How to remove the ad blocker on Match TV. What will the average user do? Additional blocking options

Excessively intrusive advertising in large quantities not only distracts, but also interferes with work on the Internet. Sometimes it does not allow you to conduct full-fledged online activities at all. An effective tool for eliminating any of its types in browsers, including Yandex Browser, are special blocker programs. This is an excellent solution to get rid of its manifestations.

However, due to the incorrect display of site content, it is sometimes necessary to disable it for normal operation. We will talk about how to disable the ad blocker in the Yandex browser in this article.

Today there are several types, and we will talk about different ways to deactivate them, depending on which one you use. By following the instructions below exactly, you can disable the add-on without any problems.

Built-in tools

The built-in tool cannot be called a full-fledged blocker, since the effect is aimed exclusively at eliminating shocking advertisements (it is especially popular when children use the computer).

To disable the built-in troubleshooting feature:

In addition to this method, there is another option, the use of which is also possible:

Thus, you can easily and simply disable ad blocking using the built-in tool in the Yandex browser.

Third Party Extensions

When it comes to a full-fledged blocker, it often means an additionally installed browser extension. Today, there are a huge number of such extensions on the Internet, and each of them has its own key features, but almost all of them are turned off according to the same principle.

Therefore we do the following:

After this, the add-on will stop working and, if necessary, you can enable it using the same control menu without any problems.


If, for blocking purposes, not a simple extension is used, but specialized software, for example, the Adguard utility, which, by the way, allows you to remove ads as efficiently as possible, not only in browsers, but also in other applications on the computer.

So, in order to disable the blocker, you just need to go to the menu of the program you are using and uncheck the box next to Yandex Browser from the list of filtered applications that the utility works with.

To do this we do the following:

After this, the blocker will be disabled, but sometimes you need to additionally reload the page. When using any other program, correct the existing problem taking into account the functionality of the utility used. However, often the algorithms are approximately the same.

Now you know how to quickly and easily disable the ad blocker in Yandex without using third-party software, and you can do it yourself on your device.

  • Click on the Adblock Plus icon in the top right corner and click it
  • In the menu that opens, click on the line “Enabled on this site”
  • When you see “Disabled on this site,” refresh the page. Ready.
  • Pausing the ad blocker in Opera?
  • Click Adblock Plus in the top right corner of your browser and click on it
  • In the open program window, click on the line “Enabled on this site”
  • The message “Disabled on this site” should appear. Refresh the page and it's done.
  • How to disable Adblock Plus in Internet Explorer?
  • In the upper right corner, click the “Tools” button or the Alt+X key combination
  • Select the Adblock Plus program in the settings menu and click on it
  • In the lower right corner of the menu, click "Disable"
  • A new status for Adblock Plus will appear in the “Status” line – disabled. All.
  • Stopping Adblock Plus in Safari Browser?
  • In the upper left corner of the browser, click on the Adblock Plus movie
  • Select "Pause AdBlock"
  • By scrolling around the page you will unblock advertising on the site.
  • Why is there advertising on our website?

    In the modern world, the Internet has firmly entered our lives. Its age is only a few decades. The undoubted advantage that the Internet has given people is the very fast exchange of information. More and more users appreciate this network for organizing leisure time. It is worth noting that many more people are online than watching news on television or reading newspapers. Modern business has also moved to the Internet. Virtual advertising has displaced all other types of advertising. It is no longer possible to imagine large companies without a well-organized management website. The Internet is a tool that requires a reasonable approach. It has the ability to convey information to the target audience very quickly and easily. This is probably why Internet resources are completely covered by advertising. Advertising itself is neutral, what matters is how it is used and how it is presented.

    What is the purpose of advertising?

