Creating a landing page – independently and for free. What subspecies are there? How to Make a Capture Page: Secrets of Successful Lead Generation

“We make a turnkey landing page” - such advertisements are not uncommon on the Internet. In fact, you don’t have to turn to freelancers or web studios to create a landing page. Creating landing pages yourself is now possible thanks to the service ready-made solutions 1C-UMI! You only need to choose Domain name and a template, and then populate the site with content. The 1C-UMI constructor is a kind of landing page generator. You do not need to install the landing page plugin on your website, as many content management systems offer - just register.

Let's take a closer look at how to create landing page.

Go to the 1C-UMI main page and register. Define the name of your site, then the service will redirect you to a page with design templates. Landing page generator 1C-UMI offers a number of adaptive templates, which means that your site will be displayed correctly on both mobile devices and computer screens. Once you choose a design that suits your area of ​​business or just likes the colors, you will be taken to the landing page control panel.

Go to the main page of the site. There you have it, almost ready to launch. free landing page page - 1C-UMI designer offers the best landing pages on the RuNet. Creating a landing page for free on 1C-UMI is best suited for you if you are not a programmer, and the words “html” and “development” mean little to you.

How to make your website interesting for customers? Fill it out unique content. Landing page designer 1C-UMI contains all the necessary blocks.

Content blocks

This part usually contains information about the advantages of your product or reasons why the client should contact your company. Add images, videos and text and arrange them as you wish.

Feedback forms and call back

As you know, landing pages are created, among other things, to collect a base of clients or subscribers. Depending on your activity, place one of the forms. This could be registering for an event, subscribing to news, ordering a consultation or product, and much more. The free landing page on 1C-UMI also contains a form such as a call back. Clients send you contact information and you contact them by phone. The program works as follows: when customers fill out any of these forms, you will receive the information they left.

How to make the buyer buy the product as soon as possible? Of course, you need to show what it looks like. You offer tourist packages, publish photos of resorts. Do high quality images and place them in this block. If you offer any services, upload photos of company employees who will advise the client.


Add customer opinions to your landing page - someone will probably appreciate the services you provide. Post a photo of the client and some text. Users always trust more sites that contain opinions about a company or product.

Block categories

Here is a card with an illustration, title and brief description. Tell us about your organization's activities and services here. If you are selling a product, list its benefits or characteristics. Texts can be provided with suitable icons or images.

You don't need to search for and implement counter code on your website. Creating landing pages on 1C-UMI is much easier than developing landing pages yourself. The service includes an editable counter countdown days, hours, minutes and seconds. Use it if you need to draw the client’s attention to the time remaining until the end of a promotion or, conversely, before the start of an interesting event.


Place Yandex.Maps at the bottom of the page or Google Maps and indicate the exact address, for example, “Moscow, st. Panferova, 8, office 206.” Let customers find you quickly and easily.

That's all! Creating landing pages for free on 1C-UMI does not require any additional knowledge from you. Just register and choose a template.

If you think that developing landing pages should not take a lot of time and money, choose 1C-UMI - creating landing pages yourself has never been so simple and convenient.

Hello friends. In a recent survey that I organized on my blog, I was asked several times to cover topics related to creating a landing page and various nuances associated with one-page selling sites.

Indeed, this topic is very popular today. Almost every first information specialist uses landing pages for their courses and products, and after them this idea was picked up by other businessmen who want to sell their goods and services via the Internet with a high conversion rate.

What is usually meant by landing page

Landing Page, also called landing pages, are usually a one-page website whose sole purpose is to get the user to make a purchase. specific action, in most cases, this, of course, is to spend your money on your product or service. And special elements that are already considered standard on landing pages help with this:

  1. Calls to action (Subscribe, buy, register, check out), a large, eye-catching sales/subscribe button, often more than one - at the beginning and at the end of the page.
  2. Reviews from consumers, positive comments about the product from various forums, social media. networks, etc. in general, elements of persuasion using social tools to instill trust in the visitor.
  3. All kinds of promotions, discounts, bonuses, often accompanied by a countdown counter. Something that will encourage the visitor to take action here and now, without postponing it for the future ( because then, with a high probability, he will never return to your site)
  4. Various website design elements created for the same purpose - to force people to buy. These include all kinds of pictures, photos of the product from successful positions, happy people, and trustworthy characters. All sorts of design techniques, such as arrows directing your eye to the button, large headings, high contrast of important elements, frames, text changing places, etc. The arsenal is huge.
  5. Actually, the selling text itself, which includes a description of the product, its advantages, methods of application and, ideally, work with consumer denials. In general, creating a selling text is a separate big topic.
  6. You can often find embedded videos designed for those who prefer to watch and listen rather than read. Sometimes they make it launch on click, sometimes automatically when the page loads - everything is individual, somewhere one works better, somewhere else, somewhere without a video at all there will be a greater response.

And to my surprise the landing pages work ( Personally, they already cause a backlash for me, but most ordinary users the networks are still falling for them)! Although I must admit, it’s getting worse and worse, people are already fed up, it won’t be long until the conversion from them will not exceed the conversion from conventional methods sales, and maybe even fewer, I'm sure. But as long as this theme works, it should be used.

Moreover, selling one-page pages are created mainly for contextual advertising or other types of attracting traffic, except for SEO, and therefore such a landing page itself is not of particular value if it is not fed with traffic from the outside. Therefore, when it stops working, you can send it to a virtual landfill without unnecessary regrets.

Well, now, after a long introductory part, let’s move on to the most interesting part - creating your own landing page

How to create a Landing Page. Ways to create a landing page

There are several ways to make yourself a one-page website:

  1. Use various templates allowing you to create landing pages (both for popular CMS and with your own admin panel or in pure html)
  2. Online landing page generators
  3. Make your own landing page from scratch
  4. Order from professionals and avoid wasting time and nerves.
  5. Buy a ready-made landing page in specialized online stores.

To save time, I use the first option, and we’ll dwell on it in more detail.

Creating a landing page using ready-made templates

Just recently I was given an excellent selection of templates for landing pages, both in html and with its own admin panel.

As you understand, this method saves a lot of time, since the main structure, scripts, html body, layout, etc. everything is already ready. You just need to change the texts, upload necessary pictures and, if necessary, add your own functionality and customize styles.

