Setting up Outlook mail. Setting up Outlook for different mail servers

To configure the program Microsoft Office Outlook To work with your mailbox, you need to add a new account.

To set up your account you will need the following information:

  • your name, which will be displayed in the "From" field for the recipients of your correspondence.
  • Mailbox address: your mailbox address in full with domain (for example, [email protected]).
  • Login: the name of your mailbox without the domain (for example, user).
  • Password: password for your mailbox.
  • : for example, / Port: 25 (STARTTLS encryption can be used) or port: 465 (SSL encryption can be used). An SMTP server for sending mail requires authorization, it must be enabled in the outgoing mail server settings.
  • Incoming mail server (POP3): for example, / Port: 110 (STARTTLS encryption can be used).
  • Incoming mail server (IMAP): for example, / Port: 993 (SSL encryption can be used).

The process of adding a new account is similar for different versions of Microsoft Office Outlook. There may be differences in the organization of the main menu and some of the names of the settings fields. Below is an example of setting up a mailbox in the interface Microsoft Office Outlook 2013.

If you are using a different version of the program, it will also be useful for you to familiarize yourself with the example. To proceed to creating a new account in other versions of MS Outlook, carefully look through the main menu and find the item. For example, for Microsoft Office Outlook 2007, in the main menu, select "Service", then "Setting up accounts...". In the window that appears, click the button "Create..."(see Fig. 2), subsequent settings will be similar to the example described below.

You can also go to setting up MS Outlook accounts via Windows control panel. To do this, click on the menu button "Start", select item "Control Panel". In the list that opens, find "Mail"- a window will appear "Mail settings - Outlook"(see Fig. 1). Click the button "Accounts"- a list of current accounts will be loaded. To add a new account, click the button "Create..."(see Fig. 2).

Rice. 1. Setting up mail - Outlook.

Rice. 2. Setting up accounts.

Setting up Microsoft Office Outlook 2013

    Open Microsoft Office Outlook 2013. There are two options: You are running the program for the first time after installation, or You have already used the program before.

  1. You will go directly to setting up a new account, enter the data (see Fig. 6):

    • In field " your name"Indicate your first and last name - this is the name that the recipients of your correspondence will see.
    • In field " Email address" - the full address of your mailbox indicating the domain.
    • In field " Password" - the password for your mailbox, then confirm it in the " field Password verification".

    Rice. 6. Setting up a new account.

    you can use automatic account setup, in this case press the button successively "Further" until setup is successful. The program itself will determine the necessary parameters for working with your mailbox; this process will take some time. At the end, a window will appear with a message about successful setup and a button "Ready", click it to start working with the mailbox (see Fig. 7).

    Rice. 7. Automatic account setup.

    Or you can use manual configuration, to do this, set the switch to the "Manual configuration or additional server types" position and press the button "Further"(see Fig. 8).

    Rice. 8. Manual account setup.

    When manually setting up an account, in the next step you need to specify the service - set the switch to "POP or IMAP protocol"(see Fig.9) and press the button "Further".

    Rice. 9. Manual account setup - Selecting a service.

  2. At the next manual configuration step, you need to specify the connection parameters (see Fig. 10). Some fields will be filled in in accordance with the data specified in the first step of setting up a new account.

    • In the dropdown list "Account Type" select "POP3" or "IMAP".
    • In field " Incoming mail server"enter the server name in accordance with the template pop.[domain].ru (for example, if you selected the "POP3" protocol and in accordance with the template imap.[domain].ru (for example ), if you have chosen the "IMAP" protocol. The domain can be,,,,,, - use the domain of your mailbox.
    • In field " Outgoing mail server (SMTP)"enter the server name in accordance with the template smtp.[domain].ru (for example, The domain can be,,,,,, - use the domain of your mailbox.
    • In field " User" - the name of your mailbox without specifying the domain.
  3. In field " Password" - password for your mailbox. Check the box "Remember password", if you don’t want to enter a password every time you start the program. If you do not check the box, you will be asked for a password when you start the program and account.
  4. Tick ​​" Secure Password Verification (SPA)" does not need to be set. Otherwise, you will not be able to receive correspondence.