    It aims to attract potential buyers, investors and other people who may be interested in various types of products. Thanks to advertising information, many people learn about what is happening in the world, about discounts on goods and various services. Advertising can help you and tell you how to sell your property, how to profitably travel to other countries and which university to choose for your child. But users of Internet resources include not only adults, but also children, and the information they receive from various platforms, full of not just annoying, but also harmful advertising, causes irreparable harm. Such advertising can manipulate consciousness by taking advantage of human weaknesses. With its crude intrusiveness, harmful information creates ideals for beneficial stakeholders, this may not lead to the best changes in our society. And then, when we see such an overabundance of malicious information, an ad blocker is needed. That's when the desire to install an ad blocking program arises.

    Not many people understand that advertising is the main source of income for most sites. There is a contextual advertising service Google AdSense. This program places image and text ads on various websites. This service is very important for providing income to some websites that do not have their own funds for development. Thus, due to the income received from advertising, many Internet resources exist, the work of copywriters is paid, the performance of many projects is maintained, which means blocking advertising in full can harm many employers. Therefore, a user who has an ad blocker, when visiting such sites, will be asked to disable it.

    What and how best to use to block ads

    There are several ad blockers that can block all ads or work in partial mode, leaving a certain proportion of commercials. Of these, the two most popular programs are “Adblock” and “Adblock Plus,” which allow you to remove not only annoying advertising, but also allow social advertising to exist.

    Adblock is a popular browser extension. Despite the similarity in names and similar capabilities, they have completely different developers. Adblock is an ad blocking program released by Henrik Sorensen in 2002 that has the ability to hide certain elements of a page. And in 2004, Michael McDonald created an extension with a new name “Adblock Plus” with version 0.5, with a more advanced interface, with some innovations, such as: white lists, the ability to hide HTML elements, the ability to hide ads for each Internet resource separately. In 2006, McDonald handed over this project to Vladimir Palant, and he and other developers created a new add-on and extension for Adblock Plus. Adblock Plus was first successfully used for MozillaFireFox. Many users do not understand what exactly is the difference between these plugins. Who should I give preference to? Both ad blocking programs are based on the same filters. Both of these extensions are developed and regularly supported, so it is difficult to objectively give preference to one of them.

    Ad blocking is carried out using a subscription for Adblock and Adblock Plus, which are filtering rules. The subscription is usually posted on the website with regular updates. Many authors create subscriptions separately from Adblock Plus. The list is recommended for different countries in different languages. Such subscriptions are built into the extension and you can select any number from this list. It is not recommended to install many subscriptions; this will affect the speed of the ad blocker.

    How does ad blocking work?

    Adblock and Adblock Plus block HTTP requests at the source address, block various page elements, for example: scripts, iframes, images, Java and Flash objects, and others. The ad blocking program uses hiding rules, namely: ads on the page, tables.

    What will the average user do?

    An ordinary user who has run out of patience with annoying advertising will go to a search engine and type “Ad blocking program.” The first thing he will see is the Adblock Plus program, which is a leader in this area. But Adblock Plus blocks absolutely any advertising; Facebook and You Tube can be blocked by ads, and these are the ones that the whole world uses; if you lose them, you can lose a lot of interesting things. By default, the Adblock Plus and Adblock programs are installed without filters, but when you first launch they will offer to add a filter subscription with which you can block specific site requests. Therefore, before downloading Adblock and Adblock Plus, you need to understand what kind of advertising is useful and interesting to you. When installing the “ad blocker” tag, you need to immediately decide whether to block text advertising. At the moment, the work of Adblock Plus is to hide annoying advertising videos from your eyes.

    By clicking “Download Adblock” in the search engine, you need to disable the advertising you need in the settings. To do this, uncheck the highlighted item. You can also specify on which sites advertising should not be blocked. Now, when you visit any site with advertising, you will see a number indicating the number of blocked ads. To remove empty blocks or tags from blocked advertising on pages, you need to use an extension called “Hiding Elements”.

    Now we are faced with an abundance of advertising on Internet sites, which interferes with reading and viewing content, so many people set themselves ad blockers. The easiest way to block ads now is using the free Ad Block program. However, some sites require you to view their ads - in these cases, content is either limited or completely unavailable for blocked users. How to use ad blocking? You will find instructions for different browsers in this article.

    How to remove ad blocking in Google Chrome?

