Convenient online software store for Windows. How to set up child monitoring using Ammyy Admin

How to monitor employees, monitor children or monitor a person at a computer?

It's hard to imagine everyday life modern man without using a computer or mobile devices, connected to the global network and used daily to receive and process information for personal and business purposes. Computers have become a part of the lives of not only adults, but also teenagers and children who spend several hours on the Internet every day.

Modern schoolchildren from the first grades learn to use computer technologies and actively use them for educational and entertainment purposes. Unfortunately, the Internet is flooded not only with workshops on solving problems in physics or mathematics, which do not pose a threat to the fragile child’s psyche. Global network contains countless unsafe websites, including extremist, sectarian and adult sites, which can cause serious harm to the normal development of a child as a person and lead to problems in the future. Agree, you would not want your child to study occult rituals or view pages of dubious content instead of doing homework after school.

Due to the above, many parents may have a very reasonable question: “How to protect a child from the harmful influence of the Internet?”, “How to find out what a child is doing in free time at the computer?”, “Who does your beloved child communicate with?”, “ How to organize supervision of children?».

There are a lot of programs for monitoring computer activity and spyware, but, as a rule, they are all paid, reduce the performance of the computer and are easily detected even by inexperienced users. In reality, you will only be able to view the contents of log files with data entered on the keyboard and, in some cases, screenshots. In addition, you can view these log files only on the computer where these files were created. Those. if you are in a remote location, you will not be able to view these files. Of course you can customize automatic sending these logs to mail or a server, but this is associated with additional difficulties and waste of time. Besides, it's just inconvenient.

For full control over children, it can be very convenient to use programs for remote access to a computer via the Internet. Some of these programs are very easy to set up, or to be more precise, they practically do not require it and are able to instantly establish a connection with any computer connected to the Internet.

One such program is Ammyy Admin. And despite the fact that the main application area of ​​the program is the provision of remote technical support, features and versatility of Ammyy Admin make it easy to use it as a tool remote control for the children. When it comes to business, monitoring and control of employees is also one of the areas of application of the program.

Why should you use Ammyy Admin for remote control of children?

  1. You can connect to any PC in a few seconds.
  2. You can view the image of the remote computer from any other computer connected to the Internet. No tedious settings, registrations or installations!
  3. Ammyy Admin bypasses all known firewalls and antiviruses (which cannot be said about programs keyloggers) and does not require installation. At correct settings It will be practically impossible to detect Ammyy Admin.
  4. Your child will never realize that someone is watching him in real time.
  5. You can interactively include voice chat and listen to what is happening on the side of the remote PC.
  6. Ammyy Admin is completely free for home use, provided that you have not exceeded the usage limit of the free version.

How to set up child monitoring using Ammyy Admin?

So, the procedure for setting up the program is extremely simple and will not take more than a minute.

What to do on remote computer, which we will monitor:

What to do on the computer from which we are monitoring:

If you want to organize employee control by monitoring their work computers, then the laws of some countries require you to warn them about this. In any case, it will be useful to do this, because... knowing that the computer is under surveillance, the employee will not engage in extraneous activities on the work computer, which will reduce the risk of infecting the computer with viruses and leaking confidential information, and will also increase useful working time.

Tracking a user by secretly installing a keylogger program on his computer is not only a low moral act, but also a criminal offense. However, the situation changes radically when it comes to parents monitoring their children and monitoring by the management of organizations the activities of their employees. In both cases, the object of tracking will not be the full owners of the computers, but the persons to whom the equipment is entrusted with certain restrictions. Children can use the computer within age restrictions. And company employees are required to use the devices entrusted to them for the duration of their work only to perform official tasks. The employer has the right to periodically check the performance of his employees. But parents not only have the right, they are obliged to monitor the fragile psyche of their children, which can be disturbed by both banal rudeness on Internet forums and blogs, and serious things like porn, games promoting violence, teenage trolling on social networks, etc. For parents and employers who control their children and employees, respectively, the developers of the Jetlogger program created their product - a keylogger that operates unnoticeably in Windows environment. The Jetlogger program will be discussed further.

