Virtual machine for linux mint. Installing Linux on a VirtualBox virtual machine. Preface to Afterword

Installing an operating system on a virtual machine usually means you can get acquainted with this operating system without physically installing it on a real computer. In this article we will look at the process of installing an operating system Linux systems to a virtual machine. This will help you understand the operating system itself, as well as the installation process. For example, we will take a popular operating system Linux builds Ubuntu.

Step 1

To install the Linux operating system on a virtual machine, you first need to download and install software package called virtualbox and an image of the ubuntu operating system.

Step 2

Open virtualbox program and create a new virtual machine. To do this, click on the button in the form of a sun, which is located on the toolbar.

Step 3

The Create Virtual Machine Wizard will launch. In the first window, you will need to enter the name of the virtual machine, as well as the type of operating system and its version. Select “Linux – Ubuntu” and click “Next”.

Step 4

In the next window you will need to set the volume random access memory, which needs to be allocated for the virtual machine. We recommend installing at least 512 megabytes, and 1 gigabyte is best. After setting, click “next”.

Step 5

The system will prompt you to create a new HDD or select an existing one. We choose to create new hard disk and click “next”.

After this, the wizard will ask you to select a type hard drive: Dynamic or fixed size. You can choose any of these options. The only difference is that a dynamic hard drive changes size as it fills with files. Select and click “next” again.

Step 6

At the next step, the installation wizard will prompt you to select hard size disk. You can set any size, but it is advisable that it be at least 10 gigabytes.

Step 7

on last stage you will be prompted to double-check that all settings are correct. If you have installed everything correctly, click “Finish”.

The virtual machine will immediately appear in the list.

Step 8

Before starting the virtual machine, you need to mount the installation image Ubuntu disk. To do this, open the virtual machine settings and go to the “media” tab. Select the ide controllers and click "add optical drive". Specify the path to the image. Click “Ok” to confirm.

Step 9

Start the virtual machine. Launch the Ubuntu operating system installation wizard. Select your language and keyboard layout and then click “Next”. Don't forget to check the download update box during installation.

Step 10

After this, the Disk Partition Wizard will launch. Here you will need to specify the size of the partitions, as well as their file system and create a swap file. Recommended file system is ext3 or ext4.

Note: In the disk partitioner, be sure to specify the mount point as “\”. Otherwise, the installation will fail.

Step 11

After finishing partition marking, you will be prompted to write down your changes. Click the "Record" button. Now you can start the installation. To do this, click the “Install Now” button.

Step 12

The installation process will begin and will take some time.

During the installation process, the program will prompt you to set some settings, such as account name, account password, time zone, keyboard layout, and so on.

Step 13

Once the installation is complete, you can reboot your system by clicking the Reboot Now button. The system will reboot. Be sure to eject the virtual optical media.

Step 14

This completes the installation of the Linux operating system on virtualbox. When you first launch, you will be prompted to enter your username and password. After this, you can configure the system and install the necessary applications.

VirtualBox (Oracle VM VirtualBox) - free software tool virtualization for operating systems Microsoft Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, Solaris/OpenSolaris, ReactOS, DOS and others. Following the release of the first generally available version of VirtualBox in 2007, in a relatively short time, this software has become one of the most popular virtualization packages due to not only being free, but also high reliability, ease of use, support for many national languages, good help system(at the time of writing - only on English language) and cross-platform.

    To put it simply, VirtualBox is a kit application programs, system services and drivers emulating new computer equipment in the operating system environment where VirtualBox is running. On virtual computer(virtual machine, abbreviated as VM) created in its environment, you can install almost any operating system (guest OS) and use it in parallel with the main one. So, for example, on a real Windows computer you can install a virtual machine (VM - Virtual Machine) with an operating system of the Linux family and use both operating systems simultaneously. In addition, you can configure the interaction between these systems according to local network, data exchange via removable media, shared folders, etc. Also, the current state of the virtual machine (and the state of the operating system installed on it) can be recorded, and, if necessary, at any time, a full rollback to this state can be performed.

This article discusses an installation example and VirtualBox settings V Windows environment 7 and Linux installations Mageia on a new virtual machine.

Installing Oracle VM Virtualbox on Windows 7

   The latest version of VirtualBox for a specific operating system can be downloaded from the project download page.

