Universal encyclopedia. Basic concepts of the Qbasic language. Types of control transfer operators

Laboratory work No. 1

Topic: Information resources of society. Educational information resources. Working with the software

Target: learn to use educational information resources, search necessary information with their help; master methods of working with software.

Prepared by a student of the TEOT-13 group

Asfandiyarov Ruslan

Task No. 1

1. Download the Internet.

2. In the search bar, enter the phrase “directory of educational resources.”

3. List what sections include educational resources Internet networks.

4. Describe any three.

Name Characteristic
Federal educational resources The section contains a list of websites of federal educational authorities and educational institutions federal level, information sites federal programs and projects, a list of federal information and educational portals, as well as descriptions the latest systems access to educational resources on the Internet created at the state level within the framework of the Federal target program development of education.
Regional educational resources The section contains a list of websites of regional educational authorities and regional information and educational portals. The section presents the “Education” and “Informatization of the Education System” projects implemented in the regions Russian Federation. Studying the resources in this section allows you to get a general idea of ​​the features of the functioning and prospects for the development of the education system in the Russian regions.
Instrumental software The section contains a list of basic computer software tools, the use of which allows you to automate most types of educational activities in order to improve their efficiency. The resources in this section contain information about the specifics of introducing information and telecommunication technologies into training. Scenarios of training sessions carried out using computer equipment, educational electronic publications and resources, the specifics of their creation and use are discussed. The listed resources contain links to software tools that can be used to improve the efficiency of a teacher, head teacher or director. The section resources are intended for administration, methodologists and teachers educational institutions, as well as specialists involved in the development of teaching tools and technologies.

Task No. 2

Using the Universal Encyclopedia Reference, find answers to the following questions:

Question Answer
1) indicate the time of approval of the Gregorian calendar October 4, 1582
2) what is the diameter of a speck of dust? 0.001 m
3) indicate the lethal sound level 200 (dB)
4) what is the boiling point of iron 3134 K
5) what is the melting point of iodine 113.5 °C
6) indicate the speed of revolution of the Earth around the Sun 30 km/sec
7) what is the mass of the Earth (m): 5.9736·10^24 kg (3·10^-6 M)
8) which mountain in Australia is the highest Mount Kosciuszko (2228 meters)
9) describe the Kampa people CAMPA, Ashaninka, Asheninka, Indian people in Peru (mainly in the Ucayali, Apurimac, Pacitea river basins). Number of people: about 50 thousand people. A small group of Campa (120 people) also lives in Brazil on the Jurua River. They speak the Kampa language of the Arawakan family. Dialects: campa proper, anti, autaniri, kamatika, katongo, kimbiri, karinairi, pangoa, tampa, ugunichiri, unini, chicheren. Quechua and spanish languages. Kampa - Christians (Catholics).
10) indicate the years of the reign of Ivan III from 1462 to 1505.
11) indicate the years of the reign of Catherine II in 1762-1796
12) indicate the years of the reign of Ivan IV 1547-1574, 1576-1584
13) indicate the years of N.S. Khrushchev’s reign. - First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee from 1953 to 1964, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR from 1958 to 1964
14) in what year was the first wooden bicycle invented? 1817-1819

Task No. 3. Answer the questions:

1. What do you understand by information resources? Information resources are the ideas of humanity and instructions for their implementation, accumulated in a form that allows their reproduction.
2. List the parameters for classifying information resources. 1. content; 2. coverage; 3. time; 4. source; 5. quality; 6. compliance with needs; 7. method of fixation; 8. tongue; 9. cost.
3. What is meant by educational information resources? These are books, articles, patents, dissertations, research and development documentation, technical translations, data on advanced production practices, etc.
4. What can be classified as educational electronic resources? In the very general case EER includes educational videos and sound recordings, for playback of which a household tape recorder or CD player is sufficient. The most modern and effective electronic educational resources for education are reproduced on a computer. It is on such resources that we will focus our attention.

Task No. 4. Draw a conclusion about what has been done laboratory work:

Katerina and the boar are two opposite people from the same family. Kabanikha is the mistress of the “dark kingdom”. All the characters in this play are either victims of this kingdom, like Tikhon and Boris, or have adapted to it, like Varvara and Kudryash. Katerina is the only character who has not accepted her place in this world.
Katerina is an outwardly fragile, tender and open-to-feeling young woman, not at all as defenseless as she seems at first glance. She is strong inside, she is a fighter against this “dark kingdom”. Katerina is a girl who is able to stand up for herself, who is capable of much for the sake of her love. But she is alone in this world, and it’s hard for her, so she is looking for support. It seems to her that she finds support in Boris. And she strives for him in every possible way, no matter what. She chose him because Boris stood out from all the young people in this city, and they both had a similar situation. But in the finale, Boris abandons her, and she is left alone against the “dark kingdom.” To accept and return to Kabanikha’s house meant not to be herself. Suicide is the only way out. Katerina passes away because she does not accept this world - the world of Kabanikha, Dikiy, Tikhon and Boris. Kabanikha is a completely different person, she is the opposite of Katerina. She is completely satisfied with the world in which she lives. No one ever dared to contradict her, but then Katerina appears, unwilling to put up with Kabanikha’s rudeness, rudeness and cruelty. And therefore Katerina, with her self-esteem, constantly irritates Kabanikha. A conflict is brewing between Katerina and Kabanikha. This conflict does not come to an explosion until there are reasons for it. And the reason is Katerina’s confession of cheating on her husband. And Katerina understands that after this her life is over, because Kabanikha will then completely bully her. And she decides to commit suicide. After the death of Katerina, Kabanikha remains satisfied, because now no one will resist her. Katerina’s death is a kind of protest against this world, a world of lies and hypocrisy, to which she could never get used to.
But Katerina and Kabanikha have something in common, because they are both able to stand up for themselves, both do not want to put up with humiliation and insult, both have strong characters. But their reluctance to be humiliated and insulted manifests itself in different ways. Katerina will never respond to rudeness with rudeness. Kabanikha, on the contrary, will try in every possible way to humiliate, offend, and bully a person who says something unpleasant in her direction.
Katerina and Kabanikha have different attitudes towards God. If Katerina’s feeling for God is something bright, holy, inviolable and highest, then for Kabanikha it is only an external, superficial feeling. Even going to church for Kabanikha is only to make the impression of a pious lady on those around her.
The most suitable comparison between Katerina and Kabanikha is something light and something dark, where Katerina is light and Kabanikha is dark. Katerina is a ray of light in the “dark kingdom”. But this “ray” is not enough to illuminate this darkness that in the end it fades out altogether.

Laboratory work No. 2

Topic: Licensed and freely distributed software products. Organization of software updates using the Internet

Target: study licensed and freely distributed software products; learn how to organize software updates using the Internet.

Programs according to their legal status can be divided into three large groups: licensed, shareware and freely distributed. 1. Licensed programs. In accordance with license agreement... Developers usually sell licensed programs in boxed distributions.

Technical support from the software manufacturer.

When using purchased licensed software, users may have various questions. Owners licensed programs have the right to use technical support software manufacturer, which in most cases allows you to resolve the problems that arise.

Software updates.

Software manufacturers regularly release update packages for licensed programs (patch, service-pack). Their timely installation is one of the main means of protection personal computer(especially it concerns antivirus programs). Legal users receive all available updates promptly and free of charge.

Legitimacy and prestige.

Keeping up with technical progress

Software management will help determine the company's software needs, avoid using outdated programs and will contribute the right choice technology that will allow the company to achieve its goals and succeed in the competition.

Professional pre-sales consultations

Users feel the benefits of purchasing licensed software as soon as they purchase it. For sale licensed products carried out by employees of companies - authorized partners of the world's leading software manufacturers, qualified specialists. The buyer can count on professional advice on choosing optimal solution for the tasks facing him.

Increased functionality

If you have any suggestions regarding the functionality of the product, you have the opportunity to convey them to the developers; your wishes will be taken into account when releasing new versions of the product.

By purchasing unlicensed software you are taking a lot of risk.

Administrative liability for copyright infringement

Criminal liability for copyright infringement

When using an unlicensed version, that is, a version modified by pirates, software product, a number of problems may arise. Ø Incorrect work programs. A hacked program is a modified... Ø Unstable work the computer as a whole.

Laboratory work No. 3

Topic: Discrete (digital) representation of text, graphic, audio information and video information

Target: study ways of presenting text, graphic, audio and video information, learn to write numbers in various systems Reckoning

Theoretical information for laboratory work

Discrete representation of information: coding of color images in a computer (raster approach). Presentation and processing of sound and... All information that a computer processes must be represented... Coding is the transformation of input information into a form that the computer can perceive, that is, binary code.