Important: The use of spyware as a tool to steal confidential information and for other illegal purposes entails criminal liability.

1. About the program

Jetlogger more complex programs type of parental control, since it works unnoticed by the user and allows you to track his actions in the finest detail. Jetlogger can do a lot, the program:

  • collects information about all programs, games, and open sites running on the computer;
  • monitors queries entered into search engines;
  • keeps track of time spent on specific programs, games and sites;
  • records the total time of activity at the computer;
  • remembers text typed on the keyboard;
  • monitors the clipboard, created and edited files;
  • after a certain period of time takes screenshots of the entire screen and photos from the webcam;
  • provides 4 mechanisms for delivering work reports, as well as a remote access mode with real-time tracking of user actions.

All these functions can be tested for free in the trial version of Jetlogger for a month. The only limitation of the trial version will be the inability to use the program in practice due to a demonstrative notification that the computer is in tracking mode in the right top corner screen.

The notification will disappear after activating the program. Jetlogger is distributed across paid subscription, the cost of which is 680 rubles. per month. An annual subscription is several times cheaper - 240 rubles. per month, but keep in mind that this option may be a waste of money if the keylogger is detected and removed from the system.

2. Install Jetlogger

At the first stage of installing the program, click the “Settings” option.

Jetlogger doesn't install like regular program: its files will be placed in a hidden folder on drive C “ProgramData”; it will not appear in the list of uninstaller programs and in startup. Autostart of Jetlogger is not initially provided, but is configured within the program and right at the stage of its installation.

To launch the program at first it is intended regular shortcut on the desktop. After studying the specifics of Jetlogger's operation and the hot keys for opening it, the shortcut on the desktop is accordingly destroyed. But before you start studying the program, you need to do some work in the system.

3. Adding Jetlogger to antivirus exceptions

The creators of Jetlogger claim that their brainchild, despite the fact that it is spyware, is not recognized as malware by antivirus software installed on computers in 95% of cases. The creators do not say which specific antivirus products they are talking about we're talking about, but it has been empirically verified that these 95% definitely do not include the staff Windows Defender 10. It blocks Jetlogger literally a couple of minutes after installing it. So in any case, at the next stage after installing the program, you need to add it to the exclusion list (aka White list) antivirus folder along the path:


4. Settings

Having launched Jetlogger, first turn to the “Settings” section. In the first tab “Basic” we can assign autorun if this function was not enabled during installation, and change the preset hotkeys for opening the program. Any changes to the settings must be additionally confirmed with the save option at the bottom of the window.


The second tab “Monitoring” is intended for setting up individual types of monitored data - screenshots and webcams, programs used, sites visited, files operated on, etc. Any type of monitored data can be disabled if it is not of interest or consumes too much system resources. Some types of tracked data are additionally configurable. Thus, for webcam images and screenshots, you can change the conditions for their creation. The latter, depending on the capabilities of the computer, can be created in the worst or best quality. Snapshot storage can be limited to a certain amount of disk space.


Tracking operations with files provides the ability to refuse tracking of individual actions such as creation, deletion, modification, renaming. To capture data entered from the keyboard, you can configure the storage of hot key combinations.

5. Enable tracking

The tracking process is turned on and off using the green toggle button at the top of the window. Nearby there is a button in the shape of an eye; it is responsible for transitioning Jetlogger to hidden mode, the exit from which after deleting the program shortcut, we recall, is carried out using hot keys.

6. Report display

The data tracked by the keylogger will be displayed in the corresponding sections of the report.


7. Delivery of tracking reports

Let's go back to the program settings. In the “Report Delivery” tab, Jetlogger can be configured to automatically send reports after a certain period of time, at a specified time, when the computer is idle or turned off. Reports can be sent to email, FTP server, to cloud storage. Reports can also be saved in specific folder on your computer that you can hide.


Sent by email or FTP, to the cloud or a folder on your computer, the report will contain captured images, as well as an HTML file with an activity graph and a detailed list of tracked actions.


