The Yandex browser starts automatically at regular intervals. Removing advertisements in other browsers. Disabling via the Exceptions tool

If, when you start the system, your browser turns on with some kind of specific page often of an advertising nature or with strawberries, then this is definitely a viral infection.

The Yandex browser is not included in startup.

Therefore, before looking for the button to disable Yandex startup, you need to full scan computer for viruses.

After scanning, if the threat is removed, but the browser still starts when the system starts, and also sends you to watch some movie or to an online store, you will have to work hard here.

Now, in order, clean your browser from viruses, and the Malwarebites Anti-malware antivirus will help your computer.

Download and install. The installation is simple and does not require any special knowledge, but there is one caveat. Before the first launch, in the installation wizard window, you need to uncheck the “Enable free trial period” option.

  • Scan your computer for viruses, and if any are found, remove them and treat them. After cleaning, the program will offer to restart the computer, postpone this action until you clean up startup and scheduled tasks, otherwise all this “good” will return to your computer again.

How to get rid of autorun using the example of the Yandex browser

After cleaning from viruses, you need to remove everything unnecessary and suspicious from startup. Malicious programs tend to drag along a bunch of unnecessary and sometimes harmful junk, which, without the knowledge of the PC owner, is registered in startup and not only causes inconvenience by loading all this stuff along with the system, but can also cause serious harm.

  • First of all, you need to disable everything in startup that you consider suspicious or simply unnecessary, in order to reduce the load on the processor;
  • To do this, go to Start;
  • In the search bar we write the request “execute”;
  • Open the classic “Run” application that the search returned;

  • In the “System Configuration” window, select the “Startup” tab;
  • Uncheck all the boxes suspicious programs, including Yandex, click “Ok” and reboot the computer.

Remove unnecessary things from startup in Windows 10

In Windows 10 operating systems, Startup is placed in the Task Manager.

  • To open startup in 10, you need to right-click on the taskbar,
  • select “Task Manager” from the context menu,
  • In the window that opens, select the “Startup” tab.
  • In the list of startup programs, carefully look at which applications arouse your suspicions, disable all that do not inspire confidence.

To determine which application is calling for the launch of the Yandex browser, do not disable them in batches, but one at a time, rebooting after each disabling:

  • firstly, this way you can more accurately determine which malicious program is launching the Yandex browser,
  • secondly, you won’t accidentally disable any application that is important to you.

On system disk computer, there is a folder called startup or “Startup”.

The folder is located quite far away, but there is universal method how to get into it very quickly.

  • IN operating system Windows 10, being on the start button, click right click mice;
  • In the context menu, select the “Run” utility;
  • In the window that opens, write the name of our startup pack - shell:startup;

The “Run” utility can also be called using the Win + R hotkey combination, the same window will open in which we will look for our “Startup” folder

Our folder will open in Explorer, this is a regular folder that is located on the system drive, in it you can add, delete, change program shortcuts.

  • To add a program to the Startup folder, create a copy of the program launch shortcut in the folder with installed program and just put it in the Startup folder.

After reboot, the added program will automatically start with the system.

To delete, select the desired shortcut, right-click on it, and select “delete”.

Cleaning your computer from adware

Another way to get rid of unwanted programs in startup, this is to use the CCleaner program. The utility is completely free, you can download it from the official website. In case of viral infection, after removing the virus that persistently launched the Yandex browser with an “interesting” page, it can also clear the cache and correct errors in the registry.

  • Download the program, install and launch;
  • After installation, run the utility,

On the left side of the window, the top two buttons “Cleaning” and “Registry” are responsible for cleaning your computer from debris. Folders and partitions that need to be cleaned are marked by default, so there is no need to change anything, remove marks or set others, this is for advanced users. Regular users, just click the “Analysis” button and after the program scans the computer, click “Cleaning”. During the cleaning process, you need to close the browser, otherwise the utility will not be able to clean some of the files.

