Enable javascript in the browser. How to enable javascript in the browser - instructions for all versions

JavaScript is one of the programming languages ​​that is commonly used to programmatically access application objects. It is often built into the browser and is necessary to make web pages more functional. Accordingly, if JavaScript is disabled for one reason or another, the page may not open at all or will open, but with significant limitations or errors. For example, certain text may not be shown. Therefore, if you do not know how to activate this language in your Internet browser, then you have come to the right place.

Mozilla Firefox

  • In the top menu, select the “Tools” - “Settings” section.
  • A window has opened in front of you on the “Basic” tab. You must select the "Content" tab.
  • At the top of the window you will see several items, one of which will be called “Use JavaScript” - check the box next to it and click OK.

  • Refresh the page using the F5 key on your keyboard.

ATTENTION! This description is only suitable for versions below version 22. Starting from version 23, JavaScript is not required - the option is enabled by default.


  • In the upper left corner, click on the “Tools” - “Settings” - “General Settings” button.
  • Once in the menu, go to the “Advanced” tab (it’s the fifth one).
  • In the left menu, click on the “Content” link and next to “Use JavaScript” check the box.

  • Click OK and refresh the page.

Google Chrome

  • In the upper right corner there is a button on which you will see three bars - click on it and select the “Settings” section.
  • Scroll down the page to the very bottom and click on “Show advanced settings”.
  • In the “Personal Information” section, you will see a “Content Settings” button that you need to click on.
  • An additional window has opened. Find the option “Allow all sites to use JavaScript (recommended)” and click OK.

  • Reload the page in your Internet browser.

Internet Explorer

  • Open the browser properties (this can be done either in the browser itself through the menu or using the control panel of your computer).
  • A window has opened, you need to go to the “Security” tab.
  • At the bottom of it, you need to click on the button that says “Other...”.
  • A large list has opened. You need to go to the “Scripts” section and in the “Active Scripts” subsection, check the box next to the “Enable” item.

  • Click OK and refresh the page.

Apple Safari

  • In the menu we find the “Settings” section.
  • A separate window has opened with several tabs, among which you need to open the one called “Security”.
  • Next to the “Enable JavaScript” item, check the box and close the window.

  • We refresh the page by pressing the F5 key.

It should be noted that all versions of the most famous and popular browsers today provide support for JavaScript. They support the third edition of the specification, and Mozilla Firefox even attempted to support the fourth edition. By default, almost all Internet browsers use JavaScript by default, and it is usually disabled by the user himself.

As for the use of the language, it is necessary, for example, in some web applications, scripts in browsers (we are talking about special programs that allow you to format pages, automatically fill out forms, hide part of the content, and so on), as well as in AJAX ( an approach to building application interfaces in which data exchange with the server occurs in the background, due to which the page is not completely reloaded, and the operation of the application itself only speeds up).

As we already mentioned in the article on how to clean your computer from viruses, when you visit untrustworthy sites, it can be very useful to disable javascript in your browser, thereby reducing the likelihood of your computer being infected by various viruses through these sites. There are also cases when your favorite site, for some reason unknown to you, displays an incomprehensible message “You have javascript disabled.” What is javascript and how to enable and disable it in today's popular browsers, we will tell you in this article.

Javascript is a programming language that adds interactivity to web pages. It is used to create beautiful pop-up menus, windows, tooltips and much more on the pages of modern websites. Since javascript is executed on the user's side (on his computer), and not on the server like other programming languages ​​for the Web, it has become a tool in the hands of various attackers who, with its help, began to exploit the vulnerabilities of Windows operating systems to inject viruses onto user computers.
Despite the fact that javascript itself, due to the peculiarities of its operation, does not contain viruses in the usual sense, but with its help it turned out to be convenient to implement cyber attacks and run malicious code written in other programming languages. To avoid this, you can disable the execution of javascript in the browser you use on sites that you do not trust and enable it only for trusted sites. We will describe below how to do this in the well-known four browsers (Internet Explorer 9, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome). How to disable javascript in Internet Explorer 9.
Open your browser. Press Alt+X and go to Internet Options. In the window that opens, go to the “Security” tab. In the “Select a zone to configure its security settings” window, select “Internet” by left-clicking on it. The icon should be highlighted in blue. After that, click on the “Other...” button below. A window titled “Security Settings - Internet Zone” will open. In it, almost at the very bottom, find the “Scripts” section with the subsections “Active scripts” and “Run Java application scripts”. Set the switch to the “Disable” position. After this, javascripts in Internet Explorer 9 will not work.

