Visual editor for joomla. Extensions for the JCE editor. JCE Editor Distribution

Let's look again at the highest quality and most advanced visual material editor for Joomla 2.5/3.x. A broadly functional tool allows you to significantly simplify and speed up the process of creating materials for the pages of your website. Significantly richer than standard TinyMCE.

JCE text editor ( Joomla Content Editor) is a whole package of extensions. On the JCE developers website you can download it yourself JCE-Editor component, plugins to him and Russifier. The developers have released only one for free plugin - MediaBox.

Installation of the JCE editor and the JCE MediaBox plugin occurs in the standard way: Extensions -> Extension Manager. Russifier and other plugins are installed via the built-in JCE editor installer - Install Add-ons.

After installation, you must enable the JCE editor by default. Website -> General settings. In a collumn "Default editor" we exhibit "Editor - JCE".

When you copy and paste text from Microsoft Word or the Internet, the editor copies the text along with styles and designs. The JCE editor does not remove this “garbage”, and it then appears on your site. Usually the text is first copied into notepad, and from it into Joomla.

However, some things can be configured in JCE editor so as to optimize these manipulations. In the component control panel in the tab "Editor Profiles" open the template Default.

On the bookmark Plugin options choose Clipboard and set:

  • Cleaning Microsoft Word - "Always"
  • Class attributes - "Yes"
  • Delete all SPANS - "Yes"
  • Delete all styles - "Yes"

Now pasting material from Microsoft Word into the JCE editor window using the same keyboard shortcuts Ctrl-C And Ctrl-V or using the button Paste in the editor toolbar will be carried out without unnecessary junk.

Another way, without going deep into the JCE editor settings, is to insert text into an additional dialog box that is called up by clicking the icon Paste as Plain text. This method inserts text more cleanly.

Most of the work with CMS Joomla is spent working with text. And to make this work more comfortable, it would be good to choose a tool to your liking. In this article we will get acquainted with the text editors that are most often used in Joomla. These are TinyMCE, Code Mirror and JCE. The first two are included in the Joomla distribution. The JCE editor is a third party extension. All three text editors provide comfortable work not only with text, but also with tables and images.

Text editor TinyMCE

The TinyMCE editor is included in the standard Joomla build and is a WYSIWYG editor. WYSIWYG is an abbreviation for the English phrase “What You See Is What You Get”, which means: “What you see is what you get.” In other words, this is a visual editor in which the user immediately sees the editing result, which is as similar as possible to the one that will be displayed on the site.

Joomla includes TinyMCE as a plugin. To change the functions of the plugin, you need to open the “Extensions” menu, then go to the “Plugin Manager”, and then in the list - the plugin “Editor - TinyMCE” and make changes.

Text editor CodeMirror

When working with a Joomla website, sometimes there is a need to edit the source code. Visual text editors have a function for working with HTML tags, but it, as a rule, does not work correctly with script texts. In addition, there are professionals who are more accustomed to working with site materials in a simple text editor using HTML tags. Therefore, the standard Joomla 2.5 package includes a simple text editor, CodeMirror.
s, just like TinyMCE, is included in Joomla as a plugin. . Its useful properties are fully manifested when editing pages and cascading style sheets of the template, when installing various counters, scripts, arbitrary html modules, etc.

JCE text editor

The text editor JCE (Joomla Content Editor) is rightfully one of the best text editors for Joomla. Together with the add-ons, the JCE editor is a complete package for working with almost any type of content.

JCE is a Joomla extension and functions as a component. The editor is installed, like all other extensions, through the “Extension Manager”. First we install only the component. The fact is that all add-ons for JCE are installed through its internal installer. After installation, a new item will appear in the “Components” menu – “JCE Editor”, which in turn contains four more menu sub-items. Let's go to the “Install Add-ons” sub-item:

Click on the “Browse” button, select the localization package file and click on the “Install Package” button. After installation, the JCE editor interface language will change to Russian. Now you know how to install add-ons for this text editor and can later add the functionality you need yourself.
On the JCE add-ons install/uninstall page, there is an "Updates" button in the top right corner. If you want to keep cms up to date, you should periodically install updates for JCE. Unfortunately, JCE is not yet updated through the general Joomla 2.5 extension update component and therefore will have to be updated separately.

