What is landing in simple words: effectiveness, pros and cons. B2B Landing Pages: what business problems does a landing page solve?

Why? What should you consider when developing a website for B2B? And do you need a full-fledged website, or is it enough? Landing Page? As part of the Year of Systematic Electronic Marketing, we asked Alexey Puchkov, head of the Setup.ru project, to talk about B2B sites.

A B2B website is often created in the image and likeness of a B2C website. Looking ahead, let's say right away that this doesn't work. Another problem is the lack of expectations regarding the resource, that is, the business owner has little faith that this will also increase sales. This article will talk about what a useful B2B website looks like. We will also touch on one-page Landing Page selling sites for this area and find out what properties they should have.


The first thing you should think about before figuring out what a B2B website should be is the purpose of its creation. In addition to sales itself, there may be other important goals. Among these: creating a representative office, expanding the network of dealers, working to increase loyalty and brand awareness, communication with clients, the media; cost reduction.


Study all your closest and distant competitors, highlight for yourself the strategies they follow and how much money they spend. Pay attention to how they build a chain of communication with the client on the website, which is what they place the greatest emphasis on. What will it give? You will understand which path others follow and how your rivals are similar. Your business will also have proven solutions, but creating another duplicate is ineffective.

To whom?

Decide who will be your site visitor. Let's say these are clients, partners and journalists. Each of them, getting to the main page of the site, should see a section that corresponds to his interests. What do they need?

  • Clients. Catalog of goods with characteristics and indication of the exact name of the product model, convenient filtering; video reviews, licenses, certificates.
  • Partners. Section “Partners”, company news, overview of implemented technologies, concluded contracts. Everything that reflects in detail events within production and in external relations.
  • Journalists. What is needed here is a “Press Center” with press releases, interviews with senior officials, and any review materials. Mandatory design of the “Contacts” section indicating who is working with the media.


Before you create a website, carefully consider what sections will be there and who will read them.

1. Information about the company. Sections: “About the company”, “History”, “Managers”, “Contacts”. Here is everything that concerns the company as a whole and its positioning.

2. Information about production.“Technologies and equipment”, “Quality standards”. Here are some beautiful ones high quality photos workflow, it is better to arrange them in a separate subsection.

3. Product information. Product catalog with sales department phone numbers, the ability to order a call back, product articles and reviews. Also a section with licenses and certificates.

4. Information for the media. News, reports, press releases, awards, text and video interviews. Social responsibility and all kinds of initiatives should be presented in a separate section, in which you can get home page. Contacts of the PR department and graphic materials for use in the press are required: company logo, photographs of managers, etc.

5. Information for dealers. Here is a list of existing partners, separately stated terms of cooperation with you and contacts for communication with competent managers for the development of a dealer network.

6. Information for applicants. Open vacancies with the opportunity to submit a resume. Direct telephone number of the HR department indicating the contact person.

7. Information for investors. Information, announcements of shareholders' meetings, results and dividends.

8. Contact information. Here are all phone numbers, e-mail, address with card, opening hours, visiting conditions (passes, identification document)


The KoMarketing agency provides interesting figures in its research about what a client expects to see on the site. It shows that the game is designed for adult guys, which means they will have to disclose the prices, or, well, motivate them to ask for them from you.

The Liftservice company has implemented an interesting constructor on its website, where you can select the parameters of the elevator and thus send a request. There are no prices on the website, but it is assumed that the client is contacted by a manager who already understands the client’s class and needs.

Important! A B2B product catalog is not an online store with a “Buy Now” button. Prepare for the fact that your site will be looked at collectively, identifying for yourself the strengths and weak sides your proposal.

Website for a successful offline business

If your business is well known and has long won regular customers and multi-million dollar contracts, it will not reduce the number of sections. You always need to remember that two large categories of visitors will come to the created website: existing clients and new ones. Everyone should feel comfortable, so take care of regular visitors and do not deprive newcomers of information.

The very fact that you have a customer base will not in any way affect the decision of those who came to you from contextual advertising. Show what you can really give to the client. Don't be fooled by the fact that success means widespread recognition, including from those who haven't worked with you.

What is the difference between a website and a Landing Page for B2B?

Let's start with the fact that a Landing Page for B2B is a specific offer with a clear line of conviction, but not to be confused with the exalted presentation of B2C. If “business to client” is shooting sparrows with a shotgun, then “business to business” is a concentrated hunt for a hawk.