  5. Rice. 10. Manual account setup - Account settings.

    Then click the button "Other settings...". In the window that appears, select the tab "Outgoing mail server" and check the box "SMTP server requires authentication", leave the switch in position "Similar to incoming mail server"(see Fig. 11).

    Rice. 11. Manual account setup - Other settings 1.

    Go to the tab in the same window "Additionally" and check the port numbers:

  6. If in the 4th point you chose to configure using the “POP3” protocol, then set the POP3 server to port 110, SMTP server to port 25 (see Fig. 12).
  7. If in the 4th step you selected the setting using the "IMAP" protocol, then set the IMAP server to port 993 and select the SSL encryption type, SMTP server - port 465 and the SSL encryption type.

  8. Rice. 12. Manual account setup - Other settings 2.

    Click the button "OK"- the additional settings window will close.

    You can run account verification by clicking the button "Account verification...", or immediately press the button "Further". When checked "Automatically check your account settings when you click Next" the scan will start automatically.

    If you have configured your account using the "IMAP" protocol and use a domain other than, then when checking your account settings, a warning window "The server with which the connection is established uses a security certificate that cannot be verified" will appear in the field "Should I continue using this server?" answer "Yes".

    Wait until the scan is completed. If setup is successful, you will see a message "Congratulations! All checks completed successfully, click the "Close" button.". Click the button "Close"(see Fig. 13).

    Rice. 13. Manual account setup - Account verification.

    If errors are found during the check (Fig. 14), close the check window and carefully check all the settings; perhaps you made a mistake somewhere.

    Rice. 14. Manual account setup - Account verification error.

  9. In the next window you will see a message about successful account creation (see Fig. 15). Click the button "Ready" and you will proceed to working with your mailbox.

  10. Rice. 15. Adding a new account.

    If you have problems setting up your mail program, please contact

E-mail is increasingly replacing regular postal mail. The number of users sending correspondence via the Internet is increasing every day. In this regard, there was a need to create special user programs that would facilitate this task and make receiving and sending email more convenient. One such application is Microsoft Outlook. Let's find out how you can create an electronic mailbox on the email service, and then connect it to the above client program.

Mail registration on the service is done through any browser. Type the address into the address bar of your browser. The web browser redirects to If you already have a registration record with Microsoft, which is the same for all services of this company, then simply enter your phone number, email address or your Skype username, and click on the “Next” button.

If you do not have an account with Microsoft, then click on the inscription “Create one”.

The Microsoft registration form opens in front of us. In its upper part, enter your first and last name, an arbitrary username (it is important that it is not taken by anyone), a created password for logging into your account (2 times), country of residence, date of birth, and gender.

At the bottom of the page, an additional email address (from another service) and phone number are recorded. This is done so that the user can more reliably protect his account, and if he loses his password, he can restore access to it.

Be sure to enter the captcha to ensure the system verifies that you are not a robot, and click on the “Create an account” button.

After this, an entry appears stating that you need to request a code via SMS to confirm the fact that you are a real person. Enter your mobile phone number and click on the “Send code” button.

After the code has arrived on your phone, enter it into the appropriate form and click on the “Create account” button. If the code does not arrive for a long time, then click on the “Code not received” button and enter your other phone number (if available), or try again with the old number.

If everything is fine, then after clicking the “Create account” button, the Microsoft welcome window will open. Click on the triangle-shaped arrow on the right side of the screen.

In the next window, we indicate the language in which we want to see the email interface, and also set our time zone. After specifying these settings, click on the same arrow.

In the next window, select a theme for the background of your Microsoft account from those offered. Click on the arrow again.