    Many of us use the Google Chrome browser. It has an intuitive interface, making it easy to disable ad blocking for this browser. Use the short step-by-step instructions:

    • First, look for the Ad Block icon in the top right corner of your screen. It consists of a white palm on a red background, located immediately after the browser command line. Right-click on this icon.
    • The program menu will open to you. In the first item after the counter of blocked advertisements, you will see the pause function. By selecting this item, you can disable the program for an indefinite period of time. You can also easily enable Ad Block again at any time.
    • Pay attention to other items on the menu. For example, the next paragraph suggests blocking ads on this page. If you wish, you can disable blocking for all sites except the one you open.
    • If you need to cancel the blocking to read or view specific material, you can select the next option - keep the blocking, but cancel it for a specific page.
    • If you often use one site that requires unblocking, the last item is suitable for you, allowing you not to start blocking on pages of one domain.
    How to remove ad blocking in Mozilla Firefox?

    Mozilla Firefox is also a fairly popular browser that many users have. Here, unblocking is done almost exactly the same as in the Google Chrome browser. You can cancel the blocking in several steps:

    • Click on the icon. In this browser, it appears as the letters ABP on a red background, making it immediately noticeable. However, here it is not located near the command line, but in the very corner.
    • Click on this icon and a menu will open in front of you. The first item allows you to disable blocking on all pages of the domain. The second point allows you to open an advertisement on the page. The third point suggests completely disabling Ad Block in this browser.

    How to remove ad blocking in Internet Explorer?

    This browser is installed on every computer by default. However, its interface is less visual and it is often difficult to remove ad blocking. To disable the blocking you need to open a special menu. You can do this as follows:

    • Open the Tools menu in the upper right corner. It is depicted as a gear; this is the outermost browser icon.
    • From this menu, select “Customize Add-ons”.
    • You will see the Ad Block program in the list. Click on it and then "Disable".
    • You will see in the status bar that the blocking is disabled.

    Advertising can be very annoying and interferes with our enjoyment of using the Internet. However, most sites operate only on advertising, so they suffer losses due to blocking. If a specific site requires you to disable blocking, this can be done in a few clicks without completely removing the blocking program or even disabling it for other sites.

    Dear users, if you have problems with registration or activation, you can contact our technical support team by email - [email protected].

    Question No. 1: How can I watch video in real time if I live in the region?
    Answer: At the moment, the portal does not always have the rights to video broadcasts in a particular region.
    Tip: Send us the result of visiting the page:

    Question No. 2: After registering on the site, I did not immediately confirm registration by accessing the link sent to me by email. After some time, I decided to activate my account, but received the message “User activation: Your link may be out of date, please register again.” When you try to register again using the same mailing address, a message is displayed stating that this mailing address is busy. What to do?
    Answer: To re-receive a link to activate your account on the portal: click “Login to the portal”, there is a link “Activation” (, indicate the same address, and you will receive a second letter with activation link.

    Question #3: How to take a screenshot?

    • To begin, press the Print Sreen button - as a rule, this button is located above the Insert button.
    • Now open the Paint program Start-Accessories-Paint
    • Paste the saved screen into the program: Edit-Paste.
    • Save in png format - file-Save as... Write the file name, and in the “File type” list select the “png” format.

    Question #4: What are “cookies”?
    Answer: You can read more about cookies.

    Question #5: How to disable traffic compression in different browsers?

    If you have a Google Chrome browser

    In the mobile version of the Google Chrome browser, traffic compression is disabled on the page: Settings > Traffic control > Enable.

    For Apple devices

    Traffic compression is disabled on the page: Settings > Traffic control > Traffic reduction.

    If you have a Yandex.Browser browser

    You need to disable "Toubro Mode" in the browser Settings menu:

    For Apple devices

    For Android devices

    If you have Opera browser for Windows/Mac/Linux

    You need to disable the "Opera Turbo" mode in the browser menu:

    If you have a Chrome browser for Windows/Mac/Linux with the "Traffic Saver" extension installed

    You need to disable traffic saving mode in the extension menu:

    If you have questions that are not described here, please ask them on our

    The holiday is approaching - International Women's Day. Let's prepare for it in advance. You can congratulate girls and women in an original way by using the postcard services discussed below.