A B2B website is information resource, which is aimed at large categories of visitors (clients, partners, journalists). Landing Page for B2B is an offer of cooperation aimed at a specific segment of the category. And the more segments, the more landing pages there should be.

Important issues and common questions:

Text. Must be comprehensive. Content for a B2B landing page is the absence of unfounded statements, argumentation and facts. The most important thing is authenticity. People will come here for information, without emotions and spontaneous decisions. The benefit must be real and formulated on the first screen. And no paid reviews with fake pictures from stock photos!

Title. Here the task is the same as always - to hook in the first 3-5 seconds. It must be directly related to the request that the visitor clicked on, otherwise disappointment will occur.

Call to action. Rather, it is an opportunity for action to which the landing page text logically leads.

Form. The principle of maximum minimalism also works here. Two fields with a button at the beginning and end of the page, for example.

Design. This is as succinct as possible. It simply should not interfere with the main text content, which is the main component of a landing page for B2B. We are not talking about complete asceticism. Use arrows and icons that will highlight the main blocks and move attention. On one screen 1–2 bright accent, but not more.

Button. For B2B, expanded wording works better. For example, “Receive materials by e-mail” instead of the short “Receive!” But it is better to test in each specific case.

Pin page. It is useful to thank the visitor for their interest after completing the target action and formulate what will happen next. This is an element of business communication to consolidate the “agreement”.

Images. Give up free photo banks and paid ones too! A B2B landing page will do without these frills if the text is written correctly. If not, then it won’t work, and pictures won’t save it.
Triggers. Standard ones for B2C don’t work here. In large-scale production, it is difficult to influence greed and the thirst for freebies. There are techniques that need to be worked with carefully, and each “bonus” should be clear to the client.

Size. A grave mistake the B2B landing page will have short text. Bullets with a strong headline work for B2C. If you don't have strong information about your B2B product, you won't get read to the end.

An approach. The standard presentation of sales text does not work here. You need to find out what interests your customers first. This can be found out from the managers who receive calls. This way you will have a picture of objections and doubts, on the basis of which the Landing Page will be compiled. Not everything will be announced, but be prepared for almost anything.

Quantity. The bigger, the better. Each landing page is a specific type of visitor and always one product. One Landing Page cannot sell several products at once, accept payments and offer orders call back. If, after analyzing your audience and proposals, it turns out that you need 100 landing pages, do it.


How to avoid common mistakes when creating a B2B resource at the start? Ask yourself all of the following questions.

Determine why you need it new resource- popularization, increased sales, reduced service costs. You can’t “just be” because everyone has it. Be prepared for the fact that the site needs to be developed and updated regularly.

You need to identify those with whom you want to communicate. Divide them into segments, find out the needs of each. It’s better to know as much as possible: scale of business, age, gender, location. Based on this, you can understand how to proceed.

Depending on your business goals and the audience you are targeting, it will be clear what is required at a particular stage - a full-fledged website or a landing page. Root error- is to decide that a landing page is enough and present several models of your products there. There is nothing more confusing than an endless landing page with an unclear purpose.

You need to think about how to become attractive to a potential client, which directly depends on his needs. Often it only seems that the client’s motivation to take the action we need is clear. Researching your competitors' landing pages will come in handy at this stage.

How should a visitor to your resource complete required action? It is important to think through the logic of buttons and forms, and in time to shift attention to required block. If he came to your site for what was promised to him, meet his expectations and “lead” him logically down the funnel to the cherished target action. Make sure that on the page the person will receive answers to all possible questions.


When creating a website or Landing Page, you need to remember the specifics of your B2B business. If you start not from your ideas, but from target audience and the features of your product, your resource will justify its purpose - it will bring new partners and increase sales. Remember: you need to set specific goals based on research on yourself and your competitors and choose means to achieve that are justified in each specific case. B2B will not tolerate clumsy decisions.

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Landing Page as a trend began to actively develop in Runet in 2013, at the peak of the popularity of the “Business of Youth” trainings. Thousands of entrepreneurs began investing in standard landing pages, and at first they gave good results. Where the conversion (ratio of buyers to visitors) of a simple website was 1-2%, landing pages delivered 5-7% and higher. It was simply gorgeous! However, then the market put everything in its place.

More and more people were making typical landing pages with a template structure:

  1. A primitive offer a la “Turnkey bathhouse in Moscow.”
  2. Block "Our advantages".
  3. Block “How we work”.
  4. “Reviews” block.
  5. Office location map.
  6. contact form with a typical call “Leave a request.”