VirtualBox installer for operating systems Windows systems - executable file, which in a Windows 7 environment must be run as administrator. Will begin standard installation software:

During the further installation of VirtualBox, a warning will be issued:

This means that when installing network drivers VirtualBox, current network connections will be reset and a temporary disconnection from the network will occur. If, for example, in parallel with the installation, data is exchanged with network drive, it will fail with an error. If you are not working on the network, then briefly disabling the adapters will have no effect, and you should allow the installation to continue by pressing a button Yes. Otherwise, you need to shut down the network resources first. Also, the system Windows security may ask for confirmation to allow the installation of new software:

You need to check the box "Always trust Oracle Corporation software" and click the button Install.

After installation is complete, the main software module VirtualBox:

Installing Linux on an Oracle VM Virtualbox virtual machine

   The installation process of Linux or any other OS consists of two parts:

Creating a virtual machine for the guest operating system selected for installation.

Determining the source with the installation distribution and starting the installation process.

The process of installing a new OS on a virtual machine is practically no different from installing on a real one - you boot the VM from the installation disk and then follow the instructions of the installer. The boot source is determined by the virtual machine settings (By default, the boot order is as follows - floppy disk, CD-ROM, hard drive, Network).

When you launch VirtualBox for the first time, the main program window is displayed with a welcome message and an active “Create” button to create a new VM:

In general, for a general acquaintance with the guest operating system, which will be Linux Mageia, no mandatory settings are required. You can immediately start creating a virtual machine - click the button Create. After which the process of creating a new virtual machine will start and you will need to determine its main parameters:

Virtual machine name. In accordance with it, a directory with virtual machine files will be created. By default this is a subdirectory in "C:\Users\User\VirtualBox VMs\" .

The type of operating system that will be installed on the virtual machine. IN in this case- Linux

OS version. In this case, Mageia is a fork of Linux Mandriva. We choose - Mandriva.

The remaining requested parameters can be left by default, since they are already selected based on the equipment configuration real car and in accordance with the type and version of the operating system installed on the virtual machine. But if necessary, you can, for example, increase the amount of RAM allocated to the VM, the size and type of disk.

Here is an example of allocating 1024 MB of RAM to a virtual machine, instead of the recommended 512 MB. When allocating memory, you need to take into account its actual size and the minimum requirements of the guest OS. If you have difficulty selecting this item, use the values ​​recommended by the program. Incorrect memory allocation between real and virtual machines may result in decreased performance for both.

A virtual machine's hard disk (virtual hard disk) can be created as either dynamic or fixed. Dynamic disk is created not for the entire specified volume, but for part of it, and increases as needed during its installation or operation, which allows saving space on the real hard drive. From point of view maximum performance guest operating system, it is better to select a fixed virtual hard disk.

Physically, a virtual hard disk is a file in a real file system. This file can be presented in several formats:

Most of the settings that are defined during the creation of a new virtual machine can be changed after its creation is completed:

On the toolbar it became active button Tune. Fine settings virtual machine is a separate topic, and at the stage of getting to know the guest operating system there is no particular need for them. Therefore, you can immediately start launching the VM - click the button Launch. At startup, a message about use will be displayed. Automatic keyboard capture

When switching to a virtual machine window, keyboard input will be performed for it, and not for real applications. By default, right Ctrl is used to switch keyboard input between real and virtual machine windows.

Because the guest system not yet installed, you will need to boot from the installation disk. You can use a regular CD/DVD drive with a pre-prepared bootable installation media, or an image of this disk. VirtualBox allows you to connect an image file to a virtual machine as virtual drive with the carrier. In most cases, the contents of installation disks are downloaded as image files in ISO-9660 format (files with the extension iso). VirtualBox allows you to do without burning the image to a CD, and connect such a file directly to the virtual machine as a virtual drive with installed media based on the contents of the iso image.

Image file Mageia-2-i586-DVD.iso will be connected as a virtual drive with installation disk Mageia-2. When you press the button Continue The virtual drive will boot and the Mageia bootloader menu will be displayed

To continue the installation, select Install Mageia 2. During the installation process, you can select the language to use, you must confirm your agreement with license agreement, select the language for the installed system (usually Europe - Russian) and the keyboard layout. Then the disk is partitioned, partitions are formatted, additional installation sources are identified, and the user is asked to select a graphical desktop environment.

