The most popular groups in Odnoklassniki. Why do we need groups on the Odnoklassniki social network?

We decided to prepare for you a rating of the most popular and interesting groups on the Odnoklassniki social network. Of course, they are all numerous and filled with informative content that you will enjoy. Of course, there are a lot of different communities on this social network today. Therefore, it was not easy to choose the best ones. We have specially selected groups of different topics so that each of you will find exactly the community that will interest you most. After all, everyone has different interests, right?

In the groups that we have reviewed, you will find not only interesting content - recordings, photographs, videos and music, but also communication with like-minded people. Which is certainly not unimportant. In communities you can find new friends with similar interests, which means your stay on the Odnoklassniki social network will become even more exciting.

Auto Passion

Well, who doesn't love beautiful and powerful cars? They dream about them, they save money for them all their lives, they take out loans and rob banks for them, and then they cherish them all their lives, as if they were their most devoted friends or even children. Today, both girls and men have this attitude towards “iron horses”. If you feel roughly the same about cars, we suggest joining the Auto Passion group on Odnoklassniki:

Already 482,000 users have joined this group. Why don't you do the same? Here you will find more than 8,000 discussions, multiple photo albums and interesting videos on auto topics. A large number of our favorite dash cam videos, car reviews and much more. All this awaits you in the Auto Passion community.

Live and be surprised

So, we continue to briefly review the best groups in Odnoklassniki. Live and be surprised! This is both our call and the name of the group that we would like to introduce to you:

Despite such a stupid short address, the community, in principle, is filled with very, very interesting content. Basically, these are various funny and even amazing photographs that make some users open their mouths. Yes, yes, from surprise! Here you will find a view from the highest tower, jokes with children, humor involving animals and much more interesting things.

A little more than 90,000 people have already joined the group and this, of course, is not the limit. Posts in the feed are open for commenting, so feel free to leave your opinion on this or that matter.

Secrets of success of great people

You know, such communities on social networks are very popular. And Odnoklassniki, in this case, is no exception. After all, all of us want to become successful people, right? It’s unlikely that social media groups can make you like this, but it’s still interesting to read interesting posts and other people’s thoughts:

The entries in the feed of this community do not always correspond to the topic, but sometimes you can see really smart and interesting words, as well as photographs. Comment on posts, share them on your feed, rate photos and draw conclusions.

These, of course, are not all the best groups on Odnoklassniki; you can find the rest yourself using a search on the social network. After all, all communities are divided by topic, so nothing complicated awaits you.

So, you have created a group and don’t yet know how to start developing it so that it not only exists offline, but becomes as interesting and visited as possible. Moreover, the number of group members is NOT LIMITED!

The first thing that is recommended to do is to give it a general appearance that is pleasing to the eye, that is, to decorate the page a little. To do this, you can use the option to select a design by clicking on the icon in the upper right corner (it is a circle combining spectral colors). When you hover your cursor over it, you will see the inscription: “Decorate your page.” Click and proceed directly to the selection. There are a huge variety of options here - movie and cartoon characters, cars, and nature. So to speak, for every taste. Well, since the direction of the group we created as a visual example is related to humor, we should choose something that is most suitable for this topic - cheerful and positive.

Let’s choose funny cartoon monkeys and click the “Install” button. Now our page looks like this:

In order for the group to become visited and for people to join it to appear, you first need to fill it with interesting material.

We create an album and upload photos or pictures into it. To do this, click on the “Create Album” field and select the “Photo Album” type.

Note: To decorate a group with your own theme, you can if the group has at least 10,000 thousand participants.

A window will immediately appear in which you will need to write the name of the album and check the fields: “Show at the beginning of the list of albums” and “Allow only the administration (that is, you) to upload photos.”

Here you decide how it will be more convenient for you and click the “Save” button. In our case, we did not check the boxes, thus giving future group members the opportunity to add photos on the topic.

Now you can start adding photos. To do this, click on the “Add photos” field, select them on your computer and upload. After downloading each image, you can add an accompanying caption to it, briefly characterizing this picture. If you have no thoughts about this, then you can leave the photo without a caption and move on to uploading the next one.

Once your specified number of images have been uploaded, it is recommended that you start inviting participants.

The easiest way is invite to Odnoklassniki group his friends. You can do this by clicking on the “Invite to group” button, which is located under the logo on the main page (In our case, under the picture with a kitten).

After this, a window will open in which you can send invitations to your friends by tagging them and clicking the “Invite” button at the bottom of the page.

The second option is to select groups of a similar direction and invite participants from them.