Analog and discrete coding method

Information, including graphic and sound, can be presented in... An example of analog representation graphic information could serve, for example, as a painting, the color of which...

Image encoding

There are two ways to create and store graphic objects on your computer: raster or how vector image. Each type of image uses its own encoding method.

Bitmap encoding

During the encoding process, an image is spatially discretized. Spatial sampling of an image can be compared to... For black and white image the information volume of one point is equal to one... For four colors - 2 bits.

Vector image encoding

Vector image represents a collection graphic primitives(point, segment, ellipse...). Each primitive is described mathematical formulas. Coding depends on the application environment.

Dignity vector graphics is that files storing vector graphic images, have a relatively small volume.

It is also important that vector graphics can be enlarged or reduced without loss of quality.

Graphics file formats

Most Popular raster formats: BMP GIF

Binary audio coding

Sound is a wave with continuously changing amplitude and frequency. The greater the amplitude, the louder it is for a person; the greater the frequency, the higher the tone. Sound signals in the world around us are incredibly diverse. Complex... Moreover, each term, that is, each sinusoid, can be precisely specified by a certain set of numerical parameters -...

Presentation of video information

What is the film from a computer science point of view? First of all, it is a combination of sound and graphic information. In addition, to create on... It would seem that if the problems of encoding static graphics and sound are solved, then... There are many various formats presentation of video data.

Option No.__

Task No. 1. Using a symbol table, write down a sequence of decimal numeric codes in Windows encoding for your full name and the name of the street where you live. The symbol table is displayed in the MS Word editor using the command: tab Insert→Symbol→Other Symbols

In field Font select Times New Roman in the field from choose Cyrillic. For example, for the letter “A” (Russian capital), the character code is 192.


Task No. 2. Using standard program NOTEBOOK , determine which phrase in Windows encoding is given by a sequence of numeric codes and continue the code. Launch NOTEBOOK . With additional numeric keypad when the key is pressed ALT enter the code, release the key ALT. The corresponding symbol will appear in the document.

Completing task No. 2

Task No. 3. Fill in the blanks with numbers:

Laboratory work No. 4

Topic: Programming environment

Target: study the programming environment using Qbasic as an example, practice the skills of calculating arithmetic expressions in Qbasic, learn how to write simple programs.

Basic concepts of the Qbasic language

Program is a set of machine commands that a computer must execute to implement a particular algorithm.

In other words, program is a form of representation of an algorithm for execution by a machine.

Under programming language (PL) understand a set of means and rules for presenting an algorithm in a form acceptable for a computer.

Commands in a programming language are called operators

To get started with QBasic, you need to run the QBasic.exe program. ( Team : Start→My Computer→Local drive C→Qbasic folder→QB file )

After launching QBasic, a window will appear on the screen:

After writing a program, to view it, you need to press the key F5 . the program will be executed if there is no syntax errors. If an error is made after starting the program, a window with an error message will appear on the screen. You can select a button Reference to get information about the error made, or press the key Enter or Esc . Afterwards, you return to the editing window, where the cursor will be located in the place where the error was made. After correcting the errors, you can start the program from the place where it was interrupted - F5 , run the program from the beginning – Shift+F5 . by pressing Alt keys you will be taken to the menu.

To switch to Russian, use the right keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift, to English left keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift

The QBasic alphabet contains the following characters:

1. capital letters Latin alphabet;

2. Arabic numerals;

3. separators; , ; . : " (apostrophe) " () % (integer), & (long integer), (space), ! (real value sign), # (second precision sign), $ (text value);

4. signs arithmetic operations: +, -, *, / (division), ^ (exponentiation), (integer division), “MOD” (modulo division);

5. signs of relational operations: >,<, =, < >(not equal), > =,< =.

If you need to calculate the value of an arithmetic expression or several arithmetic expressions, you do not need to write a program. You can use the computer in direct counting mode.

To do this, you do not need to make any special transitions, because when you turn on the computer, it is in this mode.

In order to perform calculations, it is enough to type the desired expression after the PRINT operator.

example: Finding the value of an arithmetic expression in QBasic would look like this:

PRINT 23*456-12/35+ SQR(56)

After launching the program for execution by pressing the F5 key, the value of this arithmetic expression will be obtained: 10495.14.

Operator PRINT in QBasic is designed to display data on the screen. If after the operator PRINT put any sequence of characters in quotes, then this sequence will be displayed on the screen.


PRINT “I study at Belgorod Industrial College”

The screen will show:

Drawing up simple programs

REM Comment statement for the name of the program INPUT Operator for entering initial data X=A ... example: Write a program for calculating the expression at.

Option No.__

Task No. 1. Write a program to find the value of an arithmetic expression:

Program :


Answer : __________

Task No. 2. Write a program that will display your full name and residential address.

Program :


Task No. 3. Write a program to evaluate the expression:

Program :







Answer : __________

Laboratory work No. 5

Topic: Testing finished program

Target: study branching structure operators based on a ready-made program QBasic language and learn to compose simple programs using conditional and unconditional jump operators.

Theoretical information to laboratory work

Definition of a forking program

Branching out called a program that is a record of a branching algorithm, that is, one of several is selected possible options computing process.

In branching programs, it is often necessary to provide a different order of execution of statements, in contrast to linear programs. Control transfer operators serve this purpose.

Let's look at 2 of them.

Types of control transfer operators

1. Unconditional jump operator– used to move from one line of a program to another.

General form operator :

Where GOTO operator name (“go to…”)

n – label

Used as a label integers with a colon after them. The label is indicated only at the beginning of the line. If there are several statements in a program line, then you cannot put a mark before the second one.

For example : A program that draws 3 star symbols diagonally on the screen.

1: PRINT “*”

PRINT “ *”

PRINT “ *”

Ctrl+Break – interruption of program execution

2. Conditional jump operator– ensures the program checks conditions and organizes branching.

By revising conditional operator The concepts of “relation” and “logical expression” will be required.

Conditional Expressions – a symbolic record made up of variables, numbers, functions, and character strings.

Examples :


3) “computer science”<>"mathematics".

Relation signs in conditional expressions are: =, >,<, < >, >=, <=.

Boolean expressions – conditional expressions that are connected to each other by signs of logical operations: AND(“and”, conjunction) OR(“or”, disjunction) NOT(negation).

Examples :

1) x>-4 OR x<7;

2)x<=a^2-5*a AND y>=4;

General view of the operator :

Full entry form

IF<условие> THEN P1 ELSE P2

Abbreviated form

IF<условие> THEN P1

Where IF – operator name ("if...")

THEN– operator name (“then…”)

ELSE– operator name (“otherwise...”)

<условие>– logical expression

P1, P2 – group of operators

For example :

1. IF xTHEN a=x ELSE a=y

2. IF (2<=x) AND(x<=10) THEN y=SIN(x)

  1. Testing a finished program

Task No. 1 : Write a program to calculate the value of a function.

In order to calculate the value of a function, you first need to check the condition. According to the definition of a conditional expression, this condition is simple.

To compile the program, we will use the full form of the conditional jump operator ( IF<условие> THEN P1 ELSE P2).

After the operator IF write down the condition being checked (for this problem this is condition x-4<>0), after the operator THEN record the execution of actions that satisfy the condition being checked (for this task, this is y=1/(x-4) – the assignment operator). And after the operator ELSE Let's write down the output of the message about the uncertainty of the function.

Program will look like this:

Note 1: After the operator IF the condition to be checked is indicated after the operator THEN– calculation of the function using the specified formula and transition (using the unconditional transition operator GOTO) to the output line of the desired value of the function y. And after the operator ELSE the transition to the message output line “Function y is not defined” is indicated. note: At the beginning of each line of output there are corresponding labels.

Note 2: after starting the program for execution by pressing a key F5 The input operator prompt “Let’s enter an arbitrary value x” will appear on the screen followed by the ? sign, after which you must enter an arbitrary value of the variable x. Then by pressing the key Enter we obtain the desired result—the value of the function y.

Task No. 2


R.E.M. Function value

INPUT"Enter a, b, x"; a, b, x

IF x<10THEN y=x+a : goto 1 ELSE y=SIN(x)-b : goto 1

1 PRINT“y=”; y

Option No.__

Task No. 1. Test the program for task No. 1 and

Write your data into the table:

Task No. 4.


Laboratory work No. 6

Target: consolidate the skills of creating branching programs and learn to compose more complex programs using conditional and unconditional jump operators.

Theoretical information

Consider problem solving.

