Windows 10 disk loading 100 percent. Data backup function. Correcting errors and removing damaged files

Computers have become firmly established in people's lives and have literally become good helpers for work, study, etc. The average user spends about two or even more hours on a PC, but knows little about fixing a number of problems.

Due to the fact that the OS is constantly loaded various information, cache accumulation and other unnecessary files, residual documents that affect the speed of any operations. Sometimes it may happen that in new Windows Disk 10 is 100 percent loaded, but a number of actions with this outcome are incomprehensible. Don’t worry too much, because all problems can be solved!

A large number of various games, programs, documents various extensions, videos, films, music, etc. - all this is stored on special sections. The consequences of too much memory load can be: delayed response computer device, freezing, errors in operation. Moreover, the likelihood of such a problem does not depend on the release of your operating system, that is, you can encounter this difficulty even on the newest, most popular and highly praised Windows 10 operating system.

Why is there not enough memory on the drive?

In general, there are quite a lot of reasons for not having enough extra gigabytes on your hard drive. For example:

  • An update has occurred and all installed patches are now stored on the disk and take up space;
  • To protect your computer from unwanted loss of files and settings, there is a function to restore data for a certain date, and the function also takes up space;
  • The problem arises if the user uses search services in Windows or SuperFetch, which is capable of monitoring which applications the user most often works with;
  • The presence of damaged partitions and files;
  • A large number of installed additional programs.

How to identify the problem?

In order to understand what exactly prevents the computer from working properly, you need to look active processes, whose load is one hundred percent.


There are many options for getting rid of an intractable situation. Here are some of them.

Often the source of this situation is patches with innovations for the OS, which are offered by the Update Center. There are two variations here: either disable downloading updates, or wait for the installation process to complete. To stop auto-downloading and installing patches:

Data backup function

Otherwise it is also called backup. It also affects the performance of the computer, as it creates and stores archives with information and settings.

  • To make some adjustments and tweaks to the service, open the “Update and Security” section in the “Settings” window;
  • Go to "Backup Services" and then to "Other Options" and disable the feature.

Windows Search and SuperFetch

It is not uncommon for internal system components to begin to deteriorate. personal computer. For example:

Windows Search feature

This software is used to search and index documents. Sometimes the work of the search engine is disrupted, and it begins to “lag”, produce errors, freeze, which leads to fully loaded disk. In this case, it would be best to turn it off manually:

If the same problem occurs after some period of time, you will need to turn off Windows Search. For this:

Remember that if you disable the service, searches in Explorer will stop!


This software is necessary in order to maintain good condition and support the operation of the operating room. Windows systems. Its tasks include monitoring the list of frequently launched applications and transferring them to the system memory. Of course, this speeds up the launch procedure for some programs, but in order to achieve this effect, SuperFetch first spends a large number of memory. You can disable the service like this:

Process System

Don’t despair if you’ve already tried a bunch of options, but there’s still no result. The problem may be with the System. One of the conditions for the emergence of such difficulties may be a lack of existing rights. You can access it as follows:

Viral infection

One of the reasons may be virus attack, which is possible if a good antivirus program or it needs a serious update. It is possible that your computer has been infected.


Also, in addition to all the above points, it is also possible that system unit simply stopped functioning normally due to its old age or incorrectly connected cables and components.

There may be unreliable contact between the loops and various devices. To analyze the hard drive for the presence of such violations, you need to open the line for issuing commands (the opening method is described above) and in this application type the command chkdsk.exe /f /r. After this procedure, a PC restart is required.

Few regular PC users resort to such a function, and, probably, some category does not even know what it is for. The essence of defragmentation is that it helps improve the quality of the operating system by partially rewriting information.


Here, in general, are the main causes of disk problems and options for dealing with them. Regardless of the conditions and degree of neglect of the laptop or personal computer, there is no need to panic.

Thanks to this publication, in which every little detail is described in detail, any user, even a beginner, can try to resolve such violations without resorting to outside control.

There is one unpleasant feature in the Windows 10 operating system, which manifests itself in 100% loading of the hard drive. As a result, system performance drops, the computer slows down and freezes when performing even the simplest actions.

Ways to solve the problem

Often, the hard drive in Windows 10 is loaded by file fragmentation, backups, system updates, as well as processes such as svchost, system. To improve performance and fast loading, users disable from startup individual programs. However this action if the disk load is 99–100%, it is ineffective.

According to the analysis of methods for fixing the problem, the most in effective ways are:

  • Shutdown local recording Microsoft and the transition to local recording.
  • Disabling the paging file. To do this, right-click and select “Properties”, then click “ Extra options systems." A new window will open. In the “Advanced” tab, click on the “Options” button in the “Performance” section.