There are four links at the top of the JCE administrative interface: Control Panel, Global Configuration, Editor Profiles, and Install Add-ons. We have already figured out the installation of add-ons, let’s go to the JCE control panel.

The editor's control panel contains up-to-date information about JCE and buttons to access settings. For example, the “File Browser” button launches a simple file manager that runs in the “Images” directory of our Joomla website. Using this file manager, you can create a folder, download, delete or rename a file, and view its properties. In the upper right corner of the JCE control panel there is a “Options” button, which is responsible for configuring the component parameters. In JCE Settings, you can configure permissions to access management sections, enter an update key for commercial add-ons, change the update type and support site link, and enable or disable the JCE news feed.
Click the “Global configuration” button or the link of the same name at the top of the JCE control panel to go to the component’s global configuration settings panel.

In this panel you can configure encoding, editor styles, newline separators, etc. Useful options are compression options. It is recommended to enable the "Compress Javascript" and "Compress CSS" settings to speed up loading. Global configuration settings apply to the entire component. And since there are global settings, then local ones must also be present. The fact is that the JCE text editor supports profiles. Those. You can save a specific set of options for a specific user or group of users. This is very convenient when several people are working on editing a site - you can customize the editor in accordance with the user's requirements, permissions and preferences. Save the changes in the global configuration and follow the “Editor Profiles” link.

By default, there are two profiles: “Default” and “Front End”. Click on “Default” and get acquainted with the profile settings.

Using these settings, you can configure JCE in any way you like. For example, on the “Features and Layout” tab, you can add the necessary buttons to the editor panel or, conversely, remove unnecessary ones, you can set labels for buttons and select a theme, and you can disable the status bar. There are a lot of settings

The TinyMCE editor is installed on the system by default and is the only visual editor included in the set of standard extensions of the Joomla distribution. In the TinyMCE extension manager, this is a plugin. The editor on the tab is turned on/off Extension Manager→Management. Configured on the tab: Plugin manager.

In the settings you can expand the functionality of the editor and change the editor mode to Advanced mode. This mode will add several additional functional buttons to the editor.

Third party visual editors for Joomla 3

Third-party visual editors are released in a component type extension. In this article we will look at three main components of a visual editor: JCE, CKEditor, Ark Editor.

JCE Editor

The JCE visual editor is a Joomla Component extension type. Perhaps this is the most famous visual editor for Joomla. The editor is actually multifunctional. The “native” language is English; localization packages can be downloaded on the editor’s website. The Russian translation is quite complete. The editor has many settings. All settings on the tab Components→JCE.

JCE Features

The editor has several appearance designs, both the visual editor and its text editor. There is a button to switch from a visual to a text editor. Very convenient insertion and editing of photos into articles from the site's Media Manager.

Disadvantages of JCE

The editor provides a “Style” button for formatting texts. But setting up the button is complicated and does not always work.

There are still problems activating the editor (General Settings → Select Editor) when updating the Joomla version. The problem is related to a mismatch between the localization version of Joomla itself and the JCE localization package. Eliminated by replacing the JCE localization package and clearing the site cache and browser cache (ctrl+F5).

Editor CKEditor

Free Joomla component. Registration is not required even when downloading. The editor is simple and lightweight and looks an awful lot like the built-in TinyMCE. The disadvantages include, again, inconvenient insertion of photos. They are inserted from a URL, rather than directly from the Media Manager library.


However, the editor has an extension CKFinder - Ajax file manager. It makes inserting photos much easier. There's just one problem: this extension is paid.

Download here:

Ark Editor

Website address:

The Ark Editor is the long-known JCK Editor, but completely updated. The component remained free, but was filled with, I don’t hesitate to say, enormous functionality. Suffice it to say that 13 functional plugins are loaded with it. After installing it, I couldn't find anything that couldn't be done in this editor. In addition to the standard functionality, a large selection of styles, adding buttons to texts, placing text in columns, designing photos in Lightbox directly from the editor, etc.

The editor's drawback, as strange as it may sound, is overkill with functionality. A large number of plugins may conflict with already installed extensions.