Task No. 1 : create a program to calculate the value of a function using one of the formulas


R.E.M. Function value

INPUT"Enter a, b, k"; a, b, k

IF a<=-1THEN y=k+a : goto 1 ELSE goto 2

2 IF(a>-1) AND(a<1)THEN y=SIN(a)-b : goto 1 ELSE y=ABS(1-a) : goto 1

1 PRINT“y=”; y

Task No. 2 : write a program to find the smaller of two given unequal non-zero numbers.


R.E.M. Definition of smallest number

INPUT"Enter a, b"; a, b

IF a THEN PRINT a– smallest ”:goto 1 ELSE PRINT “ b– smallest ”:goto 1

Option No.__

Task No. 1.

Write your data into the table:

Write your data into the table:

Task No. 5. Create a program to solve the problem.

The task:________________________________________________




Task No. 6. Answer the questions:

Task No. 7. Draw a conclusion about the laboratory work done:

Laboratory work No. 7

Topic: Software implementation of a simple algorithm

Target: study the cyclic structure operators of the QBasic language based on a ready-made program and learn how to compose programs using the “BEFORE” and “WHILE” loop operators.

Theoretical information for laboratory work

A cyclic program is a program that is a record of a cyclic algorithm, that is, obtaining a result is ensured by repeated... Ø Loop operator “TO” General view of the operator: FORK = KstartTOKfinSTEP∆K – Loop header P – Loop body...

Option No.__

Task No. 1. Create a program to solve the problem using the “TO” loop.

The task:________________________________________________





Task No. 3. Answer the questions:

Task No. 4. Draw a conclusion about the laboratory work done:

Laboratory work No. 8

Topic: Conducting research based on a ready-made computer model

Target: conduct research based on a ready-made computer model, study graphical operators of the QBasic language based on a ready-made program, and learn how to compose simple programs using graphical operators.

Theoretical information for laboratory work

BASIC graphics capabilities

To perform graphical operations in BASIC, there are special operators that provide the image of certain geometric figures or their... To switch to graphical mode in BASIC, you must specify at the beginning of the program...

Screen characteristics

Basic graphical operators of the BASIC language

1. COLOR I, F– operator specifying color, where F is the background color (number), I is the image color (number).

Color Chart

2. PSET (x, y), c– operator representing a point with coordinates (x, y), where c is the color of the point.

3. LINE (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), c– operator depicting a straight line segment (x1, y1) - the beginning of the segment (x2, y2) - the end of the segment, c - the color number.

4. LINE (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), c, B– operator depicting a rectangle with sides parallel to the coordinate axes. (x1, y1) - coordinates of the upper left vertex (x2, y2) - coordinates of the lower right vertex, c - color number.

5. LINE (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), c, BF– operator representing a filled rectangle, c is the color number. Parameters B and BF do not accept any values.

6. CIRCLE (x, y), R, c– operator depicting a circle, where (x, y) are the coordinates of the center of the circle, R is the radius of the circle, c is the color number of the circle.

7. CIRCLE (x, y), R, c, k– operator depicting an ellipse, where (x,y) are the coordinates of the center of the circle from which the ellipse is obtained, R is the radius of the circle, c is the color number of the circle, k is the value of the compression factor.

CIRCLE (x, y), R, c, a, b– operator depicting the arc of a circle (the arc is constructed from angle a to angle b), R is the radius of the circle, c is the color number of the circle, angles are expressed in radians (for example,)

9. CIRCLE (x, y), R, c, a, b, k– operator depicting the arc of an ellipse.

10. PAINT (x, y), c1, c2– operator that paints contours, where (x, y) are the coordinates of any point inside the contour being painted, c1 is the color with which the contour is painted, c2 is the color of the contour itself.

11. WINDOW (X1, Y1)- (X2, Y2)– An operator that sets up a new coordinate system, where the bottom left corner of the screen gets coordinates (x1, y1) and the top right corner gets coordinates (x2, y2).

This is how the coordinate system will be located on the screen after executing the operators


Task No. 2. Test the following program and describe each command.

CIRCLE (320, 175), 150, 7, 0, 180*3.14/180
CIRCLE (470, 175), 10, 5
PAINT (470, 175), 5, 5
LINE (470, 175)-(460, 175), 7
CIRCLE (400, 145), 10, 5
PAINT (400, 145), 5, 5
CIRCLE (170, 212), 50, 7, 90*3.14/180, 240*3.14/180

Task No. 3. Test the following program:


LINE (470, 175)-(460, 175), 7

LINE (470, 175)-(460, 175), 7

LINE (470, 175)-(460, 175), 7

Task No. 4. Test the following program and describe each command:

LINE (100, 175)-(250, 250), 1
LINE (250, 250)-(400, 175), 5
LINE (400, 175)-(250, 100), 3
LINE (250, 100)-(100, 175), 7
LINE (100, 175)-(400, 175), 2
LINE (250, 100)-(250, 250), 0

Task No. 5. Answer the questions:

Task No. 6. Draw a conclusion about the laboratory work done:

Laboratory work No. 9

Topic: Creating a data archive. Extracting data from the archive. File attributes and size

Target: studying the principles of file archiving, functions and operating modes of the most common archivers, acquiring practical skills in creating archive files and extracting files from archives.

Theoretical information for laboratory work

Archiving is intended to create backup copies of used files, in case the main copy is lost or damaged for some reason... For archiving, special programs are used, archivers that perform... Archivers allow you to protect the archives they create with a password, save and restore the structure of subdirectories,...

Task No. 1.

1. In the Windows operating system, create a folder Archives by the address C:TEMP. Create folders Pictures And Documents by the address C:TEMPArchives.

2. Find and copy to folder Pictures two drawings with extension * .jpg And * .bmp .

3. Compare file sizes *.bmp And *.jpg . and write the data into table_1.

4. To a folder Documents place the files *.doc (at least 3) and write down their original sizes in table_1.

Task No. 2. Archiving WinZip files

1. Launch WinZip 7. (Start →All Programs → 7-Zip→7 Zip File Manager).

C:TEMPArchivesPictures. Place the cursor on the name of the graphic file Winter.jpg. Run the command Add (+).

3. Enter the name of the archive in the field ArchiveWinter.zip and make sure that in the field Archive format type set Zip.

4. Install in the box Change mode: add and replace.

5. Dropdown Compression level: select item Normal. OK.

6. Compare the size of the original file with the size of the archive file. Write the data in table_1.

7. Create an archive Winter1.zip, password protected. To enter a password in the dialog box Add to archive in field Enter password: enter the password in the field Repeat password: Confirm the password. Please note the checkbox Show password. If it is not set, the password will not be displayed on the screen when entered, and its characters will be replaced by the wildcard character "*". This is a measure to protect your password from outsiders. However, in this case, the user cannot be sure that he entered the password correctly. Therefore, if the checkbox is not checked, the system requests a repeated (control) password entry. Click the button OK- the process of creating a protected archive will begin.

8. Select the archive Winter1.zip, run the command Extract. In the dialog box that appears Extract in field Unpack to: select the destination folder - C:TEMPArchivesPicturesWinter1.

9. Click the button OK. The process of extracting data from the archive will not start, but instead a dialog box will open to enter a password.

10. Make sure that entering an incorrect password does not allow you to extract files from the archive.

11. Make sure that entering the correct password actually starts the process.

12. Delete the protected archive you created and the extracted files.

13. Create a self-extracting ZIP archive. To do this, place the cursor on the archive name Winter.zip, run the command Add (+).

14. Enter the name of the archive in the field ArchiveWinter.7z and make sure that in the field Archive format type set 7z.

15. Install in the box Change mode: add and replace.

16. Check the box Create SFX archive.

17. In the dropdown list Compression level: select item Normal. Start the archiving process with the button OK.

18. Similarly, create archives for the files Rowan.bmp, Document1.doc, Document2.doc, Document3.doc. Comparative characteristics of the source files and their archives are included in table_1.

Task No. 3. Archiving WinRar files

1. Launch WinRar(Start → All Programs → WinRar).

2. In the dialog box that appears, select the folder in which the archive will be created: C:TEMPArchivesPictures.

3. Place the cursor on the name of the graphic file Winter.jpg.

4. Run the command Add. In the dialog box that appears, enter the name of the archive Winter.rar. Select the new archive format - RAR, compression method - Ordinary. Make sure the group Archiving options There are no checkboxes in any of the boxes. Click the button OK to create an archive. During archiving, a window with statistics is displayed. When archiving is complete, the statistics window will disappear, and the created archive will become the currently selected file.

5. Similarly, create archives for the files Rowan.bmp, Document1.doc, Document2.doc, Document3.doc. Comparative characteristics of the source files and their archives are included in table_1.