The choice of graphical environment is determined, as a rule, by personal preferences and the purpose of the installed system. The default environment is KDE(short for K Desktop Environment). The most common graphical shells in Linux are Gnome And KDE. Externally, they are similar in many ways, but it is believed that KDE is a more promising and convenient, as well as more complex to configure, and more demanding on hardware, graphical environment. You can start getting acquainted with Linux in the KDE environment. In the future, after installing the system, the environment can be changed or even refused to start graphical shell, for example by changing the system run level.

Once the graphical environment has been determined, Mageia installation will begin. The installation progress is accompanied by comments and the name of the current stage is highlighted on the left side of the screen. It should be noted that Linux Mageia, as a fork of Linux Mandriva, is very similar to its predecessor, is well Russified and is one of the most understandable Linux distributions, therefore, installing the system, as a rule, does not cause any difficulties even when you first get acquainted with it.

During the installation process, you will need to set a password for the system administrator (user root), name and password of at least one regular user and display parameters. Finally, once the installation is complete, a summary of the installed major components and hardware is displayed.

All customizable settings can be changed after installation is complete. If you wish and have Internet access, you can also download and install Mageia updates.

After completing the Linux installation, it is advisable to perform some steps that can greatly simplify the development of the new OS in the future. Exclusively useful property VirtualBox is the ability to save the current state of a virtual machine (the ability to create VM snapshots) and return it to the state at the time the snapshot was created. However, this feature is not a feature of VirtualBox, and almost all virtualization systems provide the ability to create snapshots of the system and restore the virtual machine from the snapshot. There can be many snapshots, and restoring the state of a virtual machine can be performed using any of them. For those cases when the system is rendered inoperative (due to incorrect configuration settings, for example), the presence of snapshots allows you to literally bring the virtual machine back to life with just one click. For the beginner Linux user, the possibility of such a “rollback” of a virtual machine can save a significant amount of time and nerves. Preferably before the change begins Linux settings take a snapshot of a newly installed "clean" system. A picture is taken through the Virtualbox menu "Machine" - "Take a picture" or "Host + T" (right CTRL + T). To manage images of the selected vehicle, use the “Images” button displayed in the right top corner screen.

Installed with default settings, the system is usually ready to use for most home users. Overall, the KDE graphical environment is intuitive, and in many ways similar to the desktop operating systems Windows family. Some differences, however, are significant. In Linux, you can simultaneously use 4 virtual desktops and so-called “rooms” - a means of grouping similar applications. The user has the ability to create a separate work environment for each desktop, and switch between them as needed by clicking on the icon in the taskbar. As for the rooms, this moment this tool is at the stage of development and, moreover, is of no practical interest to a novice Linux user.

In the lower left corner there is an application launch button with the Mageia logo, the purpose of which is the same as the desktop Start button Windows desktop. The menu called up when you press the button consists of three parts:

To change system settings, parameters common to all users, install and uninstall applications, use Mageia Control Center Control Center) . When starting it, you will need to have administrative privileges- enter the user password root :

    A virtual machine can be integrated into an existing local network, providing access to its resources in the same way as to the resources of a real machine. However, some settings need to be changed in this case. AND we're talking about not so much about changing the security settings of the installed operating system, but about providing network access to it network resources. The simplest and effective method solution to this problem is to change the network settings so that the virtual machine has an IP address from the range of the real local network, and in the VirtualBox connection type settings for the virtual network adapter Instead of address translation (NAT) mode, network bridge mode would be used:

In this mode, all network frames created in the virtual environment will be directly broadcast to the real adapter. All that remains is to assign virtual adapter IP address from the local network range, either automatically, if there is a DHCP server, or manually. This can be done using the Mageia Control Center, under Network and Internet - Network Center. Select the network adapter and click the "Configure" button:

Other network services you can, if necessary, install using the Mageia Control Center - section "Manage programs" and allow network access to them through the settings in the section "Security" - "Setting up a personal firewall"

You need to run a different operating system on your Linux PC. But should you double boot your systems or is it better to use a virtual machine? And if you choose the second option, then you need to know what virtual machine software you should use?

Virtual machines for Linux vs Dual Boot mode

Earlier, we already talked about how you can install Linux next to Windows 10 on one device. This is done very simply. But what should you do if you want to run Windows directly in Linux environment and at the same time, so that everything works smoothly and quickly? Let's figure it out. The so-called virtual machines for Linux will help us with this.

You are running Linux - perhaps Linux Mint or Ubuntu - along with Windows? Or do you have two or more Linux distributions installed on your computer? How does this all work for you? For some, this dynamic works well and quite quickly. For others, rebooting may be a problem.