The registry corrects errors in shortcuts, modified or moved library files, and much more. There’s no need to go into too much detail here either, click the “Search for problems” button and then “Fix”.

  • After you have cleaned and corrected the registry errors and everything around it, open the “Tools” tab
  • In the “Remove Programs” tab, remove everything that you did not install. If you immediately rushed to save your computer, you can sort the list by date added and remove applications installed on a specific date, of course, something you can’t even dream about. There may be applications out there that you didn't even know existed.
  • Next tab “Startup” - In the list of startup programs, highlight suspicious application, or simply a program that bothers you with booting the system, and you don’t want it to be running all the time.

  • First press the button, then “Delete”, if it is not deleted, then click “Turn off”.

Remove unnecessary items from scheduled tasks so that the Yandex browser does not start

Open the “Scheduled tasks” tab, there, too, everything that does not inspire confidence in you should be deleted; tasks like: turn on the browser with advertising at a certain time, or with at certain intervals, install or download something to your computer, and much more.

If after complete cleaning, the browser still opens you strange pages, then it is better to reinstall the browser itself after synchronizing it first, otherwise you may lose all your bookmarks and saved passwords.


Using the Internet may not always be safe. By downloading or opening dubious files, you can get various viruses and a lot of advertising, which can not only interfere correct operation computer, but can also steal your data. Advertising, unsafe search engines and websites are one of the most common problems faced by users.

Causes of problems with involuntary opening of Yandex Browser

Most often, the browser does not open with empty tabs; these can be various start pages and sites with advertising. You can also notice substitution of advertising from the same Google on various sites. Users can “catch” this type of virus in several ways:


Step 1: Check and fix the file "Hosts"

This file can only be accessed with administrator rights. It can be very easily corrected and checked using notepad. To do this you need:

Action 2: Cleaning up the clutter from the task scheduler

This is precisely the reason that Yandex.Browser opens windows with advertising through certain time, there is a task scheduler. To prevent tabs from opening, you need to disable them in the scheduler. You can do it like this:

Action 3: Cleaning up unnecessary startup stuff

You can clean up unnecessary and malicious tasks from startup quite easily. in a simple way. To do this, you only need the CCleaner program, which we have already written about:

Step 4: Remove malware

In the task manager there may be active processes that interfere normal operation computer and are malicious. Their name may change every time and there is no point in displaying them, but their detection and removal should be mandatory. You can do all the steps without the help of software, but it will be more difficult and time consuming, so it is better to use convenient free programs.

Download the free Adwcleaner program and complete easy installation. Launch the program and start scanning. Once the scan is complete, simply press the button "Clear".

You can also use another free program to clean your computer from viruses. Download Malwarebytes and follow the easy installation. Free version A program for a period of 14 days is enough for you to completely clean your computer of malware. Complete the scan and then click on “Quarantine selected objects”.

Step 5: Remove Extensions and Change Home Page

If there were browser-related viruses on your computer, then most likely your Homepage, and unnecessary extensions were installed. You can return everything to its place quite simply:

After that, restart your browser and use it safely, quickly and conveniently.

All five steps given in the article will help you thoroughly clean your computer from malware, which force Yandex.Browser to open with various advertisements. Also, timely detection of malware will help you save your personal data.

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    • Kait.15

      Do I understand correctly that when open browser, does your web browser automatically start opening the web pages you recently visited? Naturally, virus activity immediately comes to mind, but given that you reinstalled the OS, it’s difficult to say what the problem is. I can only advise you to reset your browser settings and then remove it from your computer using Revo programs Uninstaller and then execute new installation(be sure to download the latest distribution from the official website of the developer). Additionally, still check your computer for viruses using your antivirus or the Dr.Web CureIt healing utility.