6. Create a self-extracting RAR archive that includes text and graphic files.

7. Determine the percentage of file compression and fill out table_1. The compression percentage is determined by the formula, where S is the size of the archive files, So is the size of the source files.

Table 1

Task No. 4. Answer the questions:

Task No. 5. Draw a conclusion about the laboratory work done:

Laboratory work No. 10

Topic: Searching for information on state educational portals

Target: studying information technology for organizing information search on state educational portals.

Theoretical information for laboratory work

A search system is a complex of programs and powerful computers capable of receiving, analyzing and servicing user search requests... The World Wide Web (WWW) service is a single information space consisting of... Individual documents that make up the Web space are called Web pages.

Task No. 1.

1. Download the Internet.

2. Using the search bar, find a directory of links to government educational portals.

3. Write down the email addresses of six state educational portals and give them a brief description. Present it in the form of a table:

Task No. 2.

1. Open Enternet Explorer.

2. Download the Promt electronic dictionary page – www.ver-dict.ru.

3. From the drop-down list, select Russian-English dictionary (Russian-German) .

4. In the text field Word to translate: enter the word you need to translate.

5. Click on the button Find .

6. Enter the result in the following table:

Task No. 3.

1. Download the electronic dictionary page – www.efremova.info.

2. In the text field Dictionary search: Enter the word whose lexical meaning you need to know.

3. Click the button Search . Wait for the search result.

4. Enter the result in the following table:

Task No. 4. Using one of the search engines, find the information and enter it into the table:

Task No. 5. Fill out the table using the Yandex search engine: www.yandex.ru.

Task No. 6. Search for sites in the most popular general purpose search engines on the Russian-language Internet (Runet).

Brief information. The most popular Russian-language search engines are:

Rambler - www.rambler.ru;

Aport - www.aport.ru;

Yandex - www.yandex.ru.

English-language search engines:

Yahoo - www.yahoo.com.

Specialized search engines allow you to search for information in specialized layers of the Internet. These include searching for files on FTP servers and the WhoWhere email address search system.

Work order of task No. 2:

1. Create a folder on your desktop named: Last Name–Group .

2. Launch Internet Explorer.

To go to a specific location or page, use the address bar in the main Internet Explorer window.

Brief information: The host address (URL) usually begins with the protocol name, followed by the organization serving the host, for example in the address http://www.rambler.ru "http://www" indicates that this is a Web server that uses the http protocol, domain “.ru” defines the address of Russian nodes.

2. Search in the Rambler search engine.

Enter the address (URL) of the Russian-language search engine Rambler - www.rambler.ru in the address bar and press the key Enter . Wait for the page to load. At the same time, a red button is activated on the toolbar Stop , designed to stop loading.

Look at the loaded main page - you see a field for entering a keyword and a number of categories. To go to links on the page, move the cursor to the link and click the left mouse button. The link can be a picture or text in a different color (usually with an underlined font). To find out whether a page element is a link, hover your pointer over it. If the pointer looks like a hand with an index finger, then the element is a link.

3. Enter the phrase “Encyclopedia of Finance” in the search field and click the button Find!

4. Make sure the Web directory is fast enough. After a while, the program will notify you that a certain number of documents on this topic have been found. Determine how many documents the search engine found:_________

5. Remember the page from the list of found ones that is of interest to you with the command Favorites/Add to Folder .

6. Save the current page to your computer. Run the command File/Save As, select the previously created folder on your desktop to save, set the file name and click the button Save .

7. To search for information on the current page, run the command Edit/Find on this page (or press the keys Ctrl-F ). In the search window, type the expression you are looking for, for example “Finance”, and click the button Find next . Open the page of one of the found encyclopedias.

8. Copy the page details into a text document. To copy the contents of the entire page, run the command Edit/Select All and team Edit/Copy . Open a new MS Word document and run the command Edit/Paste .

Brief information: It is not possible to copy information from one Web page to another.

9. Search in the Yandex search engine. Open the Yandex search server - www.yandex.ru. In the search field, enter “Encyclopedias”, click the button Find , compare the results with a search in Rambler.

10. Narrow your search to information such as financial management (type “financial management” in the search box). Compare your results with your previous search.

11. Enter one word “Finance” in the search field. Is the result different from the previous search? Try challenging the search engine to find information about a specific currency, say “Dollar”. Compare search results.

Brief information : Don't be afraid to repeat your query on different search engines. Often the same request on a different server gives completely different results.

12. Search for pictures and photographs in the Yandex search engine. In the search field, type “Dollar” in English and specify the search category “Pictures”. The query “Dollar” will find pictures on the Internet that have the word “Dollar” in their names. There is a high probability that these pictures are related to finances.

Laboratory work No. 11

Topic: Creating an email box and setting its parameters. Formation of an address book

Target: study the process of registration (opening a mailbox), preparing, sending and receiving letters on the mail site.

Theoretical information for laboratory work

Email– (the most common Internet service) exchange of letters on computer networks. The letter itself is a regular file containing the text of the letter and a special header, which indicates from whom the letter was sent, to whom it is intended, what the subject of the letter is and the date of sending.

Addressing in the email system

user@machine Example email address: [email protected] Ivanov – mailbox name.

Laboratory work No. 12

Topic: Demonstration of the use of various types of automated control systems in practice in the socio-economic sphere of activity

Target: gain an understanding of automatic and automated control systems in the socio-economic sphere of activity.

Theoretical information for laboratory work

The creator of the first automated control systems in the USSR is Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, founder... The most important task of the automated control system is to increase the efficiency of facility management based on...

Control automation goals

1. Providing the decision maker (DM) with adequate data for decision making. 2. Acceleration of individual operations for collecting and processing data. 3. Reducing the number of decisions that the decision maker must make.

Main classification characteristics

The main classification criteria that determine the type of automated control system are:

Ø the sphere of operation of the management object (industry, construction, transport, agriculture, non-industrial sphere, and so on);

Ø type of controlled process (technological, organizational, economic, and so on);

Ø level in the public administration system, including management of the national economy in accordance with the current sectoral management schemes (for industry: industry (ministry), all-Union association, all-Union industrial association, scientific and production association, enterprise (organization), production, workshop, site, technological unit).

ACS functions

The functions of the automated control system generally include the following elements (actions):

Ø planning and (or) forecasting;

Ø accounting, control, analysis;

Ø coordination and (or) regulation.

Types of automated control systems

ÿ Automated production control system (APS) – solves the problems of organizing production, including basic production... Examples: · Automated street lighting control system (“APS UP”) – designed to organize automation...

Task No. 1.

1. View the presentation " Automated control systems"(located on the network drive of the computer), which presents types of automated control systems. Use hyperlinks to navigate to web pages that provide examples of automated control systems.

2. As an example of automation in production, watch the videos “Metal processing conveyor line” and “Production of rolled metal pipes”.

Task No. 2.

Answer the questions:

Laboratory work No. 13

Topic: Operating system. Graphical interface

Target: consolidate skills in working with the Windows operating system, practice skills in working with files and folders in Windows; learn how to navigate using the left panel of the EXPLORER program and learn techniques for copying and moving objects by dragging and dropping between panels

Task No. 1.

Fill out the table:

Task No. 2.

Fill out the table:

Task No. 3.

Fill out the table:

Task No. 4.

Fill out the table:

Action to be performed Team
1. Create a folder on the desktop with the name – group number.
2. In the created folder, create a folder with the name - your last name.
3. In a folder with the name - your last name, create a text document. Save it under any name.
4. Create another folder on your desktop named BIC.
5. Copy the folder - your last name to the BIC folder.
6. Rename the folder - your last name and give a title - your first name.
7. Create a shortcut to the Word application in the BIC folder.
8. Delete the folder – group number – from the desktop.
9. Delete the BIC folder from the desktop.
10. Open the My Documents folder.
11. Organize the objects in the My Documents folder by date.
12. Present the objects of the My Documents folder in the form of a table.

Working with the Explorer program

To view the contents of a folder, you must click the folder icon in the left pane or double-click the folder icon in the right pane. To... Create, delete and rename folders Create a new folder:

Task No. 5.

Study the structure of the EXPLORER program window, diagram it and label all the elements of the window.

Task No. 6.