How to disable javascript in Mozilla Firefox.
In the Mozilla Firefox browser, scripts are much easier to disable. To do this, in an open browser, click on the Firefox inscription in the orange background in the upper left corner, in the window that appears, select “Settings” and in another pop-up window also click on “Settings”. In the window that opens, go to the “Content” tab and uncheck the “Use javascript” checkbox. Click OK. Scripts are disabled.

How to disable javascript in Opera.
The most convenient browser for disabling javascript. While in an open browser, press the function key F12. A quick browser settings window will open in which you need to uncheck the “Enable javascript” option. The window will close and javascript will be disabled.

How to disable javascript in Google Chrome.
With your browser open, click on the wrench at the top right. Select the “Settings” menu item. In the left column, select the “Advanced” section, where at the very top click the “Content Settings...” button. In the third group from the top called “javascript”, check the box for “Prohibit execution of javascript on all sites”. Click on the gray cross in the upper right corner. Execution of javascripts in Google Chrome is disabled.

How to disable javascript in Safari.
Open Safari. In the upper right corner, click on the main browser settings menu in the form of a gear. In the menu that appears, select “Settings” and go to the “Security” tab. In this tab, uncheck the “Enable javascript” option and close the window. After this, JavaScript in the browser stops working.

Not all sites currently retain their full functionality when the user's javascript is disabled. Some completely lose their ability to work. In this case, the message “You have javascript disabled” will be displayed, which we talked about at the beginning of the article. But, knowing how to disable javascript, you can now easily enable their support back by following the appropriate steps.

Which is embedded in the html code of pages to give them greater functionality.

Thanks to the scripting language, the page becomes interactive or dynamic, which improves the contact with the user. The language is not used to write individual applications and only works inside the program, in the browser. Scripts do things on web pages that are not available. Scripts are executed if the user takes any action: moves the cursor, clicks, etc. Using JavaScript, a creeping line effect is created, pictures change after hovering the cursor, and questionnaires or registration forms are filled out.

If you disable JavaScript in your browser, you may not be able to view some websites or the pages will become static and therefore inanimate. How to enable JavaScript support?

The scripting language is supported by most modern browsers and is allowed for use in their default settings. But if for some reason it turns out to be disabled, it can be easily restored by following simple steps. How to enable JavaScript in different browsers?

In order to enable JavaScript in Safari, you need to launch the browser and click on the “gear” icon in the upper right. A menu will appear where you need to select “Settings”. A window will open in which you should go to the “Security” section. In the proposed list, check the box next to the line “Enable JavaScript” and close the tab.

How to enable JavaScript in FireFox? You must open the browser window or restart it if it is open. At the top left, click once on the orange FireFox icon and go to “Settings”, then to “Content”. Select "Use JavaScript". If you click the Advanced button, you can set a few more JavaScript options and click OK.

How to enable JavaScript in Chrome? Launch the browser, then call up the menu by clicking the special icon at the top right. where you need to go to the “Settings” line and click. In the tab that opens, at the very bottom, find the “Advanced settings” section. Then go to “Personal Data” and click on the “Content Settings” button. A window will open, at the very bottom of which there is an item “Allow JavaScript”. Check the box next to it and click “Finish”.

Internet Explorer

You need to open a browser window and click on the “gear” icon, which is located at the top right. In the drop-down menu, find the “Internet Options” section and open it in one click. Then go to the “Security” tab and click on the “Other” button. Scroll down the list to the “Run Java scripts” item, check the box next to it and click “OK”. Close the previous window.

How to enable JavaScript in Opera? You need to launch the browser and click the “Menu” icon in the window at the top left. A list will appear in which you need to find the “Settings” section and go to the “Advanced” subsection. Select the “Content” item in the list and check the “Enable JavaScript” box. Complete the setup by clicking the “OK” button.