Yandex - popular browser who pleases his fans high level functionality. A careful study of the program allows us to note the stability and reliability of the work, user-friendly interface, prompt loading any pages. Despite this, in some cases the Yandex browser begins to behave too intrusively and opens in automatic mode. What causes this?

Reasons for automatically opening the Yandex browser

Automatic start can occur by various reasons, therefore, it is advisable to understand the true circumstances, and then solve the existing problem.

  1. Viruses and malware software– This is the most popular problem that leads to random opening of the program.
  2. For this reason, it is initially recommended.
  3. The task scheduler may be modified due to viruses. If a task is installed in a special scheduler, it must be disabled. This scenario involves turning on the program at a certain time every day. Changed browser properties appear when the shortcut properties are adjusted. In most cases, the command sequence is changed using a simple text file called bat. Such text file
  4. can not only help simplify access to the Internet, but also problems in the form of spontaneous launches of a certain application. Yandex offers some extensions that can work even after closing the browser.

If an extension with advertising was installed, automatic launch becomes a completely understandable process.

In each case, the possibility of correcting the problem is provided, but the cause determines the necessary actions.

How to make the browser work?

As already noted, you should initially scan the program for viruses. If they can be found, you need to perform treatment or delete the files. In many situations, such measures can successfully resolve the issue.

Another option is to disable the browser at autorun, which can often be triggered even without the user’s knowledge.

  1. At the very beginning you need to go to “Start”.
  2. IN search bar you should write a request “execute”.
  3. After this, the classic Run application opens.
  4. IN open window you should write the msconfig command and click OK.
  5. In the "System Configuration" window, the one of interest is .
  6. IN mandatory All checkboxes from suspicious programs and from Yandex are removed. Changes are saved with OK.
  7. On last stage The computer reboots for the changes to take effect.

Another option is to remove unnecessary things from the scheduler. To do this, the “Scheduled tasks” tab is useful, where you need to uncheck all the boxes and click OK to save.

If the suspicion relates to the Yandex settings, you should go to the “Browser Add-ons” tab and turn off suspicious plugins.

In 99% of cases the problem is related to independent opening Yandex browser, is successfully solved.

Probably each of you, dear reader, will agree that the Internet browser is the most convenient one today software tool, through which the user can interact with various types of web content with particular comfort. However, none of the popular software products, be it Google Chrome, FireFox or Opera, does not have sufficiently effective functionality that would protect a beginner from developing the malicious scenario: “Windows open in a new window.” Browser security features are sometimes powerless against the clever tricks of advertising programmers. As a result, the user becomes a victim of imposed transitions.

So, let's figure out what can be done in such situations. How to counteract digital deception and how to “cure” the browser from this kind of infection? We bring to your attention, dear reader, effective methods fight malicious redirects!

How does the “advertising chaos” mechanism work?

“Windows open in a new window” is a fairly common technique among techies who make money by generating traffic! Let's skip the description of the working algorithm of the redirection process, which is difficult for the uninitiated user to perceive. Let us only note that “redirection” can occur for several reasons:

  • The user's machine has malicious software installed, which is most likely the case.
  • A viral script is used on the website page.
  • A prudent “businessman” purchased a plug-in for a specific browser and modified it in his own, so to speak, interests.

How will such information help prevent “browser arbitrariness” when windows open in a new window without our participation? The answer is below.

Signs of a computer system infection

It doesn’t matter at all which search engine you use: Google, Bing or Yandex. Advertising modules are used in each of them. But if you notice that the page that opens does not correspond to the entered address or that several windows open simultaneously for one request, this is a sign of infection! If software part If your PC is at the mercy of a virus, it is quite understandable why the computer behaves so willfully during an Internet session.

So, typical symptoms of browser disease:

  • Spontaneously changed start page browser.
  • Without any action on the part of the user, strange windows open in a new browser window.
  • Bookmarks that previously worked flawlessly are not activated.
  • Unknown plugins and applications have appeared in extensions.
  • Most a clear sign troubles - a certain Internet page is loaded that cannot be closed.