The number of sales pages numbered in the tens of thousands, and over time, buyers began to develop immunity to them. And since in those days there was no marketing adjustment as such, the effectiveness of sales pages sharply declined. And with it comes a trend.

Some entrepreneurs became disillusioned and abandoned the whole business, preferring conservative methods of finding clients, while others began to involve specialists: copywriters, directologists, web analysts. This is how landing pages began to gain popularity high level with multi-testing, “gaskets” and an exclusively scientific approach.

The essence of sales pages

Landing page (landing page)this is a website page where people come and perform certain targeted actions: leave a request, place an order, transfer money, subscribe to a newsletter, etc..

The vast majority of business landing pages (over 80%) sell interest in products and services in exchange for contact from a potential buyer. This is one of the simplest targeted actions that do not require detailed elaboration and at the same time show good conversion. Selling interest in exchange for a contact is universal, and therefore it is used everywhere, offering to leave a request for measurements, calculations, commercial proposals, consultations, etc.

There are pages that “close” the audience to order goods. Moreover, these can be both pages of online stores and full-fledged landing pages. The second is especially true for selling goods from China, which sell like hot cakes on well-designed pages. Even with a markup of up to 500%.

Finally, the most complex type of page is the “closing” page for prepaid purchases. Such pages are often one-page sites and are popular in the information business. There is practically no standard approach here, and the copywriter is required to work in detail on all aspects of the sale.

This is logical, because convincing a person to leave contact information or part with money here and now are two completely different tasks, both in complexity and in approaches to solution.

“Partners” of selling pages

On their own, sales pages don’t have much value. Their true effectiveness only comes when they have an audience. In internet marketing this is called “traffic”. Depending on the quality of traffic, the same sales page can have a conversion rate of 50% or 0.05%.

The most popular traffic sources are:

Depending on the tasks, other sources can be connected:

  • Banner advertising on thematic platforms.
  • Teaser advertising (the one that pisses everyone off terribly, but still gets clicks).
  • Advertising on pornographic sites (dirty mass traffic, which is carried out on an astronomical scale for dubious products in the segments of weight loss, genital enlargement, attractiveness, and other things; has a low conversion rate, but due to its mass nature can provide a significant increase in sales).
  • Advertising in email newsletters, both white and spam, etc. You get the idea.

But there is another type of people. These are those who have not yet decided which laptop they want to buy and enter queries like “How to choose a laptop.” Such requests are called informational. Clicks in contextual advertising They are much cheaper, but there is no point in leading people to the sales page, because a person still doesn’t fully know what he wants.

For such cases, so-called spacer pages are used. They are, as a rule, articles in which the author shares successful experience purchasing or using a particular product, explicitly or implicitly promoting the desired product or seller. Another option is pages of forums or question-and-answer services. I plan to devote a separate article to spacer pages, so subscribe to blog updates so you don’t miss anything.

Landing Page Examples

Since Yandex.Direct often becomes the main source of traffic for sales pages, you have an excellent opportunity to study all your competitors’ landing pages. Use the Yandex.Direct search service for this and see which pages are shown for which search queries.

Creating sales pages

The process of creating sales pages can be divided into three stages:

  1. Preparatory (similar to the process of developing a selling text, see trilogy).
  2. Prototyping.
  3. Design, layout and programming.

After passing these stages, the page is sent for testing, and the main work begins with it. Yes, yes, don't be surprised. The main work on the page begins after “going live”. At the end of the day, all customers want maximum conversion and bang for their buck. Testing, analysis of results, repeated experiments - all this also requires effort, time and certain skills from the copywriter.

Of the development stages, you may have a question about the second one. I will devote a separate article to prototypes, but for now I have for you short video on this topic with clear examples. By the way, average cost one prototype of a sales page - 10-30 thousand rubles. Therefore, if you are a beginner copywriter and have not yet decided on your specialization, you can consider this direction.

It’s difficult for a copywriter to create a full-fledged landing page alone. Therefore, if you are serious about doing this, find partners. At a minimum, a person who can integrate the prototype into ready-made HTML template (a budget option).

Price quality template is about $13-16 (700-1000 rubles). Personally, I buy most of my templates from Temforest. There are thousands of them there. Plus, integration work costs about $100-150 (5-10 thousand rubles). You can, of course, do this on your own, but such work requires special knowledge and skills. For example, I know how to do this, but I trust my partner because in the same time I can earn much more from copywriting. And I don’t particularly like fiddling with the layout.

