Com google system s asks to install. Create a new Google account. Removing Google App Data and Updates

There are two types of errors that most often appear in the version Android KitKat: "Unfortunately, process has stopped" and " terminated unexpectedly." These errors are caused by a single problem and can be easily fixed. Below we will talk about how this can be done.

If you notice that the error message appears repeatedly after trying to open specific application, then there is a high probability that this application is causing the problem. In settings, open the “Applications” subsection and find such an application. Next, click on its icon, and next page Click on "Clear cache". This should help.

If these steps do not help, then you also need to delete the application data. In this case, you will lose your game progress, chat messages, etc., so you should create a backup copy of your data in advance. You can find the Clear Data icon above the Clear Cache icon.

If this does not solve the problem, then next action you will delete the application itself (this can be done on the same page where the icons for clearing cache and data are located), and then reinstall it again.

Clear Google Play Services data

If clearing data and cache, as well as reinstallation problem application did not give a positive result, then you can try another method - delete all your Google data Play Services. Please note that this method will remove all your settings and preferences in Google Play Services, although they can easily be assigned again. To do this, open “Applications” in settings, then Google Play Services. On the application information page, you will see the “Manage Space” icon and click on it.

After that, click on “Clear all data”. A message will appear on your screen confirming that you want to completely delete your data. Click on the "OK" icon.

Reset application preferences

You can also try resetting the application preferences (this can be done through the icon in the form of three stripes, or by selecting “All” in the “Applications” subsection). By performing such a reset, the application settings will return to their original state, but the application data will not be affected. In other words, you won't lose any information you previously had that you saved.

How often have you seen an error message like this? Did our tips help you solve this problem? Tell us about it in the comments.

Notice "in app an error occurred" was seen by all users at least once, but not everyone knows what to do if this happens.

However, such a failure can be a serious problem and interfere with the functioning of the device.


The essence of the problem

The error interferes with the normal functioning of the phone.

The bottom line is that while any application is running, the graphics freeze, and after a few seconds a window appears with a message stating that an error has occurred.

In this case, the application closes, or the phone or tablet freezes.

Moreover, a problem can occur in both or and basic background applications, stable work which is necessary for normal functioning devices.

In the second case, the error may lead to the device being inoperable.


Dealing with this problem is quite simple. There are several ways to do this.

Stop downloading

An error notification appears while working in the application. As soon as this happens, without turning off the phone and without leaving the application, follow the algorithm:

  1. Minimize the failed application if it is not minimized automatically;
  2. Go to your device's main menu at ;
  3. Open Device Settings;
  4. Find the item through which applications are managed (depending on the model, it may be called "Application Manager", "Application Settings", "Application Management" etc.);
  5. This section should have three subsections (usually in the form of tabs) - All, Loaded, Working (or Running);
  6. Go to the All tab, all applications, both downloaded and basic ones, should be displayed there;
  7. Scroll to the very bottom of the list;
  8. At the end there may be programs that have not loaded completely or are in the process of loading;
  9. They need to be removed as they may be causing the problem.

After this you need to restart your phone. And if this was the problem, then it will not arise again. However, this reason for fighting is quite rare.

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Clearing cache

The method is simple and fast. However, if this is the reason, then such an error will appear regularly.

The method is quite fast, but like the previous one, it does not provide a complete guarantee of solving the problem.


This simple method also sometimes helps. Especially in cases where the error occurred once. If it occurs regularly, then there is no point in restarting the application.

But if it appears once, the easiest way is to turn off and turn on the application again. If the error occurs again, try rebooting your device.

If after this the problem does not disappear, then the problem is more serious.

However, turn off running game or not always enough. It’s better to immediately go to Settings, and then to the applications menu, and find the program in the running ones.

Then click on it, scroll the window down and find the button "Stop the application", and turn off the program.

It is worth noting that this method rarely helps. In addition, there is a high probability of failure occurring again.

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Account deleting

Sometimes the problem can occur as a result of failures in establishing a connection between the application and the user account.

The most common reasons for this lie in cases where the download was interrupted, resulting in the application being slightly corrupted, and also for some other reasons.

In addition, this happens when the download is interrupted and incorrectly restored or is not restored later.

You can delete your account like this:

  1. Go to the main menu of the tablet;
  2. Find an item Google Settings ;
  3. In the Account section, click on the item account settings;
  4. At the end of the list that opens you will find the line Account deleting;
  5. Click on it and confirm your action again.

The method does not provide a guaranteed result. At the same time, it is quite labor-intensive. And in addition, it deletes all account data - contacts, notes, calendar events, data about purchased applications, etc.

Therefore, you should resort to it only in extreme cases, or when there is no important data associated with the account.

By the way, you can read on our websites.

Mobile firmware developers Android devices, obviously, attach considerable importance to Google services and applications, since they so often integrate them into their products. In general, this is understandable, because voice search, and assistant, and most importantly Play Market– they all use Google services. Given software created by professionals, but even in this case there is no 100% guarantee that you will never encounter problems with its operation. For example, a fairly common error in Android devices is the sudden crash of the com process google process gapps.