In the last window, you have the option to include an original signature at the end of the messages you send. If you don’t change anything, the signature will be standard: “Sent to: Outlook.” Click on the arrow.

After this, a window opens saying that your Outlook account has been created. Click on the “Next” button.

The user is moved to his Outlook mail account.

Linking an account to a client program

Now you need to link the created account on to Microsoft Outlook. Go to the “File” menu section.

In the window that opens, in the “Email” tab, click on the “Create” button.

A service selection window opens in front of us. Leave the switch in the “Email Account” position, where it is by default, and click on the “Next” button.

The account setup window opens. In the “Your name” column, enter your first and last name (or an alias), under which you previously registered on the service. In the “Email Address” column, indicate the full mailbox address on that you registered earlier. In the following columns “Password” and “Password check”, enter the same password that was entered during registration. Then, click on the “Next” button.

The procedure for connecting to your account on begins.

Then, a dialog box may appear in which you should again enter your username and password for your account and click on the “OK” button.

Once the automatic setup is completed, a message indicating this will appear. Click on the “Done” button.

Then you should restart the application. This will create a custom profile in Microsoft Outlook.

As you can see, creating an mailbox in the Microsoft Outlook application consists of two steps: creating an account through a browser on the service, and then linking this account to the Microsoft Outlook client program.

Outlook is not only an email program, but also a powerful tool for managing your time.

Using Outlook, you can keep a notebook, plan your day, and Outlook will not let you forget about what you have planned and will persistently remind you of it. Notes, a diary, tasks and most importantly the ability to synchronize with mobile devices (for these purposes I prefer the ZEN mp3 player, it is with me much more often than all other mobile things).

And now, in order, about the settings of all this beauty.
The first thing we will configure will be the main function - intercepting and downloading mail.

We launch Outlook, cancel the automatic configuration, agreeing with all the questions, and go to the menu -
service - next - setting up accounts.

In the window that opens, click create.

Check the box for manual settings and click next.

Place a checkmark in the “Internet email” box. Click next.

Fill in all the fields provided. In the email field, enter your mailbox in full, and in the user field, enter the login with which you entered the mail on the page (or any other, depending on what kind of mailbox we have). In the password field – enter the password for the mailbox. Check the “Remember password” checkbox. And go to the “Other Settings” menu.

Settings for popular email services. (,,
POP3 server: (
SMTP server: (
Username: mailbox name before the “@” icon
Port: POP3 - 110, SMTP - 25 or 2525
POP3/IMAP server:
SMTP server:
Password: Your password for your mailbox
Port: POP3 - 110
SMTP - 25
IMAP - 143
SMTP server requires authentication (
POP3 server: (
SMTP server: (
Username: full mailbox name ( [email protected])
Password: Your password for your mailbox
Port: POP3 - 110
SMTP - 25
SMTP server requires authentication

To get started, you need to go to the web interface and in the settings allow receiving mail via pop3 and save the changes
POP3 server:
SMTP server:
Username: full address of your mailbox
Password: Your password for your mailbox
Port: POP3 - 110
SMTP - 25
SMTP server requires authentication

Do you want to help the project grow? Click on the banner. Our project develops through advertising
POP3 server:
Port: 995
IMAP server:
Connection: Secure on a special TLS port.
Port: 993
SMTP server:
Connection: Secure on a special TLS port.
Port: 465 or 587
Username: full address of your mailbox
Password: Your password for your mailbox

To get started, you need to go to the web interface and in the settings allow receiving mail via pop3 and save changes SMTP server requires authentication (,,
POP3 server: (,,
SMTP server: (,,
Username: full address of your mailbox
Password: Your password for your mailbox
Port: POP3 - 110
SMTP - 25
SMTP server requires authentication

POP3 server:
SMTP server:
Username: full address of your mailbox
Password: Your password for your mailbox
Port: POP3 - 110
SMTP - 25
SMTP server requires authentication

Go to the outgoing mail server tab and mark everything as in the following picture.