In terms of time, it will take a little more than, say, working with online generator, but in terms of money it will cost several times less. The only downside is that you will need at least basic skills in working with html and css, and of course your own domain with hosting.

For example, the other day I created a landing page for the sale of Christmas trees in Tyumen, and successfully screenshotted the whole process =)

There is no installation - just upload the archive to the hosting in the root folder and go ahead, work. This is what the default template I selected looked like:

Standard landing page, with counter, buttons, etc. The only thing missing is reviews, but this is not a problem - the customer didn’t need reviews, and if he wanted to add them, there would be no problem. This landing page comes with its own functionality - a mini-admin panel, if you can call it that.

The texts are changed live directly by typing on the keyboard. From this menu you can configure formatting, colors, background, add links, pictures, videos, flash and even frames, etc. However, some basic information, such as email, order script settings, etc. you will have to configure it manually by editing files ( instructions for the template are included)

1. First of all, I went to the site and picked out some decent free icons in the form of Christmas trees. They will be used both to create design elements or a logo, and to create a favicon.

2. I replaced the boxes with Christmas trees, changed the texts, the colors of the uniform and the header to a green tint, removed extra blocks, etc. it took about an hour to do everything, most of the time was searching for pictures and adapting them to the template. As a result, the top part of the landing page began to look like this

The colors, of course, are more reminiscent of some kind of military, but oh well, customers have different tastes and colors, I haven’t bothered with them with my aestheticism for a long time) I had to dig deeper into the code and get into the CSS - alas, you won’t be able to get by with just the admin panel if you want to customize template for yourself.

3. There are no problems at all with the lower part - I removed the card, and the work diagram later, too, at the request of the customer. I changed the gradients a little to match the colors I needed. Changed the texts of the advantages. They are still preliminary, they will be finished later, I think.

4. Next I connected free set gorgeous font icons Font Awesome With their help in 5-10 minutes you can easily create simple graphic elements website design. Advantage vector icons is that they scale perfectly without loss of quality, and appearance you can customize directly via css without using graphic editors.

The end result will be something like this

In order for us to get such a beautiful truck, all we need to do is insert the code in the right place . To give it the design styles we need, we can add additional classes, for example I added 2 classes . In elkico I set the size for all the icons of this row, in grn I set the corresponding color for all green icons, and then for the design I just needed to add 2 words when inserting the code.

If you wish, you can make links, buttons from such icons, you can rotate them as you like and even add animation, all using only CSS.

This is what the bottom part of the landing page looked like after adding icons

Fortunately, in the Live Christmas trees section, you should insert a Christmas tree icon, but there is no such thing in the set, and I was too lazy to do it manually) I’ll do it later. Thus, with the proper skill, you can create pretty nice landing pages in 2-3 hours ( and if you use basic templates then in general you can do it in half an hour). Well, in general the site now looks like this:

Pros: fast, cheap, you are your own boss :)

Minuses: you need to understand html and css, be able to work with images, otherwise you can quickly cross out the point. Also this set templates have an outdated layout - it is not adaptive, i.e. On small monitors and mobile applications, the site design will look clumsy.

For WordPress, I can suggest several templates tailored specifically for creating landing pages:

  • quite a good template, I used it once to create a landing page on WordPress. On the plus side, it’s inexpensive ($10) and simple compared to many premium templates. Adaptive, with a set of pre-installed design styles, shortcodes and even WooCommerce is supported. To create landing pages, the theme's built-in constructor is used. Of the minuses - English language. However, it’s not complicated and my basic knowledge was enough to understand everything required functions and settings.
  • There are also more advanced ones, like this one with all sorts of parallaxes, animation, etc.
  • In general, there are plenty of them, for different needs and with different functionality, the one page tag on themeforest can help

Online landing page generators

Here I won’t go into so much detail - if you wish, you can familiarize yourself with online tools that allow you to create selling one-page pages. I'll just list the most popular services

1. Lpgenerator is perhaps the most popular in RuNet, you can find it at the link. And at the same time one of the most expensive.

Among the advantages - there is a free 14-day test period. However, tariffs range from 2,000 to 15,000 rubles per month. The only profitable use case I see is if you need to create a landing page on short term 1-2 months. There are not so many templates there, according to my estimates, a little more than a hundred.

pros: no need to buy hosting and domain separately, everything is in one service and is included in the total price of the tariff payment. Those. support, additional goodies and all sorts of promotions from services.

Minuses: expensive, dependence on third-party service.

Firstly, it is possible to use the service without registration. Secondly, you download the created template and install it on your hosting, i.e. There is no dependence on a third-party service, which is nice. Well, thirdly, it seems to be free, at least until I found price tags and paid tariffs on it. The only thing I saw is that the service offers to create a unique design for you according to your requests, apparently this is how they monetize it.

Of the minuses, I can note that the service is too crude, it still needs to be improved and improved. Well, there are only 4 possible templates at the moment, which is very meager.

There are actually a lot of similar generators, but most of them, to put it mildly, do not inspire confidence and have very mediocre functionality and a couple of dozen similar templates.

Creating a landing page from scratch yourself

This method is not for everyone, definitely. If you yourself want to make your own sales page with clean slate then for this it is necessary good knowledge html, css, ability to use java scripts, knowledge of all necessary programs and necessary services, good design taste, proficiency in Photoshop, ability to write high-quality selling texts, etc.

Pros: You are a full-fledged creator of your Internet masterpiece :) You will know every comma, every line of code of your selling website, and you will be able to create a unique, unlike anything else design or functionality. Moreover, it is completely free.

Minuses: Long and difficult, at least relative to other methods. This option is probably only suitable for pros or fanatics.

Order a landing page from a freelancer or web studio

Quite a common method. Many normal companies will not bother creating their own landing pages using generators or templates, knowing that in the end they will simply waste time or best case scenario will receive a poorly working landing page. It’s much easier for them to turn to specialists and pay about 10-20 thousand rubles ( if without flashy design) and get a ready-made website for your requests and needs.

Of course, if you turn to some large show-off web studios, they can easily rip off 100 thousand) If you turn to little-known freelancers on cheap exchanges, then you can find a performer for 2-3 thousand, but the quality of such work will most likely be dubious ( or ready-made templates will be used pure form without any special adaptation to the individual customer, except that the text and a couple of photos will be changed) and maybe they’ll throw you money, which also happens. So here, too, depending on your luck.