To do this, use the search bar at the top left of the page. We type in it, for example, “Group humor”. In the pop-up window, click on the line: “Show all results” and get to the page where the groups corresponding to the request are presented.

It is better to choose the one with the most participants. We go into it and click on the line “Participants”. Select any person, hover the cursor over him and in the pop-up window click on the line “ Invite to group" We do the same with other participants.

Now the main thing is not to relax and constantly develop your group, adding as much interesting information to it as possible. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS about working with a group

Why can't I invite new members to the group?

Most likely, the administration of the group prohibited its members from inviting new users. To clarify this issue, contact the administrator or moderators of the group.

How can I invite a user to a group who is not my friend?

To invite a user to a group who is not your friend, you must:

  1. go to the user’s page as a guest;
  2. under the user’s main photo, click on the “other actions” link;
  3. select “invite to group”;
  4. indicate the group to which you want to invite the user;

How to invite one specific user to a group?

To invite a new user to a group, you must:

  1. click on the “Friends” link, which is located to the right of your main photo;
  2. go to the page of the user you want to invite;
  3. click on the “Other actions” link and in the pop-up menu click on “invite to group”;
  4. in the window that appears, select the group to which you want to invite the user;
  5. Confirm your choice by clicking on the “Invite” button.

Note: The administration of a group has the ability to prohibit its members from inviting new users, and the user himself can also prohibit inviting him to groups.

How can I invite several of my friends to the group at once?

In order to invite several friends to a group at once, you must:

  1. go to the group and under the main photo click on the “invite friends” link;
  2. select the required users from the proposed list or check the box next to the words “Select all”;
  3. Confirm your choice by clicking on the “Invite” button.

Please note that the group administration may prohibit its members from inviting new users.

However, be careful when using this feature. After all, we have various restrictions on our website to prevent the spread of spam. One of them is a limit on the number of similar actions that you can perform within a certain time. This may result in your profile being blocked.

How to create a group on Odnoklassniki - this question is probably asked by a considerable number of people who have chosen the social network as their habitat. After all, running a separate community is not only a responsibility to future subscribers, but also a great pleasure. We will try to give you an answer not only to this, but also to many other questions that you will definitely have in the process.

There are people who are so active that they simply cannot help but transform the space around them. It is precisely such creative individuals who create various communities in, in which their considerable potential can be fully revealed. If you belong to this type of people, then the question of how to create your own group on Odnoklassniki for free has probably occupied your inquisitive mind more than once.

Finally, you have decided everything. You’ve decided on the topic of your community, chosen the materials you’d like to post in it, come up with an original name that can attract a large audience, and all that’s left for you is the most important thing - creating a group on Odnoklassniki from scratch (by the way, there are quite a few videos on this topic). Our detailed step-by-step instructions below will undoubtedly help you with this.

How to properly create a group on Odnoklassniki based on interests?

  • Log in, enter your password and enter your page on
  • At the top of the page, find the inscription “Groups” and click on it.
  • You will see various publics recommended for you, and in the upper left corner, just below your name, you can find the inscription “Create a group or event.” This is what you need to click on.
  • Of the eight proposed options, you should choose the fifth, namely “Group of interests or for friends,” because this is what we are creating.
  • Now it's time to fill out the questionnaire, which will contain basic information about your community. First of all, upload a photo, always in good quality, that corresponds to the given topic.

  • Now it's time to enter the name in the appropriate line. Make sure that it is beautiful and sonorous enough and can interest the largest number of people - after all, it is by the name that people first judge the content.
  • You can also give a short description in the next line, which briefly describes what topic this page will be devoted to.
  • Now click the word “Subject” on and select the item that most closely matches your page’s content.
  • Determine whether the material posted on it will have an age restriction.
  • Now decide whether you want to create a closed group on Odnoklassniki, so that only you can decide who can enter it, or leave entry free for everyone. Or maybe you want to create a community that only a select few will know about, which cannot be found through a search engine, and can only be accessed by personal invitation? All in your hands.
  • Also, if you wish, you can provide contact information to contact you, for example, your home address, phone number or your website.
  • Well, the last step. Click on the virtual “Create” button and we can congratulate you on successfully creating your own community! May it bring joy to both you and all its participants for a very long time.

How Xyou will understand by reading our other article on this site.

What else is important to know when creating your community?

When you have finally passed the very first and exciting stage, you may have various questions related to the further management and administration of your creation. We will try to answer the most common ones in advance.

How to create a topic in a group on Odnoklassniki?

Of course, creating various themes is exactly what everything was done for. Log in to your new page and scroll down a little - there you will see the offer to “Create a new topic”. Feel free to click on it and a special window will appear in front of you, in which, guided by the system prompts, you can add photos, videos and any information in written form.