Jetlogger tracking reports can be viewed remotely - in the program interface installed on another computer. Remote connection carried out using cloud storage. In this case, reports will be updated in real time. But to do this, you initially need to make some settings in Jetlogger on the computer of the tracking object. Click “Connect” at the bottom, then “Start”.


Of the two possible actions, select “Allow connections to this computer.” In the drop-down list, select any of the cloud storages supported by the program and enter authorization data.

These ID and password must subsequently be entered into Jetlogger on a remote computer in order to gain access to program data on the computer of the tracking object. On the remote computer, also click “Connect”, only select the “Connect to another computer” option. Enter your ID and password and click the “Connect” button.


After which the tracked data will be displayed in the program interface current computer, and the computer of the tracking object.

8. Computer performance

Spies usually slow down Windows, and Jetlogger is no exception in this regard. The program was tested on a computer with average hardware characteristics, and the decrease in system performance when the tracking function was enabled immediately became noticeable. Before deciding to purchase a program license, it is advisable to thoroughly test its operation. specific device. If performance is noticeably degraded, it may make sense to stop Jetlogger from capturing certain types of data. Thus, in the event of a sharp decrease in computer performance, the tracking object may suspect the presence of malware and check the computer antivirus utilities or LiveDisk, which will block Jetlogger.

9. Uninstall Jetlogger

As mentioned, Jetlogger does not appear in the list of uninstallers. Uninstallation of a program is provided within the program itself - in the “Advanced” section.


Have a great day!

Personal Monitor
for parental control

The best computer tracking program

The Mipko Personal Monitor program monitors (also covert surveillance is possible) the computer in 14 positions. Options for monitoring and covert surveillance of employee computers can be configured for each of the positions, or for several at once. The program interface is simple and easy to use; anyone can operate it.

I purchased your program when the need arose to control the child. He spent a lot of time on social networks, then disappeared somewhere on the street. To somewhat know what to expect, I looked for a program to track visited pages on social networks and intercept clicks. Your program has these functions in full.

Sergey Fedorov

Protection for your child

personal monitor for windows

Free version
for 3 days

Very convenient and intuitive interface

In order for anyone to use the program, its creators gave each interface action a simple name. Here you will not find complex technical terms, and the display of settings, work process and monitoring of computer tracking results will be clear even to those who have just begun to get acquainted with a PC.

Interception of messages in Skype, GTalk, Qip, ICQ, Mail.Ru Agent, Miranda and other instant messengers

It's no secret that services instant messages are now extremely popular. Often, with their help, not only personal communication, but “bad” things are also discussed. ICQ interception occurs due to the fact that the user types his message on the computer keyboard.

Recording information entered from the keyboard

It is rare that a computer at home or in the office does not have a keyboard. The surveillance program records words and phrases in any language, as well as symbols, in its database.

Monitoring the contents of the clipboard

The great advantage of the program is the ability to covertly monitor even seemingly insignificant operations. This way you will always know the contents of the clipboard, which an ordinary user simply cannot do without while working on a computer.

Screenshots (screenshots) after a specified period of time

Monitoring intermediate stages of work on a PC also includes screenshots. Together with textual "intelligence" they help to get a complete impression of what is happening on the computer on which the program is installed. Depending on the settings, screenshots can display what is happening on the PC, as in equal intervals time and with each mouse click.

Monitoring visited sites

Are you surprised where your traffic is going? Monitoring your computer will help you answer this question. You will receive a detailed report of all sites visited by the user. In addition, a list of addresses where your child accessed the Internet will easily explain why you are once again called to school. Hidden monitoring of visits to Internet sites will also make it clear why an employee of your company did not have time to prepare the monthly report on time.

Visible/invisible operating mode

Depending on the tasks you set, the monitoring program can work in both visible and invisible mode. In invisible mode, keylogger is not noticed not only by the users themselves, but also by anti-virus programs installed on computers (for this you must add Mipko Personal Monitor to the exceptions).

Monitoring program startup and termination

A significant addition to the picture of what is happening on a particular computer is monitoring the startup and closing of programs. This function can be useful both for finding out the causes of any technical problems, and for determining the timeliness or untimeliness of using this or that software application.