Reboot time, selecting another OS on the screen GRUB bootloader, and then loading, can be problematic. This is especially true on systems where Linux is installed next to Windows.

On slower systems or systems with many applications trying to run at booting Windows, you may have to wait 5-15 minutes before you can start working. Install antivirus solution, and you'll load even slower. But this applies to old devices, because on new ones everything works very quickly.

However, running your second OS in a virtual machine may solve this problem. Virtual machines for Linux are very useful in many situations and can greatly improve performance.

What is a virtual machine?

We've looked at virtual machines - known as VMs - a few times in the past. Simply put, these are applications that create a software environment that simulates computer hardware. The operating system can then be installed into this environment. We call this a "guest OS" and the operating system installed on your physical computer, is the “host system”.

Additionally, virtualization can be enhanced with specialized system hardware.

To put it even more clearly, virtual machines for Linux are programs on which you can run additional operating systems.

How to activate virtualization on your PC

Although the guest OS you choose can run without hardware virtualization, if the option is available, it's worth using it. Not least because it will reduce the drain on your computer's system resources.

To enable hardware virtualization, you need to reboot your computer to access the BIOS. How this is achieved will depend on your device, but it is usually done by pressing Del or F2 after rebooting your computer.

Find the screen " Additionally" in the BIOS and find one of the following:

  • Virtualization
  • VT-x (Intel - older systems will have VT-d)
  • AMD-V (AMD systems)

The BIOS is controlled using the arrow keys. Once you have enabled virtualization, press F10 to save and exit.

Once this is done, you will have a choice of three applications with open source code VMs, which we'll look at below (VMWare is also available for Linux, but is not open source).

1. VirtualBox

Offering universal virtualization, VirtualBox can create a virtual machine running virtually any operating system (except those designed for ARM devices). It also offers software and hard virtualization by storing virtual machines as disk images. It makes it easier backup or transfer to other PCs or VM applications.

VirtualBox is especially good for running 32-bit and 64-bit Linux distributions, as well as Windows. You could even run OS X on VirtualBox, maybe test it out before setting up your PC as a Hackintosh. Find a copy for your distribution at


If you want to run an ARM-based operating system (such as Android, Raspbian or RISC OS), then this is the tool command line, which you choose.

The short answer to Quick Emulator is that you can make a powerful virtual machine, QEMU is easy to set up, and some guest operating systems can even boot with QEMU built-in.

Although the unnamed name for QEMU is "Quick Emulator", it is actually a hypervisor, a tool for managing hardware virtualization. You can install QEMU with:

sudo apt-get install qemu qemu-kvm libvirt-bin

3. KVM

Shortening for a kernel-based virtual machine, KVM is a fork of the QEMU project and works in conjunction with this tool to provide additional options (such as similar speed) beyond the VM's own built-in features.

This means that KVM offers excellent speed and stability than VirtualBox, but KVM is a little more difficult to set up. However, if you can get past the para-virtualized drivers, you'll be well on your way to understanding why KVM is a popular option for hosting virtual machines.

To use KVM, start by confirming that your hardware is suitable for hardware virtualization:

sudo apt-get install cpu-checker

If the answer is "KVM acceleration can be used", proceed to install the software:

sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm libvirt-bin virtinst bridge-utils

You will be able to run KVM through your desktop using the Virtual Machine Manager, which you will find in the desktop menu.

Which distros run best in VM?

Once you have selected the appropriate application for the virtual machine, you will need to select your guest OS option. For example, you can easily run Windows on VirtualBox, although Windows 7 is probably the safest option.

Conversely, QEMU is suitable for running distributed ARM distributions such as Raspberry Pi's Raspbian or Android.

Meanwhile, something lightweight like Lubuntu will run on any of these VM tools.

Which VM tool should I use?

In this article, we looked at the three most popular options and talked about how they work. You can choose any of these programs, especially since they are all of high quality and work quite efficiently. But still, you need to choose the most interesting, convenient and fast VM.

VirtualBox great program for start virtual system. The interface is very user-friendly, which is a huge plus for beginners. It is also worth noting excellent optimization and overall speed work that gets better with every update.

If you still have questions on the topic “Virtual machines for Linux”, then write to us about it.