Pros: You order a website, you get a website the way you want. Without wasting time and effort on it.

Minuses: You are spending money on this)

By the way, if you need a landing page, then you can order it from me for a relatively low price (from 7 to 15 thousand rubles, depending on the complexity) and you will receive a full-fledged sales tool, with texts, pictures, counters, reviews and everything you need. More than 3 years of experience in website creation.

Most private business owners various services and small organizations understand how important it is to conduct business online. Creating a website and maintaining a page on social networks is now part of marketing strategy any company.

But few companies and organizations know how to make the most of the opportunities the Internet gives them. Creating a website is definitely the key to working online, but you can achieve so much more by using additional features. Creating landing pages is one such opportunity.

What are landing pages for?

A landing page (landing page) looks the same as a website, but it works a little differently. In online marketing, landing pages serve a specific purpose - downloading programs, signing up for subscriptions, purchasing products, etc. Unlike the purpose of the site, a landing page serves only one clearly defined purpose - convincing users to perform one specific action.

What does it mean?

    From a content point of view, a landing page should convey just one idea. It must convince the user to perform the target action and explains the benefits of performing this action.

    The design of such a page should be built around this action and nothing more. This also means that the design should not attract too much attention and distract users from the main goal.

    The ultimate goal of the page is to get the user to click on the button. Both the design and copy of the page should reflect this.

    A landing page, as the name suggests, literally means one page. You can break it up into multiple sections (like this example) or add galleries with dynamic content (like below), but it should only be one page and preferably not too long.

    Headings, subheadings, buttons and images should convey the main idea of ​​the page in a compelling and effective way.

How do landing pages work?

For a landing page to do its job, you need to drive traffic to it. This can be done in several ways:

    Create a target contextual advertising campaign(PPC) in search engines, which will link to landing pages.

    Send a landing page to , which your subscribers receive.

    Optimize your landing page content so that search engines can find you in organic (free) search.

All of these methods are good for driving traffic to your landing page, but then you'll need to think about where to send users once they land on your page. We've already said that the ultimate goal of a landing page is to convince users to click, but where should that click take them? Will they go to the shopping cart? On the registration form? On inside page your site? Think carefully about next step and help users complete it in one click.

Creating a Landing Page in the Wix Builder

If you think landing pages can help you online promotion, don’t wait and create such a page right now. In Wix, you'll find many that are designed specifically to help you get as many clicks as possible. Choose a theme or design that the best way convey the style of your business, then add your photos, text and links.

Important: One of the main advantages of landing pages is that they are quite simple to create. This means that you can create several versions of such a page with different designs and test which one will bring the best result. Landing page testing is an integral part of professional online marketing. This way you can learn a lot about your target audience and focus on the right positioning.

Ruslan Sharapov prepared for the site a review of the most popular designers that allow you to create landing pages. The parameters for comparison were price and the presence of a visual editor, adaptive layout, built-in statistics, as well as integration with other services.

The fashion for landing pages came to RuNet several years ago and is still not slowing down. A landing page is most often created for a specific targeted sales offer, so as not to confuse a potential client with a choice. The purpose of such a resource is usually to collect leads - contact information of the target audience. Targeting a specific audience and a convenient, concise format for presenting information about a service or product in some cases can increase conversion by up to 10–15%, which is very difficult to achieve by attracting traffic to the main site.

The idea of ​​creating one-page websites for any type of business, service or sale of goods has so captured the minds of marketers that this phenomenon has given rise to a whole layer of web studios and services that provide one single service - the creation of a selling page. It turned out to be very easy to get confused in this diversity, so at our advertising agency we decided to prepare a review material with a list of the most popular Russian-language landing page designers.

We found 16 existing designers that provide the ability to create landing pages without any experience in programming or layout. There were more services, but, apparently, many of them are no longer supported by their creators.

Before moving on to the description of each service, let me comment on some of the nuances of the summary table:

  • Cost is a tariff with payment for one month. If monthly payment is not provided, this is reflected in the table.
  • Visual editor- in this paragraph we meant the possibility of arbitrarily building the structure of a one-page website. For example, if the designer does not allow you to freely move blocks and you can only select one of the proposed options, then we considered that such a service does not have a visual editor.
  • Built-in statistics - the presence of any CRM that allows you to build a conversion funnel.
  • Layout adaptability - if the site assembled in the constructor adapts well to different sizes screens, then we counted adaptability.
  • Integration with other services is the ability to integrate a third-party service with the click of a couple of buttons, that is, without the need to delve into scripts.


An international cloud platform that allows you to create not only landing pages, but also full-fledged ones. Wix was included in the review because the guys are well versed in trends and have separated the landing page builder into a separate mini-direction.

The platform has a free version (with advertising and without linking your own domain), but for more or less comfortable use you will have to pay at least 243 rubles per month. The tariff schedule is quite flexible, in addition, there are regular sales with annual payment, so there is always the opportunity to snatch a cheap option.

In total, Wix has 458 templates, of which only 23 are “tailored” for landing pages, but almost any template from general catalog can be used for a one-page website by removing unnecessary blocks. The HTML5 visual editor is quite flexible, but you need to get used to it; from the second or third landing page you will be able to navigate it perfectly. Ready-made templates have desktop and mobile versions.

The main feature of the platform is own App Market, which has more than 140 applications ready to integrate with your website. These applications will cover all your tasks: there are online consultants, CRM, payment options, and so on.


One of the most simple constructors in our review, but that’s why it’s valuable: you certainly won’t make a bad landing page. The service does not allow you to make mistakes due to the fact that you cannot move blocks freely and accidentally destroy the structure through negligence. Select a block from the proposed list and place it at the desired position in the vertical plane.

Obviously, this is also the weak side of Flexby: if the flight of your imagination is wider than that of the creators of the service, then the designer is not suitable for implementing ideas. Only the most standard one-pager, only hardcore. But in terms of page creation speed, Flexby is the absolute favorite: in ten minutes we managed to create a pretty good landing page that works well on all devices.

Overall, the service is ideal for testing internet marketers’ hypotheses, especially considering the two-week free period use. True, the price after its completion, in comparison with competitors, bites a little - 750 rubles per month.