Monitor computer startup/shutdown/reboot

Another function of the monitoring program, designed to reveal the mysteries of PC behavior. Monitoring the computer's on/off/reboot allows you not to miss a single detail in the chain of events occurring with the machine/machines.

Full multi-user support

For better or worse, modern realities are such that every year more and more of our personal space flows into communication with the computer. Many professions today can no longer be performed without the use of a PC; almost every family, especially those with growing children, also tries to acquire one.

Accordingly, if people spend a lot of time at the computer, then someone may have various kinds of information reasons related to the desire to find out what a person is actually doing while sitting in front of the monitor. Moreover, in most cases, there is nothing reprehensible in the desire to monitor a person. Hidden surveillance is most often required by the employer to identify unscrupulous employees and in the family, when there is no complete confidence that the child or spouse is not doing something that they can hide from you. We bring to the market a computer tracking program called NeoSpy. It contains many mechanisms that allow for full-fledged covert surveillance

behind the actions of a person sitting at a PC. NeoSpy has a lot of possibilities.

NeoSpy program Once you install this on your computer, you will know exactly when and what programs were installed and launched, what files were created, edited or deleted, what system folders
The NeoSpy program can take screenshots of the screen at certain intervals; it saves everything that was typed on the keyboard in a separate text file, that is, it works like a keylogger. Last function allows you to easily intercept passwords of any user of a given computer.
Separately, NeoSpy saves the contents of the clipboard, which can also be in the process of tracking your wife or negligent employee strong arguments in your favor. IN latest version NeoSpy program implemented interception of passwords when entering operating rooms Windows systems XP and 2003, which allows you to access any account, even to the administrator.

Interception Windows passwords XP happens unnoticed by the user

The developers of the NeoSpy program, designed to monitor a person at a computer, paid special attention to monitoring the user’s actions on the Internet. To begin with, our spy program records the time you connect and disconnect from the network. In the process of monitoring a wife, child, or employee suspected of wasting time at work, it is very important to know which sites were visited. NeoSpy makes detailed reports on all visits to Internet sites.
The program allows you to monitor the consumption of Internet traffic; the number of incoming and outgoing megabytes is recorded separately. Network communication will also not pass by the NeoSpy spy program. It carries out and also monitors correspondence and intercepts passwords from any Internet pagers (QIP, ICQ, Miranda, &RQ and others). NeoSpy also intercepts passwords and Mail-agent messages from popular service
You can view reports on tracking a person using the NeoSpy spy program in three options: in the form spreadsheets, a sequence of events accompanied by screenshots (screenshots) and in the form of a web page. Data collected NeoSpy program can be stored on a computer that is being secretly monitored, or sent to a specified email address.

ICQ tracking

Someone might think about whether a spy program needs that much various possibilities. Let us answer, as practice shows, they all find application, most directly and with real tangible results.

Security services from a variety of commercial and other structures are showing great interest in our spy program. Information is the most valuable commodity today; the future of the business often simply depends on its preservation within the company. Therefore, many managers quite reasonably consider it possible to monitor non-disclosure commercial information outside the company. You can track this using interception icq messages and monitoring other non-work related activities of your employees.
Also program NeoSpy spy will allow you to very quickly find out which of your employees is wasting their working time inappropriately, spending it on social networks, on other third-party sites, or simply doing activities not related to work. In disputes about the terms of dismissal, your arguments documented in NeoSpy can be decisive.

As sad as it is, sometimes trust in loved ones, members of our families, is undermined.
10 years ago it required hiring an expensive detective. Today you can become a detective yourself if you install covert surveillance on your spouse’s computer. With NeoSpy, you will find out who your wife is communicating with, what sites she visits, and what photos she views or posts. At best, you will dispel your doubts, but at worst, you will be ready to meet the looming threat to your marriage fully armed. It's better to be warned than to get hit on the sly.

Hidden surveillance of a child’s computer is practically a necessity today. With the help of NeoSpy, you will find out in time what is happening to your child, what problems are tormenting him, and what dangers may lie in wait.

A strong family is created through hard work, and our spy program can become your reliable assistant in this.

