “Internet Explorer” for XP - version 8, for Vista - version 9, for 7 and higher - version 11.

And this means that the 11th modification of the browser cannot be installed in Expishka or Vista. At least you can try (some advise using the installer for Windows 7), but, as practice shows, the result will be zero.

To know current version browser, you can start it by using the keyboard shortcut to access the settings Alt + X and selecting the "About" section. In versions of Windows higher than seventh, the update may not be required if it was done automatically.

Update Windows Internet Explorer automatically

Thus, we can conclude that IE 11 is installed only on systems starting from the seventh and higher. The browser is said to update itself, although unexpected glitches may occasionally occur.

On the question of how to update Internet Explorer to version 11 in the above systems, special problems there shouldn't be. In principle, if automatic updates are enabled in the Update Center, the installation of the latest version of IE will still happen sooner or later. If suddenly for some reason this does not happen, you can use manual installation both system updates and the browser itself.

Manual installation of the latest version

To get started, you can simply go to the Microsoft website, select an installer there in accordance with the modification and bitness of the OS, then download it to your computer and start the installation in manual mode.

At active connection to the Internet during the installation process and the most latest version browser. But you can do it even easier by using the so-called online installer. You don't even have to choose here. After launching, the web installer file will automatically determine the type and bitness of the OS, after which it will also independently install all the necessary components.

Possible browser update errors

If for some reason it is not possible to update Internet Explorer to version 11 on supported systems, the only reason should be sought in the fact that the latest updates and service packs have not been installed for the operating systems themselves.

If service packs are not installed even if you use manual search, you will need to download them directly from the Microsoft website yourself, then install and set re-search updates for installed packages.

In this case, you need to use the “Update Center”, which is called from the “Control Panel”, where the button to manually search for updates is pressed. Everything that is found must be integrated into the system (without exceptions). After this, the process of installing a new browser can be repeated. Apparently, the errors will disappear after this.

Instead of an afterword

As you can see, Internet Explorer 11 cannot be installed on outdated Windows operating systems. And this is due not so much to the browser itself, but to the fact that support is limited only to versions 8 and 9. Therefore, no matter how much you want it, you can’t jump over your head. But in Windows 7 and higher, the 11th modification of IE is installed without problems.

The best option, of course, would be to use an online installer so as not to download full distribution with saving on the hard drive. But in this case, you will need an uninterrupted Internet connection.

By the way, in connection with recent statements by Microsoft management about the extension, many experts assume (and not without reason) that it will still be possible to integrate Internet Explorer 11 into the environment of this particular system over time. And there are all the prerequisites for this. But, as they say, time will tell, but for now we have to be content only with what we have at the moment. In any case, you shouldn’t give up.

Internet Explorer is perhaps the most famous web browser, and to this day remains one of the most popular among users around the world, although in Russia, according to statistics, its position is far from being so strong: being fairly squeezed out by such programs as Google Chrome, Opera Browser, Yandex Browser, Firefox, as well as the increasingly popular Orbitum, most users perceive it only as a mandatory appendage to the operating system.

However, among many consumers and content creators alike, this browser is still relevant for one reason or another.

Updates to the latest version

As you know, many software developers release updates for their products at different intervals. Most often this is done in connection with the addition of certain program functions, adaptation to new equipment, as well as correction of certain errors. But sometimes situations arise in which the release of a new update is due to the cessation of support from developers of older versions of programs. This is also true for the Internet Explorer browser, which supports older versions by Microsoft was completely completed. In addition, users who do not update their browser will also be deprived of critical security and compatibility updates for current versions operating systems.

The latest and most current version of Internet Explorer is v. 11, available to users of operating systems Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 (owners of Windows XP have the opportunity to upgrade to a maximum of the eighth version, working in Windows environment Vista will have to settle for ninth).

In some cases, the browser receives the latest updates along with updates to Windows itself. This happens when activated option"Automatic Updates" in Windows Update. In this situation, no action is required from the user, since the latest version of the browser is always ready to work. But in situations in which automatic download updates are disabled or missing permanent connection connection to the Internet, you have to update the program manually (often the browser will automatically remind you to download the next update).

For different versions Windows has different approaches to Internet update Explorer.

