How to avoid copying marked files in Windows Explorer. How to copy a web page if it has copy protection installed

How can I copy a web page if the page has copy protection installed? Many of us have visited sites on the Internet where we were unable to copy the contents of the site page in the usual way.

To copy content, select the content of the web page right click mouse to then copy the selection, but it’s not possible to save a web page this way. This site may have copy protection software or plugins installed.

The plugin blocks the use of mouse selection. Many webmasters want to protect their intellectual property to protect content from copying.

Some not very conscientious site owners copy the contents of other people's articles on other sites and publish the copied articles under their own name.

Most of those who copy articles on website pages are still conscientious people. They copy just so they don't lose necessary information. The addresses of visited sites are lost; it is not always possible to remember on which site you previously saw this information, which has only become necessary now.

But, unfortunately, and for some, perhaps fortunately, 100% copy protection does not exist. There are several ways to copy the content of a website page or a specific article on a website.

The easiest way is, of course, simply copying the text from the site page, but this is a rather labor-intensive process.

You can bookmark an individual web page or site in your browser, but this is not copying.

There are several more copying methods, and I want to tell you about them. You'll learn how to copy a web page even if the site has content copy protection installed.

Web page screenshot

The second easiest way is to take a screenshot of the entire page or a specific article.

Using the operating room Windows systems, when you press the keyboard key " Print Screen", copying occurs open page site. After copying to the clipboard, we can open the page in graphic editor, for example, in the built-in operating system graphic Paint editor.

In the Paint editor, click on the “Home” tab, and then on the “Insert” button. After inserting an image, you can edit it if necessary, and then save it in the desired graphic format.

The disadvantages of this method are that the copy is saved as graphic file, it will not be possible to edit the text in it; not the entire page can be included in the image if it does not completely fit on the monitor screen.

For those users whose computers have operating systems installed Windows Vista and Windows 7 (in older editions), installed good program for taking screenshots - Scissors.

With its help, you can copy not only the entire page, but also a separate part of the article, or just the article itself if it is small. This can also be done using other programs for taking screenshots, as well as using appropriate browser add-ons (extensions).

How to save a web page as a web document or web archive

Let's consider the question of how to copy a web page in the most popular browsers.

In the browser Internet Explorer you will need to enter the “Tools” menu => “File” => “Save as...” (or simultaneously press the “Ctrl” + “S” keys on the keyboard). After this, an Explorer window opens.

In the Explorer window, after choosing a save location, you are offered several options to choose from for saving the file.

If you selected the options: “Web page in full” or “Web page, only HTML”, then after saving the page, next to the file - “HTML document”, a folder with the contents of the site page will be saved.

After opening the web archive, you will see the saved page of the site, from where you can copy in the usual way the entire page, or just the article, or part of the article for further editing or saving, for example in Word program from Microsoft Office.

IN Opera browser you need to click on the “Opera” button, then “Page” => “Save as...”, then select the save option, similar to the Internet Explorer browser.

In the browser Mozilla Firefox you need to click on the “Firefox” => “Save as...” button, then select the desired option for saving the web page. Saving in a web archive in the Mozilla Firefox browser is possible if you install in Firefox browser corresponding extension.

To copy a web page in the browser Google Chrome you should click on the “Settings and Google management Chrome" => "Save page as...", then you need to select a saving method from two options: “Complete web page” or “Web page, only HTML”.

Save a web page to PDF using a virtual printer

Virtual printer allows you to convert any document or image from a program that supports printing into PDF format.

To use a virtual printer in Internet browsers Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, you need to install a program on your computer - a virtual printer, for example.

On in this example, I use free program- virtual printer Bullzip PDF Printer.

The installation of the program is standard, and it occurs in Russian. The program is installed into the operating system as a virtual printer. After installation on your computer, Bullzip PDF Printer appears in the list installed printers and faxes.