Programs that may interest you NeoSpy

- computer monitoring program.
— Checking the fidelity of spouses;
— Control of children on the Internet;

— Calculation of careless employees at work.

NeoSpy intercepts and sends all correspondence, screenshots, visited sites and passwords to your email. PasswordSpy

- a program for recovering saved passwords from browsers and email programs.
— Recovering lost passwords; — Supports more than 100 programs (ie, chrome, opera, firefox, outlook, the bat
! and others) ;

— The portable version can be launched from a flash drive. Browsers, mailers

, instant message programs store information about the passwords you use and PasswordSpy can recover them.- program for hidden recording conversations on Skype.

Quick installation and permanent recording of all conversations;
— Completely hidden mode of operation;
— Sending recorded conversations in mp3 to email.

Internet Sheriff- program for blocking unwanted sites.

— Protecting the child from harmful and corrupting information;
— Blocking entertainment and social networks for employees;
Ready lists porn sites, social networks, entertainment sites.

Reprinting materials from the site site is permitted only if all indexed links are preserved, including links to the program page in the site directory

The programs included in the review are usually included in the “Parental Control” category. In general, according to Wikipedia's definition, parental control is a set of rules and measures to prevent negative impact Internet and computer for the person under guardianship (usually a child). The scope of application of such software can be expanded to include almost any user who needs to restrict access to local or network functions computer. This material is a supplement to the review, which has already covered some aspects of parental control.


After installing the program, you will need to configure the primary settings: password, specify an email address for sending reports, select a computer profile - home, school or office. Next, after entering the password, the user is taken to the program settings section, where he can manage user groups with limited rights and administrators. To change the role, just move the system profile name to the desired group. It is also easy to create additional profiles that may be needed for more or less strict control of actions.

The “Banned words” section contains a list of stop words that block the content of Internet pages, email messages and correspondence on ICQ. Here you can create own groups words, and also regulate maximum amount prohibited words acceptable in the content of the text.

The “Web Filter” section contains white and black lists of sites where you can add other addresses. One of the most current options- blocking social networks, including VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Facebook. There is no option to disable all social networks with one click, and methods of blocking based on other criteria are also not available: apparently, only URL addresses are blocked, while there are many ways to bypass the ban using anonymizers. In the same section, you can configure a schedule according to which the Internet will be available to users with limited profile. For each site via context menu You can set up an individual schedule. There is no ability to specify URL masks, however, as can be seen from the available lists, it is enough to simply specify a keyword that will be mentioned in the address bar.

ICQ & Email - setting up filters for appropriate communication formats. In the case of email correspondence, you can create a list of trusted addresses that will not be blocked during transmission. But the outdated ICQ, apparently, should be supplemented by developers with other IM clients, including the much more popular Skype with its own transmission protocol. Therefore, it is strange that ICQ is given too much attention in ChildWebGuardian Pro. On the other hand, as an option, you can use the adjacent section - “Filter by program”, where you can block any application.

Returning to the reports. If there is a need to remotely monitor and record user actions in a log, you can go to the section of the same name and activate the “Log events” option. Events such as visited sites and blocked content from prohibited lists are recorded in the log file. also in this section You can configure sending reports to the email specified immediately after installing the program. What's perhaps missing is more comprehensive statistics on time spent on the Internet/system, logging of keyboard shortcuts entered, and similar information - tools that are found in other review programs.

ChildWebGuardian Pro is available initially in Russian. You can freely explore all the functions without restrictions and intrusive notifications. In addition, there is a free and less functional edition of the program (list of differences from Pro version cm. ).


ChildWebGuardian is a program with an extremely intuitive interface and section organization. It contains basic options that will help parents limit children's access to the Internet, programs, and games. The main emphasis is on network security.

In Hidetools Parental Control there is a clear division of functions into 3 modules: reports, limiting control and settings. Access to each of the items in these sections is available through the menu in the main window, as well as in the tabs.

In the first section, Reports, you can familiarize yourself with statistics in detail: application launches, sites visited, text input from the keyboard (divided by the corresponding programs where the typing took place), screenshots active windows. In a word, the reporting function is implemented quite fully. The whole question is how to use the program’s capabilities without going too far, because, in fact, many programs, including this one, are no different from keyloggers and other “spy” programs.