"LP Platform"

The service with the simple name “LP Platform” is in many ways similar to the previous member of the list, but allows you to customize the page to a greater extent. Landing pages from this designer no longer look like carbon copies.

To help the novice user, 26 ready-made templates are offered. There is integration with popular mailers and CRM. From interesting tricks- A/B testing and built-in statistics for UTM tags.

Some people will probably be put off by the ascetic UI, and even by the service’s landing page itself. Guys, seriously, give your service a less sad landing page or something.


Hello-site can hardly be called a full-fledged service - it is a simple constructor that gives you source files for uploading to your hosting.

The possibilities are minimal, but everything is completely free. A dubious benefit, but maybe it will be useful to someone.


A constructor with a pleasant-looking administration interface, but with limited layout capabilities. You are offered to choose one of 61 templates without the ability to create a page from scratch. Each template has preset sections that can be turned on and off as desired. The logic for changing content within sections did not seem very obvious to us - some kind of crazy set of tabs instead of the usual visual editor.

Integrations with third party services also not found, but there is a “Useful Services” tab, stuffed with referral links to various tools. From staffing capabilities There is only A/B testing functionality.


The most expensive service in our review, and its free period is completely conditional. For 1960 rubles per month you will also be limited in the number of unique visitors. Unlimited already costs 3999 rubles per month. However, the designer provides more than enough opportunities. The visual editor allows you to create a completely custom page and configure several dozen parameters and elements. The service offers 108 free and more than 200 paid templates - the latter can be purchased in a special landing page store.

I was pleased with the abundance of services for integration and detailed analytics of the conversion funnel. The ability to A/B testing is implemented on a page with the pretentious name “Conversion Optimization Center” - there you can adjust the impression weight of a particular version of the page, and summary information on traffic sources and conversion are presented in a convenient table. In general, LPGenerator is one of the most advanced services in its niche, but its rich capabilities are not useful to everyone, and the price, frankly speaking, can scare off many. (“Blend”)

The service will greet you with the need to choose from 114 templates - they won’t let you create a page from scratch here. You won't find a full-fledged visual editor either. Select a page element and configure one of three possible options content location. You can set the vertical order of elements, background and button shapes. At this point, the customization possibilities are almost exhausted, and this makes Q-page similar to Flexby. It’s convenient that you can play with the editor without any registration: this saves a lot of time and allows you to quickly assess whether you need this service.

Integration with other services could not be found, but adaptability of templates and built-in analytics are present.


The LPMotor constructor will meet you with all the severity - starting with undisguised traces of bootstrap in the interface and ending with not very friendly technical support. Oh yes, there is no trial either: you can dig into the admin panel, create a page, but they will publish it only after payment - at least 600 rubles per month.

The service offers 29 templates and a not very user-friendly visual editor. Adaptability is not provided, and to obtain at least some statistics they are asked to connect Yandex.Metrica. Only amoCRM is offered as an integration.


The service, like the previous one, greets us not too neatly home page, but the first impression gets better once you get into the editor. You can start from scratch or use one of 105 ready-made templates. The editor is rich - perhaps even too rich for an untrained person - in customization options and loads the browser quite well.

Built-in analytics shows the sources of clicks to the one-page website, device type, conversion data and allows you to A/B test various design options. Additional benefits include the ability to collect separate versions of the landing page for different types mobile devices. Integration is also okay: Landingi offers to connect 28 different CRM and email newsletter services. For access to the service they ask from 690 rubles per month.


The UMI CMS industry also has the ability to create landing pages. There is no full-fledged visual editor in the system, and the ability to edit blocks, let’s be honest, is depressing. It seems like all the main features are there, but it looks like hello from the early 2000s. UMI offers 46 landing page templates and, to be honest, almost all of them look outdated.

A standard CRM is present, and statistics are available upon connection Google Analytics. Mobile responsiveness is available only on certain template options. As for integration, we can only note the possibility of creating a project in SeoPult without leaving your UMI personal account. By the way, you cannot pay for a subscription for one month - they ask for 1,470 rubles for three months, although you can buy ten years for 11,900 rubles.


“Stylish, fashionable, youthful” - this is about Spagece. The service is unique in some way: the guys deliberately abandoned templates, advocating unique solutions. Quite a convenient visual editor, nice admin panel design and many useful tips at every step.

There are convenient built-in statistics, conversion analytics and adaptability, as well as excellent technical support, they respond quickly. We had to deal with technical support many times, which certainly cannot be considered a plus. The site we created spontaneously changed its appearance - for example, custom styles regularly disappeared. We sent a fair amount of bug reports, but technical support was unable to help with some of the problems or even reproduce them - although we still have them in different browsers and on different computers.

A month of using the designer costs 490 rubles (a two-week trial is included), but for each additional sneeze you will be charged more than this amount. Do you want to receive SMS about incoming leads? Please go to the cashier. Thinking about running an A/B test? And get in line again. Would you like integration, for example, with MailChimp? You probably already know where to go. The tariff for 490 rubles per month is suitable only for completely green beginners - for sane opportunities you will have to shell out 1500–1980 rubles monthly.


“Bazium” does not specialize in landing pages, but to please the trends, it still added such functionality. We are offered three templates for the capture page (as the service calls landing pages): short, slightly longer and very long. Such a wide choice.

To be honest, we didn’t notice a decent page editor: they only let you change texts and pictures. Built-in statistics and the ability to integrate third-party services were also not found. But you can pay for each day separately. Have you decided to give yourself and your business a day off? Don’t deposit 35 rubles into the service and you’ll be out and about all day in grand style. Is it time to make some extra money and sell a couple of containers of Chinese headphones? Be kind enough to pay 35 rubles - and accept leads for at least a whole day.


Candidate for the title "Mr. Stealth." Firstly, there was no standard registration form on the site - only submitting an application for admission to the system. Secondly, the “Try without registration” button still leads to the application form. Thirdly, despite the fact that Landix is ​​positioned as an online designer, everything in the personal account screams to the visitor: “Don’t use me, it’s better to order turnkey page creation from us!”

For the minimum tariff, the service asks for a modest price - 290 rubles per month. True, judge for yourself: there are no templates here, no normal visual editor, no statistics, no adaptability or integration with third-party services. And if after some time you want to return to the service, but forgot your password, as happened to us, then clicking on the “Recover Password” button will redirect you to the 404 page. Well, okay, Landix, so be it.