After you have visited the site page that you need to save, in your browser settings you need to click on the “Print” item.

In the window that opens, you will need to select the Bullzip PDF Printer virtual printer from the list of installed printers. After this, you need to click on the “OK” button.

The page is saved to your computer, and you, in the Explorer window, must select a location for save PDF file.

Read on to learn how to copy a web page using a browser.

Saving a page as PDF in Google Chrome browser

Using Google browser Chrome, it is possible to save site pages as PDF file, without using a third-party virtual printer. A virtual printer is built into the Google Chrome browser.

To do this, press the key combination “Ctrl” + “P” on your keyboard. In the “Print” window that opens, in the “Target printer” tab, select “Save as PDF”.

The web page will be saved in PDF format.

RightToClick extension for Mozilla Firefox

By installing this extension to the Mozilla Firefox browser, you can remove protection from using the right mouse button to select the desired content on the site for further copying.

To install the RightToClick add-on, you need to click on the “Firefox” => “Add-ons” => “Get add-ons” button. In the “Search among add-ons” field you need to enter the expression “RightToClick”. On the RightToClick extension page that opens, click on the “Add to Firefox” button, and then on the “Install now” => “Restart now” link.

On the panel Mozilla browser Firefox (at the top or bottom), there will be an icon for the RightToClick extension, in the form of an arrow.

Now, in order to copy text or images from a web page where the right mouse button is blocked, just click on the RightToClick extension icon.

After this, you will be able to copy the contents of a web page using a selection using the right mouse button.

Conclusions of the article

There are several ways in which you can copy a web page to your computer.

When copying text from the Internet into the Word text editor, very often the text is copied along with . In most cases, this background is not necessary and should be removed.

In this article we will talk about how to remove such a background from a text message. Word editor. The material will be relevant for modern Word versions, including Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016.

Option number 1. Do not copy text with styles.

If you don't need the background of the text, then it's best not to copy the text with styles. So you will only get original text and nothing extra. In the future, you can independently format the text copied from the Internet as convenient for you.

To copy only text from the Internet, paste it into Word without using the combination CTRL-V keys, and by clicking with the right mouse button. In this case, you will have the opportunity to choose exactly how you want to paste the copied piece of text. To insert only text, use the button with the letter “A”.

In addition, to paste text copied from the Internet, you can use the key combination CTRL-ALT-V. In this case, the window “ Special insert" In this window, you need to select the “Unformatted text” item and click on the “Ok” button.

After that in Word document a piece of text copied from the Internet will be inserted, but without the background and other styles.

Option number 2. Remove the background after copying.

You can also remove the background after copying the text from the Internet. To do this, select the text you copied from the Internet, go to the “Home” tab, click on the arrow next to the “Text Highlight Color” button and select the “No Color” option.

If this does not help and the background does not disappear, then the problem may be that the background color is set for the entire page at once. To remove such a background, go to the “Page Layout” tab, click on the “Page Color” button and select the “No Color” option.

If the text contains tables, then the text background can be set in the table parameters. In order to remove such a background, you need to select the text in the table, go to the “Design” tab, click on the “Fill” button and select the “No color” option.

Also on the “Design” tab, you can select one of the standard table styles and thus remove the text background.

A site for beginner computer and Internet users.
In articles with descriptions or explanations of their use, the expression is often found, copy, move and delete text fragments. Naturally, a person who has recently sat down at a computer and has no information on this topic finds himself, as they say, in a difficult situation. That's why, so that you are always fully armed and don’t get lost, I will show you several ways to perform this action.

Method one.

As shown in, install mouse cursor arrow, at the beginning of the required fragment (let's assume below).

Click left button(LMB) and holding it move the mouse, and with it the cursor until the end of the required selection. And carefully, without moving the cursor, release the button.

As a result, you received the allocated blue flowers object to copy or move. Now to copy it, move the cursor over the object and, pressing the right mouse button, click COPY.