The second section, Controls, does not so much control as it imposes all sorts of restrictions on the user’s actions. However, it remains unclear how the prohibited categories in the Website Blocking tab relate to websites. Apparently, they exist separately from each other. In the same settings section, you can also create white and black lists of resources by adding addresses/keywords to the desired list.

Unlike, say, ChildWebGuardian, there is no schedule according to which you can regulate access to a particular application or site. Of the available tools, only restricting shared access to the PC (PC Usage Limits) is available; this option can be found in Time Controls → Time Limits.

In the Application blocking tab, you can block the launch of specified applications (most often, computer games) or select an option from the list of popular browsers and instant messengers. IN Windows Security Available to block Control Panel, Device Manager, Registry Editor and others system components, which open a “loophole” for a user with limited rights (be it a child or any stranger).

There are several interesting options worth noting in the settings module. Firstly, for each account in the tab User Account You can activate rules that will be applied during the session. This includes: monitoring, filtering websites and applications, time control and system security- that is, the options already mentioned. However, for complete convenience, this section lacks groups and a mechanism for managing them (at least as simplified as in ChildWebGuardian Pro).

Secondly, it is available detailed setup statistics in Monitoring Settings, and thirdly, sending reports to the administrator’s email at a certain interval.

14 days Hidetools Parental Control is available in trial mode.


The Hidetools Parental Control program is designed to monitor user activity (monitoring function) and restrict access to system settings and Networks. If the monitoring part is quite functional, I would like to see more options for restricting access - otherwise, roughly speaking, the program has a “spyware” orientation.

[+] Function module monitoring
[+] Convenient switching of protection to active/inactive mode
[−] Profile management is poorly developed
[−] No scheduled access ban for individual sites

KinderGate Parental Control

KinderGate Parental Control is an application for restricting children's access to web resources, developed by Entensys, a well-known company in the field of Internet security. Includes a number of tools for applying scheduling restrictions, filtering by site categories, blocking dangerous sites, as well as monitoring and statistics.

During installation, KinderGate requires you to set a password to enter the administration interface and select an access level, which determines how strict the filtering of Internet resources will be.

By going to the “Rules - Banning Categories” tab of the KinderGate Management Console, you can familiarize yourself with the categories that will be blocked.

By the way, the program uses the Entensys URL filter module, which includes an updated database of 500 million (!) sites. True, it is necessary to take into account that Western resources are not so dangerous for a child, and in general, they are less relevant.

Also in certain sections of KinderGate Parental Control you can see the “Trusted Sites” button. Clicking it opens a list of “white” sites, where you can easily add other resources. The blacklist is formed in the “Address Ban” section, where you need to specify keywords or URL masks.

Setting up a schedule is available in the “Work Schedule” section. The restriction can be configured according to a fixed schedule or in a custom format. Unfortunately, you cannot specify a time limit without reference to a schedule.

Parental Control has a tool called “Advanced Rules”, which allows you to combine several rules at the same time: to deny access to a protocol, sites, linked to a schedule, etc. Unfortunately, the offline documentation does not provide a sufficient number of full-fledged examples that would talk about practical benefits of applying such rules. There are more examples in the online help.

A small but important note. You need to be very careful when installing and uninstalling KinderGate PC. Application operation affects network drivers And system services, disabling which will entail unpleasant consequences, in particular, restricting access to the Network. The same rule applies to all programs mentioned in the review. You should not install more than one or two of them at a time to avoid conflicts.


KinderGate Parental Control is a program with pre-installed system filters and the ability to configure scheduled access. Equipped with tips, help, available in Russian. One of the most optimal solutions on the identified problem.

[−] Problematic removal
[−] Limited functionality scheduled access settings
[+] Updated filter database
[+] Combined rules

Kids PC Time Administrator

Kids PC Time Administrator's features, as the name suggests, focus on scheduling access restrictions.

Initially, it seems that the program has a setup wizard. However, the jump buttons appear to be intended only for navigating between sections. Configure in in the prescribed manner or go to each section through the menu - there is no fundamental difference.