Having collected enough various information about you and tirelessly building your “network portfolio”, the virus begins to operate with accumulated data, masterfully replacing your search queries and redirecting you as a “victim” to a resource whose owner pays for the work of the fraudulent optimizer. Despite the colossal financial costs of powerful IT companies aimed at combating “black” advertising methods, the trade of dishonest programmers is still a profitable business today.

What to do when an advertisement opens in a new window: software solutions

At first glance, such “harmless” browser behavior can simply annoy a person. A super-functional virus can completely deprive the user of peace of mind. After all advertising page It may well not close or react quite capriciously to all the user’s attempts to close it. In this case, you need to use special anti-virus software.

Removing rootkits and trojans using Kaspersky TDSSKiller

  • Download from official server free utility.
  • After launching the application, activate the “Change settings” item.
  • In the next window, check the “Detect file system...” checkbox.
  • After making the settings, click the “Start scan” button.

A report will appear in a few minutes. The “new windows keep opening” problem will be resolved after you activate the “Continue” button.

Cleaning your system of spyware using Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

No less effective program, allowing you to quickly put the system in order.

  • Install the utility downloaded from the Internet.
  • Upon initial startup, Malwarebytes will spontaneously begin updating the antivirus software.
  • After briefly downloading the new virus database, click on the “Fix Now” button.

  • The duration of the scan depends on the capacity of your drive.
  • If the PC is infected, work area The program will display a list of detected “infections” that will be destroyed after you activate the “Apply Action” button.
  • Close the program and restart your computer.

Effective virus neutralizer - HitmanPro

This program will help you resolve the situation when a new browser window constantly opens. Excellent speed parameters programs do not affect the quality of HitmanPro. Algorithm of actions:

  • Download the above utility.
  • Immediately after installing HitmanPro, the system will be scanned for infected objects.
  • After full check On the PC, a list of virus-containing files will be displayed in the program window.
  • Click the "Next" button.
  • After the uninstallation process, close your antivirus software.

About some possible difficulties

Some virus programs can quite effectively prevent installation and full-time work the above-described ad-aware scanners. In such cases, you should boot the OS in safe mode and only then run anti-virus utilities.

  • At the moment when the computer goes through the initialization process, press the “F8” key (in some BIOS versions function button may be different).
  • From the suggested boot list, select "Safe Mode with Networking."

An indispensable assistant for web surfing

In some cases, it is advisable to use third-party software. For example, by installing the small Ad-Mancher application on your computer, you will save yourself from viewing constantly flashing banners and other things. At the same time, the process of getting acquainted with Internet content will become a truly enjoyable and extremely safe pleasure. A program that does not require resources will only occasionally remind you of its presence with a notification that an update needs to be downloaded. After free utility is integrated into the browser, the loading speed of Internet pages will increase significantly. In general, as soon as the user notices how new windows are opening unauthorized in his Internet browser, it is worth installing Ad-Mancher, and the problem will disappear.

Reset Internet Explorer settings

You will need very little:

  • Open the main settings menu (the gear icon located in the right corner of the program, at the top).
  • From select "Internet Options".
  • In the window that opens, go to the “Advanced” tab.
  • Activate the "Reset" button.
  • Check the “Delete personal settings” checkbox.
  • Confirm your actions by pressing the “Reset” key.

Activating the FireFox cleaning process

The procedure is incredibly simple:

  • Go to your browser settings menu (horizontal bars on the right top corner browser).
  • At the bottom of the window there is a tab in the form of a question mark - click on it.
  • From the Help menu, click the Troubleshooting Information link.
  • In the “FireFox Setup” block, press the “Clear...” button.
  • After confirmation, the uncontrolled situation “new windows open in the browser” will be resolved.