A landing page builder from one web studio, which, apparently, serves rather to attract attention to the company’s main services. At the start, we are offered to order a unique design, register a domain and connect to an online chat produced by this very studio.

There are 104 ready-made templates built into the designer; there is an opportunity to start from scratch. The visual editor is not without its peculiarities, but you can get the hang of it, it has enough functions.

There is no trial period. You can complete the page, but it will be published only after payment - from 200 rubles per month. You will also have to pay for the ability to A/B testing and analytics of advertising channels, but only once.


We remember this service primarily for its extremely unfriendly editor. It seems like there are a lot of cool animations, but you can visually change, in fact, only text, links and some images within the selected template. But you can freely edit whatever your heart desires in the source code - including CSS and various scripts. The admin interface again “indulged” us with naked bootstrap, but on the whole we managed not to get lost in its jungle.

The trial period lasts only seven days, after its end you will have to shell out at least 999 rubles per month for using the service. The simplest statistics are present, but they completely forgot about integration with other services.


On the first screen, LPCloud offers us to import an existing site, upload layout files, or start by choosing a template, of which the service has only 20. We agree to a template solution, and the system quickly walks us through the tutorial, after which it lets us go free. The editor is rich in functionality, but the average marketer will find it unnecessarily complex. In addition, there is no traditional ability to drag blocks with the mouse.

In general, there was a feeling that the creators of the service deliberately created a constructor not for marketers, but rather for lazy layout designers and other technically savvy people. All this digging around in CSS and containers can easily intimidate an unprepared client. But it is possible to share access rights to other team members. There is integration with Slack, to which the list of integrations is limited.

The service’s adaptability and responsiveness are fine, statistics and CRM are also adequate. There is no trial: you can create a page, then deposit at least 190 rubles per month and live in peace. Well, how calm: payment is accepted only from a linked card, so the designer will regularly write off money even if you forget about your landing page.

We deliberately did not take responsibility for creating any kind of rating, because everyone’s needs are individual and it would be useless to highlight the top best designers.

We also admit that we have overlooked any of the interesting services. If you are a representative of an overlooked designer, then your marketing may not be up to par. During the two weeks of preparing this material, we combed through a couple of dozen search pages and came across retargeting and context from, perhaps, all the services that are now actively promoting.

If you notice any inaccuracy in pivot table- write in the comments, we will correct it.

Hello, readers of the financial magazine “”! Today we’ll talk about landing, what it is, what advantages and disadvantages it has, etc.

Landing(“landing page” or landing page ) is a fairly well-known term that refers to a web page with a specific specification. However, not everyone knows the essence of such pages.

So, what is a landing page? Brief Definition“landing page” can be stated as follows - this is an Internet page on a domain or subdomain in the format html/css(or a friend).

Landing page interested in people who sell various goods on the Internet.

Such a “landing page” will not contain annoying advertising, useless texts, flashing banners or pop-up menus.

From this article you will learn:

  • What is a landing page and how to use it;
  • What are advantages of landing page compared to a regular website;
  • How to create a landing page yourself for free and promote it online;
  • Which landing page designers are the best and where to download ready-made templates;
  • How to make money on landing pages and what taxes you need to pay.

We wish you a productive study of materials!

What is Landing (landing page), what types it comes in, how to create it yourself and other information, read further in the article

1. What is a landing page (or landing page) - its features and advantages 📌

Landing page is a one-page website on the network that can have several names:

  • landing page or landing page;
  • "lendos";
  • customer capture page.

home landing task page is to encourage website visitors to do something active actioncall, leave a request, purchase a product, subscribe to the newsletter etc.

That is, landing page is an Internet marketing tool designed to increase sales of various goods or services on the Internet.

1.1. Landing page development history

Landing page was invented in the USA about 10 years ago by Internet marketers.

At a certain point, they began to realize that competition in the market was constantly increasing. Websites and online stores are improving and visitors cannot always understand what is the advantage of one company over another.

Serious competition in the industry was the primary reason for the creation of a landing page.

An example of an ideal selling landing page

1.2. Goals and objectives of the landing page

The purpose of the landing page is to obtain contacts of possible buyers who have visited this one-page site.

Note! The sale of a product/service is carried out at the next stage, after the visitor’s targeted action, that is, submitting an application for consultation.

Internet marketing experts say that a high-quality landing page can increase website conversion several times. At correct use landing page sales conversion may increase by 8-35%.

1.3. Sales funnel and conversion

Any website owner is constantly looking for ways to increase its popularity and maximize sales.

The main criteria by which it is determined Internet resource efficiency, are "sales funnel" And "site conversion". By understanding the essence of these concepts, you can find out the level of your sales. Let's take a closer look at these definitions.

Conversion and sales funnel are the main indicators of landing page effectiveness

1) Website conversion

Website conversion is considered the most significant indicator of the effectiveness of an Internet resource.

The conversion value displays the number of page visitors who became buyers of your products/services.

In other words, website conversion is a kind of “marker” that marks the fulfillment of your requirements, namely:

  • purchase of goods;
  • subscription to the newsletter;
  • downloading specific files;
  • registration;
  • other actions.

For example for tourism it is considered quite a normal level 8-13% . But for a website that sells luxury fur coats, the conversion rate is to 10%, and this is considered an excellent indicator. (The fact is that clients here have higher purchasing power).

Important! Typically, conversion rates fluctuate from 2-3% to 20-40%. If the conversion is, for example, 20%, it means that out of one hundred target visitors who visited the site, twenty completed the target action.

Website conversion needs to be constantly improved. To do this, you need to gain the trust of site users. Your website should be user-friendly with easily accessible information.

It is worth noting that the conversion rate of a landing page is always higher than that of a regular website.

2) Sales funnel

A sales funnel can show the number of visitors to your site who did not complete the actions you require. It is a graph in the form of an inverted pyramid. Such a funnel has the following representation:

  • number of unique visitors;
  • the number of unique visitors who performed the actions you require;
  • the number of customers who paid for the product or service.

When used correctly, A sales funnel can become an effective assistant in planning the optimal amount of advertising material and the number of contacts at each sales stage etc.

Based on the sales funnel indicators, we can draw conclusions regarding management quality and the need to adjust work at a certain stage of sales.