Fill out the table:

1. Launch the EXPLORER program using the main menu. Specify which folder is open in the left pane of EXPLORER.
2. In the right panel of EXPERIMENT, create the Experiment folder.
3. In the left panel, expand the My Documents folder by clicking on the “+” node icon. Make sure that the Experiment subfolder is created in the left panel in the My Documents folder.
4. Open the Experiment folder. Specify the contents of the right pane of EXPLORER.
5. Create a new folder GROUP NUMBER inside the Experiment folder on the right panel of EXPERIMENT. In the left panel, make sure that a “+” node has formed next to the Experiment folder icon. What does it testify to?
6. On the left panel of EXPLORER, find the TEMP folder, but do not open it.
7. Using the drag-and-drop method, move the Experiment folder from the right panel of EXPLORER to the left one - to the TEMP folder.
8. In the left panel of EXPLORER, open the TEMP folder. In the right panel, make sure there is an Experiment folder in it.
9. Find the Recycle Bin on the left panel of EXPLORER and drag the Experiment folder onto its icon.

Task No. 7. Answer the questions:

Task No. 8. Draw a conclusion about the laboratory work done:

Laboratory work No. 14

Topic: Differentiation of access rights in the network, shared disk space in the local network

Target: mastering the techniques of exchanging files between users of a local computer network.

Theoretical information for laboratory work

The transfer of information between computers has existed since the emergence of computers. It allows you to organize the joint work of individual... A computer network is understood as a complex of hardware and software,... The main purpose of computer networks is to provide users with shared access to information (databases,...

Task No. 1.

1. Create a folder on the classroom’s local drive Z called Mail_1 (the number in the name corresponds to your computer number).

2. Using a text editor Word or WordPad, create a letter to your classmates.

3. Save this text in the Mail_1 folder of your computer in the letter1.doc file, where 1 is the computer number.

4. Open a folder on another computer, for example, Mail_2 and copy the file letter1 from your Mail_1 folder into it.

5. In your Mail_1 folder, read letters from other users, for example letter2. Add your answer to them.

6. Rename the letter2 .doc file to the letter2_answer1.doc file

7. Move the file letter2_response1.doc to the Mail_2 folder and delete it from your folder

9. Read messages from other users in your folder and repeat steps 5-8 for them.

Task No. 2. Answer the questions:

Task No. 3. Draw a conclusion about the laboratory work done:

Laboratory work No. 15

Purpose: to become familiar with the operational requirements for a computer workstation; preventive measures for a computer workstation... Contents of the work: Task No. 1. Reflect the basic sanitary and hygienic requirements for the computer science classroom: 1. ...

Laboratory work No. 16

Topic: Using Spelling and Grammar Checking Systems


Task No. 1.

1. Open MS Word application.

3. Set the following page settings for your document. To do this you need to use the command: Page Layout tab→Margins→Normal.

Task No. 2

Purpose of the task: introduce the concept of paragraph indentation. Notice that in the product layout, the left edge is straight, but the text is moved away from the left edge.

Paragraph indentations and spacing

Task: Type the following text:


G flour

G oil

Glasses of water

Grind the butter, add flour, water, add 0.5 teaspoon of salt and knead the dough. Use for pies, cheesecakes, pies.

Task No. 3.

Target: consolidate the skills of paragraph alignment and setting the red line. New to this exercise is the creation of watermarks. You can create any “watermark”, but preferably one consisting of several identical elements.


I invite you to a tea party on the occasion of my coming of age. I'll be waiting on Saturday

Procedure for completing task No. 1

1. Type the proposed text, align it in width using the element, and center the title – .

2. Set the font size to 20 for the title and 14 for the text using the tool.

3. Set the font to Monotype Corsiva for the title and Times New Roman for the text using the tool.

4. Set the text to a bulleted list using the command Format→List , select the desired type of marker.

5. In the title between the words, insert the symbol å using the command Insert→Symbol.

6. In the last paragraph, replace all the letters “o” with the letters “p”. Before typing the last paragraph, run the command Tools→AutoCorrect Options. In field Replace enter "o" in the field On - "P".

Task No. 2. Fill out the following form.

Purpose of the task: consolidate the skills of setting paragraph indentation; introduce the concepts of inextensible space and forced line ending and demonstrate the possibilities of their application.

"Business Service"

113244, Moscow,

Novaya st., 3

tel. 123-4567

fax 123-4566

Dear Vasily Nikiforovich!

Joint Stock Company "Business Service" invites you on November 15, 2006. at 20 o'clock for the traditional autumn meeting of the Moscow Gentlemen's Club.

Club President A. M. Rostokin

Procedure for completing task No. 2

1) The text of the form details is aligned to the center (element), the indentation to the right is set (ruler element). Symbol C- this is the Wingdings font character, selected using the command Insert →Symbol on the tab Symbols select font - Wingdings, font size increased to 22 pt.

2) Filling out the form. The appeal is centered, the main text and signature are aligned in width. Signature formatted using non-stretchable space, keyboard shortcuts Shift+Ctrl+ “space”, and force end of line, keyboard shortcuts Shift+Enter . An inextensible space is established between the words "President" and "club", "A." them." and “Rostokin”, between the words “club” and “A.” - a regular space is established. The forced end of the line is after the word “Rostokin”.

3) The increase in the distance between paragraphs (for details) is achieved not by empty paragraphs, but by intervals before the paragraph Format→Paragraph..., on the tab Indents and spacing in the input field Interval before The spacing size is set to 6 pt.

4) Set page parameters. It is more convenient to do this before setting paragraph indents.

Task No. 3. Draw a regular parallelepiped.

A 1
B 1
D 1
C 1
Purpose of the task: learn to use the panel Drawing MS Word editor, get acquainted with the tools, learn how to change the line type, insert a text frame, setting the line and fill color for it.

Procedure for completing task No. 3

You can suggest the following construction order (all used buttons from the panel Drawing ).

1) Draw a rectangle ABB 1 A 1.

2) Draw one of the inclined lines, for example, A 1 D 1.

3) Copy A 1 D 1 and paste BC, B 1 C 1, and AD three times.

4) Draw lines CC 1 DD 1, DC and D 1 C 1.

5) Selecting the corresponding segments, select Stroke type – dotted.

6) Draw the coordinate axes by selecting the tool Arrow .

7) The most time-consuming process in this exercise is naming the vertices. In order to place the letter in the desired place, turn on the button Inscription on the panel Drawing and stretch the frame using the mouse to the required size.

8) By calling the context menu on the selected frame, select Object Format . On the tab Colors and lines select fill color No fill , line color – no line. Your frame has become transparent. You can put text in it (we need one letter - the designation of the vertex). Select your frame, copy and then paste 10 times (deselect the original frame before pasting). The new frame can, after insertion, fit on top of the previous one. In this case, it seems that the insertion has not occurred, but in fact it is enough to move the top frame to the side.

9) The subscript is obtained using the command Format→Font... , Modification - interlinear . Frames are moved around the sheet using the mouse.

10) The drawing is ready. It is advisable to present it as a single graphic object. To do this, turn on the button, stretch the dotted frame around the entire picture (select the picture) and execute the command Actions→Group . Now you can move the entire drawing across the sheet. Moreover, you can change its proportions by selecting the picture and dragging the nodes (squares on the selection frame) with the mouse.

Task No. 4.1.

Purpose of the task: learn how to create a table, enter text information into it and frame the table.

Procedure for completing task No. 4.1

1) Insert a table with the required number of cells.

2) Show that to select an entire row (column), you need to move the mouse pointer to the left (above) and click at the moment when the pointer has the shape of an arrow pointing to the row (column).

3) Align the column with the numbering of lessons to the left and use the mouse to set the required width. Align all other cells to the center. Place the days of the week and lesson numbers in bold. Font formatting can be done after typing.

4) Fill in the remaining cells, adhering to the following requirement: the first lesson should have “short” lesson titles that fit on one line (for example, reading). And “long” ones - in two lines (for example, physical education), in the second lesson all subjects should be placed in one line, the rest of the lessons are arbitrary.

5) Preview using the File→Preview command. It can be seen that the table is not lined. Close viewing (corresponding button).

6) Select the table and frame the Format→Borders and Shading... tab Border select border type - Net . When selecting a table, make sure that the selection does not include the marker of the paragraph following the table, otherwise the border type will be - Net will not be offered to you.

7) Perform a preview.

8) This example shows how to insert and delete rows and columns. Having selected a row (column), use the command Table→Insert (Delete) rows (columns) .

Be sure to save the file containing the table as you continue to work on it.

Task No. 4.2 (additional).

Purpose of the task: consolidate the skill of creating a table. Show how you can change the type of border lines, add background padding, and how to place text vertically in the middle on “tall” lines.

The following changes have occurred in the table:

Ø the entire table is framed with lines of the same thickness;

Ø items that fit in one line are aligned vertically in the cell (no longer “bounce” up);

Ø all lines are the same in height;

Ø background design has been completed.

Procedure for completing task No. 4.2

1) To equalize the thickness of the lines, you need to select the table and run the command Format→Borders and Fill... on the tab Border select border type - All , width – 1.5 pt .