IN Lately I work mainly according to this model, because then I fully control the entire progress of the project and see all the indicators feedback. This is no longer just a job, but a case, new data for research, new knowledge that greatly improves skills. Much stronger than books and trainings combined.

Services and landing page templates

Speaking about creating landing pages, it must be said that there are special design services, a la Wix, LPGenerator, Flexby, LPMotor and others. They contain a rich set of tools and ready-made templates. And many beginners and entrepreneurs use them. However, I personally don't like them. If only because I don’t like it when the page doesn’t belong to me, I don’t like the restrictions that services impose, and I don’t like paying constantly for something that you can only pay for once.

In addition, all the functionality of such services can be easily replaced by a bunch of HTML templates (from the same Temforest) + Google Analytics. Yes, this approach requires additional knowledge: working with web analytics, hosting, HTML, but it allows you to save more than a thousand dollars a year, which is also not bad. However, here everyone chooses what is closer to him. Even for a simple test, as I already said, it’s much easier for me personally to buy a page template or theme, add a developed prototype with different offers into it and send it for testing.

Who needs and who doesn't need Landing Page

I really like to compare landing pages to a medicine that a doctor prescribes. Doctor in in this case- a copywriter, and the patient is a business. As is the case with medicine, there are indications when this or that treatment is prescribed. And there are situations in which treatment is ineffective. Conventionally, these situations can be divided into four segments.

Segment #1: B2C

This is a mass segment of consumer goods and services (PVC windows, goods from China, plumbing services, repairs, etc.). Landing pages work well in it in combination with various sources traffic: from social networks to contextual advertising.

Segment #2: B2B

This is the segment of corporate goods and services (B2B segment): printing, advertising services, personnel, accounting outsourcing, drinking water delivery, cleaning, etc. In it, sales pages also work well, but with a much narrower number of traffic sources. Most often - only with contextual and, less often, media advertising.

Segment No. 3: B2B+

Narrow corporate segment of special goods and services. This could be the supply of unique components or spare parts, complex installation and technical or renovation work(such as repairing a turbine in a power plant), as well as any goods and services supplied to large corporations in industrial scale. In these areas, people, as a rule, know each other well, meet at exhibitions and resolve issues through personal agreements.

For example, there may be companies with billions of dollars in turnover, but do not have websites. These are exactly companies from this segment. Landing pages usually don’t work here. And if they do work, they make up the minimum volume of orders. Little things, so to speak.

Segment #4: B2G

Goods and services supplied to government organizations (B2G segment). For example, subcontracting for the construction of roads, equipping schools with sports equipment, or delivering food to the deputy canteen. Here, landing pages are not used at all, because in 99% of cases all services with more or less normal receipts (from 100,000 rubles) go through tenders.

If we talk about copywriter employment, then the most orders are in the first two segments. This is usually small and medium business.

What to do in the Landing Page market

The market for services for creating sales pages is now packed to capacity. There are great specialists who keep their promises, and there are talkers who promise “mountains of gold”, and then throw up their hands and say: “Well, it didn’t work out, it happens.”

Regardless of whether you are a landing page customer or a contractor looking for new orders, you must understand two important things:

  1. Businesses no longer need landing pages themselves. The time it was fashion trend, it's already over. Now the result expressed in numbers is important.
  2. You must have confirmation of the result. Ideally - guarantees, cases, direct connection with sales and a backup plan “B” if the landing does not work.

Making a sales page is easy. Take any template and customize your advertising. But making the landing page sell and recoup the money invested in it is a task of a completely different order. Here you need to be able to make an offer, differentiate yourself from competitors due to benefits and advantages, and also create rapport by instilling trust through the WHY formula and activating other psychological triggers.

Actually, we will talk about these and other things in subsequent articles. And from this article I want you to take away basic information, which we will need to understand deeper processes.

In the future, if you want to learn how to develop landing pages or get a cool sales page for your products and/or services, look at the pages that already exist. Note what personally attracts and pleases you, and what, on the contrary, repels you.

Despite the fact that I have already developed hundreds of landing pages, I still try to view at least 30 landing pages from various niches every day. This allows you not to get hung up on current skills, but to constantly discover something new, and both in terms of logical structure, and design, and constantly expand your knowledge base with new experiments.