This analytical tool provides insight into how potential client makes a decision to purchase the product or service you offer. What pushes him to such an action.

After reviewing these steps, you will be able to exert control over customer behavior through a properly designed landing page.

The value of a sales funnel lies in segmenting a huge mass of buyers by behavior and interests.

Example— there are two people who want to purchase a vehicle.

One has not yet decided what exactly he wants to buy - an airplane or a car. The second one, on the contrary, already clearly knows that he needs a car. These people are completely different- the first, after much thought, will buy a bicycle, but the second is ready to go buy a car tomorrow.

As a rule, the entire path from interest in your product to the anxious moment of purchasing it is divided into four stages:

  • Stage 1. Awareness;
  • Stage 2. Interest;
  • Stage 3. Decision;
  • Stage 4. Action.

By superimposing these stages on the number of people who are at each stage, the result will actually be a funnel that tapers towards the bottom.

1) At the top there are people who realized that they were interested in a certain product. At this stage, a person tries to find general information about the product you like, perhaps its analogues, minimum characteristics.

3) If a decision is made to purchase a product, the client moves to the next stage, in which key role focuses on clarity and clarity of content. It is he who can motivate a person to make a purchase or become an obstacle to such a decision.

4) At the very bottom of the funnel are people who have moved from the status of site visitors to the status of buyers. If the sales funnel is organized correctly, the client will definitely buy the product on the same site.

The goal of any quality landing page is invisible promotion of the visitor through all stages of the sales funnel from awareness to action. The best tools There will be educational articles, step-by-step guides, infographics.

Important! Information about the product must be specialized. Its goal is to increase the potential client’s motivation to make a purchase.

Online sales are growing regularly. Along with this, the sales funnel will also change. Perhaps over time it will become more complex. Therefore, it is very important to understand it now.

1.4. Capture Page Performance

The greatest efficiency of landing can be achieved only with participation in the development a full-fledged team of professionals.

To create a high-quality landing page (before launching it on the Internet), you will need the help of the following specialists.

  1. Project manager. Indicates the ultimate goal when developing a landing page, monitors all stages of the implementation of the technical plan, calculates the return on investment in advertising, and makes all important decisions.
  2. Marketer. His work is to develop a general strategy, create a prototype of the future website, effective affiliate programs and USP (unique trade offer). It also determines the prospects of the concepts being created and analyzes the results obtained.
  3. Web Designer. Using the approved site prototype as a basis, he develops a landing page layout and is responsible for special effects for the site.
  4. Front-end developer. Engaged in programming and subsequent layout of the landing page, testing the page display on different devices, adjusts the operation of forms intended for sending applications and calls from the website.
  5. Copywriter. Writes “selling” content, creates headlines using the 4U method. Also participates in prototyping the landing page and optimizing its semantic blocks.
  6. SEM Contextual specialist. Conducts analysis semantic core, selects target queries for search engines, sets up contextual advertising, analyzes it and, if necessary, refines it (we wrote about how to collect it in a special article).

Only harmonious work of all specialists is able to create a truly high-quality landing page.

1.5. Why create a one-page website - 3 main advantages of landing page

Let's look at the main advantages of a landing page compared to other sites and online stores. (Read also our article - where you will find step-by-step instructions on creating and launching a successful IM).

So, let's start in order:

  1. A one-page website will help increase the number of visitors who subscribe to news notifications and e-mail newsletters, approximately 20-30% , compared to a regular site!
  2. Raises by 50% probability of purchasing the product you offer!
  3. Convinces website visitors to download and install new program or app!

Rules and tips for creating a landing page

2. 13 basic rules for creating your own Landing Page 📎

There are landing pages with conversion 40-60% . Such indicators mean that every second visitor to the site left their data or filled out an application to purchase a product. Two factors contributed to this success:

  1. The bulk of page visitors are this is the target audience. The site was visited by people who were interested in the product offered.
  2. The landing page was created according to traditional rules ensuring high site efficiency.

Rule #1. The landing page must contain one product

Couldn't get your visitor to click on the “buy” button?

To get more clients, you must adhere to the following principles:

  • the user's attention should be focused on one product;
  • tell the client about the benefits of only this specific program;
  • set a discount price for one product;
  • interest the visitor with a newsletter on one topic.

When several products are placed on one screen, the customer’s attention will be scattered. He glances at the entire page. Perhaps he will show interest in some funny picture or flashing discount. However, in the end the tab will still be closed. Not even a minute will pass before a visitor will forget about your site.

If a visitor comes to a website and sees one product that he can focus his attention on, his level of interest will increase. And the likelihood that he will take the action you need will also become very high.

Rule #2. The call to action must be clear

When visiting a page, the first thing a user does is ask himself where he ended up and why.

Important! If in the first seconds of his stay on the page he cannot find answers, the potential client is guaranteed to be lost. It is necessary to provide the visitor clear and understandable information about your product.

Statistics show that about 80% potential buyers leave the site in the first fifteen seconds. The main reasons for this fact are:

  • Lack of motivation to action. That is, the visitor did not find (did not understand) what to do on the site. The person is not offered to order, subscribe, learn more, etc. A high-quality landing page should contain specific calls to someone to take action. If there is no “big red button” on the page with the word “buy” written on it, such a landing page will not bring the desired result;
  • The page is very busy, which confuses the visitor. A person cannot understand what exactly is being offered to him. A lot of scribbled details, a lot of unnecessary animation, etc., only cause irritation for users. Each such element tries to attract a person’s attention. As a result, the main call to purchase or subscribe loses its significance.

These tips will help increase sales of your product.

  1. Red button rectangular in shape with a capacious verb placed in the center to help you. This button should be present at both the beginning and the end of the landing page.
  2. Express yourself clearly and clearly. A clear and concise explanation of what the visitor must do and what he will receive for it is necessary.
  3. Remove anything that might distract from the main idea., namely, unclear headlines, graphics, large advertising banners with other people’s products, neutral pictures, etc.
  4. Convince the client of the exclusivity of the product you offer. When describing the benefits of a product, you should use a lot of comparisons and numbers. Next to this information you need to place red button. Sometimes the decision to purchase a product can be spontaneous. To instantly satisfy the buyer’s desire, this treasured “buy” button is needed.
  5. Outline specific benefits from the visitor's use of your offer.