How to create a poll in Odnoklassniki in a group?

Surveys are always interesting and attract many new visitors. In order to create a survey, you should enter the page and click on the inscription “Create a new topic”. This sentence is usually located above previous publications. Now in the lower left corner of the pop-up window, click on the word “Poll”.

How many people can you invite to a group on Odnoklassniki?

In fact, the number of people who can join the community you create is unlimited. The most successful and popular public pages sometimes gain up to a million subscribers, and it’s up to you whether yours will be included in their number.

Difficulties can arise solely with the number of invitations per day. Experts recommend not sending more than ten such invitations a day, but preferably five or six, then there should be no problems.

How can I find out when a group has been created on Odnoklassniki?

Usually, such information cannot be found in the public itself. It seems there is no way out, but people who are professionally involved in promoting pages on social networks advise turning their attention to the website, by registering where you can find out such sensitive information. It should be borne in mind that registration can be free only for fourteen days, and then you will have to pay for using this resource.

You can find out from another article on this site.

How to create a group, VKontakte and " " are not only the most popular in Russia, but also an important source of analysis for marketers and PR managers trying to find the key to the souls and hearts of Russians, analysts are sure.

The hint for specialists is simple and obvious: which groups are the most numerous in a social network, how their dynamics change, and after what significant events a powerful wave of a bullish trend occurs. Understanding these initial indicators through .ru is not difficult:

- “follow the trend” when releasing your goods and services provided, the famous Canadian expert Evgeniy Olkhansky explained in an interview with Market Leader.

What are the most popular groups and communities in experts noted in 2013 and what conclusions the marketers made were analyzed by analysts in the “News from the social network Odnoklassniki” section of the Internet portal “Stock Leader”.

List of topics of the most popular community at the beginning of October 2013.

To see a complete list of official communities and groups on the Odnoklassniki social network, you need to go to the “Official” page of the website. At the moment, there are several thousand groups in it, which can be divided into the following topics and areas:

Auto in - "" and Land Rover, "" and Porsche, and, [email protected] and hundreds of clubs of lovers and fans of various cars;

Online games: Bird Town and Far Away Kingdom, World of Tanks and Flirt City, Brotherhood and the Ring and several hundred more various online games for girls and boys;

Travel and tourism;
- sports, active recreation, etc. - all this can be seen and found on numerous Odnoklassniki social networks.

The most popular official groups in at the beginning of October 2013.

From the listed variety of headings and topics, the administrators of the social network Odnoklassniki brought to the first page the following groups that have been developing most dynamically in the last month:

The table shows that the most popular groups on Odnoklassniki, which have the largest number of participants, are:

1st place - a group called Odnoklassniki. Everything is OK, which is an official group about Odnoklassniki. As evidenced from the description, in the group you can find almost any useful information about, services, new products, and promotions. Also, the group pays attention to news on Odnoklassniki - competitions, interesting facts, interesting posts, exciting games, etc. What new groups have appeared, which show business stars have started their own page, which global brands invite you to join their community - all this you can find out in this group.

2nd place - community of M&M's candy lovers, manufactured by Mars LLC. They first appeared in 1941 and are now sold in more than 100 countries. The name M&M's stands for Mars & Murrie's (Mars and Murrie's, and in Russian Mars and Murrie) - these are the surnames of the two founders of the company. The candies are multi-colored dragees, each of which has the letter M printed on it, as an indicator of the uniqueness of this brand. There are different flavors and fillings of M&M's candies: there are more brown candies than others

The 3rd place in terms of number of participants is occupied by the group Simple Recipes Every Day! The group is dedicated to culinary lovers, in which group members share their secrets, knowledge and simple culinary recipes in a simple and accessible form.

Following the leaders of the compiled TOP popularity of groups, the following were placed on Odnoklassniki:
- The most interesting video clips of the network. A funny video;
- Kinder;
- Sberbank;
- Uzbekistan;
- School No. 1, Moscow;
- Groups on Odnoklassniki;
- Photo jokes, photoshop, demotivators;
- Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow;
- UrFU named after. B.N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg;
- ツWikipedia of humorツThe best statuses, photos, videos!
Among tens of thousands of groups on the website, the following groups close out the top twenty of the chart:
- MIIT University, Moscow;
- information agency RIA Novosti;
- one of the leaders in the technology sector of the exchange - Mail.Ru Group.