If JavaScript is enabled in the browser, but the site you visit still displays a message that you need to enable its support, this means that it is being blocked by a firewall or antivirus program. You need to unblock JavaScript in the settings of these applications. The blocking may also be in the settings of the proxy server through which the connection to the Internet is made.

Script in Internet Explorer, select “Tools” - “Internet Options” from the menu bar. In the window that opens, select the “Security” tab and click the “Other” button below the slider displaying “Security level for this zone.” In the new “Security Settings - Internet Zone” window, use the scroll bar to find the “Scripts” block.

In the “Active scripts” group, check the box next to “enable”. Just below, check the same box in the “Run Java application scripts” group. Click OK to confirm the changes, then click Apply in the Internet Properties window. When asked if you really want to apply the changes to this zone, answer yes and click OK again. Thus JavaScript in IE 8.0.

In the Opera browser of any version, JavaScript is enabled through the “Tools” - “General Settings” menu. Select this item and in the window that opens, go to the “Advanced” tab. On the left side of this tab, select the “Content” section; to the right there will be a field with several checkboxes, including “enable JavaScript”. Check the box.

Even further to the right you will see a “Configure JavaScript” button. By clicking it, you will see a window with additional settings that regulate those actions that you consider necessary to allow for Java. Check the JavaScript settings checkboxes as you wish and click OK to confirm your changes.

The newest versions of this browser offer an easier way to enable JavaScript. You can simply go to the “Tools” - “Quick Settings” menu and in the drop-down list, check the box next to “Enable JavaScript”. If you want to add additional permissions for scripts, you will have to use the algorithm described in the previous steps.

The easiest way to enable JavaScript is in the Mozilla Firefox browser. As in Opera, click on the “Tools” main menu item, select the “Settings” line and in the window that opens, go to the “Content” tab. In the top block of checkboxes, check the box next to “Use JavaScript.” Using the adjacent “Advanced” button, set the permissions you need for JavaScript scripts by checking them in the corresponding checkboxes, and click OK twice to confirm.

Helpful advice

After making JavaScript settings, neither browser requires a restart: the changes take effect immediately.


  • how to enable javascript in internet explorer

JavaScript support is often disabled in browsers due to security reasons. Today, the vast majority of websites are built using the capabilities of java scripts. Find out how to enable support for JavaScript scripts in the most common browsers from these instructions.


Start enabling support in browser Mozilla FireFox from the "Tools" section, which is located in the top menu. There, select “Settings”. Once the window opens, look for the Contents tab. Check the box next to “Use JavaScript.” A button called “Advanced” provides more detailed settings for the execution of various scripts.

Through the "Main Menu" in browser lies the shortest path to configuration, which includes support for JavaScript scripts. If you hover your mouse over the “Quick Settings” section, then among all the sub-items there will be a necessary item called “Enable JavaScript”. Click it to get the desired result.

IN browser Mozilla FireFox has a longer configuration path, but it has its advantages, which opens up access to some additional settings for JavaScript scripts. In the Settings section, select General Settings. You can simply press the Ctrl+F12 keys simultaneously. The “Settings” window will open, in which go to the tab called “Advanced” and select “Content” in it, then check the box next to “Enable JavaScript”. A button for accessing advanced JavaScript settings is located next to it called “Customize JavaScript”.

To enable script support in browser In Internet Explorer, select the “Internet Options” section in its top menu in the “Tools” item. In the window that opens next, find the “Security” tab, where click the “Other” button. Another window called “Security Options” will appear. Scroll down the list of options until you reach the Scripts section. Check the box called “Enable” in the “Active Scripts” subsection.

Video on the topic


Many add-ons on your computer may be installed by default. This may be the case if the add-on is part of another program that you installed earlier. And some are automatically installed together in Windows.

Users most often use versions of Internet Explorer 7 and 8. To enable add-ons in Internet Explorer 7, you need to launch the browser by double-clicking the corresponding shortcut on the desktop. Or open the Start menu and select Internet Explorer from the general list. Click “Tools” in the top menu and select the item called “Manage add-ons in the drop-down list. Click on “Turn add-ons on or off.”

Click in the "Show" box in the button bar on the left side, click the arrow and select the option called "Add-ons used by Internet Explorer." This is done so that all add-ons are visible to you.