However, you should not be too zealous in your desire to get a buyer. The presence of many advertising gimmicks and an intrusive offer to buy a product will only cause negativity in the visitor.

Rule #3. Make selling and catchy headlines

A good landing page has one promotional offer that fits easily into the headline.

Examples of selling headlines: If your product is fluorescent lamps? Here's the title - “Save energy 4 times more efficiently” . Need to invite fatties to the fitness center? Write their dream in the title - “Who wants a TV star figure?” .

Typeface headers are a must use tags h1 and h2. If possible, put it in the headings key phrases - these are words or phrases by which customers will find your site through a search engine.

Rule #4. Use intelligently written sales text

The text is the first priority.

Important! You should order a landing page design only after a final, high-quality text has been compiled.

To write a first-class text you need:

  1. create a portrait of the “ideal buyer”, that is, a person who needs your product;
  2. read books about sales psychology and marketing;
  3. learn to engage the visitor in conversation. In this case it will be a monologue. Try to start a virtual dialogue with the client, identify questions that he may have. Write the answers to them in the text. Product Information must be comprehensive. You shouldn't be limited to a certain number of characters.

Nowadays, Internet marketing gurus can hear critical statements about large landing pages. However, if you carefully understand this situation, it becomes clear that the bulk of criticism falls on boring and uninformative texts. But those who like to criticize them somehow forget about good, long landing pages.

There is no need to be afraid of large texts if:

  1. The product is unknown and complex. The client will need to describe each benefit in detail. Give many examples that will prove the benefits of the product.
  2. The product is expensive. To interest a person, you will have to take on board all the superpowers of the landing page - discounts, gifts, warranty and post-warranty service, cases, reviews.

Rule #5. Formatt your texts correctly

This rule is one of the most significant for the promotion and sale of services or goods.

When formatting the text, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Readable font - 16 point. ( Open Sans, Garamond, Georgia, PT Serif, Arial).
  2. The line should not contain more than 80 characters.
  3. Every 3-5 lines should be formatted as a paragraph.
  4. A subheading is needed for every 2-4 paragraphs. Subheadings must be written in such a way that the user, after reading it, can easily understand what will be discussed in the next paragraph.
  5. Mandatory presence of tables, quotes, lists (numbered or marked).

Rule #6. Less aggressive advertising!!!

Three exclamation marks at the end are one of the signs aggressive advertising. In addition, there is also “CAPS LOCK”.

Note! Most people have words or phrases with everyone in capital letters And exclamation marks arouse suspicion. They develop a strong belief that they want to deceive them.

If a copywriter, content manager or editor uses such things, then this indicates their low qualifications.

It is also not recommended to include in the text hackneyed phrases such as “the lowest prices in the region”, “flexible system of discounts”, “individual approach”, etc. Information that is not supported by facts, figures, comparisons is simply useless. Therefore, it must be removed from the text without any regret.

Rule #7. Competent landing structure

It is necessary to understand how the user's gaze will move.

If all the elements of the page are placed in their place, a person will be able to easily perceive the information. And if the visitor understands the product you offer, the likelihood that he will purchase it will increase significantly.

Also needed visual navigation - these are thematic pictures, icons and arrows. You can get someone's attention contrasting colorshighlight headings , make the button red , orange or yellow.

Rule #8. The landing page must be relevant - this is very important!

The concept of relevance means correspondence.

A relevant landing page is a web page that meets the visitor’s expectations.

Landing should be developed not only for each marketing company, and for each traffic source. For example, if visitors come to your page from any social network, this information should be displayed on the site.

Rule #9. You need to be prepared for objections

Approximately 9 out of 10 clients before making a purchase, think about their decision. People are afraid of scammers and fear for their own safety.

There are many clients who want to hide their purchase from others. Some people have fears of losing their money or disbelief in such a low cost of the goods.

Since you do not have the opportunity to communicate personally and dispel all the user’s fears, you need to take care in advance of reasoned answers to all sorts of objections. They should be inserted into the text.

  • guarantee a return on your investment, for example, within 1-2 weeks;
  • provide the opportunity to try the product for free, also, within a 2-week period. Emphasize that such a proposal will help a person make up his mind.

These marketing moves have always been and will be relevant when developing landing pages.

Rule #10. Use the principle of scarcity and the urgency effect

You have to be with a deficit very neat, because not everyone falls for such a trick.

Important! Today no one pays attention to the countdown timer. Moreover, if it is regularly updated after the page is reloaded.

It is necessary to use other methods. Eg, display information about the quantity of remaining goods and regularly update these figures. The visitor should see that the product is quickly sold out.

Example: You need to try to make sure that the buyer’s algorithm of actions or thoughts is as follows: “Yesterday there were 100 bread machines in stock with discount 50% , this morning it’s already 33, and closer to lunch it’s only 5 things. We need to buy it urgently while the goods are still available!”

Rule #11. Convince the visitor of your reliability

Trust elements are best placed near calls to action.

  • Using the Buttons social networks — creating a group (page), a list of subscribers in a VK group, a tweet feed, likes on Facebook. (and we already wrote about promoting it in our last issue")
  • Publication of reviews along with links to companies or people who left them.
  • Display of certificates, awards. If necessary, all documents should be opened in full size and easy to read.

Rule #12. No complicated forms to fill out on the site

As a rule, the form for entering personal data does not cause irritation for most visitors. If necessary, people from the target audience are always ready to write name, occupation, email address.

Difficulties usually arise in the next stages of registration, when the visitor is asked to provide details of his life. It is better to ask such questions after the user has confirmed registration.

An equally common problem is a complex captcha!

Captcha — this is a pop-up form for entering a set certain characters(numbers and letters). By filling out the captcha, the visitor confirms that he is not a robot.

It sometimes takes a lot of time to decipher the characters and write them in the correct sequence. This is the reason why approximately 30-40% people simply close the tab and forget about your offer.

No need to use captcha. Let your competitors have it.

Rule #13. Simplicity and accessibility of perception

This rule summarizes the essence of all previous rules.

Important! Should be ordered simple landing page.

She must be:

  • without unnecessary graphics and text;
  • with a proposal to perform only one action - buy one product, subscribe to one newsletter, etc.;
  • spacious and not too busy.

Ideal Landing Page is a page that can be obtained through testing, adjustments and performance measurements.