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Today I will tell you how to install a virtual machine in the ubuntu operating system. What is this and why? Virtual machine -- software environment, which is installed into your operating system and allows you to virtually create space for working with different operating systems from under yours. In this case, we have the ubuntu operating system installed. By installing a virtual machine on it, we can install several operating systems on it inside our operating system. virtual space. Why is this? There are plenty of options. For example, it didn’t install right away under ubuntu. Photoshop. I'm too lazy to remove the tambourine from the wall, so I solved the problem by installing Windows XP to the virtual machine, and installing Photoshop on Windows XP. You can also try working with different operating systems for informational purposes. linux family. With a virtual machine, there is no need to install an operating system on your hard drive next to your main operating system. Installing a new operating system in virtual environment and experimenting with this, a virtual machine will help us.

After downloading the environment, follow the four steps of the installation wizard. This is the only thing you need to view your desktop in full screen mode, as well as better support for all hardware in general. As you can see, there is no need to install any external packages or anything at all.

First of all, obviously we will need to collect necessary tools for the textbook. It's important to leave all the options at default unless we're completely sure what we're doing. We will specify the machine name and determine which operating system we will install, as shown in the following image. In the next step we will be asked about the hard drive. If we need to install an operating system, that is, no one has gone through our virtual hard disk and we need our computer with hard drive, we will now select the “Create a virtual hard disk” option.

Let's look at an example of using a virtual machine virtualbox

Installing a virtual machine virtualbox-- open Ubuntu Application Center

In the search bar enter

Virtualbox and install the virtual machine virtualbox

At this stage we are given the format that we want to provide to the virtual hard drive. If you want to use this hard drive in other virtualization software, we will choose the option that suits us best. To finish creating the machine, we will assign the virtual hard disk a name and an initial size, we can usually leave both values ​​at their defaults, but if we need to vary the size of the disk, it is advisable to always set the larger one to the smaller one.

You can find all these architectures in following links. Once you have the file. Once it's launched, you can launch the bootloader, which will display the installation options shown in previous page. Important note. Now we will create a new virtual machine for which we will right-click on the server, from the pop-up menu we will select “New Virtual Machine”.

The launch shortcut will appear in Applications - standard - VirtualBox OSE

Before the first launch, we need to add a user to the group to work with the virtual machine virtualbox. For this we go System -- Administration -- Users and Groups We find ourselves in

User Settings

The New Virtual Machine Wizard will show you your options. Typical: Create a virtual machine with general device and configuration settings. Custom: Create a virtual machine with additional parameters configurations. Select "Custom" and click "Next".

Now we will select the virtual hard disk type, options. We will specify the virtual hard disk size and software type,parameters. The space required for the virtual disk will be allocated during creation. Thin Provisioning: A small virtual hard disk will be created, it will use the minimum space initially required and it will grow to the maximum value specified as needed. Store with virtual machine: this normal option, the hard disk will be created in the same folder and data storage as the rest of the virtual machine files. Specify Datastore or Datastore Cluster: If we want the VHD files to be stored in the datastore storage down to the virtual machine level, we will be able to select this option. This hard drive will be reset to zero the first time the virtual machine is written to. . Select "Save using a virtual machine" and click "Next".


Group management, go to Group Settings

Finding a group vboxusers, go to its properties. We put a tick next to our user name

That's it, now you can start a virtual machine and install various operating systems on it

The default option "Independent" is not set, and we should not check it unless we are clear about its effects. We check the "Edit virtual machine settings before completion" option to change the settings of the virtual machine after it is created. Click Continue to create the virtual machine.

After creating the virtual machine, the wizard will display the virtual machine settings window. We will indicate the installation type and capabilities. This option is recommended for novice users or if we have data on a hard drive or another operating system. Something else: the wizard will allow us to select the splitting options manually, this option is recommended for experienced users. We will be sure that we do not have data on the hard drive because this process will eliminate them, we will click "Install Now".

And enjoy life

If you've dropped your laptop or otherwise broken or cracked your screen, it's not really a big deal. The laptop screen, which is correctly called a matrix, is not at all difficult to change yourself. It is enough to order and buy a matrix for your laptop model, and replace the broken one with a new one. In this case, you do not need to take your laptop for repair and pay money for the work of a third person.

With the text Installation complete. This gives us an advantage in being able to test different systems without having to format our equipment or create backups of information that took time. We install them with the following commands. We install it using the following command. We have two ways to install the application on our computer. The first is to add the repository to our system and perform the installation. This is how we take this step.