Try it, it's very simple, but the effect exceeds your expectations.

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Hi all! Daniil Shardakov is in touch. And if it seems to you that I haven’t published new articles for a very long time, then you’re damn right. This is how it happens: you miss an article on schedule, then you make a promise to yourself that you will get everything done next week, and so this promise wanders from week to week. But it's time to pull yourself together and correct the situation!

Although, to tell the truth, I did not plan to publish this article. I sincerely believed that there was already a lot of material on the topic of landing pages or, as they are also called, selling pages, and everything about them was clear. But constant letters with questions from readers forced me to change my point of view and make this unscheduled issue with an analysis of key points.

In addition, considering that I created landing pages (or landing page, this is another name for selling pages, from the English Landing Page) on the blog, without this article it would not be completely complete, or something. In general, today we are looking at the essence of landing pages in different keys: marketing, economic, technical and many others. Make yourself comfortable, we're starting!


Landing Page as a trend began to actively develop in Runet in 2013, at the peak of the popularity of the “Business of Youth” trainings. Thousands of entrepreneurs began investing in standard landing pages, and at first they gave good results. Where (the ratio of buyers to visitors) of a simple website was 1-2%, landing pages gave out 5-7% and higher. It was simply gorgeous! However, then the market put everything in its place.

More and more people were making typical landing pages with a template structure:

  1. Primitive a la “Turnkey bathhouse in Moscow”
  2. Block “Our advantages”
  3. Block “How we work”
  4. Reviews block
  5. Office location map
  6. Contact form with a typical call “Leave a request”

The number of sales pages numbered in the tens of thousands, and over time, buyers began to develop immunity to them. And since in those days there was no marketing adjustment as such, the effectiveness of sales pages sharply declined. And with it comes a trend.

Graph of the trend dynamics of sales pages by according to Google Trends.

Some entrepreneurs became disillusioned and abandoned the whole business, preferring conservative methods of finding clients, while others began to involve specialists: copywriters, directologists, web analysts. This is how higher-level landing pages with multi-testing, “layouts” and an exclusively scientific approach began to gain popularity.

The essence of sales pages

Landing page (landing page)- this is a website page where people come and do certain things: leave a request, place an order, transfer money, subscribe to a newsletter, etc.

The vast majority of business landing pages (over 80%) sell interest in products and services in exchange for contact from a potential buyer. This is one of the simplest targeted actions that do not require detailed elaboration and at the same time show good conversion. Selling interest in exchange for a contact is universal, and therefore it is used everywhere, offering to leave a request for measurements, calculations, commercial proposals, consultations, etc.

The first screen of my laboratory's sales page. The target action is setting the task. People say what they want to get, and I say what can be done.

There are pages that “close” the audience to order goods. Moreover, these can be both pages of online stores and full-fledged landing pages. The second is especially true for selling goods from China, which sell like hot cakes on well-designed pages. Even with a markup of up to 500%.

Finally, the most complex type of page is the “closing” page for prepaid purchases. Such pages are often one-page sites and are popular in the information business. There is practically no standard approach here, and the copywriter is required to work in detail on all aspects of the sale.

This is logical, because convincing a person to leave contact information or part with money here and now are two completely different tasks, both in complexity and in approaches to solution.

“Partners” of selling pages

On their own, sales pages don’t have much value. Their true effectiveness only comes when they have an audience. In internet marketing this is called “traffic”. Depending on the quality of traffic, the same sales page can have a conversion rate of 50% or 0.05%.

The most popular traffic sources are:

Depending on the tasks, other sources can be connected:

  • Banner advertising on thematic sites
  • Teaser advertising (the one that really pisses everyone off, but still gets clicks)
  • Advertising on pornographic sites (dirty mass traffic, which is carried out on an astronomical scale for dubious products in the segments of weight loss, genital enlargement, attractiveness, and other things; has a low conversion rate, but due to its mass nature can provide a significant increase in sales)
  • Advertising in email newsletters, both white and spam, etc. You get the idea.

But there is another type of people. These are those who have not yet decided which laptop they want to buy and enter queries like “How to choose a laptop.” Such requests are called informational. Clicks on them in contextual advertising cost much less, but there is no point in leading people through them to the selling page, because a person still doesn’t fully know what he wants.