Having opened the folder or file intended for this operation, press the right button and select INSERT. Then be sure to save the changes.

If you need to delete some part of the text, then after selecting the area to be deleted, press the button DELETE or BACKSPASE. The command is also suitable for this action CUT. Having selected the text, open the dialog box with the right button and click on this inscription.

The area will be instantly deleted and forget to save the updated file after that.
But if you want to move this deleted fragment to another location, then by opening the destination folder, open the window with the same right button and click INSERT.

All this is due to the fact that by performing simple mouse clicks you save pieces of information to the so-called “clipboard” and it remains there until the next time you perform the same
actions, after which it works with the new object.
I think this is the easiest of the common methods of manipulating files and does not require deep knowledge.

Second way.

This is a combined method, where both mouse selection and keyboard buttons are used. For this:

1. Select the required fragment using the cursor.

2. Place the cursor inside the selection.

3. On the keyboard, press the Ctrl key and, without releasing it, press the left mouse button.

4. Hold down both keys (Ctrl and LMB), move the pointer to the place where the copy of the fragment should be located.

5. Release the mouse button, and then the Ctrl key.

Method three.

Here we will use selection and combinations of pressed keys.

1.) Select the LMB object.

2.) Clicking Ctrl combination+ C - we perform the copy action.

3.) Then open the destination, click LMB and Ctrl + V - paste.
With these simple methods Dear users you can copy, move and delete fragments from any part of the text.

By the way, some of these methods are used to edit photos on a PC in Photoshop. Therefore, be sure to practice first text files, to secure this material.

And that’s all I have on this topic for now, not because I have run out of methods for performing these actions, but so as not to get into your head right away a large number of information.

P.S. If any of you know any more interesting features on this topic, please write in the comments, I’ll be glad to chat. And if any of you found this article useful, don’t forget to mark it by clicking one of the buttons social networks.Thank you.

If you select multiple files or folders in Windows Explorer When you simultaneously press the "Ctrl" key, a phenomenon appears that drives many beginners into despair. It is unclear why and quite unexpectedly, all selected elements are copied. Why this happens, how to avoid it and how to get rid of newly appeared copies will be discussed in the next article.

How do copies appear inWindowsExplorerwhen is the selection done?

The problem of unwanted file copying is related to the double function of the "Ctrl" key. After marking, while holding down this key, you can select additional objects, lines from text, or cells in Excel document. This function is usually used when you want to select several objects located in different places.

But it is in Windows Explorer that this function conflicts with another command, which is also executed using the "Ctrl" key - copying elements. This very practical feature helps the user to quickly copy passages of text or graphics.

If you selected several files or folders in Windows Explorer using the "Ctrl" key, but at the same time moved the mouse even a millimeter, the program will perceive this movement as a copy command. Attempts to delete copies that also use the Ctrl key to select them usually result in more and more copies appearing. And within a short period of time, a large number of files appear with the names: Copy..., Copy (2)..., Copy (3)... etc.

How to avoid copying?

Copying can be avoided in only one way: click on files or folders with the cursor, but do not move the mouse. Hold it tightly and make a few so-called “clean” clicks. If you are unsuccessful, click the mouse button somewhere in the right field of the window and try again. As they say, repetition in this case is the mother of learning! If, after numerous attempts to select elements, you still cannot avoid copying, you have no choice but to select elements one by one and process them.

A quick way to remove unwanted copies inWindowsExplorer

Select a detailed mode for viewing the contents of the folder (the "Browse" control button is located at the top left of command line Windows Explorer). Set sort by name. To do this, click on the line title (name).

Click on the first file whose name begins with “Copy of…”. Keep the shift key pressed and click on last copy file. With such block marking “from ... to” everything should be fine. Press the "Delete" key on your keyboard and confirm the Windows system request, which will ask you if you really want to delete the selected files by clicking on the "OK" button. If copying occurs again, try again to delete the copied folders.