2) Place all lesson titles in the center of the cells using the context menu command Alignment in a cell...

3) Narrow lines (for example, lesson 2) can be “expanded” by setting equal intervals before and after the paragraph. To do this, run the command Format→Paragraph and set the interval "before" And "after" – 12 pt.

4) For background design, select the desired cells and use the command Format→Borders and Fill... on the tab Fill select Pattern type – 10%

5) Review to be satisfied with the results of your work

What will we do with the received material:

If this material was useful to you, you can save it to your page on social networks:

Online reference books and encyclopedias

In some cases, it may be necessary to find not just a document containing a keyword, but the interpretation of a certain word. When you search for an unfamiliar term using a search engine, you risk getting a whole series of articles in which this term is used, and at the same time you will not know what it really means.

In some cases, you can use a search with keywords like “what is (unknown term)”, “(unknown term) is” or “(unknown term) is”, etc.

However, unless it is a new term, it is preferable to start such a search in an online encyclopedia.


One of the largest online encyclopedias is the Yandex. Encyclopedia resource (

http://encycl.yandex.ru/) - this project contains 14 encyclopedias, including articles from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia and the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia. The largest ones include the Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius, which can be found at www.km.ru.

· Universal encyclopedias:
Brockhaus online, The world around us, Universal Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius, All-in-one: Encyclopedic reference book. Specialized: Great Russian Legal Encyclopedia, Medical and Biological Encyclopedia, Peoples and Religions of the World, Theater Encyclopedia, Economic Dictionary (Cyril and Methodius), Encyclopedia of Religions,

· Regional:
Americana. English-Russian linguistic and cultural dictionary, Bashkortostan: Brief encyclopedia, Odessica - encyclopedia about Odessa, Omsk region: Encyclopedic reference, Pskov encyclopedic dictionary, Traditional culture of the peoples of the European north-east of Russia, Encyclopedia of the Ivanovo region, Japan from A to Z: (Popular encyclopedia)

· Special:
Aviation from A to Z: Encyclopedia of World Aviation, Automotive Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius, Palaces of St. Petersburg, Internet. Your way out, Culinary Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius, Komi Mythology (Ural Mythology. Vol. 1), Extelopedia of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economic Terms, Encyclopedia of Arms of Cyril and Methodius, Encyclopedia of Pets of Cyril and Methodius, Encyclopedia of Health of Cyril and Methodius, Encyclopedia of Cinema of Cyril and Methodius, Encyclopedia of Moscow University (1755-1917), Encyclopedia of Vegetables, Encyclopedia of the Personal Computer of Cyril and Methodius, Encyclopedia of Rock, Jazz and Pop Music of Cyril and Methodius, Encyclopedia of the Third Reich, Encyclopedia of Fiction (Yu. Vitkovskaya), Encyclopedia fiction (Vl. Gakov), Encyclopedia of miracles, riddles and secrets, Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius etiquette, This day in history, GraphInfo - an encyclopedic dictionary on computer graphics, multimedia and CAD, World Wide Coins-Encyclopedia: 20th century on world coins.

· Personal:
Large Russian Biographical Dictionary, Orenburg Pushkin Encyclopedia, Orenburg Tolstoy Encyclopedia, Orenburg Shevchenko Encyclopedia

· Universal encyclopedias: Great Soviet Encyclopedia, Illustrated Dictionary, Russian Encyclopedia. Dictionary, Brockhaus and Efron “Rubricon”

· Dictionaries: New Dictionary of the Russian Language, Dahl Explanatory Dictionary, American English, Medicine and Health, Minor Medical, First Medical Aid, Dictionary of Medical Terms

· History: “World History”, “History of the Fatherland”, America - Russia, Encyclopedia of Ships

· Biographies: Biographical Dictionary, Political figures. 1917

· Russia: “Constitution of the Russian Federation”, “Moscow”, “St. Petersburg”, “Cities of Russia” “Geography of Russia”

· Countries, peoples, religions: “Peoples and Religions of the World”, Biblical Encyclopedia “Latin America”, “Americana”, “Australia and New Zealand”, “Great Britain”

· Art: Popular fiction, “Great Masters”, Rock Encyclopedia “Cinema”

· Economics: Information technology, Mutual investment funds, Largest banks, “Enterprise economics”, “Finance and debts”

· Statistics: Countries of the World 2000, Countries and Regions 2000, OECD Countries 2000

· Agriculture: Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine, Miscellaneous, “Animals in the House”




Brockhaus on-line
The basis of the encyclopedia was the “Small Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron” St. Petersburg 1907. The dictionary also uses pre-revolutionary dictionaries of foreign words by Pavlenkov, Mikhelson, and “Starchevsky’s Dictionary”. Contains more than 46,000 articles.

Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Cyril and Methodius
Multiportal: Knowledge about everything. One of the sections of the site is a megaencyclopedia. Contains 130,000 articles, 30,000 illustrations, more than 1,400 tables and much more. You can also search by industry sections of the encyclopedia.

Information Please
The Information Please project provides the ability to select reference resources by topic.

Britannica Online
Encyclopedia Britannica. A 30-day free trial is provided. Without registration, it is possible to conduct a search, the result is several sentences from the beginning of the article with the searched word.

Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia
A free version of the well-known universal encyclopedia, published annually by Microsoft on CD-ROM. Contains more than 16 thousand articles and 2 thousand illustrations (photos, maps). You can search using keywords to clarify your area of ​​knowledge. The texts of the articles include hypertext links to other sections of the encyclopedia.

Presented by Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 3rd ed., contains 14 thousand articles

Online dictionaries and encyclopedias
Modern Encyclopedia, Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary, Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary, Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary, Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia, Muller's English-Russian Dictionary, Large Encyclopedic Dictionary, Financial Dictionary, Economic Dictionary, English-Russian Dictionary of Financial Terms, Dictionary of Depository Terms, Historical Dictionary, 1000 biographies, Encyclopedist.

Edic - Encyclopedic dictionaries

· Dictionaries: Big Encyclopedic, Historical, Myths of the Peoples of the World

· Encyclopedias on Mnogo.ru: Musical Encyclopedia, Encyclopedia of Animals, Encyclopedia of Plants, Encyclopedia of Fashion, Culinary Encyclopedia, Catalog of Coins of the 20th Century, Encyclopedia “People on Coins”, Numismatic Dictionary, Dictionary of Education on Economics

Universal explanatory dictionaries. Dictionaries of abbreviations

Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

Russian dictionaries
The website presents a joint project of the Russian Language Institute. V.V. Vinogradov of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the publishing house "Azbukovnik".

· Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by S. I. Ozhegov and N. Yu. Shvedova

· Russian spelling dictionary

· Popular dictionary of foreign words

· Dictionary of foreign words

· Russian semantic dictionary

· Dictionary of Pushkin's language

· Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions

· Dictionary of Russian argot

· Dictionary of Russian personal names

Oxford Reference Online
Access to more than 100 different dictionaries across a full range of disciplines.

WWW Webster Dictionary
Full-featured Webster's dictionary in electronic form.

Roger's Thesaurus
Well-known source in electronic form. In response to the entered English term, it produces a list of words related to it in meaning.

Dictionaries for translation

Internet translators of the PROMT company
English-Russian and Russian-English online translator
German-Russian and French-Russian online translator
Russian-German and Russian-French online translator
The English version of the site contains an English-French, German-French, French-English and French-German online translator

English-Russian Dictionary MultiLex™

English-Russian/Russian-English dictionary
Electronic translator. In response to the entered term, it returns not only its translation in another language, but also the most common expressions using this word.

French-English Dictionary
ARTFL Project - English-French and French-English dictionary.

OneLook Dictionnaries
Its database has indexed more than 2,800,000 words from 585 different dictionaries operating on the network. The answer to the request is presented in the form of a list of links to dictionaries (both explanatory and multilingual), which contain the searched word.

Biographical reference books

Russian who's who

Biography Find
Biographical database on the Biography company server. Contains brief information about more than 20 thousand people, from heroes of the Ancient World to modern figures from different countries.

Biographical Dictionary
It contains information about more than 25 thousand inhabitants of the Earth who left their mark in various areas of life, from the Ancient World to the present. You can search by name, keywords and dates. There is an in-depth request form.

International Biographical Center (IBC)

Who's Who Online

WIC - Biography Index
Biographies of women

Search for reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias

List.ru: Information
AU!: Help Desk
Sections of the Russian Internet catalog @Rus (AU!):

Yahoo!: Reference
Yahoo Internet resource catalog sections:
Dictionaries Encyclopedia

The world of encyclopedias. Encyclopedias on the Internet

Search for dictionaries by thematic sections.