  • A new window will open. Go to the “Advanced” tab. Click “Change”.

  • Check the “No paging file” checkbox.

It is also worth disabling some services. To do this, perform the following steps:

  • Press “Win+R” and “ms”.

  • Disable the services “Windows Search”, “Superfetch”.

  • For the changes to take effect, you need to restart your computer.

Also, the load in Windows 10 can be caused by the “System” process. Instead of turning off this process, it is worth giving him more rights. To do this, perform the following steps:

  • Open “Task Manager” and right-click on the process. Go to the “Security” tab.
  • Select "All application packages". Click “Change”.

  • We give the service more rights. If the change fails, you need to change the owner of the system. To do this, click on the “Advanced” button in the same window and select your user.

If the “Task Manager” does not display the processes that load the disk, you should go to the “Performance” tab and click on the “Open Resource Monitor” button.

A new window will open. Go to the “Disk” tab and see which processes or applications are loading the Windows 10 disk at 100 percent. The solution here could be as follows: right-click on the process and select “End”.

If you couldn’t solve the problem with disk load in Windows 10, you should check the hard drive itself for functionality. Perhaps there are bad sectors, which are the reason slow work PC and system load.

How to solve the disk loading problem if the svchost.exe file is not a virus, watch the video:

Part two:

Many users do not know what to do if the hard drive is loaded at 100 in Windows 10. In the case when your PC slows down to a complete stop, despite the fact that only a few programs are running, the reason lies in the excessive load on the HDD. A disk load of 100 percent sometimes results in the computer not being able to perform even standard features operating system, not to mention additional tasks. As a result, all processes slow down and the computer may freeze completely.

This is a fairly common problem in Windows environment 10, but it can be solved. There are a total of 5 troubleshooting options that you can try, and at least 1 of them should work. First of all, you need to figure out whether the problem is really overload hard drive. If you are completely sure of this, then you can skip the next step.

Keep in mind that it can take a long time to figure out why your system is slowing down due to a computer malfunction. Need to enter task manager in the Windows search bar and select “Task Manager”. On the Processes tab, you should pay attention to the percentages at the top of the Disk column. If a value of one hundred percent or close to it is displayed on a red background, it is sure sign that the disk is overloaded. Below are a few ways to fix the problem that have already helped others Windows users 10.

Disabling the search function

To determine whether overload is causing Windows disk Search, you need to temporarily disable the search option and check whether the computer will run faster after that. If there is an improvement, then it will be possible to disable this feature permanently. Windows Search makes searching for files on your PC faster. If you do not use it or use third party application for search, which means you can disable it without consequences. This will stop indexing all files, but you will still have access to search, which will now take longer. You need to keep in mind that this function will work again after restarting the computer. To disable search, which can load the disk, you need to do the following:

  1. On the keyboard, simultaneously press the button with Windows logo and the letter X, then select " Command line(Administrator)".
  2. A window with a black background should appear, which is the command prompt. Here you need to enter the command net.exe stop “Windows search”.
  3. Press Enter on your keyboard and check if your computer's performance has changed in better side. If this is the case, then you need to permanently disable Windows Search.

To permanently disable this function, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Use the Windows key combination + R to enter services.msc in the line.
  2. Find parameter " Windows Search" and double-click on it with the mouse to open the "Properties" window.
  3. Change the startup type to "Disabled". Then click “Apply” and OK to save the changes.

Disabling SuperFetch and checking the disk

SuperFetch helps reduce loading times and make compulsory programs more effective. But it happens that Windows 10 loads the disk 100 percent due to this process. To stop this service, you need to do the following:

  1. Click “Yes” in the “User Account Control” window.
  2. The command line will appear again, where you will need to enter net.exe stop superfetch.
  3. Press Enter on your keyboard. Wait a few minutes to see if your PC's performance improves.

The next solution is to perform a disk check. To do this you need to follow these steps:

  1. Use the Windows key combination + X to select “Command Prompt (Admin).”
  2. Click “Yes” in the “User Account Control” window.
  3. Enter the command chkdsk.exe /f /r in the line.
  4. Press Enter on your keyboard and type Y to confirm that you want to check the disk the next time you restart your computer. You need to make sure that all applications are closed.

The disk check will begin the next time you start your computer, and this process may take a long time to complete (up to 24 hours).

If you don't have time to wait for the disk check to complete when rebooting, you can skip it.

But in this case, you will have to program it to start again.

Clearing virtual memory and disabling antivirus

Virtual memory can be considered an extension physical memory your computer. It is a combination of RAM and hard disk space. When there is not enough RAM to complete a task, Windows temporarily stores data in virtual storage, and then transfers them back to RAM. As a result, the system can load the disk at 100 percent.