Return to default settings: Google Chrome

Everything here is also very simple:

  • Click on the icon that looks like horizontal stripes(top right corner of browser).
  • From the drop-down menu, select “Settings”.
  • At the very bottom of the program window, you need to activate the “Show additional...” item.
  • At the bottom of the browser there is a “Reset settings” button - click on it.
  • Confirm changes made into the browser.


And finally, let me give you some recommendations:

  • In almost every browser you can install a special extension that will block “script scripts” while surfing the web.
  • Before downloading any software from the Internet, ask yourself: “Is the source trustworthy?”
  • During the installation process, pay attention to additional items and marked check boxes. Perhaps they are trying to install unfavorable software on you.
  • Often in the browser shortcut properties malicious code provides a link to your own Internet resource.
  • Make sure that under Internet Options on the General tab correct address home page.
  • Well, and the last solution (somewhat abstracted from the topic of the article, but, nevertheless, close in essence) to eliminate the situation we are considering. Below we will talk about how folders open in a new window...

Often the user is faced with a situation where work is a real nightmare. However, the mentioned problem becomes “ubiquitous” for the entire OS. To remove the “cluttering effect”, go to the “Folder Options” menu and check the “Open... in the same window” option. This action will allow you to get rid of the awkward moment when viewing files. That's all. We wish you effective solutions and virus-free software!

Yandex.Browser is a popular web browser that boasts good stability, sufficient functionality and normal speed work. Unfortunately, this browser does not always work correctly, and today we will look at one of the most common problems associated with spontaneous start web browser.

The occurrence of problems with spontaneous opening of Yandex.Browser may be affected by various reasons. This article will try to cover them maximum amount.

Reason 1: viral activity

Perhaps the most probable cause launching the browser independently, so it will be considered first.

To confirm this, you will need to scan your computer for virus activity. To do this, you can use both the scanning function of your antivirus and the special Dr.Web utility. CureIt.

Please note that the effectiveness of scanning will be increased many times if it is performed from under a safe Windows mode. You can get there if you reboot the computer and at the very early stage of startup press the F8 key until the screen displays a menu for selecting the type of system startup (you will need to select safe mode).

Perform a full system scan. If, as a result of the scan, virus activity is detected on your computer, you will need to eliminate it. Then restart your computer and boot it into normal mode.

Reason 2: Browser-targeted software

If the problem is not a virus, most likely the problem is related to the software on your computer.

To check what exactly is causing the browser to start spontaneously, you will need to find through Windows search and open the application "Task Scheduler".

In this window, select a section "Task Scheduler Library".

Carefully study the list of tasks, among which you can probably find one that is aimed at automatically launching the Yandex.Browser application. This task can and should be removed.

Reason 3: Browser extensions

Although less likely, extensions for Yandex.Browser can also cause the Browser to start on its own.

To check this, launch Yandex.Browser, open the menu in the upper right corner and go to the section "Extras".

Carefully study the list of extensions and remove those that could quickly affect the launch of the browser.

It would be better if you disable all extensions and then monitor the browser: if after that it stops starting on its own, then the problem really lies in the extensions.

Reason 4: Browser Settings

In more rare cases, the problem we're looking at may be affected by your browser settings. IN in this case Resetting Yandex Browser settings may help.

  • To do this, click on the browser menu button, and then go to the section "Settings".

  • Go down to the very bottom of the page and click on the slide "Show advanced settings".

  • Scroll further down the page and select "Reset settings".

  • Confirm your intention to quit settings.
  • Reason 5: the browser is not working correctly

    When faced with problems with your browser, the best solution to fix them is to reinstall it.

    It’s better to delete the browser not through the “Control Panel”, but using special utility Revo Uninstaller , which will allow you to additionally scan the system for the presence of remaining files, including registry keys. This step will allow you to comprehensively remove the web browser from your computer, minimizing the likelihood of problems occurring.

    These are the main ways that can solve the problem with automatic start Yandex.Browser. If you have any comments on the article, please leave them in the comments.