Encyclopedias, dictionaries
Collection of links on the server "Electronic and traditional dictionaries" (ETS)

The site presents more than 100 dictionaries of various fields.

A collection of links to various dictionaries (for translation, thematic, explanatory).

Encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books

Encyclopedia - Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Encyclopedia Britannica. You can search through encyclopedia articles.
URL: http://www.britannica.com/

Great Soviet Encyclopedia
Electronic version of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Convenient search by alphabet and words.
URL: http://www.oval.ru/encycl.shtml

Large encyclopedic dictionary
About 90,000 articles from all spheres of life and society. Search only by the title of a dictionary entry.
URL: http://www.sci.aha.ru/ALL/VOC/index.htm

A free encyclopedia that anyone can edit. At the moment, Wikipedia contains over 187,000 articles in Russian.
URL: http://ru.wikipedia.org

Service of thematic explanatory dictionaries.
URL: http://www.glossary.ru/

World of encyclopedias
Search in Russian-language encyclopedic and pseudo-encyclopedic publications (encyclopedias, encyclopedic dictionaries, encyclopedic reference books). Thematic search is possible.
URL: http://www.encyclopedia.ru/encyclopedias.html

The largest encyclopedic resource on the Internet. Encyclopedias, encyclopedic dictionaries and reference books: Great Soviet, illustrated dictionary, Brockhaus and Efron, Dahl's dictionary, dictionaries "History of the Fatherland" and "World History", Small Medical Encyclopedia, World Encyclopedia of Classical Art, etc. Search is provided. Access to full electronic versions of the most important encyclopedias and dictionaries published over the last hundred years in Russia.
URL: http://www.rubricon.com

Russian biographical dictionary
The Internet version of the Russian biographical dictionary is prepared on the basis of the CD-ROM “Brockhaus and Efron. Encyclopedic Dictionary. Biographies. Russia". It is based on a selection of articles from the 86-volume Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron (1890-1907) and the New Encyclopedic Dictionary (1911-1916), unfinished by the publishers. All articles are adapted to the modern Russian language. Alphabetical search. Free access.
URL: http://www.rulex.ru/

Dictionaries and encyclopedias On-line
A large resource of a wide variety of dictionaries and encyclopedias (Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary, BES, Financial, Economic, Historical, Geological Dictionary, Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia, 1000 biographies, Ozhegov and Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary). Allows you to search by word in the title and content of a dictionary entry.
URL: http://dic.academic.ru/

Dictionaries on the server of the Russian Information Network
Large Encyclopedic Dictionary, medical, linguistic and other dictionaries. Several dictionaries of terms by industry, bilingual dictionaries.
URL: http://dictionaries.rin.ru/

ABBYY Lingvo electronic dictionaries
The Lingvo electronic dictionary was created by specialists from the Russian company ABBYY, one of the world's leading software developers in the field of applied linguistics. Offers multilingual electronic dictionaries: English-Russian, Russian-English, German-Russian, Russian-German, French-Russian, Russian-French, Italian-Russian, Russian-Italian, etc.
URL: http://www.lingvo.ru/

Encyclopedias and reference books on the RNL server
Provides links and annotations to encyclopedias and reference books of universal content, translation dictionaries, abbreviations dictionaries, biographical reference books, search reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias. Information about all directories of the Russian Internet.
URL: http://www.nlr.ru/res/inv/ic_www/cat_show.php?rid=69

Encyclopedias and reference books on the Yandex server
Encyclopedias of universal content, in particular the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, encyclopedias on economics, law, history, and medicine.
URL: http://slovari.yandex.ru/

Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius
The collection of 10 online encyclopedias was initially based on the two-volume Great Encyclopedic Dictionary of the 1996 edition, then supplemented by a large number of original articles. Currently contains 130,000 articles and 30,000 illustrations.
URL: http://mega.km.ru/


Key Features

The encyclopedia in the form in which we know it now appeared in XVIII century. Served as a model for her dictionary. A dictionary contains only words and their definitions, giving the reader a minimum of information and often not allowing him to understand the meaning and applicability of a term or how a given term relates to a wider range of knowledge. To eliminate these shortcomings, the encyclopedia goes deeper into each subject it covers and provides an overview of the knowledge accumulated about it. An encyclopedia often contains many geographical maps and illustrations, as well as bibliography and statistics.

Field of knowledge

Main article: Encyclopedia list by branches of knowledge

Encyclopedias are divided into universal ones (for example, "", " Britannica », « Wikipedia"), industry-specific (" Mathematical Encyclopedia"), regional, problematic, personal.

Universal encyclopedias

Main article: List of encyclopedias by branches of knowledge#Universal encyclopedia

Universal Encyclopedia - an encyclopedia that covers the entire range of knowledge about the world and man. The prototype of such an encyclopedia can be the one compiled Pliny the Elder for the emperor Tita « Natural history ».

The target audience

Depending on the background of the reader to whom the encyclopedia is addressed, it may not only contain information about a specific field of knowledge, for example, medicine, philosophy, or jurisprudence, but also present the material in a more or less special language.

Persian Encyclopedia

Method of organization

The way the encyclopedia is organized is important for its ease of use as reference literature. Historically, there have been two main ways of organizing an encyclopedia: alphabetical and hierarchical.

Alphabetical (or alphabetic-dictionary, or simply dictionary) organization is based on the arrangement of individual unrelated articles in alphabetical order of the names of their subject. Encyclopedias in which information is divided into words and phrases are called encyclopedic dictionaries, for example, 82-volume Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron, 58-volume Encyclopedic Dictionary Pomegranate , Wikipedia. Encyclopedic reference books are also a type of encyclopedia, in which articles are presented in an extremely condensed form.

Systemic (or logical-thematic, hierarchical) organization In addition, there are encyclopedias in which information is divided into branches of knowledge, for example, a 12-volume Children's encyclopedia.

There are also mixed-type encyclopedias, for example, most Great Soviet Encyclopedia constructed as an encyclopedic dictionary, but the volume “USSR” is structured according to a logical-thematic (hierarchical) principle.

New opportunities for organizing an encyclopedia are created by electronic devices that allow, for example, searching by keywords.

Compilation method

Modern means of storing and exchanging information are creating ever new ways to collect, verify, process and present information. Projects such as Wikipedia are an example of new forms of encyclopedia in which adding and retrieving information is extremely simplified.


The first encyclopedias

Although the term “encyclopedia” itself came into use only in XVI century, encyclopedic works have been known since ancient times. Terminological dictionaries were compiled already in Ancient Egypt during the Middle Kingdom ( 2nd millennium BC e.). Bodies of knowledge were compiled in Ancient China (XII -X century BC e.). Encyclopedias were popular in the Christian world during the period early Middle Ages: in the west, creations can serve as an example Isidore of Seville, in the east - Byzantine dictionary " Vessels ».

During the mature period of the Middle Ages in Western Europe, several types of encyclopedic works developed: mirrors (lat. speculum), compendiums(compedium), amounts(summae), which served mainly as teaching aids for students of the “lower” general education faculties of universities. An example would be labor Dominican friar Vincent of Beauvais(middle XIII century) "Bibliotheca Mundi" ("World Library"), otherwise " Great Mirror » ( lat. Speculum majus) - in 80 volumes and three parts. Before XIII century all such publications were published on Latin However, glossaries are gradually appearing - dictionaries of less commonly used words and expressions.

Encyclopedic culture received a big boost in the era Renaissance V XIV -16th centuries, including thanks to the invention printing Johannes Gutenberg. IN XVI -XVII centuries the term “encyclopedia” (as well as “cyclopedia”) appears in its modern meaning.

XVII-XIX centuries

Lexicon Technical School Harris, title page of the second edition, 1708.

Although the very idea of ​​a universal and publicly accessible encyclopedia appeared before the 18th century, Cyclopedia or universal dictionary of sciences and arts Chambers (1728), Encyclopedia Diderot and d'Alembert (beginning of production in 1751), as well as Encyclopedia Britannica, Brockhaus Encyclopedia and other encyclopedias of that time were the first among those that had a completely modern appearance, familiar to us. Their articles were both accessible in style and insightful in content, systematically arranged in a predictable order. However, even the earliest of these, Chambers' Encyclopedia of 1728, had a predecessor, Lexicon Technical School John Harris (1704), which also in content and title was “A universal English dictionary of the arts and sciences, not only the terms of the arts, but the arts themselves.”

XX century

The most famous encyclopedia XX century became the Encyclopedia Britannica, the rights to which belonged to American publishers. IN 1985 The 16th edition was published, including 32 volumes.