Now we move on to loading public key and installing it into the system. We have updated the repositories and installed the application. To install this method we have to go to official page. Now we simply open a terminal and install the downloaded package using the following command.

In one of the previous articles I talked about. Now let's try to make a virtual machine on which we will install Ubuntu.

You must first download the Ubuntu installation image. I recommend the LTS (long-term support) distribution of Ubuntu 14.04, which you can download from the official Ubuntu website.

Launch Virtualbox and click the “Create” button:

Finally, the installation is complete, we can find the application in our system menu to launch it and start testing various systems that we find on the web. First, we will briefly outline what it is, besides its advantages and disadvantages, followed by the appropriate installation of the application and creation of a virtual machine. A virtual machine is computer program, which imitates behavior full computer. That is, it is a program that allows us to have several simulated computers on one computer.

You can have several separate operating systems running in parallel. You can use it to do things you wouldn't do on your computer.

  • They are easy to create and wash.
  • You can enable or disable them at any time and even pause them.
  • The virtual machine receives its resources from the host computer.
  • Thus, it slows down the underlying operating system.
It is very easy to install as it is included in the official repositories. If you don't want to use Software Center, you can install it via terminal using.

Enter the name of the virtual machine, select Linux type, Ubuntu 32bit version (of course, Ubuntu 64bit is also possible):

Specify the allocated amount of RAM. By default, Virtualbox offers 768 megabytes for a virtual machine with Ubuntu, you can allocate more if possible:

The first thing we need to do is create our first virtual machine. When opening the program we will see the following window. To do this, click “Create” and we will start interacting with the creation assistant. When we run the wizard, it presents the program and we give "Next".

The first step is to name the machine to distinguish them from others, and from the operating system that we are going to install. This last part serves as the application's minimum operating system requirements for subsequent steps. But we must take into account the requirements of the operating system.

The next step is to create a hard drive. Select “Create a new virtual hard disk”.

You can leave the virtual hard disk type as “VDI”.

Storage Format: Dynamic Virtual Hard Disk (i.e. hard file the disk will increase as it fills. A fixed hard disk file immediately takes up all the space we allocate to it)

As in the previous section, we must consider the advantages that our computer has. It is enough for installation, but depending on what we provide to the virtual machine, we will adjust. If we have already created a virtual hard disk, we will simply specify the path.

But in this tutorial we will create a disk from scratch. We select “Create a new virtual disk” and clicking “Next” opens another virtual disk creation wizard. Now we need to select the virtual hard disk type. There are several programs for creating virtual machines, each of which uses a different format, viz.

Specify the name and size of the virtual disk (10-20 gigabytes is enough for Ubuntu)

The virtual machine has been created, but we need to configure it a little; in the Virtualbox window, select the created machine and open its settings.

In the “Display” settings you can increase the size of the allocated video memory and enable 3D acceleration

The next step in creating a virtual disk is choosing how to occupy disk space. Dynamic: The hard drive starts to take up as little space as possible, and as the virtual machine requires more space, it will expand until it reaches the limit we want at the next point. Dual boot allows you to determine at boot time which operating system you want to use. Benefits of a virtual installation.

The virtual machine will set up its own video configuration, so you don't have to worry about installing proprietary ones graphics drivers to get a reasonable screen resolution.

  • The size of the installation should not be predetermined.
  • This could be a dynamically modified virtual hard disk.
You can call the car as you wish.

Connect the downloaded one Ubuntu image

The sound can be turned off at your discretion:

In the simplest case, we only need one network adapter, the connection type is “NAT” (then the virtual machine will not be “visible” to other devices on the network) or “ Network bridge"(the virtual machine works as a full member of the network which can be accessed from any device on the network). If you selected “Network Bridge”, then you must also specify the “NAME” of the network adapter real computer through which the network connection will go:

In theory, a dynamically expanding virtual hard disk is best because it will only take over what you actually use. Read them and then you will also want to mark them so you don't see them again. We start with a base that has a computer with the OS installed, regardless of the version. With the default settings there is more than enough left. Keep in mind that if you exceed the virtual machine's resources, your computer will suffer. In addition, you always have time to change these settings when the virtual machine is turned off.

You can also connect a shared folder for simple exchange files between the host computer and the virtual machine. We indicate the path in the shared folder and I recommend turning on the “Auto-connect” item

After that, launch the virtual machine and install ubuntu. How.