For each user, you can specify an individual schedule; profile selection is available in each section. In addition, in some cases it is easier to set the same limits for everyone.

The schedule is configured in the “Allowed time periods” section, where using the calendar you can allow or deny access with minute-by-minute precision. If this option restrictions the administrator finds inconvenient, you can go to the next section and set the number of hours per day that the user will have at his disposal.

A certain part of the Kids PC Time Administrator settings relate to the usual system “tweaks”: blocking the Device Manager, uninstalling programs through the control panel, prohibiting account management, etc. Here the choice of options is very modest. Another restrictive section not related to the schedule is “Folder Protection”. Using the program, you can hide selected folders with important data or protect them from changes.

Some tools for reporting in Time Administrator are available, but the absence of any settings, remote control and sending logs by email - all this indicates a weak implementation of other aspects of the program.


Kids PC Time Administrator can be used if a child spends too much time on the computer and the session needs to be limited. Filters, prohibited lists and others additional tools not provided here.

[+] Wide range of time limits
[−] No filters
[−] Inconvenient calendar interface

Child Control 2013

Unlike Kids PC Time Administrator, Child Control 2013 allows you to restrict not only access to system resources, but also access to the Internet according to a schedule. This and similar tasks are simplified by a step-by-step wizard. In short, there are only 4 sections with parameters:

  • Time Limits: hourly limitation of work in the system/on the Internet
  • Blocked Times: time intervals when access to the system/Internet will be blocked
  • Internet Control: Internet filter containing lists of allowed and prohibited resources. Optionally, you can allow access only to sites from the white list (“Allow only these websites”). By keywords Address blocking is not possible, you must enter at least the domain URL
  • Other Settings: configure the security level, reporting options and remote access to the program.

Next, the user goes to the main window of Child Control 2013. In addition to the settings related to time restrictions (section “Time Limits”) and already mentioned in the step-by-step wizard, a number of other options are presented here.

In the “Internet” section there is an Internet filter already familiar from alternative products. The categories and their contents, of course, were created by the developers without taking into account the Russian locale, so the available data can be regarded rather as a sample for compiling lists. There are white and black lists available, and in the “Misc” tab you can select the program’s action when blocking a site.

In the adjacent “Programs” section there are practically the same options, with the only difference being that they apply to programs. Here you can also manage prohibited and allowed lists, configure scheduled launch (group of Time-limited applications). For Windows 8, a corresponding tab is provided; with one click, all Windows 8 Apps, as well as the Windows Store, are blocked.

In the “Windows Security” subsection of the “Security” section, blocking is carried out system partitions, third party access to which it is undesirable. Moreover, Child Control 2013 has a very wide range of options: disabling secure boot, time settings, changing user accounts, etc.

The “Usage Log” section provides detailed statistics on the use of system resources, as well as website visits. Statistics include information for the day, week and month. For convenience, it can be opened in the viewer by clicking the “Report” button. In addition, it is possible to send statistics to specified email(See “E-mail Report”).

In Child Control 2013, the developers have provided a large number additional settings. The “Settings” section allows you to configure notifications and other messages to the user, the behavior of the program when limits are exhausted; Advanced filter settings and group management are possible.

Finally, it is worth paying attention to such a possibility as remote control program through a browser - the “Remote Control” section is intended to activate it.


One of the most functional programs this review, including the number of additional settings. One of the attractive aspects of Child Control 2013 is the reporting in the form of graphs.

[+] Detailed reports, graphics
[+] Versatility
[+] Remote control

Pivot table

ProgramChildWebGuardianProKinderGate Parental ControlKids PC Time AdministratorChild Control 2013
DeveloperS. Zimin, S. MarkinHidetoolsEntensys Corporationphomesoft.comSalfeld Computer
PlatformsWindows XP+
LicenseShareware (RUB 750)Shareware ($39.95)Shareware ($19/year)Shareware ($15)Shareware ($29.95)
Localization+ +
Access limitationScheduled+ + + + +
website filter+ + + +
to programs+ + +
Remote access+ +
Reporting+ + + +