Experts on the popularity rating of official groups in

Everything in the world is natural, including accidents, Evgeny Olkhansky commented on the number of groups on the Odnoklassniki social network.
- 1st place is taken by “Odnoklassniki. Everything is OK” - the official group of the social network itself, which allows you to directly find out news, competitions, gifts, communicate openly with site administrators, etc.;

Video is popular among Russians - this is eloquently evidenced by a number of groups - “All the best videos from”, “The most interesting video clips of the network”, “Miscellaneous videos”, etc.;

Humor is in demand among Russians, Ukrainians, Kazakhs, Uzbeks in - see the number of official groups “humor”, “Round laugh”, “Anecdotes”, etc.;

From Russian universities - Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (76.3 thousand Odnoklassniki participants), UrFU named after. B.N. Yeltsin (71.6 thousand) and Moscow State Transport University (formerly MEIIZhT, MIIZhT, MGUPS) - 61.7 thousand users of

Among the brands are TM M&M, Kinder, Sberbank and an unexpected result - Beeline Uzbekistan - 513,659 participants.

Share price of Mail.Ru Group, the parent company of the Odnoklassniki social network.

The growing popularity of the social network Odnoklassniki among both Russians and citizens of the former is certainly a positive signal for the Internet corporation, which is listed on the stock exchange, explained to the experts of the “Exchange and Forex News” section in the analytical service of the Trend brokerage company - the leader in the international rating of Forex brokers of the Masterforex-V Academy. Stock price on the stock exchange as of Friday 2013. 38.45 US per share. The trend is bullish, in the last week there has been a slight correction in the trend, analysts explained to Market Leader.

Last time Classmates replaced real life for us: here we fall in love, make friends, communicate, fight, find like-minded people, unite in interest groups. Everything here is simple, fast and practically free. If we had a fight with our husband, we complain not to our friends, but to the ladies who are members of women’s communities. If the car breaks down, we look for tips from our comrades online, who, in theory, are jacks of all trades, rather than going to a car service center for a technical inspection. If you want to learn how to take photographs, you urgently need to join a place where they will tell you how to do it, criticize you if something goes wrong, and show you the right examples. Nowadays, communities can be anything and on any topic. Both adults and children spend time there; on social networks you will find anyone from cat lovers, to fans of Rammstein, namesakes, dog haters, etc.

What types of groups are there?

There are open (public) and closed groups. If anyone can freely join the first one, the second one will be available either after the invitation of one of the participants, or after the approval of the administrator.

Why are access to communities limited?

1. Spam. This is the number one problem of all social networks, including Odnoklassniki. Here they may offer to buy tea for weight loss, join a super fashionable group, or send money for the treatment of non-existent people. They often leave links to so-called phishing sites, after clicking on which you can catch a virus and transfer all user data to scammers. This is often done to hack pages.

2. Trolling. The main task of the so-called trolls is to cause conflict and force participants to quarrel among themselves. “Fat” trolls use obscene language, often do not know how to write correctly, and respond to any message with an insult. “Thin” is a separate caste that is simply impossible to calculate. They can leave small and seemingly harmless posts that cause a storm of protests. They do everything possible to irritate their interlocutor, but at the same time they themselves behave politely. And ordinary users suffer from this; because of an outburst of emotions, they are banned (listed in emergency situations). That is why in Odnoklassniki they are increasingly found closed groups, since admins have the opportunity to view the user’s account, his messages, the communities in which he is a member, etc., and then make a decision.

3. Forbidden topic. We are talking about groups where they post information for a specific circle of people. No outsiders allowed! For example, students of a certain stream exchange cheat sheets, advice and fables about teachers. Corporation employees post photos from corporate events there. Gamers are discussing new toys, and they don’t want schoolchildren present.

Why join groups

There may be several reasons why a person would want to immediately join a community. Firstly, it is obtaining useful information. Often there it is much easier and faster to find an answer to any question that arises (the child does not want to go to school, the ficus tree does not bloom, when is Madonna’s concert, how old is Galkin) than in ordinary life.

The second thing a person needs is to feel needed. By giving advice, answering questions, posting any information that may be useful, we increase our “rating” in the eyes of other users. And for a person, reputation is the most important thing. Even if the authority extends only to a couple of dozen people.

Also popular brand groups. Often in Odnoklassniki you can find groups of companies, organizations, shops, etc. This is incredibly convenient and beneficial for both parties. The client can write a complaint, express his opinion about a particular product or service, and, for example, the owner of a store or restaurant can quickly fix the problem. Plus, in groups you can post information about new products, organize competitions, and touch on interesting topics in order to attract the attention of both real and potential customers. Thus, at minimal cost, you can more easily recognize your audience and increase the number of consumers.