To reset virtual memory you need to do the following:

  1. On the keyboard, simultaneously press Windows buttons and Pause/Break. Then select "Advanced" system settings" in the left panel.
  2. Go to the Advanced tab, then click Settings.
  3. Go back to the Advanced tab and select Change under Virtual Memory.
  4. Make sure that the “Automatically select paging file size for all drives” checkbox is unchecked.
  5. Choose system disk(partition on which the operating system Windows), enter the minimum and maximum sizes for virtual memory. Minimum size is a value that depends on your computer. If you don't know what number to enter, you can use the recommended value. Maximum size shouldn't be too big. It is desirable that it be 1.5 times the amount of RAM. For example, a PC with 4 GB of RAM should have no more than 6 GB of virtual memory. After entering the values, click “Set” and OK to continue.
  6. Clear all temporary files on your computer. Use the Windows + R key combination, enter temp in the line and press Enter. This action will cause Windows Explorer With open folder Temp, where all temporary files are stored.
  7. Select all files in Temp folder and delete them.

If you have an antivirus program installed, such as Norton, Kaspersky, AVG, or Malwarebytes, you may need to disable it temporarily to see if it is causing disk problems. If after such a shutdown the disk starts working normal mode, you need to file a complaint with the supplier software or just download another antivirus.

Please note that Microsoft has its own antivirus program Windows Defender, set by default.

It turns on automatically even if you have other anti-malware applications installed. Windows tool Defender is able to protect the system while the replacement is carried out third party antivirus. Many users even use this solution as their only security program.

Very often a problem arises when, due to the fact that in Windows 8 the hard drive is loaded at 100 percent, the system begins to slow down. In some cases, this can lead to freezing and data loss. This phenomenon can also be observed in more earlier versions Windows, however, in G8 this problem occurs much more often.

Before moving on to solving the issue, you should understand why this happens, what programs can cause heavy loading of the HDD (hard drive), and also in what cases this is normal. This knowledge will help you in solving the problem associated with heavy hard drive loading. Let us immediately note that it is guaranteed to help you -.

Why Windows 8 loads hard drive at 100 percent

The hard drive can boot different programs, in particular, bootloaders. Such utilities include:

  • Service Windows updates 8.
  • Various downloaders, for example, torrent client, DC++, browsers and so on.
  • Games and installation assistant programs.

In addition, to download hard drives may be affected by various malicious programs (so-called viruses). Another reason high load may be hiding in the strong HDD fragmentation. This means that you have been using the operating system for a long time, regularly install and uninstall programs, and various files. In this case, it is recommended.

In addition to all of the above, heavy loading and system slowdown can occur as a result of hard drive wear. It should be understood that each computer part has a specific resource. Moreover, the service life may vary depending on how you use it.

As a rule, if an operating system is installed on the hard drive, and you constantly install and uninstall various programs, games, and so on, then the service life of the HDD can be significantly reduced and amount to about 5-7 years. If you use it as an additional memory drive for storing files, then the operating life will be much longer.

Checking the performance of the hard drive is quite simple. For this there are various utilities, for example, Victoria or HDD Regenerator. However, it is worth remembering that it is not recommended to perform such checks unless necessary, as they also shorten the life of the device. It is recommended to use them only in cases where you have any problems with the drive.

How to install an SSD hard drive in a computer: Video

Solving the problem with heavy hard drive loading

It goes without saying that, depending on the source of the problem, the solution will be different. In order to see which process in Windows 8 is loading the hard drive at 100 percent, you should open the “Resource Monitor”. This is done as follows. Sign in to your desktop. Right-click on the taskbar and select “Task Manager” from the menu that appears.

In the window that opens, click the “Details” button, it is located at the bottom of the menu. Here, open the “Disk” tab and see what processes are loading the hard drive. In this program you can not only watch processes, but also terminate them.

If it is system update services or some kind of boot loader, then to solve the problem just wait for the data to load. If you don’t want to wait, just close the corresponding program. Downloaders such as UTorrent or DC++, in addition to downloading, can also distribute information, so they scan the hard drive and share files. At these moments it is observed high load to disk.

If this does not help, then check the system with some antivirus. It is quite possible that the computer was penetrated malware. Another reason for the heavy load on the hard drive is that the operating system Windows system 8 has temporary file SWAP. It does not have a specific volume and is necessary in cases where the system does not have enough RAM. In such cases, this file takes up a certain space on the HDD, using it as a virtual one RAM. The solution to this problem is to expand the RAM.

If you have checked your hard drive with Victoria or HDD Regenerator and you have bad sectors, this means it’s time to purchase new HDD, since the old one is already on the verge of breaking. Of course, it can still be used for quite a long time, but only as additional storage, because if you use it as the main one, then at any time you can lose important data.

Windows 8 does not see external hard drive: Video