3. Should I create a landing page myself or is it better to order a landing page from professionals?

Developing a landing page yourself is not such a difficult task. With knowledge and patience, anyone can create a landing page. However, in such a case there is how positive (+) moments and negative (-) .

Let's consider all the advantages and disadvantages self-creation landing page:

Pros (+)

  1. A landing page created by oneself will cost a person completely free.
  2. There is no need to create a technical specification. You get the opportunity to do it yourself according to your ideas.
  3. Creating a landing page with your own hands provides invaluable experience, which will be very useful in the future when working with the Internet.

Minuses (-)

  1. In case of absence necessary knowledge It will take time to study them.
  2. Developing a landing page takes a lot of time, during which you could sell a certain amount of product.
  3. You may end up with a low-quality landing page, and as a result, the market potential of the promoted product will not be fully realized.

Order a landing page from a special studio or work on it yourself - it's up to you to decide.

However, it is worth recalling that creating a page with your own hands does not involve any expenses. Therefore, it’s still worth trying your hand even if at the same time you placed an order for a landing page in the studio.

If you create a high-quality landing page, you can further develop your acquired skills and make landing page development your own. The demand for these services increases every year.

Note! If similar work seems overwhelming to you, since it requires perseverance and takes a lot of time, then it is better not to spare money and order the creation of a landing page by professionals. And while they are working on your order, you will have time to solve the main tasks of your business.

Developing a landing page yourself is justified only if it is your first and you want to save money. After all, you cannot be sure that a product or service promoted through this site will be in great demand.

However, if sales have already started, the first orders have appeared and you are confident that your product will become in demand, then it’s time to turn to specialists. They will help make your landing page more high quality and efficient, and will also significantly increase the conversion rate.

Paying for services 5-15 thousand rubles, your sales may increase by 2-3 units per day. Over the course of a year, you will accumulate quite a decent amount of money, which will significantly exceed the amount spent on “upgrading” your site.

Important! Increased conversion just for 0,5% can bring millions in profits in a year.

Of course, you can create a better quality landing page yourself than a single freelancer can do. Read about it in the article at the link.

Ordering from a studio will not be cheap, but you will save your time, and the money spent will subsequently be returned many times over in the form of profit.

4. Modern landing page designers 🛠 - TOP 3 of the best

The great popularity of landing pages has led to the emergence of many designers. Let's look at some of the most popular Russian-language designers.

Landing page builder No. 1."LPgenerator" (

Lpgenerator is an excellent website builder with which you can create a landing page from scratch. The service can offer more 300 templates, a large number of tools - lead management, A/B testing and many other goodies.

Simple tariff price— 2156 rubles per month. This tariff assumes a limit on the number of visitors - 9 thousand per month.

Eat tariff without restrictions. Its cost is 4,000 rubles per month.

The prices are a bit expensive, but many say that Lpgenerator is worth it.

Landing page builder No. 2. Flexbe (

The Flexbe website builder is considered one of the most reliable and simple landing page builders. Eat free version, which acts 14 days. This time is quite enough to evaluate the convenience of the designer and its suitability for your business.

Most affordable tariff — 750 rubles per month. The tariff includes: domain - 1, pages - 10, SMS notifications - 250, technical support, your own mailbox, free domain.RU, etc.

Most expensive tariff costs 3,000 rubles per month. It includes unlimited number of domains and pages, 1000 SMS notifications, etc.

From cons (-) One can highlight the limitations in creating a landing page. It is not possible to get something cool because the set of tools of this website builder is not large.

TO pluses (+) It is worth considering the speed of creating a landing page. In ten minutes you get a completely decent one-page website that looks good on mobile phone screens.

Landing page builder No. 3."LPTrend" (

"LPTrend" is a clear landing page designer that suitable for beginners. The service can offer 61 ready-made templates with restrictions on layout.

Keep in mind! Create a landing page from scratch here not provided. There is no integration with other services.

From functionality There is A/B testing, tab " useful services» , which has links to various tools.

The trial period is 15 days. Sufficient time to test the capabilities of the service.

Most cheap tariff 500 rubles per month. It is possible to generate one landing page.

Behind the most expensive tariff will have to post it 2000 rubles per month.

Subscribe to premium tariff makes it possible to create an unlimited number of landing pages.

Other online landing page builders

There are a couple more website builders that worth paying attention:

"Bazium"- a pretty good website builder. The service offers almost 400 design variations, 53 blocks and 27 different settings, able to fully satisfy all needs. Among the positive aspects, one can especially highlight the possibility of paying for services as you use them. Behind this service will have to pay 35 rubles per day.

"Tilda"— offers a modular system. The cheapest tariff costs 500 rubles, subject to payment for the entire year. If payment is made monthly, then the cost of the tariff will be 750 rubles.

5. How to create a landing page for free 💸

Let's look at popular services where you can also create a landing page for free:

  • Creation of landing pages (one-page websites) to order for a small amount on freelance sites (from 1000 rub. and higher).

6. Examples of the best selling landing pages 📰

Let's look at a few examples of selling landing pages. Keep in mind that landing pages are constantly changing their relevance. If “today” certain templates had a high conversion, then it is not a fact that these templates will work with the same conversion “tomorrow”.

Therefore we recommend do not copy, and take it as an example and create your own landing pages with your unique pictures and texts (content that others do not have), or order them from specialists who know the relevance of landing pages.

7. Landing Page templates - where to download + step-by-step installation instructions 📝

The landing page structure consists of several elements:

  • Logo, phone numbers, data capture form, that is, call back.
  • A proposal or offer that is displayed as a relevant headline.
  • List your benefits.
  • Call to action (placed red button).
  • Photos, drawings and other high-quality graphics.
  • Information that helps increase confidence in the product - certificates, reviews, etc.
  • Contact Information.

Every known platform, e.g. "Wordpress", "Jumla" etc., has its own landing page templates. However, you can find high-quality and free landing pages for WordPress impossible . Relatively good landing page starts from 15-25 dollars.

There are also templates that are not tied to any platform. They number in the hundreds of thousands. You can find many sites where you can download ready-made free templates landing page.

However, we can’t talk about a normal free landing page. Most of these proposals are just garbage. There are very few decent options. High quality templates You can try to find the Landing Page on popular landing platforms (for example, lpgenerator, wix, etc.)