For Windows XP

Any official update It is recommended to download only from the software manufacturer's websites. Firstly, for security reasons, and secondly, for convenience, since on the developers’ web pages the process is laid out step by step and is quite concise. However, in the case of Windows XP, for which official support Microsoft has been discontinued for several years now, this option won't work. It will not be possible to organize an update using the operating system itself. Therefore, Windows XP users have only two options: search on third party resources and at your own risk and peril necessary actions either use quite tricky way editing the registry and replacing operating system signatures in order to try to update through the Update Center.

Windows Vista

For this operating system, update scripts via Microsoft servers are no longer available to users, but browser version 9 can still be downloaded from the official website.

For 32-bit systems:

For 64-bit systems:

After downloading, you need to run the file and follow the installer's instructions.

Windows 7, 8.1, 10

For Win 7, there are two ways to update Internet Explorer.

Via Update Center

If configured automatic update, then you don’t need to do anything, in other cases, in the “Search for updates for your computer” section, you need to click the “Check for updates” button, after which the OS will display a list of available updates, and the user will have the opportunity to select the required ones. In this case, updates that are critical for the security and functionality of the operating system will be marked as “Important”, but in the end the decision is still made by the user himself.

Via the Microsoft download page

You need to go to a special section of the Microsoft website located at, then select the version of Windows, and then the corresponding bitness of the operating system installation file(the bit depth can be found in the system properties). With this update method forced deletion previous version no program is required: the installer will perform all the necessary actions itself.

It should be borne in mind that installing version 11 of Internet Explorer will only be possible for those whose Windows version 7 has already been updated to Service Pack 1. If for one reason or another this update is not installed in the system, and latest version If you need a browser, the Update Center will help, through which the required files can be downloaded to your computer.

The latest version of the browser is not supported in Win 8. First, you need to upgrade the system to 8.1, and only after that start installing IE 11. Most likely, most users will not have to do anything, since few people were ready to work in the rather controversial Windows 8, and at the first opportunity they upgraded to 8.1. Those who have not done this will still have to update the system to take advantage of all the benefits of the eleventh version of the Microsoft browser (without this, the browser installation simply will not start).

All this is done in several stages.

  • You need to launch the Update Center and install everything current updates operating system, marked “Important”. During the installation process, the computer may be restarted several times.
  • After everything important updates will be installed, you can start Windows installation 8.1. This operation is available from the Windows Store.
  • Having completed the installation of the Win 8.1 update, the user also receives a fully functional version of the Internet Explorer 11 browser.
  • WITH using Windows Update allows you to download and install all available updates both automatically and manually, both for the operating system itself and for the browser.

In Windows 10, the developers originally planned complete replacement outdated IE, but some compatibility issues forced them, to the delight of many users, not to remove Internet Explorer from the operating system. Therefore at the moment Windows users 10 can use two pre-installed browsers from Microsoft.

Microsoft Edge - latest browser, designed in the future to finally replace outdated Internet Explorer, but is already an integral part of the operating system.

Internet Explorer itself is in its final eleventh version. All current updates can be obtained using Windows services Update. Moreover, by default in Windows 10, auto-update is always turned on, and it cannot be disabled using the methods familiar to most users.

IE11 works on operating systems Windows systems 10, 8.1, Server 2012 R2, as well as on Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2.

How to remove Internet Explorer in Windows 7?

In order to remove Internet Explorer in Windows 7, you need to go to the Control Panel in the “Programs and Features” section. After that in the list installed programs select and click the “Delete” button. Then restart your computer. In order to completely remove Internet Explorer from your computer, you must go back to the “Programs and Features” section and select view updates. Select IE9 or 10 from the list and remove them. Generally, complete removal Internet Explorer consists of gradually removing all updates for this browser available on the computer.

How to remove Internet Explorer on Windows 10?

In order to remove IE11, you need to go to the Control Panel, and then to the “Programs and Features” section. After that, select “Enabled and disabled Windows components" Then select from the list the necessary program and click "Disable". Accept the system warning and restart your computer.

How to clear the cache in Internet Explorer?

To do this, you need to go to the “Service” section; if this menu is not displayed initially, then press the Alt button. Then select the “Security” category and the “Delete browser history” block. In this section, you must check the box next to “ Temporary files Internet and websites”, you need to uncheck other items, and then click the “Delete” button.

How to update in Internet Explorer?

Often Windows and all its components update themselves, including IE. But if you do not have the auto-update function enabled, then in order to get new version you need to go to the “Service” section in the browser itself and select “Center” Windows updates", where you will be offered several update options. Another way to update is to visit the official Microsoft website and