Unlike a real installation, we have nothing to worry about. You will find it on virtual optical disk. To do this, simply go to the main window and click “Create a new virtual machine.” In the virtual machine creation wizard, the operating system installer will ask you to virtualize. We will only be prompted for a name and username to create a primary user account. We'll change the settings later if we see that the virtual machine isn't running as fast as we'd like.

“Create a virtual machine” or “Create a virtual machine” appears in the options panel. We can leave the default settings. If something doesn't work, we will only need to change it in the virtual machine configuration until a suitable option is found. However, there is a lot of fine print in this ad. For the average user this option is of little use.

Installing add-ons for guest OS

The next step is to install add-ons for the guest OS; they are necessary so that the guest OS can support usb devices, shared folders, dynamic change screen resolution, RDP server, etc.

With something that runs internally, you can use it whenever you need it without having to reboot. On the program launch screen, click the “Create” button. On the first screen of the Create Virtual Machine Wizard, enter a name for the new machine.

On the next screen, select the amount of memory that will be used by the virtual machine, and then click Next. In the Hard Disk section, select the Create a new virtual hard disk now checkbox. In the section "Physical storage on hard drives» check the “Dynamically assigned” checkbox, so the file on the disk will take up little space and grow if necessary.

To install add-ons for the guest OS in the window of a running virtual machine, open the menu item “Devices” - “Mount the Guest OS Add-ons disk image”:

After mounting the “Guest OS Additions” image, the disk will autorun and you will see a proposal to install add-ons, install them:

Next, enter the superuser password and the installation of add-ons for the guest OS will begin. After the installation is complete, press Enter and the console window in which the add-ons for the guest OS were installed will close:

To apply the additions for the guest OS, reboot the virtual machine.

Configuring access to a shared folder between the main and guest OS

The shared folder between the host computer and the guest OS is located in /media/sf_shared_folder_name. But there is no immediate access to it. To make access to a shared folder in the guest OS you need to run next command in the terminal:

Sudo adduser current_username vboxsf

This command adds current user to the vboxsf group, whose members have access to shared folders for the guest OS. After executing the command, you must reboot the virtual machine to apply the rights.

This completes the article on setting up a virtual machine with Ubuntu. See you again on the pages of our blog!

Linux OS is interesting to many users, but few dare to change Windows to it. However, if you delve into the essence of how this platform works, you will see that Windows is not the only possible variant(especially considering its high cost). First you need to understand how Linux way installed on a virtual machine.

What is needed to achieve this goal?

1. The processor must support hardware rendering
2. Installed application VM VirtualBox from Oracle (hereinafter referred to as VB)
3. Downloaded ISO image of the Linux operating system

Having installed a virtual machine (this is quite fast process), you can deal with the Linux OS itself.

Today you can find many variations of Linux developed on its kernel. Now we will look at the most common of them - Ubuntu OS.

1. Launch VB and click "Create".

Specify the VM name – Ubuntu, as well as OS type – Linux. You must also specify the platform version; it depends on the bit depth of the loaded OS - 32x or 64x.

2. We set the amount of RAM that should be allocated for the operation of the VM. In this case, the operating system will function normally with a volume of 1024 MB.

3. Create a new hard drive. Select the file type that is used when creating a new disk image. It is best to leave the item active VDI.

If we want the disk to be dynamic, then check the corresponding parameter. This will allow the disk space to grow as the VM fills with files.

We created a VM, but it is not currently active. To enable it, you need to launch it by clicking on the button corresponding to the name. Or you can double-click on the VM itself.

Linux installation

Installing Ubuntu is as simple as possible and does not require any special skills. After starting the VM, the installation program window will appear. It should indicate the location of the downloaded Ubuntu image.

With this image selected, we'll move on to next step. In the new window, select the interface language – Russian, so that the installation process is completely understandable.

You can get an idea of ​​the operating system in the first case, however full installation will allow you to better immerse yourself in its environment. Let's choose "Install".

After this, the installation preparation window will appear. Let's check whether the PC parameters are consistent with the developers' requirements. If yes, let's move on to the next step.

During installation, select the option that offers to erase the disk and install Ubuntu.

During the installation process, you can set the time zone and specify the keyboard layout.

The installation procedure will take approximately 20 minutes.

After its completion, the PC will automatically restart, after which the desktop of the installed Ubuntu will launch.

Installation Linux Ubuntu completed, you can begin to get acquainted with the system.