Error notification can be issued via certain time, often every 5-10 minutes, preventing normal use of Google applications. This kind of Problems are often caused by incorrect updating of Google applications, but failures at the level of the Google application itself cannot be ruled out. operating system. The smartphone was working fine, but suddenly it began to issue messages one after another “in the com google application process gaps an error occurred”, what should I do in this case and is it possible to somehow fix the problem?

There are several ways to get rid of the error, but not all of them are equally effective. Much will depend on what exactly caused it. If this temporary failure, restore normal work The phone will allow the most common reboot. If this does not help, and this often happens, we move on to more effective methods.

Checking the list of disabled applications

The com google process gapps issue may occur due to some Google apps and services being disabled. Open "Manage applications" in settings, go to the "Disabled" section and check if there are inactive Google applications and services there. If so, turn them on.

Clear Google App Cache

It is very possible that in the process of updating one of Google applications An error has occurred. As a result, the application begins to malfunction, displaying a notification “the com google process gapps process has stopped.” In this case, deleting updates can be an effective technique, but first it’s still better to try just clearing the cache. Go to Settings, select Applications - Application Management, find “Google Play Services” in the list and click the “Clear cache” button.

Similarly, clear the cache contents of other Google applications, including Google Services Framework(this service may be located in the "All" section).

Removing Google App Data and Updates

If the above procedure is not enough, delete the application data as well. The “Erase data” button is located in the same subsection as the clear cache button. After deleting your data, you will need to log in to Google services again.

If this does not bring the desired results, uninstall the updates problematic applications. Please note that these options may not be available for some applications and services; for example, for the Google Play Services application, the “Erase data” and “Uninstall updates” options may be inactive. In such cases, use the means that are available.

If a com google process gapps error occurs, you can try to fix it by resetting application settings. To do this, open the “Applications” section in the settings, select “All”, click on the three dots in the right top corner screen, call up the menu and select “Reset settings” in it. Confirm the action and reboot the device.

Google Account Problem

The probable cause of the error may be an interrupted procedure Play updates Market, which cannot be restored. In this case, you need to remove the old account and create a new one.

What else should I do if the error “com google process gapps has stopped” appears? Check whether the list of programs contains applications that have not downloaded completely or are in the process of downloading. If there are, they need to be removed and then rebooted mobile device. We look at the application status in the “All” application management section (you need to scroll to the end of the list). Problems with applications not loading completely are rare, but they can also cause the com google process gapps error to appear.

What to do if nothing helps

If none of the methods helped fix the problem, and the smartphone continues to stubbornly display a message about error com google process gapps, how to fix the problem in this situation? All that remains is to reset the device to factory settings. In most cases this solves all problems, however you will have to sacrifice everything installed applications And individual settings. Therefore, if you decide to reset, take care to create backup copy personal data.

Sometimes the message “The process has stopped” appears on the Google Phone screen. It indicates that an unfortunate malfunction has occurred in the operation of the device. What's most offensive is that the message begins to appear with enviable frequency, leading to the inoperability of some programs, becoming attached to normal applications. Most often, the target of attacks is software downloaded from Google Play. And the reason for the problem, as it turned out, was that one of the processes was interrupted incorrectly. What can be done to get rid of this scourge?

Option 1. You can clear the cache. In rare cases, these basic manipulations are sufficient.

Option 2. Launch the program manager (sometimes also called applications) through Android settings and carefully study the list of applications (while swiping from right to left). Then open the download (or download) manager, stop and restart the application to which the error is most often associated.

Option 3. If neither the first nor the second methods help, you can try to get out of the situation by resetting your preferences. To do this, open through settings Android manager applications, then go to view programs and select “Menu”. Among its items, find Reset app preferences - this is “Reset application settings”. Click - this may be your last chance to get rid of the error.

Sometimes the message “The process has stopped” appears on the Google Phone screen. It indicates that an unfortunate malfunction has occurred in the operation of the device. What’s most offensive is that the message begins to appear with enviable frequency, leading to the inoperability of some programs, becoming attached to normal applications. Most often, the target of attacks is software downloaded from Google Play. And the reason for the problem, as it turned out, was that one of the processes was interrupted incorrectly. What can be done to get rid of this scourge?

Option 1. You can clear the cache. In rare cases, these basic manipulations are sufficient.
Option 2. Launch program manager(Sometimes also called applications) through the Android settings and carefully study the list of applications (while swiping from right to left). Then you open download manager(or downloads), stop and restart the application to which the error is most often associated.

Option 3. If neither the first nor the second methods help, you can try to get out of the situation by resetting your preferences. To do this, open the application manager through the Android settings, then go to view programs and select “Menu”. Among its items, find Reset app preferences - this is “Reset application settings”. Click - this may be your last chance to get rid of the error.

There is another reason for the message “ has stopped" - disabled " Downloads" Find a complete list of them in the application manager, go to the very bottom and check: downloads must be enabled.

We wish you a successful solution to the problem and hope that our advice was useful to you.