Along with traditional encyclopedias, schoolchildren's encyclopedic dictionaries are appearing.

In the 90s of the 20th century, with the development of multimedia technologies, electronic encyclopedias appeared on CDs. Computer technologies have significantly changed the nature of access to encyclopedic information - searching for articles has become almost instantaneous, and it has become possible to insert into articles not only high-quality photographs, but also sound fragments, videos, and animations. The most significant was the publication in Microsoft and the electronic version of Britannica.

In Russia, the most significant project of this kind since the year is “ Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius"(BEKM), published annually in an updated version by the company" Cyril and Methodius" In mid-2004, the organizers of the project made a similar attempt “ Around the world"(the publication was released on CD and appeared on the Internet), but in terms of volume this encyclopedia cannot compete with BEKM.

One of the largest projects for publishing encyclopedic publications on the Internet in Russian is the Rubricon portal, opened in 2000, where texts and illustrations of 62 encyclopedias and dictionaries are posted. Many project materials are available for a fee.

Free encyclopedia

With the development of Internet technology, the emergence of Wikipedia- an encyclopedia compiled and edited by everyone. Despite the apparent universal accessibility, including for destructive influence, in terms of coverage Wikipedia (English version, more than 2.356 million articles on April 2 2008), at least not inferior to world-famous publications.

The main disadvantage generated by the method of creating Wikipedia, however, is not its accessibility to destructive influences, but its internal inconsistency; therefore, at the present stage, Wikipedia cannot be fully considered a “systematic overview of the branches of human knowledge” - bringing accumulated material into the system is one of the constant goals of Wikipedia.

Encyclopedias in Russia

The first encyclopedic work in Russia should be considered “Dictionary of Foreign Words” in “ Helmsman's book » Novgorod bishop Clement, which came to us in the lists.

Among other Russian encyclopedias 19th century worthy of attention is the “Desk Dictionary for Reference in all branches of knowledge” (vol. 1-3, 1863-64), edited by F. G. Toll.

WITH 1890 published famous “Encyclopedic Dictionary” by F. A. Brockhaus and I. A. Efron, which, despite its German origin, was created with the participation of leading Russian scientists. In - gg. 82 main volumes were published, as well as 4 additional ones. The circulation ranged, according to various sources, from 30 to 75 thousand copies. IN 1911 the company "Brockhaus and Efron" initiated the publication of the "New Encyclopedic Dictionary" ed. K. K. Arsenyeva, but in 1911, out of 50 volumes, only 29 were published.

WITH 1891 The “Desktop Encyclopedic Dictionary” is published. From the 4th volume, the publication of the dictionary was continued by the partnership "A. Garnet and Co. The first 6 editions of the dictionary were published in 8-9 volumes. (1891-1903). The 7th edition, completely revised, was published in 1910-48 under the title " Encyclopedic Dictionary Pomegranate", in 58 vols.

After revolution Russia is already in difficult times 20s Industry encyclopedias were published: Peasant Agricultural, Trade, Pedagogical. The main universal encyclopedia for many years became “ Great Soviet Encyclopedia"(TSB), the decision to publish it was made in the city. In - the 1st edition was published (the so-called “Stalinist”, 66 volumes), in - the years. - 2nd edition (51 volumes) and - - 3rd edition (30 volumes). And although none of the publications managed to avoid an ideological touch, TSB is still considered one of the best encyclopedic works of our time.

At the end 90s the first edition began to be prepared "Big Russian Encyclopedia"(BRE) (publishing house of the same name - the legal successor of TSB), which was supposed to replace TSB. For various reasons, publication was delayed, and the first volume (“Russia”) of the 30 planned BDT appeared only in 2004. Moreover, a year before that, “ New Russian Encyclopedia"(NRE), which is published by the publishing house "Infra-M" and "Encyclopedia". NRE is a more compact project, providing 12 volumes (the first is also “Russia”). IN 2005 The second (first alphabetical) volumes of BRE and NRE were published. Announced in 2005, the release of the full edition of the 62-volume “Big Encyclopedia”, prepared by the Terra publishing house, claimed to be a “breakthrough in the encyclopedic business.” Sales started in 2006. The Encyclopedia's general vocabulary contains over 200,000 words, including reference entries and explained terms. Of these, over 160,000 are keywords of review, conceptual and biographical articles, which are accompanied by more than 60,000 color and black and white illustrations, 340 general geographical and political maps.

Paper encyclopedias

Main article: List of encyclopedias by branches of knowledge#Printed works

Russia, USSR

Other countries

Society Information Resource (IRO)

Informational resources– this is knowledge prepared for appropriate social use.

IRO is knowledge that is already ready for appropriate social use

IRO in a broad sense is knowledge alienated from its carriers and included in information exchange, existing both in oral and in materialized form.

Global informatization of society is the reason for the increasing role of information.

Classification of information resources:

      subject of information;

      form of ownership - state, private, etc.;

      availability of information – open, closed, confidential;

      belonging to a certain information system - library, archival, scientific and technical;

      source of information – official information, media publications, etc.;

      purpose and nature of information use – mass regional, departmental;

      form of information presentation – text, digital, graphic, multimedia;

      media type

      information – paper, electronic.

Educational information resource - text, graphic and multimedia information created specifically for use in the learning process.

Subjects and objects of these resources.

Subjects are classified as follows:

      the subject creating objects (all users of the educational system - teacher, student);

      the subject using the objects (all users of the educational system);

      a subject administering objects, that is, providing an environment for working with objects of other subjects (network administrators);

      a subject that controls the use of objects by subjects (engineers).

Educational electronic resources include:

      educational materials (electronic textbooks, study guides, abstracts, diplomas),

      educational and methodological materials (electronic methods, training programs),

      scientific and methodological (dissertations, candidate's works),

      additional text and illustrative materials (laboratory work, lectures),

      testing systems (tests - electronic testing of knowledge),

      electronic full-text libraries;

      electronic periodicals in the field of education;

      electronic tables of contents and annotations of articles from periodicals in the field of education,

      electronic archives of issues.

2. Assignments for students’ independent work

Exercise 1. Give examples:

    reliable but biased information;

Petya got a D, somewhere around 2 o’clock in the afternoon

    objective but unreliable information;

The earth has always been flat

    complete, reliable, but useless information;

I ate borscht today

    irrelevant information;

The Soviet Union collapsed

    relevant but unclear information.

Today I explained to him what I talked about yesterday

Task 2. Fill out the table “Formation of information culture”

Changes in education

Changing people's lifestyles

Dangers of the Information Society

With the advent of computer networks, schoolchildren and teachers have acquired a new opportunity to quickly receive information from anywhere in the world. Through the global telecommunications network Internet, instant access to world information resources (electronic libraries, databases, file storages, etc.) is possible. Several billion multimedia documents have been published on the most popular Internet resource - the World Wide Web WWW.

With the advent of new data compression algorithms, the sound quality available for transmission over a computer network has increased significantly and has begun to approach the sound quality in conventional telephone networks. As a result, a relatively new technology, Internet telephony, began to develop very actively. Using special equipment and software, you can conduct audio and video conferences via the Internet.

A certain danger lies in the superficial use of ICT tools and information resources to carry out group and individual projects of little significance in general education.

Task 3. Using the Universal Encyclopedia Reference, find answers to the following questions:

1)What is WWW?

The World Wide Web(English World Wide Web) is a distributed system that provides access to interconnected documents located on different computers connected to the Internet. The word is also used to refer to the World Wide Web web(English web “web”) and abbreviation WWW.


    Who was the developer of the first computer?

One of the first mechanical computing devices was invented by Pascal in 1642. He added and subtracted large numbers. Three decades later, Leibniz created a more powerful calculator with division and multiplication.


    When is World Information Day celebrated?

November 26 marks World Information Day, which has been held annually since 1994 on the initiative of the International Academy of Informatization (IAI), which has general consultative status in the Economic and Social Councils of the United Nations, and the World Information Parliament (WIP). On this day in 1992, the first International Informatization Forum took place. Today World Information Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. Source

    When did the world's first multimedia personal computer appear?

The world's first multimedia computer - Amiga 1000 (1985)


    In 1673 in London, at a meeting of the Royal Society, who demonstrates an adding machine that could perform multiplication, division and extraction of roots?

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm


    When is World Programmer's Day celebrated?

Programmer's Day- a professional holiday of programmers, celebrated on the 256th day of the year. The number 256 (2 8) was chosen because it is the number of different values ​​that can be expressed using an eight-bit byte. It is also the maximum integer power of 2 that does not exceed the number of days in a year (365).


7) When was Blaise Pascal born?