For such cases, so-called spacer pages are used. They are, as a rule, articles in which the author shares his successful experience of purchasing or using a particular product, explicitly or implicitly promoting the desired product or seller. Another option is pages of forums or question-and-answer services. I plan to devote a separate article to spacer pages, so subscribe to blog updates so you don’t miss anything.

Landing Page Examples

Since Yandex.Direct often becomes the main source of traffic for sales pages, you have an excellent opportunity to study all your competitors’ landing pages. Use the Yandex.Direct search service for this and see which pages are shown for which search queries.

Landing page search service by key queries Yandex.Direct

Creating sales pages

The process of creating sales pages can be divided into three stages.

  1. Preparatory (similar to the process of developing a selling text, see)
  2. Prototyping
  3. Design, layout and programming.

After passing these stages, the page is sent for testing, and the main work begins with it. Yes, yes, don't be surprised. The main work on the page begins after “going live”. At the end of the day, all customers want maximum conversion and bang for their buck. Testing, analysis of results, repeated experiments - all this also requires effort, time and certain skills from the copywriter.

Of the development stages, you may have a question about the second one. I will devote a separate article to prototypes, but for now I have a short video for you on this topic with visual examples. By the way, the average cost of one sales page prototype is 10-30 thousand rubles. Therefore, if you are a beginner copywriter and have not yet decided on your specialization, you can consider this direction.

It’s difficult for a copywriter to create a full-fledged landing page alone. Therefore, if you are serious about doing this, find partners. At a minimum, a person who can integrate the prototype into a ready-made HTML template (budget option).

The cost of a high-quality template is about $13-16 (700-1000 rubles). Personally, I buy most of my templates from Temforest. There are thousands of them there. Plus, integration work costs about $100-150 (5-10 thousand rubles). You can, of course, do this on your own, but such work requires special knowledge and skills. For example, I know how to do this, but I trust my partner because in the same time I can earn much more from copywriting. And I don’t particularly like fiddling with the layout.

Lately, I have been working mainly according to this model, because then I have complete control over the entire progress of the project and see all the feedback indicators. This is no longer just a job, but a case, new data for research, new knowledge that greatly improves skills. Much stronger than books and trainings combined.

Services and landing page templates

Speaking about creating landing pages, it must be said that there are special design services, a la Wix, LPGenerator, Flexby, LPMotor and others. They contain a rich toolkit and a set of ready-made templates. And many beginners and entrepreneurs use them. However, I personally don't like them. If only because I don’t like it when the page doesn’t belong to me, I don’t like the restrictions that services impose, and I don’t like paying constantly for something that you can only pay for once.

In addition, all the functionality of such services can be easily replaced by a combination of an HTML template (from the same Temforest) + Google Analytics. Yes, this approach requires additional knowledge: working with web analytics, hosting, HTML, but it allows you to save more than a thousand dollars a year, which is also not bad. However, here everyone chooses what is closer to him. Even for a simple test, as I already said, it’s much easier for me personally to buy a page template or theme, add a developed prototype with different offers into it and send it for testing.

Themeforest - the main place to buy Landing templates Page.

Who needs and who doesn't need Landing Page

I really like to compare landing pages to a medicine that a doctor prescribes. The doctor in this case is a copywriter, and the patient is a business. As is the case with medicine, there are indications when this or that treatment is prescribed. And there are situations in which treatment is ineffective. Conventionally, these situations can be divided into four segments.

Segment #1: B2C

This is a mass segment of consumer goods and services (PVC windows, goods from China, plumbing services, repairs, etc.). In it, landing pages work well in combination with various traffic sources: from social networks to contextual advertising.

Segment #2: B2B

This is the segment of corporate goods and services (B2B segment): printing, advertising services, personnel, accounting outsourcing, drinking water delivery, cleaning, etc. In it, sales pages also work well, but with a much narrower number of traffic sources. Most often - only with contextual and, less often, media advertising.

Segment No. 3: B2B+

Narrow corporate segment of special goods and services. This could be the supply of unique components or spare parts, complex installation, technical or repair work (for example, repair of a turbine at a power plant), as well as any goods and services supplied to large corporations on an industrial scale. In these areas, people, as a rule, know each other well, meet at exhibitions and resolve issues through personal agreements.

For example, there may be companies with billions of dollars in turnover, but do not have websites. These are exactly companies from this segment. Landing pages usually don’t work here. And if they do work, they make up the minimum volume of orders. Little things, so to speak.