On the “Advanced” tab, we note in the “delivery” field that we need to leave copies of letters on the mail server. This will prevent emails from being deleted when they are downloaded to your computer.
You can also check the box to enable the function of deleting emails from the server when emptying the trash in Outlook.

Click “OK” and return to the account settings window. It remains to check that the settings are correct. To do this, click the “Account Verification” button. If everything is done correctly, you will see the same window as in the next picture.

If the test is successful, click the “Next” button, and then “Finish”.

If the test is not successful, do not rush to change the mail server settings. Go to the website where you have your mailbox and log in. And check whether you have permission to access mail for email programs.

This completes the configuration of the main Outlook function. Everything should work.
For ease of use, you can specify in the settings to hide Outlook in minimized form. That is, when you minimize Outlook, it will be hidden in the tray (place near the clock) and will not hang on the taskbar. To do this, you need to launch Outlook and right-click on the icon that appears in the tray. And check the boxes as shown in the figure.

The security of working in Microsoft Outlook versions 2003 and 2007 can only be guaranteed if it is installed on a computer running Windows XP SP3, Vista, 7, 8, 10. If the operating system version is lower Windows XP SP3, then it is not safe to use it. We recommend installing a newer version of your email client, such as Microsoft Outlook 2010, 2013, or 2016.

Configure via IMAP protocol

via IMAP protocol:

    • Email address - the full name of your mailbox.
    • Account type - IMAP;
    • Incoming mail server -;

9. Go to the “Outgoing Mail Server” tab and check the box next to “SMTP server requires authentication”. Check the “Same as server for incoming mail” box.

10. To better protect the data you send and receive using your email program, you must enable encryption. To do this, go to the “Advanced” tab and select “SSL” in the drop-down lists opposite “IMAP server” and “SMTP server”.

Check that the IMAP server port is 993 and the SMTP server port is 465.

11. After all additional settings have been made, click “OK”.

13. To make the list of folders in the mail program similar to the list of folders in your mailbox, right-click on the name of the newly created account and select “Update folder list”.

14. Now you need to specify the folder in which all letters sent from the mail program will be saved. To do this, go to “Tools” - “Account Settings...”, as in step 1, select the newly created account and click “Change”. In the window that appears, click “Other Settings” and go to the “Folders” tab. Check the box next to “Select an existing folder” and select the “Sent Items” folder in the proposed list, click “OK” - the account is configured.

Configure by protocol POP3

To configure the Microsoft Outlook 2003/2007 email program via POP3 protocol:

1. In the top panel, in the “Tools” menu, select “Account Settings...”;

2. In the window that appears, click “Create...”;

3. Check the box next to “Exchange Server, POP3, IMAP or HTML” and click “Next”;

4. In the window that appears, check the box next to “Manually configure server settings or additional server types” and click “Next”;

5. Check the box next to “Internet Email” and click “Next”;

6. In the “User Information” section, provide the following information:

    • Enter a name - the name that will appear in the "From:" field for all messages sent;
    • Email address - the name of your mailbox.

In the "Server Information" section, provide the following information:

    • Account type - POP3;
    • Incoming mail server -;
    • Outgoing mail server (SMTP) -

In the “Login” section, enter the following information:

    • User - the full name of your mailbox in the format [email protected] ;
    • Password—the current password for your mailbox.

7. Check the box next to “Remember password” if you want the mail program to remember the password for your mailbox and not ask for it every time you try to download mail.

8. Click the “Other settings...” button;

9. Go to the “Outgoing Mail Server” tab and check the box next to “SMTP server requires authentication”. Check the “Similar to incoming mail server” checkbox.

10. To better protect the data you send and receive using your email program, you can enable encryption. To do this, go to the “Advanced” tab and check the box next to “Require an encrypted connection (SSL)”, and in the “Use the following encrypted connection type” drop-down list, select “SSL”.

Check that the POP3 server port is 995 and the SMTP server port is 465.