I went through a period where JCE refused to work and I had to look for a replacement. I tried a lot of visual editors, but I couldn’t find a normal replacement for the editors presented in this article.

CMS versions 3.2 / 2.5 / 1.5. Thanks to this visual editor, you can make writing content on the site and editing it more convenient and simpler than in any other WYSWYG visual editor.

JCE editor has a fairly large range of useful functions for working in the Joomla admin panel. You will be able to format texts on the pages of your website without any knowledge of the HTML / XHTML markup language and CSS cascading style sheets.

JCE editor for Joomla has about 50 commands, where each command is programmed for a visual button or drop-down list in the component.

Today, JCE Editor is the most popular component for the Joomla engine, which is used by the vast majority of web masters who develop sites running Joomla.

The main advantages of the JCE component:

  • The component has standard buttons for editing content on the site, and for convenient work with graphic images, with a convenient intuitive interface;
  • There is a fairly convenient search for text in articles, preview of the posted article, flexible work with tables on the site;
  • The editor allows you to quickly and conveniently create links for sections on the site, categories, and articles.
  • It is possible to fully control the HTML code of each page posted on the site; the JCE component conveniently highlights opening and closing paired tags and automatically removes unnecessary code from edited pages;
  • There is a built-in function for checking spelling in the text, implemented through the use of electronic Spelling (or PSpell and ASpell).

Installing the JCE editor on a Joomla site is carried out using the standard method, that is, through the “extension manager” in the site’s admin panel.

Russification of a component is carried out by installing a plug-in into the component itself (addon to the installed component).

To Russify the JCE editor, you need to go to the admin panel in "components", then select "JCE editor", then select " Installing add-ons" and through the review button select on your computer a pre-downloaded zip archive with the JCE cracker. As soon as you install the cracker, the component is automatically Russified, including all the tips in this WYSWYG editor.

Important! In order for the component russifier to work correctly, it is necessary that Joomla CMS itself be also russified.

Connecting the Yandex.Speller spell checking service to the JCE editor

To enable spelling, you can refer to the instructions in the Yandex search engine. How to enable spelling in the JCE editor from Yandex, read on Yandex.Speller.

For both beginners and experienced users, the JCE editor has a modified version that you can install on your website. You won't need to tinker with the code much; all you need to do is simply enable the use of Russian for spell checking in the JCE editor profile.

To enable this option, go to the administrative part of the component (JCE Administration), then to “Editor Profiles” (here you need to select the profile you are using), for example, Default. Next, you will need to open the “Plugin Options” tab, then “Spelling”. Then all you need to do is simply turn on and set the Russian language first in your list.

To use the spell checking function in the JCE editor, use the button spelling that is on the control panel.

Visual editor JCE (Joomla Content Editor) is one of the most functional editors for Joomla 3.x. Using this text editor, you can easily add and edit site materials, change their style, without having knowledge of CSS, HTML and PHP.

Key Features of the JCE Editor

  • The presence of the basic functionality of any text editor - the presence of standard buttons for quick formatting and inserting tags.
  • A convenient tool for working with tables.
  • Convenient advanced media manager.
  • It is possible to insert quick links to site files, materials or other links.
  • Ability to quickly add a style to part of the text.
  • Adding and removing various tools from the editor panel.
  • Ability to customize the editor panel J.C.E..
  • Ability to create different editor profiles for different user groups.
  • Excellent extensibility with plugins.
  • Cross-browser compatibility of the created test.

Additional extensions for the JCE editor

Main advantage J.C.E. before competitors - the opportunity to expand functionality. To the editor J.C.E. There are many additional extensions that make it easier to add content to your site.

  • plugin for creating image captions
  • additional set of emoticons for the editor
  • file manager
  • file system for Amazon S3
  • addon for editing the source code of any content element
  • inserting and editing frames
  • advanced image manager
  • media manager: insert Flash, Quicktime, Windows Media and etc.
  • popups addon for RocketTheme RokBox And WidgetKit Lightbox
  • editor template manager
  • commercial addon JCE MediaBox
  • and etc.

JCE Editor Distribution

There is free and paid ( Pro) version of the extension, including additional addons. Download editor J.C.E. For Joomla 3.x It is possible from the developer's website.