Segment #4: B2G

Goods and services supplied to government organizations (B2G segment). For example, subcontracting for the construction of roads, equipping schools with sports equipment, or delivering food to the deputy canteen. Here, landing pages are not used at all, because in 99% of cases all services with more or less normal receipts (from 100,000 rubles) go through tenders.

If we talk about copywriter employment, then the most orders are in the first two segments. These are usually small and medium-sized businesses.

What to do in the Landing Page market

The market for services for creating sales pages is now packed to capacity. There are great specialists who keep their promises, and there are talkers who promise “mountains of gold”, and then throw up their hands and say: “Well, it didn’t work out, it happens.”

WHY-formulas and activating others.

Actually, we will talk about these and other things in subsequent articles. And from this article I want you to take away the basic information that we will need to understand deeper processes.

In the future, if you want to learn how to develop landing pages or get a cool sales page for your products and/or services, look at the pages that already exist. Note what personally attracts and pleases you, and what, on the contrary, repels you.

Despite the fact that I have already developed hundreds of landing pages, I still try to view at least 30 landing pages from various niches every day. This allows you not to get hung up on current skills, constantly discover something new, both in terms of logical structure and design, and constantly replenish your knowledge base with new experiments.

Try it, it's very simple, but the effect exceeds your expectations.

It is clear that creating a service landing page is not an easy task. Start with a proposal. You need to find The best way talk about your product. This can be done using short, succinct sentences, unique text, benefit bulletins or videos. If your services can be presented visually, various photographs or graphic tools will help tie everything together. If not, then even simple icons will be a suitable solution.

To inspire you to modernize your own page, we bring to your attention several examples of amazing landing pages for B2B services. You'll have to make an effort to avoid the temptation to copy them!

1. iVision

Sometimes you may find that the number of services you offer is too large and you need to try to figure out how to better present them to users.

iVision knew exactly what to do when they created their landing page. They organized all services into three categories, each of which had its own sub-services. This approach makes it easy to see what iVision offers, allowing you to explore services in detail on individual landing pages.

“We not only know how to solve our clients’ IT problems, we help them think through scenarios and choose the best one.” possible options" - David Degits, Executive Director

Services are described using two quotes, one is the word executive director, the second is from the client. Speaking up on behalf of your business and on your page not only adds personality to your business, but also serves as proof that you and your customers believe that your services are truly useful (while increasing your conversion rate).

Another interesting element is the brochure view option. If you know your audience prefers more tangible materials that they can take with them and show to colleagues, or like to do things the old-fashioned way, this alternative design can be useful.


The Salesforce Marketing Cloud landing page succinctly demonstrates service categories without overloading the user with unnecessary information.

In this case, Salesforce decided to give an overview of their services and focus on solutions and success stories, thus allowing users to see how their own companies can become more successful using a particular product.

Usage orange color as a background for the paragraph on the right (the CTA button for requesting a demo version in the same color navigation bar) allows you to draw attention to the content. The content of this block assures users that the company's product is constantly evolving to meet their needs.


Unlike the two previous examples, WaveOC chose more visual method present your services on the page, adding graphics for each service to create context for each option before you even start reading.

Each product feature has more than full review on separate page, but thanks visual elements Users can immediately understand what WaveOC offers before deciding whether they need more information.

One element of the landing page that was not present in other examples is the “Benefits” section, allowing users to learn why WaveOC is better than others.

If you have any questions regarding the service, a small widget in the lower right corner allows you to immediately ask a company employee without having to contact the sales department by phone. These kinds of tools help you talk to potential clients, thereby increasing the chances of their conversion.


Before going into detail about various services their company, Cart2Cart has specially highlighted a section that clearly shows what their software, namely, the migration of your store from one platform to another. This clear call to action gives users an accurate idea of ​​what they can expect and whether the product features the options they're looking for.

Migrate your store

After users have played with this tool, they can continue scrolling and learn about other features of the service. Different color background separates one block of content from another, linking their contents together.

Another impressive element is the blue bar at the bottom of the screen with step by step instructions to get a demo version. The first step allows you to select the stores you want to migrate, the second takes you to a page that shows exactly how the migration will happen, and the third step reveals the cost. Features like this are a great way to show users what they can expect from a product without hiding details and offering them easy way conversions.


It is very important to show users your offer as quickly and effectively as possible, so that they do not have to scroll down the page looking for the main thing. Interamark has managed to do this - they've positioned icons and small headers for all of their services above the fold so that users know exactly what to expect when they scroll to read more.