Select a group of add-ons or a single add-on that you need to enable. The plugin name, file date, version, digital signature will be displayed in the lower field. There you will also be asked to use the default search to search for the add-on.

At the bottom right in the bottom box you will see a button that says “Enable”. Click on it to enable the add-on or right-click on the desired add-on and select “Enable”. Next, confirm the operation by clicking “OK”.

In Internet Explorer 8, select “Tools” in the top menu, then “Add-ons”. On the left side of the button panel, under the heading “Display”, click on the arrow and select “All add-ons”.

Select the add-ons you want to activate. In the lower field, click on the “Enable” button or right-click on the “Enable” item. At the end of the procedure, click on the “Close” button.

Video on the topic

Java script is a special scripting language that adds functions to web pages, in particular, making them interactive. On the modern Internet there are practically no sites that do not use it at all. In order to see colorful pages when surfing the web, with a full range of functions, you need to enable it in your browser support java script.

You will need

  • - a computer with an Internet connection;
  • - Internet browser installed on the computer.


If you're using Windows Internet Explorer, open Tools by clicking the gear icon in the top right corner of the page. From the drop-down menu, select “Internet Options”, and in them - the “Security” tab. In the window that opens, select “Internet zone” for settings.

In the "Security level for this zone" frame, click "Other...". In the Scripting section, select the Active Scripts → Enable and Run Java Application Scripts → Enable checkboxes. Click on the OK button. For the changes to take effect, restart your browser.

In the Mozilla Firefox browser, go to Settings by clicking on the browser icon. In the drop-down menu, select “Settings”, and in them - the “Content” tab. Check the "Use Java Script" checkbox. Click "Advanced..." and in the window that opens, select the additional Java Script options you need. Click OK.

If you are using the Opera browser, click on "Menu" in the upper left corner of the page. From the drop-down menu, select Settings → Quick Settings. In the settings window that appears, check “Enable Javascript”. To make the settings changes take effect, press F5. To quickly go to the Opera browser settings, press the F12 key. In the window that appears, check “Enable Javascript” and refresh the page.

In the Safari browser, press the key combination Ctrl+B to go to settings. Find the Security tab. Check the “Enable JavaScript” option and close the settings window.

To turn on support JavaScript in the Google Chrome browser, click on the settings icon (wrench) in the upper right corner of the page. Or use the key combination Alt+F. You will be taken to the Chrome browser control window. Select Options → Advanced → Content Settings.

In the content settings window on the left, select Java Script and check the box next to “Allow all sites to use JavaScript.” Close the settings window. Reload your browser page.

JavaScript is a special scripting language. It is used, for the most part, to create scenarios for the behavior of an Internet browser. If scripting is disabled in the browser, then not every web page will be able to be viewed correctly. By disabling JavaScript, the user causes inconvenience to himself, since after this some functions may not work, work on certain tasks becomes more difficult, etc.

Enable JavaScript in internet explorer

If for some reason JavaScript was disabled, I recommend activating it. For the internet explorer browser, as well as other Internet browsers, this is easy to do. And as a result, as you understand, you will get a huge number of additional opportunities.

The described steps are intended for those users who have internet explorer 6 and later versions.

If you have the earliest versions of the browser, it is better to update them to the latest modification. Moreover, manufacturers have significantly improved the characteristics of the Internet browser and functionality. Well, as a last resort, you can do anything at any time.

Problems that may arise Do not forget that after updating applications, JavaScript settings may be lost. Problems with the display of Google ads may indicate that there are problems with JavaScript.

If a similar situation occurs, additionally make sure that JavaScript is enabled. When the function is not disabled, and the problem with viewing ads still remains, you should check the firewall or security program installed on your computer. It should also be noted that there is such a technology as Java. It differs from JavaScript because it was created to solve completely different problems. Therefore, these two concepts should not be confused.

As you can see, enabling JavaScript in the browser is an absolutely simple operation. At the same time, almost any user will undoubtedly appreciate the opportunities that they will receive after this. Disabling JavaScript will have the opposite effect and cause certain errors when browsing the web. Do not forget that after installing add-ons, the settings may change, and you will most likely have to do all the steps listed above again. This will also be necessary for those who, for any reason, changed the computer’s security settings.