    You can use the same services that we used for. Ready-made postcard services

    Create a postcard for March 8 online

  • Use the following services to create a postcard practically from scratch.
  • Canva is a well-known functional photo editor. Here you will find many templates. Registration required.
  • Printclick If you have your own business, then you can order a batch of postcards with the logo and contacts of your company. You can use the princlick postcard generator. Great promotion and inexpensive.
  • Crello is an editor that requires registration. Don't be afraid of the English language, you can switch to Russian in the settings.
  • An online postcard is for those who have a well-developed imagination, since you will have to create a postcard from scratch.
  • Mumotiki - prepare a beautiful picture, and you can add a congratulatory text here. By the way, if you just need to add text to a picture, then you can check out.

    I hope that by using one of these generators, you will be able to adequately congratulate your ladies on March 8th!

    Author: Ivanova Natalya 2019-02-17

    Google Plus is being closed The Google Plus platform did not live up to the hopes of the developers and will be completely removed on April 2, 2019. Along with it, the albums associated with it in Google Photos will disappear, and authorization on sites with a Google Plus account will become unavailable. As of February 4, the function of creating Google Plus profiles, channels and pages has become unavailable. If valuable content was stored on your account, then you can download a backup copy.
    The changes will most affect bloggers who run their blogs on Blogspot. Some G+ widgets, G+ comments, and your Google + profile will no longer be available. This is stated in the notification in the Blogger admin area:
    Following the announcement that the Google+ API will be decommissioned in March 2019, a number of changes will be made to Blogger's integration with Google+ on February 4th.
    Google+ Widgets. Blog designs will no longer support the +1 Button, Google+ Followers, and Google+ Badge widgets. All instances of these widgets will be removed from your blog.
    +1 buttons. The +1 and G+ buttons will be removed, as will the "Publish to Google+" links under blog posts and in the navigation bar.
    Please note that if you are using a custom template that has Google+ features, it may need to be modified. Please contact the person who provided you with this template for recommendations.
    Google+ Comments. Support for comments using Google+ will be discontinued, and all blogs that use this feature will be restored to standard Blogger comments. Unfortunately, comments posted via Google+ cannot be transferred to Blogger, so they will no longer appear on your blog. Deleting Google Plus comments Unfortunately, comments that were published in the system will be deleted permanently. You can only use the same tool to say backup comments from Google+ to your computer. Only there is no bootloader for it and you can only restore comments manually in a rather crooked way. It’s good that I was on time. How to replace a Google Plus profile with a Blogger profile If you blog on Blogspot, then it is advisable to now return from the Google Plus profile to the Blogger profile (for those who switched to Google Plus at one time). I recommend doing this right now to avoid unexpected situations that may occur when deleting Google Plus accounts. How to get your Blogger profile back. This is easy to do in the Blogger admin settings:
    Settings –> User Settings –> User Profile – here select Blogger

    Save your changes.

    Confirm the transition to and enter your name or nickname.

    Don't forget to upload an avatar on your Blogger profile.

    How to delete a Google Plus profile If you decide to get rid of your G+ profile once and for all, then go to your Google Plus page -> Settings -> scroll to the bottom of the page -> delete Google Plus account:

    Author: Ivanova Natalya

    Today I’ll tell you what CSS3 is, what it’s used with, where to look for it, and how to write it correctly. I warn you, I will tell from myself, simplified for the general public, as I see it + examples. So, let's start from afar.
    CSS are styles in which the properties of an object are written. This means that they are in all existing engines, if you cannot find them, then either you are looking in the wrong place, or they really do not exist ( crooked site). Where are they usually found? Usually this is the root of the site, the name of the style.css file, although, in principle, the name is not as important as the .css extension if the file with such an extension is a style file.
    See also on my blog.

    Where to look for them? The path to the file is assigned in the template between