11. If you want to leave messages downloaded by the mail program on the server, then check the box next to “Leave copies of messages on the server.”

12. After all additional settings have been made, click “OK”.

Change SSL settings

Please note that security in Microsoft Outlook versions 2003 and 2007 can only be guaranteed if it is installed on a computer runningWindows XP SP3, Vista, 7, 8, 10. If the operating system version is lower than Windows XP SP3, then it is not safe to use it. We recommend installing a newer version of your email client, such as Microsoft Outlook 2010, 2013, or 2016.

To configure your Microsort Outlook 2003/2007 email program using the secure SSL protocol:

If the above settings are already installed in your email program, then no changes need to be made.

If you have problems setting up your email program, use our

Configure via IMAP protocol

via IMAP protocol:

3. Check the box next to “Manually configure server settings and additional server types” and click “Next”;

4. Check the box next to “Internet Email” and click “Next”;

5. In the window that appears, enter the following information:

    • Email address - the name of your mailbox;
    • Account type - IMAP;
    • Incoming mail server -;

6. Check the box next to “Remember password” if you want the mail program to remember the password for your mailbox and not ask for it every time you try to download mail.

7. Click the “Other settings...” button;

8. Go to the “Outgoing Mail Server” tab and check the box next to “SMTP server requires authentication”. Check the “Same as server for incoming mail” box.

9. To better protect the data you send and receive using your email program, you must enable encryption. To do this, go to the “Advanced” tab and select “SSL” in the drop-down lists opposite “IMAP server” and “SMTP server”.

Check that the IMAP server port is 993 and the SMTP server port is 465.

12. To make the list of folders in the mail program similar to the list of folders in your mailbox, right-click on the name of the newly created account and select “Update folder list”.

13. Now you need to specify the folder in which all letters sent from the mail program will be saved. To do this, go to “File” - “Information” - “Account Settings...”, as in step 1, select the newly created account and click “Change”. In the window that appears, click “Other settings” and go to the “Sent” tab. Check the box next to “Save sent items in the following folder on the server” and select the “Sent Items” folder from the list provided, click “OK” - the account is configured.

Configure via POP3 protocol

To configure the Microsoft Outlook 2010 email program via POP3 protocol:

1. In the top panel, in the “File” menu, select “Information”;

2. In the window that appears, click “Add an account”;

3. In the window that appears, check the box next to “Manually configure server settings or additional server types” and click “Next”;

4. Check the box next to “Internet email” and click “Next”;

In the "User Information" section, provide the following information:

    • Enter a name - the name that will appear in the "From:" field for all messages sent;
    • Email address - the full name of your mailbox.

In the "Server Information" section, provide the following information:

    • Account type - POP3;
    • Incoming mail server -;
    • Outgoing mail server (SMTP) -

In the “Login” section, enter the following information:

    • User - the full name of your mailbox in the format [email protected] ;
    • Password—the current password for your mailbox.

5. Check the box next to “Remember password” if you want the mail program to remember the password for your mailbox and not ask for it every time you try to download mail.

6. Click the “Other settings...” button;

7. Go to the “Outgoing Mail Server” tab and check the box next to “SMTP server requires authentication”. Check the “Similar to incoming mail server” checkbox.

8. To better protect the data you send and receive using your email program, you must enable encryption. To do this, go to the “Advanced” tab and check the box next to “Require an encrypted connection (SSL)”, and in the “Use the following encrypted connection type” drop-down list, select “SSL”.

Check that the POP3 server port is 995 and the SMTP server port is 465.

9. If you want to leave messages downloaded by the mail program on the server, then check the box next to “Leave copies of messages on the server.”

10. After all additional settings have been made, click “OK”.

Change SSL settings

To configure your Microsort Outlook 2010 email program using the secure SSL protocol:

If the above settings are already installed in your email program, then no changes need to be made.

If you have problems setting up your email program, use our